Ejemplo n.º 1
def upload(request):
	size_set = SizeSet.objects.get(id=request.GET["size_set"])
	# Get the current aspect ratio
	if "aspect_ratio_id" in request.POST:
		aspect_ratio_id = int(request.POST["aspect_ratio_id"])
		aspect_ratio_id = 0
	image_id = None
	if "image_id" in request.GET:
		image_id = request.GET["image_id"]
	elif "image_id" in request.POST:
		image_id = request.POST["image_id"]
		image_id = int(image_id)
		image = CropDusterImage.objects.get(id=image_id)
		image = CropDusterImage(size_set=size_set)
	size = Size.objects.get_size_by_ratio(size_set.id, aspect_ratio_id) or Size()

	# Get the current crop
		crop = Crop.objects.get(image=image.id, size=size.id)
	except Crop.DoesNotExist:
		crop = Crop()
		crop.crop_w = size.width
		crop.crop_h = size.height
		crop.crop_x = 0
		crop.crop_y = 0
		crop.image = image
		crop.size = size

	if request.method == "POST":
		if request.FILES:
			# Process uploaded image form
			formset = ImageForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=image)
			if formset.is_valid():
					# Check for exif data and use it to populate caption/attribution
						exif_data = process_file(io.BytesIO(b"%s" % formset.cleaned_data["image"].file.getvalue()))
					except AttributeError:
						exif_data = {}
					if not formset.cleaned_data["caption"] and "Image ImageDescription" in exif_data:
						formset.data["caption"] = exif_data["Image ImageDescription"].__str__()
					if not formset.cleaned_data["attribution"] and "EXIF UserComment" in exif_data:
						formset.data["attribution"] = exif_data["EXIF UserComment"].__str__()
				image = formset.save()
				crop.image = image
				crop_formset = CropForm(instance=crop)
				# Invalid upload return form
				errors = formset.errors.values()[0]
				context = {
					"aspect_ratio_id": 0,
					"errors": errors,
					"formset": formset,
					"image_element_id" : request.GET["image_element_id"],
					"static_url": settings.STATIC_URL,
				context = RequestContext(request, context)
				return render_to_response("admin/upload.html", context)
			#If its the first frame, get the image formset and save it (for attribution)
			if not aspect_ratio_id:
				formset = ImageForm(request.POST, instance=image)
				if formset.is_valid():
				formset = ImageForm(instance=image)
			# If there's no cropping to be done, then just complete the process
			if size.id:
				# Lets save the crop
				request.POST['size'] = size.id
				request.POST['image'] = image.id
				crop_formset = CropForm(request.POST, instance=crop)
				if crop_formset.is_valid():
					crop = crop_formset.save()
					#Now get the next crop if it exists
					aspect_ratio_id = aspect_ratio_id + 1
					size = Size.objects.get_size_by_ratio(size_set, aspect_ratio_id)
					# If there's another crop
					if size:
							crop = Crop.objects.get(image=image.id, size=size.id)
							crop_formset = CropForm(instance=crop)
						except Crop.DoesNotExist:
							crop = Crop()
							crop.crop_w = size.width
							crop.crop_h = size.height
							crop.crop_x = 0
							crop.crop_y = 0
							crop.size = size
							crop_formset = CropForm()
	# Nothing being posted, get the image and form if they exist
		formset = ImageForm(instance=image)
		crop_formset = CropForm(instance=crop)
	# If theres more cropping to be done or its the first frame,
	# show the upload/crop form
	if (size and size.id) or request.method != "POST":		
		crop_w = crop.crop_w or size.width
		crop_h = crop.crop_h or size.height
		# Combine errors from both forms, eliminate duplicates
		errors = dict(crop_formset.errors)
		all_errors = []
		for error in  errors.items():
			if error[0] != '__all__':
				string = u"%s: %s" % (error[0].capitalize(), error[1].as_text())
				string = error[1].as_text()
		context = {
			"aspect_ratio": size.aspect_ratio,
			"aspect_ratio_id": aspect_ratio_id,	
			"browser_width": BROWSER_WIDTH,
			"crop_formset": crop_formset,
			"crop_w" : crop_w,
			"crop_h" : crop_h,
			"crop_x" : crop.crop_x or 0,
			"crop_y" : crop.crop_y or 0,
			"errors" : all_errors,
			"formset": formset,
			"image": image,
			"image_element_id" : request.GET["image_element_id"],
			"image_exists": image.image and os.path.exists(image.image.path),
			"min_w"  : size.width,
			"min_h"  : size.height,
			"static_url": settings.STATIC_URL,

		context = RequestContext(request, context)
		return render_to_response("admin/upload.html", context)

	# No more cropping to be done, close out
	else :
		image_thumbs = [image.thumbnail_url(size.slug) for size in image.size_set.get_unique_ratios()] 
		context = {
			"image": image,
			"image_thumbs": image_thumbs,
			"image_element_id" : request.GET["image_element_id"],
			"static_url": settings.STATIC_URL,
		context = RequestContext(request, context)
		return render_to_response("admin/complete.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def upload(request):
	size_set = SizeSet.objects.get(id=request.GET["size_set"])
	# Get the current aspect ratio
	if "aspect_ratio_id" in request.POST:
		aspect_ratio_id = int(request.POST["aspect_ratio_id"])
		aspect_ratio_id = 0
	if "image_id" in request.GET:
		image = CropDusterImage.objects.get(id=request.GET["image_id"])
	elif "image_id" in request.POST:
		image = CropDusterImage.objects.get(id=request.POST["image_id"])
		image = CropDusterImage(size_set=size_set)

	size = Size.objects.get_size_by_ratio(size_set.id, aspect_ratio_id) or Size()

	# Get the current crop
		crop = Crop.objects.get(image=image.id, size=size.id)
	except Crop.DoesNotExist:
		crop = Crop()
		crop.crop_w = size.width
		crop.crop_h = size.height
		crop.crop_x = 0
		crop.crop_y = 0
		crop.image = image
		crop.size = size

	if request.method == "POST":
		if request.FILES:
			# Process uploaded image form
			formset = ImageForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=image)
			if formset.is_valid():
				image = formset.save()
				crop.image = image
				crop_formset = CropForm(instance=crop)
				# Invalid upload return form
				errors = formset.errors.values()[0]
				context = {
					"aspect_ratio_id": 0,
					"errors": errors,
					"formset": formset,
					"image_element_id" : request.GET["image_element_id"]
				context = RequestContext(request, context)
				return render_to_response("admin/upload.html", context)
			#If its the first frame, get the image formset and save it (for attribution)
			if aspect_ratio_id ==0:
				formset = ImageForm(request.POST, instance=image)
				if formset.is_valid():
				formset = ImageForm(instance=image)
			# If there's no cropping to be done, then just complete the process
			if size.id:
				# Lets save the crop
				request.POST['size'] = size.id
				request.POST['image'] = image.id
				crop_formset = CropForm(request.POST, instance=crop)
				if crop_formset.is_valid():
					crop = crop_formset.save()
					#Now get the next crop if it exists
					aspect_ratio_id = aspect_ratio_id + 1
					size = Size.objects.get_size_by_ratio(size_set, aspect_ratio_id)
					# If there's another crop
					if size:
							crop = Crop.objects.get(image=image.id, size=size.id)
							crop_formset = CropForm(instance=crop)
						except Crop.DoesNotExist:
							crop = Crop()
							crop.crop_w = size.width
							crop.crop_h = size.height
							crop.crop_x = 0
							crop.crop_y = 0
							crop.size = size
							crop_formset = CropForm()
	# Nothing being posted, get the image and form if they exist
		formset = ImageForm(instance=image)
		crop_formset = CropForm(instance=crop)
	# If theres more cropping to be done or its the first frame,
	# show the upload/crop form
	if (size and size.id) or request.method != "POST":		
		crop_w = crop.crop_w or size.width
		crop_h = crop.crop_h or size.height
		# Combine errors from both forms, eliminate duplicates
		errors = dict(crop_formset.errors)
		all_errors = []
		for error in  errors.items():
			all_errors.append(u"%s: %s" % (error[0].capitalize(), error[1].as_text()))
		context = {
			"aspect_ratio": size.aspect_ratio,
			"aspect_ratio_id": aspect_ratio_id,	
			"browser_width": BROWSER_WIDTH,
			"crop_formset": crop_formset,
			"crop_w" : crop_w,
			"crop_h" : crop_h,
			"crop_x" : crop.crop_x or 0,
			"crop_y" : crop.crop_y or 0,
			"errors" : all_errors,
			"formset": formset,
			"image": image,
			"image_element_id" : request.GET["image_element_id"],
			"image_exists": image.image and os.path.exists(image.image.path),
			"min_w"  : size.width,
			"min_h"  : size.height,

		context = RequestContext(request, context)
		return render_to_response("admin/upload.html", context)

	# No more cropping to be done, close out
	else :
		image_thumbs = [image.thumbnail_url(size.slug) for size in image.size_set.get_size_by_ratio()] 
		context = {
			"image": image,
			"image_thumbs": image_thumbs,
			"image_element_id" : request.GET["image_element_id"]
		context = RequestContext(request, context)
		return render_to_response("admin/complete.html", context)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def upload(request):

    size_set = SizeSet.objects.get(id=request.GET["size_set"])

    # Get the current aspect ratio
    if "aspect_ratio_id" in request.POST:
        aspect_ratio_id = int(request.POST["aspect_ratio_id"])
        aspect_ratio_id = 0

    image_id = None

    if "image_id" in request.GET:
        image_id = request.GET["image_id"]
    elif "image_id" in request.POST:
        image_id = request.POST["image_id"]

        image_id = int(image_id)
        image = CropDusterImage.objects.get(id=image_id)
        image = CropDusterImage(size_set=size_set)

    size = Size.objects.get_size_by_ratio(size_set.id,
                                          aspect_ratio_id) or Size()

    # Get the current crop
        crop = Crop.objects.get(image=image.id, size=size.id)
    except Crop.DoesNotExist:
        crop = Crop()
        crop.crop_w = size.width
        crop.crop_h = size.height
        crop.crop_x = 0
        crop.crop_y = 0
        crop.image = image
        crop.size = size

    if request.method == "POST":
        if request.FILES:

            # Process uploaded image form
            formset = ImageForm(request.POST, request.FILES, instance=image)

            if formset.is_valid():

                if CROPDUSTER_EXIF_DATA:
                    # Check for exif data and use it to populate caption/attribution
                        exif_data = process_file(
                                b"%s" %
                    except AttributeError:
                        exif_data = {}

                    if not formset.cleaned_data[
                            "caption"] and "Image ImageDescription" in exif_data:
                        formset.data["caption"] = exif_data[
                            "Image ImageDescription"].__str__()
                    if not formset.cleaned_data[
                            "attribution"] and "EXIF UserComment" in exif_data:
                        formset.data["attribution"] = exif_data[
                            "EXIF UserComment"].__str__()

                image = formset.save()
                crop.image = image
                crop_formset = CropForm(instance=crop)
                # Invalid upload return form
                errors = formset.errors.values()[0]
                context = {
                    "aspect_ratio_id": 0,
                    "errors": errors,
                    "formset": formset,
                    "image_element_id": request.GET["image_element_id"],
                    "static_url": settings.STATIC_URL,

                context = RequestContext(request, context)

                return render_to_response("admin/upload.html", context)


            #If its the first frame, get the image formset and save it (for attribution)

            if not aspect_ratio_id:
                formset = ImageForm(request.POST, instance=image)
                if formset.is_valid():
                formset = ImageForm(instance=image)

            # If there's no cropping to be done, then just complete the process
            if size.id:

                # Lets save the crop
                request.POST['size'] = size.id
                request.POST['image'] = image.id
                crop_formset = CropForm(request.POST, instance=crop)

                if crop_formset.is_valid():
                    crop = crop_formset.save()

                    #Now get the next crop if it exists
                    aspect_ratio_id = aspect_ratio_id + 1
                    size = Size.objects.get_size_by_ratio(
                        size_set, aspect_ratio_id)

                    # If there's another crop
                    if size:
                            crop = Crop.objects.get(image=image.id,
                            crop_formset = CropForm(instance=crop)
                        except Crop.DoesNotExist:
                            crop = Crop()
                            crop.crop_w = size.width
                            crop.crop_h = size.height
                            crop.crop_x = 0
                            crop.crop_y = 0
                            crop.size = size
                            crop_formset = CropForm()

    # Nothing being posted, get the image and form if they exist
        formset = ImageForm(instance=image)
        crop_formset = CropForm(instance=crop)

    # If theres more cropping to be done or its the first frame,
    # show the upload/crop form
    if (size and size.id) or request.method != "POST":

        crop_w = crop.crop_w or size.width
        crop_h = crop.crop_h or size.height

        # Combine errors from both forms, eliminate duplicates
        errors = dict(crop_formset.errors)
        all_errors = []
        for error in errors.items():
            if error[0] != '__all__':
                string = u"%s: %s" % (error[0].capitalize(),
                string = error[1].as_text()

        context = {
            "aspect_ratio": size.aspect_ratio,
            "aspect_ratio_id": aspect_ratio_id,
            "browser_width": BROWSER_WIDTH,
            "crop_formset": crop_formset,
            "crop_w": crop_w,
            "crop_h": crop_h,
            "crop_x": crop.crop_x or 0,
            "crop_y": crop.crop_y or 0,
            "errors": all_errors,
            "formset": formset,
            "image": image,
            "image_element_id": request.GET["image_element_id"],
            "image_exists": image.image and os.path.exists(image.image.path),
            "min_w": size.width,
            "min_h": size.height,
            "static_url": settings.STATIC_URL,

        context = RequestContext(request, context)

        return render_to_response("admin/upload.html", context)

    # No more cropping to be done, close out
        image_thumbs = [
            for size in image.size_set.get_unique_ratios()

        context = {
            "image": image,
            "image_thumbs": image_thumbs,
            "image_element_id": request.GET["image_element_id"],
            "static_url": settings.STATIC_URL,

        context = RequestContext(request, context)
        return render_to_response("admin/complete.html", context)