Ejemplo n.º 1
def correct_graphs(user_id):
    dates_pure = []
    correct_pure = []
    sql_pure = """SELECT time_stamp,SUM(Correct) FROM pure_results
                WHERE user_id = ? GROUP BY time_stamp"""
    cursor.execute(sql_pure, [(user_id)])
    for a in cursor.fetchall():
    dates_applied = []
    correct_applied = []
    sql_applied = """SELECT time_stamp, SUM(Correct) FROM applied_results
                    WHERE user_id = ? GROUP BY time_stamp"""
    cursor.execute(sql_applied, [(user_id)])
    for b in cursor.fetchall():

    plt.plot(dates_pure, correct_pure)
    plt.ylabel("Questions Correct")
    plt.xlabel("Dates of Maths Question Attempted")

    plt.title("Pure Maths Correct Progress")

    plt.plot(dates_applied, correct_applied, "-g")
    plt.xlabel("Dates of Maths Question Attempted")
    plt.ylabel("Questions Correct")
    plt.title("Applied Maths Correct Progress")


Ejemplo n.º 2
def username_check(username):  # function for username vaildation
    # Checking the length of username is between 6 and 30 chracters
    if (len(username) >= 6) and (len(username) <= 30):
        # sql statement for checking existing users
        # Checks student database for username
        fetchstudents = (
            "SELECT DISTINCT Students.Username from Students WHERE Username = ?"
        # Checkes teacher databaase for username
        fetchteachers = (
            "SELECT DISTINCT Teachers.Username from Teachers WHERE Username = ?"
            [(username)])  # executes the above query on the student table
            [(username)])  # execute the above query on the teacher table
        checking = cursor.fetchall(
        )  # stores the result of sql search done on the Student table
        checking1 = cursor1.fetchall(
        )  # stores the result of sql search done on the Teacher table
        if checking or checking1:  # if checking or checking1 has values then return tkinter error
                "That username has been taken please try another one")
        else:  # if checking and checking 1 is none then return true
            return True

    else:  #if username isn't in the range then return tkinter error message
                             "Username has to be between 6 and 30 characters")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def username_check(username):  # function for username vaildation
    # Checking the length of username is more than 6 charcters
    if len(username) >= 6:
        # sql statement for checking existing users
        # Checks student database for username
        fetchstudents = (
            "SELECT DISTINCT Students.Username from Students WHERE Username = ?"
        # Checkes teacher databaase for username
        fetchteachers = (
            "SELECT DISTINCT Teachers.Username from Teachers WHERE Username = ?"
            [(username)])  # executes the above query on the student table
            [(username)])  # execute the above query on the teacher table
        checking = cursor.fetchall()  # stores the result of sql search
        checking1 = cursor1.fetchall()
        if checking or checking1:
                "That username has been taken please try another one")
            return True

                             "Username has to be 6 or more characters")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def correct_graphs(user_id): 
    dates_pure = [] # lists that stores dates and correct from pure results
    correct_pure = []
    # sql for getting the dates and correct from table pure results in the db file
    # using the user_id
    sql_pure = """SELECT time_stamp,SUM(Correct) FROM pure_results 
                WHERE user_id = ? GROUP BY time_stamp"""
    cursor.execute(sql_pure, [(user_id)]) # executing the sql 
    for a in cursor.fetchall(): # storing the result in the pure lists
    dates_applied = [] # list that stores dates and correct from applied result
    correct_applied = []
    # sql for getting the dates and correct from table applied results
    # in the db file using the user_id

    sql_applied = """SELECT time_stamp, SUM(Correct) FROM applied_results
                    WHERE user_id = ? GROUP BY time_stamp"""
    cursor.execute(sql_applied, [(user_id)]) # executing the sql
    for b in cursor.fetchall():
        correct_applied.append(b[1]) # storing the result the applied lists

    plt.figure(1) # creates the figure for the graph to be plot
    plt.subplot(211) # creates a subplot for the pure graph 
    plt.plot(dates_pure,correct_pure) # plots the pure values on one subplot
    plt.ylabel("Questions Correct") # labels the y axis
    plt.xlabel("Dates of Maths Question Attempted") # labels the x axis 
    plt.title("Pure Maths Correct Progress") # puts a title on the graph

    plt.subplot(212) # creates another subplot for applied graph
    plt.plot(dates_applied, correct_applied, "-g")
    #plots the applied values on the other subplot and sets the line colour green
    plt.xlabel("Dates of Maths Question Attempted") # labels the x axis
    plt.ylabel("Questions Correct") # labels the y axis
    plt.title("Applied Maths Correct Progress") # puts a title on the graph

    plt.tight_layout() # changes the layout to be tight
    plt.show() # shows the graphs made
Ejemplo n.º 5
def incorrect_graphs(user_id):
    dates_pure = [] # four lists 2 for pure and 2 for applied
    incorrect_pure = []
    dates_applied = []
    incorrect_applied = []
    # Sql that perform the same task but on different tables pure_results and applied_results
    # using the user_id getting the incorrect values along with there respective date

    sql_pure = """SELECT time_stamp,SUM(Incorrect) FROM pure_results
                WHERE user_id = ? GROUP BY time_stamp"""
    sql_applied = """SELECT time_stamp, SUM(Incorrect) FROM applied_results
                    WHERE user_id = ? GROUP BY time_stamp"""
    cursor.execute(sql_pure, [(user_id)]) #executes the pure statement 
    for a in cursor.fetchall(): # appends all the values to the two pure lists
    cursor.execute(sql_applied, [(user_id)]) # executes the applied statement
    for b in cursor.fetchall(): # appends all the value to the two applied lists

    plt.figure(1) # creates the figure for the graph to be plot
    plt.subplot(211) # creates a subplot for the pure graph 
    plt.plot(dates_pure,incorrect_pure) # plots the pure values on one subplot
    plt.ylabel("Questions Incorrect") # labels the y axis
    plt.xlabel("Dates of Maths Question Attempted") # labels the x axis
    plt.title("Pure Maths Incorrect Progress") # puts a title on the graph

    plt.subplot(212) # creates another subplot for applied graph
    plt.plot(dates_applied, incorrect_applied, "-g")
    #plots the applied values on the other subplot and sets the line colour green
    plt.xlabel("Dates of Maths Question Attempted") # labels the x axis
    plt.ylabel("Questions Incorrect") # labels the y axis
    plt.title("Applied Maths Incorrect Progress") # puts a title on the graph

    plt.tight_layout()# changes the layout to be tight
    plt.show() # shows the graphs made
Ejemplo n.º 6
def score_graph(user_id):
    dates = []
    total_score = []
    sql = """SELECT time_stamp,SUM(score) total FROM
(SELECT time_stamp,score FROM pure_results WHERE user_id = ? UNION ALL SELECT time_stamp,score
FROM applied_results WHERE user_id = ?) t GROUP BY time_stamp"""
    cursor.execute(sql, [(user_id), (user_id)])
    for a in cursor.fetchall():
    plt.plot(dates, total_score)
    plt.ylabel("Current Score")
    plt.title("A level Score Progess")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def total_graph_incorrect(user_id):
    dates = []
    incorrect = []
    sql = """SELECT time_stamp,SUM(Incorrect) total
FROM (SELECT time_stamp,Incorrect FROM pure_results WHERE user_id = ?
UNION ALL SELECT time_stamp, Incorrect FROM applied_results WHERE user_id = ?)
t GROUP BY time_stamp"""
    cursor.execute(sql, [(user_id), (user_id)])
    for a in cursor.fetchall():
    plt.plot(dates, incorrect, label="Incorrect Progess")
    plt.xlabel("Dates of Maths Question Attempted")
    plt.ylabel("Incorrect Questions")
    plt.title("A Level Maths Total Incorrect Progress")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def graph_total_questions(user_id):
    dates = []
    total_questions = []

    sql = """SELECT time_stamp,SUM(total_questions) total
FROM (SELECT time_stamp,total_questions
FROM pure_results WHERE user_id = ?
UNION ALL SELECT time_stamp,total_questions
FROM applied_results WHERE user_id = ?) t GROUP BY time_stamp"""
    cursor.execute(sql, [(user_id), (user_id)])
    for a in cursor.fetchall():
    plt.plot(dates, total_questions)
    plt.xlabel("Dates of Questions Attempted")
    plt.ylabel("Total Questions Attempted")
    plt.title("A Level Maths Total Questions Attempted")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def score_graph(user_id):
    dates = [] # two lists one for dates the other for total questions
    total_score = []
    # sql that combines score (along with the date connected to it)
    # from both tables into one value and groups the dates together
    # hence returning it back in order using the user_id
    sql = """SELECT time_stamp,SUM(score) total FROM
(SELECT time_stamp,score FROM pure_results WHERE user_id = ? UNION ALL SELECT time_stamp,score
FROM applied_results WHERE user_id = ?) t GROUP BY time_stamp"""
    cursor.execute(sql, [(user_id), (user_id)]) # executes sql statement
    for a in cursor.fetchall(): # appends the data to the two lists
    plt.figure(1) # creates the figure for the graph to be plot
    plt.plot(dates, total_score) # plots the data on the figure
    plt.xlabel("Date") # labels the x axis
    plt.ylabel("Current Score") # labels the y axis
    plt.title("A level Score Progess") # gives the graph a title
    plt.figure(1).autofmt_xdate() # formats the x axis to prevent overlap
    plt.show() # shows the graph
Ejemplo n.º 10
def total_graph_correct(user_id):
    dates = [] # Two lists one for dates the other for correct
    correct = []
    # Sql that combines correct (along with the date connected to it) from both tables into
    # one value and groups the dates together hence returning it back in order
    # using the user_id

    sql = """SELECT time_stamp,SUM(Correct) total FROM
(SELECT time_stamp,Correct FROM pure_results WHERE user_id = ?
UNION ALL SELECT time_stamp, Correct FROM applied_results WHERE user_id = ?)
t GROUP BY time_stamp"""
    cursor.execute(sql, [(user_id), (user_id)]) # executes th sql statement
    for a in cursor.fetchall(): # appends the results found to the two lists
    plt.plot(dates, correct, label="Total Correct Progress") # plots the data
                                                             # and sets a label on it
    plt.xlabel("Dates of Maths Question Attempted") # labels the x axis
    plt.ylabel("Questions Correct") # labels the y axis
    plt.title("A Level Maths Total Correct Progress") # gives the graph a title
    plt.figure(1).autofmt_xdate() # formats the x axis to prevent overlap on the figure
    plt.show() # shows the graph
Ejemplo n.º 11
def graph_total_questions(user_id):
    dates = [] # two lists one for dates the other for total questions
    total_questions = []
    # sql that combines total_question (along with the date connected to it)
    # from both tables into one value and groups the dates together
    # hence returning it back in order using the user_id
    sql = """SELECT time_stamp,SUM(total_questions) total
FROM (SELECT time_stamp,total_questions
FROM pure_results WHERE user_id = ?
UNION ALL SELECT time_stamp,total_questions
FROM applied_results WHERE user_id = ?) t GROUP BY time_stamp"""
    cursor.execute(sql, [(user_id), (user_id)]) # executes the sql 
    for a in cursor.fetchall(): # appends the data found to the two lists
    plt.figure(1) # creates the figure for the graph to be plot
    plt.plot(dates, total_questions) # plots the data on the figure
    plt.xlabel("Dates of Questions Attempted") # labels the x axis
    plt.ylabel("Total Questions Attempted") # labels the y axis
    plt.title("A Level Maths Total Questions Attempted") # gives the graph a title
    plt.figure(1).autofmt_xdate()# formats the x axis to prevent overlap
    plt.show() # shows the graph
Ejemplo n.º 12
def sort_gender():
    sql = """ SELECT ID, Forename, Surname, Age, class, gender FROM students ORDER BY Gender"""
    result = cursor.fetchall()
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_students():
    sql = """ SELECT ID, Forename, Surname, Age, class, gender FROM students """
    result = cursor.fetchall()
    return result