Ejemplo n.º 1
    URI				= "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather"

    def url( self, **kwds ):
        """Produce a url by joining the class' URI and OPTs with any keyword parameters"""
        return self.URI + "?" + urlencode( dict( self.OPT, **kwds ))

    def __getitem__( self, key ):
        """Obtain the temperature of the city's matching our Attribute's name, convert
        it to an appropriate type; return a value appropriate to the request."""
            # eg. "http://api.openweathermap.org/...?...&q=City Name"
            data		= urlopen( self.url( q=self.name )).read()
            if type( data ) is not str: # Python3 urlopen.read returns bytes
                data		= data.decode( 'utf-8' )
            weather		= json.loads( data )
            assert weather.get( 'cod' ) == 200 and 'main' in weather, \
                weather.get( 'message', "Unknown error obtaining weather data" )
            cast		= float if isinstance( self.parser, REAL ) else int
            temperature		= cast( weather['main']['temp'] )
        except Exception as exc:
            logging.warning( "Couldn't get temperature for %s via %r: %s",
                             self.name, self.url( q=self.name ), exc )
        return [ temperature ] if self._validate_key( key ) is slice else temperature

    def __setitem__( self, key, value ):
        raise Exception( "Changing the weather isn't that easy..." )

sys.exit( main( attribute_class=Attribute_weather ))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    URI				= "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather"

    def url( self, **kwds ):
        """Produce a url by joining the class' URI and OPTs with any keyword parameters"""
        return self.URI + "?" + urlencode( dict( self.OPT, **kwds ))

    def __getitem__( self, key ):
        """Obtain the temperature of the city's matching our Attribute's name, convert
        it to an appropriate type; return a value appropriate to the request."""
            # eg. "http://api.openweathermap.org/...?...&q=City Name"
            data		= urlopen( self.url( q=self.name )).read()
            if type( data ) is not str: # Python3 urlopen.read returns bytes
                data		= data.decode( 'utf-8' )
            weather		= json.loads( data )
            assert weather.get( 'cod' ) == 200 and 'main' in weather, \
                weather.get( 'message', "Unknown error obtaining weather data" )
            cast		= float if isinstance( self.parser, REAL ) else int
            temperature		= cast( weather['main']['temp'] )
        except Exception as exc:
            logging.warning( "Couldn't get temperature for %s via %r: %s",
                             self.name, self.url( q=self.name ), exc )
        return [ temperature ] if self._validate_key( key ) is slice else temperature

    def __setitem__( self, key, value ):
        raise Exception( "Changing the weather isn't that easy..." )

sys.exit( main( attribute_class=Attribute_weather ))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __setitem__( self, key, value ):
            # vvvv -- Process an EtherNet/IP CIP Write [Tag [Fragmented]].
            # We'll just store the value, and output the write request (and the value written) to
            # our time-series history file.
            super( Attribute_historize, self ).__setitem__( key, value )
            self.__logger.write( { 'write': value }, serial=(self.name, (
                key.indices( len( self ))[0]   if isinstance( key, slice ) else key,
                key.indices( len( self ))[1]-1 if isinstance( key, slice ) else key,
            # ^^^^
        except Exception as exc:
            # vvvv -- Process an EtherNet/IP CIP Write [Tag [Fragmented]] Exception.
            # Something went wrong with the Write request processing.  Log something intelligent and
            # re-raise the exception, to return a failure to the EtherNet/IP client.
                "%s: PLC I/O Write Tag %20s[%5s-%-5s] Exception: %s" % (
                    history.timestamp(), self.name,
                    key.indices( len( self ))[0]   if isinstance( key, slice ) else key,
                    key.indices( len( self ))[1]-1 if isinstance( key, slice ) else key,
                    exc ))
            # ^^^^

sys.exit( main( attribute_class=Attribute_historize ))
Ejemplo n.º 4
            # vvvv -- Process an EtherNet/IP CIP Write [Tag [Fragmented]].
            # We'll just store the value, and output the write request (and the value written) to
            # our time-series history file.
            super(Attribute_historize, self).__setitem__(key, value)
            self.__logger.write({'write': value},
                                serial=(self.name, (
                                    key.indices(len(self))[0] if isinstance(
                                        key, slice) else key,
                                    key.indices(len(self))[1] -
                                    1 if isinstance(key, slice) else key,
            # ^^^^
        except Exception as exc:
            # vvvv -- Process an EtherNet/IP CIP Write [Tag [Fragmented]] Exception.
            # Something went wrong with the Write request processing.  Log something intelligent and
            # re-raise the exception, to return a failure to the EtherNet/IP client.
                "%s: PLC I/O Write Tag %20s[%5s-%-5s] Exception: %s" %
                (history.timestamp(), self.name, key.indices(len(self))[0] if
                 isinstance(key, slice) else key, key.indices(len(self))[1] -
                 1 if isinstance(key, slice) else key, exc))
            # ^^^^
