#! /usr/bin/python #************************************************************************************************************* #[email protected] disclaimer bla bla bla don't use for control of neuclar reactors #************************************************************************************************************* import serial from cosm import Cosm FEED = "68554" API_KEY = 'Din Cosm nøgÃle her' cosm = Cosm( FEED, API_KEY ) ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM0', 9600) def is_number_ok( nval ): try: if( float(nval) < 50 and float(nval) > -50 ): return True else: return False except ValueError: return False while 1: a = ser.readline().rstrip() if( is_number_ok(a) ): #print a info = [ ("10", a ) ] try: cosm.put( info )
def append_to_log_file(filename, date, response): file = open(filename, "a") file.write(str(date)) file.write("=") file.write(str(response)) file.write("\n") file.close() # open up the USB serial port to get data transmitted to xbee ser = Serial(SERIALPORT, BAUDRATE) xbee = XBee(ser) print "Connected to XBee at " + SERIALPORT cosm = Cosm(cosm_config.FEED_ID, cosm_config.API_KEY) # Continuously read and print packets while True: try: response = xbee.wait_read_frame() now = datetime.now() print "======", now print "XBee Frame", response append_to_log_file(LOG_FILENAME, now, response) sourceAddress = getSourceAddress(response) print "Source:", sourceAddress
from log import err import arduino import objects import ds18s20 glob = objects.Vars() glob.set('terminate', False) glob.set('threads', list()) hole_motion = objects.MotionSensor() room_motion = objects.MotionSensor() IR_codes = dict() # Binded funcitions on IR codes repeatable_IR = {b'FFE01F', b'FFA857'} # This IR codes can be repeated last_IR = '' # Last IR received code ultra = Ultra() cron = objects.Crontab(glob=glob) cosm = Cosm(cosm_config.FEED_ID, cosm_config.API_KEY) alice = Alice(glob=glob) hole_night_light = objects.gpioLight(11, mode=objects.LIGHT_MODE_AUTO) hole_light = objects.nooLite(0) # USB NooLite on channale 0 def signal_handler(signal, frame): log('Time to terminate. Exit') print('Time to terminate. Setting the terminate flag\n') print("Active threads: ", threading.active_count()) glob.set('terminate', True) for i in xrange(10): print("Active threads: ", threading.active_count(), ". Wait more %d seconds" % (10 - i)) if threading.active_count() == 1: break