Ejemplo n.º 1
def sub_enumerate(ids, id_max):
    """Wrapper of :c:`sub_enumerate()` from src/ragged_array.c

        ids (numpy.ndarray):
            A group number for each element.
        id_max (int):
            A strict upper bound for the **ids**.

        counts (numpy.ndarray):
            :py:`counts[x] := ids.count(x)`.
        sub_ids (numpy.ndarray):
            :py:`sub_ids[i] := ids[:i].count(ids[i])`.

            If either :py:`(0 <= ids).all() or :py`(ids < id_max).all()`
            are not satisfied.

    ids = np.ascontiguousarray(ids, dtype=np.intc)
    counts = np.zeros(int(id_max), np.intc)
    sub_ids = np.empty_like(ids)
    slug.dll.sub_enumerate(ptr(ids), ids.size, ptr(counts), ptr(sub_ids))
    return counts, sub_ids
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def add(self, keys) -> np.ndarray:
        """Add **keys** to the table.

        Any key which is already in :attr:`keys` is not added again. Returns
        the index of each key in :attr:`keys` similarly to :meth:`get`.

                If the :attr:`~numpy.ndarray.dtype` of **keys** doesn't match
                the :attr:`dtype` of this table.
                If there is no space to place new keys.
                If the :meth:`destroy` method has been previously called.


        keys, shape = self._norm_input_keys(keys)
        out = np.empty(shape, np.intp)
        index = slug.dll.HT_adds(self._raw._ptr, ptr(keys), ptr(out), out.size)
        if index != -1:
            from hirola.exceptions import HashTableFullError
            source, value = self._blame_key(index, keys, shape)
            raise HashTableFullError(
                f"Failed to add {source} = {value} to the "
                f"hash table because the table is full and {value} "
                f"isn't already in it.")
        return out if shape else out.item()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def vectorise_hash(hash, key_size, keys):
    """Apply a hash() function to an array of **keys**. Only used for testing.
    keys = np.ascontiguousarray(keys)
    out = np.empty(keys.size * keys.dtype.itemsize // key_size, dtype=np.int32)
    slug.dll.vectorise_hash(ctypes.cast(hash, ctypes.c_void_p), ptr(keys),
                            ptr(out), key_size, out.size)
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 4
def cumsum(x):
    # Normalise `x`.
    x = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.int32, order="C")

    # Create an empty array of the correct size and dtype.
    # Note that ``order="C"`` is already the default - no need to set it.
    out = np.empty(len(x), dtype=np.int32)

    # Call cumsum() C function.
    slug.dll.cumsum(ptr(x), ptr(out), len(x))
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 5
def cumsum(x):
    # Some form of type check.
    if not (isinstance(x, array) and x.typecode == int32_t):
        x = array(int32_t, x)

    # Create an array with the same length as `x`.
    # Python really lacks an efficient way to create an empty array,
    out = array(int32_t, [0] * len(x))

    # Call cumsum() C function.
    slug.dll.cumsum(ptr(x), ptr(out), len(x))
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 6
def add_1_(arr):
    # Ensure `arr` is an array, is of the correct dtype and is C contiguous.
    arr = np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.intc, order="C")

    # Create an empty output array with the same type and shape as `arr`.
    out = np.empty_like(arr)

    # Call the C function on our arrays.
    # It doesn't matter that they're not 1D - they look the same to C.
    # Note the length parameter ``arr.size`` instead of ``len(arr)``.
    slug.dll.add_1(ptr(arr), ptr(out), arr.size)

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_walk_through():
    data = np.array([100, 101, 100, 103, 104, 105, 103, 107], dtype=np.float32)
    self = HashTable(5, dtype=data.dtype)

    assert self.dtype == data.dtype
    assert np.all(self._hash_owners == -1)
    assert self.key_size == 4
    assert self.length == 0
    assert self.max == 5

    hash = slug.dll.hash(ptr(data), self.key_size)
    for i in range(2):
        assert slug.dll.HT_hash_for(self._raw._ptr, ptr(data), False) \
               == hash % self.max
        assert self._add(data) == 0
        assert self.length == 1
        assert len(self) == 1
        assert np.array_equal(self.keys, [100])
        assert self._hash_owners[hash % self.max] == 0
        assert self._get(data) == 0

    assert self._add(data[1]) == 1
    assert self._add(data[2]) == 0
    assert self._add(data[3]) == 2
    assert self._add(data[4]) == 3
    assert self._add(data[5]) == 4
    assert self._add(data[6]) == 2
    assert self._add(data[7]) == -1

    assert self.add(data[:7]).tolist() == [0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 2]
    assert self.get(data).tolist() == [0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 2, -1]
    assert self[data[:-1]].tolist() == [0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 2]

    assert isinstance(self.add(data[0]), int)
    assert isinstance(self.get(data[0]), int)

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.HashTableFullError,
                       match=r".* add keys\[7\] = 107\.0 to .* and 107\.0 is"):

    with pytest.raises(
            match=r".* add keys\[1, 3\] = 107\.0 to .* and 107\.0 "):
        self.add(data.reshape((2, 4)))

    with pytest.raises(exceptions.HashTableFullError,
                       match=r".* add key = 107\.0 to .* and 107\.0 is"):
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_strided():
    # Create a multidimensional PyBuffer using memoryview(). In practice, users
    # will more likely use multi-dimensional numpy array.
    _a = array.array("i", range(100))
    a = memoryview(_a).cast("b", (10, 10, _a.itemsize))
    address = _a.buffer_info()[0]

    assert ptr(a) == address
    assert nc_ptr(a) == address

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    # I would put more tests here but memoryview doesn't support them.

    assert nc_ptr(a[::2]) == address
Ejemplo n.º 9
def flatten_strided_3D(arr):
    """Wrapper for ``flatten_strided_3D()``."""

    # Normalise array dtype but no need to enforce contiguity.
    arr = np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.double)
    assert arr.ndim == 3

    # As before, create a flat empty output array to populate.
    out = np.empty(arr.size, arr.dtype)

    # Pass the arrays, the shape and strides to C.
    # Note, you must use `nc_ptr(arr)` instead of `ptr()` because `arr` is
    # not necessarily contiguous.
    slug.dll.flatten_strided_3D(nc_ptr(arr), ptr(out), ptr(arr.ctypes.shape),
    return out
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_dump_load(dtype, byteorder):
    dtype = np.dtype(dtype).newbyteorder(byteorder)
    flat = np.arange(5, dtype=np.int8)
    self = RaggedArray.from_lengths(flat, [2, 3, 0])

    _byteorder = "big" if _big_endian(dtype) else "little"
    _bin_int = lambda x: int.to_bytes(x, dtype.itemsize, _byteorder)

    bin = self.dumps(ldtype=dtype)
    target = (_bin_int(2), flat[0:2].tobytes(),
              _bin_int(3), flat[2:5].tobytes(),
              _bin_int(0), b"")  # yapf: disable

    # Convert to lists only to make the pytest traceback more readable.
    assert list(bin) == list(b"".join(target))

    from rockhopper._ragged_array import slug
    assert slug.dll.count_rows(ptr(bin), len(bin), _2_power(dtype),
                               _big_endian(dtype), flat.itemsize) == len(self)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        RaggedArray.loads(bin.tobytes() + b"\x01",

    parsed, consumed = RaggedArray.loads(bin, dtype=self.dtype, ldtype=dtype)
    assert np.array_equal(self.starts, parsed.starts)
    assert np.array_equal(self.ends, parsed.ends)
    assert np.array_equal(self.flat, parsed.flat)
    assert consumed == len(bin)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def add_1(arr):
    # Ensure `arr` is an array, is of the correct dtype and is C contiguous.
    arr = np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.intc, order="C")

    # Store the original shape, then flatten `arr` to make it 1D.
    old_shape = arr.shape
    arr = arr.ravel()

    # Set up an empty output array with the same type and shape as `arr`.
    out = np.empty_like(arr)

    # Call the C function on our 1D arrays.
    slug.dll.add_1(ptr(arr), ptr(out), len(arr))

    # Return the output after restoring the original shape.
    return out.reshape(old_shape)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_inc_reffing():
    buffer = array.array("i", range(100))
    old = sys.getrefcount(buffer)

    p = ptr(buffer)
    assert sys.getrefcount(buffer) == old + 1
    del p
    assert sys.getrefcount(buffer) == old

    buffer_ = weakref.ref(buffer)
    assert sys.getrefcount(buffer) == old
    p = ptr(buffer)
    assert sys.getrefcount(buffer) == old + 1
    del buffer
    assert buffer_() is not None
    del p
    assert buffer_() is None
Ejemplo n.º 13
def flatten_3D(arr):
    """Wrapper for ``flatten_3D()``."""

    # Normalise `arr`.
    arr = np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.double, order="C")
    # Sanity check that `arr` is 3D.
    assert arr.ndim == 3

    # Create a flat empty output array to populate.
    out = np.empty(arr.size, arr.dtype)

    # Pass `arr`, `out` and the shape of `arr` to the C function.
    # Note the use of `arr.ctypes.shape` which is a ctypes size_t array,
    # instead of `arr.shape` which is a tuple.
    slug.dll.flatten_3D(ptr(arr), ptr(out), ptr(arr.ctypes.shape))

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 14
def sum_(arr):
    """Wrapper for the ``sum()`` function from ``arrays-demos.c``."""
    # If not the correct type:
    if not (isinstance(arr, array) and arr.typecode == "d"):
        # Make it the correct type.
        arr = array("d", arr)
    # Run the C function.
    return slug.dll.sum(ptr(arr), len(arr))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_hash():
    x = np.array([123, 4234, 213], dtype=np.int32)
    out = np.int32(0)
    old = np.seterr(over="ignore")
    for i in range(3):
        out ^= x[i] * np.int32(0x10001)
        out *= np.int32(0x0B070503)
    assert slug.dll.hash(ptr(x), 12) == out
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, max: Number, dtype: dtype_types):

                An upper bound for the number of keys which can fit in this
                table. Sets the :attr:`max` attribute.
                The data type for the table's keys. Sets the :attr:`dtype`

        The **max** parameter is silently normalised to :class:`int` and clipped
        to a minimum of 1 if it is less than 1.

        self._dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
        key_size = self.dtype.itemsize
        self._base_dtype, self._dtype_shape = self.dtype.base, self.dtype.shape
        if self._base_dtype == object:
            raise TypeError("Object arrays are not permitted.")
        if self._base_dtype.kind in "SUV":
            # String-like types are checked differently.
            self._check_dtype = self._check_str_dtype

        if max <= 0:
            # Zero-sized tables get in the way of modulo.
            # Negative-sized tables obviously don't make sense.
            max = 1
        max = int(max)

        self._hash_owners = np.full(max, -1, np.intp)
        self._keys = np.empty(max, dtype=self.dtype)
        self._keys_readonly = np.frombuffer(self._keys, self.dtype)
        self._keys_readonly.flags.writeable = False

        hash = choose_hash(key_size)
        self._destroyed = False
        self._raw = slug.dll.HashTable(max,
                                       hash=ctypes.cast(hash, ctypes.c_void_p))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def contains(self, keys) -> Union[bool, np.ndarray]:
        """Check if a key or keys are in the table.

                Elements to check for.
            Either true or false for each key in **keys**.

        This function is equivalent to but faster than
        :py:`table.get(keys) != -1`.
        To check only one key you may also use :py:`key in table`.


        keys, shape = self._norm_input_keys(keys)
        out = np.empty(shape, bool)
        slug.dll.HT_contains(self._raw._ptr, ptr(keys), ptr(out), out.size)
        return out if shape else out.item()
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def get(self, keys, default=-1) -> np.ndarray:
        """Lookup indices of **keys** in :attr:`keys`.

                Elements to search for.
                Returned inplace of a missing key.
                May be any object.
            The index/indices of **keys** in this table's :attr:`keys`. If a
            key is not there, returns :py:`-1` in its place.
                If the :attr:`~numpy.ndarray.dtype` of **keys** doesn't match
                the :attr:`dtype` of this table.
                If the :meth:`destroy` method has been previously called.

        keys, shape = self._norm_input_keys(keys)
        out = np.empty(shape, np.intp)
        # This function forks out to several similar C functions depending on
        # how missing keys are to be handled.

        if default is self._NO_DEFAULT:
            # Default disabled - raise a key error if anything is missing.
            index = slug.dll.HT_gets_no_default(self._raw._ptr, ptr(keys),
                                                ptr(out), out.size)
            if index != -1:
                source, value = self._blame_key(index, keys, shape)
                raise KeyError(f"{source} = {value} is not in this table.")

        elif isinstance(default, numbers.Integral):
            if default == -1:
                # The default behaviour - use -1 to indicate missing keys.
                # This is already how the underlying C functions communicate
                # missing keys so nothing special needs to be done.
                slug.dll.HT_gets(self._raw._ptr, ptr(keys), ptr(out), out.size)
                # Not the default of -1 but still an integer default which can
                # be handled faster in C.
                slug.dll.HT_gets_default(self._raw._ptr, ptr(keys), ptr(out),
                                         out.size, default)

            # The slowest case: Return some non integer user defined default.
            slug.dll.HT_gets(self._raw._ptr, ptr(keys), ptr(out), out.size)
            out = np.where(out == -1, default, out)

        return out if shape else out.item()
Ejemplo n.º 19
def range_of(values):
    A user friendly wrapper around the raw C ``range_of()`` function.
    # Molly-coddle `values` to make sure it's of the right type.
    if not (isinstance(values, array.ArrayType) and values.typecode == "d"):
        values = array.array("d", values)

    # Create uninitialised `min_` and `max_` values to be written to.
    min_, max_ = ctypes.c_double(), ctypes.c_double()
    # Use `ctypes.byref()` to pass them to C as writable pointers.
    slug.dll.range_of(ptr(values), len(values), ctypes.byref(min_),

    # Return the contents of `min_` and `max_` as native Python floats.
    return min_.value, max_.value
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def dumps(self, ldtype=np.intc):
        """Serialise into a :class:`memoryview`.

            ldtype (Union[numpy.dtype, Type[numpy.generic]]):
                Integer type for the row lengths.
                A bytes-like binary blob.

        The binary format is an undelimited sequence of ``(len(row), row)``
        pairs. A pure Python approximation would be::

            b"".join((len(row).tobytes() + row.tobytes() for row in ragged_array))

        The integer types of the row lengths can be controlled by the
        **ldtype** parameter. To change the type or byteorder of the data
        itself, cast to that type with :meth:`astype` then call this function.

        ldtype = np.dtype(ldtype)

        # --- Work out how many bytes the output will need. ---

        # The total length of the flat data. Note, `self.flat.size` would not be
        # a safe shortcut unless `self.repacked()` has been called 1st.
        length = (self.ends - self.starts).sum() * self.itemsize
        # And the lengths of the lengths...
        length += len(self) * ldtype.itemsize

        # Allocate `length` bytes to write to. `numpy.empty()` seems to be one
        # of the only ways to create a lump of memory in Python without wasting
        # time initialising it.
        out = np.empty(length, dtype=np.byte)

        failed_row = slug.dll.dump(self._c_struct._ptr, ptr(out),
                                   _2_power(ldtype), _big_endian(ldtype))
        if failed_row != -1:
            raise OverflowError(
                f"Row {failed_row} with length {len(self[failed_row])} "
                f"is too long to write with an {ldtype.name} integer.")
        return out.data
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_character_arrays_dont_need_null_termination(binary):
    Test that a C string converted to Python doesn't need to be null terminated.

    I make this rather heavy assumption that it's ok in the docs. If this fails
    then a lot of examples are wrong.
    char = ctypes.c_char if binary else ctypes.c_wchar

    text = str(copyright)
    assert "\x00" not in text
    if binary:
        text = text.encode()
        assert b"\x00" not in text
        array = ctypes.create_string_buffer(text)
        array = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(text)

    for i in range(100):
        unterminated = (char * i).from_address(ptr(array))
        value = unterminated.value
        assert len(value) == i
        assert value == text[:i]
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, flat, starts, ends=None, dtype=None, check=True):
        """The default way to construct a :class:`RaggedArray` is explicitly
        from a :attr:`flat` contents array and either row :attr:`starts` and
        :attr:`ends` arrays or, more commonly, a *bounds* array.

                The contents of the array with no structure.
                The index of **flat** where each row starts.
                Or if **ends** is unspecified, the start of each row and the
                end of the previous row.
                The index of **flat** where each row ends.
                The :class:`numpy.dtype` of the array. Usually this can be
                inferred from **flat** and is therefore not required to be set
                explicitly. To indicate that multiple scalars should be
                considered as one item, use a :class:`tuple` dtype.
                If true (default), verify that **starts** and **ends** are
                valid (via :meth:`check`). Please only disable this if you need
                to a construct a ragged array by first creating an uninitialised
                array to then populating it. Invalid arrays can lead to

        .. seealso::

            Explicit construction is rarely the most convenient way to build a
            See :meth:`from_nested` to construct from lists of lists.
            Or :meth:`from_lengths` to construct from flat data and row lengths.
            Or :meth:`group_by` to specify the row number explicitly for each


            Assuming the setup code::

                import numpy as np
                from rockhopper import RaggedArray

                flat = np.arange(10)


                >>> bounds = [0, 4, 7, 10]
                >>> RaggedArray(flat, bounds)
                    [0, 1, 2, 3],
                    [4, 5, 6],
                    [7, 8, 9],

            The **bounds** need not start at the beginning and end and the end.
            Note however that the leading and trailing items in **flat** are not
            represented in the repr. ::

                >>> bounds = [2, 4, 4, 5, 9]
                >>> RaggedArray(flat, bounds)
                    [2, 3],
                    [5, 6, 7, 8],

            To be able to have gaps between rows or overlapping rows set both
            **starts** and **ends**. ::

                >>> starts = [0, 3, 1]
                >>> ends = [6, 6, 5]
                >>> RaggedArray(flat, starts, ends)
                    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],  # flat[0:6]
                    [3, 4, 5],           # flat[3:6]
                    [1, 2, 3, 4],        # flat[1:5]

            This form is typically not very useful but is given more to explain
            how the :class:`RaggedArray` works internally.
            Copy-less slicing uses this form heavily.

        self.flat = np.asarray(flat, dtype=dtype, order="C")

        if len(self.flat) >= (1 << 31):  # pragma: 64bit
            # Supporting large arrays would require promoting all ints in the C
            # code to int64_t. Given that it takes at least 2GB of memory to get
            # an array this big, I doubt that this would be useful but I could
            # be wrong...
            raise RequestMeError(
                "Flat lengths >= 2^31  are disabled at compile time to save "
                "memory at runtime.")

        if ends is None:
            bounds = np.asarray(starts, dtype=np.intc, order="C")
            self.starts = bounds[:-1]
            self.ends = bounds[1:]
            self.starts = np.asarray(starts, dtype=np.intc, order="C")
            self.ends = np.asarray(ends, dtype=np.intc, order="C")

        self._c_struct = slug.dll.RaggedArray(

        if check:
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def loads(cls,
              ldtype=np.intc) -> Tuple['RaggedArray', int]:
        """Deserialize a ragged array. This is the reciprocal of :meth:`dumps`.

            bin (bytes):
                Raw data to unpack.
            dtype (Union[numpy.dtype, Type[numpy.generic]]):
                Data type of the row contents in **bin**.
            rows (int):
                Number of rows to parse. Defaults to :py:`-1` for unknown.
            ldtype (Union[numpy.dtype, Type[numpy.generic]]):
                Integer type of the row lengths in **bin**.
                The deserialised ragged array.
                The number of bytes from **bin** consumed.
                If **bin** ends prematurely or in the middle of a row. This is
                indicative of either data corruption or, more likely, muddling
                of dtypes.

        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
        ldtype = np.dtype(ldtype)

        # We need to know how many rows there will be in this new ragged array
        # before creating and populating it.
        if rows == -1:
            # If it's not already known then it has to be counted.
            rows = slug.dll.count_rows(ptr(bin), len(bin), _2_power(ldtype),
                                       _big_endian(ldtype), dtype.itemsize)
            if rows == -1:
                # `count_rows()` returns -1 on error.
                raise ValueError(
                    "Raw `bin` data ended mid way through a row. Either this "
                    "data is corrupt or the dtype(s) given are incorrect.")

            # Run again with known number of `rows`.
            return cls.loads(bin, dtype, rows, ldtype)

        free = len(bin) - rows * ldtype.itemsize
        items = free // dtype.itemsize
        if items < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f"With `bin` of length {len(bin)}, {rows} rows of "
                f"{ldtype.itemsize} byte lengths leaves {free} bytes "
                f"for the flat data. Perhaps your data types are wrong?")

        self = cls(np.empty(items, dtype=dtype),
                   np.empty(rows + 1, np.intc),

        bin_consumed = ctypes.c_size_t(0)

        _rows = slug.dll.load(self._c_struct._ptr, ptr(bin), len(bin),
                              ctypes.byref(bin_consumed), rows,
                              _2_power(ldtype), _big_endian(ldtype))
        if _rows < rows:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Raw `bin` data ended too soon. "
                f"Only {_rows} out of the requested {rows} rows were read. "
                f"Either this data is corrupt or the dtype(s) given are "

        return self, bin_consumed.value
Ejemplo n.º 24
def sum_(arr):
    # Ensure `arr` is an array, is of the correct dtype and is C contiguous.
    arr = np.asarray(arr, dtype=np.double, order="C")

    # Find its sum.
    return slug.dll.sum(ptr(arr), len(arr))
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def _add(self, key):
     return slug.dll.HT_add(self._raw._ptr, ptr(key))
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def _get(self, key):
     return slug.dll.HT_get(self._raw._ptr, ptr(key))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def test_repr():
    p = ptr(b"")
    assert repr(int(p)) in repr(p)
    assert repr(int(p)) != repr(p)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def test_ptr_leaks():
    leaks(lambda: ptr(bytes(MEM_BLOCK_SIZE)), MEM_LEAK_TOL)
    leaks(lambda: nc_ptr(bytes(MEM_BLOCK_SIZE)), MEM_LEAK_TOL)
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_ptr(ptr):
    a = array.array("i", range(100))
    assert a.buffer_info() == (ptr(a), len(a))
    assert a.buffer_info() == (ptr(memoryview(a)), len(a))

    if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
        assert a.buffer_info() == (ptr(memoryview(a).toreadonly()), len(a))

    # bytes() and bytearray() make copies so the ids won't match. Still check
    # we can get their pointers though.

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        ptr("not bytes-like")
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Ejemplo n.º 30
from array import array
from cslug import CSlug, ptr, anchor

slug = CSlug(anchor("arrays-demo.c"))

assert slug.dll.sum(ptr(array("d", [10, 11, 12])), 3) == 33.0

def sum_(arr):
    """Wrapper for the ``sum()`` function from ``arrays-demos.c``."""
    # If not the correct type:
    if not (isinstance(arr, array) and arr.typecode == "d"):
        # Make it the correct type.
        arr = array("d", arr)
    # Run the C function.
    return slug.dll.sum(ptr(arr), len(arr))

assert sum_(range(10)) == 45

from cslug.misc import array_typecode

int32_t = array_typecode("int32_t")

def cumsum(x):
    # Some form of type check.
    if not (isinstance(x, array) and x.typecode == int32_t):
        x = array(int32_t, x)