Ejemplo n.º 1
    def online(self):
        global logger
        if self.status is not self.OFFLINE:
            return self._error("Not currently offline.")

        st = self.settings
        logger.debug("Going online...")
        entries = [entry for userName, keyId, entry in listProfiles()]
        if not st.getInt("Settings/RememberKey", 0):
            return self._error("No key found.")

        entry = st.getString("Settings/SavedProfile")
        password = st.getString("Settings/SavedPassword")
        if not (entry and password and (entry in entries)):
            return self._error("No profile or password.")

        profile = loadProfile(entry, password)
        if not profile:
            return self._error("Profile couldn't be loaded.")

        self.profile = profile
        logger.debug("Going online as %s keyID=%s ..." % (profile.name, profile.keyId))
        self.reconnector = Reconnector(self.profile, self._onReconnectTimer, self.reactor)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _updateUI( self ) :
     state = self.sm.current()
     online = (state == self.ONLINE)
     offline = (state == self.OFFLINE)
     connecting = (state == self.CONNECTING)
     disconnecting = (state == self.DISCONNECTING)
     self.ui.actionCreateKey.setEnabled( offline )
     self.ui.actionGoOnline.setEnabled( offline )
     self.ui.actionGoOffline.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionKeyInfo.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionExit.setEnabled( True )
     self.ui.actionAddContact.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionRefreshStatus.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionCheckStatus.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionContactInfo.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionRemoveContact.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionEditPermissions.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionAboutCSpace.setEnabled( True )
     if online : msg = 'Online'
     if offline : msg = 'Offline'
     if connecting : msg = 'Going Online...'
     if disconnecting : msg = 'Going Offline...'
     if not offline :
         msg = '%s - %s' % (self.profile.name,msg)
     self.setWindowTitle( ' - '.join([msg,self.baseTitle]) )
     self.ui.createKeyButton.setEnabled( offline )
     self.ui.createKeyButton1.setEnabled( offline )
     self.ui.goOnlineButton.setEnabled( offline )
     self.ui.connectCancelButton.setEnabled( connecting or disconnecting )
     if online :
         self.ui.stack.setCurrentWidget( self.ui.contactsPage )
     elif offline :
         if self.reconnector :
             assert self.reconnector.reconnecting
             self.ui.connectCancelButton.setEnabled( True )
             self.ui.stack.setCurrentWidget( self.ui.connectingPage )
             self.ui.connectStatus.setText('<b>%s<br/>Reconnecting in %d second(s)...</b>'
                     % (self.reconnector.errorMsg, self.reconnector.timeLeft) )
         elif listProfiles() :
             self.ui.stack.setCurrentWidget( self.ui.offlinePage )
         else :
             self.ui.stack.setCurrentWidget( self.ui.offlineNoUsersPage )
     elif connecting :
         self.ui.stack.setCurrentWidget( self.ui.connectingPage )
         self.ui.connectStatus.setText( '<b>Connecting...</b>' )
     elif disconnecting :
         self.ui.stack.setCurrentWidget( self.ui.connectingPage )
         self.ui.connectStatus.setText( '<b>Disconnecting...</b>' )
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _updateUI( self ) :
     state = self.sm.current()
     online = (state == self.ONLINE)
     offline = (state == self.OFFLINE)
     connecting = (state == self.CONNECTING)
     disconnecting = (state == self.DISCONNECTING)
     self.ui.actionCreateKey.setEnabled( offline )
     self.ui.actionGoOnline.setEnabled( offline )
     self.ui.actionGoOffline.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionKeyInfo.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionExit.setEnabled( True )
     self.ui.actionAddContact.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionRefreshStatus.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionCheckStatus.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionContactInfo.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionRemoveContact.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionEditPermissions.setEnabled( online )
     self.ui.actionAboutCSpace.setEnabled( True )
     if online : msg = 'Online'
     if offline : msg = 'Offline'
     if connecting : msg = 'Going Online...'
     if disconnecting : msg = 'Going Offline...'
     if not offline :
         msg = '%s - %s' % (self.profile.name,msg)
     self.setWindowTitle( ' - '.join([msg,self.baseTitle]) )
     self.ui.createKeyButton.setEnabled( offline )
     self.ui.createKeyButton1.setEnabled( offline )
     self.ui.goOnlineButton.setEnabled( offline )
     self.ui.connectCancelButton.setEnabled( connecting or disconnecting )
     if online :
         self.ui.stack.setCurrentWidget( self.ui.contactsPage )
     elif offline :
         if self.reconnector :
             assert self.reconnector.reconnecting
             self.ui.connectCancelButton.setEnabled( True )
             self.ui.stack.setCurrentWidget( self.ui.connectingPage )
             self.ui.connectStatus.setText('<b>%s<br/>Reconnecting in %d second(s)...</b>'
                     % (self.reconnector.errorMsg, self.reconnector.timeLeft) )
         elif listProfiles() :
             self.ui.stack.setCurrentWidget( self.ui.offlinePage )
         else :
             self.ui.stack.setCurrentWidget( self.ui.offlineNoUsersPage )
     elif connecting :
         self.ui.stack.setCurrentWidget( self.ui.connectingPage )
         self.ui.connectStatus.setText( '<b>Connecting...</b>' )
     elif disconnecting :
         self.ui.stack.setCurrentWidget( self.ui.connectingPage )
         self.ui.connectStatus.setText( '<b>Disconnecting...</b>' )
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _doCheckSettings( self ) :
     st = localSettings()
     windowWidth = st.getInt( 'Settings/WindowWidth', 0 )
     windowHeight = st.getInt( 'Settings/WindowHeight', 0 )
     if (windowWidth > 0) and (windowHeight > 0) :
         windowWidth = max( windowWidth, 100 )
         windowHeight = max( windowHeight, 100 )
         self.resize( QSize(windowWidth,windowHeight).expandedTo(self.minimumSizeHint()) )
     profiles = listProfiles()
     entries = [entry for userName,keyId,entry in profiles]
     if st.getInt('Settings/RememberKey',0) :
         entry = st.getString('Settings/SavedProfile')
         password = st.getString('Settings/SavedPassword')
         if entry and password and (entry in entries) :
             profile = loadProfile( entry, password )
             if profile :
                 self._doGoOnline( profile )
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _doCheckSettings( self ) :
     st = localSettings()
     windowWidth = st.getInt( 'Settings/WindowWidth', 0 )
     windowHeight = st.getInt( 'Settings/WindowHeight', 0 )
     if (windowWidth > 0) and (windowHeight > 0) :
         windowWidth = max( windowWidth, 100 )
         windowHeight = max( windowHeight, 100 )
         self.resize( QSize(windowWidth,windowHeight).expandedTo(self.minimumSizeHint()) )
     profiles = listProfiles()
     entries = [entry for userName,keyId,entry in profiles]
     if st.getInt('Settings/RememberKey',0) :
         entry = st.getString('Settings/SavedProfile')
         password = st.getString('Settings/SavedPassword')
         if entry and password and (entry in entries) :
             profile = loadProfile( entry, password )
             if profile :
                 self._doGoOnline( profile )
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__( self, parent ) :
     QDialog.__init__( self, parent )
     self.ui = Ui_GoOnlineDialog()
     self.ui.setupUi( self )
     self.profiles = listProfiles()
     for userName,keyId,entry in self.profiles :
         text = userName
         if keyId :
             text += ' (KeyID: %s)' % keyId
         self.ui.keys.addItem( QString(text) )
     entries = [entry for userName,keyId,entry in self.profiles]
     st = localSettings()
     if st.getInt('Settings/RememberKey',0) :
         self.ui.rememberKey.setChecked( True )
         entry = st.getString( 'Settings/SavedProfile' )
         password = st.getString( 'Settings/SavedPassword' )
         if entry and password and (entry in entries) :
             self.ui.keys.setCurrentIndex( entries.index(entry) )
             self.ui.password.setText( password )
     else :
         self.ui.rememberKey.setChecked( False )
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, parent):
     QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
     self.ui = Ui_GoOnlineDialog()
     self.profiles = listProfiles()
     for userName, keyId, entry in self.profiles:
         text = userName
         if keyId:
             text += ' (KeyID: %s)' % keyId
     entries = [entry for userName, keyId, entry in self.profiles]
     st = localSettings()
     if st.getInt('Settings/RememberKey', 0):
         entry = st.getString('Settings/SavedProfile')
         password = st.getString('Settings/SavedPassword')
         if entry and password and (entry in entries):
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def switch(self, profile, password):
        if self.status is not self.OFFLINE:
            return self._error("Not currently offline.")

        st = self.settings
        logger.debug("Changing profile...")
        profiles = [userName for userName, keyId, entry in listProfiles()]
        if not st.getInt("Settings/RememberKey", 0):
            return self._error("No key found.")

        if not profile in entries:
            return self._error("No profile %s found.")

        profile = loadProfile(profile, password)
        if not profile:
            return self._error("Profile couldn't be loaded.")

        st.setString("Settings/SavedProfile", profile.name)
        st.setString("Settings/SavedPassword", password)

        self.dispatcher.trigger("profile.switch", profile)
        return True