Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_sum(self):
     n1 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=200, n_missing=20)
     n2 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10, n_missing=8)
     n3 = sum([n1, n2])
     assert n3.n_files == 2
     assert n3.n_statements == 210
     assert n3.n_executed == 182
     assert n3.n_missing == 28
     assert round(abs(n3.pc_covered - 86.666666666), 7) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_pc_covered_str(self):
     n0 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=1000, n_missing=0)
     n1 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=1000, n_missing=1)
     n999 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=1000, n_missing=999)
     n1000 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=1000, n_missing=1000)
     self.assertEqual(n0.pc_covered_str, "100")
     self.assertEqual(n1.pc_covered_str, "99")
     self.assertEqual(n999.pc_covered_str, "1")
     self.assertEqual(n1000.pc_covered_str, "0")
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_sum(self):
     n1 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=200, n_missing=20)
     n2 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10, n_missing=8)
     n3 = sum([n1, n2])
     assert n3.n_files == 2
     assert n3.n_statements == 210
     assert n3.n_executed == 182
     assert n3.n_missing == 28
     assert math.isclose(n3.pc_covered, 86.666666666)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_covered_ratio(self):
        n = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=200, n_missing=47)
        assert n.ratio_covered == (153, 200)

        n = Numbers(
            n_files=1, n_statements=200, n_missing=47,
            n_branches=10, n_missing_branches=3, n_partial_branches=1000,
        assert n.ratio_covered == (160, 210)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_sum(self):
     n1 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=200, n_missing=20)
     n2 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10, n_missing=8)
     n3 = sum([n1, n2])
     self.assertEqual(n3.n_files, 2)
     self.assertEqual(n3.n_statements, 210)
     self.assertEqual(n3.n_executed, 182)
     self.assertEqual(n3.n_missing, 28)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(n3.pc_covered, 86.666666666)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
        max_name = max([len(cu.name) for cu in self.code_units] + [5])
        fmt_name = '%%- %ds  ' % max_name
        fmt_err = '%s   %s: %s\n'
        header = fmt_name % 'Name' + ' Stmts   Miss'
        fmt_coverage = fmt_name + '%6d %6d'
        if self.branches:
            header += ' Branch BrMiss'
            fmt_coverage += ' %6d %6d'
        width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
        header += '%*s' % (width100 + 4, 'Cover')
        fmt_coverage += '%%%ds%%%%' % (width100 + 3, )
        if self.config.show_missing:
            header += '   Missing'
            fmt_coverage += '   %s'
        rule = '-' * len(header) + '\n'
        header += '\n'
        fmt_coverage += '\n'
        if not outfile:
            outfile = sys.stdout
        total = Numbers()
        for cu in self.code_units:
                analysis = self.coverage._analyze(cu)
                nums = analysis.numbers
                args = (cu.name, nums.n_statements, nums.n_missing)
                if self.branches:
                    args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_missing_branches)
                args += (nums.pc_covered_str, )
                if self.config.show_missing:
                    args += (analysis.missing_formatted(), )
                outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
                total += nums
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors
                if report_it:
                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                    if typ is NotPython and not cu.should_be_python():
                        report_it = False
                if report_it:
                    outfile.write(fmt_err % (cu.name, typ.__name__, msg))

        if total.n_files > 1:
            args = ('TOTAL', total.n_statements, total.n_missing)
            if self.branches:
                args += (total.n_branches, total.n_missing_branches)
            args += (total.pc_covered_str, )
            if self.config.show_missing:
                args += ('', )
            outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
        return total.pc_covered
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_pc_covered_str(self):
     # Numbers._precision is a global, which is bad.
     n0 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=1000, n_missing=0)
     n1 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=1000, n_missing=1)
     n999 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=1000, n_missing=999)
     n1000 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=1000, n_missing=1000)
     self.assertEqual(n0.pc_covered_str, "100")
     self.assertEqual(n1.pc_covered_str, "99")
     self.assertEqual(n999.pc_covered_str, "1")
     self.assertEqual(n1000.pc_covered_str, "0")
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_pc_covered_str_precision(self):
     assert Numbers._precision == 0
     n0 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10000, n_missing=0)
     n1 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10000, n_missing=1)
     n9999 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10000, n_missing=9999)
     n10000 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10000, n_missing=10000)
     self.assertEqual(n0.pc_covered_str, "100.0")
     self.assertEqual(n1.pc_covered_str, "99.9")
     self.assertEqual(n9999.pc_covered_str, "0.1")
     self.assertEqual(n10000.pc_covered_str, "0.0")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def total_for_files(data, files):
    total = Numbers(precision=3)
    for f in files:
        sel_summ = data["files"][f]["summary"]
        total += Numbers(
            n_branches=sel_summ.get("num_branches", 0),
            n_partial_branches=sel_summ.get("num_partial_branches", 0),
            n_missing_branches=sel_summ.get("missing_branches", 0),

    return total
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def report(self, morfs, omit_prefixes=None, outfile=None):
        """Writes a report summarizing coverage statistics per module."""
        self.find_code_units(morfs, omit_prefixes)

        # Prepare the formatting strings
        max_name = max([len(cu.name) for cu in self.code_units] + [5])
        fmt_name = "%%- %ds  " % max_name
        fmt_err = "%s   %s: %s\n"
        header = (fmt_name % "Name") + " Stmts   Exec"
        fmt_coverage = fmt_name + "%6d %6d"
        if self.branches:
            header += " Branch BrExec"
            fmt_coverage += " %6d %6d"
        header += "  Cover"
        fmt_coverage += " %5d%%"
        if self.show_missing:
            header += "   Missing"
            fmt_coverage += "   %s"
        rule = "-" * len(header) + "\n"
        header += "\n"
        fmt_coverage += "\n"

        if not outfile:
            outfile = sys.stdout

        # Write the header

        total = Numbers()
        for cu in self.code_units:
                analysis = self.coverage._analyze(cu)
                nums = analysis.numbers
                args = (cu.name, nums.n_statements, nums.n_executed)
                if self.branches:
                    args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_executed_branches)
                args += (nums.pc_covered,)
                if self.show_missing:
                    args += (analysis.missing_formatted(),)
                outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
                total += nums
            except KeyboardInterrupt:                       #pragma: no cover
                if not self.ignore_errors:
                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                    outfile.write(fmt_err % (cu.name, typ.__name__, msg))

        if total.n_files > 1:
            args = ("TOTAL", total.n_statements, total.n_executed)
            if self.branches:
                args += (total.n_branches, total.n_executed_branches)
            args += (total.pc_covered,)
            if self.show_missing:
                args += ("",)
            outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def _analyze(self, it):
        """Analyze a single morf or code unit.

        Returns an `Analysis` object.

        # All reporting comes through here, so do reporting initialization.

        data = self.get_data()
        if not isinstance(it, FileReporter):
            it = self._get_file_reporter(it)

        return Analysis(data, it)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
        """Writes a report summarizing coverage statistics per module.

        `outfile` is a file object to write the summary to.


        # Prepare the formatting strings

        fmt_err = "%s   %s: %s\n"

        header = self.header()
        #         fmt_coverage = self.fmt_coverage()
        rule = "-" * len(header) + "\n"

        if not outfile:
            outfile = sys.stdout

        # Write the header

        total = Numbers()

        for cu in self.code_units:
                analysis = self.coverage._analyze(cu)
                nums = analysis.numbers
                args = (cu.name, nums.n_statements, nums.n_missing)
                if self.branches:
                    args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_missing_branches)
                args += (nums.pc_covered_str, )
                if self.config.show_missing:
                    args += (analysis.missing_formatted(), )
                outfile.write(self.fmt_coverage(nums.pc_covered) % args)
                total += nums
            except KeyboardInterrupt:  # pragma: not covered
                report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors
                if report_it:
                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                    if typ is NotPython and not cu.should_be_python():
                        report_it = False
                if report_it:
                    outfile.write(fmt_err % (cu.name, typ.__name__, msg))

        if total.n_files > 1:
            args = ("TOTAL", total.n_statements, total.n_missing)
            if self.branches:
                args += (total.n_branches, total.n_missing_branches)
            args += (total.pc_covered_str, )
            if self.config.show_missing:
                args += ("", )

#             outfile.write(self.fmt_coverage(total.pc_covered) % args)
        return total
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self, cov, config):
        super(HtmlReporter, self).__init__(cov, config)
        self.directory = None
        title = self.config.html_title
        if env.PY2:
            title = title.decode("utf8")
        self.template_globals = {
            'escape': escape,
            'pair': pair,
            'title': title,
            '__url__': coverage.__url__,
            '__version__': coverage.__version__,
        self.source_tmpl = Templite(read_data("pyfile.html"),

        self.coverage = cov

        self.files = []
        self.all_files_nums = []
        self.has_arcs = self.coverage.data.has_arcs()
        self.status = HtmlStatus()
        self.extra_css = None
        self.totals = Numbers()
        self.time_stamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _analyze(self, it):
        """Analyze a single morf or code unit.

        Returns an `Analysis` object.

        # All reporting comes through here, so do reporting initialization.

        data = self.get_data()
        if not isinstance(it, FileReporter):
            it = self._get_file_reporter(it)

        return Analysis(data, it, self._file_mapper)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def report(self):

        total = Numbers()
        result = {"coverage": 0.0, "covered": {}, "format": 5, }
        for fr in self.file_reporters:
                analysis = self.coverage._analyze(fr)
                nums = analysis.numbers
                missing_nums = sorted(analysis.missing)
                with open(analysis.filename) as file:
                    lines = file.read().splitlines()
                missing_lines = [ lines[l-1] for l in missing_nums ]
                result["covered"][fr.relative_filename()] = (nums.n_statements, nums.pc_covered/100.0, missing_nums, missing_lines)
                total += nums
            except KeyboardInterrupt:                   # pragma: not covered
            except Exception:
                report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors
                if report_it:
                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                    if typ is NotPython and not fr.should_be_python():
                        report_it = False
                if report_it:
        result["coverage"] = total.pc_covered/100.0
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def dump_statistics(self, cov):
        Dump test run statistics
        :param cov:
        from coverage.results import Numbers
        from coverage.report import Reporter
        from noc.tests.conftest import _stats as stats

        self.print("---[ Test session statistics ]------")
        reporter = Reporter(cov, cov.config)
        totals = Numbers()
        for fr in reporter.find_file_reporters(None):
            analysis = cov._analyze(fr)
            totals += analysis.numbers
        n_passed = len(stats.get("passed", []))
        n_skipped = len(stats.get("skipped", []))
        n_error = len(stats.get("error", []))
        n_failed = len(stats.get("failed", []))
        if n_error or n_failed:
            status = "Failed"
            status = "Passed"
        self.print("Status              : %s" % status)
        self.print("Tests Passed:       : %s" % n_passed)
        self.print("Tests Skipped:      : %s" % n_skipped)
        self.print("Tests Failed:       : %s" % n_failed)
        self.print("Tests Error:        : %s" % n_error)
        self.print("Coverage            : %d%%" % totals.pc_covered)
        self.print("Coverage Statements : %s" % totals.n_statements)
        self.print("Coverage Missing    : %s" % totals.n_missing)
        self.print("Coverage Excluded   : %s" % totals.n_excluded)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def header(self):
     header = (self.fmt_name % "Name") + " Stmts   Miss"
     if self.branches:
         header += " Branch BrMiss"
     width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
     header += "%*s" % (width100 + 4, "Cover")
     header += "\n"
     return header
 def header(self):
     header = (self.fmt_name % "Name") + " Stmts   Miss"
     if self.branches:
         header += " Branch BrMiss"
     width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
     header += "%*s" % (width100 + 4, "Cover")
     header += "\n"
     return header
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, cov):
        self.coverage = cov
        self.config = self.coverage.config
        self.directory = self.config.html_dir

        self.skip_covered = self.config.html_skip_covered
        if self.skip_covered is None:
            self.skip_covered = self.config.skip_covered
        self.skip_empty = self.config.html_skip_empty
        if self.skip_empty is None:
            self.skip_empty = self.config.skip_empty
        self.skipped_covered_count = 0
        self.skipped_empty_count = 0

        title = self.config.html_title

        if self.config.extra_css:
            self.extra_css = os.path.basename(self.config.extra_css)
            self.extra_css = None

        self.data = self.coverage.get_data()
        self.has_arcs = self.data.has_arcs()

        self.file_summaries = []
        self.all_files_nums = []
        self.incr = IncrementalChecker(self.directory)
        self.datagen = HtmlDataGeneration(self.coverage)
        self.totals = Numbers(precision=self.config.precision)
        self.directory_was_empty = False

        self.template_globals = {
            # Functions available in the templates.
            'escape': escape,
            'pair': pair,
            'len': len,

            # Constants for this report.
            '__url__': coverage.__url__,
            '__version__': coverage.__version__,
            'title': title,
            'time_stamp': format_local_datetime(datetime.datetime.now()),
            'extra_css': self.extra_css,
            'has_arcs': self.has_arcs,
            'show_contexts': self.config.show_contexts,

            # Constants for all reports.
            # These css classes determine which lines are highlighted by default.
            'category': {
                'exc': 'exc show_exc',
                'mis': 'mis show_mis',
                'par': 'par run show_par',
                'run': 'run',
        self.pyfile_html_source = read_data("pyfile.html")
        self.source_tmpl = Templite(self.pyfile_html_source,
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self, coverage):
     self.coverage = coverage
     self.config = self.coverage.config
     self.branches = coverage.get_data().has_arcs()
     self.outfile = None
     self.fr_analysis = []
     self.skipped_count = 0
     self.total = Numbers()
     self.fmt_err = u"%s   %s: %s"
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def report(self, morfs, outfile = None):
        max_name = max([ len(cu.name) for cu in self.code_units ] + [5])
        fmt_name = '%%- %ds  ' % max_name
        fmt_err = '%s   %s: %s\n'
        header = fmt_name % 'Name' + ' Stmts   Miss'
        fmt_coverage = fmt_name + '%6d %6d'
        if self.branches:
            header += ' Branch BrMiss'
            fmt_coverage += ' %6d %6d'
        width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
        header += '%*s' % (width100 + 4, 'Cover')
        fmt_coverage += '%%%ds%%%%' % (width100 + 3,)
        if self.config.show_missing:
            header += '   Missing'
            fmt_coverage += '   %s'
        rule = '-' * len(header) + '\n'
        header += '\n'
        fmt_coverage += '\n'
        if not outfile:
            outfile = sys.stdout
        total = Numbers()
        for cu in self.code_units:
                analysis = self.coverage._analyze(cu)
                nums = analysis.numbers
                args = (cu.name, nums.n_statements, nums.n_missing)
                if self.branches:
                    args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_missing_branches)
                args += (nums.pc_covered_str,)
                if self.config.show_missing:
                    args += (analysis.missing_formatted(),)
                outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
                total += nums
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors
                if report_it:
                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                    if typ is NotPython and not cu.should_be_python():
                        report_it = False
                if report_it:
                    outfile.write(fmt_err % (cu.name, typ.__name__, msg))

        if total.n_files > 1:
            args = ('TOTAL', total.n_statements, total.n_missing)
            if self.branches:
                args += (total.n_branches, total.n_missing_branches)
            args += (total.pc_covered_str,)
            if self.config.show_missing:
                args += ('',)
            outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
        return total.pc_covered
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def test_pc_covered_str_precision(self):
     # Numbers._precision is a global, which is bad.
     n0 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10000, n_missing=0)
     n1 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10000, n_missing=1)
     n9999 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10000, n_missing=9999)
     n10000 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10000, n_missing=10000)
     self.assertEqual(n0.pc_covered_str, "100.0")
     self.assertEqual(n1.pc_covered_str, "99.9")
     self.assertEqual(n9999.pc_covered_str, "0.1")
     self.assertEqual(n10000.pc_covered_str, "0.0")
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def test_pc_covered_str_precision(self):
     # Numbers._precision is a global, which is bad.
     n0 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10000, n_missing=0)
     n1 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10000, n_missing=1)
     n9999 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10000, n_missing=9999)
     n10000 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=10000, n_missing=10000)
     assert n0.pc_covered_str == "100.0"
     assert n1.pc_covered_str == "99.9"
     assert n9999.pc_covered_str == "0.1"
     assert n10000.pc_covered_str == "0.0"
Ejemplo n.º 24
            def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
                if hasattr(self, 'find_code_units'):

                total = Numbers()

                if hasattr(self, 'code_units'):
                    units = self.code_units
                    units = self.file_reporters

                for cu in units:
                        analysis = self.coverage._analyze(cu)
                        nums = analysis.numbers
                        total += nums
                    except KeyboardInterrupt:
                    except Exception:
                        if self.config.ignore_errors:

                        err = sys.exc_info()
                        typ, msg = err[:2]
                        if typ is NotPython and not cu.should_be_python():

                        test_id = cu.name
                        details = convert_error_to_string(err)

                        self.messages.testStarted(test_id, flowId=test_id)
                            message="Coverage analysis failed",
                        self.messages.testFinished(test_id, flowId=test_id)

                if total.n_files > 0:
                    covered = total.n_executed
                    total_statements = total.n_statements

                    if self.branches:
                        covered += total.n_executed_branches
                        total_statements += total.n_branches

                        total_statements - covered)
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, cov):
        self.coverage = cov
        self.config = self.coverage.config
        self.directory = self.config.html_dir
        title = self.config.html_title
        if env.PY2:
            title = title.decode("utf8")

        if self.config.extra_css:
            self.extra_css = os.path.basename(self.config.extra_css)
            self.extra_css = None

        self.data = self.coverage.get_data()
        self.has_arcs = self.data.has_arcs()

        self.file_summaries = []
        self.all_files_nums = []
        self.incr = IncrementalChecker(self.directory)
        self.datagen = HtmlDataGeneration(self.coverage)
        self.totals = Numbers()

        self.template_globals = {
            # Functions available in the templates.
            'escape': escape,
            'pair': pair,
            'len': len,

            # Constants for this report.
            '__url__': coverage.__url__,
            '__version__': coverage.__version__,
            'title': title,
            'time_stamp': datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'),
            'extra_css': self.extra_css,
            'has_arcs': self.has_arcs,
            'show_contexts': self.config.show_contexts,

            # Constants for all reports.
            # These css classes determine which lines are highlighted by default.
            'category': {
                'exc': 'exc',
                'mis': 'mis',
                'par': 'par run hide_run',
                'run': 'run hide_run',
        self.pyfile_html_source = read_data("pyfile.html")
        self.source_tmpl = Templite(self.pyfile_html_source,
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, cov, code_unit):
        self.coverage = cov
        self.code_unit = code_unit

        self.filename = self.code_unit.filename
        ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename)[1]
        source = None
        if os.path.exists(self.filename):
                self.source = read_file(self.filename)
                _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
                raise NoSource("No source for code: %r: %s" %
                               (self.filename, err))

        if self.source is None:
            raise NoSource("No source for code: %r" % self.filename)

        self.parser = DjangoTemplateCodeParser(
        self.statements, self.excluded = self.parser.parse_source()

        # Identify missing statements.
        executed = self.coverage.data.executed_lines(self.filename)
        self.missing = sorted(set(self.statements) - set(executed))

        if self.coverage.data.has_arcs():
            self.no_branch = self.parser.lines_matching(
            n_branches = self.total_branches()
            mba = self.missing_branch_arcs()
            n_missing_branches = sum(
                [len(v) for k, v in mba.items() if k not in self.missing])
            n_branches = n_missing_branches = 0
            self.no_branch = set()

        self.numbers = Numbers(
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self, cov, config):
     super(HtmlReporter, self).__init__(cov, config)
     self.directory = None
     self.template_globals = {
         'escape': escape,
         'title': self.config.html_title,
         '__url__': coverage.__url__,
         '__version__': coverage.__version__
     self.source_tmpl = Templite(data('pyfile.html'), self.template_globals)
     self.coverage = cov
     self.files = []
     self.arcs = self.coverage.data.has_arcs()
     self.status = HtmlStatus()
     self.extra_css = None
     self.totals = Numbers()
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def fmt_coverage(self, perc):

        fmt_coverage = self.fmt_name + "%6d %6d"
        if self.branches:
            fmt_coverage += " %6d %6d"
        width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
        color = green
        if perc < 80:
            color = blue
        if perc < 50:
            color = red

        fmt_coverage += color("%%%ds%%%%" % (width100 + 3, ))
        if self.config.show_missing:
            fmt_coverage += "   %s"
        fmt_coverage += "\n"
        return fmt_coverage
    def fmt_coverage(self, perc):

        fmt_coverage = self.fmt_name + "%6d %6d"
        if self.branches:
            fmt_coverage += " %6d %6d"
        width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
        color = green
        if perc < 80:
            color = blue
        if perc < 50:
            color = red

        fmt_coverage += color("%%%ds%%%%" % (width100 + 3,))
        if self.config.show_missing:
            fmt_coverage += "   %s"
        fmt_coverage += "\n"
        return fmt_coverage
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self, cov, config):
        super(HtmlReporter, self).__init__(cov, config)
        self.directory = None
        title = self.config.html_title
            self.inline_styles = self.config.inline_styles
            self.not_inline_styles = False

            # reading the css stylesheet
            f = open(
                             *["htmlfiles", "style.css"]), "rb")
            self.css_styles = f.read().decode('utf-8').strip()
        except Exception as e:
            self.inline_styles = False
            self.not_inline_styles = True
            self.css_styles = None
        if env.PY2:
            title = title.decode("utf8")
        self.template_globals = {
            'escape': escape,
            'pair': pair,
            'title': title,
            '__url__': coverage.__url__,
            '__version__': coverage.__version__,

        self.source_tmpl = Templite(read_data("pyfile.html"),

        self.data = cov.get_data()

        self.files = []
        self.all_files_nums = []
        self.has_arcs = self.data.has_arcs()
        self.status = HtmlStatus()
        self.extra_css = None
        self.totals = Numbers()
        self.time_stamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
Ejemplo n.º 31
def teamcity_report(data_file, config_file=None):
    Generate teamcity coverage report.

    :param data_file: Coverage data file
    :param config_file: Config file for coverage
    import coverage
    from teamcity import messages

    service_messages = messages.TeamcityServiceMessages()
    cov = coverage.Coverage(data_file, config_file=config_file)

    total_nums = Numbers()
    for path in cov.data.measured_files():
        if path.endswith("py"):
            analysis = cov._analyze(path)
            total_nums += analysis.numbers

Ejemplo n.º 32
    def read(self, directory):
        """Read the last status in `directory`."""
        usable = False
            status_file = os.path.join(directory, self.STATUS_FILE)
            with open(status_file, "r") as fstatus:
                status = json.load(fstatus)
        except (IOError, ValueError):
            usable = False
            usable = True
            if status['format'] != self.STATUS_FORMAT:
                usable = False
            elif status['version'] != coverage.__version__:
                usable = False

        if usable:
            self.files = {}
            for filename, fileinfo in iitems(status['files']):
                fileinfo['index']['nums'] = Numbers(*fileinfo['index']['nums'])
                self.files[filename] = fileinfo
            self.settings = status['settings']
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def read(self):
        """Read the information we stored last time."""
        usable = False
            status_file = os.path.join(self.directory, self.STATUS_FILE)
            with open(status_file) as fstatus:
                status = json.load(fstatus)
        except (OSError, ValueError):
            usable = False
            usable = True
            if status['format'] != self.STATUS_FORMAT:
                usable = False
            elif status['version'] != coverage.__version__:
                usable = False

        if usable:
            self.files = {}
            for filename, fileinfo in status['files'].items():
                fileinfo['index']['nums'] = Numbers(*fileinfo['index']['nums'])
                self.files[filename] = fileinfo
            self.globals = status['globals']
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
        """Writes a report summarizing coverage statistics per module.

        `outfile` is a file object to write the summary to.


        # Prepare the formatting strings
        max_name = max([len(fr.relative_filename()) for fr in self.file_reporters] + [5])
        fmt_name = "%%- %ds  " % max_name
        fmt_err = "%s   %s: %s\n"
        header = (fmt_name % "Name") + " Stmts   Miss"
        fmt_coverage = fmt_name + "%6d %6d"
        if self.branches:
            header += " Branch BrPart"
            fmt_coverage += " %6d %6d"
        width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
        header += "%*s" % (width100+4, "Cover")
        fmt_coverage += "%%%ds%%%%" % (width100+3,)
        if self.config.show_missing:
            header += "   Missing"
            fmt_coverage += "   %s"
        rule = "-" * len(header) + "\n"
        header += "\n"
        fmt_coverage += "\n"

        if not outfile:
            outfile = sys.stdout

        # Write the header

        total = Numbers()

        for fr in self.file_reporters:
                analysis = self.coverage._analyze(fr)
                nums = analysis.numbers

                if self.config.skip_covered:
                    # Don't report on 100% files.
                    no_missing_lines = (nums.n_missing == 0)
                    no_missing_branches = (nums.n_partial_branches == 0)
                    if no_missing_lines and no_missing_branches:

                args = (fr.relative_filename(), nums.n_statements, nums.n_missing)
                if self.branches:
                    args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_partial_branches)
                args += (nums.pc_covered_str,)
                if self.config.show_missing:
                    missing_fmtd = analysis.missing_formatted()
                    if self.branches:
                        branches_fmtd = analysis.arcs_missing_formatted()
                        if branches_fmtd:
                            if missing_fmtd:
                                missing_fmtd += ", "
                            missing_fmtd += branches_fmtd
                    args += (missing_fmtd,)
                outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
                total += nums
            except Exception:
                report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors
                if report_it:
                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                    # NotPython is only raised by PythonFileReporter, which has a
                    # should_be_python() method.
                    if typ is NotPython and not fr.should_be_python():
                        report_it = False
                if report_it:
                    outfile.write(fmt_err % (fr.relative_filename(), typ.__name__, msg))

        if total.n_files > 1:
            args = ("TOTAL", total.n_statements, total.n_missing)
            if self.branches:
                args += (total.n_branches, total.n_partial_branches)
            args += (total.pc_covered_str,)
            if self.config.show_missing:
                args += ("",)
            outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
        if not total.n_files:
            raise CoverageException("No data to report.")
        return total.n_statements and total.pc_covered
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
        """Writes a report summarizing coverage statistics per module.

        `outfile` is a file object to write the summary to. It must be opened
        for native strings (bytes on Python 2, Unicode on Python 3).

        file_reporters = self.find_file_reporters(morfs)

        # Prepare the formatting strings, header, and column sorting.
        max_name = max([len(fr.relative_filename()) for fr in file_reporters] + [5])
        fmt_name = u"%%- %ds  " % max_name
        fmt_err = u"%s   %s: %s"
        fmt_skip_covered = u"\n%s file%s skipped due to complete coverage."

        header = (fmt_name % "Name") + u" Stmts   Miss"
        fmt_coverage = fmt_name + u"%6d %6d"
        if self.branches:
            header += u" Branch BrPart"
            fmt_coverage += u" %6d %6d"
        width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
        header += u"%*s" % (width100+4, "Cover")
        fmt_coverage += u"%%%ds%%%%" % (width100+3,)
        if self.config.show_missing:
            header += u"   Missing"
            fmt_coverage += u"   %s"
        rule = u"-" * len(header)

        column_order = dict(name=0, stmts=1, miss=2, cover=-1)
        if self.branches:
            column_order.update(dict(branch=3, brpart=4))

        if outfile is None:
            outfile = sys.stdout

        def writeout(line):
            """Write a line to the output, adding a newline."""
            if env.PY2:
                line = line.encode(output_encoding())

        # Write the header

        # `lines` is a list of pairs, (line text, line values).  The line text
        # is a string that will be printed, and line values is a tuple of
        # sortable values.
        lines = []

        total = Numbers()
        skipped_count = 0

        for fr in file_reporters:
                analysis = self.coverage._analyze(fr)
                nums = analysis.numbers
                total += nums

                if self.config.skip_covered:
                    # Don't report on 100% files.
                    no_missing_lines = (nums.n_missing == 0)
                    no_missing_branches = (nums.n_partial_branches == 0)
                    if no_missing_lines and no_missing_branches:
                        skipped_count += 1

                args = (fr.relative_filename(), nums.n_statements, nums.n_missing)
                if self.branches:
                    args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_partial_branches)
                args += (nums.pc_covered_str,)
                if self.config.show_missing:
                    missing_fmtd = analysis.missing_formatted()
                    if self.branches:
                        branches_fmtd = analysis.arcs_missing_formatted()
                        if branches_fmtd:
                            if missing_fmtd:
                                missing_fmtd += ", "
                            missing_fmtd += branches_fmtd
                    args += (missing_fmtd,)
                text = fmt_coverage % args
                # Add numeric percent coverage so that sorting makes sense.
                args += (nums.pc_covered,)
                lines.append((text, args))
            except Exception:
                report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors
                if report_it:
                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                    # NotPython is only raised by PythonFileReporter, which has a
                    # should_be_python() method.
                    if typ is NotPython and not fr.should_be_python():
                        report_it = False
                if report_it:
                    writeout(fmt_err % (fr.relative_filename(), typ.__name__, msg))

        # Sort the lines and write them out.
        if getattr(self.config, 'sort', None):
            position = column_order.get(self.config.sort.lower())
            if position is None:
                raise CoverageException("Invalid sorting option: {0!r}".format(self.config.sort))
            lines.sort(key=lambda l: (l[1][position], l[0]))

        for line in lines:

        # Write a TOTAl line if we had more than one file.
        if total.n_files > 1:
            args = ("TOTAL", total.n_statements, total.n_missing)
            if self.branches:
                args += (total.n_branches, total.n_partial_branches)
            args += (total.pc_covered_str,)
            if self.config.show_missing:
                args += ("",)
            writeout(fmt_coverage % args)

        # Write other final lines.
        if not total.n_files and not skipped_count:
            raise CoverageException("No data to report.")

        if self.config.skip_covered and skipped_count:
            writeout(fmt_skip_covered % (skipped_count, 's' if skipped_count > 1 else ''))

        return total.n_statements and total.pc_covered
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def test_basic(self):
     n1 = Numbers(n_files=1, n_statements=200, n_missing=20)
     self.assertEqual(n1.n_statements, 200)
     self.assertEqual(n1.n_executed, 180)
     self.assertEqual(n1.n_missing, 20)
     self.assertEqual(n1.pc_covered, 90)
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
        """Writes a report summarizing coverage statistics per module.

        `outfile` is a file object to write the summary to. It must be opened
        for native strings (bytes on Python 2, Unicode on Python 3).

        if outfile is None:
            outfile = sys.stdout

        def writeout(line):
            """Write a line to the output, adding a newline."""
            if env.PY2:
                line = line.encode(output_encoding())

        fr_analysis = []
        skipped_count = 0
        total = Numbers()

        fmt_err = u"%s   %s: %s"

        for fr in self.find_file_reporters(morfs):
                analysis = self.coverage._analyze(fr)
                nums = analysis.numbers
                total += nums

                if self.config.skip_covered:
                    # Don't report on 100% files.
                    no_missing_lines = (nums.n_missing == 0)
                    no_missing_branches = (nums.n_partial_branches == 0)
                    if no_missing_lines and no_missing_branches:
                        skipped_count += 1
                fr_analysis.append((fr, analysis))
            except StopEverything:
                # Don't report this on single files, it's a systemic problem.
            except Exception:
                report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors
                if report_it:
                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                    # NotPython is only raised by PythonFileReporter, which has a
                    # should_be_python() method.
                    if issubclass(typ,
                                  NotPython) and not fr.should_be_python():
                        report_it = False
                if report_it:
                    writeout(fmt_err %
                             (fr.relative_filename(), typ.__name__, msg))

        # Prepare the formatting strings, header, and column sorting.
        max_name = max(
             for (fr, analysis) in fr_analysis] + [5])
        fmt_name = u"%%- %ds  " % max_name
        fmt_skip_covered = u"\n%s file%s skipped due to complete coverage."

        header = (fmt_name % "Name") + u" Stmts   Miss"
        fmt_coverage = fmt_name + u"%6d %6d"
        if self.branches:
            header += u" Branch BrPart"
            fmt_coverage += u" %6d %6d"
        width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
        header += u"%*s" % (width100 + 4, "Cover")
        fmt_coverage += u"%%%ds%%%%" % (width100 + 3, )
        if self.config.show_missing:
            header += u"   Missing"
            fmt_coverage += u"   %s"
        rule = u"-" * len(header)

        column_order = dict(name=0, stmts=1, miss=2, cover=-1)
        if self.branches:
            column_order.update(dict(branch=3, brpart=4))

        # Write the header

        # `lines` is a list of pairs, (line text, line values).  The line text
        # is a string that will be printed, and line values is a tuple of
        # sortable values.
        lines = []

        for (fr, analysis) in fr_analysis:
                nums = analysis.numbers

                args = (fr.relative_filename(), nums.n_statements,
                if self.branches:
                    args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_partial_branches)
                args += (nums.pc_covered_str, )
                if self.config.show_missing:
                    missing_fmtd = analysis.missing_formatted()
                    if self.branches:
                        branches_fmtd = analysis.arcs_missing_formatted()
                        if branches_fmtd:
                            if missing_fmtd:
                                missing_fmtd += ", "
                            missing_fmtd += branches_fmtd
                    args += (missing_fmtd, )
                text = fmt_coverage % args
                # Add numeric percent coverage so that sorting makes sense.
                args += (nums.pc_covered, )
                lines.append((text, args))
            except Exception:
                report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors
                if report_it:
                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                    # NotPython is only raised by PythonFileReporter, which has a
                    # should_be_python() method.
                    if typ is NotPython and not fr.should_be_python():
                        report_it = False
                if report_it:
                    writeout(fmt_err %
                             (fr.relative_filename(), typ.__name__, msg))

        # Sort the lines and write them out.
        if getattr(self.config, 'sort', None):
            position = column_order.get(self.config.sort.lower())
            if position is None:
                raise CoverageException("Invalid sorting option: {0!r}".format(
            lines.sort(key=lambda l: (l[1][position], l[0]))

        for line in lines:

        # Write a TOTAl line if we had more than one file.
        if total.n_files > 1:
            args = ("TOTAL", total.n_statements, total.n_missing)
            if self.branches:
                args += (total.n_branches, total.n_partial_branches)
            args += (total.pc_covered_str, )
            if self.config.show_missing:
                args += ("", )
            writeout(fmt_coverage % args)

        # Write other final lines.
        if not total.n_files and not skipped_count:
            raise CoverageException("No data to report.")

        if self.config.skip_covered and skipped_count:
            writeout(fmt_skip_covered %
                     (skipped_count, 's' if skipped_count > 1 else ''))

        return total.n_statements and total.pc_covered
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def _init(self):
        """Set all the initial state.

        This is called by the public methods to initialize state. This lets us
        construct a :class:`Coverage` object, then tweak its state before this
        function is called.

        if self._inited:

        # Create and configure the debugging controller. COVERAGE_DEBUG_FILE
        # is an environment variable, the name of a file to append debug logs
        # to.
        if self._debug_file is None:
            debug_file_name = os.environ.get("COVERAGE_DEBUG_FILE")
            if debug_file_name:
                self._debug_file = open(debug_file_name, "a")
                self._debug_file = sys.stderr
        self.debug = DebugControl(self.config.debug, self._debug_file)

        # Load plugins
        self.plugins = Plugins.load_plugins(self.config.plugins, self.config, self.debug)

        # _exclude_re is a dict that maps exclusion list names to compiled
        # regexes.
        self._exclude_re = {}


        # The source argument can be directories or package names.
        self.source = []
        self.source_pkgs = []
        for src in self.config.source or []:
            if os.path.exists(src):

        self.omit = prep_patterns(self.config.omit)
        self.include = prep_patterns(self.config.include)

        concurrency = self.config.concurrency
        if concurrency == "multiprocessing":
            concurrency = None

        self.collector = Collector(

        # Early warning if we aren't going to be able to support plugins.
        if self.plugins.file_tracers and not self.collector.supports_plugins:
                "Plugin file tracers (%s) aren't supported with %s" % (
                    ", ".join(
                            for plugin in self.plugins.file_tracers
            for plugin in self.plugins.file_tracers:
                plugin._coverage_enabled = False

        # Suffixes are a bit tricky.  We want to use the data suffix only when
        # collecting data, not when combining data.  So we save it as
        # `self.run_suffix` now, and promote it to `self.data_suffix` if we
        # find that we are collecting data later.
        if self._data_suffix or self.config.parallel:
            if not isinstance(self._data_suffix, string_class):
                # if data_suffix=True, use .machinename.pid.random
                self._data_suffix = True
            self._data_suffix = None
        self.data_suffix = None
        self.run_suffix = self._data_suffix

        # Create the data file.  We do this at construction time so that the
        # data file will be written into the directory where the process
        # started rather than wherever the process eventually chdir'd to.
        self.data = CoverageData(debug=self.debug)
        self.data_files = CoverageDataFiles(basename=self.config.data_file, warn=self._warn)

        # The directories for files considered "installed with the interpreter".
        self.pylib_dirs = set()
        if not self.config.cover_pylib:
            # Look at where some standard modules are located. That's the
            # indication for "installed with the interpreter". In some
            # environments (virtualenv, for example), these modules may be
            # spread across a few locations. Look at all the candidate modules
            # we've imported, and take all the different ones.
            for m in (atexit, inspect, os, platform, re, _structseq, traceback):
                if m is not None and hasattr(m, "__file__"):
            if _structseq and not hasattr(_structseq, '__file__'):
                # PyPy 2.4 has no __file__ in the builtin modules, but the code
                # objects still have the file names.  So dig into one to find
                # the path to exclude.
                structseq_new = _structseq.structseq_new
                    structseq_file = structseq_new.func_code.co_filename
                except AttributeError:
                    structseq_file = structseq_new.__code__.co_filename

        # To avoid tracing the coverage.py code itself, we skip anything
        # located where we are.
        self.cover_dirs = [self._canonical_dir(__file__)]
        if env.TESTING:
            # When testing, we use PyContracts, which should be considered
            # part of coverage.py, and it uses six. Exclude those directories
            # just as we exclude ourselves.
            import contracts, six
            for mod in [contracts, six]:

        # Set the reporting precision.


        self._inited = True

        # Create the matchers we need for _should_trace
        if self.source or self.source_pkgs:
            self.source_match = TreeMatcher(self.source)
            self.source_pkgs_match = ModuleMatcher(self.source_pkgs)
            if self.cover_dirs:
                self.cover_match = TreeMatcher(self.cover_dirs)
            if self.pylib_dirs:
                self.pylib_match = TreeMatcher(self.pylib_dirs)
        if self.include:
            self.include_match = FnmatchMatcher(self.include)
        if self.omit:
            self.omit_match = FnmatchMatcher(self.omit)

        # The user may want to debug things, show info if desired.
        wrote_any = False
        if self.debug.should('config'):
            config_info = sorted(self.config.__dict__.items())
            self.debug.write_formatted_info("config", config_info)
            wrote_any = True

        if self.debug.should('sys'):
            self.debug.write_formatted_info("sys", self.sys_info())
            for plugin in self.plugins:
                header = "sys: " + plugin._coverage_plugin_name
                info = plugin.sys_info()
                self.debug.write_formatted_info(header, info)
            wrote_any = True

        if wrote_any:
            self.debug.write_formatted_info("end", ())
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def __init__(self, data_file=None, data_suffix=None, cover_pylib=None,
                auto_data=False, timid=None, branch=None, config_file=True,
                source=None, omit=None, include=None):
        `data_file` is the base name of the data file to use, defaulting to
        ".coverage".  `data_suffix` is appended (with a dot) to `data_file` to
        create the final file name.  If `data_suffix` is simply True, then a
        suffix is created with the machine and process identity included.

        `cover_pylib` is a boolean determining whether Python code installed
        with the Python interpreter is measured.  This includes the Python
        standard library and any packages installed with the interpreter.

        If `auto_data` is true, then any existing data file will be read when
        coverage measurement starts, and data will be saved automatically when
        measurement stops.

        If `timid` is true, then a slower and simpler trace function will be
        used.  This is important for some environments where manipulation of
        tracing functions breaks the faster trace function.

        If `branch` is true, then branch coverage will be measured in addition
        to the usual statement coverage.

        `config_file` determines what config file to read.  If it is a string,
        it is the name of the config file to read.  If it is True, then a
        standard file is read (".coveragerc").  If it is False, then no file is

        `source` is a list of file paths or package names.  Only code located
        in the trees indicated by the file paths or package names will be

        `include` and `omit` are lists of filename patterns. Files that match
        `include` will be measured, files that match `omit` will not.  Each
        will also accept a single string argument.

        from coverage import __version__

        # A record of all the warnings that have been issued.
        self._warnings = []

        # Build our configuration from a number of sources:
        # 1: defaults:
        self.config = CoverageConfig()

        # 2: from the coveragerc file:
        if config_file:
            if config_file is True:
                config_file = ".coveragerc"
            except ValueError:
                _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
                raise CoverageException(
                    "Couldn't read config file %s: %s" % (config_file, err)

        # 3: from environment variables:
        env_data_file = os.environ.get('COVERAGE_FILE')
        if env_data_file:
            self.config.data_file = env_data_file

        # 4: from constructor arguments:
        if isinstance(omit, string_class):
            omit = [omit]
        if isinstance(include, string_class):
            include = [include]
            data_file=data_file, cover_pylib=cover_pylib, timid=timid,
            branch=branch, parallel=bool_or_none(data_suffix),
            source=source, omit=omit, include=include

        self.auto_data = auto_data
        self.atexit_registered = False

        # _exclude_re is a dict mapping exclusion list names to compiled
        # regexes.
        self._exclude_re = {}

        self.file_locator = FileLocator()

        # The source argument can be directories or package names.
        self.source = []
        self.source_pkgs = []
        for src in self.config.source or []:
            if os.path.exists(src):

        self.omit = self._prep_patterns(self.config.omit)
        self.include = self._prep_patterns(self.config.include)

        self.collector = Collector(
            self._should_trace, timid=self.config.timid,
            branch=self.config.branch, warn=self._warn

        # Suffixes are a bit tricky.  We want to use the data suffix only when
        # collecting data, not when combining data.  So we save it as
        # `self.run_suffix` now, and promote it to `self.data_suffix` if we
        # find that we are collecting data later.
        if data_suffix or self.config.parallel:
            if not isinstance(data_suffix, string_class):
                # if data_suffix=True, use .machinename.pid.random
                data_suffix = True
            data_suffix = None
        self.data_suffix = None
        self.run_suffix = data_suffix

        # Create the data file.  We do this at construction time so that the
        # data file will be written into the directory where the process
        # started rather than wherever the process eventually chdir'd to.
        self.data = CoverageData(
            collector="coverage v%s" % __version__

        # The dirs for files considered "installed with the interpreter".
        self.pylib_dirs = []
        if not self.config.cover_pylib:
            # Look at where some standard modules are located. That's the
            # indication for "installed with the interpreter". In some
            # environments (virtualenv, for centralfitestoque), these modules may be
            # spread across a few locations. Look at all the candidate modules
            # we've imported, and take all the different ones.
            for m in (atexit, os, random, socket):
                if hasattr(m, "__file__"):
                    m_dir = self._canonical_dir(m.__file__)
                    if m_dir not in self.pylib_dirs:

        # To avoid tracing the coverage code itself, we skip anything located
        # where we are.
        self.cover_dir = self._canonical_dir(__file__)

        # The matchers for _should_trace, created when tracing starts.
        self.source_match = None
        self.pylib_match = self.cover_match = None
        self.include_match = self.omit_match = None

        # Only _harvest_data once per measurement cycle.
        self._harvested = False

        # Set the reporting precision.

        # When tearing down the coverage object, modules can become None.
        # Saving the modules as object attributes avoids problems, but it is
        # quite ad-hoc which modules need to be saved and which references
        # need to use the object attributes.
        self.socket = socket
        self.os = os
        self.random = random
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
        """Writes a report summarizing coverage statistics per module.

        `outfile` is a file object to write the summary to.


        # Prepare the formatting strings
        max_name = max([len(cu.name) for cu in self.code_units] + [5])
        fmt_name = "%%- %ds  " % max_name
        fmt_err = "%s   %s: %s\n"
        header = (fmt_name % "Name") + " Stmts   Miss"
        fmt_coverage = fmt_name + "%6d %6d"
        if self.branches:
            header += " Branch BrMiss"
            fmt_coverage += " %6d %6d"
        width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
        header += "%*s" % (width100+4, "Cover")
        fmt_coverage += "%%%ds%%%%" % (width100+3,)
        if self.config.show_missing:
            header += "   Missing"
            fmt_coverage += "   %s"
        rule = "-" * len(header) + "\n"
        header += "\n"
        fmt_coverage += "\n"

        if not outfile:
            outfile = sys.stdout

        # Write the header

        total = Numbers()

        for cu in self.code_units:
                analysis = self.coverage._analyze(cu)
                nums = analysis.numbers
                args = (cu.name, nums.n_statements, nums.n_missing)
                if self.branches:
                    args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_missing_branches)
                args += (nums.pc_covered_str,)
                if self.config.show_missing:
                    missing_fmtd = analysis.missing_formatted()
                    if self.branches:
                        branches_fmtd = analysis.arcs_missing_formatted()
                        if branches_fmtd:
                            if missing_fmtd:
                                missing_fmtd += ", "
                            missing_fmtd += branches_fmtd
                    args += (missing_fmtd,)
                outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
                total += nums
            except KeyboardInterrupt:                   # pragma: not covered
                report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors
                if report_it:
                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                    if typ is NotPython and not cu.should_be_python():
                        report_it = False
                if report_it:
                    outfile.write(fmt_err % (cu.name, typ.__name__, msg))

        if total.n_files > 1:
            args = ("TOTAL", total.n_statements, total.n_missing)
            if self.branches:
                args += (total.n_branches, total.n_missing_branches)
            args += (total.pc_covered_str,)
            if self.config.show_missing:
                args += ("",)
            outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)

        return total.pc_covered
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def __init__(self, data_file=None, data_suffix=None, cover_pylib=None,
                auto_data=False, timid=None, branch=None, config_file=True,
                source=None, omit=None, include=None, debug=None,
                debug_file=None, concurrency=None, plugins=None):
        `data_file` is the base name of the data file to use, defaulting to
        ".coverage".  `data_suffix` is appended (with a dot) to `data_file` to
        create the final file name.  If `data_suffix` is simply True, then a
        suffix is created with the machine and process identity included.

        `cover_pylib` is a boolean determining whether Python code installed
        with the Python interpreter is measured.  This includes the Python
        standard library and any packages installed with the interpreter.

        If `auto_data` is true, then any existing data file will be read when
        coverage measurement starts, and data will be saved automatically when
        measurement stops.

        If `timid` is true, then a slower and simpler trace function will be
        used.  This is important for some environments where manipulation of
        tracing functions breaks the faster trace function.

        If `branch` is true, then branch coverage will be measured in addition
        to the usual statement coverage.

        `config_file` determines what config file to read.  If it is a string,
        it is the name of the config file to read.  If it is True, then a
        standard file is read (".coveragerc").  If it is False, then no file is

        `source` is a list of file paths or package names.  Only code located
        in the trees indicated by the file paths or package names will be

        `include` and `omit` are lists of filename patterns. Files that match
        `include` will be measured, files that match `omit` will not.  Each
        will also accept a single string argument.

        `debug` is a list of strings indicating what debugging information is
        desired. `debug_file` is the file to write debug messages to,
        defaulting to stderr.

        `concurrency` is a string indicating the concurrency library being used
        in the measured code.  Without this, coverage.py will get incorrect
        results.  Valid strings are "greenlet", "eventlet", "gevent", or
        "thread" (the default).

        `plugins` TODO.

        from coverage import __version__

        # A record of all the warnings that have been issued.
        self._warnings = []

        # Build our configuration from a number of sources:
        # 1: defaults:
        self.config = CoverageConfig()

        # 2: from the .coveragerc or setup.cfg file:
        if config_file:
            did_read_rc = should_read_setupcfg = False
            if config_file is True:
                config_file = ".coveragerc"
                should_read_setupcfg = True
                did_read_rc = self.config.from_file(config_file)
            except ValueError as err:
                raise CoverageException(
                    "Couldn't read config file %s: %s" % (config_file, err)

            if not did_read_rc and should_read_setupcfg:
                self.config.from_file("setup.cfg", section_prefix="coverage:")

        # 3: from environment variables:
        env_data_file = os.environ.get('COVERAGE_FILE')
        if env_data_file:
            self.config.data_file = env_data_file

        # 4: from constructor arguments:
            data_file=data_file, cover_pylib=cover_pylib, timid=timid,
            branch=branch, parallel=bool_or_none(data_suffix),
            source=source, omit=omit, include=include, debug=debug,
            concurrency=concurrency, plugins=plugins,

        # Create and configure the debugging controller.
        self.debug = DebugControl(self.config.debug, debug_file or sys.stderr)

        # Load plugins
        self.plugins = Plugins.load_plugins(self.config.plugins, self.config)

        self.trace_judges = []
        for plugin in self.plugins:
            if plugin_implements(plugin, "trace_judge"):
        self.trace_judges.append(None)      # The Python case.

        self.auto_data = auto_data

        # _exclude_re is a dict mapping exclusion list names to compiled
        # regexes.
        self._exclude_re = {}

        self.file_locator = FileLocator()

        # The source argument can be directories or package names.
        self.source = []
        self.source_pkgs = []
        for src in self.config.source or []:
            if os.path.exists(src):

        self.omit = prep_patterns(self.config.omit)
        self.include = prep_patterns(self.config.include)

        self.collector = Collector(

        # Suffixes are a bit tricky.  We want to use the data suffix only when
        # collecting data, not when combining data.  So we save it as
        # `self.run_suffix` now, and promote it to `self.data_suffix` if we
        # find that we are collecting data later.
        if data_suffix or self.config.parallel:
            if not isinstance(data_suffix, string_class):
                # if data_suffix=True, use .machinename.pid.random
                data_suffix = True
            data_suffix = None
        self.data_suffix = None
        self.run_suffix = data_suffix

        # Create the data file.  We do this at construction time so that the
        # data file will be written into the directory where the process
        # started rather than wherever the process eventually chdir'd to.
        self.data = CoverageData(
            collector="coverage v%s" % __version__,

        # The dirs for files considered "installed with the interpreter".
        self.pylib_dirs = set()
        if not self.config.cover_pylib:
            # Look at where some standard modules are located. That's the
            # indication for "installed with the interpreter". In some
            # environments (virtualenv, for example), these modules may be
            # spread across a few locations. Look at all the candidate modules
            # we've imported, and take all the different ones.
            for m in (atexit, os, platform, random, socket, _structseq):
                if m is not None and hasattr(m, "__file__"):

        # To avoid tracing the coverage code itself, we skip anything located
        # where we are.
        self.cover_dir = self._canonical_dir(__file__)

        # The matchers for _should_trace.
        self.source_match = None
        self.pylib_match = self.cover_match = None
        self.include_match = self.omit_match = None

        # Set the reporting precision.

        # Is it ok for no data to be collected?
        self._warn_no_data = True
        self._warn_unimported_source = True

        # State machine variables:
        # Have we started collecting and not stopped it?
        self._started = False
        # Have we measured some data and not harvested it?
        self._measured = False

Ejemplo n.º 42
    def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
        """Writes a report summarizing coverage statistics per module.

        `outfile` is a file object to write the summary to. It must be opened
        for native strings (bytes on Python 2, Unicode on Python 3).


        # Prepare the formatting strings
        max_name = max([len(fr.relative_filename()) for fr in self.file_reporters] + [5])
        fmt_name = u"%%- %ds  " % max_name
        fmt_err = u"%s   %s: %s"
        fmt_skip_covered = u"\n%s file%s skipped due to complete coverage."

        header = (fmt_name % "Name") + u" Stmts   Miss"
        fmt_coverage = fmt_name + u"%6d %6d"
        if self.branches:
            header += u" Branch BrPart"
            fmt_coverage += u" %6d %6d"
        width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
        header += u"%*s" % (width100+4, "Cover")
        fmt_coverage += u"%%%ds%%%%" % (width100+3,)
        if self.config.show_missing:
            header += u"   Missing"
            fmt_coverage += u"   %s"
        rule = u"-" * len(header)

        if outfile is None:
            outfile = sys.stdout

        def writeout(line):
            """Write a line to the output, adding a newline."""
            if env.PY2:
                line = line.encode(output_encoding())

        # Write the header

        total = Numbers()
        skipped_count = 0

        for fr in self.file_reporters:
                analysis = self.coverage._analyze(fr)
                nums = analysis.numbers
                total += nums

                if self.config.skip_covered:
                    # Don't report on 100% files.
                    no_missing_lines = (nums.n_missing == 0)
                    no_missing_branches = (nums.n_partial_branches == 0)
                    if no_missing_lines and no_missing_branches:
                        skipped_count += 1

                args = (fr.relative_filename(), nums.n_statements, nums.n_missing)
                if self.branches:
                    args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_partial_branches)
                args += (nums.pc_covered_str,)
                if self.config.show_missing:
                    missing_fmtd = analysis.missing_formatted()
                    if self.branches:
                        branches_fmtd = analysis.arcs_missing_formatted()
                        if branches_fmtd:
                            if missing_fmtd:
                                missing_fmtd += ", "
                            missing_fmtd += branches_fmtd
                    args += (missing_fmtd,)
                writeout(fmt_coverage % args)
            except Exception:
                report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors
                if report_it:
                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                    # NotPython is only raised by PythonFileReporter, which has a
                    # should_be_python() method.
                    if typ is NotPython and not fr.should_be_python():
                        report_it = False
                if report_it:
                    writeout(fmt_err % (fr.relative_filename(), typ.__name__, msg))

        if total.n_files > 1:
            args = ("TOTAL", total.n_statements, total.n_missing)
            if self.branches:
                args += (total.n_branches, total.n_partial_branches)
            args += (total.pc_covered_str,)
            if self.config.show_missing:
                args += ("",)
            writeout(fmt_coverage % args)

        if not total.n_files and not skipped_count:
            raise CoverageException("No data to report.")

        if self.config.skip_covered and skipped_count:
            writeout(fmt_skip_covered % (skipped_count, 's' if skipped_count > 1 else ''))

        return total.n_statements and total.pc_covered
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def report(self, morfs, outfile=None):
        """Writes a report summarizing coverage statistics per module.

        `outfile` is a file object to write the summary to.


        # Prepare the formatting strings
        max_name = max(
            [len(fr.relative_filename()) for fr in self.file_reporters] + [5])
        fmt_name = "%%- %ds  " % max_name
        fmt_err = "%s   %s: %s\n"
        fmt_skip_covered = "\n%s file%s skipped due to complete coverage.\n"

        header = (fmt_name % "Name") + " Stmts   Miss"
        fmt_coverage = fmt_name + "%6d %6d"
        if self.branches:
            header += " Branch BrPart"
            fmt_coverage += " %6d %6d"
        width100 = Numbers.pc_str_width()
        header += "%*s" % (width100 + 4, "Cover")
        fmt_coverage += "%%%ds%%%%" % (width100 + 3, )
        if self.config.show_missing:
            header += "   Missing"
            fmt_coverage += "   %s"
        rule = "-" * len(header) + "\n"
        header += "\n"
        fmt_coverage += "\n"

        if not outfile:
            outfile = sys.stdout

        # Write the header

        total = Numbers()
        skipped_count = 0

        for fr in self.file_reporters:
                analysis = self.coverage._analyze(fr)
                nums = analysis.numbers

                if self.config.skip_covered:
                    # Don't report on 100% files.
                    no_missing_lines = (nums.n_missing == 0)
                    no_missing_branches = (nums.n_partial_branches == 0)
                    if no_missing_lines and no_missing_branches:
                        skipped_count += 1

                args = (fr.relative_filename(), nums.n_statements,
                if self.branches:
                    args += (nums.n_branches, nums.n_partial_branches)
                args += (nums.pc_covered_str, )
                if self.config.show_missing:
                    missing_fmtd = analysis.missing_formatted()
                    if self.branches:
                        branches_fmtd = analysis.arcs_missing_formatted()
                        if branches_fmtd:
                            if missing_fmtd:
                                missing_fmtd += ", "
                            missing_fmtd += branches_fmtd
                    args += (missing_fmtd, )
                outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)
                total += nums
            except Exception:
                report_it = not self.config.ignore_errors
                if report_it:
                    typ, msg = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                    # NotPython is only raised by PythonFileReporter, which has a
                    # should_be_python() method.
                    if typ is NotPython and not fr.should_be_python():
                        report_it = False
                if report_it:
                    outfile.write(fmt_err %
                                  (fr.relative_filename(), typ.__name__, msg))

        if total.n_files > 1:
            args = ("TOTAL", total.n_statements, total.n_missing)
            if self.branches:
                args += (total.n_branches, total.n_partial_branches)
            args += (total.pc_covered_str, )
            if self.config.show_missing:
                args += ("", )
            outfile.write(fmt_coverage % args)

        if not total.n_files and not skipped_count:
            raise CoverageException("No data to report.")

        if self.config.skip_covered and skipped_count:
            outfile.write(fmt_skip_covered %
                          (skipped_count, 's' if skipped_count > 1 else ''))

        return total.n_statements and total.pc_covered
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def __init__(self, data_file = None, data_suffix = None, cover_pylib = None, auto_data = False, timid = None, branch = None, config_file = True, source = None, omit = None, include = None, debug = None, debug_file = None):
        from coverage import __version__
        self._warnings = []
        self.config = CoverageConfig()
        if config_file:
            if config_file is True:
                config_file = '.coveragerc'
            except ValueError:
                _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
                raise CoverageException("Couldn't read config file %s: %s" % (config_file, err))

        env_data_file = os.environ.get('COVERAGE_FILE')
        if env_data_file:
            self.config.data_file = env_data_file
        self.config.from_args(data_file=data_file, cover_pylib=cover_pylib, timid=timid, branch=branch, parallel=bool_or_none(data_suffix), source=source, omit=omit, include=include, debug=debug)
        self.debug = DebugControl(self.config.debug, debug_file or sys.stderr)
        self.auto_data = auto_data
        self._exclude_re = {}
        self.file_locator = FileLocator()
        self.source = []
        self.source_pkgs = []
        for src in self.config.source or []:
            if os.path.exists(src):

        self.omit = prep_patterns(self.config.omit)
        self.include = prep_patterns(self.config.include)
        self.collector = Collector(self._should_trace, timid=self.config.timid, branch=self.config.branch, warn=self._warn)
        if data_suffix or self.config.parallel:
            if not isinstance(data_suffix, string_class):
                data_suffix = True
            data_suffix = None
        self.data_suffix = None
        self.run_suffix = data_suffix
        self.data = CoverageData(basename=self.config.data_file, collector='coverage v%s' % __version__, debug=self.debug)
        self.pylib_dirs = []
        if not self.config.cover_pylib:
            for m in (atexit,
                if m is not None and hasattr(m, '__file__'):
                    m_dir = self._canonical_dir(m)
                    if m_dir not in self.pylib_dirs:

        self.cover_dir = self._canonical_dir(__file__)
        self.source_match = None
        self.pylib_match = self.cover_match = None
        self.include_match = self.omit_match = None
        self._warn_no_data = True
        self._warn_unimported_source = True
        self._started = False
        self._measured = False