Ejemplo n.º 1
def handle_pcap_file(filename, data, source_name, user=None,
                     description=None, related_id=None, related_md5=None,
                     related_type=None, method=None, reference=None,
                     relationship=None, bucket_list=None, ticket=None):
    Add a PCAP.

    :param filename: The filename of the PCAP.
    :type filename: str
    :param data: The filedata of the PCAP.
    :type data: str
    :param source_name: The source which provided this PCAP.
    :type source_name: str,
                       list of :class:`crits.core.crits_mongoengine.EmbeddedSource`
    :param user: The user adding the PCAP.
    :type user: str
    :param description: Description of the PCAP.
    :type description: str
    :param related_id: ObjectId of a top-level object related to this PCAP.
    :type related_id: str
    :param related_md5: MD5 of a top-level object related to this PCAP.
    :type related_md5: str
    :param related_type: The CRITs type of the related top-level object.
    :type related_type: str
    :param method: The method of acquiring this PCAP.
    :type method: str
    :param reference: A reference to the source of this PCAP.
    :type reference: str
    :param relationship: The relationship between the parent and the PCAP.
    :type relationship: str
    :param bucket_list: Bucket(s) to add to this PCAP.
    :type bucket_list: str(comma separated) or list.
    :param ticket: Ticket(s) to add to this PCAP.
    :type ticket: str(comma separated) or list.
    :returns: dict with keys:
              'success' (boolean),
              'message' (str),
              'md5' (str) if successful.

    if not data:
        status = {
            'success':   False,
            'message':  'No data object passed in'
        return status
    if len(data) <= 0:
        status = {
            'success':   False,
            'message':  'Data length <= 0'
        return status
    if ((related_type and not (related_id or related_md5)) or
        (not related_type and (related_id or related_md5))):
        status = {
            'success':   False,
            'message':  'Must specify both related_type and related_id or related_md5.'
        return status

    if not source_name:
        return {"success" : False, "message" : "Missing source information."}

    related_obj = None
    if related_id or related_md5:
        if related_id:
            related_obj = class_from_id(related_type, related_id)
            related_obj = class_from_value(related_type, related_md5)
        if not related_obj:
            status = {
                'success': False,
                'message': 'Related object not found.'
            return status

    # generate md5 and timestamp
    md5 = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
    timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()

    # generate PCAP
    is_pcap_new = False
    pcap = PCAP.objects(md5=md5).first()
    if not pcap:
        pcap = PCAP()
        pcap.filename = filename
        pcap.created = timestamp
        pcap.length = len(data)
        pcap.description = description
        pcap.md5 = md5
        is_pcap_new = True

    # generate source information and add to pcap
    if isinstance(source_name, basestring) and len(source_name) > 0:
        s = create_embedded_source(source_name,
    elif isinstance(source_name, EmbeddedSource):
        pcap.add_source(source_name, method=method, reference=reference)
    elif isinstance(source_name, list) and len(source_name) > 0:
        for s in source_name:
            if isinstance(s, EmbeddedSource):
                pcap.add_source(s, method=method, reference=reference)

    # add file to GridFS
    if not isinstance(pcap.filedata.grid_id, ObjectId):

    if bucket_list:
        pcap.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, user)

    if ticket:
        pcap.add_ticket(ticket, user)

    # save pcap

    # update relationship if a related top-level object is supplied
    if related_obj and pcap:
        if not relationship:
            relationship = "Related_To"

    # run pcap triage
    if is_pcap_new and data:
        run_triage(pcap, user)

    status = {
        'success':      True,
        'message':      'Uploaded pcap',
        'md5':          md5,
        'id':           str(pcap.id),

    return status
Ejemplo n.º 2
def handle_pcap_file(filename, data, source_name, user=None,
                     description=None, parent_id=None, parent_md5=None,
                     parent_type=None, method=None, relationship=None,
                     bucket_list=None, ticket=None):
    Add a PCAP.

    :param filename: The filename of the PCAP.
    :type filename: str
    :param data: The filedata of the PCAP.
    :type data: str
    :param source_name: The source which provided this PCAP.
    :type source_name: str,
                       list of :class:`crits.core.crits_mongoengine.EmbeddedSource`
    :param user: The user adding the PCAP.
    :type user: str
    :param description: Description of the PCAP.
    :type description: str
    :param parent_id: ObjectId of the top-level object where this PCAP came from.
    :type parent_id: str
    :param parent_md5: MD5 of the top-level object where this PCAP came from.
    :type parent_md5: str
    :param parent_type: The CRITs type of the parent.
    :type parent_type: str
    :param method: The method of acquiring this PCAP.
    :type method: str
    :param relationship: The relationship between the parent and the PCAP.
    :type relationship: str
    :param bucket_list: Bucket(s) to add to this PCAP.
    :type bucket_list: str(comma separated) or list.
    :param ticket: Ticket(s) to add to this PCAP.
    :type ticket: str(comma separated) or list.
    :returns: dict with keys:
              'success' (boolean),
              'message' (str),
              'md5' (str) if successful.

    if not data:
        status = {
            'success':   False,
            'message':  'No data object passed in'
        return status
    if len(data) <= 0:
        status = {
            'success':   False,
            'message':  'Data length <= 0'
        return status

    # generate md5 and timestamp
    md5 = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
    timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()

    # generate PCAP
    is_pcap_new = False
    pcap = PCAP.objects(md5=md5).first()
    if not pcap:
        pcap = PCAP()
        pcap.filename = filename
        pcap.created = timestamp
        pcap.length = len(data)
        pcap.description = description
        pcap.md5 = md5
        is_pcap_new = True

    # generate source information and add to pcap
    if isinstance(source_name, basestring) and len(source_name) > 0:
        s = create_embedded_source(source_name,
    elif isinstance(source_name, EmbeddedSource):
    elif isinstance(source_name, list) and len(source_name) > 0:
        for s in source_name:
            if isinstance(s, EmbeddedSource):

    # add file to GridFS
    if not isinstance(pcap.filedata.grid_id, ObjectId):

    if bucket_list:
        pcap.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, user)

    if ticket:
        pcap.add_ticket(ticket, user)

    # save pcap

    # update parent relationship if a parent is supplied
    if parent_id or parent_md5:
        if not relationship:
            relationship = "Related_To"
        if  parent_id:
            parent_obj = class_from_id(parent_type, parent_id)
            parent_obj = class_from_value(parent_type, parent_md5)
        if parent_obj and pcap:

    # run pcap triage
    if is_pcap_new and data:
        run_triage(data, pcap, user)

    status = {
        'success':      True,
        'message':      'Uploaded pcap',
        'md5':          md5,

    return status