Ejemplo n.º 1
def calc_fsc(model_path1, model_path2):
    V1 = mrc.readMRC(model_path1)
    V2 = mrc.readMRC(model_path2)
    N = V1.shape[0]

    V1, _ = cryoem.align_density(V1)
    V2, _ = cryoem.align_density(V2)

    VF1 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(V1))
    VF2 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(V2))
    # test_VF = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(test_V))
    maxrad = 1

    rads, fsc, thresholds, resolutions = cryoem.compute_fsc(VF1, VF2, maxrad)
    return rads, fsc, thresholds, resolutions
Ejemplo n.º 2
def calc_fsc(model_path1, model_path2):
    V1 = mrc.readMRC(model_path1)
    V2 = mrc.readMRC(model_path2)
    N = V1.shape[0]

    V1, _ = cryoem.align_density(V1)
    V2, _ = cryoem.align_density(V2)

    VF1 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(V1))
    VF2 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(V2))
    # test_VF = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(test_V))
    maxrad = 1

    rads, fsc, thresholds, resolutions = cryoem.compute_fsc(VF1, VF2, maxrad)
    return rads, fsc, thresholds, resolutions
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, parent=None, mrcfiles=[]):
        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)

        Ms = [mrc.readMRC(mrcfile) for mrcfile in mrcfiles]

        if len(mrcfiles) < 6:
            hbox = True
            layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self)
            hbox = False
            layout = QtGui.QGridLayout(self)
            maxcol = int(len(mrcfiles) / 3) + 1
        layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)

        for i, M in enumerate(Ms):
            filename = os.path.basename(mrcfiles[i])

            self.splitter_main_bottom = QtGui.QSplitter(self)
            if hbox:
                row, col = np.unravel_index(i, (3, maxcol))
                layout.addWidget(self.splitter_main_bottom, row, col)

            # self.sliceplot_widget = SlicePlotQWidget()
            # self.splitter_main_bottom.addWidget(self.sliceplot_widget)
            self.densityplot_widget = MayaviQWidget()

            self.alignedM, self.R = cryoem.align_density(M, upsamp=1.0)
            self.densityplot_widget.setup(self.alignedM, filename=filename)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def calc_fsc(model_path1, model_path2):
    V1 = mrc.readMRC(model_path1)
    V2 = mrc.readMRC(model_path2)
    N = V1.shape[0]

    alignedV1, R1 = cryoem.align_density(V1)
    alignedV1 = cryoem.rotate_density(alignedV1, R1)
    alignedV2, R1 = cryoem.align_density(V2)
    alignedV2 = cryoem.rotate_density(alignedV2, R1)

    VF1 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(alignedV1))
    VF2 = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn(alignedV2))

    maxrad = 1
    rads, fsc, thresholds, resolutions = cryoem.compute_fsc(VF1, VF2, maxrad)
    return rads, fsc, thresholds, resolutions
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def loaddensity(self, fname, key):
     if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.lbase, fname)):
         if fname.upper().endswith('.MRC'):
             return mrc.readMRC(os.path.join(self.lbase, fname))
             with open(os.path.join(self.lbase, fname), 'rb') as f:
                 return pickle.load(f)[-1][key]
         return None
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def loaddensity(self, fname, key):
     if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.lbase,fname)):
         if fname.upper().endswith('.MRC'):
             return mrc.readMRC(os.path.join(self.lbase,fname))
             with open(os.path.join(self.lbase,fname), 'rb') as f:
                 return cPickle.load(f)[-1][key]
         return None
Ejemplo n.º 7
def premult_test(model, kernel='lanczos', kernsize=6):
    if isinstance(model, str):
        M = mrc.readMRC(model)
    elif isinstance(model, np.ndarray):
        M = model

    shape = np.asarray(M.shape)
    assert (shape - shape.mean()).sum() == 0

    N = M.shape[0]
    rad = 0.6

    premult = cryoops.compute_premultiplier(N, kernel, kernsize)
    TtoF = sincint.gentrunctofull(N=N, rad=rad)
    premulter =   premult.reshape((1, 1, -1)) \
                * premult.reshape((1, -1, 1)) \
                * premult.reshape((-1, 1, 1))

    fM = density.real_to_fspace(M)
    prefM = density.real_to_fspace(premulter * M)

    pt = np.random.randn(3)
    pt /= np.linalg.norm(pt)
    psi = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand()
    ea = geometry.genEA(pt)[0]
    ea[2] = psi
    print('project model for Euler angel: ({:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}) degree'.

    rot_matrix = geometry.rotmat3D_EA(*ea)[:, 0:2]
    slop = cryoops.compute_projection_matrix([rot_matrix], N, kernel, kernsize,
                                             rad, 'rots')
    trunc_slice = slop.dot(fM.reshape((-1, )))
    premult_trunc_slice = slop.dot(prefM.reshape((-1, )))
    proj = density.fspace_to_real(TtoF.dot(trunc_slice).reshape(N, N))
    premult_proj = density.fspace_to_real(
        TtoF.dot(premult_trunc_slice).reshape(N, N))

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(14.4, 4.8))
    im_proj = ax[0].imshow(proj, origin='lower')
    fig.colorbar(im_proj, ax=ax[0])
    ax[0].set_title('no premulter')
    im_pre = ax[1].imshow(premult_proj, origin='lower')
    fig.colorbar(im_pre, ax=ax[1])
    ax[1].set_title('with premulter')
    im_diff = ax[2].imshow(proj - premult_proj, origin='lower')
    fig.colorbar(im_diff, ax=ax[2])
    ax[2].set_title('difference of two image')
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, parent=None, mrcfiles=[]):
        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)

        Ms = [mrc.readMRC(mrcfile) for mrcfile in mrcfiles]

        layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
        layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)

        for M in Ms:
            self.splitter_main_bottom = QtGui.QSplitter(self)

            self.sliceplot_widget = SlicePlotQWidget()
            self.densityplot_widget = MayaviQWidget()

            self.alignedM, self.R = c.align_density(M, upsamp=1.0)
            self.sliceplot_widget.setup(M, self.R)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, parent=None, mrcfiles=[]):
        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)

        Ms = [mrc.readMRC(mrcfile) for mrcfile in mrcfiles]

        layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
        for M in Ms:
            self.splitter_main_bottom = QtGui.QSplitter(self)

            self.sliceplot_widget = SlicePlotQWidget()
            self.densityplot_widget = MayaviQWidget()

            self.alignedM,self.R = c.align_density(M, upsamp=1.0)
            self.sliceplot_widget.setup(M, self.R)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, parent=None, mrcfiles=[]):
        QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)

        Ms = [mrc.readMRC(mrcfile) for mrcfile in mrcfiles]

        layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self)

        for i, M in enumerate(Ms):
            filename = os.path.basename(mrcfiles[i])

            self.splitter_main_bottom = QtGui.QSplitter(self)

            # self.sliceplot_widget = SlicePlotQWidget()
            # self.splitter_main_bottom.addWidget(self.sliceplot_widget)
            self.densityplot_widget = MayaviQWidget()

            self.alignedM,self.R = cryoem.align_density(M, upsamp=1.0)
            self.densityplot_widget.setup(self.alignedM, filename=filename)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def project(model, euler_angles, rad=0.95, truncate=False):
    if isinstance(model, str):
        M = mrc.readMRC(model)
    elif isinstance(model, np.ndarray):
        M = model
    N = M.shape[0]
    kernel = 'lanczos'
    ksize = 6

    premult = cryoops.compute_premultiplier(N, kernel, ksize)
    TtoF = sincint.gentrunctofull(N=N, rad=rad)
    premulter =   premult.reshape((1, 1, -1)) \
                * premult.reshape((1, -1, 1)) \
                * premult.reshape((-1, 1, 1))
    # premulter = 1
    fM = density.real_to_fspace(premulter * M)

    euler_angles = euler_angles.reshape((-1, 3))
    num_projs = euler_angles.shape[0]
    if truncate:
        projs = np.zeros((num_projs, TtoF.shape[1]), dtype=fM.dtype)
        projs = np.zeros((num_projs, N, N), dtype=M.dtype)
    for i, ea in enumerate(euler_angles):
        rot_matrix = geometry.rotmat3D_EA(*ea)[:, 0:2]
        slop = cryoops.compute_projection_matrix([rot_matrix], N, kernel, ksize, rad, 'rots')
        trunc_slice = slop.dot(fM.reshape((-1,)))
        if truncate:
            projs[i, :] = trunc_slice
            projs[i, :, :] = density.fspace_to_real(TtoF.dot(trunc_slice).reshape(N, N))

    if num_projs == 1 and not truncate:
        projs = projs.reshape((N, N))

    return projs
Ejemplo n.º 12
def gen_slices(model_files, fspace=False, log_scale=True):
    for model in model_files:
        M = mrc.readMRC(model)
        N = M.shape[0]
        print('model size: {0}x{0}x{0}'.format(N))

        oversampling_factor = 3
        zeropad = oversampling_factor - 1  # oversampling factor = zeropad + 1
        psize = 3.0 * oversampling_factor
        beamstop_freq = 0.003
        mask = geometry.gen_dense_beamstop_mask(N, 2, beamstop_freq, psize=psize)
        # mask = None

        if fspace:
            fM = M
            M_totalmass = 1000000
            M *= M_totalmass / M.sum()

            V = density.real_to_fspace_with_oversampling(M, oversampling_factor)
            fM = V.real ** 2 + V.imag ** 2

            mask_3D = geometry.gen_dense_beamstop_mask(N, 3, beamstop_freq, psize=psize)
            fM *= mask_3D
                os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(model))[0], str(int(M_totalmass)).zfill(5), oversampling_factor
                ), fM, psz=psize)

        slicing_func = RegularGridInterpolator([np.arange(N),]*3, fM, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)
        coords = geometry.gencoords_base(N, 2)

        fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(12.9, 9.6))
        for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flat):
            row, col = np.unravel_index(i, (3, 3))
            # Randomly generate the viewing direction/shift
            pt = np.random.randn(3)
            pt /= np.linalg.norm(pt)
            psi = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand()
            EA = geometry.genEA(pt)[0]
            EA[2] = psi
            R = geometry.rotmat3D_EA(*EA)[:, 0:2]
            rotated_coords = R.dot(coords.T).T + int(N/2)
            img = slicing_func(rotated_coords).reshape(N, N)
            img = np.require(np.random.poisson(img), dtype=np.float32)

            if log_scale:
                img = np.log(np.maximum(img, 0))
            if mask is not None:
                img *= mask

            im = ax.imshow(img, origin='lower')  # cmap='Greys'
            ticks = [0, int(N/4.0), int(N/2.0), int(N*3.0/4.0), int(N-1)]
            if row == 2:
            if col == 0:
            fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax)

        # fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8)
        # cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7])
        # fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax)
        fig.suptitle('simulated experimental data of XFEL for {}'.format(model))
        # fig.tight_layout()
Ejemplo n.º 13
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from cryoio import mrc
import density, cryoops
import geometry
from quadrature import healpix
from cryoem import cryoem

import pyximport
pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": np.get_include()},
import sincint

M = mrc.readMRC('./particle/EMD-6044.mrc')
# M = mrc.readMRC('./particle/1AON.mrc')
# M = M / np.sum(M)
M = M[:124, :124, :124]

mrc.writeMRC('./particle/EMD-6044-cropped.mrc', M, psz=3.0)

N = M.shape[0]
rad = 1
kernel = 'lanczos'
ksize = 4

xy, trunc_xy, truncmask = geometry.gencoords(N, 2, rad, True)
# premult = cryoops.compute_premultiplier(N, kernel='lanczos', kernsize=6)
premult = cryoops.compute_premultiplier(N, kernel, ksize)
TtoF = sincint.gentrunctofull(N=N, rad=rad)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def sagd_init(data_dir, model_file, use_angular_correlation=False):
    data_params = {
        'dataset_name': "1AON",
        'inpath': os.path.join(data_dir, 'imgdata.mrc'),
        'ctfpath': os.path.join(data_dir, 'defocus.txt'),
        'microscope_params': {
            'akv': 200,
            'wgh': 0.07,
            'cs': 2.0
        'resolution': 2.8,
        'sigma': 'noise_std',
        'sigma_out': 'data_std',
        'minisize': 20,
        'test_imgs': 20,
        'partition': 0,
        'num_partitions': 0,
        'random_seed': 1,
        # 'symmetry': 'C7'
    # Setup dataset
    print("Loading dataset %s" % data_dir)
    cryodata, _ = dataset_loading_test(data_params)
    # mleDC, _, mleDC_est_std = cryodata.get_dc_estimate()
    # modelscale = (np.abs(mleDC) + 2*mleDC_est_std)/cryodata.N
    modelscale = 1.0

    if model_file is not None:
        print("Loading density map %s" % model_file)
        M = readMRC(model_file)
        print("Generating random initial density map ...")
        M = cryoem.generate_phantom_density(cryodata.N, 0.95 * cryodata.N / 2.0, \
                                            5 * cryodata.N / 128.0, 30, seed=0)
        M *= modelscale / M.sum()
    slice_interp = {
        'kern': 'lanczos',
        'kernsize': 4,
        'zeropad': 0,
        'dopremult': True
    # fM = SimpleKernel.get_fft(M, slice_interp)

    M_totalmass = 5000
    M *= M_totalmass / M.sum()
    N = M.shape[0]
    kernel = 'lanczos'
    ksize = 6
    premult = cryoops.compute_premultiplier(N, kernel, ksize)
    V = density.real_to_fspace(
        premult.reshape((1, 1, -1)) * premult.reshape(
            (1, -1, 1)) * premult.reshape((-1, 1, 1)) * M)
    M = V.real**2 + V.imag**2

    freqs_3d = geometry.gencoords_base(N, 3) / (N * data_params['resolution'])
    freq_radius_3d = np.sqrt((freqs_3d**2).sum(axis=1))
    mask_3d_outlier = np.require(np.float_(freq_radius_3d > 0.015).reshape(
        (N, N, N)),
    fM = M * mask_3d_outlier

    cparams = {
        'use_angular_correlation': use_angular_correlation,
        'likelihood': 'UnknownRSLikelihood()',
        'kernel': 'multicpu',
        'prior_name': "'Null'",
        'sparsity_lambda': 0.9,
        'prior': 'NullPrior()',

        # 'prior_name': "'CAR'",
        # 'prior': 'CARPrior()',
        # 'car_type': 'gauss0.5',
        # 'car_tau': 75.0,
        'iteration': 0,
        'pixel_size': cryodata.pixel_size,
        'max_frequency': 0.02,
        'num_batches': cryodata.N_batches,
        'interp_kernel_R': 'lanczos',
        'interp_kernel_size_R': 4,
        'interp_zeropad_R': 0.0,
        'interp_premult_R': True,
        'interp_kernel_I': 'lanczos',
        'interp_kernel_size_I': 8,
        'interp_zeropad_I': 0.0,  # 1.0,
        'interp_premult_I': True,
        'sigma': cryodata.noise_var,
        'modelscale': modelscale,
        # 'symmetry': 'C7'

    is_params = {
        # importance sampling
        # Ignore the first 50 iterations entirely
        'is_prior_prob': max(0.05,
                             2**(-0.005 * max(0, cparams['iteration'] - 50))),
        'is_temperature': max(1.0,
                              2**(750.0 / max(1, cparams['iteration'] - 50))),
        'is_ess_scale': 10,
        'is_fisher_chirality_flip': cparams['iteration'] < 2500,
        'is_on_R': True,
        'is_global_prob_R': 0.9,
        'is_on_I': True,
        'is_global_prob_I': 1e-10,
        'is_on_S': True,
        'is_global_prob_S': 0.9,
        'is_gaussian_sigmascale_S': 0.67,

    return cryodata, (M, fM), cparams
Ejemplo n.º 15
from __future__ import print_function, division

import os
import sys
import argparse

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy import unravel_index, log, maximum

from cryoio import mrc
from geometry import gen_dense_beamstop_mask

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("mrcs_files", help="list of mrcs files.", nargs='+')

args = parser.parse_args()

mrcs_files = args.mrcs_files

if not isinstance(mrcs_files, list):
    mrcs_files = [mrcs_files]

for ph in mrcs_files:
    M = mrc.readMRC(ph)
    N = M.shape[0]
    mask_3D = gen_dense_beamstop_mask(N, 3, 0.01, psize = 18)

    mrc.writeMRC(ph, M*mask_3D, psz=18)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def sparse(mode, totalmass, use_ac, freq_start, freq_end):
    # 1000000
    dataset_dir = 'data/EMD6044_xfel_5000_totalmass_{}_oversampling_6'.format(
    data_params = {
        'dataset_name': "1AON",
        'inpath': os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'imgdata.mrc'),
        'gtpath': os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'ctf_gt.par'),
        'ctfpath': os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'defocus.txt'),
        'microscope_params': {
            'akv': 200,
            'wgh': 0.07,
            'cs': 2.0
        'resolution': 3.0 * 6,
        'pixel_size': 3.0 * 6,
        # 'sigma': 'noise_std',
        # 'sigma_out': 'data_std',
        # 'minisize': 150,
        'num_images': 200,
        # 'euler_angles': None,

    # euler_angles = []
    # with open(data_params['gtpath']) as par:
    #     par.readline()
    #     # 'C                 PHI      THETA        PSI        SHX        SHY       FILM        DF1        DF2     ANGAST'
    #     while True:
    #         try:
    #             line = par.readline().split()
    #             euler_angles.append([float(line[1]), float(line[2]), float(line[3])])
    #         except Exception:
    #             break
    # data_params['euler_angles'] = np.deg2rad(np.asarray(euler_angles))[0:data_params['num_images']]

    # from scripts.analyze_sparse import get_quadrature
    # quad_domain_R, _ = get_quadrature(N=124, const_rad=0.8)
    # euler_angles = geometry.genEA(quad_domain_R.dirs)
    # rand_idxs = np.arange(euler_angles.shape[0])
    # np.random.shuffle(rand_idxs)
    # data_params['euler_angles'] = euler_angles[rand_idxs]

    refined_model = mrc.readMRC(

    cryodata = SimpleDataset(None, data_params, None)

    if use_ac == 1:
        use_angular_correlation = True
    elif use_ac == 0:
        use_angular_correlation = False
        raise NotImplementedError

    cparams = {
        'max_frequency': None,
        'beamstop_freq': 0.01,
        'learn_like_envelope_bfactor': 500
    # print("Using angular correlation patterns:", use_angular_correlation)
    sk = SimpleKernel(cryodata,

    # if mode == 1:
    # for freq in np.arange(0.015, 0.055, 0.005):
    # for freq in np.arange(0.025, 0.055, 0.005):
    # for freq in np.arange(0.035, 0.055, 0.005):
    #         cparams['max_frequency'] = freq
    #         sk.set_data(refined_model, cparams)

    #         # for i in range(cryodata.num_images):
    #         for i in range(500):
    #             tic = time.time()
    #             workspace = sk.worker(i)
    #             print("idx: {}, time per worker: {}".format(i, time.time()-tic))
    #             # sk.plot_distribution(workspace, sk.quad_domain_R, sk.quad_domain_I,
    #             #                     correct_ea=cryodata.euler_angles[i], lognorm=False)

    #         with open('sparse/mode-{}-totalmass-{}-use_ac-{}-freq-{}-workspace.pkl'.format(mode, totalmass, use_angular_correlation, freq), 'wb') as pkl:
    #             pickle.dump(sk.cached_workspace, pkl)

    # elif mode == 2:
    # for freq_start, freq_end in zip(np.arange(0.010, 0.05, 0.005), np.arange(0.015, 0.055, 0.005)):
    # for freq_start, freq_end in zip(np.arange(0.020, 0.05, 0.005), np.arange(0.025, 0.055, 0.005)):
    # for freq_start, freq_end in zip(np.arange(0.030, 0.05, 0.005), np.arange(0.035, 0.055, 0.005)):
    cparams['max_frequency'] = freq_end
    cparams['beamstop_freq'] = freq_start
    sk.set_data(refined_model, cparams)

    # sk.concurrent_worker(range(200))
    # sk.plot_distribution(sk.cached_cphi[1], sk.quad_domain_R, sk.quad_domain_I,
    #                      correct_ea=cryodata.euler_angles[1], lognorm=False)

    timer = list()

    for i in range(4):
        tic = time.time()
        _ = sk.worker(i)
        toc = time.time() - tic
        # print("idx: {}, time per worker: {}".format(i, toc))
        # workspace = sk.worker(i)
        # sk.plot_distribution(workspace, sk.quad_domain_R, sk.quad_domain_I,
        #                     correct_ea=cryodata.euler_angles[i], lognorm=False)

        freq_start, freq_end,
        sum(timer[2:]) / len(timer[2:])))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    axes[2].imshow(ac_proj, origin='lower')
    axes[2].set_title('angular correlation image', fontdict={'size': 14})

    for ax in axes:
        ax.set_xticks([0, int(N/4), int(N/2), int(N*3/4), N-1])
        ax.set_yticks([0, int(N/4), int(N/2), int(N*3/4), N-1])

    fig.savefig('angular_correlation_vis.png', dpi=300)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    mrc_file = sys.argv[1]
    M = mrc.readMRC(mrc_file)
    # M[M<30.4] = 0

    # realspace_benchmark(M, calc_corr_img=True)
    # realspace_benchmark_comparison(M)
    # realspace_benchmark_new_algorithm(M, calc_corr_img=False)
    # realspace_benchmark_new_algorithm_comparison(M)

    # fourierspace_benchmark_new_algorithm_comparison(M, rad=0.6)
    # fourierspace_benchmark_new_algorithm_comparison(M, modulus=True)

    # fourierspace_benchmark_comparison(M)
    # fourierspace_benchmark_comparison(M, modulus=True)

    # ea = np.deg2rad([60, 60, 0])
    # realspace_benchmark_comparison(M, save_animation=True, animation_name='realspace_old')
Ejemplo n.º 18
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from cryoio import mrc
import density, cryoops
import geometry
from quadrature import healpix
from cryoem import cryoem

import pyximport; pyximport.install(
    setup_args={"include_dirs": np.get_include()}, reload_support=True)
import sincint

M = mrc.readMRC('./particle/EMD-6044.mrc')
# M = mrc.readMRC('./particle/1AON.mrc')
# M = M / np.sum(M)
M = M[:124, :124, :124]

mrc.writeMRC('./particle/EMD-6044-cropped.mrc', M, psz=3.0)

N = M.shape[0]
rad = 1
kernel = 'lanczos'
ksize = 4

xy, trunc_xy, truncmask = geometry.gencoords(N, 2, rad, True)
# premult = cryoops.compute_premultiplier(N, kernel='lanczos', kernsize=6)
premult = cryoops.compute_premultiplier(N, kernel, ksize)
TtoF = sincint.gentrunctofull(N=N, rad=rad)
Ejemplo n.º 19
from cryoem import relion
from cryoio import mrc, star
import geometry
from quadrature import healpix as hp

WD = '/Users/lqhuang/Git/SOD-cryoem'

# phantompath = os.path.join(WD, 'particle', '1AON.mrc')
phantompath = os.path.join(WD, 'particle', 'EMD-6044.mrc')
recom_contour = 17.0

N = 128
sigma_noise = 25.0

M_totalmass = 80000
M = mrc.readMRC(phantompath)
M[M < recom_contour] = 0
if M_totalmass is not None:
    M *= M_totalmass / M.sum()

tic = time()

def gen_euler_angles(num_EAs):
    EAs = list()
    for i in range(num_EAs):
        # Randomly generate the viewing direction/shift
        pt = np.random.randn(3)
        pt /= np.linalg.norm(pt)
        psi = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand()
        EA = geometry.genEA(pt)[0]
Ejemplo n.º 20
import cryoem
from quadrature import SK97Quadrature

import pyximport
pyximport.install(setup_args={"include_dirs": np.get_include()},
import sincint

if __name__ == '__main__':
    psize = 3.0 * 3
    freq = 0.005
    rad = freq * 2.0 * psize
    beamstop_freq = 0.003
    beamstop_rad = beamstop_freq * 2.0 * psize

    fM = mrc.readMRC('../particle/EMD-6044-cropped-non-negative-256.mrc')
    N = fM.shape[0]

    TtoF = sincint.gentrunctofull(N=N, rad=rad, beamstop_rad=beamstop_rad)

    theta = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi / 12)
    degree_R, resolution_R = SK97Quadrature.compute_degree(N, rad, 1.0)
    dirs, weights = SK97Quadrature.get_quad_points(degree_R, None)
    Rs = np.vstack([
        geometry.rotmat3D_dir(vec)[:, 0:2].reshape((1, 3, 2)) for vec in dirs

    N_R = dirs.shape[0]
    N_I = theta.shape[0]
    N_T = TtoF.shape[1]
    print(N_R, N_I, N_T)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def load_kernel(data_dir, model_file, use_angular_correlation=False, sample_shifts=False):
    data_params = {
        'dataset_name': "1AON",
        'inpath': os.path.join(data_dir, 'imgdata.mrc'),
        'ctfpath': os.path.join(data_dir, 'defocus.txt'),
        'microscope_params': {'akv': 200, 'wgh': 0.07, 'cs': 2.0},
        'resolution': 2.8,
        'sigma': 'noise_std',
        'sigma_out': 'data_std',
        'minisize': 20,
        'test_imgs': 20,
        'partition': 0,
        'num_partitions': 0,
        'random_seed': 1,
        # 'symmetry': 'C7'
    print("Loading dataset %s" % data_dir)
    cryodata, _ = dataset_loading_test(data_params)
    # mleDC, _, mleDC_est_std = cryodata.get_dc_estimate()
    # modelscale = (np.abs(mleDC) + 2*mleDC_est_std)/cryodata.N
    modelscale = 1.0

    if model_file is not None:
        print("Loading density map %s" % model_file)
        M = mrc.readMRC(model_file)
        print("Generating random initial density map ...")
        M = cryoem.generate_phantom_density(cryodata.N, 0.95 * cryodata.N / 2.0, \
                                            5 * cryodata.N / 128.0, 30, seed=0)
        M *= modelscale/M.sum()
    slice_interp = {'kern': 'lanczos', 'kernsize': 4, 'zeropad': 0, 'dopremult': True}
    fM = M

    minibatch = cryodata.get_next_minibatch(shuffle_minibatches=False)

    is_sym = get_symmetryop(data_params.get('symmetry',None))
    sampler_R = FixedFisherImportanceSampler('_R', is_sym)
    sampler_I = FixedFisherImportanceSampler('_I')
    sampler_S = None

    cparams = {
        'use_angular_correlation': use_angular_correlation,

        'iteration': 0,
        'pixel_size': cryodata.pixel_size,
        'max_frequency': 0.02,

        'interp_kernel_R': 'lanczos',
        'interp_kernel_size_R':	4,
        'interp_zeropad_R':	0,
        'interp_premult_R':	True,

        'interp_kernel_I': 'lanczos',
        'interp_kernel_size_I':	4,
        'interp_zeropad_I':	0.0,
        'interp_premult_I':	True,

        'quad_shiftsigma': 10,
        'quad_shiftextent': 60,

        'sigma': cryodata.noise_var,
        # 'symmetry': 'C7'
    kernel = UnknownRSThreadedCPUKernel()
    kernel.setup(cparams, None, None, None)
    kernel.set_samplers(sampler_R, sampler_I, sampler_S)
    kernel.precomp_slices = None
    kernel.set_data(cparams, minibatch)
    kernel.using_precomp_slicing = False
    kernel.using_precomp_inplane = False
    kernel.M = M
    kernel.fM = fM
    return kernel
Ejemplo n.º 22
    for i in range(data_params['num_images']):
        tic = time.time()
        workspace = sk.worker(i)
        print("idx: {}, time per worker: {}".format(i, time.time()-tic))
        sk.plot_distribution(workspace, sk.quad_domain_R, sk.quad_domain_I,
                             correct_ea=cryodata.euler_angles[i], lognorm=False)


        # workspace['cphi_R'] = workspace['full_like_cphi_R']
        # workspace['cphi_I'] = workspace['full_like_cphi_I']
        # sk.plot_distribution(workspace, sk.quad_domain_R, sk.quad_domain_I,
        #                      correct_ea=cryodata.euler_angles[i], lognorm=False)

    # sk.plot_rmsd()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    model_file = sys.argv[1]
    # refined_model_file = sys.argv[2]
    print("Loading 3D density: %s" % model_file)
    # print("Loading refined 3D density: %s" % refined_model_file)

    # data_dir = 'data/1AON_xfel_5000_totalmass_05000_oversampling'
    # kernel = kernel_test(data_dir, model_file, use_angular_correlation=False)

    model = mrc.readMRC(model_file)
    refined_model = model # = mrc.readMRC(refined_model_file)
    likelihood_estimate(model, refined_model, use_angular_correlation=False)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def genphantomdata(N_D, phantompath):
    mscope_params = {
        'akv': 200,
        'wgh': 0.07,
        'cs': 2.0,
        'psize': 3.0,
        'bfactor': 500.0

    M = mrc.readMRC(phantompath)

    N = M.shape[0]
    rad = 0.95
    M_totalmass = 1000000
    # M_totalmass = 1500000
    kernel = 'lanczos'
    ksize = 6

    tic = time.time()

    N_D = int(N_D)
    N = int(N)
    rad = float(rad)
    psize = mscope_params['psize']
    bfactor = mscope_params['bfactor']
    M_totalmass = float(M_totalmass)

    ctfparfile = 'particle/examplectfs.par'
    srcctf_stack = CTFStack(ctfparfile, mscope_params)
    genctf_stack = GeneratedCTFStack(
        mscope_params, parfields=['PHI', 'THETA', 'PSI', 'SHX', 'SHY'])

    TtoF = sincint.gentrunctofull(N=N, rad=rad)
    Cmap = np.sort(
                                  srcctf_stack.get_num_ctfs() - 1, N_D))

    cryoem.window(M, 'circle')
    M[M < 0] = 0
    if M_totalmass is not None:
        M *= M_totalmass / M.sum()

    # oversampling
    oversampling_factor = 3
    psize = psize * oversampling_factor
    V = density.real_to_fspace_with_oversampling(M, oversampling_factor)
    fM = V.real**2 + V.imag**2

    # mrc.writeMRC('particle/EMD6044_fM_totalmass_{}_oversampling_{}.mrc'.format(str(int(M_totalmass)).zfill(5), oversampling_factor), fM, psz=psize)

    print("Generating data...")
    imgdata = np.empty((N_D, N, N), dtype=density.real_t)

    pardata = {'R': []}

    prevctfI = None
    coords = geometry.gencoords(N, 2, rad)
    slicing_func = RegularGridInterpolator((np.arange(N), ) * 3,
    for i, srcctfI in enumerate(Cmap):
        ellapse_time = time.time() - tic
        remain_time = float(N_D - i) * ellapse_time / max(i, 1)
        print("\r%.2f Percent.. (Elapsed: %s, Remaining: %s)" %
              (i / float(N_D) * 100.0, format_timedelta(ellapse_time),

        # Get the CTF for this image
        cCTF = srcctf_stack.get_ctf(srcctfI)
        if prevctfI != srcctfI:
            genctfI = genctf_stack.add_ctf(cCTF)
            C = cCTF.dense_ctf(N, psize, bfactor).reshape((N, N))
            prevctfI = srcctfI

        # Randomly generate the viewing direction/shift
        pt = np.random.randn(3)
        pt /= np.linalg.norm(pt)
        psi = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand()
        EA = geometry.genEA(pt)[0]
        EA[2] = psi

        # Rotate coordinates and get slice image by interpolation
        R = geometry.rotmat3D_EA(*EA)[:, 0:2]
        rotated_coords = R.dot(coords.T).T + int(N / 2)
        slice_data = slicing_func(rotated_coords)
        intensity = TtoF.dot(slice_data)
        np.maximum(intensity, 0.0, out=intensity)

        # Add poisson noise
        img = np.float_(np.random.poisson(intensity.reshape(N, N)))
        np.maximum(1e-8, img, out=img)
        imgdata[i] = np.require(img, dtype=density.real_t)

                             PHI=EA[0] * 180.0 / np.pi,
                             THETA=EA[1] * 180.0 / np.pi,
                             PSI=EA[2] * 180.0 / np.pi,


    print("\n\rDone in ", time.time() - tic, " seconds.")
    return imgdata, genctf_stack, pardata, mscope_params
Ejemplo n.º 24

theta = np.arange(0, 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi/36)
EAs = np.asarray([[i, j] for i in np.arange(0, np.pi, np.pi/12.0) for j in np.arange(0, 2*np.pi, 2*np.pi/6.0)])
EAs = np.vstack((EAs.T, np.zeros(EAs.shape[0]))).T
dirs = geometry.genDir(EAs)

N_R = dirs.shape[0]
N_I = theta.shape[0]
N_T = FtoT.shape[0]
print("length of truncation slice", N_T)

# M = cryoem.generate_phantom_density(N, 0.95*N/2.0, 5 * N / 128.0, 30, seed=1)
M = mrc.readMRC('particle/1AON.mrc') 

zeropad = 1
zeropad_size = int(zeropad * (N / 2))
zp_N = zeropad_size * 2 + N
zp_M_shape = (zp_N,) * 3
ZP_M = np.zeros(zp_M_shape, dtype=density.real_t)
zp_M_slicer = (slice( zeropad_size, (N + zeropad_size) ),) * 3

M_totalmass = 5000
M *= M_totalmass / M.sum()

ZP_M[zp_M_slicer] = M

N = M.shape[0]
kernel = 'lanczos'
Ejemplo n.º 25
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 4, figsize=(12.8, 8))

    im_real = axes[0, 0].imshow(real_proj)
    im_fourier = axes[1, 0].imshow(np.log(np.abs(fourier_slice)))

    for i, ax in enumerate(axes[:, 1:].T):
        shift = np.random.randn(2) * (N / 4.0)
        S = cryoops.compute_shift_phases(shift.reshape(1, 2), N, rad)[0]

        shift_trunc_slice = S * trunc_slice
        shift_fourier_slice = TtoF.dot(shift_trunc_slice).reshape(N, N)
        shift_real_proj = density.fspace_to_real(shift_fourier_slice)



if __name__ == '__main__':
    # M = mrc.readMRC('./particle/EMD-6044.mrc')
    # M = M[:124, :124, :124]
    # mrc.writeMRC('./particle/EMD-6044-cropped.mrc', M, psz=3.0)
    M = mrc.readMRC(sys.argv[1])
Ejemplo n.º 26
def genphantomdata(N_D, phantompath, ctfparfile):
    # mscope_params = {'akv': 200, 'wgh': 0.07,
    #                  'cs': 2.0, 'psize': 2.8, 'bfactor': 500.0}
    mscope_params = {'akv': 200, 'wgh': 0.07,
                     'cs': 2.0, 'psize': 3.0, 'bfactor': 500.0}
    M = mrc.readMRC(phantompath)

    N = M.shape[0]
    rad = 0.95
    shift_sigma = 3.0
    sigma_noise = 25.0
    M_totalmass = 80000
    kernel = 'lanczos'
    ksize = 6

    premult = cryoops.compute_premultiplier(N, kernel, ksize)

    tic = time.time()

    N_D = int(N_D)
    N = int(N)
    rad = float(rad)
    psize = mscope_params['psize']
    bfactor = mscope_params['bfactor']
    shift_sigma = float(shift_sigma)
    sigma_noise = float(sigma_noise)
    M_totalmass = float(M_totalmass)

    srcctf_stack = CTFStack(ctfparfile, mscope_params)
    genctf_stack = GeneratedCTFStack(mscope_params, parfields=[
                                     'PHI', 'THETA', 'PSI', 'SHX', 'SHY'])

    TtoF = sincint.gentrunctofull(N=N, rad=rad)
    Cmap = np.sort(np.random.random_integers(
        0, srcctf_stack.get_num_ctfs() - 1, N_D))

    cryoem.window(M, 'circle')
    M[M < 0] = 0
    if M_totalmass is not None:
        M *= M_totalmass / M.sum()

    V = density.real_to_fspace(
        premult.reshape((1, 1, -1)) * premult.reshape((1, -1, 1)) * premult.reshape((-1, 1, 1)) * M)

    print("Generating data...")
    imgdata = np.empty((N_D, N, N), dtype=density.real_t)

    pardata = {'R': [], 't': []}

    prevctfI = None
    for i, srcctfI in enumerate(Cmap):
        ellapse_time = time.time() - tic
        remain_time = float(N_D - i) * ellapse_time / max(i, 1)
        print("\r%.2f Percent.. (Elapsed: %s, Remaining: %s)" % (i / float(N_D)
                                                                 * 100.0, format_timedelta(ellapse_time), format_timedelta(remain_time)))

        # Get the CTF for this image
        cCTF = srcctf_stack.get_ctf(srcctfI)
        if prevctfI != srcctfI:
            genctfI = genctf_stack.add_ctf(cCTF)
            C = cCTF.dense_ctf(N, psize, bfactor).reshape((N**2,))
            prevctfI = srcctfI

        # Randomly generate the viewing direction/shift
        pt = np.random.randn(3)
        pt /= np.linalg.norm(pt)
        psi = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand()
        EA = geometry.genEA(pt)[0]
        EA[2] = psi
        shift = np.random.randn(2) * shift_sigma

        R = geometry.rotmat3D_EA(*EA)[:, 0:2]
        slop = cryoops.compute_projection_matrix(
            [R], N, kernel, ksize, rad, 'rots')
        S = cryoops.compute_shift_phases(shift.reshape((1, 2)), N, rad)[0]

        D = slop.dot(V.reshape((-1,)))
        D *= S

        imgdata[i] = density.fspace_to_real((C * TtoF.dot(D)).reshape((N, N))) + np.require(
            np.random.randn(N, N) * sigma_noise, dtype=density.real_t)

                             PHI=EA[0] * 180.0 / np.pi, THETA=EA[1] * 180.0 / np.pi, PSI=EA[2] * 180.0 / np.pi,
                             SHX=shift[0], SHY=shift[1])


    print("\rDone in ", time.time() - tic, " seconds.")
    return imgdata, genctf_stack, pardata, mscope_params
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def __init__(self, expbase, cmdparams=None):
        """cryodata is a CryoData instance. 
        expbase is a path to the base of folder where this experiment's files
        will be stored.  The folder above expbase will also be searched
        for .params files. These will be loaded first."""

        # Create a background thread which handles IO
        self.io_queue = Queue()
        self.io_thread = Thread(target=self.ioworker)
        self.io_thread.daemon = True

        # General setup ----------------------------------------------------
        self.expbase = expbase
        self.outbase = None

        # Paramter setup ---------------------------------------------------
        # search above expbase for params files
        _,_,filenames = os.walk(opj(expbase,'../')).next()
        self.paramfiles = [opj(opj(expbase,'../'), fname) \
                           for fname in filenames if fname.endswith('.params')]
        # search expbase for params files
        _,_,filenames = os.walk(opj(expbase)).next()
        self.paramfiles += [opj(expbase,fname)  \
                            for fname in filenames if fname.endswith('.params')]
        if 'local.params' in filenames:
            self.paramfiles += [opj(expbase,'local.params')]
        # load parameter files
        self.params = Params(self.paramfiles)
        self.cparams = None
        if cmdparams is not None:
            # Set parameter specified on the command line
            for k,v in cmdparams.iteritems():
                self.params[k] = v
        # Dataset setup -------------------------------------------------------
        self.imgpath = self.params['inpath']
        psize = self.params['resolution']
        if not isinstance(self.imgpath,list):
            imgstk = MRCImageStack(self.imgpath,psize)
            imgstk = CombinedImageStack([MRCImageStack(cimgpath,psize) for cimgpath in self.imgpath])

        if self.params.get('float_images',True):
        self.ctfpath = self.params['ctfpath']
        mscope_params = self.params['microscope_params']
        if not isinstance(self.ctfpath,list):
            ctfstk = CTFStack(self.ctfpath,mscope_params)
            ctfstk = CombinedCTFStack([CTFStack(cctfpath,mscope_params) for cctfpath in self.ctfpath])

        self.cryodata = CryoDataset(imgstk,ctfstk)
        if self.params.get('window_images',True):
        minibatch_size = self.params['minisize']
        testset_size = self.params['test_imgs']
        partition = self.params.get('partition',0)
        num_partitions = self.params.get('num_partitions',1)
        seed = self.params['random_seed']
        if isinstance(partition,str):
            partition = eval(partition)
        if isinstance(num_partitions,str):
            num_partitions = eval(num_partitions)
        if isinstance(seed,str):
            seed = eval(seed)
        if self.params.get('normalize_data',True):

        self.voxel_size = self.cryodata.pixel_size

        # Iterations setup -------------------------------------------------
        self.iteration = 0 
        self.tic_epoch = None
        self.num_data_evals = 0

        outdir = self.cparams.get('outdir',None)
        if outdir is None:
            if self.cparams.get('num_partitions',1) > 1:
                outdir = 'partition{0}'.format(self.cparams['partition'])
                outdir = ''
        self.outbase = opj(self.expbase,outdir)
        if not os.path.isdir(self.outbase):

        # Output setup -----------------------------------------------------
        self.ostream = OutputStream(opj(self.outbase,'stdout'))

        self.ostream("Experiment: " + expbase + \
                     "    Kernel: " + self.params['kernel'])
        self.ostream("Started on " + socket.gethostname() + \
                     "    At: " + time.strftime('%B %d %Y: %I:%M:%S %p'))
        self.ostream("Git SHA1: " + gitutil.git_get_SHA1())
        gitutil.git_info_dump(opj(self.outbase, 'gitinfo'))
        self.startdatetime = datetime.now()

        # for diagnostics and parameters
        self.diagout = Output(opj(self.outbase, 'diag'),runningout=False)
        # for stats (per image etc)
        self.statout = Output(opj(self.outbase, 'stat'),runningout=True)
        # for likelihoods of individual images
        self.likeout = Output(opj(self.outbase, 'like'),runningout=False)

        self.img_likes = n.empty(self.cryodata.N_D)
        self.img_likes[:] = n.inf

        # optimization state vars ------------------------------------------
        init_model = self.cparams.get('init_model',None)
        if init_model is not None:
            filename = init_model
            if filename.upper().endswith('.MRC'):
                M = readMRC(filename)
                with open(filename) as fp:
                    M = cPickle.load(fp)
                    if type(M)==list:
                        M = M[-1]['M'] 
            if M.shape != 3*(self.cryodata.N,):
                M = cryoem.resize_ndarray(M,3*(self.cryodata.N,),axes=(0,1,2))
            init_seed = self.cparams.get('init_random_seed',0)  + self.cparams.get('partition',0)
            print "Randomly generating initial density (init_random_seed = {0})...".format(init_seed), ; sys.stdout.flush()
            tic = time.time()
            M = cryoem.generate_phantom_density(self.cryodata.N, 0.95*self.cryodata.N/2.0, \
                                                5*self.cryodata.N/128.0, 30, seed=init_seed)
            print "done in {0}s".format(time.time() - tic)

        tic = time.time()
        print "Windowing and aligning initial density...", ; sys.stdout.flush()
        # window the initial density
        wfunc = self.cparams.get('init_window','circle')

        # Center and orient the initial density
        print "done in {0:.2f}s".format(time.time() - tic)

        # apply the symmetry operator
        init_sym = get_symmetryop(self.cparams.get('init_symmetry',self.cparams.get('symmetry',None)))
        if init_sym is not None:
            tic = time.time()
            print "Applying symmetry operator...", ; sys.stdout.flush()
            M = init_sym.apply(M)
            print "done in {0:.2f}s".format(time.time() - tic)

        tic = time.time()
        print "Scaling initial model...", ; sys.stdout.flush()
        modelscale = self.cparams.get('modelscale','auto')
        mleDC, _, mleDC_est_std = self.cryodata.get_dc_estimate()
        if modelscale == 'auto':
            # Err on the side of a weaker prior by using a larger value for modelscale
            modelscale = (n.abs(mleDC) + 2*mleDC_est_std)/self.cryodata.N
            print "estimated modelscale = {0:.3g}...".format(modelscale), ; sys.stdout.flush()
            self.params['modelscale'] = modelscale
            self.cparams['modelscale'] = modelscale
        M *= modelscale/M.sum()
        print "done in {0:.2f}s".format(time.time() - tic)
        if mleDC_est_std/n.abs(mleDC) > 0.05:
            print "  WARNING: the DC component estimate has a high relative variance, it may be inaccurate!"
        if ((modelscale*self.cryodata.N - n.abs(mleDC)) / mleDC_est_std) > 3:
            print "  WARNING: the selected modelscale value is more than 3 std devs different than the estimated one.  Be sure this is correct."

        self.M = n.require(M,dtype=density.real_t)
        self.fM = density.real_to_fspace(M)
        self.dM = density.zeros_like(self.M)

        self.step = eval(self.cparams['optim_algo'])
        self.step.setup(self.cparams, self.diagout, self.statout, self.ostream)

        # Objective function setup --------------------------------------------
        param_type = self.cparams.get('parameterization','real')
        cplx_param = param_type in ['complex','complex_coeff','complex_herm_coeff']
        self.like_func = eval_objective(self.cparams['likelihood'])
        self.prior_func = eval_objective(self.cparams['prior'])

        if self.cparams.get('penalty',None) is not None:
            self.penalty_func = eval_objective(self.cparams['penalty'])
            prior_func = SumObjectives(self.prior_func.fspace, \
                                       [self.penalty_func,self.prior_func], None)
            prior_func = self.prior_func

        self.obj = SumObjectives(cplx_param,
                                 [self.like_func,prior_func], [None,None])
        self.obj.setup(self.cparams, self.diagout, self.statout, self.ostream)
        self.obj_wrapper = ObjectiveWrapper(param_type)

        self.last_save = time.time()
        self.logpost_history = FiniteRunningSum()
        self.like_history = FiniteRunningSum()

        # Importance Samplers -------------------------------------------------
        self.is_sym = get_symmetryop(self.cparams.get('is_symmetry',self.cparams.get('symmetry',None)))
        self.sampler_R = FixedFisherImportanceSampler('_R',self.is_sym)
        self.sampler_I = FixedFisherImportanceSampler('_I')
        self.sampler_S = FixedGaussianImportanceSampler('_S')
Ejemplo n.º 28
from cryoio import mrc, star
import geometry
from quadrature import healpix as hp

WD = '/Users/lqhuang/Git/SOD-cryoem'

# phantompath = os.path.join(WD, 'particle', '1AON.mrc')
phantompath = os.path.join(WD, 'particle', 'EMD-6044.mrc')
recom_contour = 17.0

N = 128
sigma_noise = 25.0

M_totalmass = 80000
M = mrc.readMRC(phantompath)
M[M<recom_contour] = 0
if M_totalmass is not None:
    M *= M_totalmass / M.sum()

tic = time()

def gen_euler_angles(num_EAs):
    EAs = list()
    for i in range(num_EAs):
        # Randomly generate the viewing direction/shift
        pt = np.random.randn(3)
        pt /= np.linalg.norm(pt)
        psi = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand()
        EA = geometry.genEA(pt)[0]
        EA[2] = psi
Ejemplo n.º 29
    pcimg = np.zeros((int(radius), int(angle)))
    return pcimg

def get_corr_img(img, pcimg_interpolation='nearest'):
    get a angular correlation image
    if 'nearest' in pcimg_interpolation.lower():
        pcimg = imgpolarcoord(img)
    elif 'linear' in pcimg_interpolation.lower():
        pcimg = imgpolarcoord3(img)

    pcimg_fourier = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(pcimg, axis=1))
    corr_img = np.fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(pcimg_fourier*np.conjugate(pcimg_fourier)), axis=1)
    return corr_img.real

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from cryoio import mrc
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    map_file = '../particle/EMD-2325.map'
    model = mrc.readMRC(map_file)
    proj1 = np.sum(model, axis=2)
    corr_img = get_corr_img(proj1, pcimg_interpolation='linear')
    # plt.figure(2)
    # plt.imshow(c2_img)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def plot_figures():
    oversampling_factor = 6
    psize = 3 * oversampling_factor
    freq = 0.05
    rad = 0.5 * 2.0 * psize
    beamstop_freq = 0.005
    beamstop_rad = beamstop_freq * 2.0 * psize

    # M = mrc.readMRC('particle/EMD-6044-cropped.mrc')
    # M[M < 0] = 0
    # M_totalmass = 2000000
    # if M_totalmass is not None:
    #     M *= M_totalmass / M.sum()
    # fM = density.real_to_fspace_with_oversampling(M, oversampling_factor=oversampling_factor)
    # fM = fM.real ** 2 + fM.imag ** 2
    # mrc.writeMRC("particle/EMD-6044-cropped_fM_totalmass_%d_oversampling_%d.mrc" % (M_totalmass, oversampling_factor), fM, psz=psize)
    # exit()

    fM = mrc.readMRC(

    N = fM.shape[0]
    TtoF = sincint.gentrunctofull(N=N, rad=rad, beamstop_rad=beamstop_rad)

    theta = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi / 60)
    degree_R, resolution_R = SK97Quadrature.compute_degree(N, 0.3, 1.0)
    dirs, weights = SK97Quadrature.get_quad_points(degree_R, None)
    Rs = np.vstack([
        geometry.rotmat3D_dir(vec)[:, 0:2].reshape((1, 3, 2)) for vec in dirs

    N_R = dirs.shape[0]
    N_I = theta.shape[0]
    N_T = TtoF.shape[1]

    # generate slicing operators
    dir_slice_interp = {
        'projdirs': dirs,
        'N': N,
        'kern': 'lanczos',
        'kernsize': 6,
        'projdirtype': 'dirs',
        'onlyRs': True,
        'rad': rad,
        'sym': None
    }  # 'zeropad': 0, 'dopremult': True
    R_slice_interp = {
        'projdirs': Rs,
        'N': N,
        'kern': 'lanczos',
        'kernsize': 6,
        'projdirtype': 'rots',
        'onlyRs': True,
        'rad': rad,
        'sym': None
    }  # 'zeropad': 0, 'dopremult': True
    inplane_interp = {
        'thetas': theta,
        'N': N,
        'kern': 'lanczos',
        'kernsize': 6,
        'onlyRs': True,
        'rad': rad
    }  # 'zeropad': 1, 'dopremult': True
    inplane_interp['N_src'] = N  # zp_N

    slice_ops = cryoops.compute_projection_matrix(**dir_slice_interp)
    inplane_ops = cryoops.compute_inplanerot_matrix(**inplane_interp)

    # generate slices and inplane-rotated slices
    slices_sampled = cryoem.getslices_interp(
        fM, slice_ops, rad, beamstop_rad=beamstop_rad).reshape((N_R, N_T))
    curr_img = TtoF.dot(slices_sampled[0]).reshape(N, N)
    rotd_sampled = cryoem.getslices_interp(curr_img,
                                               (N_I, N_T))

    ## plot figures
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 4, figsize=(9.6, 7.2))
    for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flatten()):
        img = TtoF.dot(slices_sampled[i]).reshape(N, N)
        ax.imshow(img, origin='lower')

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 4, figsize=(9.6, 7.2))
    for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flatten()):
        img = TtoF.dot(slices_sampled[i]).reshape(N, N)
        ax.imshow(img, origin='lower')
Ejemplo n.º 31
def genphantomdata(N_D, phantompath, ctfparfile):
    mscope_params = {
        'akv': 200,
        'wgh': 0.07,
        'cs': 2.0,
        'psize': 2.8,
        'bfactor': 500.0
    N = 128
    rad = 0.95
    shift_sigma = 3.0
    sigma_noise = 25.0
    M_totalmass = 80000
    kernel = 'lanczos'
    ksize = 6

    premult = cryoops.compute_premultiplier(N, kernel, ksize)

    tic = time.time()

    N_D = int(N_D)
    N = int(N)
    rad = float(rad)
    psize = mscope_params['psize']
    bfactor = mscope_params['bfactor']
    shift_sigma = float(shift_sigma)
    sigma_noise = float(sigma_noise)
    M_totalmass = float(M_totalmass)

    srcctf_stack = CTFStack(ctfparfile, mscope_params)
    genctf_stack = GeneratedCTFStack(
        mscope_params, parfields=['PHI', 'THETA', 'PSI', 'SHX', 'SHY'])

    TtoF = sincint.gentrunctofull(N=N, rad=rad)
    Cmap = n.sort(
                                 srcctf_stack.get_num_ctfs() - 1, N_D))

    M = mrc.readMRC(phantompath)
    cryoem.window(M, 'circle')
    M[M < 0] = 0
    if M_totalmass is not None:
        M *= M_totalmass / M.sum()

    V = density.real_to_fspace(
        premult.reshape((1, 1, -1)) * premult.reshape(
            (1, -1, 1)) * premult.reshape((-1, 1, 1)) * M)

    print "Generating data..."
    imgdata = n.empty((N_D, N, N), dtype=density.real_t)

    pardata = {'R': [], 't': []}

    prevctfI = None
    for i, srcctfI in enumerate(Cmap):
        ellapse_time = time.time() - tic
        remain_time = float(N_D - i) * ellapse_time / max(i, 1)
        print "\r%.2f Percent.. (Elapsed: %s, Remaining: %s)      " % (
            i / float(N_D) * 100.0, format_timedelta(ellapse_time),

        # Get the CTF for this image
        cCTF = srcctf_stack.get_ctf(srcctfI)
        if prevctfI != srcctfI:
            genctfI = genctf_stack.add_ctf(cCTF)
            C = cCTF.dense_ctf(N, psize, bfactor).reshape((N**2, ))
            prevctfI = srcctfI

        # Randomly generate the viewing direction/shift
        pt = n.random.randn(3)
        pt /= n.linalg.norm(pt)
        psi = 2 * n.pi * n.random.rand()
        EA = geom.genEA(pt)[0]
        EA[2] = psi
        shift = n.random.randn(2) * shift_sigma

        R = geom.rotmat3D_EA(*EA)[:, 0:2]
        slop = cryoops.compute_projection_matrix([R], N, kernel, ksize, rad,
        S = cryoops.compute_shift_phases(shift.reshape((1, 2)), N, rad)[0]

        D = slop.dot(V.reshape((-1, )))
        D *= S

        imgdata[i] = density.fspace_to_real((C * TtoF.dot(D)).reshape(
            (N, N))) + n.require(n.random.randn(N, N) * sigma_noise,

                             PHI=EA[0] * 180.0 / n.pi,
                             THETA=EA[1] * 180.0 / n.pi,
                             PSI=EA[2] * 180.0 / n.pi,


    print "\rDone in ", time.time() - tic, " seconds."
    return imgdata, genctf_stack, pardata, mscope_params
Ejemplo n.º 32
par_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'pardata.pkl')

# with open(par_file, 'rb') as pkl_file:
#     pardata = pickle.load(pkl_file)
euler_angles = list()
with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'ctf_gt.par')) as par:
    # 'C                 PHI      THETA        PSI        SHX        SHY       FILM        DF1        DF2     ANGAST'
    while True:
            line = par.readline().split()
            euler_angles.append([float(line[1]), float(line[2]), float(line[3])])
        except Exception:
euler_angles = np.deg2rad(np.asarray(euler_angles))
imgdata = mrc.readMRC(img_file)

num_data = imgdata.shape[2]

rad = 0.8
FtoT = sincint.genfulltotrunc(N=N, rad=rad)

N_T = FtoT.shape[0]

slices = np.zeros((num_data, N_T), dtype=np.float32)

for i in range(num_data):
    curr_img = imgdata[:, :, i]
    slices[i] = FtoT.dot(curr_img.reshape(-1, 1)).reshape(-1)

Rs = np.vstack([geometry.rotmat3D_EA(*ea)[:, 0:2].reshape((1, 3, 2)) for ea in euler_angles])
Ejemplo n.º 33
    trunc = FtoT.dot(image.flatten())
    corr_trunc = calc_angular_correlation(trunc, N, rad, **ac_kwargs)
    full_angular_correlation = TtoF.dot(corr_trunc)

    if outside:
        _, _, outside_mask = gencoords_outside(N, 2, rad, True)
        corr_trunc_outside = calc_angular_correlation(
            image[outside_mask.reshape(N, N)].flatten(),
        full_angular_correlation[outside_mask] = corr_trunc_outside

    return full_angular_correlation.reshape(N, N)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from cryoio import mrc
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    map_file = '../particle/1AON.mrc'
    model = mrc.readMRC(map_file)
    proj = np.sum(model, axis=2)
    c2_img_nearest = get_corr_img(proj, pcimg_interpolation='nearest')
    c2_img_linear = get_corr_img(proj, pcimg_interpolation='linear')
Ejemplo n.º 34
from cryoio.mrc import writeMRC, readMRC

filename = 'Data/Beta/Particles/Falcon_2012_06_12-14_33_35_0.mrc'
filename = 'exp/Beta_sagd_noinit/model.mrc'
filename = 'Data/Beta/init.mrc'

m, hdr = readMRC(filename, inc_header=True)

print hdr