def __init__(self, strm=None, upd_level=None, ansi_mode=None, over_handler=None): ''' Initialise the `UpdHandler`. Parameters: * `strm`: the output stream, default `sys.stderr`. * `upd_level`: the magic logging level which updates the status line via `Upd`. Default: `STATUS`. * `ansi_mode`: if `None`, set from `strm.isatty()`. A true value causes the handler to colour certain logging levels using ANSI terminal sequences. ''' if strm is None: strm = sys.stderr if upd_level is None: upd_level = STATUS if ansi_mode is None: ansi_mode = strm.isatty() StreamHandler.__init__(self, strm) self.upd = Upd(strm) self.upd_level = upd_level self.ansi_mode = ansi_mode self.over_handler = over_handler self.__lock = Lock()
def checksum(self): ''' Checksum the file contents, used as a proxy for comparing the actual content. ''' csum = self._checksum if csum is None: path = self.path U = Upd() pathspace = U.columns - 64 label = "scan " + ( path if len(path) < pathspace else '...' + path[-(pathspace - 3):] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object ) with Pfx("checksum %r", path): csum = hashfunc() with open(path, 'rb') as fp: length = os.fstat(fp.fileno()).st_size read_len = 0 for data in progressbar( read_from(fp, rsize=1024*1024), label=label, total=length, units_scale=BINARY_BYTES_SCALE, itemlenfunc=len, update_frequency=128, upd=U, ): csum.update(data) read_len += len(data) assert read_len == self.size csum = csum.digest() self._checksum = csum return csum
def __init__( self, *, upd=None, fstags=None, all_progress=None, ydl_opts=None, parallel=DEFAULT_PARALLEL, ): if upd is None: upd = Upd() if all_progress is None: all_progress = OverProgress() self.upd = upd self.sem = Semaphore(parallel) self.proxy0 = upd.insert(0) self.fstags = fstags self.all_progress = all_progress self.ydl_opts = ydl_opts self.Rs = [] self.nfetches = 0 self._lock = RLock() @logexc def update0(): nfetches = self.nfetches if nfetches == 0: self.proxy0("Idle.") else: self.proxy0( self.all_progress.status( "%d %s" % (nfetches, "fetch" if nfetches == 1 else "fetches"), upd.columns - 1 ) ) self.update0 = update0 update0()
def wrapper(*a, progress=None, progress_name=None, progress_total=None, progress_report_print=None, **kw): if progress_name is None: progress_name = label or funcname(func) if progress_report_print is None: progress_report_print = report_print if progress is None: upd = Upd() if not upd.disabled: progress = Progress(name=progress_name, total=progress_total) with, report_print=progress_report_print): return func(*a, progress=progress, **kw) return func(*a, progress=progress, **kw)
def __init__( self, url, *, fstags, upd=None, tick=None, over_progress=None, sem, **kw_opts ): ''' Initialise the manager. Parameters: * `url`: the URL to download * `fstags`: mandatory keyword argument, a `cs.fstags.FSTags` instance * `upd`: optional `cs.upd.Upd` instance for progress reporting * `tick`: optional callback to indicate state change * `over_progress`: an `OverProgress` to which to add each new `Progress` instance * `sem`: a shared `Semaphore` governing download parallelism * `kw_opts`: other keyword arguments are used to initialise the options for the underlying `YoutubeDL` instance ''' if upd is None: upd = Upd() if tick is None: tick = lambda: None self.sem = sem self.url = url self.fstags = fstags self.tick = tick self.upd = upd self.proxy = None self.kw_opts = kw_opts self.ydl = None self.filename = None self.over_progress = over_progress self.progresses = {} self.result = None self._warned = set()
def iterbar( self, it, label=None, upd=None, proxy=None, itemlenfunc=None, statusfunc=None, incfirst=False, width=None, window=None, update_frequency=1, update_min_size=None, report_print=None, runstate=None, ): ''' An iterable progress bar: a generator yielding values from the iterable `it` while updating a progress bar. Parameters: * `it`: the iterable to consume and yield. * `itemlenfunc`: an optional function returning the "size" of each item from `it`, used to advance `self.position`. The default is to assume a size of `1`. A convenient alternative choice may be the builtin function `len`. * `incfirst`: whether to advance `self.position` before we `yield` an item from `it` or afterwards. This reflects whether it is considered that progress is made as items are obtained or only after items are processed by whatever is consuming this generator. The default is `False`, advancing after processing. * `label`: a label for the progress bar, default from ``. * `width`: an optional width expressing how wide the progress bar text may be. The default comes from the `proxy.width` property. * `window`: optional timeframe to define "recent" in seconds; if the default `statusfunc` (`Progress.status`) is used this is passed to it * `statusfunc`: an optional function to compute the progress bar text accepting `(self,label,width)`. * `proxy`: an optional proxy for displaying the progress bar, a callable accepting the result of `statusfunc`. The default is a `cs.upd.UpdProxy` created from `upd`, which inserts a progress bar above the main status line. * `upd`: an optional `cs.upd.Upd` instance, used only to produce the default `proxy` if that is not supplied. The default `upd` is `cs.upd.Upd()` which uses `sys.stderr` for display. * `update_frequency`: optional update frequency, default `1`; only update the progress bar after this many iterations, useful if the iteration rate is quite high * `update_min_size`: optional update step size; only update the progress bar after an advance of this many units, useful if the iteration size increment is quite small * `report_print`: optional `print` compatible function with which to write a report on completion; this may also be a `bool`, which if true will use `Upd.print` in order to interoperate with `Upd`. * `runstate`: optional `RunState` whose `.cancelled` property can be consulted Example use: from cs.units import DECIMAL_SCALE rows = [some list of data] P = Progress(total=len(rows), units_scale=DECIMAL_SCALE) for row in P.iterbar(rows, incfirst=True): ... do something with each row ... f = open(data_filename, 'rb') datalen = os.stat(f).st_size def readfrom(f): while True: bs = if not bs: break yield bs P = Progress(total=datalen) for bs in P.iterbar(readfrom(f), itemlenfunc=len): ... process the file data in bs ... ''' if label is None: label = delete_proxy = False if proxy is None: if upd is None: upd = Upd() proxy = upd.insert(1) delete_proxy = True if statusfunc is None: statusfunc = lambda P, label, width: P.status( label, width, window=window) iteration = 0 last_update_iteration = 0 last_update_pos = start_pos = self.position def update_status(force=False): nonlocal self, proxy, statusfunc, label, width nonlocal iteration, last_update_iteration, last_update_pos if (force or iteration - last_update_iteration >= update_frequency or (update_min_size is not None and self.position - last_update_pos >= update_min_size)): last_update_iteration = iteration last_update_pos = self.position proxy(statusfunc(self, label, width or proxy.width)) update_status(True) for iteration, item in enumerate(it): length = itemlenfunc(item) if itemlenfunc else 1 if incfirst: self += length update_status() yield item if not incfirst: self += length update_status() if runstate is not None and runstate.cancelled: break if delete_proxy: proxy.delete() else: update_status(True) if report_print: if isinstance(report_print, bool): report_print = print report_print( label + (': (cancelled)' if runstate is not None and runstate.cancelled else ':'), self.format_counter(self.position - start_pos), 'in', transcribe(self.elapsed_time, TIME_SCALE, max_parts=2, skip_zero=True))
def bar( self, label=None, *, upd=None, proxy=None, statusfunc=None, width=None, window=None, report_print=None, insert_pos=1, deferred=False, ): ''' A context manager to create and withdraw a progress bar. It returns the `UpdProxy` which displays the progress bar. Parameters: * `label`: a label for the progress bar, default from ``. * `proxy`: an optional `UpdProxy` to display the progress bar * `upd`: an optional `cs.upd.Upd` instance, used to produce the progress bar status line if not supplied. The default `upd` is `cs.upd.Upd()` which uses `sys.stderr` for display. * `statusfunc`: an optional function to compute the progress bar text accepting `(self,label,width)`. * `width`: an optional width expressing how wide the progress bar text may be. The default comes from the `proxy.width` property. * `window`: optional timeframe to define "recent" in seconds; if the default `statusfunc` (`Progress.status`) is used this is passed to it * `report_print`: optional `print` compatible function with which to write a report on completion; this may also be a `bool`, which if true will use `Upd.print` in order to interoperate with `Upd`. * `insert_pos`: where to insert the progress bar, default `1` * `deferred`: optional flag; if true do not create the progress bar until the first update occurs. Example use: # display progress reporting during upload_filename() # which updates the supplied Progress instance # during its operation P = Progress(name=label) with upload_filename(src, progress=P) ''' if label is None: label = if upd is None: upd = Upd() if statusfunc is None: statusfunc = lambda P, label, width: P.status( label, width, window=window) pproxy = [proxy] proxy_delete = proxy is None def update(P, _): proxy = pproxy[0] if proxy is None: proxy = pproxy[0] = upd.insert(insert_pos, 'LABEL=' + label) proxy(statusfunc(P, label, width or proxy.width)) try: if not deferred: if proxy is None: proxy = pproxy[0] = upd.insert(insert_pos) status = statusfunc(self, label, width or proxy.width) proxy(status) self.notify_update.add(update) start_pos = self.position yield pproxy[0] finally: self.notify_update.remove(update) if proxy and proxy_delete: proxy.delete() if report_print: if isinstance(report_print, bool): report_print = print report_print( label + ':', self.format_counter(self.position - start_pos), 'in', transcribe(self.elapsed_time, TIME_SCALE, max_parts=2, skip_zero=True))
class UpdHandler(StreamHandler): ''' A `StreamHandler` subclass whose `.emit` method uses a `cs.upd.Upd` for transcription. ''' def __init__(self, strm=None, upd_level=None, ansi_mode=None, over_handler=None): ''' Initialise the `UpdHandler`. Parameters: * `strm`: the output stream, default `sys.stderr`. * `upd_level`: the magic logging level which updates the status line via `Upd`. Default: `STATUS`. * `ansi_mode`: if `None`, set from `strm.isatty()`. A true value causes the handler to colour certain logging levels using ANSI terminal sequences. ''' if strm is None: strm = sys.stderr if upd_level is None: upd_level = STATUS if ansi_mode is None: ansi_mode = strm.isatty() StreamHandler.__init__(self, strm) self.upd = Upd(strm) self.upd_level = upd_level self.ansi_mode = ansi_mode self.over_handler = over_handler self.__lock = Lock() def emit(self, logrec): ''' Emit a `LogRecord` `logrec`. For the log level `self.upd_level` update the status line. For other levels write a distinct line to the output stream, possibly colourised. ''' upd = self.upd if logrec.levelno == self.upd_level: line = self.format(logrec) with self.__lock: upd.out(line) else: if self.ansi_mode: if logrec.levelno >= logging.ERROR: logrec.msg = colourise(logrec.msg, 'red') elif logrec.levelno >= logging.WARNING: logrec.msg = colourise(logrec.msg, 'yellow') line = self.format(logrec) with self.__lock: if upd.disabled: self.over_handler.emit(logrec) else: def flush(self): ''' Flush the update status. ''' return self.upd.flush()
def setup_logging( cmd_name=None, main_log=None, format=None, level=None, flags=None, upd_mode=None, ansi_mode=None, trace_mode=None, module_names=None, function_names=None, verbose=None, supplant_root_logger=False, ): ''' Arrange basic logging setup for conventional UNIX command line error messaging; return an object with informative attributes. That object is also available as the global `cs.logutils.loginfo`. Amongst other things, the default logger now includes the `cs.pfx` prefix in the message. This function runs in two modes: - if logging has not been set up, it sets up a root logger - if the root logger already has handlers, monkey patch the first handler's formatter to prefix the `cs.pfx` state Parameters: * `cmd_name`: program name, default from `basename(sys.argv[0])`. Side-effect: sets `cs.pfx.cmd` to this value. * `main_log`: default logging system. If `None`, the main log will go to `sys.stderr`; if `main_log` is a string, is it used as a filename to open in append mode; otherwise main_log should be a stream suitable for use with `logging.StreamHandler()`. The resulting log handler is added to the `logging` root logger. * `format`: the message format for `main_log`. If `None`, use `DEFAULT_PFX_FORMAT_TTY` when `main_log` is a tty or FIFO, otherwise `DEFAULT_PFX_FORMAT`. * `level`: `main_log` logging level. If `None`, infer a level from the environment using `infer_logging_level()`. * `flags`: a string containing debugging flags separated by commas. If `None`, infer the flags from the environment using `infer_logging_level()`. The following flags have meaning: `D`: set cs.logutils.D_mode to True; `TDUMP`: attach a signal handler to SIGHUP to do a thread stack dump; `TRACE`: enable various noisy tracing facilities; `UPD`, `NOUPD`: set the default for `upd_mode` to True or False respectively. * `upd_mode`: a Boolean to activate cs.upd as the `main_log` method; if `None`, set it to `True` if `flags` contains 'UPD', otherwise to `False` if `flags` contains 'NOUPD', otherwise set it from `main_log.isatty()`. A true value causes the root logger to use `cs.upd` for logging. * `ansi_mode`: if `None`, set it from `main_log.isatty() and not cs.colourise.env_no_color()`, which thus honours the `$NO_COLOR` environment variable (see for the convention). A true value causes the root logger to colour certain logging levels using ANSI terminal sequences (currently only if `cs.upd` is used). * `trace_mode`: if `None`, set it according to the presence of 'TRACE' in flags. Otherwise if `trace_mode` is true, set the global `loginfo.trace_level` to `loginfo.level`; otherwise it defaults to `logging.DEBUG`. * `verbose`: if `None`, then if stderr is a tty then the log level is `INFO` otherwise `WARNING`. Otherwise, if `verbose` is true then the log level is `INFO` otherwise `WARNING`. ''' global D_mode, loginfo # pylint: disable=global-statement # infer logging modes, these are the initial defaults inferred = infer_logging_level(verbose=verbose) if level is None: level = inferred.level if flags is None: flags = inferred.flags if module_names is None: module_names = inferred.module_names if function_names is None: function_names = inferred.function_names if cmd_name is None: cmd_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) cs.pfx.cmd = cmd_name if main_log is None: main_log = sys.stderr elif isinstance(main_log, str): main_log = open(main_log, "a") # determine some attributes of main_log try: fd = main_log.fileno() except (AttributeError, IOError): is_fifo = False ##is_reg = False # unused is_tty = False else: st = os.fstat(fd) is_fifo = stat.S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode) ##is_reg = stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode) # unused is_tty = stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode) if getattr(main_log, 'encoding', None) is None: main_log = codecs.getwriter("utf-8")(main_log) if trace_mode is None: trace_mode = 'TRACE' in flags if 'D' in flags: D_mode = True if upd_mode is None: if 'UPD' in flags: upd_mode = True elif 'NOUPD' in flags: upd_mode = False else: upd_mode = is_tty if ansi_mode is None: ansi_mode = is_tty and not env_no_color() if format is None: if is_tty or is_fifo: format = DEFAULT_PFX_FORMAT_TTY else: format = DEFAULT_PFX_FORMAT if 'TDUMP' in flags: # do a thread dump to the main_log on SIGHUP # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import signal import cs.debug as cs_debug # pylint: disable=unused-argument def handler(sig, frame): cs_debug.thread_dump(None, main_log) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, handler) upd_ = Upd() root_logger = logging.getLogger() if root_logger.handlers: # The logging system is already set up. # Just monkey patch the leading handler's formatter. PfxFormatter.patch_formatter(root_logger.handlers[0].formatter) else: # Set up a handler etc. main_handler = logging.StreamHandler(main_log) if upd_mode: main_handler = UpdHandler(main_log, ansi_mode=ansi_mode, over_handler=main_handler) upd_ = main_handler.upd root_logger.setLevel(level) if loginfo is None: # only do this the first time # TODO: fix this clumsy hack, some kind of stackable state? main_handler.setFormatter(PfxFormatter(format)) if supplant_root_logger: root_logger.handlers.pop(0) root_logger.addHandler(main_handler) if trace_mode: # enable tracing in the thread that called setup_logging Pfx._state.trace = info trace_level = level else: trace_level = logging.DEBUG if module_names or function_names: if importlib is None: warning( "setup_logging: no importlib (python<2.7?)," " ignoring module_names=%r/function_names=%r", module_names, function_names) else: for module_name in module_names: try: M = importlib.import_module(module_name) except ImportError: warning("setup_logging: cannot import %r", module_name) else: M.DEBUG = True for module_name, func_name in function_names: try: M = importlib.import_module(module_name) except ImportError: warning("setup_logging: cannot import %r", module_name) continue F = M for funcpart in func_name.split('.'): M = F try: F = M.getattr(funcpart) except AttributeError: F = None break if F is None: warning("no %s.%s() found", module_name, func_name) else: setattr(M, funcpart, _ftrace(F)) loginfo = NS( logger=root_logger, level=level, verbose=verbose, trace_level=trace_level, flags=flags, module_names=module_names, function_names=function_names, cmd=cmd_name, upd=upd_, upd_mode=upd_mode, ansi_mode=ansi_mode, format=format, ) return loginfo