def free_write(self, freename):  #freename = None):
     """ Write free surface on file : freename """
         'set info off')  # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off')  # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off')  # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     # if not freename: freename = self.freename
     freeedge = open(freename, 'w')
     print 'Writing ' + freename + '.....'
     if self.topo_mesh:
         for block, flag in zip(self.block_bc,
                                self.block_bc_flag):  # For each 1D block
             if block == self.topography:  # If the block correspond to topography
                 edges_all = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(
                     block))  # Import all topo edges id as a Set
         freeedge.write('%10i\n' % len(edges_all)
                        )  # Print the number of edges on the free surface
         print 'Number of edges in free surface :', len(edges_all)
         id_element = 0
         for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat,
                                self.block_flag):  # For each 2D block
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block)  # Import quads id
             for quad in quads:  # For each quad
                 id_element = id_element + 1  # id of this quad
                 edges = Set(
                     cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)
                 )  # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
                 intersection = edges & edges_all  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the free surface
                 if len(intersection
                        ) != 0:  # If this quad touch the free surface
                     nodes = cubit.get_expanded_connectivity(
                         quad)  # Import the nodes describing the quad
                     nodes = self.jac_check(
                         list(nodes))  # Check the jacobian of the quad
                     for e in intersection:  # For each edge on the free surface
                         node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity(
                             e)  # Import the nodes describing the edge
                         nodes_ok = []
                         for i in nodes:  # ??? TODO nodes_ok == node_edge ???
                             if i in node_edge:
                         txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (
                             id_element, 2, nodes_ok[0], nodes_ok[1])
                         # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), and the nodes
         )  # Even without any free surface specfem2d need a file with a 0 in first line
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on')  # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on')  # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def forcing_write(self,forcname):
     """ Write forcing surfaces on file : forcname """
     cubit.cmd('set info off') # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off') # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off') # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     forceedge = open(forcname,'w')
     print 'Writing '+forcname+'.....'
     edges_forc = [Set()]*self.nforc # edges_forc[0] will be a Set containing the nodes describing the forcing boundary
     # (index 0 : bottom, index 1 : right, index 2 : top, index 3 : left)
     nedges_all = 0 # To count the total number of forcing edges
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag): # For each 1D block
         for iforc in range(0, self.nforc): # iforc = 0,1,2,3 : for each forcing boundaries
             if block == self.forcing_boun[iforc]: # If the block considered correspond to the boundary
                 edges_forc[iforc] = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(block)) # Store each edge on edges_forc
                 nedges_all = nedges_all+len(edges_forc[iforc]) # add the number of edges to nedges_all
     toWritetoFile = [""]*(nedges_all+1)
     toWritetoFile[0] = '%10i\n' % nedges_all # Write the total number of forcing edges to the first line of file
     #forceedge.write('%10i\n' % nedges_all) # Write the total number of forcing edges to the first line of file
     print 'Number of edges', nedges_all
     #id_element = 0
     indexFile = 1
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # For each 2D block
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads id
             for quad in quads: # For each quad
                 #id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
                 edges = Set(cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)) # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
                 for iforc in range(0,self.nforc): # iforc = 0,1,2,3 : for each forcing boundaries
                     intersection = edges & edges_forc[iforc]  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the forcing boundary considered
                     if len(intersection) != 0: # If this quad touch the forcing boundary considered
                         nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('face',quad) # Import the nodes describing the quad
                         nodes = self.jac_check(list(nodes)) # Check the jacobian of the quad
                         for e in intersection: # For each edge on the forcing boundary considered
                             node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',e) # Import the nodes describing the edge
                             nodes_ok = []
                             for i in nodes: # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                                 if i in node_edge: # If this node is belonging to forcing surface
                                     nodes_ok.append(i) # add it to nodes_ok
                             # forcname contains 1/ element number, 2/ number of nodes that form the acoustic forcing edge
                             # (which currently must always be equal to two, see comment below),
                             # 3/ first node on the acforcing surface, 4/ second node on the acforcing surface
                             # 5/ 1 = IBOTTOME, 2 = IRIGHT, 3 = ITOP, 4 = ILEFT
                             #txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],iforc+1)
                             txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (quad,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],iforc+1)
                             # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), the nodes and the type of boundary
                             #print indexFile
                             toWritetoFile[indexFile] = txt
                             indexFile = indexFile + 1
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on') # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on') # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def axis_write(self, axis_name):
     """ Write axis on file """
         'set info off')  # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off')  # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off')  # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     axisedge = open(axis_name, 'w')
     print 'Writing ' + axis_name + '.....'
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_bc,
                            self.block_bc_flag):  # For each 1D block
         if block == self.axisId:  # If the block correspond to the axis
             edges_all = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(
                 block))  # Import all axis edges id as a Set
     toWritetoFile = [""] * (len(edges_all) + 1)
     toWritetoFile[0] = '%10i\n' % len(
         edges_all)  # Write the number of edges on the axis
     #axisedge.write('%10i\n' % len(edges_all)) # Write the number of edges on the axis
     print 'Number of edges on the axis :', len(edges_all)
     #id_element = 0
     indexFile = 1
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat,
                            self.block_flag):  # For each 2D block
         quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block)  # Import quads id
         for quad in quads:  # For each quad
             #id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
             edges = Set(
                 cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)
             )  # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
             # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
             intersection = edges & edges_all  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that are on the axis
             if len(intersection) != 0:  # If this quad touch the axis
                 nodes = cubit.get_connectivity(
                     'face', quad)  # Import the nodes describing the quad
                 nodes = self.jac_check(
                     list(nodes))  # Check the jacobian of the quad
                 for e in intersection:  # For each edge on the axis
                     node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity(
                         'edge', e)  # Import the nodes describing the edge
                     nodes_ok = []
                     for i in nodes:  # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                         if i in node_edge:  # If this node is belonging to the axis
                             nodes_ok.append(i)  # Add it to nodes_ok
                     txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (quad, 2, nodes_ok[0],
                     #txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1])
                     # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), the nodes
                     toWritetoFile[indexFile] = txt
                     indexFile = indexFile + 1
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on')  # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on')  # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def abs_write(self,absname):
     """ Write absorbing surfaces on file : absname """
     cubit.cmd('set info off') # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off') # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off') # Do not save journal file.
     from sets import Set
     # if not absname: absname = self.absname
     absedge = open(absname,'w')
     print 'Writing '+absname+'.....'
     edges_abs = [Set()]*self.nabs # edges_abs[0] will be a Set containing the nodes describing bottom adsorbing boundary
     # (index 0 : bottom, index 1 : right, index 2 : top, index 3 : left)
     nedges_all = 0 # To count the total number of absorbing edges
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag): # For each 1D block
         for iabs in range(0, self.nabs): # iabs = 0,1,2,3 : for each absorbing boundaries
             if block == self.abs_boun[iabs]: # If the block considered correspond to the boundary
                 edges_abs[iabs] = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(block)) # Store each edge on edges_abs
                 nedges_all = nedges_all+len(edges_abs[iabs]); # add the number of edges to nedges_all
     toWritetoFile = [""]*(nedges_all+1)
     toWritetoFile[0] = '%10i\n' % nedges_all # Write the total number of absorbing edges to the first line of file
     #absedge.write('%10i\n' % nedges_all) # Write the total number of absorbing edges to the first line of file
     print 'Number of edges', nedges_all
     #id_element = 0
     indexFile = 1
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # For each 2D block
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads id
             for quad in quads: # For each quad
                 #id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
                 edges = Set(cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)) # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
                 for iabs in range(0,self.nabs): # iabs = 0,1,2,3 : for each absorbing boundaries
                     intersection = edges & edges_abs[iabs]  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the absorbing boundary considered
                     if len(intersection) != 0: # If this quad touch the absorbing boundary considered
                         nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('face',quad) # Import the nodes describing the quad
                         nodes = self.jac_check(list(nodes)) # Check the jacobian of the quad
                         for e in intersection: # For each edge on the absorbing boundary considered
                             node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',e) # Import the nodes describing the edge
                             nodes_ok = []
                             for i in nodes: # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                                 if i in node_edge: # If this node is belonging to absorbing surface
                                     nodes_ok.append(i) # Add it to nodes_ok
                             #txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],iabs+1)
                             txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (quad,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],iabs+1)
                             # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), the nodes and the type of boundary
                             toWritetoFile[indexFile] = txt
                             indexFile = indexFile + 1
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on') # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on') # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def free_write(self,freename): #freename = None):
     """ Write free surface on file : freename """
     cubit.cmd('set info off') # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off') # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off') # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     # if not freename: freename = self.freename
     freeedge = open(freename,'w')
     print 'Writing '+freename+'.....'
     if self.topo_mesh:
         for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag): # For each 1D block
             if block == self.topography: # If the block correspond to topography
                 edges_all = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(block)) # Import all topo edges id as a Set
         toWritetoFile = [] #[""]*(len(edges_all)+1)
         toWritetoFile.append('%10i\n' % len(edges_all)) # Print the number of edges on the free surface
         for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # For each 2D block
             print block,flag
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads id
             for quad in quads: # For each quad
                 edges = Set(cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)) # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
                 intersection = edges & edges_all # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the free surface
                 if len(intersection) != 0: # If this quad touch the free surface
                     #print "  ",quad," -> this quad touch the free surface!"
                     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('face',quad) # Import the nodes describing the quad
                     #print "    it is described by nodes:",nodes," and edges :",edges
                     #print "      edges:",intersection," is/are on the free surface"
                     nodes = self.jac_check(list(nodes)) # Check the jacobian of the quad
                     for e in intersection: # For each edge on the free surface
                         node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',e) # Import the nodes describing the edge
                         #print "      edge",e,"is composed of nodes",node_edge
                         nodes_ok = []
                         for i in nodes: # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                             if i in node_edge: # If this node is belonging to the free surface
                                 nodes_ok.append(i) # Put it in nodes_ok
                         #print "    nodes:",nodes_ok,"belong to free surface"
                         txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (quad,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1])
                         # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), and the nodes
         freeedge.write('0') # Even without any free surface specfem2d need a file with a 0 in first line
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on') # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on') # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def abs_write(self,absname): #absname=None):
     """ Write absorbing surfaces on file : absname """ 
     cubit.cmd('set info off') # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off') # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off') # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     # if not absname: absname = self.absname
     absedge = open(absname,'w')
     print 'Writing '+absname+'.....'
     edges_abs = [Set()]*self.nabs # edges_abs[0] will be a Set containing the nodes describing bottom adsorbing boundary 
     # (index 0 : bottom, index 1 : right, index 2 : top, index 3 : left)
     nedges_all = 0 # To count the total number of absorbing edges 
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag): # For each 1D block
         for iabs in range(0, self.nabs): # iabs = 0,1,2,3 : for each absorbing boundaries
             if block == self.abs_boun[iabs]: # If the block considered correspond to the boundary
                 edges_abs[iabs] = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(block)) # Store each edge on edges_abs
                 nedges_all = nedges_all+len(edges_abs[iabs]); # add the number of edges to nedges_all
     absedge.write('%10i\n' % nedges_all) # Write the total number of absorbing edges to the first line of file
     print 'Number of edges', nedges_all
     id_element  = 0
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # For each 2D block
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads id
             for quad in quads: # For each quad
                 id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
                 edges = Set(cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)) # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities. 
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set 
                 for iabs in range(0,self.nabs): # iabs = 0,1,2,3 : for each absorbing boundaries
                     intersection = edges & edges_abs[iabs]  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the absorbing boundary considered
                     if len(intersection) != 0: # If this quad touch the absorbing boundary considered
                         nodes = cubit.get_expanded_connectivity('face',quad) # Import the nodes describing the quad
                         nodes = self.jac_check(list(nodes)) # Check the jacobian of the quad
                         for e in intersection: # For each edge on the absorbing boundary considered
                             node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',e) # Import the nodes describing the edge
                             nodes_ok = []
                             for i in nodes: # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                                 if i in node_edge: # If this node is belonging to absorbing surface
                                     nodes_ok.append(i) # Add it to nodes_ok
                             txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],iabs+1)
                             # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), the nodes and the type of boundary 
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on') # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on') # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def axis_write(self,axis_name):
     """ Write axis on file """
     cubit.cmd('set info off') # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off') # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off') # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     axisedge = open(axis_name,'w')
     print 'Writing '+axis_name+'.....'
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag): # For each 1D block
         if block == self.axisId: # If the block correspond to the axis
             edges_all = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(block)) # Import all axis edges id as a Set
     toWritetoFile = [""]*(len(edges_all)+1)
     toWritetoFile[0] = '%10i\n' % len(edges_all) # Write the number of edges on the axis
     #axisedge.write('%10i\n' % len(edges_all)) # Write the number of edges on the axis
     print 'Number of edges on the axis :',len(edges_all)
     #id_element = 0
     indexFile = 1
     for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # For each 2D block
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads id
             for quad in quads: # For each quad
                 #id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
                 edges = Set(cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)) # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
                 intersection = edges & edges_all # Contains the edges of the considered quad that are on the axis
                 if len(intersection) != 0: # If this quad touch the axis
                     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity('face',quad) # Import the nodes describing the quad
                     nodes = self.jac_check(list(nodes)) # Check the jacobian of the quad
                     for e in intersection: # For each edge on the axis
                         node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',e) # Import the nodes describing the edge
                         nodes_ok = []
                         for i in nodes: # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                             if i in node_edge: # If this node is belonging to the axis
                                 nodes_ok.append(i) # Add it to nodes_ok
                         txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (quad,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1])
                         #txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1])
                         # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), the nodes
                         toWritetoFile[indexFile] = txt
                         indexFile = indexFile + 1
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on') # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on') # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
 def free_write(self,freename): #freename = None):
     """ Write free surface on file : freename """ 
     cubit.cmd('set info off') # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off') # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off') # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     # if not freename: freename = self.freename
     freeedge = open(freename,'w')
     print 'Writing '+freename+'.....'
     if self.topo_mesh:
         for block,flag in zip(self.block_bc,self.block_bc_flag): # For each 1D block
             if block == self.topography: # If the block correspond to topography
                 edges_all = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(block)) # Import all topo edges id as a Set
         freeedge.write('%10i\n' % len(edges_all)) # Print the number of edges on the free surface
         print 'Number of edges in free surface :',len(edges_all)
         for block,flag in zip(self.block_mat,self.block_flag): # For each 2D block
                 quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block) # Import quads id
                 for quad in quads: # For each quad
                     id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
                     edges = Set(cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)) # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities. 
                     # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set 
                     intersection = edges & edges_all # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the free surface
                     if len(intersection) != 0: # If this quad touch the free surface
                         nodes = cubit.get_expanded_connectivity('face',quad) # Import the nodes describing the quad
                         nodes = self.jac_check(list(nodes)) # Check the jacobian of the quad
                         for e in intersection: # For each edge on the free surface
                             node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity('edge',e) # Import the nodes describing the edge
                             nodes_ok = []
                             for i in nodes: # ??? TODO nodes_ok == node_edge ???
                                 if i in node_edge:
                             txt='%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1]) 
                             # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), and the nodes
         freeedge.write('0') # Even without any free surface specfem2d need a file with a 0 in first line
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on') # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on') # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def forcing_write(self, forcname):
     """ Write forcing surfaces on file : forcname """
         'set info off')  # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off')  # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off')  # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     forceedge = open(forcname, 'w')
     print 'Writing ' + forcname + '.....'
     edges_forc = [
     ] * self.nforc  # edges_forc[0] will be a Set containing the nodes describing the forcing boundary
     # (index 0 : bottom, index 1 : right, index 2 : top, index 3 : left)
     nedges_all = 0  # To count the total number of forcing edges
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_bc,
                            self.block_bc_flag):  # For each 1D block
         for iforc in range(
                 0, self.nforc
         ):  # iforc = 0,1,2,3 : for each forcing boundaries
             if block == self.forcing_boun[
                     iforc]:  # If the block considered correspond to the boundary
                 edges_forc[iforc] = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(
                     block))  # Store each edge on edges_forc
                 nedges_all = nedges_all + len(
                 )  # add the number of edges to nedges_all
     toWritetoFile = [""] * (nedges_all + 1)
         0] = '%10i\n' % nedges_all  # Write the total number of forcing edges to the first line of file
     #forceedge.write('%10i\n' % nedges_all) # Write the total number of forcing edges to the first line of file
     print 'Number of edges', nedges_all
     #id_element = 0
     indexFile = 1
     for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat,
                            self.block_flag):  # For each 2D block
         quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block)  # Import quads id
         for quad in quads:  # For each quad
             #id_element = id_element+1 # id of this quad
             edges = Set(
                 cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)
             )  # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
             # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
             for iforc in range(
                     0, self.nforc
             ):  # iforc = 0,1,2,3 : for each forcing boundaries
                 intersection = edges & edges_forc[
                     iforc]  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the forcing boundary considered
                 if len(
                 ) != 0:  # If this quad touch the forcing boundary considered
                     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity(
                         quad)  # Import the nodes describing the quad
                     nodes = self.jac_check(
                         list(nodes))  # Check the jacobian of the quad
                     for e in intersection:  # For each edge on the forcing boundary considered
                         node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity(
                             e)  # Import the nodes describing the edge
                         nodes_ok = []
                         for i in nodes:  # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                             if i in node_edge:  # If this node is belonging to forcing surface
                                 nodes_ok.append(i)  # add it to nodes_ok
                         # forcname contains 1/ element number, 2/ number of nodes that form the acoustic forcing edge
                         # (which currently must always be equal to two, see comment below),
                         # 3/ first node on the acforcing surface, 4/ second node on the acforcing surface
                         # 5/ 1 = IBOTTOME, 2 = IRIGHT, 3 = ITOP, 4 = ILEFT
                         #txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (id_element,2,nodes_ok[0],nodes_ok[1],iforc+1)
                         txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (
                             quad, 2, nodes_ok[0], nodes_ok[1], iforc + 1)
                         # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), the nodes and the type of boundary
                         #print indexFile
                         toWritetoFile[indexFile] = txt
                         indexFile = indexFile + 1
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on')  # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on')  # Turn on echo of Cubit commands
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def free_write(self, freename):  #freename = None):
     """ Write free surface on file : freename """
         'set info off')  # Turn off return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo off')  # Turn off echo of Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set journal off')  # Do not save journal file
     from sets import Set
     # if not freename: freename = self.freename
     freeedge = open(freename, 'w')
     print 'Writing ' + freename + '.....'
     if self.topo_mesh:
         for block, flag in zip(self.block_bc,
                                self.block_bc_flag):  # For each 1D block
             if block == self.topography:  # If the block correspond to topography
                 edges_all = Set(cubit.get_block_edges(
                     block))  # Import all topo edges id as a Set
         toWritetoFile = []  #[""]*(len(edges_all)+1)
             '%10i\n' % len(edges_all)
         )  # Print the number of edges on the free surface
         for block, flag in zip(self.block_mat,
                                self.block_flag):  # For each 2D block
             print block, flag
             quads = cubit.get_block_faces(block)  # Import quads id
             for quad in quads:  # For each quad
                 edges = Set(
                     cubit.get_sub_elements("face", quad, 1)
                 )  # Get the lower dimension entities associated with a higher dimension entities.
                 # Here it gets the 1D edges associates with the face of id "quad". Store it as a Set
                 intersection = edges & edges_all  # Contains the edges of the considered quad that is on the free surface
                 if len(intersection
                        ) != 0:  # If this quad touch the free surface
                     #print "  ",quad," -> this quad touch the free surface!"
                     nodes = cubit.get_connectivity(
                         quad)  # Import the nodes describing the quad
                     #print "    it is described by nodes:",nodes," and edges :",edges
                     #print "      edges:",intersection," is/are on the free surface"
                     nodes = self.jac_check(
                         list(nodes))  # Check the jacobian of the quad
                     for e in intersection:  # For each edge on the free surface
                         node_edge = cubit.get_connectivity(
                             e)  # Import the nodes describing the edge
                         #print "      edge",e,"is composed of nodes",node_edge
                         nodes_ok = []
                         for i in nodes:  # Loop on the nodes of the quad
                             if i in node_edge:  # If this node is belonging to the free surface
                                 nodes_ok.append(i)  # Put it in nodes_ok
                         #print "    nodes:",nodes_ok,"belong to free surface"
                         txt = '%10i %10i %10i %10i\n' % (
                             quad, 2, nodes_ok[0], nodes_ok[1])
                         # Write the id of the quad, 2 (number of nodes describing a free surface elements), and the nodes
         )  # Even without any free surface specfem2d need a file with a 0 in first line
     print 'Ok'
     cubit.cmd('set info on')  # Turn on return messages from Cubit commands
     cubit.cmd('set echo on')  # Turn on echo of Cubit commands