Ejemplo n.º 1
class dmp_discrete():
    def __init__(self,
        self.n_dmps = n_dmps  # number of data dimensions, one dmp for one degree
        self.n_bfs = n_bfs  # number of basis functions
        self.dt = dt

        self.y0 = np.zeros(n_dmps)  # for multiple dimensions
        self.goal = np.ones(n_dmps)  # for multiple dimensions

        self.alpha_y = np.ones(n_dmps) * 60.0 if alpha_y is None else alpha_y
        self.beta_y = self.alpha_y / 4.0 if beta_y is None else beta_y
        self.tau = 1.0

        self.w = np.zeros((n_dmps, n_bfs))  # weights for forcing term
        self.psi_centers = np.zeros(
        )  # centers over canonical system for Gaussian basis functions
        self.psi_h = np.zeros(
        )  # variance over canonical system for Gaussian basis functions

        # canonical system
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, **kwargs)
        self.timesteps = round(self.cs.run_time / self.dt)

        # generate centers for Gaussian basis functions

        # self.h = np.ones(self.n_bfs) * self.n_bfs / self.psi_centers # original
        self.h = np.ones(
        ) * self.n_bfs**1.5 / self.psi_centers / self.cs.alpha_x  # chose from trail and error

        # reset state

    # Reset the system state
    def reset_state(self):
        self.y = self.y0.copy()
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)

    def generate_centers(self):
        t_centers = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time,
                                self.n_bfs)  # centers over time

        cs = self.cs
        x_track = cs.run()  # get all x over run time
        t_track = np.linspace(0, cs.run_time,
                              cs.timesteps)  # get all time ticks over run time

        for n in range(len(t_centers)):
            for i, t in enumerate(t_track):
                if abs(
                        t_centers[n] - t
                ) <= cs.dt:  # find the x center corresponding to the time center
                    self.psi_centers[n] = x_track[i]

        return self.psi_centers

    def generate_psi(self, x):
        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x = x[:, None]

        self.psi = np.exp(-self.h * (x - self.psi_centers)**2)

        return self.psi

    def generate_weights(self, f_target):
        x_track = self.cs.run()
        psi_track = self.generate_psi(x_track)

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # ------------ Original DMP in Schaal 2002
            # delta = self.goal[d] - self.y0[d]

            # ------------ Modified DMP in Schaal 2008
            delta = 1.0

            for b in range(self.n_bfs):
                # as both number and denom has x(g-y_0) term, thus we can simplify the calculation process
                numer = np.sum(x_track * psi_track[:, b] * f_target[:, d])
                denom = np.sum(x_track**2 * psi_track[:, b])
                # numer = np.sum(psi_track[:,b] * f_target[:,d]) # the simpler calculation
                # denom = np.sum(x_track * psi_track[:,b])
                self.w[d, b] = numer / (denom * delta)

        return self.w

    def learning(self, y_demo, plot=False):
        if y_demo.ndim == 1:  # data is with only one dimension
            y_demo = y_demo.reshape(1, len(y_demo))

        self.y0 = y_demo[:, 0].copy()
        self.goal = y_demo[:, -1].copy()
        self.y_demo = y_demo.copy()

        # interpolate the demonstrated trajectory to be the same length with timesteps
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, y_demo.shape[1])
        y = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.timesteps))
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            y_tmp = interp1d(x, y_demo[d])
            for t in range(self.timesteps):
                y[d, t] = y_tmp(t * self.dt)

        # calculate velocity and acceleration of y_demo

        # method 1: using gradient
        dy_demo = np.gradient(y, axis=1) / self.dt
        ddy_demo = np.gradient(dy_demo, axis=1) / self.dt

        # method 2: using diff
        # dy_demo = np.diff(y) / self.dt
        # # let the first gradient same as the second gradient
        # dy_demo = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.n_dmps, 1)), dy_demo)) # Not sure if is it a bug?
        # # dy_demo = np.hstack((dy_demo[:,0].reshape(self.n_dmps, 1), dy_demo))

        # ddy_demo = np.diff(dy_demo) / self.dt
        # # let the first gradient same as the second gradient
        # ddy_demo = np.hstack((np.zeros((self.n_dmps, 1)), ddy_demo))
        # # ddy_demo = np.hstack((ddy_demo[:,0].reshape(self.n_dmps, 1), ddy_demo))

        x_track = self.cs.run()
        f_target = np.zeros((y_demo.shape[1], self.n_dmps))
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # ---------- Original DMP in Schaal 2002
            # f_target[:,d] = ddy_demo[d] - self.alpha_y[d]*(self.beta_y[d]*(self.goal[d] - y_demo[d]) - dy_demo[d])

            # ---------- Modified DMP in Schaal 2008, fixed the problem of g-y_0 -> 0
            k = self.alpha_y[d]
            f_target[:, d] = (ddy_demo[d] - self.alpha_y[d] *
                              (self.beta_y[d] *
                               (self.goal[d] - y_demo[d]) - dy_demo[d])
                              ) / k + x_track * (self.goal[d] - self.y0[d])


        if plot is True:
            # plot the basis function activations
            psi_track = self.generate_psi(self.cs.run())
            plt.title('basis functions')

            # plot the desired forcing function vs approx
            plt.plot(f_target[:, 0])
            plt.plot(np.sum(psi_track * self.w[0], axis=1) * self.dt)
            plt.legend(['f_target', 'w*psi'])
            plt.title('DMP forcing function')

        # reset state

    def reproduce(self, tau=None, initial=None, goal=None):
        # set temporal scaling
        if tau == None:
            timesteps = self.timesteps
            timesteps = round(self.timesteps / tau)

        # set initial state
        if initial != None:
            self.y0 = initial

        # set goal state
        if goal != None:
            self.goal = goal

        # reset state

        y_reproduce = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        dy_reproduce = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        ddy_reproduce = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))

        for t in range(timesteps):
            y_reproduce[t], dy_reproduce[t], ddy_reproduce[t] = self.step(

        return y_reproduce, dy_reproduce, ddy_reproduce

    def step(self, tau=None):
        # run canonical system
        if tau == None:
            tau = self.tau
        x = self.cs.step_discrete(tau)

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.generate_psi(x)

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # generate forcing term
            # ------------ Original DMP in Schaal 2002
            # f = np.dot(psi, self.w[d])*x*(self.goal[d] - self.y0[d]) / np.sum(psi)

            # ---------- Modified DMP in Schaal 2008, fixed the problem of g-y_0 -> 0
            k = self.alpha_y[d]
            f = k * (np.dot(psi, self.w[d]) * x /
                     np.sum(psi)) - k * (self.goal[d] - self.y0[d]) * x

            # generate reproduced trajectory
            self.ddy[d] = self.alpha_y[d] * (self.beta_y[d] *
                                             (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) -
                                             self.dy[d]) + f
            self.dy[d] += tau * self.ddy[d] * self.dt
            self.y[d] += tau * self.dy[d] * self.dt

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy
Ejemplo n.º 2
class dmp_rhythmic():
    def __init__(self,
        self.n_dmps = n_dmps  # number of data dimensions, one dmp for one degree
        self.n_bfs = n_bfs  # number of basis functions
        self.dt = dt

        self.goal = np.ones(n_dmps)  # for multiple dimensions

        self.alpha_y = np.ones(n_dmps) * 60.0 if alpha_y is None else alpha_y
        self.beta_y = self.alpha_y / 4.0 if beta_y is None else beta_y
        self.tau = 1.0

        self.w = np.zeros((n_dmps, n_bfs))  # weights for forcing term
        self.psi_centers = np.zeros(
        )  # centers over canonical system for Gaussian basis functions
        self.psi_h = np.zeros(
        )  # variance over canonical system for Gaussian basis functions

        # canonical system
        self.cs = CanonicalSystem(dt=self.dt, type="rhythmic")
        self.timesteps = round(self.cs.run_time / self.dt)

        # generate centers for Gaussian basis functions

        self.h = np.ones(self.n_bfs) * self.n_bfs

        # reset state

    # Reset the system state
    def reset_state(self):
        self.y = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.dy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        self.ddy = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)

    def generate_centers(self):
        self.psi_centers = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, self.n_bfs)
        return self.psi_centers

    def generate_psi(self, x):
        if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
            x = x[:, None]
        self.psi = np.exp(self.h * (np.cos(x - self.psi_centers) - 1))

        return self.psi

    def generate_weights(self, f_target):
        x_track = self.cs.run()
        psi_track = self.generate_psi(x_track)

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            for b in range(self.n_bfs):
                # note that here r is the default value, r == 1
                numer = 1 * np.sum(psi_track[:, b] * f_target[:, d])
                denom = np.sum(psi_track[:, b] + 1e-10)
                self.w[d, b] = numer / denom
        return self.w

    def learning(self, y_demo, plot=False):
        if y_demo.ndim == 1:  # data is with only one dimension
            y_demo = y_demo.reshape(1, len(y_demo))

        # For rhythmic DMPs, the goal is the average of the desired trajectory
        goal = np.zeros(self.n_dmps)
        for n in range(self.n_dmps):
            num_idx = ~np.isnan(
                y_demo[n])  # ignore nan's when calculating goal
            goal[n] = 0.5 * (y_demo[n, num_idx].min() +
                             y_demo[n, num_idx].max())
        self.goal = goal

        # interpolate the demonstrated trajectory to be the same length with timesteps
        x = np.linspace(0, self.cs.run_time, y_demo.shape[1])
        y = np.zeros((self.n_dmps, self.timesteps))
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            y_tmp = interp1d(x, y_demo[d])
            for t in range(self.timesteps):
                y[d, t] = y_tmp(t * self.dt)

        # calculate velocity and acceleration of y_demo
        dy_demo = np.gradient(y, axis=1) / self.dt
        ddy_demo = np.gradient(dy_demo, axis=1) / self.dt

        f_target = np.zeros((y_demo.shape[1], self.n_dmps))
        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            f_target[:, d] = ddy_demo[d] - (
                self.alpha_y[d] * (self.beta_y[d] *
                                   (self.goal[d] - y_demo[d]) - dy_demo[d]))


        if plot is True:
            # plot the basis function activations
            psi_track = self.generate_psi(self.cs.run())
            plt.title('basis functions')

            # plot the desired forcing function vs approx
            plt.plot(f_target[:, 0])
            plt.plot(np.sum(psi_track * self.w[0], axis=1) * self.dt)
            plt.legend(['f_target', 'w*psi'])
            plt.title('DMP forcing function')

        # reset state

    def reproduce(self, tau=None, goal=None, r=None):
        # set temporal scaling
        if tau == None:
            timesteps = self.timesteps
            timesteps = round(self.timesteps / tau)

        # set goal state
        if goal != None:
            self.goal = goal

        # set r
        if r == None:
            r = np.ones(self.n_dmps)

        # reset state

        y_reproduce = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        dy_reproduce = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))
        ddy_reproduce = np.zeros((timesteps, self.n_dmps))

        for t in range(timesteps):
            y_reproduce[t], dy_reproduce[t], ddy_reproduce[t] = self.step(
                tau=tau, r=r)

        return y_reproduce, dy_reproduce, ddy_reproduce

    def step(self, tau=None, r=None):
        # run canonical system
        if tau == None:
            tau = self.tau
        x = self.cs.step_rhythmic(tau)

        # generate basis function activation
        psi = self.generate_psi(x)

        for d in range(self.n_dmps):
            # generate forcing term
            f = r[d] * np.dot(psi, self.w[d]) / np.sum(psi)

            # generate reproduced trajectory
            self.ddy[d] = self.alpha_y[d] * (self.beta_y[d] *
                                             (self.goal[d] - self.y[d]) -
                                             self.dy[d]) + f
            self.dy[d] += tau * self.ddy[d] * self.dt
            self.y[d] += tau * self.dy[d] * self.dt

        return self.y, self.dy, self.ddy