Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_name(name):
    if len(name) > 32:
        raise ctf_model.TaskFailed("Challenge name is too long!")

    if not re.match(r"[-._!0-9A-Za-z æøåÆØÅ]+$", name):
        raise ctf_model.TaskFailed("Challenge contains invalid characters!")

    # Replace spaces with a dash with a configured delimiter
    return re.sub(r" +", config["challenge_name_delimiter"], name).lower()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def check_name(name):
    if len(name) > 32:
        raise ctf_model.TaskFailed("Challenge name is too long!")

    if not re.match(r"[-._!0-9A-Za-z æøåÆØÅ]+$", name):
        raise ctf_model.TaskFailed("Challenge contains invalid characters!")

    # Replace spaces with a dash, because discord does it :/
    return re.sub(r" +", "-", name).lower()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def chk_fetch_team_by_name(ctx, name):
    channels = ctx.guild.channels
    if len([channel.id for channel in channels if name == channel.name]) > 1:
        raise ctf_model.TaskFailed("Multiple channels with same name exists")

    found_channel_id = ""
    for channel in channels:
        if channel.name == name:
            found_channel_id = channel.id
    team = ctf_model.CtfTeam.fetch(ctx.channel.guild, found_channel_id)
    if not team:
        raise ctf_model.TaskFailed("Failed to join CTF")
    return team
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def parse_user(guild, user):
    print('parsinig user:'******'Invalid username: `{user}`, use @username')
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 5
    async def country(self, ctx, country):
        table, country_name = country_scores(country.upper())
        if not table:
            raise ctf_model.TaskFailed(
                "Invalid year or country code. Should be `YYYY` or `XX`.")
        out = f":flag_{country.lower()}:  **Top teams for {country_name}**"
        out += "```glsl\n"
        out += format_table(table)

        cut = 0
        suffix = "\n```"
        while len(out) > 2000 - len(suffix):
            out = "\n".join(out.split("\n")[:-1])
            cut += 1
            suffix = f"\n\n+{cut} more teams\n```"

        out += suffix

        await ctx.send(out)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def chk_fetch_chal(ctx):
    chal = ctf_model.Challenge.fetch(ctx.channel.guild, ctx.channel.id)
    if not chal:
        raise ctf_model.TaskFailed(
            "Please type this command in a challenge channel.")
    return chal
Ejemplo n.º 7
def chk_fetch_team(ctx):
    team = ctf_model.CtfTeam.fetch(ctx.channel.guild, ctx.channel.id)
    if not team:
        raise ctf_model.TaskFailed(
            "Please type this command in the main channel of a CTF.")
    return team