Ejemplo n.º 1
    def append(self, key, value, cas=0, ttl=0, format=None):
        Append a string to an existing value in Couchbase.

        This follows the same conventions as

        The `format` argument must be one of :const:`~couchbase.FMT_UTF8` or
        :const:`~couchbase.FMT_BYTES`. If not specified, it will be
        (overriding the :attr:`default_format` attribute).
        This is because JSON or Pickle formats will be nonsensical when
        random data is appended to them. If you wish to modify a JSON or
        Pickle encoded object, you will need to retrieve it (via :meth:`get`),
        modify it, and then store it again (using :meth:`set`).

        Additionally, you must ensure the value (and flags) for the current
        value is compatible with the data to be appended. For an example,
        you may append a :const:`~couchbase.FMT_BYTES` value to an existing
        :const:`~couchbase.FMT_JSON` value, but an error will be thrown when
        retrieving the value using
        :meth:`get` (you may still use the :attr:`data_passthrough` to
        overcome this).

        :raise: :exc:`couchbase.exceptions.NotStoredError` if the key does
          not exist

        .. seealso::


        return _Base.append(self, key, value, ttl=ttl, cas=cas, format=format)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def append(self, key, value, cas=0, ttl=0, format=None):
        Append a string to an existing value in Couchbase.

        This follows the same conventions as

        The `format` argument must be one of :const:`~couchbase.FMT_UTF8` or
        :const:`~couchbase.FMT_BYTES`. If not specified, it will be
        (overriding the :attr:`default_format` attribute).
        This is because JSON or Pickle formats will be nonsensical when
        random data is appended to them. If you wish to modify a JSON or
        Pickle encoded object, you will need to retrieve it (via :meth:`get`),
        modify it, and then store it again (using :meth:`set`).

        Additionally, you must ensure the value (and flags) for the current
        value is compatible with the data to be appended. For an example,
        you may append a :const:`~couchbase.FMT_BYTES` value to an existing
        :const:`~couchbase.FMT_JSON` value, but an error will be thrown when
        retrieving the value using
        :meth:`get` (you may still use the :attr:`data_passthrough` to
        overcome this).

        :raise: :exc:`couchbase.exceptions.NotStoredError` if the key does
          not exist

        .. seealso::
            :meth:`set`, :meth:`append_multi`

        return _Base.append(self, key, value, ttl=ttl, cas=cas, format=format)