Ejemplo n.º 1
def key_certificate():
    data = b64decode(request.form['data'])
    key = session(request.form.get('host'))
    decrypt = _decrypt_aes(key,data).rstrip(b"0")
    certificate = generate_certificate(decrypt)
    certificate_crypt = _encrypt_aes(key,  certificate + (b"0"*(800 - len(certificate))))
    payload = {}
    payload["certificate"] = b64encode(certificate_crypt).decode()
    return payload
Ejemplo n.º 2
def deconnect():
    data = b64decode(request.form['data'])
    key = session(request.form.get('host'))
    decrypt = _decrypt_aes(key, data).rstrip(b"0")
    if (decrypt == b"deconnexion"):
    payload = {}
    payload["stop"] = "end"
    return payload
Ejemplo n.º 3
def connexion():
    data = b64decode(request.form['data'])
    key = _decrypt_asymetric(data)
    session_start(request.form.get('host'), key)
    s = session(request.form.get('host'))
    m = b"etablished"
    ct = _encrypt_aes(s, b64encode(m))
    payload = {}
    payload["ct"] = b64encode(ct).decode()
    return payload
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def do_session(self, argv):
        """phpsploit session handler

            session [load|diff] [<FILE>]
            session save [-f] [<FILE>]
            session upgrade

            The `session` core command handles phpsploit sessions.
            Sessions can be considered as phpsploit instances. They
            handle current configuration settings, environment vars,
            command aliases, and remote tunnel attributes (if any).

            * session [<FILE>]
                Show a nice colored representation of FILE session
                content. If unset, FILE is implicly set to current
                instance's session.
            * session diff [<FILE>]
                Shows a textual representation of the differences
                between FILE and current session state. If FILE is
                not set, $SAVEFILE setting is used. If $SAVEFILE is
                not set, the session's state when framework started
                is used as comparator.
            * session save [-f] [<FILE>]
                Dumps the current session instance into the given file.
                If FILE is unset, then the session is saved to $SAVEFILE
                setting, if $SAVEFILE does not exist, then the file path
                "$SAVEPATH/phpsploit.session" is implicitly used.
                NOTE: The '-f' option, is used, saves the session without
                      asking user confirmation is file already exists.
            * session load [<FILE>]
                Try to load <FILE> as the current session. If unset,
                FILE is implicitly set to "./phpsploit.session".
            * session upgrade
                If current session file is in v1-compatible mode,
                the request handler is limited to POST method and does
                not supports multi request and stealth modules.
                This command shall be used to upgrade current session
                AFTER you upgraded the remote $TARGET with new-style
                phpsploit backdoor (which can be obtained with
                `exploit --get-backdoor` command).

            > session load /tmp/phpsploit.session
              - Load /tmp/phpsploit.session.
            > session save
              - Save current state to session's source file ($SAVEFILE).

            The `session load` action can't be used through a remote
            shell session. If it is the case, run `exit` to disconnect
            from remote server before launching this command.
        # prevent argv IndexError
        argv += [None, None]

        # session save [<FILE>]
        if argv[1] == 'save':
            if argv[2] == '-f':
                path = argv[3]
                ask_confirmation = False
                path = argv[2]
                ask_confirmation = True
            session.dump(path, ask_confirmation=ask_confirmation)
            path = session.File if path is None else path
            session.File = path
            print("[*] Session saved into %r" % path)
        # session load [<FILE>]
        elif argv[1] == 'load':
                session.update(argv[2], update_history=True)
                print("[#] Session file correctly loaded")
                print("[#] Could not load session file")
        # session diff [<FILE>]
        elif argv[1] == 'diff':
            session.diff(argv[2], display_diff=True)
        # session upgrade
        elif argv[1] == 'upgrade':
            if "id" in session.Compat:
                print("[*] You are about to upgrade phpsploit session.")
                print("[*] Please ensure that you have correctly upgraded")
                print("[*] the remote backdoor into target URL.")
                print("[*] After session upgrade, phpsploit assumes that")
                print("[*] an up-to-date backdoor is active on $TARGET.")
                cancel = ui.input.Expect(False)
                if not cancel("Do you really want to upgrade session now ?"):
                    session.Compat = {}
                    print("[*] Session correctly upgraded")
                    print("[-] Session upgrade aborted")
                print("[-] Session already up-to-date")
        # sesion [<FILE>]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def do_session(self, argv):
        """phpsploit session handler

            session [load|diff] [<FILE>]
            session save [-f] [<FILE>]
            session upgrade

            The `session` core command handles phpsploit sessions.
            Sessions can be considered as phpsploit instances. They
            handle current configuration settings, environment vars,
            command aliases, and remote tunnel attributes (if any).

            * session [<FILE>]
                Show a nice colored representation of FILE session
                content. If unset, FILE is implicly set to current
                instance's session.
            * session diff [<FILE>]
                Shows a textual representation of the differences
                between FILE and current session state. If FILE is
                not set, $SAVEFILE setting is used. If $SAVEFILE is
                not set, the session's state when framework started
                is used as comparator.
            * session save [-f] [<FILE>]
                Dumps the current session instance into the given file.
                If FILE is unset, then the session is saved to $SAVEFILE
                setting, if $SAVEFILE does not exist, then the file path
                "$SAVEPATH/phpsploit.session" is implicitly used.
                NOTE: The '-f' option, is used, saves the session without
                      asking user confirmation is file already exists.
            * session load [<FILE>]
                Try to load <FILE> as the current session. If unset,
                FILE is implicitly set to "./phpsploit.session".
            * session upgrade
                If current session file is in v1-compatible mode,
                the request handler is limited to POST method and does
                not supports multi request and stealth modules.
                This command shall be used to upgrade current session
                AFTER you upgraded the remote $TARGET with new-style
                phpsploit backdoor (which can be obtained with
                `exploit --get-backdoor` command).

            > session load /tmp/phpsploit.session
              - Load /tmp/phpsploit.session.
            > session save
              - Save current state to session's source file ($SAVEFILE).

            The `session load` action can't be used through a remote
            shell session. If it is the case, run `exit` to disconnect
            from remote server before launching this command.
        # prevent argv IndexError
        argv += [None, None]

        # session save [<FILE>]
        if argv[1] == 'save':
            if argv[2] == '-f':
                return session.dump(argv[3], ask_confirmation=False)
                return session.dump(argv[2])
        # session load [<FILE>]
        elif argv[1] == 'load':
                session.update(argv[2], update_history=True)
                print("[#] Session file correctly loaded")
                print("[#] Could not load session file")
        # session diff [<FILE>]
        elif argv[1] == 'diff':
            session.diff(argv[2], display_diff=True)
        # session upgrade
        elif argv[1] == 'upgrade':
            if "id" in session.Compat:
                print("[*] You are about to upgrade phpsploit session.")
                print("[*] Please ensure that you have correctly upgraded")
                print("[*] the remote backdoor into target URL.")
                print("[*] After session upgrade, phpsploit assumes that")
                print("[*] an up-to-date backdoor is active on $TARGET.")
                cancel = ui.input.Expect(False)
                if not cancel("Do you really want to upgrade session now ?"):
                    session.Compat = {}
                    print("[*] Session correctly upgraded")
                    print("[-] Session upgrade aborted")
                print("[-] Session already up-to-date")
        # sesion [<FILE>]
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def do_session(argv):
        """phpsploit session handler

            session [load|diff] [<FILE>]
            session save [-f] [<FILE>]
            session upgrade

            The `session` core command handles phpsploit sessions.
            Sessions can be considered as phpsploit instances. They
            handle current configuration settings, environment vars,
            command aliases, and remote tunnel attributes (if any).
            They can be saved to a file for further use.

            * session [<FILE>]
                Show a nice colored representation of FILE session
                content. If called without argument, current session
                if displayed.
            * session diff [<FILE>]
                Show a textual representation of the differences
                between FILE and current session. If FILE is not set,
                the diff between session's original and current states
                if shown.
            * session save [-f] [<FILE>]
                Save current session state in FILE.
                If FILE is not set, the session is saved to it's original
                path location. It still not bound to a file, default location
                is '$SAVEPATH/phpsploit.session'.
                NOTE: The '-f' option, if used, saves the session without
                      asking user confirmation if file already exists.
            * session load [<FILE>]
                Try to load session from FILE.
                It unset, try to load session from './phpsploit.session'
            * session upgrade
                If current session file is in v1-compatible mode,
                the request handler is limited to POST method and does
                not supports multi request and stealth modules.
                This command shall be used to upgrade current session
                AFTER you upgraded the remote $TARGET with new-style
                phpsploit backdoor (which can be obtained with
                `exploit --get-backdoor` command).

            > session load /tmp/phpsploit.session
              - Load /tmp/phpsploit.session.
            > session save
              - Save current state to session file.

            The `session load` action can't be used through a remote
            shell session. If it is the case, run `exit` to disconnect
            from remote server before launching this command.
        # prevent argv IndexError
        argv += [None, None]

        # session save [<FILE>]
        if argv[1] == 'save':
            if argv[2] == '-f':
                path = argv[3]
                ask_confirmation = False
                path = argv[2]
                ask_confirmation = True
            session.dump(path, ask_confirmation=ask_confirmation)
            path = session.File if path is None else path
            session.File = path
            print("[*] Session saved into %r" % path)
        # session load [<FILE>]
        elif argv[1] == 'load':
                session.update(argv[2], update_history=True)
                print("[#] Session file correctly loaded")
                print("[#] Could not load session file")
        # session diff [<FILE>]
        elif argv[1] == 'diff':
            session.diff(argv[2], display_diff=True)
        # session upgrade
        elif argv[1] == 'upgrade':
            if "id" in session.Compat:
                print("[*] You are about to upgrade phpsploit session.")
                print("[*] Please ensure that you have correctly upgraded")
                print("[*] the remote backdoor into target URL.")
                print("[*] After session upgrade, phpsploit assumes that")
                print("[*] an up-to-date backdoor is active on $TARGET.")
                cancel = ui.input.Expect(False)
                if not cancel("Do you really want to upgrade session now ?"):
                    session.Compat = {}
                    print("[*] Session correctly upgraded")
                    print("[-] Session upgrade aborted")
                print("[-] Session already up-to-date")
        # sesion [<FILE>]
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def do_session(argv):
        """phpsploit session handler

            session [load|diff] [<FILE>]
            session save [-f] [<FILE>]
            session upgrade

            The `session` core command handles phpsploit sessions.
            Sessions can be considered as phpsploit instances. They
            handle current configuration settings, environment vars,
            command aliases, and remote tunnel attributes (if any).
            They can be saved to a file for further use.

            * session [<FILE>]
                Show a nice colored representation of FILE session
                content. If called without argument, current session
                if displayed.
            * session diff [<FILE>]
                Show a textual representation of the differences
                between FILE and current session. If FILE is not set,
                the diff between session's original and current states
                if shown.
            * session save [-f] [<FILE>]
                Save current session state in FILE.
                If FILE is not set, the session is saved to it's original
                path location. It still not bound to a file, default location
                is '$SAVEPATH/phpsploit.session'.
                NOTE: The '-f' option, if used, saves the session without
                      asking user confirmation if file already exists.
            * session load [<FILE>]
                Try to load session from FILE.
                It unset, try to load session from './phpsploit.session'
            * session upgrade
                If current session file is in v1-compatible mode,
                the request handler is limited to POST method and does
                not supports multi request and stealth modules.
                This command shall be used to upgrade current session
                AFTER you upgraded the remote $TARGET with new-style
                phpsploit backdoor (which can be obtained with
                `exploit --get-backdoor` command).

            > session load /tmp/phpsploit.session
              - Load /tmp/phpsploit.session.
            > session save
              - Save current state to session file.

            `session load` should NEVER be used while still connected
            to a remote TARGET. If you want to load another session,
            first run `exit` to disconnect from remote server.
        # prevent argv IndexError
        argv += [None, None]

        # session save [<FILE>]
        if argv[1] == 'save':
            if argv[2] == '-f':
                path = argv[3]
                ask_confirmation = False
                path = argv[2]
                ask_confirmation = True
            session.dump(path, ask_confirmation=ask_confirmation)
            path = session.File if path is None else path
            session.File = path
            print("[*] Session saved into %r" % path)
        # session load [<FILE>]
        elif argv[1] == 'load':
                session.update(argv[2], update_history=True)
                print("[#] Session file correctly loaded")
                print("[#] Could not load session file")
        # session diff [<FILE>]
        elif argv[1] == 'diff':
            session.diff(argv[2], display_diff=True)
        # session upgrade
        elif argv[1] == 'upgrade':
            if "id" in session.Compat:
                print("[*] You are about to upgrade phpsploit session.")
                print("[*] Please ensure that you have correctly upgraded")
                print("[*] the remote backdoor into target URL.")
                print("[*] After session upgrade, phpsploit assumes that")
                print("[*] an up-to-date backdoor is active on $TARGET.")
                cancel = ui.input.Expect(False)
                if not cancel("Do you really want to upgrade session now ?"):
                    session.Compat = {}
                    print("[*] Session correctly upgraded")
                    print("[-] Session upgrade aborted")
                print("[-] Session already up-to-date")
        # sesion [<FILE>]