Ejemplo n.º 1
def pfa_loop_control(solution_object, args, stored_error, threshold, done, rate_edge_data, ignition_delay_detailed, conditions_array):

    target_species = args.target

    #run detailed mechanism and retain initial conditions
    species_retained = []
    printout = ''
    print('Threshold     Species in Mech      Error')

    #run DRG and create new reduced solution
    pfa = trim_pfa(rate_edge_data, solution_object, threshold, args.keepers, done,target_species) #Find out what to cut from the model
    exclusion_list = pfa
    new_solution_objects = trim(solution_object, exclusion_list, args.data_file) #Cut the exclusion list from the model.

    #simulated reduced solution
    new_sim = helper.setup_simulations(conditions_array,new_solution_objects[1]) #Create simulation objects for reduced model for all conditions
    ignition_delay_reduced = helper.simulate(new_sim) #Run simulations and process results

    if (ignition_delay_detailed.all() == 0): #Ensure that ignition occured
        print("Original model did not ignite.  Check initial conditions.")

    #Calculate error
    error = (abs(ignition_delay_reduced-ignition_delay_detailed)/ignition_delay_detailed)*100 #Calculate error
    printout += str(threshold) + '                 ' + str(len(new_solution_objects[1].species())) + '              '+  str(round(np.max(error), 2)) +'%' + '\n'
    stored_error[0] = round(np.max(error), 2)

    #Return new model.
    new_solution_objects = new_solution_objects[1]
    return new_solution_objects
Ejemplo n.º 2
def pfa_loop_control(solution_object, target_species, retained_species, model_file, stored_error, threshold, done, rate_edge_data, ignition_delay_detailed, conditions_array):

    This function handles the reduction, simulation, and comparision for a single threshold value


    solution_object: object being reduced # target_species:
    target_species: The target species for reduction
    retained_species: A list of species to be retained even if they should be cut by the algorithm
    model_file: The path to the file where the solution object was generated from
    stored_error: Error from the previous reduction attempt
    threshold: current threshold value
    done: are we done reducing yet? Boolean
    rate_edge_data: the DICs for reduction
    ignition_delay_detailed: ignition delay of detailed model
    conditions_array: array holding information about initial conditions


    Returns the reduced solution object for this threshold and updates error value

    # Run detailed mechanism and retain initial conditions
    species_retained = []
    printout = ''
    print('Threshold     Species in Mech      Error')

    # Run DRG and create new reduced solution
    exclusion_list = trim_pfa(
        rate_edge_data, solution_object, threshold, retained_species, done,target_species,model_file) # Find out what to cut from the model
    new_solution_objects = trim(solution_object, exclusion_list, model_file) # Cut the exclusion list from the model.

    # Simulated reduced solution
    new_sim = helper.setup_simulations(conditions_array,new_solution_objects[1]) # Create simulation objects for reduced model for all conditions
    ignition_delay_reduced = helper.simulate(new_sim) # Run simulations and process results

    if (ignition_delay_detailed.all() == 0): # Ensure that ignition occured
        print("Original model did not ignite.  Check initial conditions.")

    # Calculate error
    error = (abs(ignition_delay_reduced-ignition_delay_detailed)/ignition_delay_detailed)*100 # Calculate error
    printout += str(threshold) + '                 ' + str(len(new_solution_objects[1].species())) + '              '+  str(round(np.max(error), 2)) +'%' + '\n'
    stored_error[0] = round(np.max(error), 2)

    # Return new model
    new_solution_objects = new_solution_objects[1]
    return new_solution_objects
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_limbo_dic(original_model, reduced_model, limbo, final_error, args,
                  id_detailed, conditions_array):
    dic = {}

    og_excl = [
    ]  #For information on how this is set up, refer to run_sa function.
    keep = []
    og_sn = []
    new_sn = []

    species_objex = reduced_model.species()
    for sp in species_objex:

    species_objex = original_model.species()
    for sp in species_objex:

    for sp in og_sn:
        if sp in new_sn:

    for sp in original_model.species():
        if not (sp.name in keep):

    for sp in limbo:  #For all species in limbo
        excluded = [sp]
        for p in og_excl:
            excluded.append(p)  #Add that species to the list of exclusion.
        new_sol_obs = trim(original_model, excluded,
                           "sa_trim.cti")  #Remove species from the model.
        new_sol = new_sol_obs[1]

        #simulated reduced solution
        new_sim = helper.setup_simulations(
            conditions_array, new_sol
        )  #Create simulation objects for reduced model for all conditions
        id_new = helper.simulate(new_sim)  #Run simulations and process results
        error = (abs(id_new - id_detailed) / id_detailed) * 100
        error = round(np.max(error), 2)
        print(sp + ": " + str(error))
        error = abs(error - final_error)
        dic[sp] = error  #Add adjusted error to dictionary.
    return dic
Ejemplo n.º 4
def drg_loop_control(solution_object, target_species, retained_species,
                     model_file, stored_error, threshold, done, rate_edge_data,
                     ignition_delay_detailed, conditions_array):
    """Handles the reduction, simulation, and comparision for a single threshold value.

        object being reduced
    target_species : list of str
        List of target species
    retained_species : list of str
        List of species to always be retained
    model_file : string 
        The path to the file where the solution object was generated from
    stored_error: signleton float
        Error of this reduced model simulation
    threshold : float
        current threshold value
    done : bool
        are we done reducing yet?
    rate_edge_data :
        information for calculating the DICs for reduction
    ignition_delay_detailed :
        ignition delay of detailed model
    conditions_array :
        array holding information about initial conditions

    Reduced solution object for this threshold and updates error value


    species_retained = []
    printout = ''
    print('Threshold     Species in Mech      Error')

    # Run DRG and create new reduced solution
    # Find out what to cut from the model
    exclusion_list = trim_drg(rate_edge_data, solution_object, threshold,
                              retained_species, done, target_species)

    # Cut the exclusion list from the model.
    new_solution_objects = trim(solution_object, exclusion_list, model_file)

    # Simulated reduced solution
    # Create simulation objects for reduced model for all conditions
    new_sim = helper.setup_simulations(conditions_array,
    ignition_delay_reduced = helper.simulate(
        new_sim)  # Run simulations and process results

    if ignition_delay_detailed.all() == 0:  # Ensure that ignition occured
        print("Original model did not ignite.  Check initial conditions.")

    # Calculate error
    error = (abs(ignition_delay_reduced - ignition_delay_detailed) /
             ignition_delay_detailed) * 100  # Calculate error
    printout += str(threshold) + '                 ' + str(
        len(new_solution_objects[1].species())) + '              ' + str(
            round(np.max(error), 2)) + '%' + '\n'
    stored_error[0] = round(np.max(error), 2)

    # Return new model.
    new_solution_objects = new_solution_objects[1]
    return new_solution_objects
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run_sa(original_model, reduced_model, ep_star, final_error, args):

    if args.conditions_file:
        conditions_array = readin_conditions(str(args.conditions_file))
    elif not args.conditions_file:
        print("Conditions file not found")

    sim_array = helper.setup_simulations(
        conditions_array, original_model
    )  #Turn conditions array into unran simulation objects for the original solution
    id_detailed = helper.simulate(
        sim_array)  #Run simulations and process results

    rate_edge_data = get_rates(
        sim_array, original_model)  #Get edge weight calculation data.
    drgep_coeffs = make_dic_drgep(
        original_model, rate_edge_data,
        args.target)  #Make a dictionary of overall interaction coefficients.
    if (id_detailed.all() == 0):  #Ensure that ignition occured
        print("Original model did not ignite.  Check initial conditions.")
    old = reduced_model

    while True:

        og_sn = []  #Original species names
        new_sn = []  #Species names in current reduced model
        keep = []  #Species retained from removals
        og_excl = [
        ]  #Species that will be excluded from the final model (Reduction will be preformed on original model)

        species_objex = old.species()
        for sp in species_objex:

        species_objex = original_model.species()
        for sp in species_objex:

        for sp in og_sn:
            if sp in new_sn:

        for sp in original_model.species():
            if not (sp.name in keep):

        limbo = create_limbo(old, ep_star, drgep_coeffs,
                             args.keepers)  #Find all the species in limbo.

        if len(limbo) == 0:
            return old

        print("In limbo:")

        dic = get_limbo_dic(
            original_model, old, limbo, final_error, args, id_detailed,
        )  #Calculate error for removing each limbo species.
        rm = dic_lowest(dic)  #Species that should be removed (Lowest error).
        exclude = [rm]

        for sp in og_excl:  #Add to list of species that should be excluded from final model.

        print("attempting to remove " + rm)
        new_sol_obs = trim(
            original_model, exclude,
            "sa_trim.cti")  #Remove exclusion list from original model
        new_sol = new_sol_obs[1]

        #simulated reduced solution
        new_sim = helper.setup_simulations(
            conditions_array, new_sol
        )  #Create simulation objects for reduced model for all conditions
        id_new = helper.simulate(new_sim)  #Run simulations and process results

        error = (abs(id_new - id_detailed) / id_detailed) * 100
        error = round(np.max(error), 2)
        print("Error of: " + str(error))

        if error > args.error:  #If error is greater than allowed, previous reduced model was final reduction.
            print("Final Solution:")
            print(str(old.n_species) + " Species")
            return old

        else:  #If error is still within allowed limit, loop through again to further reduce.
            old = new_sol
Ejemplo n.º 6
def drgep_loop_control(solution_object, args, stored_error, threshold, done,
    """ Controls the trimming and error calculation of a solution with the graph already created using the DRGEP method.   

        solution_object : obj
            Cantera solution object
        args : obj
            function arguments object
	stored_error: float singleton
	    The error introduced by the last simulation (to be replaced with this simulation).
	done: singleton
	    a singleton boolean value that represnts wether or not more species can be excluded from the graph or not. 
	max_dic: dictionary  
	    a dictionary keyed by species name that represents the species importance to the model.  

        new_solution_objects : obj
            Cantera solution object That has been reduced.  

    target_species = args.target

        os.system('rm mass_fractions.hdf5')
    except Exception:

    #run detailed mechanism and retain initial conditions
    detailed_result = autoignition_loop_control(solution_object,
                                                args)  #Run simulation
    ignition_delay_detailed = np.array(detailed_result.tau_array)
    species_retained = []
    printout = ''
    print 'Threshold     Species in Mech      Error'

        os.system('rm mass_fractions.hdf5')
    except Exception:

    #run DRGEP and create new reduced solution
    drgep = trim_drgep(max_dic, solution_object, threshold, args.keepers,
                       done)  #Find out what to cut from the model
    exclusion_list = drgep
    new_solution_objects = trim(
        solution_object, exclusion_list,
        args.data_file)  #Cut the exclusion list from the model.

    #simulated reduced solution
    reduced_result = autoignition_loop_control(
        new_solution_objects[1], args)  #Run simulation on reduced model
    if (reduced_result == 0):
        stored_error[0] = 100
        error = 100
        printout += str(threshold) + '                 ' + str(
            len(new_solution_objects[1].species())) + '              ' + str(
                round(np.max(error), 2)) + '%' + '\n'
        print printout
        return new_solution_objects
    ignition_delay_reduced = np.array(reduced_result.tau_array)

    #Calculate and print error.
    error = (abs(ignition_delay_reduced - ignition_delay_detailed) /
             ignition_delay_detailed) * 100  #Calculate error
    printout += str(threshold) + '                 ' + str(
        len(new_solution_objects[1].species())) + '              ' + str(
            round(np.max(error), 2)) + '%' + '\n'
    print printout
    stored_error[0] = round(np.max(error), 2)

    #Return new model
    new_solution_objects = new_solution_objects[1]
    return new_solution_objects
Ejemplo n.º 7
def drgep_loop_control(solution_object, target_species, retained_species,
                       model_file, stored_error, threshold, done, max_dic,
                       ignition_delay_detailed, conditions_array):
    This function handles the reduction, simulation, and comparision for a single threshold value.


    solution_object: object being reduced
    target_species: An array of the target species for reduction
    retained_species: An array of species that should not be removed from the model
    model_file: The path to the file holding the original model
    stored_error: past error
    threshold: current threshold value
    done: are we done reducing yet? Boolean
    max_dic: OIC dictionary for DRGEP
    ignition_delay_detailed: ignition delay of detailed model
    conditions_array: array holding information about initial conditions


    Returns the reduced solution object for this threshold and updates error value

    # Run detailed mechanism and retain initial conditions
    species_retained = []
    printout = ''
    print('Threshold     Species in Mech      Error')

    # Run DRGEP and create new reduced solution
    exclusion_list = trim_drgep(max_dic, solution_object, threshold,
                                done)  # Find out what to cut from the model
    new_solution_objects = trim(
        solution_object, exclusion_list,
        model_file)  # Cut the exclusion list from the model.

    # Simulated reduced solution
    new_sim = helper.setup_simulations(
        conditions_array, new_solution_objects[1]
    )  # Create simulation objects for reduced model for all conditions
    ignition_delay_reduced = helper.simulate(
        new_sim)  # Run simulations and process results

    if ignition_delay_detailed.all() == 0:  # Ensure that ignition occured
        print("Original model did not ignite.  Check initial conditions.")

    # Calculate and print error.
    error = (abs(ignition_delay_reduced - ignition_delay_detailed) /
             ignition_delay_detailed) * 100  # Calculate error
    printout += str(threshold) + '                 ' + str(
        len(new_solution_objects[1].species())) + '              ' + str(
            round(np.max(error), 2)) + '%' + '\n'
    stored_error[0] = round(np.max(error), 2)

    # Return new model
    new_solution_objects = new_solution_objects[1]
    return new_solution_objects
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_limbo_dic(original_model, reduced_model, limbo, final_error,
                  id_detailed, conditions_array):
	Creates a dictionary of all of the species in limbo and their errors for sensitivity analysis.


	original_model: The original version of the model being reduced
	reduced_model: The model produced by the previous reduction
	limbo: A list of the species in limbo
	final_error: Error percentage between the reduced and origanal models
	id_detailed: The ignition delays for each simulation of the original model
	conditions_array: An array holding the initial conditions for simulations

	A dictionary with species error to be used for sensitivity anaylsis.


    dic = {}

    # For information on how this is set up, refer to run_sa function.
    og_excl = []
    keep = []
    og_sn = []
    new_sn = []

    species_objex = reduced_model.species()
    for sp in species_objex:

    species_objex = original_model.species()
    for sp in species_objex:

    for sp in og_sn:
        if sp in new_sn:

    for sp in original_model.species():
        if not (sp.name in keep):

    for sp in limbo:  # For all species in limbo
        excluded = [sp]
        for p in og_excl:
            excluded.append(p)  # Add that species to the list of exclusion.
        # Remove species from the model.
        new_sol_obs = trim(original_model, excluded, "sa_trim.cti")
        new_sol = new_sol_obs[1]

        # Simulated reduced solution
        new_sim = helper.setup_simulations(
            conditions_array, new_sol
        )  # Create simulation objects for reduced model for all conditions
        id_new = helper.simulate(
            new_sim)  # Run simulations and process results
        error = (abs(id_new - id_detailed) / id_detailed) * 100
        error = round(np.max(error), 2)
        print(sp + ": " + str(error))
        error = abs(error - final_error)
        dic[sp] = error  # Add adjusted error to dictionary.
    return dic
Ejemplo n.º 9
def run_sa(original_model, reduced_model, ep_star, final_error,
           conditions_file, target, keepers, error_limit):
	Runs a sensitivity analysis on a resulting reduced model.

	original_model: The original version of the model being reduced
	reduced_model: The model produced by the previous reduction
	ep_star: The epsilon star value for the sensitivity analysis
	final_error: Error percentage between the reduced and origanal models
	conditions_file: The file holding the initial conditions for simulations
	target: The target species for the reduction
	keepers: A list of species that should be retained no matter what
	error_limit: The maximum allowed error between the reduced and original models

	The model after the sensitivity analysis has been preformed on it.


    if conditions_file:
        conditions_array = readin_conditions(str(conditions_file))
    elif not conditions_file:
        print("Conditions file not found")

    # Turn conditions array into unran simulation objects for the original solution
    sim_array = helper.setup_simulations(conditions_array, original_model)
    id_detailed = helper.simulate(
        sim_array)  # Run simulations and process results

    rate_edge_data = get_rates(
        sim_array, original_model)  # Get edge weight calculation data.

    # Make a dictionary of overall interaction coefficients.
    drgep_coeffs = make_dic_drgep(original_model, rate_edge_data, target)
    if (id_detailed.all() == 0):  # Ensure that ignition occured
        print("Original model did not ignite.  Check initial conditions.")
    old = reduced_model

    while True:

        og_sn = []  # Original species names
        new_sn = []  # Species names in current reduced model
        keep = []  # Species retained from removals
        og_excl = [
        ]  # Species that will be excluded from the final model (Reduction will be preformed on original model)

        species_objex = old.species()
        for sp in species_objex:

        species_objex = original_model.species()
        for sp in species_objex:

        for sp in og_sn:
            if sp in new_sn:

        for sp in original_model.species():
            if not (sp.name in keep):

        # Find all the species in limbo.
        limbo = create_limbo(old, ep_star, drgep_coeffs, keepers)

        if len(limbo) == 0:
            return old

        print("In limbo:")

        # Calculate error for removing each limbo species.
        dic = get_limbo_dic(original_model, old, limbo, final_error,
                            id_detailed, conditions_array)
        rm = dic_lowest(dic)  # Species that should be removed (Lowest error).
        exclude = [rm]

        for sp in og_excl:  # Add to list of species that should be excluded from final model.

        print("attempting to remove " + rm)

        # Remove exclusion list from original model
        new_sol_obs = trim(original_model, exclude, "sa_trim.cti")
        new_sol = new_sol_obs[1]

        # Simulated reduced solution
        new_sim = helper.setup_simulations(
            conditions_array, new_sol
        )  # Create simulation objects for reduced model for all conditions
        id_new = helper.simulate(
            new_sim)  # Run simulations and process results

        error = (abs(id_new - id_detailed) / id_detailed) * 100
        error = round(np.max(error), 2)
        print("Error of: " + str(error))

        # If error is greater than allowed, previous reduced model was final reduction.
        if error > error_limit:
            print("Final Solution:")
            print(str(old.n_species) + " Species")
            return old

        else:  # If error is still within allowed limit, loop through again to further reduce.
            old = new_sol
Ejemplo n.º 10
def drg_loop_control(solution_object, args):
    """ Controls repeated use of drg Function

        solution_object : obj
            Cantera solution object
        args : obj
            function arguments object

        new_solution_objects : obj
            Cantera solution object with skeletal mechanism
    #get user input
    target_species = raw_input('\nEnter target starting species: ').split(',')

    #run detailed mechanism and retain initial conditions
    args.multiple_conditions = True
    detailed_result = autoignition_loop_control(solution_object, args)
    ignition_delay_detailed = np.array(detailed_result.tau_array)
    #get-rate data called here
    rate_edge_data = get_rates('mass_fractions.hdf5', solution_object)
    if args.threshold_values is None:
            threshold = float(raw_input('Enter threshold value: '))
        except ValueError:
            print 'try again'
            threshold = float(raw_input('Enter threshold value: '))

        #run DRG and create new reduced solution
        drg = make_graph(solution_object, 'production_rates.hdf5', threshold)
        exclusion_list = graph_search(solution_object, drg, target_species)
        new_solution_objects = trim(solution_object, exclusion_list, args.data_file)

        #simulate reduced solution
        reduced_result = autoignition_loop_control(new_solution_objects[1], args)
        ignition_delay_reduced = np.array(reduced_result.tau_array)
        error = (abs(ignition_delay_reduced-ignition_delay_detailed)/ignition_delay_detailed)*100
        print 'Error index: %s' %error
        n_species_retained = len(new_solution_objects[1].species())
        print 'Number of species in reduced model: %s' %n_species_retained
            os.system('rm mass_fractions.hdf5')
        except Exception:
        threshold_values = genfromtxt(args.threshold_values, delimiter=',')
        species_retained = []
        printout = ''
        print 'Threshold     Species in Mech      Error'
        print 'flag'
            os.system('rm mass_fractions.hdf5')
        except Exception:

        if threshold_values.size > 1:
            for threshold in threshold_values:
                #run DRG and create new reduced solution
                drg = make_graph(solution_object, threshold, rate_edge_data, target_species)
                #exclusion_list = graph_search(solution_object, drg, target_species)
                exclusion_list = drg
                new_solution_objects = trim(solution_object, exclusion_list, args.data_file)
                    os.system('rm mass_fractions.hdf5')
                except Exception:
                #simulated reduced solution
                reduced_result = autoignition_loop_control(new_solution_objects[1], args)
                ignition_delay_reduced = np.array(reduced_result.tau_array)
                error = (abs(ignition_delay_reduced-ignition_delay_detailed)/ignition_delay_detailed)*100
                printout += str(threshold) + '                 ' + str(len(new_solution_objects[1].species())) + '              '+  str(round(np.max(error), 2))+'%' + '\n'
                print printout


            #run DRG and create new reduced solution
            drg = make_graph(solution_object, threshold_values, rate_edge_data, target_species)
            #exclusion_list = graph_search(solution_object, drg, target_species)
            exclusion_list = drg
            new_solution_objects = trim(solution_object, exclusion_list, args.data_file)

            #simulated reduced solution
            reduced_result = autoignition_loop_control(new_solution_objects[1], args)
            ignition_delay_reduced = np.array(reduced_result.tau_array)
            error = (abs(ignition_delay_reduced-ignition_delay_detailed)/ignition_delay_detailed)*100
            printout += str(threshold_values) + '                 ' + str(len(new_solution_objects[1].species())) + '              '+  str(round(np.max(error), 2)) +'%' + '\n'
            print printout
        # print 'Detailed soln ign delay:'
        # print ignition_delay_detailed
        # print 'Reduced soln ign delay:'
        # print ignition_delay_reduced
    return new_solution_objects