Ejemplo n.º 1
    def fillCalcsandPropsDict(self):

        self.checkedPropsDict = {
            "melting_point": self.melting_point,
            "boiling_point": self.boiling_point,
            "water_sol": self.water_sol,
            "vapor_press": self.vapor_press,
            "mol_diss": self.mol_diss,
            "ion_con": self.ion_con,
            "henrys_law_con": self.henrys_law_con,
            "kow_no_ph": self.kow_no_ph,
            "kow_wph": self.kow_wph,
            "kow_ph": self.kow_ph,
            "koc": self.koc

        # calculator checkboxes' values:
        self.calcluatorsDict = {
            "chemaxon": self.chemaxon,
            "epi": self.epi,
            "test": self.test,
            "sparc": self.sparc,
            "measured": self.measured

        self.parent_image = data_walks.nodeWrapper(self.smiles, None, 250, 50, 'pchem_parent_wrap', 'svg', None)

        # dict with keys of checked calculators and values of
        # checked properties that are also available for said calculators
        # format: { key: "calculator name", value: [checked property ids] }
        self.checkedCalcsAndPropsDict = {}
        for calcKey, calcValue in self.calcluatorsDict.items():
            if calcValue == 'true' or calcValue == 'on':
                # get checked parameters that are available for calculator
                propList = []
                for propKey, propValue in self.checkedPropsDict.items():
                    # find checked properties
                    if propValue == 'on' or propValue == 'true':
                        # check if property is available for calculator:
                        if pchemprop_parameters.pchempropAvailable(calcKey, propKey):
                self.checkedCalcsAndPropsDict.update({calcKey: propList})
        self.run_data = {
            'title': "P-Chem Properties Output",
            'jid': self.jid,
            'time': datetime.datetime.strptime(self.jid, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f').strftime('%A, %Y-%B-%d %H:%M:%S'),
            'chem_struct': self.chem_struct,
            'smiles': self.smiles,
            'name': self.name,
            'formula': self.formula,
            'mass': self.mass,
            'exactMass': self.exact_mass
Ejemplo n.º 2
def parsePOST(request):

    pdf_t = request.POST.get('pdf_t')
    pdf_nop = request.POST.get('pdf_nop')
    pdf_p = json.loads(request.POST.get('pdf_p'))
    if 'pdf_json' in request.POST and request.POST['pdf_json']:
        pdf_json = json.loads(request.POST.get('pdf_json'))
        # pdf_json = request.POST.get('pdf_json')
        pdf_json = None

    # Append strings and check if charts are present
    final_str = pdf_t

    if 'gentrans' in request.path:

        headings = ['genKey', 'smiles', 'iupac', 'formula', 'mass', 'exactMass', 'routes']
        calcs = ['chemaxon', 'epi', 'test', 'sparc', 'measured']
        checkedCalcsAndProps = pdf_json['checkedCalcsAndProps']
        products = pdf_json['nodes']
        props = ['melting_point', 'boiling_point', 'water_sol', 'vapor_press',
                    'mol_diss', 'ion_con', 'henrys_law_con', 'kow_no_ph', 'kow_wph', 'koc']

        for product in products:
            product_image = data_walks.nodeWrapper(product['smiles'], None, 250, 100, product['genKey'], 'png', False)
            product.update({'image': product_image})

            # build object that's easy to make pchem table in template..
            if 'pchemprops' in product:

                rows = []
                for prop in props:

                    data_row = []
                    kow_no_ph_list = []
                    kow_wph_list = []

                    calc_index = 1
                    for calc in calcs:
                        # pick out data by key, make sure not already there..
                        for data_obj in product['pchemprops']:
                            if data_obj['prop'] == prop and data_obj['calc'] == calc:
                                if prop == 'kow_no_ph' and calc == 'chemaxon':
                                    # expecting same calc/prop with 3 methods..\
                                    already_there = False
                                    for item in kow_no_ph_list:
                                        if data_obj['method'] == item['method']:
                                            already_there = True
                                    if not already_there:
                                            'method': data_obj['method'],
                                            'data': round(data_obj['data'], 2)
                                elif prop == 'kow_wph' and calc == 'chemaxon':
                                    # expecting same calc/prop with 3 methods..
                                    already_there = False
                                    for item in kow_no_ph_list:
                                        if data_obj['method'] == item['method']:
                                            already_there = True
                                    if not already_there:
                                            'method': data_obj['method'],
                                            'data': round(data_obj['data'], 2)
                                    # account for kow_wph too!!!!!
                                # elif prop == 'ion_con' and calc == 'chemaxon':
                                elif prop == 'ion_con':
                                    # is there also pKb?????
                                    pka_string = ""
                                    pka_index = 1
                                    for pka in data_obj['data']['pKa']:
                                        pka_string += "pka_{}: {} \n".format(pka_index, round(pka, 2))
                                        pka_index += 1

                        if len(data_row) <= calc_index:
                            # should mean there wasn't data for calc-prop combo:

                        calc_index += 1

                        if prop == 'kow_no_ph' and calc == 'chemaxon':
                            # insert chemaxon's kow values if they exist:
                            kow_string = ""
                            for kow in kow_no_ph_list:
                                kow_string += "{} ({}) \n".format(kow['data'], kow['method'])
                            # data_row.insert(1, kow_string)
                            data_row[1] = kow_string
                            # kow_values = []

                        if prop == 'kow_wph' and calc == 'chemaxon':
                            # insert chemaxon's kow values if they exist:
                            kow_string = ""
                            for kow in kow_wph_list:
                                kow_string += "{} ({}) \n".format(kow['data'], kow['method'])
                            # data_row.insert(1, kow_string)
                            data_row[1] = kow_string
                            # kow_values = []


                product['data'] = rows

        final_str += buildMetaboliteTableForPDF().render(
            Context(dict(headings=headings, checkedCalcsAndProps=checkedCalcsAndProps, products=products, props=props, calcs=calcs)))

    final_str += """<br>"""
    if (int(pdf_nop)>0):
        for i in range(int(pdf_nop)):
            final_str += """<img id="imgChart1" src="%s" />"""%(pdf_p[i])
            # final_str = final_str + """<br>"""

    # Styling
            html {
            body {
                font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
            table, td, th {
                border: 1px solid #666666;
            #gentrans_table td {
                /*word-wrap: normal;*/
                max-width: 100px;
                word-break: break-all;
            table#inputsTable td {
                max-width: 600px;
                word-break: break-all;
            th {text-align:center; padding:2px; font-size:11px;}
            td {padding:2px; font-size:10px;}
            h2 {font-size:13px; color:#79973F;}
            h3 {font-size:12px; color:#79973F; margin-top: 8px;}
            h4 {font-size:12px; color:#79973F; padding-top:30px;}
            .pdfDiv {border: 1px solid #000000;}
            div.tooltiptext {display: table; border: 1px solid #333333; margin: 8px; padding: 4px}

            div {
                background-color: #FFFFFF;
            img {
                background-color: #FFFFFF;

    input_str = input_css + final_str

    return input_str
Ejemplo n.º 3
def wrap_molecule(propDict, height, width, scale):
    Wraps molecule image result (source url) with a table
    and populates said table with molecular details.

    Inputs: property dict (e.g., pka, taut image urls)
    Outputs: name, iupac, forumula, mass data wrapped in table with image and name

    if not propDict:
        return "<p>could not retrieve molecule image</p>"

    key = None
    if 'key' in propDict:
        key = propDict['key']

    # image = mark_safe(data_walks.nodeWrapper(propDict['smiles'], None, width, scale, key)) # displayed image
    image = mark_safe(data_walks.nodeWrapper(propDict['smiles'], None, width, scale, key, 'svg')) # displayed image
    formula = propDict['formula']
    iupac = propDict['iupac']
    mass = "{} g/mol".format(propDict['mass'])
    smiles = propDict['smiles']
    exactMass = "{} g/mol".format(propDict['exactMass'])

    # call nodeWrapper again with 'png' image format and add it to infoDict
    # with a image_pdf key or something....

    # pdf_image = mark_safe(data_walks.nodeWrapper(propDict['smiles'], None, width, scale, key, None))

    infoDict = {
        "image": image,
        "formula": formula,
        "iupac": iupac,
        "mass": mass,
        "smiles": smiles,
        "exactMass": exactMass
        # 'pdf_image': pdf_image

    # this is the actual image on the chemspec output, wrapped in a div:
    html = """
    <div class="chemspec_molecule nopdf">
    html += infoDict['image']
    # html += infoDict['pdf_image']
    html += """

    # this builds the larger-image popup:

    # the Molecular/Structure class/object needs to be used as well
    # as its location in CTS considered. Is it being in REST make sense?
    # the following list needs to be in that class:
    mol_props = ['formula', 'iupac', 'mass', 'smiles', 'exactMass']

    # wrappedDict = data_walks.popupBuilder(infoDict, ['formula', 'iupac', 'mass', 'smiles'], key, 'Molecular Information') # popup table image
    wrappedDict = data_walks.popupBuilder(infoDict, mol_props, key, 'Molecular Information') # popup table image
    html += '<div class="tooltiptext ' + iupac + '">'
    html += wrappedDict['html']
    html += '</div>'

    return html

# def makeLogFile(chemspec_obj):
    # """
    # Gathers data for log file and
    # puts it in a hidden div to be downloaded
    # by the user
    # """