Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, label, data_arr, ndir, nmod, chunk_ts, chunk_fs,
                 chunk_label, options):
        Initialises a diagonal phase-slope gain machine.
            label (str):
                Label identifying the Jones term.
            data_arr (np.ndarray): 
                Shape (n_mod, n_tim, n_fre, n_ant, n_ant, n_cor, n_cor) array containing observed 
            ndir (int):
                Number of directions.
            nmod (nmod):
                Number of models.
            chunk_ts (np.ndarray):
                Times for the data being processed.
            chunk_fs (np.ndarray):
                Frequencies for the data being processsed.
            options (dict): 
                Dictionary of options. 
        ParameterisedGains.__init__(self, label, data_arr, ndir, nmod,
                                    chunk_ts, chunk_fs, chunk_label, options)

        self.slope_type = options["type"]
        self.n_param = 3 if self.slope_type == "tf-plane" else 2

        self.param_shape = [
            self.n_dir, self.n_timint, self.n_freint, self.n_ant, self.n_param,
            self.n_cor, self.n_cor
        self.slope_params = np.zeros(self.param_shape, dtype=self.ftype)
        self.posterior_slope_error = None

        self.chunk_ts = _normalize(chunk_ts, self.ftype)
        self.chunk_fs = _normalize(chunk_fs, self.ftype)

        if self.slope_type == "tf-plane":
            self.slope = cubical.kernels.import_kernel("tf_plane")
            self._labels = dict(phase=0, delay=1, rate=2)
        elif self.slope_type == "f-slope":
            self.slope = cubical.kernels.import_kernel("f_slope")
            self._labels = dict(phase=0, delay=1)
        elif self.slope_type == "t-slope":
            self.slope = cubical.kernels.import_kernel("t_slope")
            self._labels = dict(phase=0, rate=1)
            raise RuntimeError("unknown machine type '{}'".format(

        # kernel used in solver is diag-diag in diag mode, else uses full kernel version
        if options.get('diag-data') or options.get('diag-only'):
            self.kernel_solve = cubical.kernels.import_kernel(
            self.kernel_solve = cubical.kernels.import_kernel('phase_only')

        self._jhr0 = self._gerr = None
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def restrict_solution(self):
        Restricts the solution by invoking the inherited restrict_soultion method and applying
        any machine specific restrictions.


        if self.ref_ant is not None:
            self.slope_params -= self.slope_params[:, :, :, self.
                                                   ref_ant, :, :, :][:, :, :,
                                                                     newaxis, :, :, :]
        for idir in self.fix_directions:
            self.slope_params[idir, ...] = 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def precompute_attributes(self, data_arr, model_arr, flags_arr,
        Precompute (J\ :sup:`H`\J)\ :sup:`-1`, which does not vary with iteration.

            model_arr (np.ndarray):
                Shape (n_dir, n_mod, n_tim, n_fre, n_ant, n_ant, n_cor, n_cor) array containing 
                model visibilities.
        ParameterisedGains.precompute_attributes(self, data_arr, model_arr,
                                                 flags_arr, inv_var_chan)

        jhj1_shape = [self.n_dir, self.n_tim, self.n_fre, self.n_ant, 2, 2]

        jhj1 = self.slope.allocate_gain_array(jhj1_shape,

        # use appropriate phase-only kernel (with 1,1 intervals) to compute inner JHJ
        self.kernel_solve.compute_jhj(model_arr, jhj1, 1, 1)

        blocks_per_inverse = 6 if self.slope_type == "tf-plane" else 3

        jhj_shape = [
            self.n_dir, self.n_timint, self.n_freint, self.n_ant,
            blocks_per_inverse, 2, 2

        jhj = self.slope.allocate_param_array(jhj_shape,

        self.slope.compute_jhj(jhj1.real, jhj, self.chunk_ts, self.chunk_fs,
                               self.t_int, self.f_int)

        self.jhjinv = np.zeros_like(jhj)

        self.slope.compute_jhjinv(jhj, self.jhjinv, self.eps)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def exportable_solutions():
        """ Returns a dictionary of exportable solutions for this machine type. """

        exportables = ParameterisedGains.exportable_solutions()

            "phase": (0., ("dir", "time", "freq", "ant", "corr")),
            "delay": (0., ("dir", "time", "freq", "ant", "corr")),
            "rate": (0., ("dir", "time", "freq", "ant", "corr")),
            "phase.err": (0., ("dir", "time", "freq", "ant", "corr")),
            "delay.err": (0., ("dir", "time", "freq", "ant", "corr")),
            "rate.err": (0., ("dir", "time", "freq", "ant", "corr")),

        return exportables
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def export_solutions(self):
        """ Saves the solutions to a dict of {label: solutions,grids} items. """

        solutions = ParameterisedGains.export_solutions(self)

        for label, num in self._labels.iteritems():
            solutions[label] = masked_array(
                self.slope_params[..., num, (0, 1),
                                  (0, 1)]), self.interval_grid
            if self.posterior_slope_error is not None:
                solutions[label + ".err"] = masked_array(
                                               num, :]), self.interval_grid

        return solutions
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def export_solutions(self):
        """ Saves the solutions to a dict of {label: solutions,grids} items. """

        solutions = ParameterisedGains.export_solutions(self)

        for label, num in self._labels.items():
            solutions[label] = masked_array(
                self.slope_params[..., num, (0, 1),
                                  (0, 1)]), self.interval_grid
            if self.posterior_slope_error is not None:
                solutions[label + ".err"] = masked_array(
                                               num, :]), self.interval_grid

        with np.printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=100000, threshold=10000):
            log(1).print("{}: slope solutions are {}, {}".format(
                self.chunk_label, self.slope_params[..., :, :, 1, 0, 0],
                self.slope_params[..., :, :, 1, 1, 1]))

        return solutions
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, label, data_arr, ndir, nmod, chunk_ts, chunk_fs,
                 chunk_label, options):
        Initialises a diagonal phase-slope gain machine.

            label (str):
                Label identifying the Jones term.
            data_arr (np.ndarray):
                Shape (n_mod, n_tim, n_fre, n_ant, n_ant, n_cor, n_cor) array containing observed
            ndir (int):
                Number of directions.
            nmod (nmod):
                Number of models.
            chunk_ts (np.ndarray):
                Times for the data being processed.
            chunk_fs (np.ndarray):
                Frequencies for the data being processsed.
            options (dict):
                Dictionary of options.
        ParameterisedGains.__init__(self, label, data_arr, ndir, nmod,
                                    chunk_ts, chunk_fs, chunk_label, options)

        self.slope_type = options["type"]
        self.n_param = 3 if self.slope_type == "tf-plane" else 2
        self._estimate_delays = options["estimate-delays"]
        self._pin_slope_iters = options["pin-slope-iters"]

        if self._pin_slope_iters > self.maxiter:
            raise ValueError(
                "Slope pinning iterations is greater than the maximum "
                "number of iterations. Please check term-iters, max-iters "
                "and pin-slope-iters.")

        if (self.slope_type != "f-slope") and (self._pin_slope_iters != 0):
            raise ValueError(
                "Slope pinning is not supported for modes other than "
                "f-slope. Please ensure that pin-slope-iters is zero.")

        self.param_shape = [
            self.n_dir, self.n_timint, self.n_freint, self.n_ant, self.n_param,
            self.n_cor, self.n_cor

        # This needs to change - we want to initialise these slope params
        # from the fourier transform along the relevant axis.

        self.slope_params = np.zeros(self.param_shape, dtype=self.ftype)
        self.posterior_slope_error = None

        self.chunk_ts = _normalize(chunk_ts, self.ftype)
        self.chunk_fs = _normalize(chunk_fs, self.ftype)

        if self.slope_type == "tf-plane":
            self.slope = cubical.kernels.import_kernel("tf_plane")
            self._labels = dict(phase=0, delay=1, rate=2)
        elif self.slope_type == "f-slope":
            self.slope = cubical.kernels.import_kernel("f_slope")
            self._labels = dict(phase=0, delay=1)
            if self._estimate_delays:
                # Select all baselines containing the reference antenna.

                ref_ant_data = data_arr[:, :, :, self.ref_ant]

                # Average over time solution intervals. This should improve SNR,
                # but is not always necesssary.

                interval_data = np.add.reduceat(ref_ant_data, self.t_bins, 1)
                interval_smpl = np.add.reduceat(ref_ant_data != 0, self.t_bins,
                selection = np.where(interval_smpl)
                interval_data[selection] /= interval_smpl[selection]

                bad_bins = np.add.reduceat(interval_data, self.f_bins, 2)

                # FFT the data along the frequency axis. TODO: Need to consider
                # what happens if we solve for few delays across the band. As there
                # is no guarantee that the band will be perfectly split, this may
                # need to be a loop over frequency solution intervals.

                pad_factor = options["delay-estimate-pad-factor"]

                for i in range(self.n_freint):
                    edges = self.f_bins + [None]
                    slice_fs = self.chunk_fs[edges[i]:edges[i + 1]]

                    slice_data = interval_data[:, :, edges[i]:edges[i + 1]]

                    slice_nchan = slice_data.shape[2]

                    fft_data = np.abs(
                                   n=slice_nchan * pad_factor,
                    fft_data = np.fft.fftshift(fft_data, axes=2)

                    # Convert the normalised frequency values into delay values.

                    delta_freq = slice_fs[1] - slice_fs[0]
                    fft_freq = np.fft.fftfreq(slice_nchan * pad_factor,
                    fft_freq = np.fft.fftshift(fft_freq)

                    # Find the delay value at which the FFT of the data is
                    # maximised. As we do not pad the values, this only a rough
                    # approximation of the delay. We also reintroduce the
                    # frequency axis for consistency.

                    delay_est_ind = np.argmax(fft_data, axis=2)
                    delay_est_ind = np.expand_dims(delay_est_ind, axis=2)

                    delay_est = fft_freq[delay_est_ind]
                    delay_est[..., (0, 1), (1, 0)] = 0

                    # Check for bad data points (bls missing across all channels)
                    # and set their estimates to zero.

                    selection = np.where(bad_bins[:, :, i:i + 1] == 0)
                    delay_est[selection] = 0

                    # Zero the off diagonals and take the negative delay values -
                    # this is necessary as we technically get the delay
                    # corresponding to the conjugate term.

                    self.slope_params[..., i:i + 1, :,
                                      1, :, :] = -1 * delay_est
                    self.slope_params[..., (1, 0), (0, 1)] = 0

                    log(1).print("{}: slope estimates are {}, {}".format(
                        chunk_label, " ".join(
                            map(str, self.slope_params[..., i:i + 1, :, 1, 0,
                        " ".join(
                            map(str, self.slope_params[..., i:i + 1, :, 1, 1,

        elif self.slope_type == "t-slope":
            self.slope = cubical.kernels.import_kernel("t_slope")
            self._labels = dict(phase=0, rate=1)
            raise RuntimeError("unknown machine type '{}'".format(

        self.slope.construct_gains(self.slope_params, self.gains,
                                   self.chunk_ts, self.chunk_fs, self.t_int,

        # kernel used in solver is diag-diag in diag mode, else uses full kernel version
        if options.get('diag-data') or options.get('diag-only'):
            self.kernel_solve = cubical.kernels.import_kernel(
            self.kernel_solve = cubical.kernels.import_kernel('phase_only')

        self._jhr0 = self._gerr = None