Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setElbowMask(self,
                     center_x=50 * 10**-7,
                     center_y=50 * 10**-7,
                     center_z=2.5 * 10**-7,
                     r_s=15 * 10**-7,
                     r_l=20 * 10**-7,
                     l_z=4 * 10**-7,
        self.center_x = center_x  # x axis position of cylindrical geometry [unit: m]
        self.center_y = center_y  # y axis position of cylindrical geometry [unit: m]
        self.center_z = center_z  # z axis position of cylindrical geometry [unit: m]
        self.r_s = r_s
        self.r_l = r_l
        self.l_z = l_z
        self.phi_start = phi_start
        self.phi_end = phi_end

        Z, Y, X = np.ogrid[:self.nz, :self.ny, :self.nx]
        X = (X + 0.5) * self.lcx - self.center_x
        Y = (Y + 0.5) * self.lcy - self.center_y
        Z = (Z + 0.5) * self.lcz - self.center_z

        X = X.round(decimals=16)
        Y = Y.round(decimals=16)
        Z = Z.round(decimals=16)

        self.phiJ = np.arctan2(Y, X)

        deg = math.pi / 180

        self.mask = (X**2 + Y**2 > r_s**2) & (X**2 + Y**2 < r_l**2) & (
            np.abs(Z) < l_z / 2) & (np.arctan2(
                Y, X) > phi_start * deg) & (np.arctan2(Y, X) < phi_end * deg)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def kernel_crossphase_cu(fft_data, ch_it, fft_config):
    """Kernel that calculates the cross-phase between two channels.

        fft_data (ndarray, complex):
                Holds the fourier-transformed data.
                dim0: channel, dim1: Fourier Coefficients, dim2: STFT (bins in fluctana code)
        ch_it (iterable):
                Iterator over a list of channels we wish to perform our computation on

        Axy (array, float):
            Cross phase
    fft_data_cu = cp.asarray(fft_data)
    # Gather results on device, since
    Pxy = cp.zeros([len(ch_it), fft_data.shape[1], fft_data.shape[2]],

    # The result of the call to mean() is another cupy array. Gather the
    # results in Pxy which needs to by a cupy array. Copy to host once
    # loop is done
    for idx, ch_pair in enumerate(ch_it):
        Pxy[idx, :, :] = fft_data_cu[ch_pair.ch1.get_idx(
        ), :, :] * fft_data_cu[ch_pair.ch2.get_idx(), :, :].conj()

    crossphase = cp.asnumpy(cp.arctan2(Pxy.imag, Pxy.real).mean(axis=2))
    np.savez("crossphase_cu.npz", crossphase=crossphase)
    return (crossphase)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def initCoords(self):
     x, y=np.meshgrid(np.arange(-size+1,size+1),np.arange(-size+1,size+1))
     #temp=np.arctan2(y, x)
     #self.radmatrix=np.repeat(temp, size*2, axis=2)
     self.radmatrix=np.remainder(np.arctan2(x, y)+2*np.pi,2*np.pi)-2*np.pi
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def avoid_point():
     if not SlimeWorld.avoid:
     diff_from_avoid_pos = SlimeWorld.slime_pos - SlimeWorld.avoid_pos
     dist_from_avoid_pos = cp.linalg.norm(diff_from_avoid_pos, axis=-1)
     angle_to_avoid_pos = cp.arctan2(diff_from_avoid_pos[:, 0],
                                     diff_from_avoid_pos[:, 1])
     mask = dist_from_avoid_pos < SlimeWorld.avoid_dist
     SlimeWorld.slime_angle[mask] = angle_to_avoid_pos[mask]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _compute_phasediff(cross_correlation_max):
    Compute global phase difference between the two images (should be
        zero if images are non-negative).

    cross_correlation_max : complex
        The complex value of the cross correlation at its maximum point.
    return cp.arctan2(cross_correlation_max.imag, cross_correlation_max.real)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def atan2(x1: Array, x2: Array, /) -> Array:
    Array API compatible wrapper for :py:func:`np.arctan2 <numpy.arctan2>`.

    See its docstring for more information.
    if x1.dtype not in _floating_dtypes or x2.dtype not in _floating_dtypes:
        raise TypeError("Only floating-point dtypes are allowed in atan2")
    # Call result type here just to raise on disallowed type combinations
    _result_type(x1.dtype, x2.dtype)
    x1, x2 = Array._normalize_two_args(x1, x2)
    return Array._new(np.arctan2(x1._array, x2._array))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def update_plot(self, i, scat):
        if self.n_obj > self.flock.n_obj:
            self.flock.add_new_objs(self.n_obj - self.flock.n_obj)
            self.flock.n_obj = self.n_obj
        elif self.n_obj < self.flock.n_obj:
            self.flock.delete_objs(self.flock.n_obj - self.n_obj)
            self.flock.n_obj = self.n_obj

        distances = self.flock.calc_distance_matrix()

        c = cp.arctan2(self.flock.state[:, 2],
                       self.flock.state[:, 3]) / cp.pi / 2 + 0.5
        scat.set_offsets(self.flock.state[:, :2].get())
        return scat,
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _swirl_mapping(xy, center, rotation, strength, radius):
    x, y = xy.T
    x0, y0 = center
    xdiff = x - x0
    ydiff = y - y0
    rho = cp.sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff)

    # Ensure that the transformation decays to approximately 1/1000-th
    # within the specified radius.
    radius = radius / 5 * math.log(2)

    theta = rotation + strength * cp.exp(-rho / radius)
    theta += cp.arctan2(ydiff, xdiff)

    xy[..., 0] = x0 + rho * cp.cos(theta)
    xy[..., 1] = y0 + rho * cp.sin(theta)

    return xy
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def animate(self, n_iter):
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
        fig.suptitle('Flocking simulation')

        numframes = n_iter

        plt.xlim((self.flock.x_min, self.flock.x_max))
        plt.ylim((self.flock.y_min, self.flock.y_max))

        c = cp.arctan2(self.flock.state[:, 2],
                       self.flock.state[:, 3]) / cp.pi / 2 + 0.5
        scat = plt.scatter(self.flock.state[:, 0].get(),
                           self.flock.state[:, 1].get(),

        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.5, bottom=0)
        sliders = []

        for i, slider in enumerate(self.sliders_meta):
            ax = plt.axes([0.23, 0.2 + 0.05 * i, 0.2, 0.03])
            slider_widget = Slider(


        ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig,
                                      fargs=(scat, ),


        return ani
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def move_slimes():
        slime_dir = cp.array(
        SlimeWorld.slime_pos += slime_dir

        # Change direction if out of bounds
        xoob = (SlimeWorld.slime_pos[:, 0] < 0) | (SlimeWorld.slime_pos[:, 0] >
                                                   SlimeWorld.WIDTH - 1)
        yoob = (SlimeWorld.slime_pos[:, 1] < 0) | (SlimeWorld.slime_pos[:, 1] >
                                                   SlimeWorld.HEIGHT - 1)

        # Bounce off walls
        if cp.any(xoob):
            slime_dir[xoob, 0] *= -1
        if cp.any(yoob):
            slime_dir[yoob, 1] *= -1
        if cp.any(xoob | yoob):
            SlimeWorld.slime_angle = cp.arctan2(slime_dir[:, 0], slime_dir[:,
            # Clip if out of bounds
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def createWedge(self, subunit_num=0):
     ###Initialize the location of the protofilament to remove
     theta0=np.arctan2(self.com[0], self.com[1])+\
     ###Define the length along the protofilament in terms of subunits 
     ###Define the angle of the center of the protofilament along the length of the segment
     ###Initialize the wedge mask
     ###Define the size of the wedgemask
     ###Generate the wedge mask
     for i in range(len(theta)):
         angles=[temp1, temp2]
         if max(angles)-min(angles)>2*fudge+.2:
     return wedge
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _coeff_smooth(lam):
    xi = 1 - 96 * lam + 24 * lam * sqrt(3 + 144 * lam)
    omeg = arctan2(sqrt(144 * lam - 1), sqrt(xi))
    rho = (24 * lam - 1 - sqrt(xi)) / (24 * lam)
    rho = rho * sqrt((48 * lam + 24 * lam * sqrt(3 + 144 * lam)) / xi)
    return rho, omeg
Ejemplo n.º 13

eterm=V[tst1-1] # terminal bus voltage
pelect[0]=b_pg[tst1-1]     # BUS_pg
qelect=b_qg[tst1-1]     # BUS_qg
#compute the initial values for generator dynamics

Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _calibrate(self, img, findCarrier = True, useCupy = False):
        assert len(img) > 2
        self.N = len(img[0, :, :])
        if self.N != self._lastN:

        ''' define k grids '''
        self._dx = self.pixelsize / self.magnification  # Sampling in image plane
        self._res = self.wavelength / (2 * self.NA)
        self._oversampling = self._res / self._dx
        self._dk = self._oversampling / (self.N / 2)  # Sampling in frequency plane
        self._k = np.arange(-self._dk * self.N / 2, self._dk * self.N / 2, self._dk, dtype=np.double)
        self._dx2 = self._dx / 2

        self._kr = np.sqrt(self._k ** 2 + self._k[:,np.newaxis] ** 2, dtype=np.single)
        kxbig = np.arange(-self._dk * self.N, self._dk * self.N, self._dk, dtype=np.single)
        kybig = kxbig[:,np.newaxis]

        '''Sum input images if there are more than 3'''
        if len(img) > 3:
            imgs = np.zeros((3, self.N, self.N), dtype=np.single)
            for i in range(3):
                imgs[i, :, :] = np.sum(img[i:(len(img) // 3) * 3:3, :, :], 0, dtype = np.single)
            imgs = np.single(img)

        '''Separate bands into DC and 1 high frequency band'''
        M = exp(1j * 2 * pi / 3) ** ((np.arange(0, 2)[:, np.newaxis]) * np.arange(0, 3))

        sum_prepared_comp = np.zeros((2, self.N, self.N), dtype=np.complex64)
        wienerfilter = np.zeros((2 * self.N, 2 * self.N), dtype=np.single)

        for k in range(0, 2):
            for l in range(0, 3):
                sum_prepared_comp[k, :, :] = sum_prepared_comp[k, :, :] + imgs[l, :, :] * M[k, l]

        if findCarrier:
            # minimum search radius in k-space
            mask1 = (self._kr > 1.9 * self.eta)
            if useCupy:
                self.kx, self.ky = self._coarseFindCarrier_cupy(sum_prepared_comp[0, :, :],
                                                                sum_prepared_comp[1, :, :], mask1)
                self.kx, self.ky = self._coarseFindCarrier(sum_prepared_comp[0, :, :],
                                                           sum_prepared_comp[1, :, :], mask1)

        if useCupy:
            ckx, cky, p, ampl = self._refineCarrier_cupy(sum_prepared_comp[0, :, :],
                                                         sum_prepared_comp[1, :, :], self.kx, self.ky)
            ckx, cky, p, ampl = self._refineCarrier(sum_prepared_comp[0, :, :],
                                                    sum_prepared_comp[1, :, :], self.kx, self.ky)

        self.kx = ckx # store found kx, ky, p and ampl values
        self.ky = cky
        self.p = p
        self.ampl = ampl

        if self.debug:
            print(f'kx = {ckx}')
            print(f'ky = {cky}')
            print(f'p  = {p}')
            print(f'a  = {ampl}')

        ph = np.single(2 * pi * self.NA / self.wavelength)

        xx = np.arange(-self._dx2 * self.N, self._dx2 * self.N, self._dx2, dtype=np.single)
        yy = xx

        if self.usemodulation:
            A = ampl
            A = 1

        for idx_p in range(0, 3):
            pstep = idx_p * 2 * pi / 3
            if useCupy:
                self._reconfactor[idx_p, :, :] = (
                        1 + 4 / A * cp.outer(cp.exp(cp.asarray(1j * (ph * cky * yy - pstep + p))),
                                             cp.exp(cp.asarray(1j * ph * ckx * xx))).real).get()
                self._reconfactor[idx_p, :, :] = (
                        1 + 4 / A * np.outer(np.exp(1j * (ph * cky * yy - pstep + p)),
                                             np.exp(1j * ph * ckx * xx)).real)

        # calculate pre-filter factors

        mask2 = (self._kr < 2)

        self._prefilter = np.single((self._tfm(self._kr, mask2) * self._attm(self._kr, mask2)))
        self._prefilter = fft.fftshift(self._prefilter)

        mtot = np.full((2 * self.N, 2 * self.N), False)

        krbig = sqrt((kxbig - ckx) ** 2 + (kybig - cky) ** 2)
        mask = (krbig < 2)
        mtot = mtot | mask
        wienerfilter[mask] = wienerfilter[mask] + (self._tf(krbig[mask]) ** 2) * self._att(krbig[mask])
        krbig = sqrt((kxbig + ckx) ** 2 + (kybig + cky) ** 2)
        mask = (krbig < 2)
        mtot = mtot | mask
        wienerfilter[mask] = wienerfilter[mask] + (self._tf(krbig[mask]) ** 2) * self._att(krbig[mask])
        krbig = sqrt(kxbig ** 2 + kybig ** 2)
        mask = (krbig < 2)
        mtot = mtot | mask
        wienerfilter[mask] = wienerfilter[mask] + (self._tf(krbig[mask]) ** 2) * self._att(krbig[mask])
        self.wienerfilter = wienerfilter

        if self.debug:

        th = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, 360, dtype = np.single)
        inv = np.geterr()['invalid']
        np.seterr(invalid = 'ignore')
        kmaxth = np.fmax(2, np.fmax(ckx * np.cos(th) + cky * np.sin(th) +
                                        np.sqrt(4 - (ckx * np.sin(th)) ** 2  - (cky * np.cos(th)) ** 2  +
                                            ckx * cky * np.sin(2 * th)),
                                    - ckx * np.cos(th) - cky * np.sin(th) +
                                        np.sqrt(4 - (ckx * np.sin(th)) ** 2  - (cky * np.cos(th)) ** 2  +
                                            ckx * cky * np.sin(2 * th))))
        np.seterr(invalid = inv)

        if useCupy and 'interp' in dir(cp):  # interp not available in cupy version < 9.0.0
            kmax = cp.interp(cp.arctan2(cp.asarray(kybig), cp.asarray(kxbig)), cp.asarray(th), cp.asarray(kmaxth), period=2 * pi).astype(np.single).get()
            kmax = np.interp(np.arctan2(kybig, kxbig), th, kmaxth, period=2 * pi).astype(np.single)

        wienerfilter = mtot * (1 - krbig * mtot / kmax) / (wienerfilter * mtot + self.w ** 2)

        self._postfilter = fft.fftshift(wienerfilter)

        if opencv:
            self._reconfactorU = [cv2.UMat(self._reconfactor[idx_p, :, :]) for idx_p in range(0, 3)]
            self._prefilter_ocv = np.single(cv2.dft(fft.ifft2(self._prefilter).real))
            pf = np.zeros((self.N, self.N, 2), dtype=np.single)
            pf[:, :, 0] = self._prefilter
            pf[:, :, 1] = self._prefilter
            self._prefilter_ocvU = cv2.UMat(np.single(pf))
            self._postfilter_ocv = np.single(cv2.dft(fft.ifft2(self._postfilter).real))
            pf = np.zeros((2 * self.N, 2 * self.N, 2), dtype=np.single)
            pf[:, :, 0] = self._postfilter
            pf[:, :, 1] = self._postfilter
            self._postfilter_ocvU = cv2.UMat(np.single(pf))

        if cupy:
            self._postfilter_cp = cp.asarray(self._postfilter)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def approximate_polygon(coords, tolerance):
    """Approximate a polygonal chain with the specified tolerance.

    It is based on the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.

    Note that the approximated polygon is always within the convex hull of the
    original polygon.

    coords : (N, 2) array
        Coordinate array.
    tolerance : float
        Maximum distance from original points of polygon to approximated
        polygonal chain. If tolerance is 0, the original coordinate array
        is returned.

    coords : (M, 2) array
        Approximated polygonal chain where M <= N.

    .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer-Douglas-Peucker_algorithm
    if tolerance <= 0:
        return coords

    chain = cp.zeros(coords.shape[0], "bool")
    # pre-allocate distance array for all points
    dists = cp.zeros(coords.shape[0])
    chain[0] = True
    chain[-1] = True
    pos_stack = [(0, chain.shape[0] - 1)]
    end_of_chain = False

    while not end_of_chain:
        start, end = pos_stack.pop()
        # determine properties of current line segment
        r0, c0 = cp.asnumpy(coords[start, :])
        r1, c1 = cp.asnumpy(coords[end, :])
        dr = r1 - r0
        dc = c1 - c0
        segment_angle = -cp.arctan2(dr, dc)
        segment_dist = c0 * cp.sin(segment_angle) + r0 * cp.cos(segment_angle)

        # select points in-between line segment
        segment_coords = coords[start + 1:end, :]
        segment_dists = dists[start + 1:end]

        # check whether to take perpendicular or euclidean distance with
        # inner product of vectors

        # vectors from points -> start and end
        dr0 = segment_coords[:, 0] - r0
        dc0 = segment_coords[:, 1] - c0
        dr1 = segment_coords[:, 0] - r1
        dc1 = segment_coords[:, 1] - c1
        # vectors points -> start and end projected on start -> end vector
        projected_lengths0 = dr0 * dr + dc0 * dc
        projected_lengths1 = -dr1 * dr - dc1 * dc
        perp = cp.logical_and(projected_lengths0 > 0, projected_lengths1 > 0)
        eucl = cp.logical_not(perp)
        segment_dists[perp] = cp.abs(
            segment_coords[perp, 0] * cp.cos(segment_angle) +
            segment_coords[perp, 1] * cp.sin(segment_angle) - segment_dist)
        segment_dists[eucl] = cp.minimum(
            # distance to start point
            cp.sqrt(dc0[eucl]**2 + dr0[eucl]**2),
            # distance to end point
            cp.sqrt(dc1[eucl]**2 + dr1[eucl]**2),

        if cp.any(segment_dists > tolerance):
            # select point with maximum distance to line
            new_end = start + cp.argmax(segment_dists) + 1
            pos_stack.append((new_end, end))
            pos_stack.append((start, new_end))
            chain[new_end] = True

        if len(pos_stack) == 0:
            end_of_chain = True

    return coords[chain, :]
Ejemplo n.º 16
def RenderingUserViewLF_AllinOne5K(LF=None,

    sphereW = Params.WIDTH
    sphereH = Params.HEIGHT

    CENTERx = viewpoint.lon
    CENTERy = viewpoint.lat

    # output view is 3:4 ratio
    new_imgW = cp.floor(viewpoint.diag * 4 / 5 + 0.5)
    new_imgH = cp.floor(viewpoint.diag * 3 / 5 + 0.5)

    new_imgW = int(new_imgW)
    new_imgH = int(new_imgH)

    OutView = cp.zeros((new_imgH, new_imgW, 3))
    TYwarp, TXwarp = cp.mgrid[0:new_imgH, 0:new_imgW]

    TX = TXwarp
    TY = TYwarp
    TX = (TX - 0.5 - new_imgW / 2)
    TY = (TY - 0.5 - new_imgH / 2)


    TX = TX + 1
    TY = TY + 1

    r = (viewpoint.diag / 2) / cp.tan(viewpoint.fov / 2)
    R = cp.sqrt(TY**2 + r**2)
    # Calculate LF_n
    ANGy = cp.arctan(-TY / r)
    ANGy = ANGy + CENTERy

    if (FB == 1):
        ANGn = cp.cos(ANGy) * cp.arctan(TX / r)
        ANGn = ANGn + CENTERx
        Pn = (Params.LFU_W / 2 - viewpoint.pos_y
              ) * cp.tan(ANGn) + viewpoint.pos_x + (3 * Params.LFU_W / 2)
    elif (FB == 2):
        ANGn = cp.cos(ANGy) * cp.arctan(-TX / r)
        ANGn = ANGn - CENTERx
        Pn = (Params.LFU_W / 2 + viewpoint.pos_y
              ) * cp.tan(ANGn) + viewpoint.pos_x + (3 * Params.LFU_W / 2)

    X = cp.sin(ANGy) * R
    Y = -cp.cos(ANGy) * R
    Z = TX

    ANGx = cp.arctan2(Z, -Y)
    RZY = cp.sqrt(Z**2 + Y**2)
    ANGy = cp.arctan(X / RZY)  #or ANGy = atan2(X, RZY);

    RATIO = 1
    ANGy = ANGy * RATIO

    ANGx = ANGx + CENTERx

    ANGx[abs(ANGy) > pi / 2] = ANGx[abs(ANGy) > pi / 2] + pi
    ANGx[ANGx > pi] = ANGx[ANGx > pi] - 2 * pi

    ANGy[ANGy > pi / 2] = pi / 2 - (ANGy[ANGy > pi / 2] - pi / 2)
    ANGy[ANGy < -pi / 2] = -pi / 2 + (ANGy[ANGy < -pi / 2] + pi / 2)

    Px = (ANGx + pi) / (2 * pi) * sphereW + 0.5
    Py = ((-ANGy) + pi / 2) / pi * sphereH + 0.5

    if (DIR == 2):
        Px = Px + Params.WIDTH / 4
    elif (DIR == 3):
        Px = Px + Params.WIDTH / 2
    elif (DIR == 4):
        Px = Px - Params.WIDTH / 4

    Px[Px < 1] = Px[Px < 1] + Params.WIDTH
    Px[Px > Params.WIDTH] = Px[Px > Params.WIDTH] - Params.WIDTH

    INDxx = cp.argwhere(Px < 1)
    Px[INDxx] = Px[INDxx] + sphereW

    Pn0 = cp.floor(Pn)
    Pn1 = cp.ceil(Pn)
    Pnr = Pn - Pn0

    Px0 = cp.floor(Px)
    Px1 = cp.ceil(Px)
    Pxr = Px - Px0

    Py0 = cp.floor(Py)
    Py1 = cp.ceil(Py)
    Pyr = Py - Py0

    Pnr = cp.rint((Pnr * 10000))
    Pnr = Pnr / 10000

    Pxr = cp.rint((Pxr * 10000))
    Pxr = Pxr / 10000

    Pyr = cp.rint((Pyr * 10000))
    Pyr = Pyr / 10000

    #210->012 rgb
    #cv2 사용 안하면 그대로
    OutView[:, :, 2] = inter8_mat5K(LF, Pnr, Pn0, Pn1, Pxr, Px0, Px1, Pyr, Py0,
                                    Py1, 1)
    OutView[:, :, 1] = inter8_mat5K(LF, Pnr, Pn0, Pn1, Pxr, Px0, Px1, Pyr, Py0,
                                    Py1, 2)
    OutView[:, :, 0] = inter8_mat5K(LF, Pnr, Pn0, Pn1, Pxr, Px0, Px1, Pyr, Py0,
                                    Py1, 3)
    OutFlow = inter8_mat_flow5K(LFDisparity, Pnr, Pn0, Pn1, Pxr, Px0, Px1, Pyr,
                                Py0, Py1)

    Py = cp.pad(Py, [(1, 1), (0, 0)], mode='edge')
    Py = cp.ceil((Py * 10000))
    Py = Py / 10000

    My = 2 / (Py[2:cp.size(Py, 0), :] - Py[0:(cp.size(Py, 0) - 2), :])

    My[0, :] = My[0, :] / 2

    My[cp.size(My, 0) - 1, :] = My[cp.size(My, 0) - 1, :] / 2

    OutFlow = My * OutFlow

    return OutView, OutFlow
Ejemplo n.º 17
def daisy(image,
    """Extract DAISY feature descriptors densely for the given image.

    DAISY is a feature descriptor similar to SIFT formulated in a way that
    allows for fast dense extraction. Typically, this is practical for
    bag-of-features image representations.

    The implementation follows Tola et al. [1]_ but deviate on the following

      * Histogram bin contribution are smoothed with a circular Gaussian
        window over the tonal range (the angular range).
      * The sigma values of the spatial Gaussian smoothing in this code do not
        match the sigma values in the original code by Tola et al. [2]_. In
        their code, spatial smoothing is applied to both the input image and
        the center histogram. However, this smoothing is not documented in [1]_
        and, therefore, it is omitted.

    image : (M, N) array
        Input image (grayscale).
    step : int, optional
        Distance between descriptor sampling points.
    radius : int, optional
        Radius (in pixels) of the outermost ring.
    rings : int, optional
        Number of rings.
    histograms  : int, optional
        Number of histograms sampled per ring.
    orientations : int, optional
        Number of orientations (bins) per histogram.
    normalization : [ 'l1' | 'l2' | 'daisy' | 'off' ], optional
        How to normalize the descriptors

          * 'l1': L1-normalization of each descriptor.
          * 'l2': L2-normalization of each descriptor.
          * 'daisy': L2-normalization of individual histograms.
          * 'off': Disable normalization.

    sigmas : 1D array of float, optional
        Standard deviation of spatial Gaussian smoothing for the center
        histogram and for each ring of histograms. The array of sigmas should
        be sorted from the center and out. I.e. the first sigma value defines
        the spatial smoothing of the center histogram and the last sigma value
        defines the spatial smoothing of the outermost ring. Specifying sigmas
        overrides the following parameter.

            ``rings = len(sigmas) - 1``

    ring_radii : 1D array of int, optional
        Radius (in pixels) for each ring. Specifying ring_radii overrides the
        following two parameters.

            ``rings = len(ring_radii)``
            ``radius = ring_radii[-1]``

        If both sigmas and ring_radii are given, they must satisfy the
        following predicate since no radius is needed for the center

            ``len(ring_radii) == len(sigmas) + 1``

    visualize : bool, optional
        Generate a visualization of the DAISY descriptors

    descs : array
        Grid of DAISY descriptors for the given image as an array
        dimensionality  (P, Q, R) where

            ``P = ceil((M - radius*2) / step)``
            ``Q = ceil((N - radius*2) / step)``
            ``R = (rings * histograms + 1) * orientations``

    descs_img : (M, N, 3) array (only if visualize==True)
        Visualization of the DAISY descriptors.

    .. [1] Tola et al. "Daisy: An efficient dense descriptor applied to wide-
           baseline stereo." Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE
           Transactions on 32.5 (2010): 815-830.
    .. [2] http://cvlab.epfl.ch/software/daisy

    check_nD(image, 2, "img")

    image = img_as_float(image)

    # Validate parameters.
    if sigmas is not None and ring_radii is not None \
            and len(sigmas) - 1 != len(ring_radii):
        raise ValueError('`len(sigmas)-1 != len(ring_radii)`')
    if ring_radii is not None:
        rings = len(ring_radii)
        radius = ring_radii[-1]
    if sigmas is not None:
        rings = len(sigmas) - 1
    if sigmas is None:
        sigmas = [radius * (i + 1) / float(2 * rings) for i in range(rings)]
    if ring_radii is None:
        ring_radii = [radius * (i + 1) / float(rings) for i in range(rings)]
    if normalization not in ['l1', 'l2', 'daisy', 'off']:
        raise ValueError('Invalid normalization method.')

    # Compute image derivatives.
    dx = cp.zeros(image.shape)
    dy = cp.zeros(image.shape)
    dx[:, :-1] = cp.diff(image, n=1, axis=1)
    dy[:-1, :] = cp.diff(image, n=1, axis=0)

    # Compute gradient orientation and magnitude and their contribution
    # to the histograms
    grad_mag = dx * dx
    grad_mag += dy * dy
    cp.sqrt(grad_mag, out=grad_mag)
    grad_ori = cp.arctan2(dy, dx)
    pi = cp.pi
    orientation_kappa = orientations / pi
    orientation_angles = [
        2 * o * pi / orientations - pi for o in range(orientations)
    hist = cp.empty((orientations, ) + image.shape, dtype=float)
    for i, o in enumerate(orientation_angles):
        # Weigh bin contribution by the circular normal distribution
        hist[i, :, :] = cp.exp(orientation_kappa * cp.cos(grad_ori - o))
        # Weigh bin contribution by the gradient magnitude
        hist[i, :, :] = cp.multiply(hist[i, :, :], grad_mag)

    # Smooth orientation histograms for the center and all rings.
    sigmas = [sigmas[0]] + sigmas
    hist_smooth = cp.empty((rings + 1, ) + hist.shape, dtype=float)
    for i in range(rings + 1):
        for j in range(orientations):
            hist_smooth[i, j, :, :] = gaussian_filter(hist[j, :, :],

    # Assemble descriptor grid.
    theta = [2 * pi * j / histograms for j in range(histograms)]
    desc_dims = (rings * histograms + 1) * orientations
    descs = cp.empty(
        (desc_dims, image.shape[0] - 2 * radius, image.shape[1] - 2 * radius))
    descs[:orientations, :, :] = hist_smooth[0, :, radius:-radius,
    idx = orientations
    for i in range(rings):
        for j in range(histograms):
            y_min = radius + int(round(ring_radii[i] * math.sin(theta[j])))
            y_max = descs.shape[1] + y_min
            x_min = radius + int(round(ring_radii[i] * math.cos(theta[j])))
            x_max = descs.shape[2] + x_min
            descs[idx:idx + orientations, :, :] = hist_smooth[i + 1, :,
            idx += orientations
    descs = descs[:, ::step, ::step]
    descs = descs.swapaxes(0, 1).swapaxes(1, 2)

    # Normalize descriptors.
    if normalization != 'off':
        descs += 1e-10
        if normalization == 'l1':
            descs /= cp.sum(descs, axis=2)[:, :, cp.newaxis]
        elif normalization == 'l2':
            descs /= cp.sqrt(cp.sum(descs * descs, axis=2))[:, :, cp.newaxis]
        elif normalization == 'daisy':
            for i in range(0, desc_dims, orientations):
                norms = descs[:, :, i:i + orientations]
                norms = norms * norms
                norms = norms.sum(axis=2)
                cp.sqrt(norms, out=norms)
                descs[:, :, i:i + orientations] /= norms[:, :, cp.newaxis]

    if visualize:
        from skimage import draw
        from skimage.color import gray2rgb

        image = cp.asnumpy(image)
        descs_img = gray2rgb(image)
        for i in range(descs.shape[0]):
            for j in range(descs.shape[1]):
                # Draw center histogram sigma
                color = [1, 0, 0]
                desc_y = i * step + radius
                desc_x = j * step + radius
                rows, cols, val = draw.circle_perimeter_aa(
                    desc_y, desc_x, int(sigmas[0]))
                draw.set_color(descs_img, (rows, cols), color, alpha=val)
                max_bin = float(cp.max(descs[i, j, :]))
                for o_num, o in enumerate(orientation_angles):
                    # Draw center histogram bins
                    bin_size = descs[i, j, o_num] / max_bin
                    dy = sigmas[0] * bin_size * math.sin(o)
                    dx = sigmas[0] * bin_size * math.cos(o)
                    rows, cols, val = draw.line_aa(desc_y, desc_x,
                                                   int(desc_y + dy),
                                                   int(desc_x + dx))
                    draw.set_color(descs_img, (rows, cols), color, alpha=val)
                for r_num, r in enumerate(ring_radii):
                    color_offset = float(1 + r_num) / rings
                    color = (1 - color_offset, 1, color_offset)
                    for t_num, t in enumerate(theta):
                        # Draw ring histogram sigmas
                        hist_y = desc_y + int(round(r * math.sin(t)))
                        hist_x = desc_x + int(round(r * math.cos(t)))
                        rows, cols, val = draw.circle_perimeter_aa(
                            hist_y, hist_x, int(sigmas[r_num + 1]))
                        draw.set_color(descs_img, (rows, cols),
                        for o_num, o in enumerate(orientation_angles):
                            # Draw histogram bins
                            bin_size = descs[i, j, orientations + r_num *
                                             histograms * orientations +
                                             t_num * orientations + o_num]
                            bin_size /= max_bin
                            dy = sigmas[r_num + 1] * bin_size * math.sin(o)
                            dx = sigmas[r_num + 1] * bin_size * math.cos(o)
                            rows, cols, val = draw.line_aa(
                                hist_y, hist_x, int(hist_y + dy),
                                int(hist_x + dx))
                            draw.set_color(descs_img, (rows, cols),
        return descs, descs_img
        return descs
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _calibrate(self, img, findCarrier=True, useCupy=False):
        assert len(img) > 6
        self.N = len(img[0, :, :])
        if self.N != self._lastN:
        ''' define k grids '''
        self._dx = self.pixelsize / self.magnification  # Sampling in image plane
        self._res = self.wavelength / (2 * self.NA)
        self._oversampling = self._res / self._dx
        self._dk = self._oversampling / (self.N / 2
                                         )  # Sampling in frequency plane
        self._k = np.arange(-self._dk * self.N / 2,
                            self._dk * self.N / 2,
        self._dx2 = self._dx / 2

        self._kr = np.sqrt(self._k**2 + self._k[:, np.newaxis]**2,
        kxbig = np.arange(-self._dk * self.N,
                          self._dk * self.N,
        kybig = kxbig[:, np.newaxis]
        '''Sum input images if there are more than 7'''
        if len(img) > 7:
            imgs = np.zeros((7, self.N, self.N), dtype=np.single)
            for i in range(7):
                imgs[i, :, :] = np.sum(img[i:(len(img) // 7) * 7:7, :, :],
            imgs = np.single(img)
        '''Separate bands into DC and 3 high frequency bands'''
        M = np.complex64(
            exp(1j * 2 * pi / 7)**((np.arange(0, 4)[:, np.newaxis]) *
                                   np.arange(0, 7)))

        wienerfilter = np.zeros((2 * self.N, 2 * self.N), dtype=np.single)

        if useCupy:
            sum_prepared_comp = cp.dot(cp.asarray(M),
                                           (1, 0, 2))).get()
            sum_prepared_comp = np.zeros((4, self.N, self.N),
            for k in range(0, 4):
                for l in range(0, 7):
                    sum_prepared_comp[k, :, :] = sum_prepared_comp[
                        k, :, :] + imgs[l, :, :] * M[k, l]

        # find parameters
        ckx = np.zeros((3, 1), dtype=np.single)
        cky = np.zeros((3, 1), dtype=np.single)
        p = np.zeros((3, 1), dtype=np.single)
        ampl = np.zeros((3, 1), dtype=np.single)

        if findCarrier:
            # minimum search radius in k-space
            mask1 = (self._kr > 1.9 * self.eta)
            for i in range(0, 3):
                if useCupy:
                    self.kx[i], self.ky[i] = self._coarseFindCarrier_cupy(
                        sum_prepared_comp[0, :, :],
                        sum_prepared_comp[i + 1, :, :], mask1)
                    self.kx[i], self.ky[i] = self._coarseFindCarrier(
                        sum_prepared_comp[0, :, :],
                        sum_prepared_comp[i + 1, :, :], mask1)
        for i in range(0, 3):
            if useCupy:
                ckx[i], cky[i], p[i], ampl[i] = self._refineCarrier_cupy(
                    sum_prepared_comp[0, :, :], sum_prepared_comp[i + 1, :, :],
                    self.kx[i], self.ky[i])
                ckx[i], cky[i], p[i], ampl[i] = self._refineCarrier(
                    sum_prepared_comp[0, :, :], sum_prepared_comp[i + 1, :, :],
                    self.kx[i], self.ky[i])

        self.kx = ckx  # store found kx, ky, p and ampl values
        self.ky = cky
        self.p = p
        self.ampl = ampl

        if self.debug:
            print(f'kx = {ckx[0]}, {ckx[1]}, {ckx[2]}')
            print(f'ky = {cky[0]}, {cky[1]}, {cky[2]}')
            print(f'p  = {p[0]}, {p[1]}, {p[2]}')
            print(f'a  = {ampl[0]}, {ampl[1]}, {ampl[2]}')

        ph = np.single(2 * pi * self.NA / self.wavelength)

        xx = np.arange(-self._dx2 * self.N,
                       self._dx2 * self.N,
        yy = xx

        if self.usemodulation:
            A = [float(ampl[i]) for i in range(3)]
            if self.axial:
                A = [6.0 for i in range(3)]
                A = [12.0 for i in range(3)]

        for idx_p in range(0, 7):
            pstep = idx_p * 2 * pi / 7
            if useCupy:
                self._reconfactor[idx_p, :, :] = (
                    1 + 4 / A[0] * cp.outer(
                            cp.asarray(1j *
                                       (ph * cky[0] * yy - pstep + p[0]))),
                        cp.exp(cp.asarray(1j * ph * ckx[0] * xx))).real +
                    4 / A[1] * cp.outer(
                            cp.asarray(1j *
                                       (ph * cky[1] * yy - 2 * pstep + p[1]))),
                        cp.exp(cp.asarray(1j * ph * ckx[1] * xx))).real +
                    4 / A[2] * cp.outer(
                            cp.asarray(1j *
                                       (ph * cky[2] * yy - 3 * pstep + p[2]))),
                        cp.exp(cp.asarray(1j * ph * ckx[2] * xx))).real).get()
                self._reconfactor[idx_p, :, :] = (1 + 4 / A[0] * np.outer(
                    np.exp(1j * (ph * cky[0] * yy - pstep + p[0])),
                    np.exp(1j * ph * ckx[0] * xx)).real + 4 / A[1] * np.outer(
                        np.exp(1j * (ph * cky[1] * yy - 2 * pstep + p[1])),
                            1j * ph * ckx[1] * xx)).real + 4 / A[2] * np.outer(
                                np.exp(1j *
                                       (ph * cky[2] * yy - 3 * pstep + p[2])),
                                np.exp(1j * ph * ckx[2] * xx)).real)

        # calculate pre-filter factors

        mask2 = (self._kr < 2)

        self._prefilter = np.single(
            (self._tfm(self._kr, mask2) * self._attm(self._kr, mask2)))
        self._prefilter = fft.fftshift(self._prefilter)

        mtot = np.full((2 * self.N, 2 * self.N), False)

        th = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, 360, dtype=np.single)
        inv = np.geterr()['invalid']
        kmaxth = 2

        for i in range(0, 3):
            krbig = sqrt((kxbig - ckx[i])**2 + (kybig - cky[i])**2)
            mask = (krbig < 2)
            mtot = mtot | mask
            wienerfilter[mask] = wienerfilter[mask] + (self._tf(
                krbig[mask])**2) * self._att(krbig[mask])
            krbig = sqrt((kxbig + ckx[i])**2 + (kybig + cky[i])**2)
            mask = (krbig < 2)
            mtot = mtot | mask
            wienerfilter[mask] = wienerfilter[mask] + (self._tf(
                krbig[mask])**2) * self._att(krbig[mask])
                      )  # Silence sqrt warnings for kmaxth calculations
            kmaxth = np.fmax(
                    ckx[i] * np.cos(th) + cky[i] * np.sin(th) +
                    np.sqrt(4 - (ckx[i] * np.sin(th))**2 -
                            (cky[i] * np.cos(th))**2 +
                            ckx[i] * cky[i] * np.sin(2 * th)),
                    -ckx[i] * np.cos(th) - cky[i] * np.sin(th) +
                    np.sqrt(4 - (ckx[i] * np.sin(th))**2 -
                            (cky[i] * np.cos(th))**2 +
                            ckx[i] * cky[i] * np.sin(2 * th))))
        if self.debug:
            plt.plot(th, kmaxth)

        krbig = sqrt(kxbig**2 + kybig**2)
        mask = (krbig < 2)
        mtot = mtot | mask
        wienerfilter[mask] = (
            wienerfilter[mask] +
            self._tf(krbig[mask])**2 * self._att(krbig[mask]))
        self.wienerfilter = wienerfilter

        if useCupy and 'interp' in dir(
                cp):  # interp not available in cupy version < 9.0.0
            kmax = cp.interp(cp.arctan2(cp.asarray(kybig), cp.asarray(kxbig)),
                             period=2 * pi).astype(np.single).get()
            kmax = np.interp(np.arctan2(kybig, kxbig),
                             period=2 * pi).astype(np.single)

        if self.debug:

        wienerfilter = mtot * (1 - krbig * mtot / kmax) / (
            wienerfilter * mtot + self.w**2)
        self._postfilter = fft.fftshift(wienerfilter)

        if self.cleanup:
            imgo = self.reconstruct_fftw(img)
            kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
            mask_tmp = abs(fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(imgo))) > (
                10 * gaussian_filter(abs(fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(imgo))), 5))
            mask = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(
                np.single(mask_tmp), kernel)
            mask[self.N - 12:self.N + 13, self.N - 12:self.N + 13] = np.full(
                (25, 25), False)
            mask_shift = (fft.fftshift(mask))
            self._postfilter[mask_shift.astype(bool)] = 0

        if opencv:
            self._reconfactorU = [
                cv2.UMat(self._reconfactor[idx_p, :, :])
                for idx_p in range(0, 7)
            self._prefilter_ocv = np.single(
            pf = np.zeros((self.N, self.N, 2), dtype=np.single)
            pf[:, :, 0] = self._prefilter
            pf[:, :, 1] = self._prefilter
            self._prefilter_ocvU = cv2.UMat(np.single(pf))
            self._postfilter_ocv = np.single(
            pf = np.zeros((2 * self.N, 2 * self.N, 2), dtype=np.single)
            pf[:, :, 0] = self._postfilter
            pf[:, :, 1] = self._postfilter
            self._postfilter_ocvU = cv2.UMat(np.single(pf))

        if cupy:
            self._postfilter_cp = cp.asarray(self._postfilter)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def slope_aspect_gpu(dem,
    Procedure can return terrain slope and aspect in radian units (default) or in alternative units (if specified).
    Slope is defined as 0 for Hz plane and pi/2 for vertical plane.
    Aspect iz defined as geographic azimuth: clockwise increasing, 0 or 2pi for the North direction.
    Currently applied finite difference method.

    dem : input dem 2D cupy array
    resolution_x : dem resolution in X direction
    resolution_y : DEM resolution in Y direction
    ve_factor : vertical exaggeration factor (must be greater than 0)
    output_units : percent, degree, radians

    {"slope": slope_out, "aspect": aspect_out} : dictionaries with 2D numpy arrays

    if ve_factor <= 0:
        raise Exception(
            "rvt.vis.slope_aspect: ve_factor must be a positive number!")

    if resolution_x < 0 or resolution_y < 0:
        raise Exception(
            "rvt.vis.slope_aspect: resolution must be a positive number!")

    dem = dem.astype(np.float32)
    if ve_factor != 1:
        dem = dem * ve_factor

    # add frame of 0 (additional row up bottom and column left right)
    dem = cp.pad(dem, pad_width=1, mode="constant", constant_values=0)

    # derivatives in X and Y direction
    dzdx = ((cp.roll(dem, 1, axis=1) - cp.roll(dem, -1, axis=1)) /
            2) / resolution_x
    dzdy = ((cp.roll(dem, -1, axis=0) - cp.roll(dem, 1, axis=0)) /
            2) / resolution_y
    tan_slope = cp.sqrt(dzdx**2 + dzdy**2)

    # Compute slope
    if output_units == "percent":
        slope_out = tan_slope * 100
    elif output_units == "degree":
        slope_out = cp.rad2deg(np.arctan(tan_slope))
    elif output_units == "radian":
        slope_out = cp.arctan(tan_slope)
        raise Exception(
            "rvt.vis.calculate_slope: Wrong function input 'output_units'!")

    # compute Aspect
    # aspect identifies the down slope direction of the maximum rate of change in value from each cell to its neighbors:
    #     0
    # 270    90
    #    180
        dzdy ==
        0] = 10e-9  # important for numeric stability - where dzdy is zero, make tangens to really high value

    aspect_out = cp.arctan2(dzdx, dzdy)  # atan2 took care of the quadrants
    if output_units == "degree":
        aspect_out = cp.rad2deg(aspect_out)

    # remove the frame (padding)
    slope_out = slope_out[1:-1, 1:-1]
    aspect_out = aspect_out[1:-1, 1:-1]

    # edges to -1
    slope_out[:, 0] = -1
    slope_out[0, :] = -1
    slope_out[:, -1] = -1
    slope_out[-1, :] = -1
    aspect_out[:, 0] = -1
    aspect_out[0, :] = -1
    aspect_out[:, -1] = -1
    aspect_out[-1, :] = -1

    return {"slope": slope_out, "aspect": aspect_out}
Ejemplo n.º 20
def pred_traj(ncomb,b_xfc,b_yfc,b_zfc,rho,a,d_ij,alpha_ij,beta_ij,lambda_xij,lambda_yij,lambda_zij,Afc,P,beq_x,beq_y,beq_z,cost_mat_inv_x,cost_mat_inv_y,cost_mat_inv_z):
    term1 = b_xfc + a*cp.ones(ncomb*n_samples)*d_ij*cp.cos(alpha_ij)*cp.sin(beta_ij)-lambda_xij/rho
    term2 = b_yfc + a*cp.ones(ncomb*n_samples)*d_ij*cp.sin(alpha_ij)*cp.sin(beta_ij)-lambda_yij/rho
    term3 = b_zfc + a*cp.ones(ncomb*n_samples)*d_ij*cp.cos(beta_ij)-lambda_zij/rho

    aug_term = cp.vstack((term1,term2,term3))
    rhs_top = -rho*cp.dot(Afc.T,aug_term.T).T

    lincost_mat = cp.hstack((-rhs_top, cp.vstack((beq_x,beq_y,beq_z))))

    sol_x = cp.dot(cost_mat_inv_x, lincost_mat[0])
    sol_y = cp.dot(cost_mat_inv_y, lincost_mat[1])
    sol_z = cp.dot(cost_mat_inv_z, lincost_mat[2])
    nvar = 21
    trunc_shape = nbot*nvar

    # sol_x = cp.dot(cost_mat_inv_x, rhs_x)

    # rhs_top = rho*cp.dot(Afc.T,b_yfc)
    # rhs_y = cp.hstack((rhs_top,beq_y))
    # sol_y = cp.dot(cost_mat_inv_y,rhs_y)

    # rhs_top = rho*cp.dot(Afc.T,b_zfc)
    # rhs_z = cp.hstack((rhs_top,beq_z))
    # sol_z = cp.dot(cost_mat_inv_z,rhs_z)
    primal_x = sol_x[:trunc_shape]
    primal_y = sol_y[:trunc_shape]
    primal_z = sol_z[:trunc_shape]

    # print (primal_y)
    # print (primal_z)

    coeff_x = primal_x[:trunc_shape]
    cx = coeff_x.reshape(nbot,nvar)
    coeff_y = primal_y[:trunc_shape]
    cy = coeff_y.reshape(nbot,nvar)
    coeff_z = primal_z[:trunc_shape]
    cz = coeff_z.reshape(nbot,nvar)

    x_pred = cp.dot(P,cx.T).T
    y_pred = cp.dot(P,cy.T).T
    z_pred = cp.dot(P,cz.T).T 

    xij = cp.dot(Afc, primal_x)-b_xfc ### xi-xj ### WHYYYYY????????????
    yij = cp.dot(Afc, primal_y)-b_yfc ### yi-yj
    zij = cp.dot(Afc, primal_z)-b_zfc ### zi-zj
    alpha_ij = cp.arctan2(yij,xij)
    tij = xij/cp.cos(alpha_ij)
    beta_ij = cp.arctan2(tij,zij)

    c2_d = (lambda_xij*cp.cos(alpha_ij)*cp.sin(beta_ij) + lambda_yij*cp.sin(alpha_ij)*cp.sin(beta_ij) + lambda_zij*cp.cos(beta_ij)+ rho*xij*cp.cos(alpha_ij)*cp.sin(beta_ij) + rho*yij*cp.sin(alpha_ij)*cp.sin(beta_ij) +rho*zij*cp.cos(beta_ij))

    d_temp_1 = c2_d[:ncomb*n_samples]/float(a*rho)
    d_ij = cp.maximum(cp.ones(ncomb*n_samples), d_temp_1)

    res_x = xij-a*d_ij*cp.cos(alpha_ij)*cp.sin(beta_ij)
    res_y = yij-a*d_ij*cp.sin(alpha_ij)*cp.sin(beta_ij)
    res_z = zij-a*d_ij*cp.cos(beta_ij)

    lambda_xij += rho*res_x
    lambda_yij += rho*res_y
    lambda_zij += rho*res_z

    return x_pred,y_pred,z_pred,res_x,res_y,res_z, lambda_xij,lambda_yij,lambda_zij,d_ij,alpha_ij,beta_ij, xij, yij, zij, tij
Ejemplo n.º 21
def phasecong100(im,

    rows, cols = im.shape
    imagefft = fft2(im)
    zero = cp.zeros(shape=(rows, cols))

    EO = dict()
    EnergyV = cp.zeros((rows, cols, 3))

    x_range = cp.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, num=cols, endpoint=True)
    y_range = cp.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, num=rows, endpoint=True)

    x, y = cp.meshgrid(x_range, y_range)
    radius = cp.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)

    theta = cp.arctan2(-y, x)

    radius = ifftshift(radius)

    theta = ifftshift(theta)

    radius[0, 0] = 1.

    sintheta = cp.sin(theta)
    costheta = cp.cos(theta)

    lp = lowpass_filter((rows, cols), 0.45, 15)

    logGabor = []
    for s in range(1, nscale + 1):
        wavelength = minWavelength * mult**(s - 1.)
        fo = 1.0 / wavelength
            cp.exp((-(cp.log(radius / fo))**2) / (2 * cp.log(sigmaOnf)**2)))
        logGabor[-1] *= lp
        logGabor[-1][0, 0] = 0

    # The main loop...
    for o in range(1, norient + 1):
        angl = (o - 1.) * cp.pi / norient
        ds = sintheta * cp.cos(angl) - costheta * cp.sin(angl)
        dc = costheta * cp.cos(angl) + sintheta * cp.sin(angl)
        dtheta = cp.abs(cp.arctan2(ds, dc))
        dtheta = cp.minimum(dtheta * norient / 2., cp.pi)
        spread = (cp.cos(dtheta) + 1.) / 2.
        sumE_ThisOrient = zero.copy()
        sumO_ThisOrient = zero.copy()
        for s in range(0, nscale):
            filter_ = logGabor[s] * spread
            EO[(s, o)] = ifft2(imagefft * filter_)
            sumE_ThisOrient = sumE_ThisOrient + cp.real(EO[(s, o)])
            sumO_ThisOrient = sumO_ThisOrient + cp.imag(EO[(s, o)])
        EnergyV[:, :, 0] = EnergyV[:, :, 0] + sumE_ThisOrient
        EnergyV[:, :, 1] = EnergyV[:, :, 1] + cp.cos(angl) * sumO_ThisOrient
        EnergyV[:, :, 2] = EnergyV[:, :, 2] + cp.sin(angl) * sumO_ThisOrient
    OddV = cp.sqrt(EnergyV[:, :, 0]**2 + EnergyV[:, :, 1]**2)
    featType = cp.arctan2(EnergyV[:, :, 0], OddV)
    return featType
Ejemplo n.º 22
def create_adj(P, filter_type):
    # convolution function
    fZ = cp.fft.fftshift(
        fzeta_loop_weights_adj(P.Ntheta, P.Nrho, 2 * P.beta,
                               P.g - np.log(P.am), 0, 4))

    # (C2lp1,C2lp2), transformed Cartesian to log-polar coordinates
    [x1, x2] = cp.meshgrid(cp.linspace(-1, 1, P.N), cp.linspace(-1, 1, P.N))
    x1 = x1.flatten()
    x2 = x2.flatten()
    x2 = x2 * (-1)  # adjust for tomopy
    cids = cp.where(x1**2 + x2**2 <= 1)[0]
    C2lp1 = [None] * P.Nspan
    C2lp2 = [None] * P.Nspan
    for k in range(0, P.Nspan):
        z1 = P.aR * (x1[cids] * cp.cos(k * P.beta + P.beta / 2) +
                     x2[cids] * cp.sin(k * P.beta + P.beta / 2)) + (1 - P.aR)
        z2 = P.aR * (-x1[cids] * cp.sin(k * P.beta + P.beta / 2) +
                     x2[cids] * cp.cos(k * P.beta + P.beta / 2))
        C2lp1[k] = cp.arctan2(z2, z1)
        C2lp2[k] = cp.log(cp.sqrt(z1**2 + z2**2))

    # (lp2p1,lp2p2), transformed log-polar to polar coordinates
    [z1, z2] = cp.meshgrid(P.thsp, cp.exp(P.rhosp))
    z1 = z1.flatten()
    z2 = z2.flatten()
    z2n = z2 - (1 - P.aR) * cp.cos(z1)
    z2n = z2n / P.aR
    lpids = cp.where((z1 >= -P.beta / 2) & (z1 < P.beta / 2)
                     & (abs(z2n) <= 1))[0]
    lp2p1 = [None] * P.Nspan
    lp2p2 = [None] * P.Nspan
    for k in range(P.Nspan):
        lp2p1[k] = (z1[lpids] + k * P.beta)
        lp2p2[k] = z2n[lpids]
    # (lp2p1w,lp2p2w), transformed log-polar to polar coordinates (wrapping)
    # right side
    wids = cp.where(cp.log(z2) > +P.g)[0]
    z2n = cp.exp(cp.log(z2[wids]) + cp.log(P.am) -
                 P.g) - (1 - P.aR) * cp.cos(z1[wids])
    z2n = z2n / P.aR
    lpidsw = cp.where((z1[wids] >= -P.beta / 2) & (z1[wids] < P.beta / 2)
                      & (abs(z2n) <= 1))[0]
    # left side
    wids2 = cp.where(
        cp.log(z2) < cp.log(P.am) - P.g + (P.rhosp[1] - P.rhosp[0]))[0]
    z2n2 = cp.exp(cp.log(z2[wids2])-cp.log(P.am)+P.g) - \
    z2n2 = z2n2 / P.aR
    lpidsw2 = cp.where((z1[wids2] >= -P.beta / 2) & (z1[wids2] < P.beta / 2)
                       & (abs(z2n2) <= 1))[0]
    lp2p1w = [None] * P.Nspan
    lp2p2w = [None] * P.Nspan
    for k in range(P.Nspan):
        lp2p1w[k] = (z1[cp.concatenate((lpidsw, lpidsw2))] + k * P.beta)
        lp2p2w[k] = cp.concatenate((z2n[lpidsw], z2n2[lpidsw2]))
    # join for saving
    wids = cp.concatenate((wids[lpidsw], wids2[lpidsw2]))

    # pids, index in polar grids after splitting by spans
    pids = [None] * P.Nspan
    for k in range(P.Nspan):
        pids[k] = cp.where((P.proj >= k * P.beta - P.beta / 2)
                           & (P.proj < k * P.beta + P.beta / 2))[0]

    # first angle and length of spans
    proj0 = [None] * P.Nspan
    projl = [None] * P.Nspan
    for k in range(P.Nspan):
        proj0[k] = P.proj[pids[k][0]]
        projl[k] = P.proj[pids[k][-1]] - P.proj[pids[k][0]]

    #shift in angles
    projp = (P.Nproj - 1) / (proj0[P.Nspan - 1] + projl[P.Nspan - 1] -

    # adapt for interpolation
    for k in range(P.Nspan):
        lp2p1[k] = (lp2p1[k]-proj0[k])/projl[k] * \
        lp2p1w[k] = (lp2p1w[k]-proj0[k])/projl[k] * \
        lp2p2[k] = (lp2p2[k] + 1) / 2 * (P.N - 1)
        lp2p2w[k] = (lp2p2w[k] + 1) / 2 * (P.N - 1)
        C2lp1[k] = (C2lp1[k] - P.thsp[0]) / (P.thsp[-1] -
                                             P.thsp[0]) * (P.Ntheta - 1)
        C2lp2[k] = (C2lp2[k] - P.rhosp[0]) / (P.rhosp[-1] -
                                              P.rhosp[0]) * (P.Nrho - 1)

    const = (P.N + 1) * (P.N - 1) / P.N**2 / 2 * np.sqrt(
        P.osangles * P.Nproj / P.N / 2)
    fZgpu = fZ[:, :P.Ntheta // 2 + 1] * const
    if (P.interp_type == 'cubic'):
        fZgpu = fZgpu / (P.B3com[:, :P.Ntheta // 2 + 1])

    # filter
    if (filter_type != 'none'):
        filter = take_filter(P.N, filter_type)
        filter = None

    Padj0 = Padj(fZgpu, lp2p1, lp2p2, lp2p1w, lp2p2w, C2lp1, C2lp2, cids,
                 lpids, wids, filter)
    # array representation
    parsi, parsf = savePadjpars(Padj0)
    return (Padj0, parsi, parsf)
Ejemplo n.º 23
p = 0.  # Linear Zeeman
q = 0  # Quadratic Zeeman
c0 = 5000
c2 = np.where(Z <= 0, 1000, -250)
c4 = 1000

# Time steps, number and wavefunction save variables
Nt = 2500
Nframe = 50  # Saves data every Nframe time steps
dt = -1j * 1e-2  # Time step
t = 0.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generating initial state:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
phi = cp.arctan2(Y, X)  # Phase is azimuthal angle around the core

Tf = sm.get_TF_density_3d(c0, c2, X, Y, Z, N=1)

eta = np.where(Z <= 0, 0, -1)  # Parameter used to interpolate between states

# Generate initial wavefunctions:
psiP2 = cp.sqrt(Tf) * 1 / cp.sqrt(3) * cp.sqrt((1 + eta))
psiP1 = cp.zeros((Nx, Ny, Nz))
psi0 = cp.zeros((Nx, Ny, Nz))
psiM1 = cp.sqrt(Tf) * 1 / cp.sqrt(3) * cp.sqrt((2 - eta))
psiM2 = cp.zeros((Nx, Ny, Nz))

Psi = [psiP2, psiP1, psi0, psiM1, psiM2]  # Full 5x1 wavefunction

# Spin rotation on wavefunction:
Ejemplo n.º 24
def osg(aR, theta):
    t = cp.linspace(-cp.pi / 2, cp.pi / 2, 1000)
    w = aR * cp.cos(t) + (1 - aR) + 1j * aR * cp.sin(t)
    g = max(
        cp.log(abs(w)) + cp.log(cp.cos(theta - cp.arctan2(w.imag, w.real))))
    return g