Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_asymmetric_encrypt_decrypt(algorithm_name, generate_keypair, encrypt, decrypt,
                                    iterations=1024, plaintext_size=32):    
    print("Beginning {} unit test".format(algorithm_name))           
    print("Validating correctness...")
    for count in range(iterations):
        public_key, private_key = generate_keypair()
        message = random_integer(plaintext_size)
        ciphertext = encrypt(message, public_key)
        plaintext = decrypt(ciphertext, private_key)
        if plaintext != message:
            raise Warning("Unit test failed after {} successful tests".format(count))
    test_encrypt_decrypt_time(iterations, encrypt, decrypt, public_key, private_key, plaintext_size)
    m1, m2 = 3, 6
    ciphertext1 = encrypt(m1, public_key)
    ciphertext2 = encrypt(m2, public_key)    
    test_for_homomorphism(ciphertext1, ciphertext2, decrypt, private_key, m1, m2)
    public_sizes = determine_key_size(public_key)
    private_sizes = determine_key_size(private_key)
    print("Public key size : {}".format(sum(public_sizes)))
    print("Private key size: {}".format(sum(private_sizes)))
    print("Ciphertext size : {}".format(size_in_bits(encrypt(random_integer(32), public_key))))
    print("(sizes are in bits)")
    print("{} unit test passed".format(algorithm_name))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate_public_parameters(security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):
    a = random_integer(security_level * 3)
    b = random_integer(security_level) 
    q = random_integer((security_level * 3) + 4)
    assert a < q
    shift = ((security_level * 3)) * 8
    return a, b, q, shift
Ejemplo n.º 3
def generate_private_key(security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):
    p_size = security_level * 3
    p = big_prime(p_size + 1)
    a_i = random_integer((security_level * 2) + 1) >> 7 # adds 1 extra bit
    b_i = random_integer(security_level)
    ab_i = (a_i * b_i) % p
    return a_i, b_i, ab_i, p
Ejemplo n.º 4
def generate_parameters(a_size=A_SIZE, b_size=B_SIZE,
                        x_size=X_SIZE, y_size=Y_SIZE):
    a = random_integer(a_size)
    b = random_integer(b_size)
    x = random_integer(x_size)
    y = big_prime(y_size)
    return a, b, x, y
Ejemplo n.º 5
def encapsulate_key(public_key, public_points=POINTS, security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):    
    s1 = random_integer(security_level)
    ciphertext = (public_key * s1)
    for point in public_points:
        s = random_integer(security_level)
        ciphertext += (point * s)
    return ciphertext, s1
Ejemplo n.º 6
def generate_public_key(private_key, security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):
    a = modular_inverse((2, private_key * big_prime(security_level))
    b = modular_inverse((3, private_key * big_prime(security_level))
    return a, b
def generate_keypair(security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):
    private_key = generate_private_key(security_level)
    public_key = generate_public_key(private_key, security_level)
    return public_key, private_key
def encapsulate_key(public_key, security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):
    a, b = public_key
    s1 = random_integer(security_level)
    s2 = random_integer(security_level)
    e = random_integer(security_level)
    shared_secret = (3 * s1) + (2 * s2) + (6 * e)
    ciphertext = ((a * s1) + (b * s2) + e)
    return ciphertext, shared_secret
def recover_key(ciphertext, private_key):
    return (ciphertext * 6) % private_key
def unit_test():
    from unittesting import test_key_exchange
    test_key_exchange("knowninverses", generate_keypair, encapsulate_key, recover_key, iterations=10000)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Ejemplo n.º 7
def encrypt(m, key, r_size=16, n=N):    
    p0, p1, p2, k, ki = key
    q0 = random_integer(r_size)      
    q1 = (p2 * random_integer(r_size)) + m  # 50 bytes if p2 == 33, r == 16, m adds +1
    ciphertext = (p0 * q0) + (p1 * q1)     #       16 + 50 = 66 + 32 = 98
    ciphertext = (ciphertext * k) % n
    return ciphertext
Ejemplo n.º 8
def encapsulate_key(public_key,
                    shift=(SECURITY_LEVEL * 2 * 8) + 32):
    e = random_integer(security_level * 3)
    ciphertext = e + sum(number * random_integer(security_level)
                         for number in public_key)
    return ciphertext, e >> shift
Ejemplo n.º 9
def generate_public_key(private_key, r_size=R_SIZE, x_size=X_SIZE):
    ai, q = private_key
    r = random_integer(r_size)
    x = random_integer(x_size)
    a = modular_inverse(ai, q)
    #   print log(ai, 2), log(q, 2), log(r, 2), log(x, 2)
    return a, (q * r) + x
Ejemplo n.º 10
def generate_public_key(private_key, r_size=R_SIZE, x_size=X_SIZE):
    ai, q = private_key
    r = random_integer(r_size)
    x = random_integer(x_size)
    a = modular_inverse(ai, q)
 #   print log(ai, 2), log(q, 2), log(r, 2), log(x, 2)
    return a, (q * r) + x
Ejemplo n.º 11
def encapsulate_key(public_key, s_size=S_SIZE, e_size=E_SIZE, mask=MASK):
    a, q_r = public_key
    s = random_integer(s_size)
    e = random_integer(e_size)
  #  assert (a * s) + e > q_r
  #  print log(a, 2), log(q_r, 2), log(s, 2), log(e, 2), (log(a, 2) + log(s, 2)) - log(q_r, 2)
    return ((a * s) + e) % q_r, s & mask
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_encrypt_decrypt():
    key = generate_key()
    c0 = encrypt(0, key)
    c1 = encrypt(1, key)
    r = random_integer(SECURITY_LEVEL)
    cr = encrypt(r, key)
    p0 = decrypt(c0, key)
    p1 = decrypt(c1, key)
    pr = decrypt(cr, key)
    assert p0 == 0
    assert p1 == 1
    assert pr == r
    r2 = random_integer(SECURITY_LEVEL)
    cr2 = encrypt(r2, key)
    add(cr, cr2)
    assert decrypt(cr, key) == (r + r2) % MODULUS    
    cr[:] = mul(cr, cr2, key)        
    assert decrypt(cr, key) == ((r + r2) * r2) % MODULUS
    cr[:] = mul(cr, cr, key)
    assert decrypt(cr, key) == (((r + r2) * r2) ** 2) % MODULUS
Ejemplo n.º 13
def generate_public_parameters(security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):
    a = random_integer(security_level * 3)
    b = random_integer(security_level)
    q = random_integer((security_level * 3) + 4)
    assert a < q
    shift = ((security_level * 3)) * 8
    return a, b, q, shift
Ejemplo n.º 14
def generate_private_key(security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):
    p_size = security_level * 3
    p = big_prime(p_size + 1)
    a_i = random_integer((security_level * 2) + 1) >> 7  # adds 1 extra bit
    b_i = random_integer(security_level)
    ab_i = (a_i * b_i) % p
    return a_i, b_i, ab_i, p
Ejemplo n.º 15
def encapsulate_key(public_key, s_size=S_SIZE, e_size=E_SIZE, mask=MASK):
    a, q_r = public_key
    s = random_integer(s_size)
    e = random_integer(e_size)
    #  assert (a * s) + e > q_r
    #  print log(a, 2), log(q_r, 2), log(s, 2), log(e, 2), (log(a, 2) + log(s, 2)) - log(q_r, 2)
    return ((a * s) + e) % q_r, s & mask
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_encrypt_decrypt():
    key = generate_key()
    c0 = encrypt(0, key)
    c1 = encrypt(1, key)
    r = random_integer(SECURITY_LEVEL)
    cr = encrypt(r, key)

    p0 = decrypt(c0, key)
    p1 = decrypt(c1, key)
    pr = decrypt(cr, key)

    assert p0 == 0
    assert p1 == 1
    assert pr == r

    r2 = random_integer(SECURITY_LEVEL)
    cr2 = encrypt(r2, key)

    add(cr, cr2)
    assert decrypt(cr, key) == (r + r2) % MODULUS

    cr[:] = mul(cr, cr2, key)
    assert decrypt(cr, key) == ((r + r2) * r2) % MODULUS

    cr[:] = mul(cr, cr, key)
    assert decrypt(cr, key) == (((r + r2) * r2)**2) % MODULUS
Ejemplo n.º 17
def encapsulate_key(public_key, s_size=S_SIZE, e_size=E_SIZE):
    """ usage: encapsulate_key(public_key, s_size=S_SIZE, e_size=E_SIZE) => ciphertext, key
        Returns a ciphertext, key tuple. """        
    a, modulus = public_key
    s = random_integer(s_size)
    e = random_integer(e_size)
    return ((a * s) + e) % modulus, s
Ejemplo n.º 18
def encapsulate_key(public_key, s_size=S_SIZE, e_size=E_SIZE, shift=SHIFT, mask=MASK):
    """ usage: encapsulate_key(public_key, s_size=S_SIZE, e_size=E_SIZE) => ciphertext, key
        Returns a ciphertext, key tuple. """        
    a, modulus = public_key
    s = random_integer(s_size)
    e = random_integer(e_size)
    return ((a * s) + (e << shift)) % modulus, s & mask
Ejemplo n.º 19
def generate_key(p_size=P_SIZE, k_size=K_SIZE, n=N):
    p_0 = random_integer(p_size)           
    p_1 = random_integer(p_size * 2)        
    p_2 = random_integer(p_size * 3)
    k = (n - random_integer(k_size))   
    k_i = modular_inverse(k, n)       
    return ([p_0, p_1, p_2], k, k_i)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_output_distribution():
    p = 255
    outputs = []
    for q_count in range(256):
        for e_count in range(256):
            outputs.append((p * random_integer(1)) + random_integer(1))
    _outputs = set(outputs)
    print len(_outputs), _outputs
Ejemplo n.º 21
def generate_parameters(a_size=A_SIZE, b_size=B_SIZE,
                        x_size=X_SIZE, p_size=P_SIZE):
    a = random_integer(a_size)
    b = random_integer(b_size)
    x = random_integer(x_size)
    p = big_prime(p_size) 
    z = modular_inverse(modular_subtraction(1, a, p), p)
    return a, b, x, p, z
Ejemplo n.º 22
def generate_parameters(a_size=A_SIZE, b_size=B_SIZE,
                        x_size=X_SIZE, p_size=P_SIZE):
    a = random_integer(a_size)
    b = random_integer(b_size)
    x = random_integer(x_size)
    p = big_prime(p_size) 
    z = modular_inverse(modular_subtraction(1, a, p), p)
    return a, b, x, p, z
Ejemplo n.º 23
def encrypt(m, key, r_size=16, n=N):
    p0, p1, p2, k, ki = key
    q0 = random_integer(r_size)
    q1 = (p2 * random_integer(r_size)
          ) + m  # 50 bytes if p2 == 33, r == 16, m adds +1
    ciphertext = (p0 * q0) + (p1 * q1)  #       16 + 50 = 66 + 32 = 98
    ciphertext = (ciphertext * k) % n
    return ciphertext
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_output_distribution():
    p = 255
    outputs = []
    for q_count in range(256):
        for e_count in range(256):
            outputs.append((p * random_integer(1)) + random_integer(1))
    _outputs = set(outputs)
    print len(_outputs), _outputs
Ejemplo n.º 25
def encapsulate_key(public_key, security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):
    ciphertext = 0  #sum((public_key[count] * random_integer(security_level) for count in range(security_level)))
    for count in range(security_level):
        public_key_element = public_key[count]
        ciphertext += (public_key_element * random_integer(security_level))
    e = random_integer(security_level)
    ciphertext += e
    return ciphertext, e
Ejemplo n.º 26
def encrypt(m, key, r_size=32, n=N):
    p, k, k_i = key    
    ciphertext = ((p[0] * m) +                      # 520 bits
                  (p[1] * random_integer(r_size)) + # 528 + 256 = 784
                  (p[2] * random_integer(r_size)))  # 792 + 256 = 1048                  
    assert ciphertext < n
    ciphertext = (k * ciphertext) % n    
    return ciphertext
Ejemplo n.º 27
def generate_public_key(private_key, b_size=8, c_size=8, x_size=8, p=P):
    ai, y = private_key
    a = modular_inverse(ai, p)
    x = random_integer(x_size)
    b = random_integer(b_size)
    c = random_integer(c_size)
    public_key = (((a * x) + b) % p, ((a * y) + c) % p)
    return public_key
Ejemplo n.º 28
def encapsulate_key(public_key, security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):    
    ciphertext = 0 #sum((public_key[count] * random_integer(security_level) for count in range(security_level)))    
    for count in range(security_level):
        public_key_element = public_key[count]
        ciphertext += (public_key_element * random_integer(security_level))
    e = random_integer(security_level)
    ciphertext += e        
    return ciphertext, e
Ejemplo n.º 29
def exchange_key(public_key, s_size=13, e_size=25, p=P):
    """ usage: exchange_key(public_key, s_size=32, e_size=32, p=P) => ciphertext, secret
        Returns a ciphertext and a shared secret.
        The ciphertext should be delivered to the holder of the associated private key, so that they may recover the shared secret. """
    s = random_integer(s_size)
    ciphertext = (public_key * s) + random_integer(e_size)
    return ciphertext % p, s
Ejemplo n.º 30
def generate_private_key(parameters=PARAMETERS):
    ab_size = parameters["ab_size"]
    while True:
        a = random_integer(ab_size)
        b = random_integer(ab_size)
        if not is_prime(pow(a, 2) + pow(b, 2)):
    return a, b
Ejemplo n.º 31
def exchange_key(public_key, s_size=16, e_size=16, p=P): 
    """ usage: exchange_key(public_key, s_size=32, e_size=32, p=P) => ciphertext, secret
        Returns a ciphertext and a shared secret.
        The ciphertext should be delivered to the holder of the associated private key, so that they may recover the shared secret. """
    s = random_integer(s_size)  
    ciphertext = (public_key * s) + random_integer(e_size)
    return ciphertext % p, s
Ejemplo n.º 32
def generate_public_key(private_key,
    a, b = points
    x, y = private_key
    e1, e2 = random_integer(security_level * 2), random_integer(
        security_level * 2)
    return ((a * x) + (b * y) + e1, (a * y) + (b * x) + e2)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def generate_private_key(parameters=PARAMETERS):
    ab_size = parameters["ab_size"]
    while True:
        a = random_integer(ab_size)
        b = random_integer(ab_size)
        if not is_prime(pow(a, 2) + pow(b, 2)):
    return a, b
Ejemplo n.º 34
def encrypt(m, public_key, e_size=E_SIZE, s_size=S_SIZE, shift=SHIFT, modulus=MODULUS):
    """ usage: encrypt(m, public_key, e_size=E_SIZE, s_size=S_SIZE,,
                       shift=SHIFT, modulus=MODULUS) => ciphertext
        Returns a ciphertext integer. """
    e = (m << shift) | random_integer(e_size)
    ciphertext = e + sum(number * random_integer(s_size) for number in public_key)
    return ciphertext % modulus
Ejemplo n.º 35
def encrypt(m, key, r_size=32, n=N):
    p, k, k_i = key    
    ciphertext = ((p[0] * m) + 
                  (p[1] * random_integer(r_size)) + 
                  (p[2] * random_integer(r_size)))        
    assert ciphertext < n    
    ciphertext = (k * ciphertext) % n    
    return ciphertext
Ejemplo n.º 36
def encrypt(m, secret_key, x_size=X_SIZE, e_size=E_SIZE, e_shift=E_SHIFT, q=Q):
    encryption_key, decryption_key = secret_key
    a, b, ab = encryption_key
    x = random_integer(x_size)
    y = random_integer(x_size)
    e = random_integer(e_size)
    e |= m << e_shift
    ciphertext = ((a * x) + (b * y) + (ab * e)) % q
    return ciphertext
Ejemplo n.º 37
def generate_public_key(private_key, b_size=32, c_size=32, p=P):
    a = modular_inverse(private_key, p)
    b = random_integer(b_size)
    c = random_integer(c_size) 
    print format(a, 'b').zfill(256)[:80]
    print format((a + b) % p, 'b').zfill(256)[:80]
    print format((a + c) % p, 'b').zfill(256)[:80]
    public_key = ((a + b) % p, (a + c) % p)
    return public_key
Ejemplo n.º 38
def encapsulate_key(public_key, parameters=PARAMETERS):        
    p = parameters["p"]
    s = random_integer(parameters["s_size"])
    r = random_integer(parameters["r_size"])
    shared_secret = pow(parameters["generator"], s, p)
    encrypted_secret = scalar_exponentiation(public_key[0], s, p)
    randomizer = scalar_exponentiation(public_key[1], r, p)
    ciphertext = multiply(encrypted_secret, randomizer, p)
    return ciphertext, shared_secret
Ejemplo n.º 39
def generate_public_key(private_key,
    s = private_key
    e = random_integer(e_size)
    r = random_integer(error_size)
    return (s * (a + (e << shift))) + (r << shift)
Ejemplo n.º 40
def encrypt(m, secret_key, x_size=X_SIZE, e_size=E_SIZE, e_shift=E_SHIFT, q=Q):
    encryption_key, decryption_key = secret_key
    a, b, ab = encryption_key
    x = random_integer(x_size)
    y = random_integer(x_size)
    e = random_integer(e_size)
    e |= m << e_shift
    ciphertext = ((a * x) + (b * y) + (ab * e)) % q
    return ciphertext
Ejemplo n.º 41
def generate_public_parameters(security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):    
    inverse_size, q_size, s_size, r_size, z_size, mask, shift = generate_parameter_sizes(security_level)
    inverse = 1 << (inverse_size * 8)
    assert inverse == (2 ** (inverse_size * 8))
    q = random_integer(q_size)
    while log(q, 2) < ((q_size * 8) - .1):
        q = random_integer(q_size)
    return inverse, q
Ejemplo n.º 42
def generate_secret_key(parameters=PARAMETERS, q=Q):
    inverse_size = parameters["inverse_size"]
    inverse_shift = parameters["inverse_shift"]
    ai = (random_integer(inverse_size) << inverse_shift) + 1
    bi = (random_integer(inverse_size) << inverse_shift) + 1    
    d = (ai * bi) % q
    a = modular_inverse(ai, q)
    b = modular_inverse(bi, q)        
    return Key_Tuple((a, b), d)
Ejemplo n.º 43
def generate_private_key(short_inverse_size=24, p=P):
    """ usage: generate_private_key(short_inverse_size=65, p=P) => private_key
        Returns 1 integer, suitable for use as a private key. """
    short_inverse = random_integer(short_inverse_size)
    a = modular_inverse(short_inverse, p)
    b = random_integer(11)
    c = random_integer(11)
    return short_inverse, a, b, c
Ejemplo n.º 44
def generate_private_key(short_inverse_size=17, p=P):
    """ usage: generate_private_key(short_inverse_size=65, p=P) => private_key
        Returns 1 integer, suitable for use as a private key. """
    short_inverse = random_integer(short_inverse_size)       
    a = modular_inverse(short_inverse, p)
    b = random_integer(short_inverse_size - 1)
    c = random_integer(short_inverse_size - 1)
    return short_inverse, a, b, c
Ejemplo n.º 45
def generate_secret_key(parameters=PARAMETERS, q=Q):
    inverse_size = parameters["inverse_size"]
    inverse_shift = parameters["inverse_shift"]
    ai = (random_integer(inverse_size) << inverse_shift) + 1
    bi = (random_integer(inverse_size) << inverse_shift) + 1
    d = (ai * bi) % q
    a = modular_inverse(ai, q)
    b = modular_inverse(bi, q)
    return a, b, d
Ejemplo n.º 46
def generate_public_key(private_key, b_size=8, c_size=8, x_size=8, p=P):
    ai, y = private_key
    a = modular_inverse(ai, p)
    x = random_integer(x_size)
    b = random_integer(b_size)    
    c = random_integer(c_size)            
    public_key = (((a * x) + b) % p, 
                  ((a * y) + c) % p)
    return public_key
Ejemplo n.º 47
def generate_public_key(private_key,
                        e=lambda size: random_integer(size)):
    si, modulus = private_key
    s = modular_inverse(si, modulus)
    a = random_integer(security_level)
    return [(s * (a + e(security_level))) % modulus
            for count in range(public_key_size)]
Ejemplo n.º 48
def encapsulate_key(public_key, parameters=PARAMETERS):
    p = parameters["p"]
    s = random_integer(parameters["s_size"])
    r = random_integer(parameters["r_size"])
    shared_secret = pow(parameters["generator"], s, p)
    encrypted_secret = scalar_exponentiation(public_key[0], s, p)
    randomizer = scalar_exponentiation(public_key[1], r, p)
    ciphertext = multiply(encrypted_secret, randomizer, p)
    return ciphertext, shared_secret
Ejemplo n.º 49
def generate_public_key(private_key, points=POINTS, security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):
    """ usage: generate_public_key(private_key, points=POINTS, 
                                   security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL) => public_key
        Returns the integer(s) that constitute a public key. """
    s = private_key
    s2 = random_integer(security_level)
    e = random_integer(security_level + (security_level / 2))
    a, b = points
    return (a * s) + (b * s2) + e
Ejemplo n.º 50
def generate_public_key(private_key, security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL, public_key_size=PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE):
    ai, modulus = private_key
    public_key = []
    while len(public_key) < public_key_size:                
            public_key.append(modular_inverse(ai, modulus * random_integer(security_level)) +
                              modular_inverse(ai, modulus * random_integer(security_level)))
        except ValueError:
    return public_key
Ejemplo n.º 51
def generate_private_key(inverse_size=INVERSE_SIZE, p_size=P_SIZE):
    while True:
        inverse = random_integer(inverse_size)
        modulus = random_integer(p_size)
            modular_inverse(inverse, modulus)
        except ValueError:
    return inverse, modulus
Ejemplo n.º 52
def generate_private_key(security_level=SECURITY_LEVEL):
    while True:
        short_inverse = random_integer((security_level * 2) + 3)
        modulus = random_integer((security_level * 3) + 5)    
            modular_inverse(short_inverse, modulus)
        except ValueError:
    return short_inverse, modulus