Ejemplo n.º 1
    def ready(self):
        config = getattr(settings, "CRYPTOASSETS", None)
        if not config:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "You need to have CRYPTOASSETS configuration dictionary in your Django settings.py"

        self.cryptoassets = CryptoAssetsApp()
        self.configurator = Configurator(self.cryptoassets)

Ejemplo n.º 2
from cryptoassets.core.app import CryptoAssetsApp
from cryptoassets.core.configure import Configurator
from cryptoassets.core.utils.httpeventlistener import simple_http_event_listener
from cryptoassets.core.models import NotEnoughAccountBalance

# Because we are using a toy database and toy money, we ignore this SQLLite database warning
    r"^Dialect sqlite\+pysqlite does \*not\* support Decimal objects natively\, "
    "and SQLAlchemy must convert from floating point - rounding errors and other "
    "issues may occur\. Please consider storing Decimal numbers as strings or "
    "integers on this platform for lossless storage\.$", SAWarning,

assets_app = CryptoAssetsApp()

# This will load the configuration file for the cryptoassets framework
# for the same path as examply.py is
conf_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "example.config.yaml")
configurer = Configurator(assets_app)

# This will set up SQLAlchemy database connections, as loaded from
# config. It's also make assets_app.conflict_resolver available for us

# This function will be run in its own background thread,
# where it runs mini HTTP server to receive and process
# any events which cryptoassets service sends to our