Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_assign_to_state_territory_color_were_preserved():
    state1 = State.from_dict({
        'validity_start': '1918-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'validity_end': '1919-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'representations': [
                'name':  'test ' + datetime.now().isoformat() + str(randint(1, 1e6)),
                'validity_start': '1918-01-01T00:00:00Z',
                'validity_end': '1919-01-01T00:00:00Z',
                'color' : '#FF0000' # red
    state2 = State.from_dict({
        'validity_start': '1918-02-01T00:00:00Z',
        'validity_end': '1918-12-01T00:00:00Z',
        'representations': [
                'name':  'test ' + datetime.now().isoformat() + str(randint(1, 1e6)),
                'validity_start': '1918-02-01T00:00:00Z',
                'validity_end': '1918-12-01T00:00:00Z',
                'color' : '#0000FF' #blue
    # territory exists in jan and dec 1918 and state2 does not
    territory = get_example_territory()
    territory.color = None # will be red at first
    with get_api_with_state_and_territory((state1, territory), (state2, None)) as [(_, territory_with_id), (state2_w_id, _)]:
        with get_cursor() as cursor :
            created_ids = TerritoryTag._assign_to_state(cursor, territory_with_id, state2_w_id.state_id)

        # The reassigned territory was set to red (so the assign did not change the color)
        assert TerritoryTag.get(territory_with_id.territory_id).color=='#FF0000'
        assert all(TerritoryTag.get(created_id).color == None for created_id in created_ids)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_assign_to_state_with_unmatching_period():
    state1 = State.from_dict({
        'validity_start': '1918-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'validity_end': '1919-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'representations': [
                'name':  'test ' + datetime.now().isoformat() + str(randint(1, 1e6)),
                'validity_start': '1918-01-01T00:00:00Z',
                'validity_end': '1919-01-01T00:00:00Z',
                'color' : '#000000'
    state2 = State.from_dict({
        'validity_start': '1919-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'validity_end': '1920-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'representations': [
                'name':  'test ' + datetime.now().isoformat() + str(randint(1, 1e6)),
                'validity_start': '1919-01-01T00:00:00Z',
                'validity_end': '1920-01-01T00:00:00Z',
                'color' : '#000000'
    territory = get_example_territory()

    # state2 and territory have no period in common
    with get_api_with_state_and_territory((state1, territory), (state2, None)) as [(_, territory_with_id), (state2_w_id, _)]:
        with pytest.raises(BadRequest):
            with get_cursor() as cursor :
                TerritoryTag._assign_to_state(cursor, territory_with_id, state2_w_id.state_id)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_assign_to_state_territory_starts_before_new_state():
    state1 = State.from_dict({
        'validity_start': '1918-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'validity_end': '1919-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'representations': [
                'name':  'test ' + datetime.now().isoformat() + str(randint(1, 1e6)),
                'validity_start': '1918-01-01T00:00:00Z',
                'validity_end': '1919-01-01T00:00:00Z',
                'color' : '#000000'
    state2 = State.from_dict({
        'validity_start': '1918-02-01T00:00:00Z',
        'validity_end': '1919-01-01T00:00:00Z',
        'representations': [
                'name':  'test ' + datetime.now().isoformat() + str(randint(1, 1e6)),
                'validity_start': '1918-02-01T00:00:00Z',
                'validity_end': '1919-01-01T00:00:00Z',
                'color' : '#000000'
    # territory exists in jan 1918 and state2 does not
    territory = get_example_territory()
    with get_api_with_state_and_territory((state1, territory), (state2, None)) as [(state1_with_id, territory_with_id), (state2_w_id, _)]:
        territory_count = TerritoryTag.count()
        with get_cursor() as cursor :
            created_ids = TerritoryTag._assign_to_state(cursor, territory_with_id, state2_w_id.state_id)
        # a territory was created for jan 1918 and it still belongs to state1
        assert TerritoryTag.count() == territory_count + 1 
        assert len(created_ids) == 1
        assert TerritoryTag.get(created_ids[0]).state_id == state1_with_id.state_id
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def post(state):
     assert isinstance(state, State)
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         conflicts = StateTag.__get_name_conflicts(state, cursor)
         if len(conflicts):
             report = ', by '.join([
                 f'{c.state_id} from {c.validity_start.year} to {c.validity_end.year}'
                 for c in conflicts
             raise Conflict(f'names are already taken by {report} ')
         return StateCRUD.add(cursor, state)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def get(bbox, date, precision_level):
     assert isinstance(bbox, BoundingBox)
     assert isinstance(date, datetime)
     assert date.tzinfo is None
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         territories = TerritoryCRUD.get_within_bbox_at_time(cursor, bbox, date, precision_level)
         state_ids = frozenset(t.state_id for t in territories)
         states = StateCRUD.get_many(cursor, state_ids)
         return {
             'states' : states,
             'territories' : territories
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def put(territory):
     assert isinstance(territory, Territory)
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         original_territory = TerritoryCRUD.get(cursor,
         if original_territory.state_id != territory.state_id:
             TerritoryTag._assign_to_state(cursor, original_territory,
             change_color=original_territory.color != territory.color,
             change_name=original_territory.name != territory.name)
     return territory.territory_id
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def delete(territory_id):
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         territory = TerritoryCRUD.get(cursor, territory_id)
         state = StateCRUD.get(cursor, territory.state_id)
         if len(state.representations
                ) == 1 and not state.representations[0].name:
             its_territories = TerritoryCRUD.get_by_state(
                 cursor, territory.state_id)
             if len(its_territories) == 1:
                 StateCRUD.delete(cursor, state.state_id)
                 return {
                     "deleted_state": state.state_id,
                     "deleted_territory": territory_id
         TerritoryCRUD.delete(cursor, territory_id)
         return {"deleted_state": None, "deleted_territory": territory_id}
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def get_by_state(state_id, date, pixel_width):
     assert isinstance(state_id, int)
     assert isinstance(date, datetime)
     assert isinstance(pixel_width, float)
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         bbox = StateCRUD.get_bbox(cursor, state_id, date).enlarge_to_aspect_ratio(16/9)
         precision = precision_from_bbox_and_px_width(bbox, pixel_width)
         territories = TerritoryCRUD.get_within_bbox_at_time(cursor, bbox, date, precision)
         state_ids = frozenset(t.state_id for t in territories)
         states = StateCRUD.get_many(cursor, state_ids)
         return {
             'states' : states,
             'territories' : territories,
             'bounding_box' : bbox,
             'date' : date
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def put(state, absorb_conflicts):
        assert isinstance(state, State)
        with get_cursor() as cursor:
            conflicts = StateTag.__get_name_conflicts(state, cursor)
            if len(conflicts):
                if absorb_conflicts:
                    start_conflicts = min(s.validity_start for s in conflicts)
                    end_conflicts = max(s.validity_end for s in conflicts)
                    if start_conflicts < state.validity_start or end_conflicts > state.validity_end:
                        raise Conflict(
                            f'Cannot absorb conflicts : they go from {start_conflicts.isoformat()} to {end_conflicts.isoformat()}'
                    for c in conflicts:
                        StateTag.__merge_with_cursor(cursor, c.state_id,
                    report = ', by '.join([
                        f'{c.state_id} from {c.validity_start.year} to {c.validity_end.year}'
                        for c in conflicts
                    raise Conflict(f'names are already taken by {report} ')

            its_territories = TerritoryCRUD.get_by_state(
                cursor, state.state_id)
            conflicting_territories = [
                t for t in its_territories
                if t.validity_start < state.validity_start
                or t.validity_end > state.validity_end
            if len(conflicting_territories):
                raise Conflict(
                    f'Cannot update : territories {[t.territory_id for t in conflicting_territories]} have range from {min(t.validity_start for t  in conflicting_territories)} to {max(t.validity_end for t in conflicting_territories)}'
            return state.state_id
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def post(territory):
     assert isinstance(territory, Territory)
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         state = StateCRUD.get(cursor, territory.state_id)
         if territory.validity_start < state.validity_start or territory.validity_end > state.validity_end:
             raise Conflict(
                 f"Cannot add territory ({territory.validity_start} , {territory.validity_end}) to state ({state.validity_start}, {state.validity_end}) : period overflows"
         potentially_intersecting = TerritoryCRUD.get_within_bbox_in_period(
             cursor, territory.bounding_box, territory.validity_start,
             territory.validity_end, 0)
         t_conflict_ids = [
             other.territory_id for other in potentially_intersecting
             if territories_conflict(territory, other)
         if len(t_conflict_ids):
             raise Conflict(
                 f"Cannot add the territory : it conflicts with territories {t_conflict_ids}"
         compressed_territory = compress_territory(territory)
         return TerritoryCRUD.add(cursor, compressed_territory)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def get_evolution_by_state(state_id, pixel_width):
     assert isinstance(state_id, int)
     assert isinstance(pixel_width, float)
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         res = []
         for date in _determine_dates_to_show(cursor, state_id):
             try :
                 bbox = StateCRUD.get_bbox(cursor, state_id, date).enlarge_to_aspect_ratio(16/9)
                 logging.error('setting last bbox')
                 last_bbox = bbox
             except NotFound:
                 bbox = last_bbox 
             precision = precision_from_bbox_and_px_width(bbox, pixel_width)
             territories = TerritoryCRUD.get_within_bbox_at_time(cursor, bbox, date, precision)
             state_ids = frozenset(t.state_id for t in territories)
             states = StateCRUD.get_many(cursor, state_ids)
                 'states' : states,
                 'territories' : territories,
                 'bounding_box' : bbox,
                 'date' : date,
                 'lands': LandCRUD.get_lands(cursor, bbox, precision)
         return res
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def count():
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         return TerritoryCRUD.count(cursor)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def get(territory_id):
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         territory = TerritoryCRUD.get(cursor, territory_id)
         assert territory.representations[0].precision_in_km == 0
         return territory
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def merge(to_merge_id, sovereign_state_id):
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         StateTag.__merge_with_cursor(cursor, to_merge_id,
     return sovereign_state_id
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def search(pattern):
     assert isinstance(pattern, str)
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         return StateCRUD.search(cursor, pattern)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def delete(state_id):
     assert isinstance(state_id, int)
     with get_cursor() as cursor:
         return StateCRUD.delete(cursor, state_id)