Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_config_class_valid():
    """Should return the config. Multiple Config with the same path should return the same object."""
    config_file = get_fixture_path(os.path.join('config', 'valid', 'config.yaml'))
    config1 = cumin.Config(config=config_file)
    assert 'log_file' in config1
    config2 = cumin.Config(config=config_file)
    assert config1 is config2
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_config_class_valid_with_aliases():
    """Should return the config including the aliases."""
    config = cumin.Config(config=get_fixture_path(os.path.join('config', 'valid_with_aliases', 'config.yaml')))
    assert 'log_file' in config
    assert 'aliases' in config
    assert 'role1' in config['aliases']
    assert config['aliases']['role1'] == 'P{R:Class = Role::Role1}'
    assert 'group1' in config['aliases']
    assert config['aliases']['group1'] == 'D{host10[10-22].example.org}'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_all_hosts(projects):
    Return the Cumin query with the list of projects that have NFS configured
    :param projects: set of projects to gather hosts for
    :return String
    config = cumin.Config()
    projects_q = ["O{{project:{}}}".format(project) for project in projects]
    cumin_query = "({})".format(" or ".join(projects_q))
    return query.Query(config).execute(cumin_query)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main(argv=None):
    """CLI entry point. Execute commands on hosts according to arguments.

        argv: the list of command line arguments to use. If not specified it will be automatically taken from sys.argv
            [optional, default: None]

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)

    # Setup
        args = parse_args(argv)
        user = get_running_user()
        config = cumin.Config(args.config)
        setup_logging(config['log_file'], debug=args.debug, trace=args.trace)
    except cumin.CuminError as e:
        return 2
    except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        stderr('Caught {name} exception: {msg}'.format(
            name=e.__class__.__name__, msg=e))
        return 3

    # Override config with command line arguments
    if args.backend is not None:
        config['default_backend'] = args.backend
    if args.transport is not None:
        config['transport'] = args.transport

    logger.info("Cumin called by user '%s' with args: %s", user, args)

    # Execution
        exit_code = run(args, config)
    except KeyboardInterruptError:
        stderr('Execution interrupted by Ctrl+c/SIGINT/Aborted')
        exit_code = 98
    except Exception as e:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        stderr('Caught {name} exception: {msg}'.format(
            name=e.__class__.__name__, msg=e))
        logger.exception('Failed to execute')
        exit_code = 99

    return exit_code
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_all_hosts(share):
    Return the Cumin query with the list of projects that have NFS configured
    :param share: NFS Share to filter for
    :return String
    config = cumin.Config()

    with open(NFS_MOUNT_FILE, 'r') as f:
        nfs_config = yaml.safe_load(f)

    projects = []

    for project, mounts in nfs_config['private'].items():
        if share == 'all' or share in mounts['mounts']:
            projects.append('O{project:%s}' % project)

    cumin_query = '({})'.format(' or '.join(projects))
    return query.Query(config).execute(cumin_query)
Ejemplo n.º 6
PHAB_COMMENT_PRE = ('Script wmf-auto-reimage was launched by {user} on '
                    '{hostname} for hosts:\n```\n{hosts}\n```\n'
                    'The log can be found in `{log}`.')
PHAB_COMMENT_POST = 'Completed auto-reimage of hosts:\n```\n{hosts}\n```\n'
PHAB_COMMENT_POST_SUCCESS = 'and were **ALL** successful.\n'
PHAB_COMMENT_POST_FAILED = 'Of which those **FAILED**:\n```\n{failed}\n```\n'

WATCHER_LONG_SLEEP = 60  # Seconds to sleep between loops after the threshold
WATCHER_LOG_LOOPS = 5  # Log progress after this number of long sleep loops

PHAB_TASK_PATTERN = re.compile('^T[0-9]+$')
HOSTS_PATTERN = re.compile('^[a-z0-9.-]+$')

logger = logging.getLogger('wmf-auto-reimage')
cumin_config = cumin.Config()
cumin_config_installer = cumin.Config('/etc/cumin/config-installer.yaml')
safe_stdout = sys.stdout

# Temporarily borrowed code from switchdc until we move the reimage functionality into
# the spin-off from switchdc.
class Confctl(object):
    """Get and set conftool object values."""
    def __init__(self,
        self._schema = loader.Schema.from_file(schema)
        self.entity = self._schema.entities[obj_type]
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def config(self):
        if not self._config:
            self._config = cumin.Config()

        return self._config
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_config_class_invalid_aliases():
    """A CuminError is raised if one of the backend aliases is invalid."""
    with pytest.raises(cumin.CuminError, match='Unable to parse configuration file'):
        cumin.Config(config=get_fixture_path(os.path.join('config', 'valid_with_invalid_aliases', 'config.yaml')))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_config_class_empty_aliases():
    """The configuration is loaded also if the aliases file is empty."""
    config = cumin.Config(config=get_fixture_path(os.path.join('config', 'valid_with_empty_aliases', 'config.yaml')))
    assert 'log_file' in config
    assert 'aliases' in config
    assert config['aliases'] == {}
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_config_class_invalid():
    """A CuminError is raised if the configuration cannot be parsed."""
    with pytest.raises(cumin.CuminError, match='Unable to parse configuration file'):
        cumin.Config(config=get_fixture_path(os.path.join('config', 'invalid', 'config.yaml')))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_config_class_empty():
    """An empty dictionary is returned if the configuration is empty."""
    config = cumin.Config(config=get_fixture_path(os.path.join('config', 'empty', 'config.yaml')))
    assert config == {}