def __init__(self, cfg, category, max_num_images, communication_q, rate_limit):
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.category = category
        argv = self.cfg.vars
        self.communication_q = communication_q
        self.do_exit = False
        self.rate_limit = rate_limit
        self.rate_q = Queue()

        # flickr auth information: change these to your flickr api keys and secret
        self.flickrAPIkeys = argv["flickrAPIkeys"].split(', ')  # API key
        self.flickrAPIsecrets = argv["flickrAPIsecrets"].split(', ')  # shared "secret"
        self.queryFileName = argv["queryFileName"]  #'query_terms.txt'
        self.homeDir = argv["homeDir"]
        self.imagesPerDir = int(argv["imagesPerDir"])
        self.flickrerrors = 0

        # Crawler parameters
        self.resultsPerPage = int(argv["resultsPerPage"])
        self.downloadsPerQuery = int(argv["downloadsPerQuery"])
        self.numberOfThreads = int(argv["numberOfThreads"])
        self.startTime = int(argv["crawlerBeginTime"])  #1072915200 # 01/01/2004
        self.finalTime = int(time.time())
        self.singleDay = 86400  # 24hr*60min*60sec = 1day
        self.max_num_images = max_num_images
        self.database = argv["databaseName"]

        # Structures Initialization
        self.dbdir = DBDirectories(self.homeDir, argv["sysdir"], category)
        self.indexOfUniqueImages = self.dbdir.inf + 'imageIndex.txt'
        self.indexOfUniqueUsers = self.dbdir.inf + 'usersIndex.txt'
        self.recentUsers = dict()
        self.queryTerms = []

        # Multithreaded downloading of images
        self.queue = JoinableQueue()
        self.out_queue = JoinableQueue()
        self.threadsList = []
        for i in range(self.numberOfThreads):
            t = DownloadImageThread(self.queue, self.out_queue, self.dbdir.img, self.dbdir.txt, self.category,

        print(("{} initialized".format(self.category)))
class MultiThreadedFlickrCrawler:
    # System parameters and initializations
    def __init__(self, cfg, category, max_num_images, communication_q, rate_limit):
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.category = category
        argv = self.cfg.vars
        self.communication_q = communication_q
        self.do_exit = False
        self.rate_limit = rate_limit
        self.rate_q = Queue()

        # flickr auth information: change these to your flickr api keys and secret
        self.flickrAPIkeys = argv["flickrAPIkeys"].split(', ')  # API key
        self.flickrAPIsecrets = argv["flickrAPIsecrets"].split(', ')  # shared "secret"
        self.queryFileName = argv["queryFileName"]  #'query_terms.txt'
        self.homeDir = argv["homeDir"]
        self.imagesPerDir = int(argv["imagesPerDir"])
        self.flickrerrors = 0

        # Crawler parameters
        self.resultsPerPage = int(argv["resultsPerPage"])
        self.downloadsPerQuery = int(argv["downloadsPerQuery"])
        self.numberOfThreads = int(argv["numberOfThreads"])
        self.startTime = int(argv["crawlerBeginTime"])  #1072915200 # 01/01/2004
        self.finalTime = int(time.time())
        self.singleDay = 86400  # 24hr*60min*60sec = 1day
        self.max_num_images = max_num_images
        self.database = argv["databaseName"]

        # Structures Initialization
        self.dbdir = DBDirectories(self.homeDir, argv["sysdir"], category)
        self.indexOfUniqueImages = self.dbdir.inf + 'imageIndex.txt'
        self.indexOfUniqueUsers = self.dbdir.inf + 'usersIndex.txt'
        self.recentUsers = dict()
        self.queryTerms = []

        # Multithreaded downloading of images
        self.queue = JoinableQueue()
        self.out_queue = JoinableQueue()
        self.threadsList = []
        for i in range(self.numberOfThreads):
            t = DownloadImageThread(self.queue, self.out_queue, self.dbdir.img, self.dbdir.txt, self.category,

        print(("{} initialized".format(self.category)))

    # Method to load query terms
    def loadQueries(self):
        # Each term is a category
        self.queryTerms = [self.category]
        print(('positive queries:', self.queryTerms))
        list(map(lambda t: t.setValidTags(self.queryTerms), self.threadsList))
        return len(self.queryTerms)

    # Method to load index of image names
    def loadImageNamesIndex(self):
        print('Loading index of images')
        if os.path.exists(self.indexOfUniqueImages):
            self.allImageNames = dict(
                [(img.replace('\n', ''), True) for img in open(self.indexOfUniqueImages).readlines()])
            print(('Index with', len(self.allImageNames), 'names is ready to use'))
            self.allImageNames = dict()
            print(('No previous index found at {}'.format(self.indexOfUniqueImages)))
        print('Loading index of users')
        if os.path.exists(self.indexOfUniqueUsers):
            self.recentUsers = dict([(usr.replace('\n', ''), 1) for usr in open(self.indexOfUniqueUsers).readlines()])
            print(('Index with', len(self.recentUsers), 'users is ready to use'))
            self.recentUsers = dict()
            print(('No previous user index found at {}'.format(self.indexOfUniqueUsers)))

    # Find out if an image is a duplicate or of a user already visited
    def isDuplicateImage(self, flickrResult):
        b = flickrResult
        owner_date = b['owner'] + '_' + simpleDateFormat(b['datetaken'])
        imgName = b['server'] + '_' + b['id'] + '_' + b['secret'] + '_' + owner_date + '.jpg'
        alreadyIndexed = False
        userPhotos = 0

        if imgName in self.allImageNames:
            alreadyIndexed = self.allImageNames[imgName]
            self.allImageNames[imgName] = False

        if owner_date in self.recentUsers:
            userPhotos = self.recentUsers[owner_date]
            self.recentUsers[owner_date] = 0

        if (not alreadyIndexed) and userPhotos < 1:
            self.recentUsers[owner_date] += 1
            self.allImageNames[imgName] = True
            return False
            return True

    #Find out if medium format of photo exists for download
    def get_url(self, flickrResult, fapi, size):
        url = "https://farm{}{}/{}_{}.jpg".format(flickrResult['farm'], flickrResult['server'], flickrResult['id'], flickrResult['secret'])
        return True, url

        #TODO find way to speed up actual url retrieval
        # image_id = flickrResult['id']
        # success = False
        # try:
        #     rsp = fapi.photos_getSizes(api_key=self.flickrAPIKey, photo_id=image_id)
        #     fapi.testFailure(rsp)
        # except:
        #      print sys.exc_info()[0]
        #      print ('Exception encountered while querying for urls\n')
        # else:
        #     if getattr(rsp, 'sizes', None):
        #         if int(rsp.sizes[0]['candownload']) == 1:
        #             if getattr(rsp.sizes[0], 'size', None):
        #                 for image_size in rsp.sizes[0].size:
        #                     if image_size['label'] == size:
        #                         return True, image_size['source']
        # return False, ""

    # Update index of unique image names
    def updateImageNamesIndex(self, newImages):
        with open(self.indexOfUniqueImages, 'a') as indexFile:
            for img in newImages:
                indexFile.write(img + '\n')
        self.allImageNames = []

    # Main Method. This runs the crawler in an infinite loop
    def start(self):
        socket.setdefaulttimeout(30)  #30 second time out on sockets before they throw
        self.cfg.log(self.homeDir, "CRAWLER STARTED")
        while not self.do_exit:
                command = self.communication_q.get(False)
            except Empty as e:
                #Randomly choose flickrAPIkeys and flickrAPIsecrets
                currentKey = int(math.floor(random.random()*len(self.flickrAPIkeys)))
                # make a new FlickrAPI instance
                fapi = FlickrAPI(self.flickrAPIkeys[currentKey], self.flickrAPIsecrets[currentKey])
                num_queries = self.loadQueries()
                if num_queries == 0:
                newImages = []
                # Set time variables
                self.finalTime = int(time.time())
                currentTimeWindow = self.finalTime - self.startTime
                mintime = self.startTime + random.randint(0, currentTimeWindow)
                maxtime = mintime + 3 * self.singleDay
                print(('Since:', datetime.fromtimestamp(mintime)))
                print(('Until:', datetime.fromtimestamp(maxtime)))
                print(('Previous Users:', len(self.recentUsers)))
                if len(self.allImageNames) > self.max_num_images:
                    print("Max Images reached")
                # Search Images using the query terms
                for current_tag in range(0, num_queries):
                    dirNumName = self.dbdir.uploadCurrentDirAndGetNext(self.imagesPerDir, self.queryTerms)
                    print(("Current Directory Number: ", dirNumName))
                    #form the query string.
                    query_string = self.queryTerms[current_tag]
                    print(('\n\nquery_string is ' + query_string))
                    #only visit 8 pages max, to try and avoid the dreaded duplicate bug.
                    #8 pages * 250 images  = 2000 images, should be duplicate safe.  Most interesting pictures will be taken.
                    num_visit_pages = 16
                    pagenum = 1
                    while ( pagenum <= num_visit_pages ):
                        if (self.rate_q.qsize()>self.rate_limit):
                            #Age out time stamps older than one hour
                            found_all = False
                            while(not found_all):
                                next_stamp = self.rate_q.get()
                                if time.time() - next_stamp < 3600:
                                    found_all = True

                            #Wait to age out time stamps if exceeded rate limit
                            if (self.rate_q.qsize()>self.rate_limit):
                                next_stamp = self.rate_q.get()
                                remaining_time = 3600 - (time.time() - next_stamp)
                            rsp = fapi.photos_search(api_key=self.flickrAPIkeys[currentKey], ispublic="1", media="photos",
                                                     per_page=str(self.resultsPerPage), page=str(pagenum),
                                                     sort="interestingness-desc", text=query_string,
                                                     extras="tags, original_format, license, geo, date_taken, date_upload, o_dims, views, description",
                        except KeyboardInterrupt:
                            print('Keyboard exception while querying for images, exiting\n')
                        except (IOError, SSLError) as e:
                            print(('Error on Flickr photo request:{}\n'.format(e.strerror)))
                        except FlickrExpatError as e:
                            print(('Exception encountered while querying for images: {}\n'.format(e.message)))
                            print(('{}: {} to {} page {}\n'.format(query_string, mintime, maxtime, pagenum)))

                            #I've identified two possible causes of this error: (1)Bad Gateway and (2)bad unicode characters in xml
                            time.sleep(5) #Waiting is best cure for bad gateway
                            pagenum = pagenum + 1 #Skipping to next page is best cure for bad character

                            #Just in case it has some connection to the rate limit, change the key
                            #Randomly choose flickrAPIkeys and flickrAPIsecrets
                            currentKey = int(math.floor(random.random()*len(self.flickrAPIkeys)))
                            # make a new FlickrAPI instance
                            fapi = FlickrAPI(self.flickrAPIkeys[currentKey], self.flickrAPIsecrets[currentKey])

                            self.flickrerrors += 1
                            if self.flickrerrors > 5:
                                print(("Too many Flickr Expat Errors in {}: Exiting".format(self.category)))
                        except Exception as e:
                            print('Exception encountered while querying for images\n')
                            # Process results
                            if getattr(rsp, 'photos', None):
                                if getattr([0], 'photo', None):
                                    for k in range(0, min(self.downloadsPerQuery, len([0].photo))):
                                        b =[0].photo[k]
                                        if not self.isDuplicateImage(b):
                                            isDownloadable, url = self.get_url(b, fapi, "Medium 640")
                                            if isDownloadable:
                                                b["url"] = url
                                                self.queue.put((b, dirNumName))
                                    print('Waiting threads')
                                    while not self.out_queue.empty():
                                    print((len(newImages), ' downloaded images'))
                            pagenum = pagenum + 1  #this is in the else exception block.  It won't increment for a failure.
                            num_visit_pages = min(4, int([0]['pages']))
                            # End While of Pages
                if command == "exit":
                    self.do_exit = True
                    print(("Wait for safe exit {}".format(self.category)))

        self.cfg.log(self.homeDir, "CRAWLER STOPPED")