Ejemplo n.º 1
def TEA_decryption(vs, ks):
    delta = 0x9E3779B9
    v0, v1 = map(uint32, unpack('>2I', vs))
    k0, k1, k2, k3 = map(uint32, unpack('>4I', ks))
    sm, delta = uint32(delta * 32), uint32(delta)

    for i in range(32):
        v1.value -= ((v0.value << 4) + k2.value) ^ (v0.value + sm.value) ^ (
            (v0.value >> 5) + k3.value)
        v0.value -= ((v1.value << 4) + k0.value) ^ (v1.value + sm.value) ^ (
            (v1.value >> 5) + k1.value)
        sm.value -= delta.value

    return pack('>2I', v0.value, v1.value)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def myhash(self, msg, identification):
        delta = 0x9E3779B9
        v0, v1 = map(uint32, unpack('>2I', msg))
        k0, k1, k2, k3 = map(uint32, unpack('>4I', identification))
        sm, delta = uint32(0), uint32(delta)

        for i in range(32):
            sm.value += delta.value
            v0.value += (
                (v1.value << 4) + k0.value) ^ (v1.value + sm.value) ^ (
                    (v1.value >> 5) + k1.value)
            v1.value += (
                (v0.value << 4) + k2.value) ^ (v0.value + sm.value) ^ (
                    (v0.value >> 5) + k3.value)

        return pack('>2I', v0.value, v1.value)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def tea_decrypt(ciphertext, key, delta=0x9E3779B9):
    Decrypt a ciphertext using TEA algorithm.

    ciphertext: 64 bits length bytes-like object.
    key: 128 bits length bytes-like object.

    Return a 64 bits length bytes object.

    v0, v1 = map(uint32, unpack('>2I', ciphertext))
    k0, k1, k2, k3 = map(uint32, unpack('>4I', key))
    sm, delta = uint32(0xC6EF3720), uint32(delta)

    for i in range(32):
        v1.value -= ((v0.value << 4) + k2.value) ^ (v0.value + sm.value) ^ (
            (v0.value >> 5) + k3.value)
        v0.value -= ((v1.value << 4) + k0.value) ^ (v1.value + sm.value) ^ (
            (v1.value >> 5) + k1.value)
        sm.value -= delta.value

    return pack('>2I', v0.value, v1.value)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def tea_encrypt(plaintext, key, delta=0x9E3779B9):
    Encrypt a plaintext using TEA algorithm.

    plaintext: 64 bits length bytes-like object.
    key: 128 bits length bytes-like object.

    Return a 64 bits length bytes object.

    v0, v1 = map(uint32, unpack('>2I', plaintext))
    k0, k1, k2, k3 = map(uint32, unpack('>4I', key))
    sm, delta = uint32(0), uint32(delta)

    for i in range(32):
        sm.value += delta.value
        v0.value += ((v1.value << 4) + k0.value) ^ (v1.value + sm.value) ^ (
            (v1.value >> 5) + k1.value)
        v1.value += ((v0.value << 4) + k2.value) ^ (v0.value + sm.value) ^ (
            (v0.value >> 5) + k3.value)

    return pack('>2I', v0.value, v1.value)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def xtea_decrypt(ciphertext, key):
    Decrypt a ciphertext using XTEA algorithm.

    ciphertext: 64 bits length bytes-like object.
    key: 128 bits length bytes-like object.

    Return a 64 bits length bytes object.

    v0, v1 = map(uint32, unpack('>2I', ciphertext))
    k = tuple(map(uint32, unpack('>4I', key)))
    sm, delta = uint32(0xC6EF3720), uint32(0x9E3779B9)

    for i in range(32):
        v1.value -= (((v0.value << 4) ^ (v0.value >> 5)) +
                     v0.value) ^ (sm.value + k[(sm.value >> 11) & 3].value)
        sm.value -= delta.value
        v0.value -= (
            ((v1.value << 4) ^
             (v1.value >> 5)) + v1.value) ^ (sm.value + k[sm.value & 3].value)

    return pack('>2I', v0.value, v1.value)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __next(self):
     t = uint32(self.state[3])
     t = uint32(t.value ^ t.value << 11)
     t = uint32(t.value ^ t.value >> 8)
     self.state[3] = self.state[2]
     self.state[2] = self.state[1]
     self.state[1] = self.state[0]
     s = uint32(self.state[0])
     t = uint32(t.value ^ s.value)
     t = uint32(t.value ^ s.value >> 19)
     self.state[0] = t.value
     return t.value
Ejemplo n.º 7
import random
from ctypes import c_int32 as int32, c_uint32 as uint32

i = lambda k: h(g(t(k)))
l = lambda k: k < 20 and 1518500249 or (k < 40 and 1859775393 or (k < 60 and -1894007588 or -899497514))
o = lambda k, z: int32(k << z).value | int32(uint32(k).value >> (32 - z)).value

def t(A):
    l = len(A)
    k = ((l + 8) >> 6) + 1
    B = [0] * (k * 16)
    for z in range(l):
        B[z >> 2] |= ord(A[z]) << (24 - (z & 3) * 8)
    z += 1
    B[z >> 2] |= 128 << (24 - (z & 3) * 8)
    B[z >> 2] = int32(B[z >> 2]).value
    B[- 1] = l * 8
    return B

def g(N):
    K = N
    L = [0] * 80
    J = 1732584193
    I = -271733879
    H = -1732584194
    G = 271733878
    F = -1009589776
    for C in range(0, len(K), 16):
Ejemplo n.º 8
import random
from ctypes import c_int32 as int32, c_uint32 as uint32

i = lambda k: h(g(t(k)))
l = lambda k: k < 20 and 1518500249 or (k < 40 and 1859775393 or
                                        (k < 60 and -1894007588 or -899497514))
o = lambda k, z: int32(k << z).value | int32(uint32(k).value >> (32 - z)).value

def t(A):
    l = len(A)
    k = ((l + 8) >> 6) + 1
    B = [0] * (k * 16)
    for z in range(l):
        B[z >> 2] |= ord(A[z]) << (24 - (z & 3) * 8)
    z += 1
    B[z >> 2] |= 128 << (24 - (z & 3) * 8)
    B[z >> 2] = int32(B[z >> 2]).value
    B[-1] = l * 8
    return B

def g(N):
    K = N
    L = [0] * 80
    J = 1732584193
    I = -271733879
    H = -1732584194
    G = 271733878
    F = -1009589776
    for C in range(0, len(K), 16):