Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, name="", ID=None):
     Entity.__init__(self, ID)
     self.workers = []
     self.available_workers = []
     self.production_units = []
     self.current_operations = []
     self.name = name
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, name="", ID=None):
     Entity.__init__(self, ID)
     self.workers = []
     self.available_workers = []
     self.production_units = []
     self.current_operations = []
     self.name = name
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_factory_data(self, ID_factory):
     factory = Entity.get_by_ref(ID_factory)
     values = {}
     values["Current time"] = factory.time
     values["number of production unit"] = len(factory.production_units)
     values["number of workers"] = len(factory.workers)
     return values
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_factory_data(self, ID_factory):
     factory = Entity.get_by_ref(ID_factory)
     values = {}
     values["Current time"] = factory.time
     values["number of production unit"] = len(factory.production_units)
     values["number of workers"] = len(factory.workers)
     return values
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def get_production_unit_data(self, factory_ID, name):
     factory = Entity.get_by_ref(factory_ID)
     values = {}
     production_unit = None
     for pu in factory.production_units:
         if pu.name == name:
             production_unit = pu
     if not production_unit:
         raise EntityNotFound("No production unit found with name %s" % name)
     values["produce"] = [material.type for material in production_unit.spec.output_materials]
     values["units_produced"] = production_unit.unit_produced
     values["value_produced"] = sum([material.price * production_unit.unit_produced for material in production_unit.spec.output_materials])
     return values
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def get_production_unit_data(self, factory_ID, name):
     factory = Entity.get_by_ref(factory_ID)
     values = {}
     production_unit = None
     for pu in factory.production_units:
         if pu.name == name:
             production_unit = pu
     if not production_unit:
         raise EntityNotFound("No production unit found with name %s" %
     values["produce"] = [
         material.type for material in production_unit.spec.output_materials
     values["units_produced"] = production_unit.unit_produced
     values["value_produced"] = sum([
         material.price * production_unit.unit_produced
         for material in production_unit.spec.output_materials
     return values
Ejemplo n.º 7
def txtToCommon(path, entityLookup):
    """Convert a txt file to the common format"""
    text = Path(path).read_text("utf-8")

    text = text.splitlines()
    numLines = len(text)

    def skipWS(i):
        for j in range(i, numLines):
            if text[j]:
                return j
        return numLines

    entMap = {}

    # Initial section: entity definitions
    # [Character]=[type].[variant].[subtype]
    # one per line, continues until it hits a line starting with ---
    roomBegin = 0
    for i in range(numLines):
        line = text[i]
        line = re.sub(r"\s", "", line)
        roomBegin = i

        if not line:
        if line.startswith("---"):

        char, t, v, s = re.findall(r"(.)=(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)", line)[0]

        if char in ["-", "|"]:
            print("Can't use - or | for entities!")

        t = int(t)
        v = int(v)
        s = int(s)

        en = entityLookup.lookupOne(t, v, s)
        if en is None or en.invalid:
                f"Invalid entity for character '{char}': '{en is None and 'UNKNOWN' or en.name}'! ({t}.{v}.{s})"

        entMap[char] = (t, v, s)

    shapeNames = {
        "1x1": 1,
        "2x2": 8,
        "closet": 2,
        "vertcloset": 3,
        "1x2": 4,
        "long": 7,
        "longvert": 5,
        "2x1": 6,
        "l": 10,
        "mirrorl": 9,
        "r": 12,
        "mirrorr": 11,

    ret = []

    # Main section: room definitions
    # First line: [id]: [name]
    # Second line, in no particular order: [Weight,] [Shape (within tolerance),] [Difficulty,] [Type[=1],] [Subtype[=0],]
    # Next [room height] lines: room layout
    # horizontal walls are indicated with -, vertical with |
    #   there will be no validation for this, but if lines are the wrong length it prints an error message and skips the line
    # coordinates to entities are 1:1, entity ids can be at most 1 char
    # place xs at door positions to turn them off
    roomBegin += 1
    while roomBegin < numLines:
        # 2 lines
        i = skipWS(roomBegin)
        if i == numLines:

        rvariant, name = text[i].split(":", 1)
        name = name.strip()
        rvariant = int(rvariant)

        infoParts = re.sub(r"\s", "", text[i + 1]).lower().split(",")
        shape = 1
        difficulty = 5
        weight = 1
        rtype = 1
        rsubtype = 0
        for part in infoParts:
            prop, val = re.findall(r"(.+)=(.+)", part)[0]
            if prop == "shape":
                shape = shapeNames.get(val) or int(val)
            elif prop == "difficulty":
                difficulty = shapeNames.get(val) or int(val)
            elif prop == "weight":
                weight = float(val)
            elif prop == "type":
                rtype = int(val)
            elif prop == "subtype":
                rsubtype = int(val)

        r = Room(name, None, difficulty, weight, rtype, rvariant, rsubtype,
        width, height = r.info.dims
        spawns = r.gridSpawns

        i = skipWS(i + 2)
        for j in range(i, i + height):
            if j == numLines:
                print("Could not finish room!")

            y = j - i
            row = text[j]
            for x, char in enumerate(row):
                if char in ["-", "|", " "]:
                if char.lower() == "x":
                    changed = False
                    for door in r.info.doors:
                        if door[0] == x and door[1] == y:
                            door[2] = False
                            changed = True
                    if changed:

                ent = entMap.get(char)
                if ent:
                    spawns[Room.Info.gridIndex(x, y, width)].append(
                        Entity(x, y, ent[0], ent[1], ent[2], 0))
                    print(f"Unknown entity! '{char}'")

        r.gridSpawns = r.gridSpawns

        i = skipWS(i + height)
        if i == numLines:

        if not text[i].strip().startswith("---"):
            print("Could not find separator after room!")

        roomBegin = i + 1

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 8
def xmlToCommon(path, destPath=None):
    """Converts an Afterbirth xml to the common format"""

    xml = ET.parse(path)

    root = xml.getroot()  # can be stage, rooms, etc

    rooms = root.findall("room")
    ret = []

    for roomNode in rooms:

        roomXmlProps = dict(roomNode.attrib)

        rtype = int(roomNode.get("type") or "1")
        del roomXmlProps["type"]
        rvariant = int(roomNode.get("variant") or "0")
        del roomXmlProps["variant"]
        rsubtype = int(roomNode.get("subtype") or "0")
        del roomXmlProps["subtype"]
        difficulty = int(roomNode.get("difficulty") or "0")
        del roomXmlProps["difficulty"]
        roomName = roomNode.get("name") or ""
        del roomXmlProps["name"]
        rweight = float(roomNode.get("weight") or "1")
        del roomXmlProps["weight"]
        shape = int(roomNode.get("shape") or "-1")
        del roomXmlProps["shape"]

        if shape == -1:
            shape = None
            width = int(roomNode.get("width") or "13") + 2
            height = int(roomNode.get("height") or "7") + 2
            dims = (width, height)
            for k, s in Room.Shapes.items():
                if s["Dims"] == dims:
                    shape = k

        shape = shape or 1

        del roomXmlProps["width"]
        del roomXmlProps["height"]

        lastTestTime = roomXmlProps.get("lastTestTime", None)
        if lastTestTime:
                lastTestTime = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(lastTestTime)
                del roomXmlProps["lastTestTime"]
                print("Invalid test time string found", lastTestTime)
                lastTestTime = None

        doors = list(
                lambda door: [
                    int(door.get("x")) + 1,
                    int(door.get("y")) + 1,
                    door.get("exists", "0")[0] in "1tTyY",

        room = Room(roomName, None, difficulty, rweight, rtype, rvariant,
                    rsubtype, shape, doors)
        room.xmlProps = roomXmlProps
        room.lastTestTime = lastTestTime

        realWidth = room.info.dims[0]
        gridLen = room.info.gridLen()
        for spawn in roomNode.findall("spawn"):
            ex, ey, stackedEnts = (
                int(spawn.get("x")) + 1,
                int(spawn.get("y")) + 1,

            grindex = Room.Info.gridIndex(ex, ey, realWidth)
            if grindex >= gridLen:
                    f"Discarding the current entity stack due to invalid position! {room.getPrefix()}: {ex-1},{ey-1}"

            ents = room.gridSpawns[grindex]
            for ent in stackedEnts:
                entityXmlProps = dict(ent.attrib)
                etype, evariant, esubtype, eweight = (
                del entityXmlProps["type"]
                del entityXmlProps["variant"]
                del entityXmlProps["subtype"]
                del entityXmlProps["weight"]
                    Entity(ex, ey, etype, evariant, esubtype, eweight,

            room.gridSpawns = room.gridSpawns

    fileXmlProps = dict(root.attrib)
    return File(ret, fileXmlProps)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def stbRBToCommon(path):
    """Converts an Rebirth STB to the common format"""
    stb = open(path, "rb").read()

    headerPacker = struct.Struct("<I")
    roomBegPacker = struct.Struct("<IIBH")
    roomEndPacker = struct.Struct("<fBBBH")
    doorPacker = struct.Struct("<hh?")
    stackPacker = struct.Struct("<hhB")
    entPacker = struct.Struct("<HHHf")

    # Room count
    # No header for rebirth
    rooms = headerPacker.unpack_from(stb, 0)[0]
    off = headerPacker.size
    ret = []

    for r in range(rooms):

        # Room Type, Room Variant, Difficulty, Length of Room Name String
        # No subtype for rebirth
        roomData = roomBegPacker.unpack_from(stb, off)
        rtype, rvariant, difficulty, nameLen = roomData
        off += roomBegPacker.size
        # print ("Room Data: {roomData}")

        # Room Name
        roomName = struct.unpack_from(f"<{nameLen}s", stb, off)[0].decode()
        off += nameLen
        # print (f"Room Name: {roomName}")

        # Weight, width, height, number of doors, number of entities
        # No shape for rebirth
        entityTable = roomEndPacker.unpack_from(stb, off)
        rweight, width, height, numDoors, numEnts = entityTable
        off += roomEndPacker.size
        # print (f"Entity Table: {entityTable}")

        # We have to figure out the shape manually for rebirth
        width += 2
        height += 2
        shape = 1
        for s in [1, 4, 6,
                  8]:  # only valid room shapes as of rebirth, defaults to 1x1
            w, h = Room.Info(shape=s).dims
            if w == width and h == height:
                shape = s

        doors = []
        for d in range(numDoors):
            # X, Y, exists
            doorX, doorY, exists = doorPacker.unpack_from(stb, off)
            off += doorPacker.size

            doors.append([doorX + 1, doorY + 1, exists])

        room = Room(roomName, None, difficulty, rweight, rtype, rvariant, 0,
                    shape, doors)

        realWidth = room.info.dims[0]
        gridLen = room.info.gridLen()
        for e in range(numEnts):
            # x, y, number of entities at this position
            ex, ey, stackedEnts = stackPacker.unpack_from(stb, off)
            ex += 1
            ey += 1
            off += stackPacker.size

            grindex = Room.Info.gridIndex(ex, ey, realWidth)
            if grindex >= gridLen:
                    f"Discarding the current entity stack due to invalid position! {room.getPrefix()}: {ex-1},{ey-1}"
                off += entPacker.size * stackedEnts

            ents = room.gridSpawns[grindex]

            for s in range(stackedEnts):
                #  type, variant, subtype, weight
                etype, evariant, esubtype, eweight = entPacker.unpack_from(
                    stb, off)
                off += entPacker.size

                ents.append(Entity(ex, ey, etype, evariant, esubtype, eweight))

            room.gridSpawns = room.gridSpawns  # used to update spawn count

    return File(ret)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def stbAntiToCommon(path):
    """Converts an Antibirth STB to the common format"""
    stb = open(path, "rb").read()

    headerPacker = struct.Struct("<4sI")
    roomBegPacker = struct.Struct("<IIIBH")
    roomEndPacker = struct.Struct(
        "<fBBBBH9s")  # 9 padding bytes for some other room data
    doorPacker = struct.Struct("<hh?")
    stackPacker = struct.Struct("<hhB")
    entPacker = struct.Struct("<HHHf")

    # Header, Room count
    header, rooms = headerPacker.unpack_from(stb, 0)
    off = headerPacker.size
    if header.decode() != "STB2":
        raise ValueError("Antibirth STBs must have the STB2 header")

    ret = []

    for r in range(rooms):

        # Room Type, Room Variant, Subtype, Difficulty, Length of Room Name String
        roomData = roomBegPacker.unpack_from(stb, off)
        rtype, rvariant, rsubtype, difficulty, nameLen = roomData
        off += roomBegPacker.size
        # print ("Room Data: {roomData}")

        # Room Name
        roomName = struct.unpack_from(f"<{nameLen}s", stb, off)[0].decode()
        off += nameLen
        # print (f"Room Name: {roomName}")

        # Weight, width, height, shape, number of doors, number of entities
        entityTable = roomEndPacker.unpack_from(stb, off)
        rweight, width, height, shape, numDoors, numEnts, extraData = entityTable
        off += roomEndPacker.size
        # print (f"Entity Table: {entityTable}")

        width += 2
        height += 2
        if shape == 0:
            print(f"Bad room shape! {rvariant}, {roomName}, {width}, {height}")
            shape = 1

        doors = []
        for d in range(numDoors):
            # X, Y, exists
            doorX, doorY, exists = doorPacker.unpack_from(stb, off)
            off += doorPacker.size

            doors.append([doorX + 1, doorY + 1, exists])

        room = Room(roomName, None, difficulty, rweight, rtype, rvariant,
                    rsubtype, shape, doors)

        if extraData != b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00":
            print(f"Room {room.getPrefix()} uses the extra bytes:", extraData)

        realWidth = room.info.dims[0]
        gridLen = room.info.gridLen()
        for e in range(numEnts):
            # x, y, number of entities at this position
            ex, ey, stackedEnts = stackPacker.unpack_from(stb, off)
            ex += 1
            ey += 1
            off += stackPacker.size

            grindex = Room.Info.gridIndex(ex, ey, realWidth)
            if grindex >= gridLen:
                    f"Discarding the current entity stack due to invalid position! {room.getPrefix()}: {ex-1},{ey-1}"
                off += entPacker.size * stackedEnts

            ents = room.gridSpawns[grindex]

            for s in range(stackedEnts):
                #  type, variant, subtype, weight
                etype, evariant, esubtype, eweight = entPacker.unpack_from(
                    stb, off)
                off += entPacker.size

                ents.append(Entity(ex, ey, etype, evariant, esubtype, eweight))

            room.gridSpawns = room.gridSpawns

    return File(ret)
Ejemplo n.º 11
from core import run_loop, Entity, style
def game(state, press):
  mut_state = state
  if press == "q":
    mut_state["running"] = False
  if press == "w":
    mut_state["entities"]["player"].y -= 1
  if press == "d":
    mut_state["entities"]["player"].x += 1
  if press == "s":
    mut_state["entities"]["player"].y += 1
  if press == "a":
    mut_state["entities"]["player"].x -= 1
  return mut_state
run_loop(game, {"running": True, "entities": {
  "player": Entity(10, 10, "@", style.RED)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def get_factory(self, factory_ID):
     factory = Entity.get_by_ref(int(factory_ID))
     if not factory:
         raise Exception
     return factory
Ejemplo n.º 13
def txtToCommon(path, entityXML):
    """Convert a txt file to the common format"""
    text = Path(path).read_text('utf-8')

    text = text.splitlines()
    numLines = len(text)

    def skipWS(i):
        for j in range(i, numLines):
            if text[j]: return j
        return numLines

    entMap = {}

    # Initial section: entity definitions
    # [Character]=[type].[variant].[subtype]
    # one per line, continues until it hits a line starting with ---
    roomBegin = 0
    for i in range(numLines):
        line = text[i]
        line = re.sub(r'\s', '', line)
        roomBegin = i

        if not line: continue
        if line.startswith('---'): break

        char, t, v, s = re.findall(r'(.)=(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)', line)[0]

        if char in ['-', '|']:
            print("Can't use - or | for entities!")

        t = int(t)
        v = int(v)
        s = int(s)

        en = entityXML.find(
        if en is None or en.get('Invalid') == '1':
                f"Invalid entity for character '{char}': '{en is None and 'UNKNOWN' or en.get('Name')}'! ({t}.{v}.{s})"

        entMap[char] = (t, v, s)

    shapeNames = {
        '1x1': 1,
        '2x2': 8,
        'closet': 2,
        'vertcloset': 3,
        '1x2': 4,
        'long': 7,
        'longvert': 5,
        '2x1': 6,
        'l': 10,
        'mirrorl': 9,
        'r': 12,
        'mirrorr': 11

    ret = []

    # Main section: room definitions
    # First line: [id]: [name]
    # Second line, in no particular order: [Weight,] [Shape (within tolerance),] [Difficulty,] [Type[=1],] [Subtype[=0],]
    # Next [room height] lines: room layout
    # horizontal walls are indicated with -, vertical with |
    #   there will be no validation for this, but if lines are the wrong length it prints an error message and skips the line
    # coordinates to entities are 1:1, entity ids can be at most 1 char
    # place xs at door positions to turn them off
    roomBegin += 1
    while roomBegin < numLines:
        # 2 lines
        i = skipWS(roomBegin)
        if i == numLines: break

        rvariant, name = text[i].split(':', 1)
        name = name.strip()
        rvariant = int(rvariant)

        infoParts = re.sub(r'\s', '', text[i + 1]).lower().split(',')
        shape = 1
        difficulty = 5
        weight = 1
        rtype = 1
        rsubtype = 0
        for part in infoParts:
            prop, val = re.findall(r'(.+)=(.+)', part)[0]
            if prop == 'shape': shape = shapeNames.get(val) or int(val)
            elif prop == 'difficulty':
                difficulty = shapeNames.get(val) or int(val)
            elif prop == 'weight':
                weight = float(val)
            elif prop == 'type':
                rtype = int(val)
            elif prop == 'subtype':
                rsubtype = int(val)

        r = Room(name, None, difficulty, weight, rtype, rvariant, rsubtype,
        width, height = r.info.dims
        spawns = r.gridSpawns

        i = skipWS(i + 2)
        for j in range(i, i + height):
            if j == numLines:
                print('Could not finish room!')

            y = j - i
            row = text[j]
            for x, char in enumerate(row):
                if char in ['-', '|', ' ']:
                if char.lower() == 'x':
                    changed = False
                    for door in r.info.doors:
                        if door[0] == x and door[1] == y:
                            door[2] = False
                            changed = True
                    if changed: continue

                ent = entMap.get(char)
                if ent:
                    spawns[Room.Info.gridIndex(x, y, width)].append(
                        Entity(x, y, ent[0], ent[1], ent[2], 0))
                    print(f"Unknown entity! '{char}'")

        r.gridSpawns = r.gridSpawns

        i = skipWS(i + height)
        if i == numLines: break

        if not text[i].strip().startswith('---'):
            print('Could not find separator after room!')

        roomBegin = i + 1

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 14
def xmlToCommon(path, destPath=None):
    """Converts an Afterbirth xml to the common format"""

    xml = ET.parse(path)

    root = xml.getroot()  # can be stage, rooms, etc

    rooms = root.findall('room')
    ret = []

    for roomNode in rooms:

        roomXmlProps = dict(roomNode.attrib)

        rtype = int(roomNode.get('type') or '1')
        del roomXmlProps['type']
        rvariant = int(roomNode.get('variant') or '0')
        del roomXmlProps['variant']
        rsubtype = int(roomNode.get('subtype') or '0')
        del roomXmlProps['subtype']
        difficulty = int(roomNode.get('difficulty') or '0')
        del roomXmlProps['difficulty']
        roomName = roomNode.get('name') or ''
        del roomXmlProps['name']
        rweight = float(roomNode.get('weight') or '1')
        del roomXmlProps['weight']
        shape = int(roomNode.get('shape') or '-1')
        del roomXmlProps['shape']

        if shape == -1:
            shape = None
            width = int(roomNode.get('width') or '13') + 2
            height = int(roomNode.get('height') or '7') + 2
            dims = (width, height)
            for k, s in Room.Shapes.items():
                if s['Dims'] == dims:
                    shape = k

        shape = shape or 1

        del roomXmlProps['width']
        del roomXmlProps['height']

        lastTestTime = roomXmlProps.get('lastTestTime', None)
        if lastTestTime:
                lastTestTime = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(lastTestTime)
                del roomXmlProps['lastTestTime']
                print('Invalid test time string found', lastTestTime)
                lastTestTime = None

        doors = list(
                lambda door: [
                    int(door.get('x')) + 1,
                    int(door.get('y')) + 1,
                    door.get('exists', "0")[0] in "1tTyY"
                ], roomNode.findall('door')))

        room = Room(roomName, None, difficulty, rweight, rtype, rvariant,
                    rsubtype, shape, doors)
        room.xmlProps = roomXmlProps
        room.lastTestTime = lastTestTime

        realWidth = room.info.dims[0]
        gridLen = room.info.gridLen()
        for spawn in roomNode.findall('spawn'):
            ex, ey, stackedEnts = int(spawn.get('x')) + 1, int(
                spawn.get('y')) + 1, spawn.findall('entity')

            grindex = Room.Info.gridIndex(ex, ey, realWidth)
            if grindex >= gridLen:
                    f'Discarding the current entity stack due to invalid position! {room.getPrefix()}: {ex-1},{ey-1}'

            ents = room.gridSpawns[grindex]
            for ent in stackedEnts:
                entityXmlProps = dict(ent.attrib)
                etype, evariant, esubtype, eweight = int(ent.get('type')), int(
                    ent.get('variant')), int(ent.get('subtype')), float(
                del entityXmlProps['type']
                del entityXmlProps['variant']
                del entityXmlProps['subtype']
                del entityXmlProps['weight']
                    Entity(ex, ey, etype, evariant, esubtype, eweight,

            room.gridSpawns = room.gridSpawns

    fileXmlProps = dict(root.attrib)
    return File(ret, fileXmlProps)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def get_factory(self, factory_ID):
     factory = Entity.get_by_ref(int(factory_ID))
     if not factory:
         raise Exception
     return factory