Ejemplo n.º 1
def csrgemm(a, b, transa=False, transb=False):
    """Matrix-matrix product for CSR-matrix.

       C = op(A) op(B),

        a (cupy.sparse.csr_matrix): Sparse matrix A.
        b (cupy.sparse.csr_matrix): Sparse matrix B.
        transa (bool): If ``True``, transpose of A is used.
        transb (bool): If ``True``, transpose of B is used.

        cupy.sparse.csr_matrix: Calculated C.

    assert a.ndim == b.ndim == 2
    assert a.has_canonical_format
    assert b.has_canonical_format
    a_shape = a.shape if not transa else a.shape[::-1]
    b_shape = b.shape if not transb else b.shape[::-1]
    if a_shape[1] != b_shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('dimension mismatch')

    handle = device.get_cusparse_handle()
    m, k = a_shape
    n = b_shape[1]

    a, b = _cast_common_type(a, b)

    if a.nnz == 0 or b.nnz == 0:
        return cupy.sparse.csr_matrix((m, n), dtype=a.dtype)

    op_a = _transpose_flag(transa)
    op_b = _transpose_flag(transb)

    nnz = numpy.empty((), 'i')
    cusparse.setPointerMode(handle, cusparse.CUSPARSE_POINTER_MODE_HOST)

    c_descr = MatDescriptor.create()
    c_indptr = cupy.empty(m + 1, 'i')

    cusparse.xcsrgemmNnz(handle, op_a, op_b, m, n, k, a._descr.descriptor,
                         a.nnz, a.indptr.data.ptr, a.indices.data.ptr,
                         b._descr.descriptor, b.nnz, b.indptr.data.ptr,
                         b.indices.data.ptr, c_descr.descriptor,
                         c_indptr.data.ptr, nnz.ctypes.data)

    c_indices = cupy.empty(int(nnz), 'i')
    c_data = cupy.empty(int(nnz), a.dtype)
    _call_cusparse('csrgemm', a.dtype, handle, op_a, op_b, m, n, k,
                   a._descr.descriptor, a.nnz, a.data.data.ptr,
                   a.indptr.data.ptr, a.indices.data.ptr, b._descr.descriptor,
                   b.nnz, b.data.data.ptr, b.indptr.data.ptr,
                   b.indices.data.ptr, c_descr.descriptor, c_data.data.ptr,
                   c_indptr.data.ptr, c_indices.data.ptr)

    c = cupy.sparse.csr_matrix((c_data, c_indices, c_indptr), shape=(m, n))
    c._has_canonical_format = True
    return c
Ejemplo n.º 2
def csrgeam(a, b, alpha=1, beta=1):
    """Matrix-matrix addition.

    .. math::
        C = \\alpha A + \\beta B

        a (cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): Sparse matrix A.
        b (cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): Sparse matrix B.
        alpha (float): Coefficient for A.
        beta (float): Coefficient for B.

        cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix: Result matrix.

    if not check_availability('csrgeam'):
        raise RuntimeError('csrgeam is not available.')

    if not isinstance(a, cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix):
        raise TypeError('unsupported type (actual: {})'.format(type(a)))
    if not isinstance(b, cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix):
        raise TypeError('unsupported type (actual: {})'.format(type(b)))
    assert a.has_canonical_format
    assert b.has_canonical_format
    if a.shape != b.shape:
        raise ValueError('inconsistent shapes')

    handle = device.get_cusparse_handle()
    m, n = a.shape
    a, b = _cast_common_type(a, b)
    nnz = numpy.empty((), 'i')
    cusparse.setPointerMode(handle, cusparse.CUSPARSE_POINTER_MODE_HOST)

    c_descr = MatDescriptor.create()
    c_indptr = cupy.empty(m + 1, 'i')

    cusparse.xcsrgeamNnz(handle, m, n, a._descr.descriptor, a.nnz,
                         a.indptr.data.ptr, a.indices.data.ptr,
                         b._descr.descriptor, b.nnz, b.indptr.data.ptr,
                         b.indices.data.ptr, c_descr.descriptor,
                         c_indptr.data.ptr, nnz.ctypes.data)

    c_indices = cupy.empty(int(nnz), 'i')
    c_data = cupy.empty(int(nnz), a.dtype)
    alpha = numpy.array(alpha, a.dtype).ctypes
    beta = numpy.array(beta, a.dtype).ctypes
    _call_cusparse('csrgeam', a.dtype, handle, m, n, alpha.data,
                   a._descr.descriptor, a.nnz, a.data.data.ptr,
                   a.indptr.data.ptr, a.indices.data.ptr, beta.data,
                   b._descr.descriptor, b.nnz, b.data.data.ptr,
                   b.indptr.data.ptr, b.indices.data.ptr, c_descr.descriptor,
                   c_data.data.ptr, c_indptr.data.ptr, c_indices.data.ptr)

    c = cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((c_data, c_indices, c_indptr),
    c._has_canonical_format = True
    return c
Ejemplo n.º 3
def csrgeam(a, b, alpha=1, beta=1):
    """Matrix-matrix addition.

    .. math::
        C = \\alpha A + \\beta B

        a (cupy.sparse.csr_matrix): Sparse matrix A.
        b (cupy.sparse.csr_matrix): Sparse matrix B.
        alpha (float): Coefficient for A.
        beta (float): Coefficient for B.

        cupy.sparse.csr_matrix: Result matrix.

    if a.shape != b.shape:
        raise ValueError('inconsistent shapes')

    handle = device.get_cusparse_handle()
    m, n = a.shape
    a, b = _cast_common_type(a, b)
    nnz = numpy.empty((), 'i')
        handle, cusparse.CUSPARSE_POINTER_MODE_HOST)

    c_descr = MatDescriptor.create()
    c_indptr = cupy.empty(m + 1, 'i')

        handle, m, n,
        a._descr.descriptor, a.nnz, a.indptr.data.ptr, a.indices.data.ptr,
        b._descr.descriptor, b.nnz, b.indptr.data.ptr, b.indices.data.ptr,
        c_descr.descriptor, c_indptr.data.ptr, nnz.ctypes.data)

    c_indices = cupy.empty(int(nnz), 'i')
    c_data = cupy.empty(int(nnz), a.dtype)
    alpha = numpy.array(alpha, a.dtype).ctypes
    beta = numpy.array(beta, a.dtype).ctypes
        'csrgeam', a.dtype,
        handle, m, n, alpha.data,
        a._descr.descriptor, a.nnz, a.data.data.ptr,
        a.indptr.data.ptr, a.indices.data.ptr, beta.data,
        b._descr.descriptor, b.nnz, b.data.data.ptr,
        b.indptr.data.ptr, b.indices.data.ptr,
        c_descr.descriptor, c_data.data.ptr, c_indptr.data.ptr,

    return cupy.sparse.csr_matrix((c_data, c_indices, c_indptr), shape=a.shape)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def csrgemm2(a, b, d=None, alpha=1, beta=1):
    """Matrix-matrix product for CSR-matrix.

       C = alpha * A * B + beta * D

        a (cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): Sparse matrix A.
        b (cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix): Sparse matrix B.
        d (cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix or None): Sparse matrix D.
        alpha (scalar): Coefficient
        beta (scalar): Coefficient


    if not check_availability('csrgemm2'):
        raise RuntimeError('csrgemm2 is not available.')

    assert a.ndim == b.ndim == 2
    if not isinstance(a, cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix):
        raise TypeError('unsupported type (actual: {})'.format(type(a)))
    if not isinstance(b, cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix):
        raise TypeError('unsupported type (actual: {})'.format(type(b)))
    assert a.has_canonical_format
    assert b.has_canonical_format
    if a.shape[1] != b.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('mismatched shape')
    if d is not None:
        assert d.ndim == 2
        if not isinstance(d, cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix):
            raise TypeError('unsupported type (actual: {})'.format(type(d)))
        assert d.has_canonical_format
        if a.shape[0] != d.shape[0] or b.shape[1] != d.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('mismatched shape')

    handle = device.get_cusparse_handle()
    m, k = a.shape
    _, n = b.shape

    if d is None:
        a, b = _cast_common_type(a, b)
        a, b, d = _cast_common_type(a, b, d)

    info = cusparse.createCsrgemm2Info()
    alpha = numpy.array(alpha, a.dtype).ctypes
    null_ptr = 0
    if d is None:
        beta_data = null_ptr
        d_descr = MatDescriptor.create()
        d_nnz = 0
        d_data = null_ptr
        d_indptr = null_ptr
        d_indices = null_ptr
        beta = numpy.array(beta, a.dtype).ctypes
        beta_data = beta.data
        d_descr = d._descr
        d_nnz = d.nnz
        d_data = d.data.data.ptr
        d_indptr = d.indptr.data.ptr
        d_indices = d.indices.data.ptr

    buff_size = _call_cusparse(
        'csrgemm2_bufferSizeExt', a.dtype, handle, m, n, k, alpha.data,
        a._descr.descriptor, a.nnz, a.indptr.data.ptr, a.indices.data.ptr,
        b._descr.descriptor, b.nnz, b.indptr.data.ptr, b.indices.data.ptr,
        beta_data, d_descr.descriptor, d_nnz, d_indptr, d_indices, info)
    buff = cupy.empty(buff_size, numpy.int8)

    c_nnz = numpy.empty((), 'i')
    cusparse.setPointerMode(handle, cusparse.CUSPARSE_POINTER_MODE_HOST)

    c_descr = MatDescriptor.create()
    c_indptr = cupy.empty(m + 1, 'i')
    cusparse.xcsrgemm2Nnz(handle, m, n, k, a._descr.descriptor, a.nnz,
                          a.indptr.data.ptr, a.indices.data.ptr,
                          b._descr.descriptor, b.nnz, b.indptr.data.ptr,
                          b.indices.data.ptr, d_descr.descriptor, d_nnz,
                          d_indptr, d_indices, c_descr.descriptor,
                          c_indptr.data.ptr, c_nnz.ctypes.data, info,

    c_indices = cupy.empty(int(c_nnz), 'i')
    c_data = cupy.empty(int(c_nnz), a.dtype)
    _call_cusparse('csrgemm2', a.dtype, handle, m, n, k, alpha.data,
                   a._descr.descriptor, a.nnz, a.data.data.ptr,
                   a.indptr.data.ptr, a.indices.data.ptr, b._descr.descriptor,
                   b.nnz, b.data.data.ptr, b.indptr.data.ptr,
                   b.indices.data.ptr, beta_data, d_descr.descriptor, d_nnz,
                   d_data, d_indptr, d_indices, c_descr.descriptor,
                   c_data.data.ptr, c_indptr.data.ptr, c_indices.data.ptr,
                   info, buff.data.ptr)

    c = cupyx.scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((c_data, c_indices, c_indptr),
                                      shape=(m, n))
    c._has_canonical_format = True
    return c