Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_children(C, tid):
    from couchdb import Task
    qry = "select t.* from task_hierarchy th,tasks t where %s=any(th.path_info) and th.id<>%s and t.id=th.id"
    opts = (tid, tid)
    C.execute(qry, opts)
    rows = [t['contents'] for t in C.fetchall()]
    rt = []
    for r in rows:
        r['created_at'] = datetime.strptime(
            r['created_at'].split('.')[0].split('Z')[0], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
        t = Task(**r)
    return rt
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_task(C, tid):
    from couchdb import Task
    C.execute("select contents from tasks where id=%s", (tid, ))
    c = C.fetchall()[0]['contents']
    return Task(**c)