Ejemplo n.º 1
def build_latest_schema(schema_index):
    Build a schema, directly from the index. Also creates a saved checkpoint.
    from couchexport.export import ExportConfiguration
    db = Database(settings.COUCH_DATABASE)
    previous_export = ExportSchema.last(schema_index)
        current_seq = int(db.info()["update_seq"])
    except ValueError:
        pass  # we must be on bigcouch, so comparing seqs is useless
        if previous_export and not previous_export.is_bigcouch \
                           and int(previous_export.seq) > current_seq:
            # something weird happened (like the couch database changing)
            # better rebuild from scratch
            previous_export = None

    config = ExportConfiguration(db,
    schema = config.get_latest_schema()
    if not schema:
        return None
    updated_checkpoint = config.create_new_checkpoint()
    return updated_checkpoint
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_docs(schema_index, previous_export=None, filter=None):
    def _filter(results):
        if filter is None:
            return results
        return [doc for doc in results if filter(doc)]
    db = Database(settings.COUCH_DATABASE)
    if previous_export is not None:
        consumer = Consumer(db)
        view_results = consumer.fetch(since=previous_export.seq)
        if view_results:
                include_ids = set([res["id"] for res in view_results["results"]])
                possible_ids = set([result['id'] for result in \
                ids_to_use = include_ids.intersection(possible_ids)
                return _filter(res["doc"] for res in \
                               db.all_docs(keys=list(ids_to_use), include_docs=True).all())
            except Exception:
                import logging
                logging.exception("export failed! results: %s" % view_results) 
            # sometimes this comes back empty. I think it might be a bug
            # in couchdbkit, but it's impossible to consistently reproduce.
            # For now, just assume this is fine.
            return []
        return _filter([result['doc'] for result in \
                                key=schema_index, include_docs=True).all()])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def build_latest_schema(schema_index):
    Build a schema, directly from the index. Also creates a saved checkpoint.
    from couchexport.export import ExportConfiguration
    db = Database(settings.COUCH_DATABASE)
    previous_export = ExportSchema.last(schema_index)
        current_seq = int(db.info()["update_seq"])
    except ValueError:
        pass # we must be on bigcouch, so comparing seqs is useless
        if previous_export and not previous_export.is_bigcouch \
                           and int(previous_export.seq) > current_seq:
            # something weird happened (like the couch database changing)
            # better rebuild from scratch
            previous_export = None

    config = ExportConfiguration(db, schema_index,
    schema = config.get_latest_schema()
    if not schema:
        return None
    updated_checkpoint = config.create_new_checkpoint()
    return updated_checkpoint
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def handle(self, sourcedb, destdb, doc_types, **options):
        sourcedb = Database(sourcedb)
        destdb = Database(destdb)
        pretend = options['pretend']

        if pretend:
            logger.info("**** Simulated run, no data will be copied. ****")

        self.copy_docs(sourcedb, destdb, pretend=pretend, doc_types=doc_types)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if len(args) != 2:
            raise CommandError('Usage is copy_doc_types %s' % self.args)

        sourcedb = Database(args[0])
        destdb = Database(args[1])
        pretend = options['pretend']
        doc_types = options['doc_types'].split(',')

        if pretend:
            logger.info("**** Simulated run, no data will be copied. ****")

        self.copy_docs(sourcedb, destdb, pretend=pretend, doc_types=doc_types)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if len(args) != 2:
            raise CommandError('Usage is copy_domain %s' % self.args)

        sourcedb = Database(args[0])
        domain = args[1].strip()
        simulate = options['simulate']

        since = datetime.strptime(options['since'], '%Y-%m-%d').isoformat() if options['since'] else None

        if options['list_types']:
            self.list_types(sourcedb, domain, since)

        if simulate:
            print "\nSimulated run, no data will be copied.\n"

        if options['doc_types']:
            doc_types = options['doc_types'].split(',')
            for type in doc_types:
                startkey = [x for x in [domain, type, since] if x is not None]
                endkey = [x for x in [domain, type, {}] if x is not None]
                self.copy_docs(sourcedb, domain, startkey, endkey, simulate, type=type, since=since)
            startkey = [domain]
            endkey = [domain, {}]
            exclude_types = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_TYPES + options['doc_types_exclude'].split(',')
            self.copy_docs(sourcedb, domain, startkey, endkey, simulate, exclude_types=exclude_types)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     db = Database(settings.BHOMA_NATIONAL_DATABASE)
     results = db.view("chw/by_clinic", include_docs=True).all()
     chws = [CommunityHealthWorker.wrap(res['doc']) for res in results]
     map = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
     def _fmt_date(dt):
         return "%s-%s" % (dt.year, dt.month)
     for chw in chws:
         print chw.username, chw.created_on
         map[_fmt_date(chw.created_on)] = map[_fmt_date(chw.created_on)] + 1
     for k in sorted(map.keys()):
         print "%s, %s" % (k, map[k])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def build_latest_schema(schema_index):
    Build a schema, directly from the index. Also creates a saved checkpoint.
    from couchexport.export import ExportConfiguration
    db = Database(settings.COUCH_DATABASE)
    current_seq = db.info()["update_seq"]
    previous_export = ExportSchema.last(schema_index)
    config = ExportConfiguration(get_db(), schema_index, 
    schema = get_schema_new(config)
    if not schema:
        return None
    updated_checkpoint = ExportSchema(seq=current_seq, schema=schema, 
    return updated_checkpoint
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_db():
    Get the couch database.
    # this is a bit of a hack, since it assumes all the models talk to the same
    # db.  that said a lot of our code relies on that assumption.
    # this import is here because of annoying dependencies
    return Database(settings.COUCH_DATABASE)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_db(postfix=None):
    Get the couch database.
    # this is a bit of a hack, since it assumes all the models talk to the same
    # db.  that said a lot of our code relies on that assumption.
    # this import is here because of annoying dependencies
    db_url = settings.COUCH_DATABASE
    if postfix:
        db_url = settings.EXTRA_COUCHDB_DATABASES[postfix]
    return Database(db_url, create=True)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if len(args) != 2:
            raise CommandError('Usage is copy_domain %s' % self.args)

        sourcedb = Database(args[0])
        domain = args[1].strip()
        simulate = options['simulate']

        since = datetime.strptime(options['since'], '%Y-%m-%d').isoformat() if options['since'] else None

        if options['list_types']:
            self.list_types(sourcedb, domain, since)

        if simulate:
            print "\nSimulated run, no data will be copied.\n"

        if options['postgres_db'] and options['postgres_password']:
            settings.DATABASES[options['postgres_db']]['PASSWORD'] = options['postgres_password']

        self.targetdb = get_db()

        domain_doc = Domain.get_by_name(domain)
        if domain_doc is None:
            self.copy_domain(sourcedb, domain)

        if options['doc_types']:
            doc_types = options['doc_types'].split(',')
            for type in doc_types:
                startkey = [x for x in [domain, type, since] if x is not None]
                endkey = [x for x in [domain, type, {}] if x is not None]
                self.copy_docs(sourcedb, domain, simulate, startkey, endkey, type=type, since=since,
        elif options['id_file']:
            path = options['id_file']
            if not os.path.isfile(path):
                print "Path '%s' does not exist or is not a file" % path

            with open(path) as input:
                doc_ids = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in input]

            if not doc_ids:
                print "Path '%s' does not contain any document ID's" % path

            self.copy_docs(sourcedb, domain, simulate, doc_ids=doc_ids, postgres_db=options['postgres_db'])
            startkey = [domain]
            endkey = [domain, {}]
            exclude_types = DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_TYPES + options['doc_types_exclude'].split(',')
            self.copy_docs(sourcedb, domain, simulate, startkey, endkey, exclude_types=exclude_types,
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     if len(args) != 2:
         raise CommandError('Usage is copy_domain %s' % self.args)
     sourcedb = Database(args[0])
     domain = args[1].strip()
     all_docs = sourcedb.view("domain/docs", startkey=[domain], 
                              endkey=[domain, {}], reduce=False)
     total = len(all_docs)
     count = 0
     targetdb = get_db()
     print "found %s matching documents in domain: %s" % (total, domain)
     for row in all_docs:
             count += 1
             dt = DocumentTransform(sourcedb.get(row["id"]), sourcedb)
             save(dt, targetdb)
             print "Synced %s/%s docs (%s: %s)" % (count, total, row["key"][1], row["id"])
         except Exception, e:
             print "Document %s failed! Error is: %s" % (row["id"], e)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def build_latest_schema(schema_index):
    Build a schema, directly from the index. Also creates a saved checkpoint.
    from couchexport.export import ExportConfiguration
    db = Database(settings.COUCH_DATABASE)
    previous_export = ExportSchema.last(schema_index)
    config = ExportConfiguration(db,
    schema = config.get_latest_schema()
    if not schema:
        return None
    updated_checkpoint = config.create_new_checkpoint()
    return updated_checkpoint
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def get_db_for_doc_type(self, doc_type):
     return Database(self.get_db_uri_for_doc_type(doc_type))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def get_db_for_class(self, klass):
     return Database(self.get_db_uri_for_class(klass))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def get_db(self, postfix):
     Get the couch database by slug
     return Database(self.all_db_uris_by_slug[postfix], create=True)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def all_dbs_by_db_name(self):
     return {
         Database(db_uri).dbname: Database(db_uri)
         for db_uri in self.all_db_uris_by_slug.values()
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def all_dbs_by_slug(self):
     return {
         slug: Database(db_uri)
         for slug, db_uri in self.all_db_uris_by_slug.items()
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     self.couchdb_url = kwargs.get('db_url', settings.COUCH_DATABASE)
     self.db = Database(self.couchdb_url)
Ejemplo n.º 20
class CouchDBDocStorage(Storage):
    CouchDBDocStorage - a Django Storage class for CouchDB.

    Uses the couchdb url for the database you want to connect to

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.couchdb_url = kwargs.get('db_url', settings.COUCH_DATABASE)
        self.db = Database(self.couchdb_url)

    def _put_file(self, name, content):
        doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name)
        self.db.put_attachment(doc_id, content, name=attachment_key)
        return doc_id

    def get_document(self, doc_id):
        return self.db.get(doc_id)

    def _open(self, name, mode='rb'):
        doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name)
        couchdb_file = CouchDBAttachmentFile(doc_id, attachment_key, self, mode=mode)
        return couchdb_file

    def _save(self, name, content):
        doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name)
        if hasattr(content, 'chunks'):
            content_str = ''.join(chunk for chunk in content.chunks())
            content_str = content.read()
        #name = name.replace('/', '-')
        return self._put_file(name, content_str)

    def exists(self, name):
        doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name)
        if self.db.doc_exist(doc_id):
            return self.db.open_doc(doc_id)['_attachments'].has_key(attachment_key)
            return False

    def size(self, name):
        doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name)
        doc = self.get_document(doc_id)
        if doc:
            return doc['_attachments'][attachment_key]['length']
        return 0

    def url(self, name):
        doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name)
#        return urljoin(self.base_url,
#                       os.path.join(quote_plus(self.db.name),
#                       quote_plus(name),
#                       'content'))
        return reverse('hutch.views.image_proxy', kwargs={'doc_id': doc_id, 'attachment_key': attachment_key})

    def delete(self, name):
        doc_id, attachment_key=_split_file(name)
            doc = self.get_document(doc_id)
            del doc['_attachments'][attachment_key]
        except Exception, ex:
            print "Ex: %s" % ex
            raise IOError("File not found: %s" % name)