Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    course1 = Course("CSCE", "181")
    sec1 = Section("CSCE", "181", "500", "3:55PM", "5:10pm", "TR")
    sec2 = Section("CSCE", "181", "002", "9:00pm", "9:50pm", "MWF")
    section_list = [sec1, sec2]
    [course1.addSection(sec) for sec in section_list]

    course2 = Course("CSCE", "313")
    sec3 = Section("CSCE", "313", "505", "11:10am", "12:25pm", "TR")
    sec4 = Section("CSCE", "313", "004", "9:00am", "9:50am", "TR")
    section_list = [sec3, sec4]
    [course2.addSection(sec) for sec in section_list]

    course3 = Course("CSCE", "314")
    sec5 = Section("CSCE", "314", "502", "10:00am", "10:50pm", "MWF")
    sec6 = Section("CSCE", "314", "503", "9:30am", "11:50am", "TR")
    section_list = [sec5, sec6]
    [course3.addSection(sec) for sec in section_list]

    course4 = Course("MATH", "304")
    sec8 = Section("MATH", "304", "502", "9:10am", "9:50am", "MWF")
    sec9 = Section ("MATH", "304", "888", "2:00pm", "3:00pm", "TR")
    section_list = [sec8, sec9]
    [course4.addSection(sec) for sec in section_list]

    course5 = Course("ENGL", "204")
    sec10 = Section("ENGL", "204", "999", "8:10am", "8:50am", "MWF")
    section_list = [sec10]
    [course5.addSection(sec) for sec in section_list]

    course_list = [course1, course2, course3, course4, course5]

    # Create section list to use in itertools's product function
    sec_list = [courses.getSections() for courses in course_list]
    scheduleList = generate_schedules(sec_list)    

    i = 1
    for schedule in scheduleList:
        print("Schedule", i, ":")
        i += 1
        for section in list(schedule):
Ejemplo n.º 2
def output():
    f = request.form
    departments = f.getlist('department')
    courseNums = f.getlist('courseNum')
    secNums = f.getlist('secNum')
    startTimes = f.getlist('startTime')
    finishTimes = f.getlist('finishTime')
    days = get_days(f)
    secs = f.getlist('sec-indicator')

    # print(departments, courseNums, secNums, startTimes, finishTimes, days, secs)

    # Remove blank inputs
    section = 0
    course = 0
    coursesToDelete = []
    sectionsToDelete = []
    # Remove blank courses
    for num_secs in secs:
        if departments[course] == '' and courseNums[course] == '':
            for sections in range(int(num_secs)):
                section += 1
            course += 1
            for sections in range(int(num_secs)):
                section += 1
            course += 1
    # print(coursesToDelete, sectionsToDelete)
    for c in reversed(coursesToDelete):
        del departments[c]
        del courseNums[c]
        del secs[c]
    for s in reversed(sectionsToDelete):
        del secNums[s]
        del startTimes[s]
        del finishTimes[s]
    # print(departments, courseNums, secNums, startTimes, finishTimes, days, secs)

    # Remove blank sections
    s = 0
    c = 0
    blankSecNum = 1
    sectionsToDelete = []
    for num_secs in secs:
        for sections in range(int(num_secs)):
            if secNums[s] == '' and startTimes[s] == '' and finishTimes[s] == '' and s not in days:
                # Completely blank section
                sectionsToDelete.append((s, c))
            elif startTimes[s] == '' or finishTimes[s] == '' or s not in days:
                # Input ERROR
                # render_template('input.html')
                sectionsToDelete.append((s, c))
            elif secNums[s] == '':
                # Insert number for section number if left blank
                secNums[s] = str(blankSecNum)
                blankSecNum += 1
            s += 1
        c += 1
    for s in reversed(sectionsToDelete):
        # s[0] == section number, s[1] == course number
        del secNums[s[0]]
        del startTimes[s[0]]
        del finishTimes[s[0]]
        secs[s[1]] = str(int(secs[s[1]]) - 1)
    coursesToDelete = []
    i = 0
    for s in secs:
        # print(s)
        if s == '0': coursesToDelete.append(i)
        i += 1
    for c in reversed(coursesToDelete):
        del secs[c]

    print(departments, courseNums, secNums, startTimes, finishTimes, days, secs)

    # Create sections
    course_list = []
    section = 0
    course = 0
    for num_secs in secs:
        c = Course(departments[course], courseNums[course])
        for sections in range(int(num_secs)):
            s = Section(c.department,

            section += 1
        course += 1

    # Find all possible schedules
    section_list = [courses.getSections() for courses in course_list]
    for l in section_list:
        for sec in l:
            print(sec.secInfo, sec.outputInfo['size'], sec.outputInfo['topMargin'])
    scheduleList = generate_schedules(section_list)
    # print("NUMBER OF SCHEDULES:", len(scheduleList))

    # Print schedules
    # i = 1
    # for schedule in scheduleList:
    #     print("Schedule" + str(i) + ":")
    #     i += 1
    #     for section in list(schedule):
    #         print(section.secInfo)

    # Prep data for user output
    # Each schedule in outputScheduleList is a dict with keys: M,T,W,R,F
    #   with values holding the section information.
    outputScheduleList = []
    for schedule in scheduleList:
        s = defaultdict(list)
        s['M'] = []
        s['T'] = []
        s['W'] = []
        s['R'] = []
        s['F'] = []

        for section in list(schedule):
            for day, value in section.days.items():
                if value:

    return render_template('output.html', scheduleList=outputScheduleList)