Ejemplo n.º 1
def _tensordot_core(a, b, out, n, m, k, ret_shape):
    ret_dtype = a.dtype.char
    if ret_dtype != b.dtype.char:
        ret_dtype = numpy.find_common_type((ret_dtype, b.dtype), ()).char

    # Cast to float32 or float64
    if ret_dtype == 'f' or ret_dtype == 'd':
        dtype = ret_dtype
        dtype = numpy.find_common_type((ret_dtype, 'f'), ()).char

    a = a.astype(dtype, copy=False)
    b = b.astype(dtype, copy=False)

    if not a.size or not b.size:
        if a.size or b.size:
            raise ValueError('cannot dot zero-sized and non-zero-sized arrays')
        if out is None:
            return cupy.zeros(ret_shape, dtype=ret_dtype)
            return out

    if out is None:
        out = cupy.empty(ret_shape, dtype)
        if dtype == ret_dtype:
            ret = out
            ret = cupy.empty(ret_shape, ret_dtype)
        ret = out
        if out.dtype != dtype:
            out = cupy.empty(ret_shape, dtype)

    # It copies the operands if needed
    if a.shape != (k, n):
        a = cupy.reshape(a, (k, n))
    if b.shape != (k, m):
        b = cupy.reshape(b, (k, m))
    c = out
    if c.shape != (n, m):
        c = c.view()
        c.shape = (n, m)

    # Be careful that cuBLAS uses the FORTRAN-order matrix representation.
    if k == 1:
        if n == 1:
            # Scalar-vector product
            cupy.multiply(a, b, c)
        elif m == 1:
            # Scalar-vector product
            cupy.multiply(a.T, b, c)
            # Outer product A^T * B
            # c is C-contiguous while cuBLAS requires F-contiguous arrays, so
            # we compute C^T = B^T * A here.
            handle = cuda.Device().cublas_handle
            a, inca = _to_cublas_vector(a, 1)
            b, incb = _to_cublas_vector(b, 1)
            if dtype == 'f':
                ger = cublas.sger
            elif dtype == 'd':
                ger = cublas.dger
            ger(handle, m, n, 1, b.data.ptr, incb, a.data.ptr, inca,
                c.data.ptr, m)

        if dtype != ret_dtype:
            elementwise.copy(out, ret)
        return ret

    handle = cuda.Device().cublas_handle
    if n == 1:
        if m == 1:
            # Inner product
            a, inca = _to_cublas_vector(a, 0)
            b, incb = _to_cublas_vector(b, 0)
            mode = cublas.getPointerMode(handle)
            cublas.setPointerMode(handle, cublas.CUBLAS_POINTER_MODE_DEVICE)
            if dtype == 'f':
                dot = cublas.sdot
            elif dtype == 'd':
                dot = cublas.ddot
                dot(handle, k, a.data.ptr, inca, b.data.ptr, incb, c.data.ptr)
                cublas.setPointerMode(handle, mode)
            # Matrix-vector product B^T * A
            a, inca = _to_cublas_vector(a, 0)
            b, transb, ldb = _mat_to_cublas_contiguous(b, 1)
            if transb:
                # gemv requires (m, k) as the original matrix dimensions
                # rather than the transposed dimensions.
                m, k = k, m
            if dtype == 'f':
                gemv = cublas.sgemv
            elif dtype == 'd':
                gemv = cublas.dgemv
            gemv(handle, transb, m, k, 1, b.data.ptr, ldb, a.data.ptr, inca, 0,
                 c.data.ptr, 1)
    elif m == 1:
        # Matrix-vector product A^T * B
        a, transa, lda = _mat_to_cublas_contiguous(a, 1)
        b, incb = _to_cublas_vector(b, 0)
        if transa:
            # gemv requires (n, k) as the original matrix dimensions rather
            # than the transposed dimensions.
            n, k = k, n
        if dtype == 'f':
            gemv = cublas.sgemv
        elif dtype == 'd':
            gemv = cublas.dgemv
        gemv(handle, transa, n, k, 1, a.data.ptr, lda, b.data.ptr, incb, 0,
             c.data.ptr, 1)
        # Matrix-Matrix product A^T * B
        # c is C-contiguous while cuBLAS assumes F-contiguous inputs, so we
        # compute C^T = B^T * A here.
        a, transa, lda = _mat_to_cublas_contiguous(a, 0)
        b, transb, ldb = _mat_to_cublas_contiguous(b, 1)
        if dtype == 'f':
            gemm = cublas.sgemm
        elif dtype == 'd':
            gemm = cublas.dgemm
        gemm(handle, transb, transa, m, n, k, 1, b.data.ptr, ldb, a.data.ptr,
             lda, 0, c.data.ptr, m)

    if dtype != ret_dtype:
        elementwise.copy(out, ret)
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _tensordot_core(a, b, out, n, m, k, ret_shape):
    ret_dtype = a.dtype.char
    if ret_dtype != b.dtype.char:
        ret_dtype = numpy.find_common_type((ret_dtype, b.dtype), ()).char

    # Cast to float32 or float64
    if ret_dtype == 'f' or ret_dtype == 'd':
        dtype = ret_dtype
        dtype = numpy.find_common_type((ret_dtype, 'f'), ()).char

    a = a.astype(dtype, copy=False)
    b = b.astype(dtype, copy=False)

    if not a.size or not b.size:
        if a.size or b.size:
            raise ValueError('cannot dot zero-sized and non-zero-sized arrays')
        if out is None:
            return cupy.zeros(ret_shape, dtype=ret_dtype)
            return out

    if out is None:
        out = cupy.empty(ret_shape, dtype)
        if dtype == ret_dtype:
            ret = out
            ret = cupy.empty(ret_shape, ret_dtype)
        ret = out
        if out.dtype != dtype:
            out = cupy.empty(ret_shape, dtype)

    # It copies the operands if needed
    if a.shape != (k, n):
        a = cupy.reshape(a, (k, n))
    if b.shape != (k, m):
        b = cupy.reshape(b, (k, m))
    c = out
    if c.shape != (n, m):
        c = c.view()
        c.shape = (n, m)

    # Be careful that cuBLAS uses the FORTRAN-order matrix representation.
    if k == 1:
        if n == 1:
            # Scalar-vector product
            cupy.multiply(a, b, c)
        elif m == 1:
            # Scalar-vector product
            cupy.multiply(a.T, b, c)
            # Outer product A^T * B
            # c is C-contiguous while cuBLAS requires F-contiguous arrays, so
            # we compute C^T = B^T * A here.
            handle = cuda.Device().cublas_handle
            a, inca = _to_cublas_vector(a, 1)
            b, incb = _to_cublas_vector(b, 1)
            if dtype == 'f':
                ger = cublas.sger
            elif dtype == 'd':
                ger = cublas.dger
            ger(handle, m, n, 1, b.data.ptr, incb, a.data.ptr, inca,
                c.data.ptr, m)

        if dtype != ret_dtype:
            elementwise.copy(out, ret)
        return ret

    handle = cuda.Device().cublas_handle
    if n == 1:
        if m == 1:
            # Inner product
            a, inca = _to_cublas_vector(a, 0)
            b, incb = _to_cublas_vector(b, 0)
            mode = cublas.getPointerMode(handle)
            if dtype == 'f':
                dot = cublas.sdot
            elif dtype == 'd':
                dot = cublas.ddot
                dot(handle, k, a.data.ptr, inca, b.data.ptr, incb, c.data.ptr)
                cublas.setPointerMode(handle, mode)
            # Matrix-vector product B^T * A
            a, inca = _to_cublas_vector(a, 0)
            b, transb, ldb = _mat_to_cublas_contiguous(b, 1)
            if transb:
                # gemv requires (m, k) as the original matrix dimensions
                # rather than the transposed dimensions.
                m, k = k, m
            if dtype == 'f':
                gemv = cublas.sgemv
            elif dtype == 'd':
                gemv = cublas.dgemv
            gemv(handle, transb, m, k, 1, b.data.ptr, ldb, a.data.ptr, inca,
                 0, c.data.ptr, 1)
    elif m == 1:
        # Matrix-vector product A^T * B
        a, transa, lda = _mat_to_cublas_contiguous(a, 1)
        b, incb = _to_cublas_vector(b, 0)
        if transa:
            # gemv requires (n, k) as the original matrix dimensions rather
            # than the transposed dimensions.
            n, k = k, n
        if dtype == 'f':
            gemv = cublas.sgemv
        elif dtype == 'd':
            gemv = cublas.dgemv
        gemv(handle, transa, n, k, 1, a.data.ptr, lda, b.data.ptr, incb, 0,
             c.data.ptr, 1)
        # Matrix-Matrix product A^T * B
        # c is C-contiguous while cuBLAS assumes F-contiguous inputs, so we
        # compute C^T = B^T * A here.
        a, transa, lda = _mat_to_cublas_contiguous(a, 0)
        b, transb, ldb = _mat_to_cublas_contiguous(b, 1)
        if dtype == 'f':
            gemm = cublas.sgemm
        elif dtype == 'd':
            gemm = cublas.dgemm
        gemm(handle, transb, transa, m, n, k, 1, b.data.ptr, ldb, a.data.ptr,
             lda, 0, c.data.ptr, m)

    if dtype != ret_dtype:
        elementwise.copy(out, ret)
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 3
def tensordot(a, b, axes=2, out=None):
    """Returns the tensor dot product of two arrays along specified axes.

    This is equivalent to compute dot product along the specified axes which
    are treated as one axis by reshaping.

        a (cupy.ndarray): The first argument.
        b (cupy.ndarray): The second argument.
            - If it is an integer, then ``axes`` axes at the last of ``a`` and
              the first of ``b`` are used.
            - If it is a pair of sequences of integers, then these two
              sequences specify the list of axes for ``a`` and ``b``. The
              corresponding axes are paired for sum-product.
        out (cupy.ndarray): Output array.

        cupy.ndarray: The tensor dot product of ``a`` and ``b`` along the
        axes specified by ``axes``.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.tensordot`

    if a.ndim == 0 or b.ndim == 0:
        if axes != 0 and axes != ((), ()):
            raise ValueError('An input is zero-dim while axes has dimensions')
        return cupy.multiply(a, b, out=out)

    ret_dtype = numpy.find_common_type([a.dtype, b.dtype], [])

    # Cast to float32 or float64
    dtype = numpy.find_common_type([a.dtype, b.dtype, 'f'], [])
    a = a.astype(dtype, copy=False)
    b = b.astype(dtype, copy=False)

    if a.dtype.type == numpy.float32:
        dot = cublas.sdot
        gemv = cublas.sgemv
        ger = cublas.sger
        gemm = cublas.sgemm
    elif a.dtype.type == numpy.float64:
        dot = cublas.ddot
        gemv = cublas.dgemv
        ger = cublas.dger
        gemm = cublas.dgemm

    if numpy.isscalar(axes):
        axes = [list(six.moves.range(a.ndim - axes, a.ndim)),
        axes = list(axes)
    if numpy.isscalar(axes[0]):
        axes[0] = (axes[0],)
    if numpy.isscalar(axes[1]):
        axes[1] = (axes[1],)

    if len(axes) != 2:
        raise ValueError('Axes must consist of two arrays.')
    if len(axes[0]) != len(axes[1]):
        raise ValueError('Axes length mismatch')
    for a_axis, b_axis in zip(*axes):
        if not (-a.ndim <= a_axis < a.ndim and
                -b.ndim <= b_axis < b.ndim):
            raise IndexError('Axis overrun')
        if a.shape[a_axis] != b.shape[b_axis]:
            raise ValueError('Axis dimension mismatch')

    # Make the axes non-negative
    axes = (tuple(axis % a.ndim for axis in axes[0]),
            tuple(axis % b.ndim for axis in axes[1]))

    sum_ndim = len(axes[0])
    a = _move_axes_to_head(a, axes[0])
    b = _move_axes_to_head(b, axes[1])

    m = internal.prod(b.shape[sum_ndim:])
    n = internal.prod(a.shape[sum_ndim:])
    ret_shape = a.shape[sum_ndim:] + b.shape[sum_ndim:]

    if out is not None:
        if out.size != internal.prod(ret_shape):
            raise ValueError('Output array has an invalid size')
        if not out.flags.c_contiguous:
            raise ValueError('Output array must be C-contiguous')

    if 0 in a.shape or 0 in b.shape:
        if 0 not in a.shape or 0 not in b.shape:
            raise ValueError('cannot dot zero-sized and non-zero-sized arrays')
        if out is None:
            return cupy.zeros(ret_shape, dtype=ret_dtype)
            return out

    if out is None:
        out = cupy.empty(ret_shape, dtype=dtype)
        if dtype == ret_dtype:
            ret = out
            ret = cupy.empty(ret_shape, dtype=ret_dtype)
        ret = out
        if out.dtype != dtype:
            out = cupy.empty(ret_shape, dtype=dtype)

    k = a.size // n

    # It copies the operands if needed
    a = a.reshape(k, n)
    b = b.reshape(k, m)
    c = out.view()
    c.shape = (n, m)

    # Be careful that cuBLAS uses the FORTRAN-order matrix representation.
    handle = cuda.Device().cublas_handle
    if k == 1:
        if n == 1 or m == 1:
            # Scalar-vector product
            cupy.multiply(a.T, b, c)
            # Outer product A^T * B
            # c is C-contiguous while cuBLAS requires F-contiguous arrays, so
            # we compute C^T = B^T * A here.
            a, inca = _to_cublas_vector(a, 1)
            b, incb = _to_cublas_vector(b, 1)
            ger(handle, m, n, 1, b._fptr, incb, a._fptr, inca, c._fptr, m)
    elif n == 1:
        if m == 1:
            # Inner product
            a, inca = _to_cublas_vector(a, 0)
            b, incb = _to_cublas_vector(b, 0)
            mode = cublas.getPointerMode(handle)
                dot(handle, k, a._fptr, inca, b._fptr, incb, c._fptr)
                cublas.setPointerMode(handle, mode)
            # Matrix-vector product B^T * A
            a, inca = _to_cublas_vector(a, 1)
            b, transb, ldb = _mat_to_cublas_contiguous(b.T)
            if transb:
                # gemv requires (m, k) as the original matrix dimensions
                # rather than the transposed dimensions.
                m, k = k, m
            gemv(handle, transb, m, k, 1, b._fptr, ldb, a._fptr, inca,
                 0, c._fptr, 1)
    elif m == 1:
        # Matrix-vector product A^T * B
        a, transa, lda = _mat_to_cublas_contiguous(a.T)
        b, incb = _to_cublas_vector(b, 1)
        if not transa:
            # gemv requires (n, k) as the original matrix dimensions rather
            # than the transposed dimensions.
            n, k = k, n
        gemv(handle, transa, n, k, 1, a._fptr, lda, b._fptr, incb, 0, c._fptr,
        # Matrix-Matrix product A^T * B
        # c is C-contiguous while cuBLAS assumes F-contiguous inputs, so we
        # compute C^T = B^T * A here.
        a, transa, lda = _mat_to_cublas_contiguous(a)
        b, transb, ldb = _mat_to_cublas_contiguous(b.T)
        gemm(handle, transb, transa, m, n, k, 1, b._fptr, ldb, a._fptr,
             lda, 0, c._fptr, m)

    if dtype != ret_dtype:
        elementwise.copy(out, ret)
    return ret