Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_context():
    context = coreir.Context()
    _type = context.named_types[("coreir", "clkIn")]
    assert _type.kind == "Named"
Ejemplo n.º 2
def load_src(src_filename, context: coreir.Context = None):
    if context is None:
        context = coreir.Context()
    return context.load_from_file(src_filename)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_save_module():
    c = coreir.Context()
    module_typ = c.Record({
        "input": c.Array(8, c.BitIn()),
        "output": c.Array(9, c.Bit())
    module = c.global_namespace.new_module("multiply_by_2", module_typ)
    assert module.definition is None, "Should not have a definition"
    module_def = module.new_definition()
    configparams = c.newParams({
        "init": c.Int(),
        "test_param0": c.Int(),
        "test_param1": c.Int()
    add8 = c.global_namespace.new_module(
            "in1": c.Array(8, c.BitIn()),
            "in2": c.Array(8, c.BitIn()),
            "out": c.Array(9, c.Bit())
        }), configparams)
    for port, type_ in add8.type.items():
        assert type_.kind == "Array"
        if port in ["in1", "in2"]:
            assert len(type_) == 8
            assert len(type_) == 9
    add8_inst = module_def.add_module_instance(
        "adder", add8,
            "init": 5,
            "test_param0": 1,
            "test_param1": 0
    assert add8_inst.module.namespace.name == "global"
    assert add8_inst.module.name == "add8"
    assert add8_inst.config["init"].value == 5
    expected = {"init": 5, "test_param0": 1, "test_param1": 0}
    assert len(add8_inst.config) == len(expected)
    for key, value in add8_inst.config.items():
        assert key in expected and expected[key] == value.value
        del expected[key]
    assert not expected, "Should be empty"
    add8_in1 = add8_inst.select("in1")
    add8_in2 = add8_inst.select("in2")
    add8_out = add8_inst.select("out")
    interface = module_def.interface
    _input = interface.select("input")
    output = interface.select("output")
        assert (False)
    except Exception:

    module_def.connect(_input, add8_in1)
    module_def.connect(_input, add8_in2)
    module_def.connect(output, add8_out)
    module.definition = module_def
    assert module.definition is not None, "Should have a definition"
    mod = c.load_from_file("_python_test_output.json")
    mod_def = mod.definition
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def reset_instance(self):
     self.__instance = coreir.Context()
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     self.__instance = coreir.Context()
Ejemplo n.º 6
from magma import *
import coreir

context = coreir.Context()

def get_lib(lib):
    if lib in {"coreir", "mantle", "corebit"}:
        return context.get_namespace(lib)
    elif lib == "global":
        return context.global_namespace
        return context.load_library(lib)

def import_generator(lib, name):
    generator = get_lib(lib).generators[name]

    def _generator(**kwargs):
        return import_circuit(generator(**kwargs))

    return _generator

def to_magma_type(typ):
    if typ.kind == "Array":
        return Array(len(typ), to_magma_type(typ.element_type))
    elif typ.kind == "BitIn":
        return In(Bit)
    elif typ.kind == "Bit":
        return Out(Bit)
Ejemplo n.º 7
from mantle.primitives import DeclareAdd
from mac import MAC

# convolution window size
x = 3
y = 3

# image size (height and width)
im_w = 16
im_h = 16

width = 1
TIN = m.Array(width, m.BitIn)
TOUT = m.Array(width, m.Out(m.Bit))

c = coreir.Context()
cirb = CoreIRBackend(c)

# Line Buffer interface
in_LB = m.Array(1, m.Array(1, TIN))  # one image row per clock
out_LB = m.Array(y, m.Array(x, TOUT))  # convolution window
imgType = m.Array(im_h, m.Array(im_w, TIN))  # image dimensions

# multiply-accumulate interface
in_MAC = m.Array(x * y, m.BitIn)
out_MAC = m.Out(m.Bit)

# weight input interface
in_W = m.Array(y, m.Array(x, TIN))

# Top level module: line buffer input, MAC output
Ejemplo n.º 8
def check_graph_isomorphic(graphs: Dict[int, InterconnectGraph],
                           filename: str):
    assert os.path.isfile(filename)
    context = coreir.Context()
    mod = context.load_from_file(filename)
    tile_modules = {}
    for instance in mod.definition.instances:
        assert instance.name == instance.selectpath[0]
        if instance.name[:4] == "Tile":
            tile_modules[instance.name] = instance.module

    # checked pairs from graph
    # because there are many connections un-related to the inter-connect
    # we hold account for every connection checked in the cyclone based ont he
    # RTL
    checked_node_connection: Set[Tuple[Node, Node]] = set()

    # CHECK 1:
    # we verify inter-tile connections first. making sure it's bijective
    tile_connections: List[Tuple[List[str], List[str]]] = []
    for conn in mod.directed_module.connections:
        src: List[str] = conn.source
        dst: List[str] = conn.sink
        src_name: str = src[0]
        dst_name: str = dst[0]
        src_node_name: str = src[1]
        dst_node_name: str = dst[1]
        if src_name[:4].lower() == "tile" and dst_name[:4].lower() == "tile" \
                and src_node_name[:2] == "SB" and dst_node_name[:2] == "SB":
            tile_connections.append((src, dst))

    # verify RTL -> cyclone
    for src, dst in tile_connections:
        src_node = get_node_from_tile(graphs, src)
        dst_node = get_node_from_tile(graphs, dst)
        assert src_node is not None, "ERROR in hardware creation"
        assert dst_node is not None, "ERROR in hardware creation"
        verify_inter_tile_connection_rtl(src_node, dst_node,

    # verify cyclone -> RTL
    for _, graph in graphs.items():
        for x, y in graph:
            tile: Tile = graph.get_tile(x, y)
            sb_nodes = tile.switchbox.get_all_sbs()
            verify_inter_tile_connection_cyclone(sb_nodes, tile_connections)

    # CHECK 2
    # this is not part of the graph isomorphism check, yet it's very
    # important that ports lifted to the tile level are actually connected
    for tile_name, tile_module in tile_modules.items():
        verify_tile_lift_connection(graphs, tile_module, tile_name)

    # CHECK 3
    # after verifying the inter-tile connections, we need to check if the
    # switch box is created correctly. This will cover pipeline register check
    # verify RTL -> cyclone
    for tile_name, tile_module in tile_modules.items():
        verify_sb_rtl(graphs, tile_module, tile_name, checked_node_connection)

    # verify cyclone -> RTL
    for _, graph in graphs.items():
        for x, y in graph:
            tile: Tile = graph.get_tile(x, y)
            switchbox = tile.switchbox
            verify_sb_cyclone(switchbox, tile_modules)

    # CHECK 4:
    # This is to check if the port connection is correct, this means to check
    # port <-> CB/SB in both internal module and module connection
    # (due to port lifting)
    # verify RTL -> cyclone
    for tile_name, tile_module in tile_modules.items():
        verify_port_rtl(graphs, tile_module, tile_name,

    # verify cyclone -> RTL
    for _, graph in graphs.items():
        for x, y in graph:
            tile = graph.get_tile(x, y)
            verify_port_cyclone(tile, tile_modules)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_type_size():
    context = coreir.Context()
    array1_type = context.Array(7, context.BitIn())
    assert array1_type.size == 7
    array2_type = context.Array(10, array1_type)
    assert array2_type.size == 7 * 10
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_type_isoutput():
    context = coreir.Context()
    array1_type = context.Array(7, context.Bit())
    assert array1_type.is_output()
    assert not array1_type.is_input()