Ejemplo n.º 1
    def process_generated_output(self):
        # This should only ever be executed on the main thread! Node operations cannot happen during run()
        for generated_output in self.generated_output:
            output_path = generated_output['output_path']
            should_add_to_build = generated_output['should_add_to_build']

            # Nodes won't work with absolute paths, so we have to remove the build path from
            # the given output file path. Given path is unicode, make it str to match Node.
            output_path = os.path.relpath(
                str(output_path), start=self.generator.bld.bldnode.abspath())
            with task_node_access_lock:
                output_node = self.generator.bld.bldnode.find_node(output_path)

            if output_node is None:
                raise Errors.WafError(
                    '[ERROR] az_code_gen: Unable to find generated file as node {}'

            append_to_unique_list(self.outputs, output_node)

            if should_add_to_build:
                # Add to persistent link list
                self.azcg_append_unique('link_inputs', output_node)
                # Perform actual add to link task
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_additional_code_folders_from_spec(ctx):
    spec_list = ctx.get_current_spec_list()
    additional_code_folders = []
    for spec in spec_list:
        spec_additional_folders = ctx.spec_additional_code_folders(spec)
        append_to_unique_list(additional_code_folders, spec_additional_folders)
    return additional_code_folders
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def apply_dependencies(args):
     for dep in dependency_objects:
         dep_include = dep.get_include_path()
         if os.path.exists(dep_include.abspath()):
             append_to_unique_list(args['includes'], dep_include)
         if Gem.LinkType.requires_linking(ctx, dep.link_type):
             append_to_unique_list(args['use'], dep.name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def spec_game_projects(ctx, spec_name=None):
    Get and game projects defined for the spec.  Will strip out duplicate entries
    project_settings_map = ctx.get_project_settings_map()

    game_projects = _spec_entry(ctx, 'game_projects', spec_name)
    if game_projects is None:
        return []
    unique_list = list()
    for game_project in game_projects:
        if game_project in project_settings_map:
            append_to_unique_list(unique_list, game_project)

    # Check if this spec has any game->folder map
    global GAME_FOLDER_MAP
    spec_game_folder_map_list = _spec_entry(ctx, 'game_folders', spec_name)
    if spec_game_folder_map_list and len(spec_game_folder_map_list) > 0:
        # If there is an override game folder map in the spec, then validate its uniqueness and add it to the map
        spec_game_folder_map = spec_game_folder_map_list[0]
        for game_name, game_folder in spec_game_folder_map.items():
            if game_name in GAME_FOLDER_MAP:
                current_game_folder = GAME_FOLDER_MAP[game_name]
                if current_game_folder != game_folder:
                    raise Errors.WafError(
                        'Conflicting game name to folder map detected in spec {}'
                GAME_FOLDER_MAP[game_name] = game_folder

    return unique_list
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def post_run(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'cached'):
            # Also add the raw output path
            self.generator.env.append_unique('INCPATHS', get_azcg_output_dir_node(self.generator).abspath())

            # Also add paths we stored from prior builds
            azcg_paths = self.azcg_get('AZCG_INCPATHS', [])

            # link_inputs is a list of nodes that need to be added to the link each time
            for link_node in self.azcg_get('link_inputs', []):
                if not self.add_link_task(link_node):
                    return Task.EXCEPTION

            self.generator.source += self.outputs
            # Register output files generated by the code gen execution

            bld = self.generator.bld
            dep_node = None
            resolved_nodes = []

            # Resolve registered dependencies we got into dependency nodes
            for path in self.registered_dependencies:
                dep_node = self.get_node_from_dependency_path(path)

                if dep_node:
                    if not (dep_node.is_child_of(bld.srcnode) or dep_node.is_child_of(bld.bldnode)):
                        # System library

                    if dep_node in self.inputs:
                        # Self-dependency

                    if dep_node in self.outputs:
                        # Circular dependency

                    append_to_unique_list(resolved_nodes, dep_node)
                    Logs.error('az_code_gen: Unable to find dependency file as node: {}'.format(path))

            # Add azcg_deps and script nodes as dependencies
            for dep_node in itertools.chain(self.azcg_deps, self.script_nodes):
                append_to_unique_list(resolved_nodes, dep_node)

            bld.node_deps[self.uid()] = resolved_nodes

            # force waf to recompute a full signature for this task (we may have new/deleted dependencies we need it to account for)
                del self.cache_sig

            self.azcg_set('AZCG_OUTPUTS', self.outputs)

Ejemplo n.º 6
 def apply_dependencies(args):
     for dep in dependency_objects:
         dep_include = dep.get_include_path()
         if os.path.exists(dep_include):
             append_to_unique_list(args['includes'], dep_include)
         for module in dep.modules:
             if module.requires_linking(ctx):
                 append_to_unique_list(args['use'], module.target_name)
def load_android_armv7_common_settings(conf):
    Setup all compiler and linker settings shared over all android armv7 configurations

    env = conf.env
    env['ANDROID_ARCH'] = 'armeabi-v7a'

    ndk_root = env['ANDROID_NDK_HOME']
    ndk_rev = env['ANDROID_NDK_REV_MAJOR']

    is_ndk_19_plus = (ndk_rev >= 19)

    defines = [
    append_to_unique_list(env['DEFINES'], defines)

    common_flags = [
        '-mfloat-abi=softfp',  # float ABI: hardware code gen, soft calling convention
        '-mfpu=neon',  # enable neon, implies -mfpu=VFPv3-D32

    link_flags = [
        '-Wl,--fix-cortex-a8',  # required to fix a bug in some Cortex-A8 implementations for neon support
        '-Wl,--icf=safe',  # removes duplicate code

    if is_ndk_19_plus:
        common_flags += ['-mthumb', '-fpic']

        platform_root_compile = os.path.join(ndk_root, 'sysroot')
        platform_root_link = os.path.join(ndk_root, 'platforms',

        env['INCLUDES'] += [
            os.path.join(platform_root_compile, 'usr', 'include'),

        common_flags = [
            os.path.join(platform_root_compile, 'usr', 'include',
        ] + common_flags

        env['LIBPATH'] += [os.path.join(platform_root_link, 'usr', 'lib')]

        link_flags = ['--sysroot={}'.format(platform_root_link)] + link_flags

    env['CFLAGS'] += common_flags[:]
    env['CXXFLAGS'] += common_flags[:]

    env['LINKFLAGS'] += link_flags[:]
def load_android_armv7_common_settings(conf):
    Setup all compiler and linker settings shared over all android armv7 configurations

    env = conf.env
    ndk_root = env['ANDROID_NDK_HOME']

    # common settings for all android armv7 builds
    platform_root_compile = os.path.join(ndk_root, 'platforms',
    platform_root_link = platform_root_compile

    if conf.is_using_android_unified_headers():
        platform_root_compile = os.path.join(ndk_root, 'sysroot')

    env['INCLUDES'] += [
        os.path.join(platform_root_compile, 'usr', 'include'),

    system_root = '--sysroot={}'.format(platform_root_compile)

    common_flags = [
        '-mfloat-abi=softfp',  # float ABI: hardware code gen, soft calling convention
        '-mfpu=neon',  # enable neon, implies -mfpu=VFPv3-D32

    if conf.is_using_android_unified_headers():
        system_arch = os.path.join(platform_root_compile, 'usr', 'include',
        common_flags += [

    env['CFLAGS'] += common_flags[:]
    env['CXXFLAGS'] += common_flags[:]

    defines = [
    append_to_unique_list(env['DEFINES'], defines)

    env['LIBPATH'] += [os.path.join(platform_root_link, 'usr', 'lib')]

    system_root = '--sysroot={}'.format(platform_root_link)

    env['LINKFLAGS'] += [
        '-Wl,--fix-cortex-a8',  # required to fix a bug in some Cortex-A8 implementations for neon support
        '-Wl,--icf=safe',  # removes duplicate code

    env['ANDROID_ARCH'] = 'armeabi-v7a'
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_enabled_game_project_list(self):
    """Utility function which returns the current game projects."""

    # Get either the current spec being built (build) or all the specs for the solution generation (configure/msvs)
    current_spec = getattr(self.options, 'project_spec', '')
    if len(current_spec)==0:
        spec_string_list = getattr(self.options, 'specs_to_include_in_project_generation', '').strip()
        if len(spec_string_list) == 0:
            self.fatal("[ERROR] Missing/Invalid specs ('specs_to_include_in_project_generation') in user_settings.options")
        spec_list = [spec.strip() for spec in spec_string_list.split(',')]
        if len(spec_list) == 0:
            self.fatal("[ERROR] Empty spec list ('specs_to_include_in_project_generation') in user_settings.options")
        spec_list = [current_spec]

    # Vet the list and make sure all of the specs are valid specs
    for spec in spec_list:
        if not self.is_valid_spec_name(spec):
            self.fatal("[ERROR] Invalid spec '{}'.  Make sure it exists in the specs folder and is a valid spec file.".format(spec))

    # Build up the list of project names
    ordered_unique_list = list()
    for spec in spec_list:
        # Get the projects defined for the particular spec
        projects_for_spec = self.spec_game_projects(spec)

        # If there are no games defined for the spec, and it is not marked with 'disable_game_projects',
        # use the legacy method of getting the enabled game project
        if len(projects_for_spec) == 0 and not self.spec_disable_games(spec):
            projects_for_spec = split_comma_delimited_string(self.options.enabled_game_projects, True)

        # Build up the list
        for project_for_spec in projects_for_spec:
            if len(project_for_spec) > 0:
                append_to_unique_list(ordered_unique_list, project_for_spec)

    # Make sure that the game that is set bootstrap.cfg is specified as an enabled game project, otherwise produce a warning if we
    # have specified at least one game project during build commands
    if len(ordered_unique_list) > 0 and self.cmd.startswith('build_'):
        bootstrap_game = self.get_bootstrap_game()
        bootstrap_game_enabled = False
        for enabled_game in ordered_unique_list:
            if enabled_game == bootstrap_game:
                bootstrap_game_enabled = True
        if not bootstrap_game_enabled:
            if len(ordered_unique_list) > 1:
                self.warn_once("Game project '{}' configured in bootstrap.cfg is not an enabled game for this build.  "
                               "In order to run or debug for the any of the enabled games '{}', one of them needs to be set in bootstrap.cfg under the "
                               "'sys_game_folder' entry accordingly".format(bootstrap_game, ','.join(ordered_unique_list)))
                self.warn_once("Game project '{}' configured in bootstrap.cfg is the enabled game for this build.  "
                               "In order to run or debug for the game '{}', they need to be set in bootstrap.cfg under the "
                               "'sys_game_folder' entry accordingly".format(bootstrap_game, ordered_unique_list[0]))

    return ordered_unique_list
Ejemplo n.º 10
def load_test_settings(ctx):
    Setup all compiler and linker settings shared over all dedicated configurations
    # Setup defines
            'AZCORE_ENABLE_MEMORY_TRACKING'  # Enable memory tracking for all unit tests
Ejemplo n.º 11
def load_cryengine_common_settings(conf):
    Setup all platform, compiler and configuration agnostic settings
    v = conf.env

    if conf.is_option_true('enable_memory_tracking'):
        append_to_unique_list(v['DEFINES'], 'AZCORE_ENABLE_MEMORY_TRACKING')
    # To allow pragma comment (lib, 'SDKs/...) uniformly, pass Code to the libpath
    append_to_unique_list(v['LIBPATH'], conf.CreateRootRelativePath('Code'))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def spec_game_projects(ctx, spec_name=None):
    Get and game projects defined for the spec.  Will strip out duplicate entries

    game_projects = _spec_entry(ctx, 'game_projects', spec_name)
    if game_projects is None:
        return []
    unique_list = list()
    for game_project in game_projects:
        append_to_unique_list(unique_list, game_project)
    return unique_list
Ejemplo n.º 13
def spec_restricted_launchers(ctx, spec_name = None):
    """ For a given spec, See if we are restricting particular launchers for the spec"""
    if spec_name is None and len(ctx.options.project_spec) == 0:
        specs_to_restrict = [spec for spec in ctx.loaded_specs() if not ctx.spec_disable_games(spec)]
        restricted_launcher_list = []
        for spec in specs_to_restrict:
            spec_restrict_launchers = _spec_entry(ctx, 'restricted_launchers', spec)
            append_to_unique_list(restricted_launcher_list, spec_restrict_launchers)
        return restricted_launcher_list
        additional_launcher_projects = _spec_entry(ctx, 'restricted_launchers', spec_name)
    return additional_launcher_projects
Ejemplo n.º 14
def spec_additional_launchers(ctx, spec_name = None):
    """ For a given spec, add any additional custom launchers"""
    if spec_name is None and len(ctx.options.project_spec)==0:
        specs_to_include = [spec for spec in ctx.loaded_specs() if not ctx.spec_disable_games(spec)]
        additional_launcher_for_all_specs = []
        for spec in specs_to_include:
            spec_additional_launchers = _spec_entry(ctx, 'additional_launchers', spec)
            append_to_unique_list(additional_launcher_for_all_specs, spec_additional_launchers)
        return additional_launcher_for_all_specs
        additional_launcher_projects = _spec_entry(ctx, 'additional_launchers', spec_name)
    return additional_launcher_projects
def load_android_armv8_common_settings(conf):
    Setup all compiler and linker settings shared over all android armv8 configurations

    # remove the armv8 android build target if it doesn't meet the min API requirement.
    # letting the platform finish configuring is harmless.
    if (not conf.is_android_armv8_api_valid()) and (
            'android_armv8_clang' in conf.get_supported_platforms()):
            '[WARN] Attempting to configure Android ARMv8 with an API that is lower than the min spec: API 21.  Disabling the Android ARMv8 build target.'

    env = conf.env
    env['ANDROID_ARCH'] = 'arm64-v8a'

    ndk_root = env['ANDROID_NDK_HOME']
    ndk_rev = env['ANDROID_NDK_REV_MAJOR']

    is_ndk_19_plus = (ndk_rev >= 19)

    defines = [
    append_to_unique_list(env['DEFINES'], defines)

    if not is_ndk_19_plus:
        platform_root_compile = os.path.join(ndk_root, 'sysroot')
        platform_root_link = os.path.join(ndk_root, 'platforms',

        env['INCLUDES'] += [
            os.path.join(platform_root_compile, 'usr', 'include'),

        common_flags = [
            os.path.join(platform_root_compile, 'usr', 'include',

        env['CFLAGS'] += common_flags[:]
        env['CXXFLAGS'] += common_flags[:]

        env['LIBPATH'] += [os.path.join(platform_root_link, 'usr', 'lib')]

        env['LINKFLAGS'] += [
Ejemplo n.º 16
def apply_required_gems_to_context(ctx, target, kw):

    required_gems = ctx.get_required_gems()

    Logs.debug('gems: adding required gems to target {} : %s'.format(
        target, ','.join([gem.name for gem in required_gems])))

    for gem in required_gems:
        if gem.name != target:
            if Gem.LinkType.requires_linking(ctx, gem.link_type):
                append_to_unique_list(kw['use'], gem.name)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def merge_kw_key(self, target, kw_key, source_section, merge_kw):
     if not kw_key in source_section:
     elif not kw_key in merge_kw:
         merge_kw[kw_key] = source_section[kw_key] # TODO: deep copy?
         if not self.merge_kw_key_type(target, kw_key, str, source_section, merge_kw) and not self.merge_kw_key_type(target, kw_key, bool, source_section, merge_kw):
             # Everything else is meant to be a list of string
             target_list = merge_kw.setdefault(kw_key,[])
             append_to_unique_list(target_list, source_section[kw_key])
Ejemplo n.º 18
def load_cryengine_common_settings(conf):
    Setup all platform, compiler and configuration agnostic settings
    v = conf.env

    # Generate CODE_BASE_FOLDER define to allow to create absolute paths in source to use for pragma comment lib 
    code_node = conf.srcnode.make_node('Code')
    code_path = code_node.abspath()
    code_path = code_path.replace('\\', '/')
    v['DEFINES'] += [ 'CODE_BASE_FOLDER="' + code_path + '/"' ]
    # To allow pragma comment (lib, 'SDKs/...) uniformly, pass Code to the libpath
    append_to_unique_list(v['LIBPATH'], conf.CreateRootRelativePath('Code'))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_available_launchers(self, project):

    if self.is_option_true('use_unified_launcher'):
        return {'modules': ['ClientLauncher', 'ServerLauncher']}

    launchers_to_exclude = set()
    if not self.is_target_platform_enabled('android'):
        # If android is disabled, remove add it to the launchers to exclude

    # Get the dictionary for the launchers
    available_launchers = {
        'modules': [
            fl for fl in AVAILABLE_LAUNCHERS['modules']
            if fl not in launchers_to_exclude

    # Get the list of all the launchers
    projects_settings = self.get_project_settings_map()
    additional_launchers = projects_settings.get(project, {}).get(
        'additional_launchers', [])

    for p0, _, _, _ in self.env['RESTRICTED_PLATFORMS']:
        restricted_launcher_name = '{}Launcher'.format(p0)
        append_to_unique_list(additional_launchers, restricted_launcher_name)

    # Update the modules in the dictionary to include the additional launchers
    for additional_launcher in additional_launchers:
        if additional_launcher not in available_launchers['modules']:

    # Check if there is a list of restricted launchers
    restricted_launchers = projects_settings.get(project, {}).get(
        'restricted_launchers', [])

    # Remove the modules in the dictionary if there is a restricted list
    if len(restricted_launchers) > 0:
        for key in available_launchers:
            modules = available_launchers[key]
            launchers = [
                launcher for launcher in modules
                if launcher in restricted_launchers
            available_launchers[key] = launchers

    return available_launchers
def initialize_lumberyard(ctx):
    Setup all platform, compiler and configuration agnostic settings
    v = ctx.env

    if conf.is_option_true('enable_memory_tracking'):
        append_to_unique_list(v['DEFINES'], 'AZCORE_ENABLE_MEMORY_TRACKING')

    # BEGIN JAVELIN MOD: https://jira.agscollab.com/browse/JAV-18779 Allows for an AZ Allocator to be used for memory management
    # removed below if check because of issues related to https://jira.agscollab.com/browse/LYAJAV-126
    # if conf.is_option_true('use_az_allocator_for_cry_memory_manager'):
    #    append_to_unique_list(v['DEFINES'], 'USE_AZ_ALLOCATOR_FOR_CRY_MEMORY_MANAGER')

    # To allow pragma comment (lib, 'SDKs/...) uniformly, pass Code to the libpath
    append_to_unique_list(v['LIBPATH'], conf.CreateRootRelativePath('Code'))
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 21
def load_android_common_settings(conf):
    Setup all compiler and linker settings shared over all android configurations

    env = conf.env
    ndk_root = env['ANDROID_NDK_HOME']

    # common settings for all android builds
    defines = [

    if conf.is_using_android_unified_headers():
        defines += [

    append_to_unique_list(env['DEFINES'], defines)

    env['LIB'] += [
        'android',  # android library
        'c',  # c library for android
        'log',  # log library for android
        'dl',  # dynamic library

    env['LINKFLAGS'] += [
        '-rdynamic',  # add ALL symbols to the dynamic symbol table
        '-Wl,--no-undefined'  # tell the gcc linker to fail if it finds undefined references

    # Pattern to transform outputs
    env['cprogram_PATTERN'] = env['cxxprogram_PATTERN'] = '%s'
    env['cshlib_PATTERN'] = env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] = 'lib%s.so'
    env['cstlib_PATTERN'] = env['cxxstlib_PATTERN'] = 'lib%s.a'

    env['RPATH_ST'] = '-Wl,-rpath,%s'
    env['SONAME_ST'] = '-Wl,-soname,%s'  # sets the DT_SONAME field in the shared object, used for ELF object loading

    # frameworks aren't supported on Android, disable it
    env['FRAMEWORK'] = []
    env['FRAMEWORK_ST'] = ''
    env['FRAMEWORKPATH'] = []
    env['FRAMEWORKPATH_ST'] = ''

    # java settings
    env['JAVA_VERSION'] = '1.7'
    env['CLASSPATH'] = []

    platform = os.path.join(env['ANDROID_SDK_HOME'], 'platforms',
    android_jar = os.path.join(platform, 'android.jar')

    env['JAVACFLAGS'] = [

    # android interface processing
    env['AIDL_PREPROC_ST'] = '-p%s'
    env['AIDL_PREPROCESSES'] = [os.path.join(platform, 'framework.aidl')]

    # appt settings
    env['APPT_RESOURCE_ST'] = ['-S']
    env['APPT_RESOURCES'] = []

    env['APPT_INLC_ST'] = ['-I']
    env['APPT_INCLUDES'] = [android_jar]
    env['APP_PACKAGE_FLAGS'] = []

    # apk packaging settings
    env['ANDROID_MANIFEST'] = ''
    env['ANDROID_DEBUG_MODE'] = ''

    # jarsigner settings
    env['KEYSTORE_ALIAS'] = conf.get_android_env_keystore_alias()
    env['KEYSTORE'] = conf.get_android_env_keystore_path()
Ejemplo n.º 22
def load_android_common_settings(conf):
    Setup all compiler and linker settings shared over all android configurations

    env = conf.env
    ndk_root = env['ANDROID_NDK_HOME']

    # common settings for all android builds
    defines = [

    if conf.is_using_android_unified_headers():
        defines += [

    append_to_unique_list(env['DEFINES'], defines)

    env['CFLAGS'] += [
        '-ffunction-sections', '-fdata-sections'
    ]  # Discard unused sections (flag is common to GCC and Clang)

    env['LIB'] += [
        'android',  # android library
        'c',  # c library for android
        'log',  # log library for android
        'dl',  # dynamic library

    env['LINKFLAGS'] += [
        '-rdynamic',  # add ALL symbols to the dynamic symbol table
        '-Wl,--no-undefined',  # tell the gcc linker to fail if it finds undefined references
        '-Wl,--gc-sections',  # discards unused sections

    # Pattern to transform outputs
    env['cprogram_PATTERN'] = env['cxxprogram_PATTERN'] = '%s'
    env['cshlib_PATTERN'] = env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] = 'lib%s.so'
    env['cstlib_PATTERN'] = env['cxxstlib_PATTERN'] = 'lib%s.a'

    env['RPATH_ST'] = '-Wl,-rpath,%s'
    env['SONAME_ST'] = '-Wl,-soname,%s'  # sets the DT_SONAME field in the shared object, used for ELF object loading

    # frameworks aren't supported on Android, disable it
    env['FRAMEWORK'] = []
    env['FRAMEWORK_ST'] = ''
    env['FRAMEWORKPATH'] = []
    env['FRAMEWORKPATH_ST'] = ''

    # java settings
    env['JAVA_VERSION'] = '1.7'
    env['CLASSPATH'] = []

    platform = os.path.join(env['ANDROID_SDK_HOME'], 'platforms',
    android_jar = os.path.join(platform, 'android.jar')

    env['JAVACFLAGS'] = [

    # android interface processing
    env['AIDL_PREPROC_ST'] = '-p%s'
    env['AIDL_PREPROCESSES'] = [os.path.join(platform, 'framework.aidl')]

    # aapt settings
    env['AAPT_ASSETS_ST'] = ['-A']
    env['AAPT_ASSETS'] = []

    env['AAPT_RESOURCE_ST'] = ['-S']
    env['AAPT_RESOURCES'] = []

    env['AAPT_INLC_ST'] = ['-I']
    env['AAPT_INCLUDES'] = [android_jar]

    env['AAPT_PACKAGE_FLAGS'] = ['--auto-add-overlay']

    # apk packaging settings
    env['ANDROID_MANIFEST'] = ''
    env['ANDROID_DEBUG_MODE'] = ''

    # manifest merger settings
    tools_path = os.path.join(env['ANDROID_SDK_HOME'], 'tools', 'lib')
    tools_contents = os.listdir(tools_path)
    tools_jars = [
        entry for entry in tools_contents if entry.lower().endswith('.jar')

    # try to detect older versions of the merger
    if 'manifest-merger.jar' in tools_jars or 'manifmerger.jar' in tools_jars:
            'com.android.manifmerger.Main', 'merge'

        if 'manifest-merger.jar' in tools_jars:
            merger_jar = 'manifest-merger.jar'
            merger_jar = 'manifmerger.jar'

        env['MANIFEST_MERGER_CLASSPATH'] = os.path.join(tools_path, merger_jar)


        env['MANIFEST_MERGER_ENTRY_POINT'] = 'com.android.manifmerger.Merger'
        env['MANIFEST_MERGER_OLD_VERSION'] = False

        manifest_merger_lib_names = [
            # entry point for the merger

            # dependent libs

        manifest_merger_libs = []
        for jar in tools_jars:
            if any(lib_name for lib_name in manifest_merger_lib_names
                   if jar.lower().startswith(lib_name)):

        if len(manifest_merger_libs) < len(manifest_merger_lib_names):
                '[ERROR] Failed to find the required file(s) for the Manifest Merger.  Please use the Android SDK Manager to update to the latest SDK Tools version and run the configure command again.'

        env['MANIFEST_MERGER_CLASSPATH'] = os.pathsep.join([
            os.path.join(tools_path, jar_file)
            for jar_file in manifest_merger_libs

    # zipalign settings
    env['ZIPALIGN_SIZE'] = '4'  # alignment in bytes, e.g. '4' provides 32-bit alignment (has to be a string)

    # jarsigner settings
    env['KEYSTORE_ALIAS'] = conf.get_android_env_keystore_alias()
    env['KEYSTORE'] = conf.get_android_env_keystore_path()
Ejemplo n.º 23
def DefineGem(ctx, *k, **kw):
    Gems behave very similarly to engine modules, but with a few extra options
    manager = GemManager.GetInstance(ctx)

    gem_path = ctx.path.parent.path_from(ctx.srcnode)
    gem = manager.get_gem_by_path(gem_path)
    if not gem:
            "DefineGem must be called by a wscript file in a Gem's 'Code' folder."

    # Set default properties
    default_settings = {
        'target': gem.name,
        'output_file_name': gem.dll_file,
        'vs_filter': 'Gems',
        'file_list': ["{}.waf_files".format(gem.name.lower())],
        'platforms': ['all'],
        'configurations': ['all'],
        'defines': [],
        'pch': 'Source/StdAfx.cpp',
        'includes': [],
        'lib': [],
        'libpath': [],
        'features': [],
        'use': [],
        'autod_uselib': []

    for key, value in default_settings.iteritems():
        if key not in kw:
            kw[key] = value

    # Link the auto-registration symbols so that Flow Node registration will work
    append_to_unique_list(kw['use'], ['CryAction_AutoFlowNode', 'AzFramework'])

    # Setup includes
    include_paths = []
    local_includes = ['Include', 'Source']

    # If disable_tests=False or disable_tests isn't specified, enable Google test
    disable_test_settings = ctx.GetPlatformSpecificSettings(
        kw, 'disable_tests', ctx.env['PLATFORM'], ctx.env['CONFIGURATION'])
    disable_tests = kw.get('disable_tests',
                           False) or any(disable_test_settings)
    # Disable tests when doing monolithic build, except when doing project generation (which is always monolithic)
    disable_tests = disable_tests or (
        ctx.env['PLATFORM'] != 'project_generator'
        and ctx.spec_monolithic_build())
    # Disable tests on non-test configurations, except when doing project generation
    disable_tests = disable_tests or (
        ctx.env['PLATFORM'] != 'project_generator'
        and 'test' not in ctx.env['CONFIGURATION'])
    if not disable_tests:
        append_to_unique_list(kw['use'], 'AzTest')
        test_waf_files = "{}_tests.waf_files".format(gem.name.lower())
        if ctx.path.find_node(test_waf_files):
            append_to_unique_list(kw['file_list'], test_waf_files)

    # Add local includes
    for local_path in local_includes:
        node = ctx.path.find_node(local_path)
        if node:

    # if the gem includes aren't already in the list, ensure they are prepended in order
    gem_includes = []
    for include_path in include_paths:
        if not include_path in kw['includes']:
    kw['includes'] = gem_includes + kw['includes']

    # Add includes for dependencies
    for dep_id in gem.dependencies:
        dep = manager.get_gem_by_spec(dep_id)
        if not dep:
                'Gem {}({}) has an unmet dependency with ID {}.'.format(
                    gem.id, gem.name, dep_id))
        append_to_unique_list(kw['includes'], dep.get_include_path())
        if Gem.LinkType.requires_linking(ctx, dep.link_type):
            append_to_unique_list(kw['use'], dep.name)

    ctx.CryEngineSharedLibrary(ctx, *k, **kw)

    # If Gem is marked for having editor module, add it
    if gem.editor_module:
        # If 'editor' object is added to the wscript, ensure it's settings are kept
        editor_kw = kw.get('editor', {})

        # Overridable settings, not to be combined with Game version
        editor_default_settings = {
            'platforms': ['win'],
            ['debug', 'debug_test', 'profile', 'profile_test'],
            kw['file_list'] + ["{}_editor.waf_files".format(gem.name.lower())],
            kw['autod_uselib'] +
            ['QT5CORE', 'QT5QUICK', 'QT5GUI', 'QT5WIDGETS'],

        for key, value in editor_default_settings.iteritems():
            if key not in editor_kw:
                editor_kw[key] = value

        # Include required settings
        append_to_unique_list(editor_kw['features'], 'qt5')
        append_to_unique_list(editor_kw['use'], 'AzToolsFramework')

        # Set up for testing
        if not disable_tests:
            append_to_unique_list(editor_kw['use'], 'AzTest')
            test_waf_files = "{}_editor_tests.waf_files".format(
            if ctx.path.find_node(test_waf_files):
                append_to_unique_list(editor_kw['file_list'], test_waf_files)

        ctx.CryEngineModule(ctx, *k, **editor_kw)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def post_run(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'cached'):
            # Also add the raw output path

            # Also add paths we stored from prior builds
            azcg_paths = self.azcg_get('AZCG_INCPATHS', [])

            # link_inputs is a list of nodes that need to be added to the link each time
            for link_node in self.azcg_get('link_inputs', []):
                if not self.add_link_task(link_node):
                    return Task.EXCEPTION

            self.generator.source += self.outputs
            # Register output files generated by the code gen execution

            bld = self.generator.bld
            dep_node = None
            resolved_nodes = []

            # Resolve registered dependencies we got into dependency nodes
            for path in self.registered_dependencies:
                dep_node = self.get_node_from_dependency_path(path)

                if dep_node:
                    if not (dep_node.is_child_of(bld.srcnode)
                            or dep_node.is_child_of(bld.bldnode)):
                        # System library

                    if dep_node in self.inputs:
                        # Self-dependency

                    if dep_node in self.outputs:
                        # Circular dependency

                    append_to_unique_list(resolved_nodes, dep_node)
                        'az_code_gen: Unable to find dependency file as node: {}'

            # Add azcg_deps and script nodes as dependencies
            for dep_node in itertools.chain(self.azcg_deps, self.script_nodes):
                append_to_unique_list(resolved_nodes, dep_node)

            bld.node_deps[self.uid()] = resolved_nodes

            # force waf to recompute a full signature for this task (we may have new/deleted dependencies we need it to account for)
                del self.cache_sig

            self.azcg_set('AZCG_OUTPUTS', self.outputs)


        # Due to #includes of code generator header files, we can have an output node which is also an input node.
        # In addition, we are taking nodes that are not originally build nodes (e.g. header files) and building them, which alters the signature flow in Node.get_bld_sig().
        # Task.post_run() default behavior is to set the Node.sig to the task signature which will change our computed task signature because our outputs are our inputs in same cases.
        # To mitigate this, we must restore the original signature for any file that had a non-build signature previously.
        # However, we do not want to alter the signature for files that will be consumed by later tasks.
        # Therefore, we should restore signatures on any node that is not being added to the build (any output nodes not in link_task).
        for output in self.outputs:
            if not output in self.azcg_get('link_inputs', []):
                output.sig = output.cache_sig = Utils.h_file(output.abspath())
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def process(self):
        Process current directory for gems

        Note that this has to check each game project to know which gems are enabled
        and build a list of all enabled gems so that those are built.
        To debug gems output during build, use --zones=gems in your command line

        this_path = self.ctx.path


        # Parse Gems search path
        config = RawConfigParser()
        if config.read(
            if config.has_section(GEMS_FOLDER) and config.has_option(
                    GEMS_FOLDER, 'SearchPaths\\size'):
                # Parse QSettings style array (i.e. read 'size' attribute, then 1-based-idx\Path)
                array_len = config.getint(GEMS_FOLDER, 'SearchPaths\\size')
                for i in range(0, array_len):
                    new_path = config.get(
                        GEMS_FOLDER, 'SearchPaths\\{}\\Path'.format(i + 1))
                    new_path = os.path.normpath(new_path)
                    Logs.debug('gems: Adding search path {}'.format(new_path))

        if not self.ctx.is_engine_local():

        # Load all the gems under the Gems folder to search for required gems
        self.required_gems = self.ctx.load_required_gems()

        game_projects = self.ctx.get_enabled_game_project_list()

        for game_project in game_projects:
            Logs.debug('gems: Game Project: %s' % game_project)

            gems_list_file = self.ctx.get_project_node(game_project).make_node(

            if not os.path.isfile(gems_list_file.abspath()):
                if self.ctx.is_option_true('gems_optional'):
                    Logs.debug("gems: Game has no gems file, skipping [%s]" %
                    continue  # go to the next game
                    self.ctx.cry_error('Project {} is missing {} file.'.format(
                        game_project, GEMS_LIST_FILE))

            Logs.debug('gems: reading gems file at %s' % gems_list_file)

            gem_info_list = self.ctx.parse_json_file(gems_list_file)
            list_reader = _create_field_reader(
                self.ctx, gem_info_list,
                'Gems list for project ' + game_project)

            # Verify that the project file is an up-to-date format
            gem_format_version = list_reader.field_int('GemListFormatVersion')
            if gem_format_version != GEMS_FORMAT_VERSION:
                    'Gems list file at {} is of version {}, not expected version {}. Please update your project file.'
                    .format(gems_list_file, gem_format_version,

            for idx, gem_info_obj in enumerate(list_reader.field_req('Gems')):
                # String for error reporting.
                reader = _create_field_reader(
                    self.ctx, gem_info_obj,
                    'Gem {} in game project {}'.format(idx, game_project))

                gem_id = reader.uuid()
                version = reader.version()
                path = os.path.normpath(reader.field_req('Path'))

                gem = self.get_gem_by_spec(gem_id, version, path)
                if not gem:
                        'gems: Gem not found in cache, attempting to load from disk: ({}, {}, {})'
                        .format(gem_id, version, path))

                    detected_gem_versions = {}

                    for search_path in self.search_paths:
                        def_file = os.path.join(search_path, path,
                        if not os.path.isfile(def_file):
                            continue  # Try again with the next path

                        gem = Gem(self.ctx)
                        gem.path = path
                        gem.abspath = os.path.join(search_path, path)

                        # Protect against loading duplicate gems from different locations, showing a warning if detected
                        dup_gem = detected_gem_versions.get(
                            gem.version.__str__(), None)
                        if dup_gem is not None:
                                '[WARN] Duplicate gem {} (version {}) found in multiple paths.  Accepting the one at {}'
                                .format(gem.name, gem.version,
                            gem = dup_gem
                        detected_gem_versions[gem.version.__str__()] = gem

                        # Validate that the Gem loaded from the path specified actually matches the id and version.
                        if gem.id != gem_id:
                                "Gem at path {} has ID {}, instead of ID {} specified in {}'s {}."
                                .format(path, gem.id, gem_id, game_project,

                        if gem.version != version:
                                "Gem at path {} has version {}, instead of version {} specified in {}'s {}."
                                .format(path, gem.version, version,
                                        game_project, GEMS_LIST_FILE))


                if not gem:
                        'Failed to load from path "{}"'.format(path))


        for gem in self.gems:
            Logs.debug("gems: gem %s is used by games: %s" %
                       (gem.name, gem.games_enabled_in))

        # Always add required gems to the gems manager
        for required_gem in self.required_gems:
Ejemplo n.º 26
def load_android_common_settings(conf):
    Setup all compiler and linker settings shared over all android configurations

    env = conf.env
    ndk_root = env['ANDROID_NDK_HOME']

    defines = []

    if env['ANDROID_NDK_REV_MAJOR'] < 19:
        defines += [

    append_to_unique_list(env['DEFINES'], defines)

    # Pattern to transform outputs
    env['cprogram_PATTERN'] = env['cxxprogram_PATTERN'] = '%s'
    env['cshlib_PATTERN'] = env['cxxshlib_PATTERN'] = 'lib%s.so'
    env['cstlib_PATTERN'] = env['cxxstlib_PATTERN'] = 'lib%s.a'

    env['RPATH_ST'] = '-Wl,-rpath,%s'
    env['SONAME_ST'] = '-Wl,-soname,%s'  # sets the DT_SONAME field in the shared object, used for ELF object loading

    # frameworks aren't supported on Android, disable it
    env['FRAMEWORK'] = []
    env['FRAMEWORK_ST'] = ''
    env['FRAMEWORKPATH'] = []
    env['FRAMEWORKPATH_ST'] = ''

    # java settings
    env['JAVA_VERSION'] = '1.7'
    env['CLASSPATH'] = []

    platform = os.path.join(env['ANDROID_SDK_HOME'], 'platforms',
    android_jar = os.path.join(platform, 'android.jar')

    env['JAVACFLAGS'] = [

    # android interface processing
    env['AIDL_PREPROC_ST'] = '-p%s'
    env['AIDL_PREPROCESSES'] = [os.path.join(platform, 'framework.aidl')]

    # aapt settings
    env['AAPT_ASSETS_ST'] = ['-A']
    env['AAPT_ASSETS'] = []

    env['AAPT_RESOURCE_ST'] = ['-S']
    env['AAPT_RESOURCES'] = []

    env['AAPT_INLC_ST'] = ['-I']
    env['AAPT_INCLUDES'] = [android_jar]

    env['AAPT_PACKAGE_FLAGS'] = ['--auto-add-overlay']

    # apk packaging settings
    env['ANDROID_MANIFEST'] = ''
    env['ANDROID_DEBUG_MODE'] = ''

    # manifest merger settings
    tools_path = os.path.join(env['ANDROID_SDK_HOME'], 'tools', 'lib')
    tools_contents = os.listdir(tools_path)
    tools_jars = [
        entry for entry in tools_contents if entry.lower().endswith('.jar')

    manifest_merger_lib_names = [
        # entry point for the merger

        # dependent libs

    manifest_merger_libs = []
    for jar in tools_jars:
        if any(lib_name for lib_name in manifest_merger_lib_names
               if jar.lower().startswith(lib_name)):

    if len(manifest_merger_libs) < len(manifest_merger_lib_names):
            '[ERROR] Failed to find the required file(s) for the Manifest Merger.  Please use the Android SDK Manager to update to the latest SDK Tools version and run the configure command again.'

    env['MANIFEST_MERGER_CLASSPATH'] = os.pathsep.join([
        os.path.join(tools_path, jar_file) for jar_file in manifest_merger_libs

    # zipalign settings
    env['ZIPALIGN_SIZE'] = '4'  # alignment in bytes, e.g. '4' provides 32-bit alignment (has to be a string)

    # jarsigner settings
    env['KEYSTORE_ALIAS'] = conf.get_android_env_keystore_alias()
    env['KEYSTORE'] = conf.get_android_env_keystore_path()
Ejemplo n.º 27
def DefineGem(ctx, *k, **kw):
    Gems behave very similarly to engine modules, but with a few extra options
    manager = GemManager.GetInstance(ctx)

    gem = manager.get_gem_by_path(ctx.path.parent.abspath())
    if not gem:
            "DefineGem must be called by a wscript file in a Gem's 'Code' folder. Called from: {}"

    manager.current_gem = gem

    # Generate list of resolved dependencies
    dependency_objects = []
    for dep_id in gem.dependencies:
        dep = manager.get_gem_by_spec(dep_id)
        if not dep:
            unmet_name = find_gem_name_by_id(ctx, dep_id)
            if unmet_name is None:
                    'Gem {}({}) has an unmet dependency with ID {} (Unable to locate in disk).'
                    .format(gem.id, gem.name, dep_id))
                    'Gem {}({}) has an unmet dependency with ID {}({}). Please use the Project Configurator to correct this.'
                    .format(gem.id, gem.name, dep_id, unmet_name))


    # Applies dependencies to args list
    def apply_dependencies(args):
        for dep in dependency_objects:
            dep_include = dep.get_include_path()
            if os.path.exists(dep_include):
                append_to_unique_list(args['includes'], dep_include)
            for module in dep.modules:
                if module.requires_linking(ctx):
                    append_to_unique_list(args['use'], module.target_name)

    # Iterate over each module and setup build
    for module in gem.modules:
        if module.name:
            module_kw = kw.get(module.name, None)

            # If no based on name, try lowercasing
            if module_kw == None:
                module_kw = kw.get(module.name.lower(), None)

            # If still no kw, error
            if module_kw == None:
                    "Gem {0}'s wscript missing definition for module {1} (valid dict names are {1} and {2}."
                    .format(gem.name, module.name, module.name.lower()))
            module_kw = kw

        module_file_list_base = module.target_name.replace('.', '_').lower()

        # Set default properties
        default_settings = {
            'target': module.target_name,
            'output_file_name': module.file_name,
            'vs_filter': gem.name if gem.is_game_gem else 'Gems',
            'file_list': ["{}.waf_files".format(module_file_list_base)],
            'platforms': ['all'],
            'configurations': ['all'],
            'defines': [],
            'includes': [],
            'export_includes': [],
            'lib': [],
            'libpath': [],
            'features': [],
            'use': [],
            'uselib': []

        # Builders have some special settings
        if module.type in [
                Gem.Module.Type.Builder, Gem.Module.Type.EditorModule
            default_settings['platforms'] = ['win', 'darwin']
            default_settings['configurations'] = [
                'debug', 'debug_test', 'profile', 'profile_test'

        if module.parent:
            parent_module = None
            for parent_module_itr in gem.modules:
                if (parent_module_itr.name == module.parent or
                    (module.parent == 'GameModule'
                     and parent_module_itr.type == Gem.Module.Type.GameModule
                     and parent_module_itr.name == None)):
                    parent_module = parent_module_itr
            if not parent_module:
                    '{}\'s Gem.json Module "{}" "Extends" non-existent module {}.'
                    .format(gem.name, module.name, module.parent))

            parent_kw = getattr(parent_module, 'kw', None)
            if not parent_kw:
                    '{}\'s wscript defines module {} before parent {}, please reverse the order.'
                    .format(gem.name, module.name, module.parent))

            EXTENDABLE_FIELDS = [
                'file_list', 'defines', 'includes', 'features', 'lib',
                'libpath', 'use', 'uselib'

            INHERITABLE_FIELDS = [

            for field in EXTENDABLE_FIELDS:
                default_settings[field].extend(parent_kw.get(field, []))

            for field in INHERITABLE_FIELDS:
                parent_value = parent_kw.get(field, None)
                if parent_value:
                    default_settings[field] = parent_value

        # Apply defaults to the project
        for key, value in default_settings.iteritems():
            if key not in module_kw:
                module_kw[key] = value

    # Make it so gems can be replaced while executable is still running
        append_to_unique_list(module_kw['features'], ['link_running_program'])

        # Add tools stuff to the editor modules
        if module.type == Gem.Module.Type.EditorModule:
            append_unique_kw_entry(module_kw, 'features', ['qt5'])
            append_unique_kw_entry(module_kw, 'use',
                                   ['AzToolsFramework', 'AzQtComponents'])
                module_kw, 'uselib',
                ['QT5CORE', 'QT5QUICK', 'QT5GUI', 'QT5WIDGETS'])

        # If the Gem is a game gem, we may need to apply enabled gems for all of the enabled game projects so it will build
        if gem.is_game_gem and module.type != Gem.Module.Type.Builder:

            # We need to let cryengine_modules.RunTaskGenerator know that this is a game gem and must be built always
            setattr(ctx, 'is_game_gem', True)

            # The gem only builds once, so we need apply the union of all non-game-gem gems enabled for all enabled game projects
            unique_gems = []
            enabled_projects = ctx.get_enabled_game_project_list()
            for enabled_project in enabled_projects:
                gems_for_project = ctx.get_game_gems(enabled_project)
                for gem_for_project in gems_for_project:
                    if gem_for_project.name != gem.name and not gem_for_project.is_game_gem:
                        append_to_unique_list(unique_gems, gem_for_project)

            is_android = ctx.is_android_platform(ctx.env['PLATFORM'])

            for unique_gem in unique_gems:
                if unique_gem.id in gem.dependencies or unique_gem.is_required or is_android:
                    apply_gem_to_kw(ctx, kw, unique_gem)

        working_path = ctx.path.abspath()
        dir_contents = os.listdir(working_path)

        # Setup PCH if disable_pch is false (default), and pch is not set (default)
        if not module_kw.get('disable_pch', False) and module_kw.get(
                'pch', None) == None:

            # default casing for the relative path to the pch file
            source_dir = 'Source'
            pch_file = 'StdAfx.cpp'

            for entry in dir_contents:
                if entry.lower() == 'source':
                    source_dir = entry

            source_contents = os.listdir(os.path.join(working_path,
            # see if they have a legacy stdafx precompiled header
            for entry in source_contents:
                if entry.lower() == 'stdafx.cpp':
                    pch_file = entry
            # if they have a precompiled file then we will prefer that
            for entry in source_contents:
                if entry.lower().endswith('precompiled.cpp'):
                    pch_file = entry

            # has to be forward slash because the pch is string compared with files
            # in the waf_files which use forward slashes
            module_kw['pch'] = "{}/{}".format(source_dir, pch_file)

        # Apply any additional 3rd party uselibs
        if len(gem.local_uselibs) > 0:
            append_unique_kw_entry(module_kw, 'uselib', gem.local_uselibs)

        # Link the auto-registration symbols so that Flow Node registration will work
        if module.type in [
                Gem.Module.Type.GameModule, Gem.Module.Type.EditorModule
            append_unique_kw_entry(module_kw, 'use',
                                   ['CryAction_AutoFlowNode', 'AzFramework'])

        append_unique_kw_entry(module_kw, 'features', ['link_running_program'])

        # If disable_tests=False or disable_tests isn't specified, enable Google test
        disable_test_settings = ctx.GetPlatformSpecificSettings(
            module_kw, 'disable_tests', ctx.env['PLATFORM'],
        disable_tests = module_kw.get('disable_tests',
                                      False) or any(disable_test_settings)
        # Disable tests when doing monolithic build, except when doing project generation (which is always monolithic)
        disable_tests = disable_tests or (
            ctx.env['PLATFORM'] != 'project_generator'
            and ctx.spec_monolithic_build())
        # Disable tests on non-test configurations, except when doing project generation
        disable_tests = disable_tests or (
            ctx.env['PLATFORM'] != 'project_generator'
            and 'test' not in ctx.env['CONFIGURATION'])
        if not disable_tests:
            append_unique_kw_entry(module_kw, 'use', 'AzTest')
            test_waf_files = "{}_tests.waf_files".format(module_file_list_base)
            if ctx.path.find_node(test_waf_files):
                append_unique_kw_entry(module_kw, 'file_list', test_waf_files)

        # Setup includes
        include_paths = []

        # Most gems use the upper case directories, however some have lower case source directories.
        # This will add the correct casing of those include directories
        local_includes = [
            entry for entry in dir_contents
            if entry.lower() in ['include', 'source']

        # Add local includes
        for local_path in local_includes:
            node = ctx.path.find_node(local_path)
            if node:

        # if the gem includes aren't already in the list, ensure they are prepended in order
        gem_includes = []
        for include_path in include_paths:
            if not include_path in module_kw['includes']:
        module_kw['includes'] = gem_includes + module_kw['includes']

        # Take the gems include folder if it exists and add it to the export_includes in case the gem is being 'used'
        export_include_node = ctx.path.find_node('Include')
        if export_include_node:
            module_kw['export_includes'] = [export_include_node.abspath()
                                            ] + module_kw['export_includes']


        # Save the build settings so we can access them later
        module.kw = module_kw

        append_unique_kw_entry(module_kw, 'is_gem', True)

        if gem.is_game_gem and ctx.is_monolithic_build(
        ) and ctx.is_android_platform(
        ) and module.type == Gem.Module.Type.GameModule:

            # Special case for android & monolithic builds.  If this is the game gem for the project, it needs to apply the
            # enabled gems here instead of the launcher where its normally applied.  (see cryengine_modules.CryLauncher_Impl
            # for details).  In legacy game projects, this the game dll is declared as a CryEngineModule
            setattr(ctx, 'game_project', gem.name)
            if module.type in [
                    Gem.Module.Type.GameModule, Gem.Module.Type.EditorModule
            elif module.type == Gem.Module.Type.StaticLib:
            elif module.type == Gem.Module.Type.Builder:

        # Apply export_defines to ENTIRE BUILD. USE LIGHTLY.
        if module.type == Gem.Module.Type.GameModule:
            export_defines = module_kw.get(
                'export_defines', []) + ctx.GetPlatformSpecificSettings(
                    module_kw, 'export_defines', ctx.env['PLATFORM'],
            append_to_unique_list(ctx.env['DEFINES'], export_defines)

    manager.current_gem = None
Ejemplo n.º 28
def DefineGem(ctx, *k, **kw):
    Gems behave very similarly to engine modules, but with a few extra options
    manager = GemManager.GetInstance(ctx)

    gem = manager.get_gem_by_path(ctx.path.parent.abspath())
    if not gem:
            "DefineGem must be called by a wscript file in a Gem's 'Code' folder. Called from: {}"

    # Detect any 3rd party libs in this GEM
    detected_uselib_names = []
    if ctx.cmd.startswith('build_'):

        platform = ctx.env['PLATFORM']
        configuration = ctx.env['CONFIGURATION']
        reported_errors = set()

        path_alias_map = {
            'ROOT': ctx.root.make_node(Context.launch_dir).abspath(),
            'GEM': ctx.path.parent.abspath()
        config_3rdparty_folder = ctx.path.parent.make_node('3rdParty')
        thirdparty_error_msgs, detected_uselib_names = ctx.detect_all_3rd_party_libs(
            config_3rdparty_folder, platform, configuration, path_alias_map,
        for thirdparty_error_msg in thirdparty_error_msgs:
            if thirdparty_error_msg not in reported_errors:
                Logs.warn('[WARN] {}'.format(thirdparty_error_msg))

    # Set default properties
    default_settings = {
        'target': gem.name,
        'output_file_name': gem.dll_file,
        'vs_filter': gem.name if gem.is_game_gem else 'Gems',
        'file_list': ["{}.waf_files".format(gem.name.lower())],
        'platforms': ['all'],
        'configurations': ['all'],
        'defines': [],
        'includes': [],
        'export_includes': [],
        'lib': [],
        'libpath': [],
        'features': [],
        'use': [],
        'uselib': []

    for key, value in default_settings.iteritems():
        if key not in kw:
            kw[key] = value

    # If the Gem is a game gem, we may need to apply enabled gems for all of the enabled game projects so it will build
    if gem.is_game_gem:
        # The gem only builds once, so we need apply the union of all non-game-gem gems enabled for all enabled game projects
        unique_gems = set()
        enabled_projects = ctx.get_enabled_game_project_list()
        for enabled_project in enabled_projects:
            gems_for_project = ctx.get_game_gems(enabled_project)
            for gem_for_project in gems_for_project:
                if gem_for_project.name != gem.name and not gem_for_project.is_game_gem:

        is_android = ctx.env['PLATFORM'] in ('android_armv7_gcc',

        for unique_gem in unique_gems:
            if unique_gem.id in gem.dependencies or unique_gem.is_required or is_android:
                if os.path.exists(unique_gem.get_include_path().abspath()):
                    kw['includes'] += [unique_gem.get_include_path()]
                if Gem.LinkType.requires_linking(ctx, unique_gem.link_type):
                    kw['use'] += [unique_gem.name]

    working_path = ctx.path.abspath()
    dir_contents = os.listdir(working_path)

    # Setup PCH if disable_pch is false (default), and pch is not set (default)
    if not kw.get('disable_pch', False) and kw.get('pch', None) == None:

        # default casing for the relative path to the pch file
        source_dir = 'Source'
        pch_file = 'StdAfx.cpp'

        for entry in dir_contents:
            if entry.lower() == 'source':
                source_dir = entry

        source_contents = os.listdir(os.path.join(working_path, source_dir))
        for entry in source_contents:
            if entry.lower() == 'stdafx.cpp':
                pch_file = entry

        # has to be forward slash because the pch is string compared with files
        # in the waf_files which use forward slashes
        kw['pch'] = "{}/{}".format(source_dir, pch_file)

    # Apply any additional 3rd party uselibs
    if len(detected_uselib_names) > 0:
        append_to_unique_list(kw['uselib'], list(detected_uselib_names))

    # Link the auto-registration symbols so that Flow Node registration will work
    append_to_unique_list(kw['use'], ['CryAction_AutoFlowNode', 'AzFramework'])

    # Make it so gems can be replaced while executable is still running
    append_to_unique_list(kw['features'], ['link_running_program'])

    # Setup includes
    include_paths = []

    # Most gems use the upper case directories, however some have lower case source directories.
    # This will add the correct casing of those include directories
    local_includes = [
        entry for entry in dir_contents
        if entry.lower() in ['include', 'source']

    # If disable_tests=False or disable_tests isn't specified, enable Google test
    disable_test_settings = ctx.GetPlatformSpecificSettings(
        kw, 'disable_tests', ctx.env['PLATFORM'], ctx.env['CONFIGURATION'])
    disable_tests = kw.get('disable_tests',
                           False) or any(disable_test_settings)
    # Disable tests when doing monolithic build, except when doing project generation (which is always monolithic)
    disable_tests = disable_tests or (
        ctx.env['PLATFORM'] != 'project_generator'
        and ctx.spec_monolithic_build())
    # Disable tests on non-test configurations, except when doing project generation
    disable_tests = disable_tests or (
        ctx.env['PLATFORM'] != 'project_generator'
        and 'test' not in ctx.env['CONFIGURATION'])
    if not disable_tests:
        append_to_unique_list(kw['use'], 'AzTest')
        test_waf_files = "{}_tests.waf_files".format(gem.name.lower())
        if ctx.path.find_node(test_waf_files):
            append_to_unique_list(kw['file_list'], test_waf_files)

    # Add local includes
    for local_path in local_includes:
        node = ctx.path.find_node(local_path)
        if node:

    # if the gem includes aren't already in the list, ensure they are prepended in order
    gem_includes = []
    for include_path in include_paths:
        if not include_path in kw['includes']:
    kw['includes'] = gem_includes + kw['includes']

    # Take the gems include folder if it exists and add it to the export_includes in case the gem is being 'used'
    export_include_node = ctx.path.find_node('Include')
    if export_include_node:
        kw['export_includes'] = [export_include_node.abspath()
                                 ] + kw['export_includes']

    # Generate list of resolved dependencies
    dependency_objects = []
    for dep_id in gem.dependencies:
        dep = manager.get_gem_by_spec(dep_id)
        if not dep:
            unmet_name = find_gem_name_by_id(ctx, dep_id)
            if unmet_name is None:
                    'Gem {}({}) has an unmet dependency with ID {} (Unable to locate in disk).'
                    .format(gem.id, gem.name, dep_id))
                    'Gem {}({}) has an unmet dependency with ID {}({}). Please use the Project Configurator to correct this.'
                    .format(gem.id, gem.name, dep_id, unmet_name))

    # Applies dependencies to args list
    def apply_dependencies(args):
        for dep in dependency_objects:
            dep_include = dep.get_include_path()
            if os.path.exists(dep_include.abspath()):
                append_to_unique_list(args['includes'], dep_include)
            if Gem.LinkType.requires_linking(ctx, dep.link_type):
                append_to_unique_list(args['use'], dep.name)


    if gem.is_game_gem and ctx.is_monolithic_build(
    ) and ctx.env['PLATFORM'] in ('android_armv7_gcc', 'android_armv7_clang'):

        # Special case for android & monolithic builds.  If this is the game gem for the project, it needs to apply the
        # enabled gems here instead of the launcher where its normally applied.  (see cryengine_modules.CryLauncher_Impl
        # for details).  In legacy game projects, this the game dll is declared as a CryEngineModule
        setattr(ctx, 'game_project', gem.name)
        ctx.CryEngineModule(ctx, *k, **kw)
        ctx.CryEngineSharedLibrary(ctx, *k, **kw)

    # If Gem is marked for having editor module, add it
    if gem.editor_module and ctx.editor_gems_enabled():
        # If 'editor' object is added to the wscript, ensure it's settings are kept
        editor_kw = kw.get('editor', {})

        # Overridable settings, not to be combined with Game version
        editor_default_settings = {
            'platforms': ['win', 'darwin'],
            ['debug', 'debug_test', 'profile', 'profile_test'],
            kw['file_list'] + ["{}_editor.waf_files".format(gem.name.lower())],

        for key, value in editor_default_settings.iteritems():
            if key not in editor_kw:
                editor_kw[key] = value

        # Include required settings
                              ['qt5', 'link_running_program'])
                              ['AzToolsFramework', 'AzQtComponents'])
                              ['QT5CORE', 'QT5QUICK', 'QT5GUI', 'QT5WIDGETS'])

        # Set up for testing
        if not disable_tests:
            append_to_unique_list(editor_kw['use'], 'AzTest')
            test_waf_files = "{}_editor_tests.waf_files".format(
            if ctx.path.find_node(test_waf_files):
                append_to_unique_list(editor_kw['file_list'], test_waf_files)


        ctx.CryEngineModule(ctx, *k, **editor_kw)