Ejemplo n.º 1
def stop_by(curLati, curLong, desLati, desLong, keywords, maxLen):
    result = []
    for s in data:
        isAllContain = True
        for keyword in keywords:
            if not keyword in s['keywords']:
                isAllContain = False
        if isAllContain and (ctp17hw1.dist(curLati, curLong, s['latitude'], s['longitude']) + \
                                     ctp17hw1.dist(s['latitude'], s['longitude'], desLati, desLong)) < maxLen:
    return result

# print(stop_by(37.477155, 126.963423, 37.459250, 126.950786, ["Matjip", "Honbap"], 3500))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def nearest(curLati, curLong, keyword):
    name = ""
    for s in data:
        if keyword in s['keywords']:
            minDist = ctp17hw1.dist(curLati, curLong, s['latitude'], s['longitude'])
            name = s['name']

    for s in data:
        if keyword in s['keywords']:
            dist = ctp17hw1.dist(curLati, curLong, s['latitude'], s['longitude'])
            print(dist, s['name'])
            if dist < minDist :
                minDist = dist
                name = s['name']
    return name
Ejemplo n.º 3
def count_near(loc_lst, k):
    cur = loc_lst[0]
    visit = [0] * len(loc_lst)
    visit[0] = 1
    for i in range(len(loc_lst) - 1):
        if ctp17hw1.dist(cur[0], cur[1], loc_lst[i + 1][0],
                         loc_lst[i + 1][1]) <= k and visit[i + 1] == 0:
            visit[i + 1] = 1
            visit = count_helper(loc_lst, i + 1, visit, k)
    return sum(visit) - 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
def shortest_route(loc_lst, my_loc):
    visit = [0]*len(loc_lst)
    result = -1
    for i in range(len(loc_lst)):
        l = dfs(visit, i, loc_lst, my_loc) + ctp17hw1.dist(loc_lst[i][0],loc_lst[i][1],my_loc[0],my_loc[1])
        if result == -1:
            result = l
            result = min(l, result)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
def dfs(visit, start, loc_lst, my_loc):
    result = -1
    visit[start] = 1

    if sum(visit) == len(visit):
        visit[start] = 0
        return ctp17hw1.dist(loc_lst[start][0],loc_lst[start][1],my_loc[0],my_loc[1])

    for i in range(len(loc_lst)):
        if visit[i] == 0:
            l = ctp17hw1.dist(loc_lst[start][0],loc_lst[start][1],loc_lst[i][0],loc_lst[i][1])+\
                         dfs(visit, i, loc_lst, my_loc)
            if result == -1:
                result = l
                result = min(l, result)
    visit[start] = 0
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 6
def suggest_similar(lst, loc_lst, d, k):
    const = 1
    result = []
    str_list = list(map(lambda x: x[2], lst))
    filtered_list = filtering(str_list, loc_lst)
    for name in str_list:
        if str_list.count(name) == 1:
            cur_loc = find_loc(name, loc_lst)
            for loc in filtered_list:
                print(name, loc[2])
                    ctp17hw1.dist(cur_loc[0] / const, cur_loc[1] / const,
                                  loc[0] / const, loc[1] / const))
                print(similarity(cur_loc, loc))
                if ctp17hw1.dist(
                        cur_loc[0] / const, cur_loc[1] / const, loc[0] / const,
                        loc[1] / const) < d and similarity(cur_loc, loc) >= k:
                    if not loc[2] in result:
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 7
def count_helper(loc_lst, cur, visit, k):
    for i in range(len(loc_lst) - 1):
        if ctp17hw1.dist(loc_lst[cur][0], loc_lst[cur][1], loc_lst[i + 1][0],
                         loc_lst[i + 1][1]) <= k and visit[i + 1] == 0:
            visit[i + 1] = 1
            visit = count_helper(loc_lst, i + 1, visit, k)
    return visit

# print(ctp17hw1.dist(0.4,0.5,0.4,0.6))
# print(count_near([(0.3,0.2),(0.4,0.),(0.3,0.3),(0.4,0.6)],25000))5
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: ex3.py Proyecto: insung151/CTP
def total_dist(lst):
    distant = 0
    for i in range(len(lst) - 1):
        distant += ctp17hw1.dist(lst[i]['latitude'], lst[i]['longitude'], lst[i + 1]['latitude'], lst[i + 1]['longitude'])
    return distant

# test example; should be erased before submitting.
# loc1 = {'latitude':1.2, 'longitude':3.4, 'timestamp':100}
# loc3 = {'latitude':9.1, 'longitude':2.3, 'timestamp':200}
# loc2 = {'latitude':5.6, 'longitude':7.8, 'timestamp':300}
# print(total_dist([loc1, loc3, loc2]))
# print(ctp17hw1.dist(loc1['latitude'], \
# 					loc1['longitude'], \
# 					loc2['latitude'], \
# 					loc2['longitude']))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    # print(union)
    intersection = []
    keywords1 = loc1[3][:]
    keywords2 = loc2[3][:]
    for i in keywords1:
        if i in keywords2:
            a = keywords1.count(i)
            b = keywords2.count(i)
            for _ in range(b):
            intersection += [i] * min(a, b)
    # print(intersection)
    print(intersection, union)
    print(len(intersection) / len(union))

    return len(intersection) / len(union)

print(1 / 2)

print(ctp17hw1.dist(1.1, 1.1, 1.7, 1.7))
loc_list = [(1.1,  5.0 , "seoul",  ["agd","ab"]), \
            (1.7,  5.0, "newyork", ["agd", "ab"]),
            (90.0,  5.0, "cafe", ["agd", "ab"]),
            (90.0,  5.0, "home", ["agd", "ab"]),
            (90.0,  5.0, "bus", ["agd", "ab"]),
            (1.6,  5.0, "lib", ["agd", "ab"]),
            (1.4, 5.0, "usa", ["agd","ab"]),
            (1.7, 5.0 , "europe", ["agd"])]
print(suggest_similar([(1,5,"home"),(7,9,"home"), (11,17,"school"),(20, 25, "school"),(26,40,"cafe"),(41,57,"lib"),(58,59,"bus"),\