Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_KNN_dists_noloop_shape(sample_train, sample_test, in_count):
    Xtrain, ytrain = sample_train(count=in_count)
    Xtest, ytest   = sample_test(count=in_count-30)

    Xtrain = np.reshape(Xtrain, (Xtrain.shape[0], -1))
    Xtest = np.reshape(Xtest, (Xtest.shape[0], -1))

    knn = KNearestNeighbor()
    assert knn.compute_distances_no_loops(Xtest).shape == (Xtest.shape[0], Xtrain.shape[0])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_KNN_dists_one_to_none(sample_train, sample_test):
    Xtrain, ytrain = sample_train(count=40)
    Xtest, ytest   = sample_test(count=10)

    Xtrain = np.reshape(Xtrain, (Xtrain.shape[0], -1))
    Xtest = np.reshape(Xtest, (Xtest.shape[0], -1))

    knn = KNearestNeighbor()
    dist_one = knn.compute_distances_one_loop(Xtest)
    dist_no  = knn.compute_distances_no_loops(Xtest)
    assert np.linalg.norm(dist_one - dist_no, ord='fro') < 0.001
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_KNN_predict_labels_shape(sample_train, sample_test):
    Xtrain, ytrain = sample_train(count=40)
    Xtest, ytest   = sample_test(count=10)

    Xtrain = np.reshape(Xtrain, (Xtrain.shape[0], -1))
    Xtest = np.reshape(Xtest, (Xtest.shape[0], -1))

    knn = KNearestNeighbor()

    dist_no  = knn.compute_distances_no_loops(Xtest)
    assert knn.predict_labels(dist_no, k=1).shape == ytest.shape
    assert knn.predict_labels(dist_no, k=2).shape == ytest.shape
    assert knn.predict_labels(dist_no, k=3).shape == ytest.shape
    assert knn.predict_labels(dist_no, k=4).shape == ytest.shape
Ejemplo n.º 4
# possible value of k, run the k-nearest-neighbor algorithm num_folds times,   #
# where in each case you use all but one of the folds as training data and the #
# last fold as a validation set. Store the accuracies for all fold and all     #
# values of k in the k_to_accuracies dictionary.                               #
for k in k_choices:
    acc = []
    for i in range(num_folds):
        x_train_fold = np.vstack(X_train_folds[0:i] + X_train_folds[i + 1:])
        y_train_fold = np.hstack((y_train_folds[0:i] + y_train_folds[i + 1:]))
        x_val = X_train_folds[i]
        y_val = y_train_folds[i]

        classifier = KNearestNeighbor()
        classifier.train(x_train_fold, y_train_fold)
        dists_two = classifier.compute_distances_no_loops(x_val)
        y_val_pred = classifier.predict(x_val, k)
        correct = np.sum(y_val_pred == y_val) / y_val.shape[0]
    k_to_accuracies[k] = acc
#                                 END OF YOUR CODE                             #

# Print out the computed accuracies
for k in sorted(k_to_accuracies):
    for accuracy in k_to_accuracies[k]:
        print('k = %d, accuracy = %f' % (k, accuracy))
Ejemplo n.º 5
# To ensure that our vectorized implementation is correct, we make sure that it
# agrees with the naive implementation. There are many ways to decide whether
# two matrices are similar; one of the simplest is the Frobenius norm. In case
# you haven't seen it before, the Frobenius norm of two matrices is the square
# root of the squared sum of differences of all elements; in other words, reshape
# the matrices into vectors and compute the Euclidean distance between them.
difference = np.linalg.norm(dists - dists_one, ord='fro')
print('Difference was: %f' % (difference, ))
if difference < 0.001:
    print('Good! The distance matrices are the same')
    print('Uh-oh! The distance matrices are different')

# Now implement the fully vectorized version inside compute_distances_no_loops
# and run the code
dists_two = classifier.compute_distances_no_loops(X_test)

# check that the distance matrix agrees with the one we computed before:
difference = np.linalg.norm(dists - dists_two, ord='fro')
print('Difference was: %f' % (difference, ))
if difference < 0.001:
    print('Good! The distance matrices are the same')
    print('Uh-oh! The distance matrices are different')

# Let's compare how fast the implementations are
def time_function(f, *args):
    Call a function f with args and return the time (in seconds) that it took to execute.
Ejemplo n.º 6
#sys.path.intert(0, new+'\\classifier') # where the classifier is stored

from cs231n.classifiers.k_nearest_neighbor import KNearestNeighbor

# Create a kNN classifier instance.
# Remember that training a kNN classifier is a noop:
# the Classifier simply remembers the data and does no further processing
classifier = KNearestNeighbor()
classifier.train(X_train, y_train)

#% calcualte the distance
# Open cs231n/classifiers/k_nearest_neighbor.py and implement
# compute_distances_two_loops.

# Test your implementation:
dists = classifier.compute_distances_no_loops(X_test)
#dists = classifier.compute_distances_two_loops(X_test)

#dists = classifier.compute_distances_one_loop(X_test)
# We can visualize the distance matrix: each row is a single test example and
# its distances to training examples
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.imshow(dists, interpolation='none')
plt.ylabel('one loop')
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.imshow(dists, interpolation='none')
plt.ylabel('no loop')