def mskLooks(inps): inWidth = getWidth(inps.input + '.xml') inLength = getLength(inps.input + '.xml') outWidth = int(inWidth / inps.rlks) outLength = int(inLength / inps.alks) #look_msk infile outfile nrg nrlks nalks #run program here cmd = '$INSAR_ZERODOP_BIN/look_msk {} {} {} {} {}'.format( inps.input, inps.output, inWidth, inps.rlks, inps.alks) runCmd(cmd) #get xml file for interferogram image = isceobj.createImage() accessMode = 'read' dataType = 'BYTE' bands = 1 scheme = 'BIL' width = outWidth image.initImage(inps.output, accessMode, width, dataType, bands=bands, scheme=scheme) descr = 'Radar shadow-layover mask. 1 - Radar Shadow. 2 - Radar Layover. 3 - Both.' image.addDescription(descr) image.renderHdr()
def intLooks(inps): inWidth = getWidth(inps.input + '.xml') inLength = getLength(inps.input + '.xml') outWidth = int(inWidth / inps.rlks) outLength = int(inLength / inps.alks) #run program here cmd = '$INSAR_ZERODOP_BIN/look {} {} {} {} {} 4 0 0'.format( inps.input, inps.output, inWidth, inps.rlks, inps.alks) runCmd(cmd) #get xml file for interferogram create_xml(inps.output, outWidth, outLength, 'int')
def coherence(inps, method="phase_gradient"):"Calculating Coherence") #get width from the header file of input interferogram width = getWidth(inps.intf + '.xml') # Initialize the amplitude ampImage = isceobj.createAmpImage() ampImage.setFilename(inps.amp) ampImage.setWidth(width) ampImage.setAccessMode('read') ampImage.createImage() #ampImage = self.insar.getResampOnlyAmp().copy(access_mode='read') # Initialize the flattened inteferogram intImage = isceobj.createIntImage() intImage.setFilename(inps.intf) intImage.setWidth(width) intImage.setAccessMode('read') intImage.createImage() # Create the coherence image #there is no coherence image in the isceobj/Image cohImage = isceobj.createOffsetImage() cohImage.setFilename(inps.cor) cohImage.setWidth(width) cohImage.setAccessMode('write') cohImage.createImage() cor = Correlation() cor.configure() cor.wireInputPort(name='interferogram', object=intImage) cor.wireInputPort(name='amplitude', object=ampImage) cor.wireOutputPort(name='correlation', object=cohImage) cor.windowSize = inps.winsize cohImage.finalizeImage() intImage.finalizeImage() ampImage.finalizeImage() try: CORRELATION_METHOD[method](cor) except KeyError: print("Unrecognized correlation method") sys.exit(1) pass return None
def ampLooks(inps): inWidth = getWidth(inps.input + '.xml') inLength = getLength(inps.input + '.xml') outWidth = int(inWidth / inps.rlks) outLength = int(inLength / inps.alks) #run it #cmd = 'echo -e "{}\n{}\n{} {}\n{} {}\n" | $INSAR_ZERODOP_BIN/rilooks'.format(inps.input, inps.output, inWidth, inLength, inps.rlks, inps.alks) #it seems that echo does not require -e in this situation, strange cmd = '$INSAR_ZERODOP_BIN/look {} {} {} {} {} 4 1 0'.format( inps.input, inps.output, inWidth, inps.rlks, inps.alks) runCmd(cmd) #get xml file for amplitude image create_xml(inps.output, outWidth, outLength, 'amp')
def hgtLooks(inps): inWidth = getWidth(inps.input + '.xml') inLength = getLength(inps.input + '.xml') outWidth = int(inWidth / inps.rlks) outLength = int(inLength / inps.alks) #look_msk infile outfile nrg nrlks nalks #run program here cmd = '$INSAR_ZERODOP_BIN/look {} {} {} {} {} 3 0 1'.format( inps.input, inps.output, inWidth, inps.rlks, inps.alks) runCmd(cmd) #get xml image = isceobj.createImage() accessMode = 'read' dataType = 'DOUBLE' width = outWidth image.initImage(inps.output, accessMode, width, dataType) image.addDescription('Pixel-by-pixel height in meters.') image.renderHdr()
parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) else: return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': inps = cmdLineParse() with open(inps.mframe, 'rb') as fid: masterFrame = pickle.load(fid) slantRangePixelSpacing = inps.rlks * 0.5 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT / masterFrame.rangeSamplingRate radarWavelength = masterFrame.radarWavelegth intfWidth = getWidth(inps.intf + '.xml') intfLength = getLength(inps.intf + '.xml') #run it cmd = "$INSAR_ZERODOP_BIN/flat {} {} {} {} {}".format( inps.intf, inps.rgoff, inps.dintf, slantRangePixelSpacing, radarWavelength) #print("{}".format(cmd)) runCmd(cmd) #get xml file for interferogram create_xml(inps.dintf, intfWidth, intfLength, 'int') #./ -m 20130927.slc.pck -i -r -d
parser.add_argument('-alks', dest='alks', type=int, default=1, help = 'number of azimuth looks of the interferograms and amplitudes. default: 1') if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print('') parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) else: return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': inps = cmdLineParse() masterWidth = getWidth(inps.master + '.xml') masterLength = getLength(inps.master + '.xml') slaveWidth = getWidth(inps.slave + '.xml') slaveLength = getLength(inps.slave + '.xml') if inps.offsetfile != None: refinedOffsets = readOffset(inps.offsetfile) if inps.slaveframe == None: slaveFrameName = inps.slave + '.pck' else: slaveFrameName = inps.slaveframe with open(slaveFrameName, 'rb') as f:
help = '(output) amplitudes of master and slave SLCs') if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print('') parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) else: return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': inps = cmdLineParse() #get information masterWidth = getWidth(inps.master + '.xml') masterLength = getLength(inps.master + '.xml') #run interf cmd = "$INSAR_ZERODOP_BIN/interf {} {} {} {} {}".format(inps.master, inps.slave, inps.intf, inps.amp, masterWidth) #print("{}".format(cmd)) runCmd(cmd) #get xml file for interferogram create_xml(inps.intf, masterWidth, masterLength, 'int') #get xml file for amplitude image create_xml(inps.amp, masterWidth, masterLength, 'amp') #./ -m 20130927.slc -s 20141211.slc -i -a 20130927-20141211.amp
default=1, help='azimuth looks') if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print('') parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) else: return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': inps = cmdLineParse() ampWidth = getWidth(inps.amp + '.xml') ampLength = getLength(inps.amp + '.xml') lookAmpWidth = int(ampWidth / inps.rlks) lookAmpLength = int(ampLength / inps.alks) simWidth = getWidth(inps.sim + '.xml') simLength = getLength(inps.sim + '.xml') lookSimWidth = int(simWidth / inps.rlks) lookSimLength = int(simLength / inps.alks) #prepare parameters for ampcor lookAmp = 'float_{}rlks_{}alks.amp'.format(inps.rlks, inps.alks) lookSim = 'float_{}rlks_{}alks.sim'.format(inps.rlks, inps.alks) offsetFile = '' numAzimuth = 30 #number of matches in azimuth
print('') parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) else: return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': inps = cmdLineParse() #ratio = 1.0e10 ratio = inps.ratio print('master and slave scaling ratio: {}'.format(ratio)) width = getWidth(inps.inf + '.xml') length = getLength(inps.inf + '.xml') #read master burst inf = np.fromfile(inps.inf, dtype=np.complex64).reshape(length, width) amp = np.fromfile(inps.amp, dtype=np.complex64).reshape(length, width) flag = (inf != 0) * (amp.real != 0) * (amp.imag != 0) nvalid = np.sum(flag, dtype=np.float64) mpwr1 = np.sqrt( np.sum(amp.real * amp.real * flag, dtype=np.float64) / nvalid) mpwr2 = np.sqrt( np.sum(amp.imag * amp.imag * flag, dtype=np.float64) / nvalid) amp.real = amp.real / ratio
default=1, help='azimuth looks of the image') if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print('') parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) else: return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': inps = cmdLineParse() inWidth = getWidth(inps.inimage + '.xml') inLength = getLength(inps.inimage + '.xml') outWidth = inWidth outLength = inLength with open(inps.aff) as f: lines = f.readlines() f.close i = 0 for linex in lines: if 'Affine Matrix ' in linex: m11 = float(lines[i + 2].split()[0]) m12 = float(lines[i + 2].split()[1]) m21 = float(lines[i + 3].split()[0]) m22 = float(lines[i + 3].split()[1])
def cal_offset(mframeFile, sframeFile, DEMfile): #master frame with open(mframeFile, 'rb') as f: mframe = pickle.load(f) #slave frame with open(sframeFile, 'rb') as f: sframe = pickle.load(f) #dem demImage = isceobj.createDemImage() demImage.load(DEMfile + '.xml') demImage.setAccessMode('read') latFile = '' lonFile = 'tmp.lon' hgtFile = 'tmp.hgt' losFile = 'tmp.los' incFile = '' mskFile = 'tmp.msk' rgoffFile = '' azoffFile = '' ########################################################################## #offset calculation parameters masterOffsetFromStart = int(mframe.getNumberOfLines() / 2) #number of lines masterNumberOfLines = 100 #number of lines slaveExtentionLines = 100000 #number of lines ########################################################################## #run topo runTopo(mframe, demImage, latName=latFile, lonName=lonFile, hgtName=hgtFile, losName=losFile, incName=incFile, mskName=mskFile, offsetFromStart=masterOffsetFromStart, numOfLines=masterNumberOfLines) latImage = isceobj.createImage() latImage.load(latFile + '.xml') latImage.setAccessMode('read') lonImage = isceobj.createImage() lonImage.load(lonFile + '.xml') lonImage.setAccessMode('read') hgtImage = isceobj.createDemImage() hgtImage.load(hgtFile + '.xml') hgtImage.setAccessMode('read') #run geo: extend file length by 2 * extentionLines, to make sure it overlaps with master runGeo2rdr(sframe, latImage, lonImage, hgtImage, rgoffName=rgoffFile, azoffName=azoffFile, extentionLines=slaveExtentionLines) #get range and azimuth offsets width = getWidth(rgoffFile + '.xml') length = getLength(rgoffFile + '.xml') rgoff = np.fromfile(rgoffFile, dtype=np.float32, count=length * width).reshape(length, width) azoff = np.fromfile(azoffFile, dtype=np.float32, count=length * width).reshape(length, width) #remove BAD_VALUE = -999999.0 as defined in geo2rdr.f90 # # In single precision, mean can be inaccurate # np.mean(a, dtype=np.float64) rgoffm = np.mean(rgoff[np.nonzero(rgoff != -999999.0)], dtype=np.float64) azoffm = np.mean( azoff[np.nonzero(azoff != -999999.0)], dtype=np.float64) - masterOffsetFromStart - slaveExtentionLines print('\noffsets from geometrical calculation:') print('++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++') print('range offset: {}'.format(rgoffm)) print('azimuth offset: {}\n'.format(azoffm)) #tidy up os.remove(latFile) os.remove(latFile + '.xml') os.remove(latFile + '.vrt') os.remove(lonFile) os.remove(lonFile + '.xml') os.remove(lonFile + '.vrt') os.remove(hgtFile) os.remove(hgtFile + '.xml') os.remove(hgtFile + '.vrt') os.remove(losFile) os.remove(losFile + '.xml') os.remove(losFile + '.vrt') os.remove(incFile) os.remove(incFile + '.xml') os.remove(incFile + '.vrt') os.remove(mskFile) os.remove(mskFile + '.xml') os.remove(mskFile + '.vrt') os.remove(rgoffFile) os.remove(rgoffFile + '.xml') os.remove(rgoffFile + '.vrt') os.remove(azoffFile) os.remove(azoffFile + '.xml') os.remove(azoffFile + '.vrt') return [rgoffm, azoffm]
help= 'coherence threshhold for phase difference calculation. Default: 0.1') if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print('') parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) else: return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': inps = cmdLineParse() width = getWidth(inps.unwl + '.xml') length = getLength(inps.unwl + '.xml') unwl = (np.fromfile(inps.unwl, dtype=np.float32).reshape(length * 2, width))[1:length * 2:2, :] unwu = (np.fromfile(inps.unwu, dtype=np.float32).reshape(length * 2, width))[1:length * 2:2, :] cor = (np.fromfile(inps.cor, dtype=np.float32).reshape(length * 2, width))[1:length * 2:2, :] ccl = np.fromfile(inps.ccl, dtype=np.int8).reshape(length, width) ccu = np.fromfile(inps.ccu, dtype=np.int8).reshape(length, width)
def runUnwrap(inps, costMode=None, initMethod=None, defomax=None, initOnly=None): if costMode is None: costMode = 'DEFO' if initMethod is None: initMethod = 'MST' if defomax is None: defomax = 4.0 if initOnly is None: initOnly = False #get earth radius and altitude using master's orbit with open(inps.mframe, 'rb') as f: mframe = pickle.load(f) azti = 1.0 / mframe.PRF tmid = mframe.getSensingStart() + datetime.timedelta( seconds=azti * (mframe.getNumberOfLines() / 2.0)) orbit = mframe.getOrbit() peg = orbit.interpolateOrbit(tmid, method='hermite') refElp = Planet(pname='Earth').ellipsoid llh = refElp.xyz_to_llh(peg.getPosition()) hdg = orbit.getHeading(tmid) #change to the following after updated to the newest version of isce #hdg = orbit.getENUHeading(tmid) refElp.setSCH(llh[0], llh[1], hdg) earthRadius = refElp.pegRadCur altitude = llh[2] wrapName = inps.inf unwrapName = inps.unw corrfile = inps.cor width = getWidth(wrapName + '.xml') wavelength = mframe.getInstrument().getRadarWavelength() rangeLooks = inps.rlks azimuthLooks = inps.alks #calculate azimuth resolution and pixel size azres = mframe.platform.antennaLength / 2.0 vel = np.sqrt(peg.velocity[0] * peg.velocity[0] + peg.velocity[1] * peg.velocity[1] + peg.velocity[2] * peg.velocity[2]) hgt = np.sqrt(peg.position[0] * peg.position[0] + peg.position[1] * peg.position[1] + peg.position[2] * peg.position[2]) azimuthPixelSpacing = earthRadius / hgt * vel * azti azfact = azres / azimuthPixelSpacing #calculate range resolution and pixel size rBW = mframe.instrument.pulseLength * mframe.instrument.chirpSlope rgres = abs(SPEED_OF_LIGHT / (2.0 * rBW)) slantRangePixelSpacing = 0.5 * SPEED_OF_LIGHT / mframe.rangeSamplingRate rngfact = rgres / slantRangePixelSpacing print('azfact: {}, rngfact: {}'.format(azfact, rngfact)) corrLooks = azimuthLooks * rangeLooks / (azfact * rngfact) maxComponents = 20 snp = Snaphu() snp.setInitOnly(initOnly) # follow snp.setInput(wrapName) snp.setOutput(unwrapName) snp.setWidth(width) snp.setCostMode(costMode) # follow snp.setEarthRadius(earthRadius) snp.setWavelength(wavelength) snp.setAltitude(altitude) snp.setCorrfile(corrfile) snp.setInitMethod(initMethod) # follow snp.setCorrLooks(corrLooks) snp.setMaxComponents(maxComponents) snp.setDefoMaxCycles(defomax) # follow snp.setRangeLooks(rangeLooks) snp.setAzimuthLooks(azimuthLooks) #snp.setCorFileFormat('FLOAT_DATA') snp.prepare() snp.unwrap() ######Render XML outImage = isceobj.Image.createUnwImage() outImage.setFilename(unwrapName) outImage.setWidth(width) outImage.setAccessMode('read') outImage.renderVRT() outImage.createImage() outImage.finalizeImage() outImage.renderHdr() #####Check if connected components was created if snp.dumpConnectedComponents: connImage = isceobj.Image.createImage() connImage.setFilename(unwrapName + '.conncomp') #At least one can query for the name used #self._insar.connectedComponentsFilename = unwrapName+'.conncomp' connImage.setWidth(width) connImage.setAccessMode('read') connImage.setDataType('BYTE') connImage.renderVRT() connImage.createImage() connImage.finalizeImage() connImage.renderHdr() return
def runFilter(inps):"Applying power-spectral filter") #get width from the header file of input interferogram width = getWidth(inps.intf + '.xml') length = getLength(inps.intf + '.xml') if shutil.which('psfilt1') != None: cmd = "psfilt1 {int} {filtint} {width} {filterstrength} 64 16".format( int = inps.intf, filtint = inps.fintf, width = width, filterstrength = inps.alpha ) runCmd(cmd) #get xml file for interferogram create_xml(inps.fintf, width, length, 'int') else: #create flattened interferogram intImage = isceobj.createIntImage() intImage.setFilename(inps.intf) intImage.setWidth(width) intImage.setAccessMode('read') intImage.createImage() #create the filtered interferogram filtImage = isceobj.createIntImage() filtImage.setFilename(inps.fintf) filtImage.setWidth(width) filtImage.setAccessMode('write') filtImage.createImage() #create filter and run it objFilter = Filter() objFilter.wireInputPort(name='interferogram',object=intImage) objFilter.wireOutputPort(name='filtered interferogram',object=filtImage) objFilter.goldsteinWerner(alpha=inps.alpha) intImage.finalizeImage() filtImage.finalizeImage() del filtImage #recreate filt image to read filtImage = isceobj.createIntImage() filtImage.setFilename(inps.fintf) filtImage.setWidth(width) filtImage.setAccessMode('read') filtImage.createImage() #create amplitude image ampImage = isceobj.createAmpImage() ampImage.setFilename(inps.amp) ampImage.setWidth(width) ampImage.setAccessMode('read') ampImage.createImage() #create phase sigma correlation file here phsig_tmp = 'tmp.phsig' phsigImage = isceobj.createImage() phsigImage.setFilename(phsig_tmp) phsigImage.setWidth(width) phsigImage.dataType='FLOAT' phsigImage.bands = 1 phsigImage.setImageType('cor')#the type in this case is not for displaying but for geocoding method phsigImage.setAccessMode('write') phsigImage.createImage() #create icu and run it icuObj = Icu(name='insarapp_filter_icu') icuObj.configure() icuObj.unwrappingFlag = False = filtImage, ampImage=ampImage, phsigImage=phsigImage) phsigImage.renderHdr() filtImage.finalizeImage() ampImage.finalizeImage() phsigImage.finalizeImage() # #add an amplitude channel to phsig file # cmd = " -e='sqrt(a_0*a_1)*(b!=0);b' --a={amp} --b={phsig_tmp} -o {phsig} -s BIL".format( # amp = inps.amp, # phsig_tmp = phsig_tmp, # phsig = inps.phsig # ) #add an amplitude channel to phsig file cmd = " -e='sqrt(a_0*a_1)*(b!=0);b' --a={amp} --b={phsig_tmp} -o {phsig} -s BIL".format( amp = inps.amp, phsig_tmp = phsig_tmp, phsig = inps.phsig ) runCmd(cmd) #remove the original phsig file os.remove(phsig_tmp) os.remove(phsig_tmp + '.xml') os.remove(phsig_tmp + '.vrt') #rename original filtered interferogram filt_tmp = '' os.rename(inps.fintf, filt_tmp) os.rename(inps.fintf + '.xml', filt_tmp + '.xml') os.rename(inps.fintf + '.vrt', filt_tmp + '.vrt') #do the numpy calculations #replace the magnitude of the filtered interferogram with magnitude of original interferogram #mask output file using layover mask (values 2 and 3). # cmd = " -e='a/(abs(a)+(abs(a)==0))*abs(b)*(c<2)' --a={0} --b={1} --c={2} -t CFLOAT -o={3}".format( # filt_tmp, # inps.intf, # inps.msk, # inps.fintf # ) #replacing magnitude is not good for phase unwrapping using snaphu cmd = " -e='a*(b<2)' --a={0} --b={1} -t CFLOAT -o={2}".format( filt_tmp, inps.msk, inps.fintf ) runCmd(cmd) #remove the original filtered interferogram os.remove(filt_tmp) os.remove(filt_tmp + '.xml') os.remove(filt_tmp + '.vrt')