Ejemplo n.º 1
 def testAttribs(self):
     tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
         dir1_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'dir1')
         file1_path = os.path.join(dir1_path, 'file1')
         cuisine.file_write(file1_path, 'test', mode='666')
         cuisine.dir_attribs(tmpdir, mode=755, recursive=True)
         attribs = cuisine.file_attribs_get(dir1_path)
         self.assertEqual(attribs.get('mode'), '755')
         cuisine.dir_remove(tmpdir, recursive=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def post_build(self):
        with mode_sudo():
            # Sets up a new RabbitMQ user and deletes the default guest user
            with warn_only():
                sudo('rabbitmqctl delete_user user')
                sudo('rabbitmqctl delete_user guest')
            sudo('rabbitmqctl add_user user password')
            sudo("rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / user '.*' '.*' '.*'")

            # Updates PYTHONPATH and performs a south migration - to include djceelry module
            path_1 = ':/var/django/project'
            sudo('export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH'+path_1)
            if self.site.run_sync_db:
                sudo('cd /var/django/project/ && python manage.py migrate')

            # Celery/Celerybeat Setup

            # Creates and setups up the celery folder for logs and PID files
            # sets the owner as www-data.
            sudo('cd /home/ && mkdir -p celery')
            dir_attribs('/home/celery/', owner='www-data', recursive=True)

            # Set permissions so only www-data can access this folder and its
            # contents.
            sudo('chmod 700 -R /home/celery/')

            # Copy over the daemon and configuration files to the appropriate directories.
            # Make the daemon files executable.
            put('celeryd.init', '/etc/init.d/', use_sudo=True)
            put('celerybeat.init', '/etc/init.d/', use_sudo=True)
            put('celeryd.default', '/etc/default/', use_sudo=True)
            put('celerybeat.default', '/etc/default/', use_sudo=True)
            sudo('cd /etc/init.d/ && mv celeryd.init celeryd && mv celerybeat.init celerybeat')
                'cd /etc/default/ && mv celeryd.default celeryd && '
                'mv celerybeat.default celerybeat'
            sudo('chmod +x /etc/init.d/celeryd')
            sudo('chmod +x /etc/init.d/celerybeat')

            # Start the celeryd daemon with celerybeat (-B).
            sudo('service celeryd start -B')

            # Sets celeryd service to auto start and auto stop on startup/shutdown
            # respectively.
            sudo('update-rc.d celeryd defaults 99 01')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def utils_ssl_cert_install():
    Create the ssl directory, upload the certs and create a combined cert
    source_dir = prompt("ssl key file directory")
    dest_dir = "/svr/ssl"
    source_file_list = local("ls {}".format(source_dir), capture=True).split("\n")

    cmd_crt_comb = "cat {dest_dir}/{site_name}.crt {}/geo_trust_intermediate.crt > {dest_dir}/{site_name}.crt"
    with cuisine.mode_sudo():

        cuisine.dir_ensure("/svr/ssl/", recursive=True)
        cuisine.dir_attribs(dest_dir, mode="0400")
        for fl in source_file_list:
            cuisine.file_upload(dest_dir, "{}/{}".format(source_dir, fl))
            cuisine.file_attribs("{}/{}".format(dest_dir, fl), mode="0400")

        sudo(cmd_crt_comb.format(dest_dir=dest_dir, site_name=env.site_name))