Ejemplo n.º 1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        updateR = False
        if options['rating']:
            updateR = True
        url = "http://www.registrar.ufl.edu/soc/201401/all/"
        page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
        list1 = list()  # list of categories
        list2 = list()  #list of website endings
        soup2 = [option.get('value') for option in soup.findAll('option')]
        contents = [str(x.text) for x in soup.find_all('option')]
        x = 0
        for value in contents:
            # all option values all DEPARTMENTS

        for value in soup2:
            # all endings for the web addresses per department

        for idx, website in enumerate(list2):
            temp1 = website.strip()
            if not not temp1:
                print "OPENING: " + url + website
                page = urllib2.urlopen(url + website)
                pages = str(page.read())

                started = False
                moveA = False
                count = 0
                y = 0
                g = Course('0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0',
                           '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0')
                pq = PyQuery(pages)
                tag = pq('td')
                index = list2.index(website)

                for c in pq('td'):
                    if (pq(c).text().__len__() == 8 and pq(c).text()[3:4]
                            == " ") or (pq(c).text().__len__() == 9
                                        and pq(c).text()[3:4] == " "):
                        y = 0
                        x = x + 1

                        if g.name != '0':
                            g.dept = list1[
                                index]  # Department added to each course

                        g = Course(x, ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
                                   ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ')
                        g.name = pq(c).text()
                        started = True
                        moveA = False

                    if (not (pq(c).text().__len__() == 8
                             and pq(c).text()[3:4] == " ") or
                        (pq(c).text().__len__() == 9
                         and pq(c).text()[3:4] == " ")) and started == True:
                        y = y + 1
                        if y == 7 and moveA != True:
                            g.lday = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 21 and moveA != True:
                            g.dday = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 22 and moveA != True:
                            g.dtime = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 23 and moveA != True:
                            g.dbuild = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 24 and moveA != True:
                            g.droom = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 5 and moveA != True:
                            if (len(pq(c).text()) == 0) or (len(pq(c).text())
                                                            == 1):
                                moveA = True
                                g.section = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 6 and moveA != True:
                            g.cedits = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 8 and moveA != True:
                            g.ltime = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 9 and moveA != True:
                            g.lbuild = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 10 and moveA != True:
                            g.lroom = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 12 and moveA != True:
                            g.cname = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 13 and moveA != True:
                            g.cinst = pq(c).text()
                            if updateR:
                                g.rmpr = getrmp(g.cinst, count)
                                count = count + 1

                        if y == 6 and moveA == True:
                            g.section = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 7 and moveA == True:
                            g.cedits = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 9 and moveA == True:
                            g.ltime = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 22 and moveA == True:
                            g.dday = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 23 and moveA == True:
                            g.dtime = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 24 and moveA == True:
                            g.dbuild = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 25 and moveA == True:
                            g.dbuild = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 8 and moveA == True:
                            g.lday = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 10 and moveA == True:
                            g.lbuild = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 11 and moveA == True:
                            g.lroom = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 13 and moveA == True:
                            g.cname = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 14 and moveA == True:
                            g.cinst = pq(c).text()
                            if updateR:
                                g.rmpr = getrmp(g.cinst, count)
                                count = count + 1

                        if y == 36 and moveA == True:
                            g.d2day = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 37 and moveA == True:
                            g.d2time = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 38 and moveA == True:
                            g.d2build = pq(c).text()
                        if y == 39 and moveA == True:
                            g.d2room = pq(c).text()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
            updateR = False
            if options['rating']:
                updateR = True    
            url = "http://www.registrar.ufl.edu/soc/201401/all/"
            page = urllib2.urlopen(url)
            soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
            list1 = list()      # list of categories
            list2 = list()      #list of website endings
            soup2 = [option.get('value') for option in soup.findAll('option')]
            contents = [str(x.text) for x in soup.find_all('option')]
            x = 0
            for value in contents:
                # all option values all DEPARTMENTS
            for value in soup2:
                # all endings for the web addresses per department 

            for idx, website in enumerate(list2):
                temp1 = website.strip()
                if not not temp1:
                    print "OPENING: " + url + website
                    page = urllib2.urlopen(url+ website)
                    pages = str( page.read()) 
                    started = False
                    moveA = False
                    count = 0
                    y = 0
                    g = Course('0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0')
                    pq = PyQuery(pages)
                    tag = pq('td')
                    index = list2.index(website)
                    for c in  pq('td'):
                        if (pq(c).text().__len__() == 8 and pq(c).text()[3:4] == " ") or (pq(c).text().__len__() == 9 and pq(c).text()[3:4] == " "):
                                y = 0
                                x= x+1
                                if g.name != '0':
                                    g.dept = list1[index] # Department added to each course
                                g = Course(x,' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ')
                                g.name = pq(c).text()
                                started = True
                                moveA = False
                        if (not (pq(c).text().__len__() == 8 and pq(c).text()[3:4] == " ") or (pq(c).text().__len__() == 9 and pq(c).text()[3:4] == " ")) and started == True:
                                y = y+1
                                if y == 7 and moveA != True:
                                     g.lday = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 21 and moveA != True:
                                     g.dday = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 22 and moveA != True:
                                     g.dtime = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 23 and moveA != True:
                                     g.dbuild = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 24 and moveA != True:
                                     g.droom = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 5 and moveA != True:
                                     if (len(pq(c).text()) == 0) or (len(pq(c).text()) == 1):
                                             moveA = True
                                     else: g.section = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 6 and moveA != True:
                                     g.cedits = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 8 and moveA != True:
                                     g.ltime = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 9 and moveA != True:
                                     g.lbuild = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 10 and moveA != True:
                                     g.lroom = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 12 and moveA != True:
                                     g.cname = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 13 and moveA != True:
                                     g.cinst = pq(c).text()
                                     if updateR:
                                         g.rmpr = getrmp(g.cinst,count)
                                         count = count +1
                                if y == 6 and moveA == True:
                                     g.section = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 7 and moveA == True:
                                     g.cedits = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 9 and moveA == True:
                                     g.ltime = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 22 and moveA == True:
                                     g.dday = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 23 and moveA == True:
                                     g.dtime = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 24 and moveA == True:
                                     g.dbuild = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 25 and moveA == True:
                                     g.dbuild = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 8 and moveA == True:
                                     g.lday = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 10 and moveA == True:
                                     g.lbuild = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 11 and moveA == True:
                                     g.lroom = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 13 and moveA == True:
                                     g.cname = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 14 and moveA == True:
                                     g.cinst = pq(c).text()
                                     if updateR:
                                         g.rmpr = getrmp(g.cinst,count)
                                         count = count +1
                                if y == 36 and moveA == True:
                                     g.d2day = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 37 and moveA == True:
                                     g.d2time = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 38 and moveA == True:
                                     g.d2build = pq(c).text()
                                if y == 39 and moveA == True:
                                     g.d2room = pq(c).text()