Ejemplo n.º 1
def DSA_gen_signature_weak(p, q, g, x, M, Hash, outlen, k=None):
    N = len(bin(q)[2:])

    # Force k to specific value to test signature generation from recovered secret key x.
    if k != None:
        k_inv = utils.invmod(k, q)
        r = pow(g, k, p) % q
        z = utils.string_to_integer(Hash(M)[:min(N, outlen) / 8])
        s = (k_inv * (z + x * r)) % q
        return True, r, s

    while True:
        status, k, k_inv = gen_DSA_per_message_secret_weak(p, q, g)

        if status == False:
            return False, None, None

        r = pow(g, k, p) % q

        if r == 0:

        z = utils.string_to_integer(
            Hash(M)[:min(N, outlen) /
                    8])  # Leftmost min(N, outlen) bits of Hash(M)
        s = (k_inv * (z + x * r)) % q

        if s == 0:


    return True, r, s
def find_k_from_repeated_sigs(q, sigs):
	m1 = sigs[0]['m']
	m2 = sigs[1]['m']
	s1 = sigs[0]['s']
	s2 = sigs[1]['s']

	k = ((m1 - m2) * utils.invmod(s1 - s2, q)) % q
	return k
def broadcast_attack(cipher_0, n_0, cipher_1, n_1, cipher_2, n_2):
	c_0 = int(cipher_0.encode('hex'), 16)
	c_1 = int(cipher_1.encode('hex'), 16)
	c_2 = int(cipher_2.encode('hex'), 16)

	m_s_0 = n_1 * n_2
	m_s_1 = n_0 * n_2
	m_s_2 = n_0 * n_1

	result = (c_0 * m_s_0 * utils.invmod(m_s_0, n_0) + c_1 * m_s_1 * utils.invmod(m_s_1, n_1) + c_2 * m_s_2 * utils.invmod(m_s_2, n_2)) % (n_0 * n_1 * n_2)
	m = cube_root(result)

	xM = hex(m)[2:].strip('L')

	if len(xM) % 2 != 0:
		xM = '0' + xM

	return xM.decode('hex')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def broadcast_attack(cipher_0, n_0, cipher_1, n_1, cipher_2, n_2):
    c_0 = int(cipher_0.encode('hex'), 16)
    c_1 = int(cipher_1.encode('hex'), 16)
    c_2 = int(cipher_2.encode('hex'), 16)

    m_s_0 = n_1 * n_2
    m_s_1 = n_0 * n_2
    m_s_2 = n_0 * n_1

    result = (c_0 * m_s_0 * utils.invmod(m_s_0, n_0) +
              c_1 * m_s_1 * utils.invmod(m_s_1, n_1) +
              c_2 * m_s_2 * utils.invmod(m_s_2, n_2)) % (n_0 * n_1 * n_2)
    m = cube_root(result)

    xM = hex(m)[2:].strip('L')

    if len(xM) % 2 != 0:
        xM = '0' + xM

    return xM.decode('hex')
def gen_fake_DSA_signature(g, p, q, y):
	if g == 0:
		return 0, random.randint(0, q - 1)

	if g == p + 1:
		z = random.randint(0, q - 1)
		r = pow(y, z, p) % q
		s = (r * utils.invmod(z, q)) % q
		return r, s

	return None
Ejemplo n.º 6
def gen_DSA_per_message_secret(p, q, g):
    acceptable_pairs = [(1024, 160), (2048, 224), (2048, 256), (3072, 256)]

    N = len(bin(q)[2:])
    L = len(bin(p)[2:])

    if (L, N) not in acceptable_pairs:
        return False, None, None

    c = utils.string_to_integer(os.urandom((N + 64) / 8))
    k = c % (q - 1) + 1

    k_inv = utils.invmod(k, q)
    return True, k, k_inv
Ejemplo n.º 7
def gen_DSA_per_message_secret_weak(p, q, g):
    acceptable_pairs = [(1024, 160), (2048, 224), (2048, 256), (3072, 256)]

    N = len(bin(q)[2:])
    L = len(bin(p)[2:])

    if (L, N) not in acceptable_pairs:
        return False, None, None

    # Generate random k between 1 and 2^16 (weak!)
    k = random.randint(1, 2**16)
    k_inv = utils.invmod(k, q)

    return True, k, k_inv
Ejemplo n.º 8
def gen_DSA_per_message_secret(p, q):
	acceptable_pairs = [(1024, 160), (2048, 224), (2048, 256), (3072, 256)]

	N = len(bin(q)[2:])
	L = len(bin(p)[2:])

	if (L, N) not in acceptable_pairs:
		return False, None, None

	c = utils.string_to_integer(os.urandom((N + 64) / 8))
	k = c % (q - 1) + 1

	k_inv = utils.invmod(k, q)
	return True, k, k_inv
Ejemplo n.º 9
def DSA_verify_signature(p, q, g, y, M, r, s, Hash, outlen):
    N = len(bin(q)[2:])

    if r <= 0 or r >= q or s <= 0 or s >= q:
        return False

    w = utils.invmod(s, q)
    z = utils.string_to_integer(Hash(M)[:min(N, outlen) / 8])
    u1 = (z * w) % q
    u2 = (r * w) % q
    v = ((pow(g, u1, p) * pow(y, u2, p)) % p) % q

    if v == r:
        return True

    return False
Ejemplo n.º 10
def DSA_verify_signature(p, q, g, y, M, r, s, Hash, outlen):
	N = len(bin(q)[2:])

	if r <= 0 or r >= q or s <= 0 or s >= q:
		return False

	w = utils.invmod(s, q)
	z = utils.string_to_integer(Hash(M)[: min(N, outlen) / 8])
	u1 = (z * w) % q
	u2 = (r * w) % q
	v = ((pow(g, u1, p) * pow(y, u2, p)) % p) % q

	if v == r:
		return True

	return False
	def recover_plaintext(self):
		ciphertext = self.client.intercept_ciphertext()

		message = self.submit_ciphertext(ciphertext)

		if message != None:
			print "Direct decryption worked... wtf?"
			return message

		c = utils.string_to_integer(ciphertext)
		s = random.randint(2, self.n - 1)
		new_c = (pow(s, self.e, self.n) * c) % self.n
		new_ciphertext = utils.integer_to_string(new_c)
		new_message = self.submit_ciphertext(new_ciphertext)
		new_p = utils.string_to_integer(new_message)

		p = (new_p * utils.invmod(s, self.n)) % self.n
		message = utils.integer_to_string(p)

		return message
def recover_x_from_k(q, k, r, s, msg, Hash, outlen):
	N = len(bin(q)[2:])
	x = (((s * k) - utils.string_to_integer(Hash(msg)[: min(N, outlen) / 8])) * utils.invmod(r, q)) % q

	return x