Ejemplo n.º 1
def cmplx_sort(p):
    """Sort roots based on magnitude.

    p : array_like
        The roots to sort, as a 1-D array.

    p_sorted : ndarray
        Sorted roots.
    indx : ndarray
        Array of indices needed to sort the input `p`.

    >>> import cusignal
    >>> vals = [1, 4, 1+1.j, 3]
    >>> p_sorted, indx = cusignal.cmplx_sort(vals)
    >>> p_sorted
    array([1.+0.j, 1.+1.j, 3.+0.j, 4.+0.j])
    >>> indx
    array([0, 2, 3, 1])

    p = cp.asarray(p)
    if cp.iscomplexobj(p):
        indx = cp.argsort(abs(p))
        indx = cp.argsort(p)
    return cp.take(p, indx, 0), indx
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getShapeMatrix(ro=1.3, N=1000, gpu=False):
    if gpu:
        import cupy as np
        import numpy as np

    def f(ro, N):
        ''' give the surface map matrix '''
        # polar coordinate
        theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, N)
        x = ro * np.cos(theta)
        y = ro * np.sin(theta)

        u, v = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        RO = u**2 + v**2
        # map z to u,v
        Z = 1 - u / RO - RO
        return x, y, Z

    x, y, Z = f(ro, N)
    # remap z to the grid index
    index_x, index_y = np.argsort(x), np.argsort(y)
    Y, X = np.meshgrid(
        index_y)  # meshgrid always will use numpy array NOT mxnet NDArray
    Z = Z[X, Y]
    return Z
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_template():
    size = 100
    # Float prefactors ensure that image range is between 0 and 1
    image = np.full((400, 400), 0.5)
    target = 0.1 * (np.tri(size) + np.tri(size)[::-1])
    target_positions = [(50, 50), (200, 200)]
    for x, y in target_positions:
        image[x:x + size, y:y + size] = target
    image += 0.1 * np.random.uniform(size=(400, 400))
    image = cp.asarray(image)
    target = cp.asarray(target)

    result = match_template(image, target)
    delta = 5

    positions = peak_local_max(result, min_distance=delta)

    if len(positions) > 2:
        # Keep the two maximum peaks.
        intensities = result[tuple(positions.T)]
        i_maxsort = cp.argsort(intensities)[::-1]
        positions = positions[i_maxsort][:2]

    # Sort so that order matches `target_positions`.
    positions = positions[cp.argsort(positions[:, 0])]

    for xy_target, xy in zip(target_positions, positions):
        assert_array_almost_equal(xy, xy_target)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def tensordot_adjoint_0(B, G, axes, A_ndim, B_ndim):
    # The adjoint of the operator
    # A |--> np.tensordot(A, B, axes)
    if B_ndim == 0:
        return G * B

    G_axes = ocp.arange(ocp.ndim(G))
    if type(axes) is int:
        axes = max(axes, 0)
        B_axes = ocp.arange(B_ndim)
        return ocp.tensordot(G, B, [G_axes[A_ndim - axes:], B_axes[axes:]])

    elif type(axes[0]) is int:
        axes = [axes[0] % A_ndim, axes[1] % B_ndim]
        B_axes = ocp.arange(B_ndim)
        return ocp.tensordot(
            G, B, [G_axes[A_ndim - 1:],
                   ocp.delete(B_axes, axes[1])])  # noqa: E501

        A_axes = ocp.arange(A_ndim)
        B_axes = ocp.arange(B_ndim)
        summed_axes = [
            ocp.asarray(axes[0]) % A_ndim,
            ocp.asarray(axes[1]) % B_ndim,
        ]  # noqa: E501
        other_axes = [
            ocp.delete(A_axes, summed_axes[0]),
            ocp.delete(B_axes, summed_axes[1]),  # noqa: E501
        out = ocp.tensordot(G, B, [G_axes[len(other_axes[0]):], other_axes[1]])
        perm = ocp.argsort(
                (other_axes[0], summed_axes[0][ocp.argsort(summed_axes[1])])))
        return ocp.transpose(out, perm)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_indices_with_labels(self):
     image = cp.asarray(np.random.uniform(size=(40, 60)))
     i, j = cp.mgrid[0:40, 0:60]
     labels = 1 + (i >= 20) + (j >= 30) * 2
     i, j = cp.mgrid[-3:4, -3:4]
     footprint = i * i + j * j <= 9
     expected = cp.zeros(image.shape, float)
     for imin, imax in ((0, 20), (20, 40)):
         for jmin, jmax in ((0, 30), (30, 60)):
                      jmin:jmax] = ndi.maximum_filter(image[imin:imax,
     expected = cp.column_stack(cp.nonzero(expected == image))
     expected = expected[cp.argsort(image[tuple(expected.T)])[::-1]]
     result = peak.peak_local_max(
     result = result[cp.argsort(image[tuple(result.T)])[::-1]]
     assert (result == expected).all()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def calculate_survival_chance(self):

        # 首先获取适应度
        scores = self.scores

        # 升序排列,数字越高,对应的适应度越高
        order = cp.argsort(cp.argsort(scores))

        # probs[i] 是第 i 个个体被选入下一代的概率
        self.probs = cp.divide(order, cp.sum(order))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def svdecon(X, nPC0=None):
    X : m x n matrix

    X = U*S*V'


    Does equivalent to svd(X,'econ') but faster

        Vipin Vijayan (2014)


    m, n = X.shape

    nPC = nPC0 or min(m, n)

    if m <= n:
        C = cp.dot(X, X.T)
        D, U = cp.linalg.eigh(C, 'U')

        ix = cp.argsort(np.abs(D))[::-1]
        d = D[ix]
        U = U[:, ix]
        d = d[:nPC]
        U = U[:, :nPC]

        V = cp.dot(X.T, U)
        s = cp.sqrt(d)
        V = V / s.T
        S = cp.diag(s)
        C = cp.dot(X.T, X)
        D, V = cp.linalg.eigh(C)

        ix = cp.argsort(cp.abs(D))[::-1]
        d = D[ix]
        V = V[:, ix]

        # convert evecs from X'*X to X*X'. the evals are the same.
        U = cp.dot(X, V)
        s = cp.sqrt(d)
        U = U / s.T
        S = cp.diag(s)

    return U, S, V
    def loss_orth(self):
        penalty = 0

        W = self.U.T
        Wt = W.T
        WWt = F.matmul(W, Wt)
        I = cupy.identity(WWt.shape[0])
        penalty = penalty + F.sum((WWt - I)**2)

        W = self.V
        Wt = W.T
        WWt = F.matmul(W, Wt)
        I = cupy.identity(WWt.shape[0])
        penalty = penalty + F.sum((WWt - I)**2)

        spectral_penalty = 0
        if self.mode in (4, 5):
            if (self.D.size > 1):
                sd2 = 0.1**2
                _d = self.D[cupy.argsort(self.D.data)]
                spectral_penalty += F.mean((1 - _d[:-1])**2 / sd2 - F.log(
                    (_d[1:] - _d[:-1]) + 1e-7)) * 0.05
        elif self.mode == 6:
            spectral_penalty += F.mean(self.D * F.log(self.D))
        elif self.mode == 7:
            spectral_penalty += F.mean(F.exp(self.D))
        elif self.mode == 8:
            spectral_penalty += -F.mean(F.log(self.D))

        return penalty + spectral_penalty * 0.1
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def Fisher(self, key, label, batchsize, nb_class, convert_dim, dimension,
     label = cp.array(label)
     if (self.n_shot == 1):
         Sw = cp.identity(dimension, dtype='float32')
         Sw = self.local_cov_in_class(key.data, label, nb_class, batchsize,
     Sb = self.local_cov_bet_class(key.data, label, nb_class, batchsize,
     Sb_Sw = Sb - 0.5 * Sw
     if (self.n_shot == 1):
         Sb_Sw = Sb
     lam, v = np.linalg.eigh(Sb_Sw)
     lam = cp.asarray(lam)
     v = cp.asarray(v)
     eigen_id = cp.argsort(lam)[::-1]
     eigen_value = lam[eigen_id]
     eigen_vector = v[:, eigen_id]
     W = eigen_vector[:, :convert_dim]
     W = cp.reshape(W, [dimension, convert_dim])
     W = W / cp.reshape(cp.linalg.norm(W, axis=0), [1, convert_dim])
     W = F.transpose(W)
     return W
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _minor_index_fancy(self, idx):
        """Index along the minor axis where idx is an array of ints.

        idx_dtype = self.indices.dtype
        idx = cupy.asarray(idx, dtype=idx_dtype).ravel()

        M, N = self._swap(*self.shape)
        k = len(idx)
        new_shape = self._swap(M, k)
        if k == 0:
            return self.__class__(new_shape)

        # pass 1: count idx entries and compute new indptr
        col_order = cupy.argsort(idx).astype(idx_dtype, copy=False)

        index1_outs = _index._csr_column_index1(idx, self.indptr, self.indices)
        res_indptr, indices_mask, col_counts, sort_idxs = index1_outs

        # pass 2: copy indices/data for selected idxs

        res_indices, res_data = _index._csr_column_index2(
            col_order, col_counts, sort_idxs, self.indptr, indices_mask,
            self.data, res_indptr)

        return self.__class__((res_data, res_indices, res_indptr),
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_normalization():
    """Test that `match_template` gives the correct normalization.

    Normalization gives 1 for a perfect match and -1 for an inverted-match.
    This test adds positive and negative squares to a zero-array and matches
    the array with a positive template.
    n = 5
    N = 20
    ipos, jpos = (2, 3)
    ineg, jneg = (12, 11)
    image = cp.full((N, N), 0.5)
    image[ipos:ipos + n, jpos:jpos + n] = 1
    image[ineg:ineg + n, jneg:jneg + n] = 0

    # white square with a black border
    template = cp.zeros((n + 2, n + 2))
    template[1:1 + n, 1:1 + n] = 1

    result = match_template(image, template)

    # get the max and min results.
    sorted_result = cp.argsort(result.ravel())
    iflat_min = cp.asnumpy(sorted_result[0])
    iflat_max = cp.asnumpy(sorted_result[-1])
    min_result = np.unravel_index(iflat_min, result.shape)
    max_result = np.unravel_index(iflat_max, result.shape)

    # shift result by 1 because of template border
    assert np.all((np.array(min_result) + 1) == (ineg, jneg))
    assert np.all((np.array(max_result) + 1) == (ipos, jpos))

    assert cp.allclose(result.ravel()[iflat_min], -1)
    assert cp.allclose(result.ravel()[iflat_max], 1)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_pad_input():
    """Test `match_template` when `pad_input=True`.

    This test places two full templates (one with values lower than the image
    mean, the other higher) and two half templates, which are on the edges of
    the image. The two full templates should score the top (positive and
    negative) matches and the centers of the half templates should score 2nd.
    # Float prefactors ensure that image range is between 0 and 1
    template = 0.5 * diamond(2)
    image = 0.5 * cp.ones((9, 19))
    mid = slice(2, 7)
    image[mid, :3] -= template[:, -3:]  # half min template centered at 0
    image[mid, 4:9] += template  # full max template centered at 6
    image[mid, -9:-4] -= template  # full min template centered at 12
    image[mid, -3:] += template[:, :3]  # half max template centered at 18

    result = match_template(image,

    # get the max and min results.
    sorted_result = cp.argsort(result.ravel())
    i, j = cp.unravel_index(sorted_result[:2], result.shape)
    assert_array_equal(j, (12, 0))
    i, j = cp.unravel_index(sorted_result[-2:], result.shape)
    assert_array_equal(j, (18, 6))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self,
     self.xx = xp.asarray(xx)
     self.min_limit = float(xp.amin(self.xx))
     self.max_limit = float(xp.amax(self.xx))
     # In order to use np/cp.interp, we need to make sure that xx is ordered
     sorted_idxs = xp.argsort(self.xx)
     self.xx = self.xx[sorted_idxs]
     self._yy = xp.asarray(yy)[sorted_idxs]
     if self._yy.ndim != 1:
         raise TypeError("yy must be 1D. A {}-D array given.".format(
     self.YY = None
     self.probability_density = None
     self.cumulative_distribution = None
     self.inverse_cumulative_distribution = None
     self.__all_interpolated = Interp(self.xx, self._yy)
     minimum = float(xp.nanmax(xp.array([self.min_limit, minimum])))
     maximum = float(xp.nanmin(xp.array([self.max_limit, maximum])))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def eval_emo_lex(derived_emo_lex, emo_lex, trans, induct_emos_file, induct_emos_eval_file, emotion):
    print("Number of derived emotion ratings:", len(derived_emo_lex))
    derived_emos = []
    real_emos = []
    words = []
    trans = {word_src: tgt_words for word_src, tgt_words in trans}
    for word, emo in derived_emo_lex.items():
        translations = ",".join([t[0] for t in trans[word]])
        real_emo = emo_lex.get(word, None)
        if real_emo:
    print("Coverage in test set:", len(derived_emos) / len(derived_emo_lex))

    derived_emos = np.array(derived_emos, dtype=float)
    real_emos = np.array(real_emos, dtype=float)
    corr_coeff = np.corrcoef(derived_emos, real_emos, rowvar=False)
    top_words = np.argsort(-derived_emos)[:10]
    top_words = [words[int(idx)] for idx in top_words]
    corr_coeff = np.around(corr_coeff[0, 1], 3)
    print("Correlation:", corr_coeff)
    return [corr_coeff, len(derived_emo_lex), derived_emos.shape[0]]
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def evaluate(y_hat, y, problem_type):
     fitness = DAGNN.eval_fitness(y_hat, y, problem_type)
     order = cp.argsort(fitness)
     best_loss = fitness[order[0]]
     best_preds = y_hat[order[0]]
     best_acc = DAGNN.eval_acc(best_preds, y, problem_type)
     return fitness, best_loss, best_acc
Ejemplo n.º 16
def compute_all_results(experiment):
    global seq_uid_map, frame_no_map, seq_uid_count_map
    cuda_embeddings = cp.asarray(experiment.embeddings)
    embeddings = experiment.embeddings
    chunk_size = 500
    chunks = []
    results = []
    chunk_size = 100
    for i in tqdm(range(0, int(len(embeddings) / chunk_size) + 1)):
        start = i * chunk_size
        end = i * chunk_size + chunk_size
        if end > len(embeddings):
            end = len(embeddings)
        #start = chunk_size
        #end = chunk_size+chunk_size
        chunk_similarity = cp.dot(cuda_embeddings[start:end],
                         np.arange(chunk_size) + start] = 0
        chunk_matches = cp.argsort(chunk_similarity, axis=1)
        chunk_matches = cp.flip(chunk_matches, axis=1)
        chunk_matches = chunk_matches.get()
        chunk_results = get_results_for_chunk(chunk_matches, start, end)
    compiled_results = {}
    for result in results:
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(compiled_results).T
    df = df.rename(columns={0: "reid", 1: "jitter", 2: "AUC", 3: "seq_uid"})
    return df
Ejemplo n.º 17
def evol(s, B, U, chi, d):
    for i_bond in [0, 1]:
        ia = np.mod(i_bond - 1, 2)
        ib = np.mod(i_bond, 2)
        ic = np.mod(i_bond + 1, 2)
        chia = B[ib].shape[1]
        chic = B[ic].shape[2]
        # Construct theta matrix and time evolution #
        theta = cp.tensordot(B[ib], B[ic], axes=(2, 1))  # i a j b
        theta = cp.tensordot(U, theta, axes=([2, 3], [0, 2]))  # ip jp a b
        theta = cp.tensordot(cp.diag(s[ia]), theta, axes=([1, 2]))  # a ip jp b
        theta = cp.reshape(cp.transpose(theta, (1, 0, 2, 3)),
                           (d * chia, d * chic))  # ip a jp b
        # Schmidt decomposition #
        X, Y, Z = cp.linalg.svd(theta, full_matrices=0)
        chi2 = np.min([cp.sum(Y > 10.**(-10)).get(), chi])
        piv = cp.zeros(len(Y), cp.bool)
        piv[(cp.argsort(Y)[::-1])[:chi2]] = True
        Y = Y[piv]
        invsq = cp.sqrt(sum(Y**2))
        X = X[:, piv]
        Z = Z[piv, :]
        # Obtain the new values for B and s #
        s[ib] = Y / invsq
        X = cp.reshape(X, (d, chia, chi2))
        X = cp.transpose(cp.tensordot(cp.diag(s[ia]**(-1)), X, axes=(1, 1)),
                         (1, 0, 2))
        B[ib] = cp.tensordot(X, cp.diag(s[ib]), axes=(2, 0))
        B[ic] = cp.transpose(cp.reshape(Z, (chi2, d, chic)), (1, 0, 2))

    return s, B
Ejemplo n.º 18
def sortBatches2(ccb0):
    # takes as input a matrix of nBatches by nBatches containing
    # dissimilarities.
    # outputs a matrix of sorted batches, and the sorting order, such that
    # ccb1 = ccb0(isort, isort)

    # put this matrix on the GPU
    ccb0 = cp.asarray(ccb0, order='F')

    # compute its svd on the GPU (this might also be fast enough on CPU)
    u, s, v = svdecon(ccb0)
    # HACK: consistency with MATLAB
    u = u * cp.sign(u[0, 0])
    v = v * cp.sign(u[0, 0])

    # initialize the positions xs of the batch embeddings to be very small but proportional to
    # the first PC
    xs = .01 * u[:, 0] / cp.std(u[:, 0], ddof=1)

    # 200 iterations of gradient descent should be enough
    # TODO: move_to_config
    niB = 200

    # this learning rate should usually work fine, since it scales with the average gradient
    # and ccb0 is z-scored
    # TODO: move_to_config
    eta = 1
    for k in tqdm(range(niB), desc="Sorting %d batches" % ccb0.shape[0]):
        # euclidian distances between 1D embedding positions
        ds = (xs - xs[:, np.newaxis])**2
        # the transformed distances go through this function
        W = cp.log(1 + ds)

        # the error is the difference between ccb0 and W
        err = ccb0 - W

        # ignore the mean value of ccb0
        err = err - cp.mean(err, axis=0)

        # backpropagate the gradients
        err = err / (1 + ds)
        err2 = err * (xs[:, np.newaxis] - xs)
        D = cp.mean(
            err2, axis=1)  # one half of the gradients is along this direction
        E = cp.mean(err2, axis=0)  # the other half is along this direction
        # we don't need to worry about the gradients for the diagonal because those are 0

        # final gradients for the embedding variable
        dx = -D + E.T

        # take a gradient step
        xs = xs - eta * dx

    # sort the embedding positions xs
    isort = cp.argsort(xs, axis=0)

    # sort the matrix of dissimilarities
    ccb1 = ccb0[isort, :][:, isort]

    return ccb1, isort
Ejemplo n.º 19
def sort_by_size(clusters, min_size):
    Relabel clustering in order of descending cluster size.
    New labels are consecutive integers beginning at 0
    Clusters that are smaller than min_size are assigned to -1.
    Copied from https://github.com/jacoblevine/PhenoGraph.

    clusters: numpy array
        Either numpy or cupy array of cluster labels.
    min_size: int
        Minimum cluster size.
    relabeled: cupy array
        Array of cluster labels re-labeled by size.

    relabeled = cp.zeros(clusters.shape, dtype=cp.int)
    sizes = cp.array([cp.sum(clusters == x) for x in cp.unique(clusters)])
    o = cp.argsort(sizes)[::-1]
    for i, c in enumerate(o):
        if sizes[c] > min_size:
            relabeled[clusters == c] = i
            relabeled[clusters == c] = -1
    return relabeled
Ejemplo n.º 20
def getMeWtW(W, U0, Nnearest=None):
    # this function computes correlation between templates at ALL timelags from each other
    # takes the max over timelags to obtain a similarity score
    # also returns lists of most similar templates to each template
    # takes as input the low-rank factorization of templates (W for time and U0
    # for space)

    # W is timesamples (default = 61 ), by number of templates, by rank (default = 3)
    nt0, Nfilt, Nrank = W.shape

    Params = [1, Nfilt, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nt0]

    # initialize correlation matrix for all timelags
    WtW = cp.zeros((Nfilt, Nfilt, 2 * nt0 - 1), dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    for i in range(Nrank):
        for j in range(Nrank):
            # the dot product factorizes into separable products for each spatio-temporal component
            utu0 = cp.dot(U0[:, :, i].T, U0[:, :, j])  # spatial products
            # temporal convolutions get multiplied wit hthe spatial products
            wtw0 = mexWtW2(Params, W[:, :, i], W[:, :, j], utu0)
            # add it to the full correlation array
            WtW = WtW + wtw0

    # the maximum across timelags accounts for sample alignment mismatch
    cc = cp.max(WtW, axis=2)

    if Nnearest:
        isort = cp.argsort(cc, axis=0)[::-1]
        # if we don't have enough templates yet, just wrap the indices around the range 1:Nfilt
        iNear = cp.mod(cp.arange(Nnearest), Nfilt)
        iList = isort[iNear, :]  # return the list of pairs for each template
        return WtW, iList
        return WtW
Ejemplo n.º 21
def getClosestChannels(probe, sigma, NchanClosest):
    # this function outputs the closest channels to each channel,
    # as well as a Gaussian-decaying mask as a function of pairwise distances
    # sigma is the standard deviation of this Gaussian-mask

    # compute distances between all pairs of channels
    xc = cp.asarray(probe.xc, dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    yc = cp.asarray(probe.yc, dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    C2C = (xc[:, np.newaxis] - xc)**2 + (yc[:, np.newaxis] - yc)**2
    C2C = cp.sqrt(C2C)
    Nchan = C2C.shape[0]

    # sort distances
    isort = cp.argsort(C2C, axis=0)

    # take NchanCLosest neighbors for each primary channel
    iC = isort[:NchanClosest, :]

    # in some cases we want a mask that decays as a function of distance between pairs of channels
    # this is an awkward indexing to get the corresponding distances
    ix = iC + cp.arange(0, Nchan**2, Nchan)
    mask = cp.exp(-C2C.T.ravel()[ix]**2 / (2 * sigma**2))

    # masks should be unit norm for each channel
    mask = mask / cp.sqrt(1e-3 + cp.sum(mask**2, axis=0))

    return iC, mask, C2C
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def _permutation(self, num):
     """Returns a permuted range."""
     sample = cupy.empty((num), dtype=numpy.int32)
     curand.generate(self._generator, sample.data.ptr, num)
     if 128 < num <= 32 * 1024 * 1024:
         array = cupy.arange(num, dtype=numpy.int32)
         # apply sort of cache blocking
         block_size = 1 * 1024 * 1024
         # The block size above is a value determined from the L2 cache size
         # of GP100 (L2 cache size / size of int = 4MB / 4B = 1M). It may be
         # better to change the value base on the L2 cache size of the GPU
         # you use.
         # When num > block_size, cupy kernel: _cupy_permutation is to be
         # launched multiple times. However, it is observed that performance
         # will be degraded if the launch count is too many. Therefore,
         # the block size is adjusted so that launch count will not exceed
         # twelve Note that this twelve is the value determined from
         # measurement on GP100.
         while num // block_size > 12:
             block_size *= 2
         for j_start in range(0, num, block_size):
             j_end = j_start + block_size
             _cupy_permutation(sample, j_start, j_end, array, size=num)
         # When num > 32M, argsort is used, because it is faster than
         # custom kernel. See https://github.com/cupy/cupy/pull/603.
         array = cupy.argsort(sample)
     return array
Ejemplo n.º 23
def getMeWtW2(W, U0, Nnearest=None):
    # this function compute the correlation between any two pairs of templates

    # it relies on the fact that the W and U0 are unit normalized, so that the product of a
    # template with itself is 1, as it should be if we're trying to calculate correlations

    # takes input the temporal and spatial factors of the low-rank template, as
    # well as the number of most similar template pairs desired to be output in
    # iList

    nt0, Nfilt, Nrank = W.shape
    WtW = cp.zeros((Nfilt, Nfilt), dtype=np.float32, order='F')

    # since the templates are factorized into orthonormal components, we can compute dot products
    # one dimension at a time
    for i in range(Nrank):
        for j in range(Nrank):
            #  this computes the spatial dot product
            utu0 = cp.dot(U0[:, :, i].T, U0[:, :, j])
            #  this computes the temporal dot product
            wtw0 = cp.dot(W[:, :, i].T, W[:, :, j])

            # the element-wise product of these is added to the matrix of correlatioons
            WtW = WtW + wtw0 * utu0

    # also return a list of most correlated template pairs
    isort = cp.argsort(WtW, axis=0)[::-1]

    if Nnearest:
        # if we don't have enough templates yet, just wrap the indices around the range 1:Nfilt
        iNear = cp.mod(cp.arange(Nnearest), Nfilt)
        iList = isort[iNear, :]  # return the list of pairs for each template
        return WtW, iList
        return WtW
Ejemplo n.º 24
def _binary_clf_curve(y_true, y_score):

    if y_true.dtype.kind == 'f' and np.any(y_true != y_true.astype(int)):
        raise ValueError("Continuous format of y_true  " "is not supported.")

    ids = cp.argsort(-y_score)
    sorted_score = y_score[ids]

    ones = y_true[ids].astype('float32')  # for calculating true positives
    zeros = 1 - ones  # for calculating predicted positives

    # calculate groups
    group = _group_same_scores(sorted_score)
    num = int(group[-1])

    tps = cp.zeros(num, dtype='float32')
    fps = cp.zeros(num, dtype='float32')

    tps = _addup_x_in_group(group, ones, tps)
    fps = _addup_x_in_group(group, zeros, fps)

    tps = cp.cumsum(tps)
    fps = cp.cumsum(fps)
    thresholds = cp.unique(y_score)
    return fps, tps, thresholds
Ejemplo n.º 25
def evaluate(data_source, embedict, data_dict, ntokens):
    # Turn on evaluation mode which disables dropout.
    total_loss = 0
    k = 3
    eval_batch_size = len(data_source)
    len_src = len(data_source)
    hidden = model.init_hidden(eval_batch_size)
    for i in range(0, len_src):
        data_source = data_source.view(1, -1)
        data = index2embed(data_source, embedict, corpus.dictionary, args.emsize)
        output, hidden = model(data, hidden)
        output_flat = output.view(-1, ntokens)
        preds = output_flat[len_src - 1, :]
        preds = preds.data.cpu().numpy()
        # retrive top k
        preds = cp.array(preds)
        topk_idx = cp.argsort(preds)[ntokens - k:]
        topk = []
        for top in topk_idx:
            term = corpus.dictionary[int(top)]
        # show a gradual prediction for each word
        hidden = repackage_hidden(hidden)

    return topk
Ejemplo n.º 26
def generate_negatives(neg_users, true_mat, item_range, sort=False, use_trick=False):
    Generate negative samples for data augmentation
    neg_u = []
    neg_i = []

    # If using the shortcut, generate negative items without checking if the associated
    # user has interacted with it. Speeds up training significantly with very low impact
    # on accuracy.
    if use_trick:
        neg_items = cp.random.randint(0, high=item_range, size=neg_users.shape[0])
        return neg_users, neg_items

    # Otherwise, generate negative items, check if associated user has interacted with it,
    # then generate a new one if true
    while len(neg_users) > 0:
        neg_items = cp.random.randint(0, high=item_range, size=neg_users.shape[0])
        neg_mask = true_mat[neg_users, neg_items]

        neg_users = neg_users[cp.logical_not(neg_mask)]

    neg_users = cp.concatenate(neg_u)
    neg_items = cp.concatenate(neg_i)

    if sort == False:
        return neg_users, neg_items

    sorted_users = cp.sort(neg_users)
    sort_indices = cp.argsort(neg_users)

    return sorted_users, neg_items[sort_indices]
Ejemplo n.º 27
def _eigsh_solve_ritz(alpha, beta, beta_k, k, which):
    t = cupy.diag(alpha)
    t = t + cupy.diag(beta[:-1], k=1)
    t = t + cupy.diag(beta[:-1], k=-1)
    if beta_k is not None:
        t[k, :k] = beta_k
        t[:k, k] = beta_k
    w, s = cupy.linalg.eigh(t)

    # Pick-up k ritz-values and ritz-vectors
    if which == 'LA':
        idx = cupy.argsort(w)
    elif which == 'LM':
        idx = cupy.argsort(cupy.absolute(w))
    wk = w[idx[-k:]]
    sk = s[:, idx[-k:]]
    return wk, sk
Ejemplo n.º 28
def _get_indx(_lambda, num, largest):
    """Get `num` indices into `_lambda` depending on `largest` option."""
    ii = cupy.argsort(_lambda)
    if largest:
        ii = ii[:-num - 1:-1]
        ii = ii[:num]
    return ii
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def buildNeighborList(self, test):
     n_mat = np.sqrt(np.asarray(np.dot(x_test, x_train.T),
     print("Built neighbor matrix.")
     srtd = np.argsort(n_mat, axis=1)[:, :self.k]
     # build the knn matrix and weights
     self.k_neighbors(n_mat, srtd)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def assemble_sparse(self, ke, tri, perm, n_pts, ref=0):
        function that assembles the global stiffness matrix from all element stiffness matrices


        ke - stiffness on each element matrix - array shape (n_triangles, n_vertices, n_vertices)
        tri - array with all indices (in pts array) of triangle vertices - shape (num_triangles, 3)
        perm - array with permittivity in each element - array shape (num_triangles,)
        n_pts - number of nodes - int
        ref - electrode on which reference value is placed


        K - global stiffness matrix - (n_pts, n_pts)
        n_tri, n_vertices = tri.shape
        row = cp.tile(tri, (1, n_vertices))
        i = cp.array([0, 3, 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8])
        row = row[:, i].ravel()
        col = cp.tile(tri, (n_vertices)).reshape(
            (tri.shape[0] * tri.shape[1] * n_vertices))
        admittanceMatrixC2 = self.admittanceMatrixC2()
        data = cp.multiply(ke[:], perm[:, None, None])
        indexElectrode = cp.sort(self.tri[self.twoFromElectrode][self.isValid],
                                 axis=1)[:, 0] // self.n_per_el
        data[self.twoFromElectrode][self.isValid] = (
            data[self.twoFromElectrode][self.isValid] +
            ((1 / self.z[indexElectrode]))[:, None, None] * admittanceMatrixC2)
        data = data.ravel()
        ind = cp.argsort(row)
        row = row[ind]
        col = col[ind]
        data = data[ind]
        unique, counts = cp.unique(row, return_counts=True)
        index_pointer = cp.zeros(n_pts + 1)
        sum_count = cp.cumsum(counts)
        index_pointer[unique[:] + 1] = sum_count[:]

        K = sp.csr_matrix((data, col, index_pointer),
                          shape=(n_pts, n_pts),

        K = K.toarray()

        A = cp.empty((self.n_pts + self.ne, self.n_pts + self.ne), dtype='f8')

        if 0 <= self.ref < n_pts:
            K[self.ref, :] = 0.
            K[:, self.ref] = 0.
            K[self.ref, self.ref] = 1.

        A[:self.n_pts, :self.n_pts] = K[:]
        admittanceMatrixE = self.admittanceMatrixE()
        A[self.n_pts:, :self.n_pts] = admittanceMatrixE.T
        A[:self.n_pts, self.n_pts:] = admittanceMatrixE
        A[self.n_pts:, self.n_pts:] = self.admittanceMatrixD()
        return A
Ejemplo n.º 31
def beam_search(model, X, params, return_alphas=False, eos_sym=0, null_sym=2, model_ensemble=False, n_models=0):
    Beam search method for Cond models.
    The algorithm in a nutshell does the following:

    1. k = beam_size
    2. open_nodes = [[]] * k
    3. while k > 0:

        3.1. Given the inputs, get (log) probabilities for the outputs.

        3.2. Expand each open node with all possible output.

        3.3. Prune and keep the k best nodes.

        3.4. If a sample has reached the <eos> symbol:

            3.4.1. Mark it as final sample.

            3.4.2. k -= 1

        3.5. Build new inputs (state_below) and go to 1.

    4. return final_samples, final_scores
    :param model: Model to use
    :param X: Model inputs
    :param params: Search parameters
    :param return_alphas: Whether we should return attention weights or not.
    :param eos_sym: <eos> symbol
    :param null_sym: <null> symbol
    :param model_ensemble: Whether we are using several models in an ensemble
    :param n_models; Number of models in the ensemble.
    :return: UNSORTED list of [k_best_samples, k_best_scores] (k: beam size)
    k = params['beam_size']
    samples = []
    sample_scores = []
    pad_on_batch = params['pad_on_batch']
    dead_k = 0  # samples that reached eos
    live_k = 1  # samples that did not yet reach eos
    hyp_samples = [[]] * live_k
    hyp_scores = cp.zeros(live_k, dtype='float32')
    ret_alphas = return_alphas or params['pos_unk']
    if ret_alphas:
        sample_alphas = []
        hyp_alphas = [[]] * live_k
    if pad_on_batch:
        maxlen = int(len(X[params['dataset_inputs'][0]][0]) * params['output_max_length_depending_on_x_factor']) if \
            params['output_max_length_depending_on_x'] else params['maxlen']
        minlen = int(
            len(X[params['dataset_inputs'][0]][0]) / params['output_min_length_depending_on_x_factor'] + 1e-7) if \
            params['output_min_length_depending_on_x'] else 0
        minlen = int(np.argmax(X[params['dataset_inputs'][0]][0] == eos_sym) /
                     params['output_min_length_depending_on_x_factor'] + 1e-7) if \
            params['output_min_length_depending_on_x'] else 0

        maxlen = int(np.argmax(X[params['dataset_inputs'][0]][0] == eos_sym) * params[
            'output_max_length_depending_on_x_factor']) if \
            params['output_max_length_depending_on_x'] else params['maxlen']
        maxlen = min(params['state_below_maxlen'] - 1, maxlen)

    # we must include an additional dimension if the input for each timestep are all the generated "words_so_far"
    if params['words_so_far']:
        if k > maxlen:
            raise NotImplementedError("BEAM_SIZE can't be higher than MAX_OUTPUT_TEXT_LEN on the current implementation.")
        state_below = np.asarray([[null_sym]] * live_k) if pad_on_batch else np.asarray([np.zeros((maxlen, maxlen))] * live_k)
        state_below = np.asarray([null_sym] * live_k) if pad_on_batch else np.asarray([np.zeros(params['state_below_maxlen']) + null_sym] * live_k)
    prev_out = [None] * n_models if model_ensemble else None

    for ii in range(maxlen):
        # for every possible live sample calc prob for every possible label
        if params['optimized_search']:  # use optimized search model if available
            if model_ensemble:
                [probs, prev_out, alphas] = model.predict_cond_optimized(X, state_below, params, ii, prev_out)
                [probs, prev_out] = model.predict_cond_optimized(X, state_below, params, ii, prev_out)
                if ret_alphas:
                    alphas = prev_out[-1][0]  # Shape: (k, n_steps)
                    prev_out = prev_out[:-1]
            probs = model.predict_cond(X, state_below, params, ii)
        log_probs = cp.log(probs)
        if minlen > 0 and ii < minlen:
            log_probs[:, eos_sym] = -cp.inf
        # total score for every sample is sum of -log of word prb
        cand_scores = hyp_scores[:, None] - log_probs
        cand_flat = cand_scores.flatten()
        # Find the best options by calling argsort of flatten array
        ranks_flat = cp.argsort(cand_flat)[:(k - dead_k)]
        # Decypher flatten indices
        voc_size = log_probs.shape[1]
        trans_indices = ranks_flat // voc_size  # index of row
        word_indices = ranks_flat % voc_size  # index of col
        costs = cand_flat[ranks_flat]
        best_cost = costs[0]
        if cupy:
            trans_indices = cp.asnumpy(trans_indices)
            word_indices = cp.asnumpy(word_indices)
            if ret_alphas:
                alphas = cp.asnumpy(alphas)

        # Form a beam for the next iteration
        new_hyp_samples = []
        new_trans_indices = []
        new_hyp_scores = cp.zeros(k - dead_k, dtype='float32')
        if ret_alphas:
            new_hyp_alphas = []
        for idx, [ti, wi] in list(enumerate(zip(trans_indices, word_indices))):
            if params['search_pruning']:
                if costs[idx] < k * best_cost:
                    new_hyp_samples.append(hyp_samples[ti] + [wi])
                    new_hyp_scores[idx] = copy.copy(costs[idx])
                    if ret_alphas:
                        new_hyp_alphas.append(hyp_alphas[ti] + [alphas[ti]])
                    dead_k += 1
                new_hyp_samples.append(hyp_samples[ti] + [wi])
                new_hyp_scores[idx] = copy.copy(costs[idx])
                if ret_alphas:
                    new_hyp_alphas.append(hyp_alphas[ti] + [alphas[ti]])
        # check the finished samples
        new_live_k = 0
        hyp_samples = []
        hyp_scores = []
        hyp_alphas = []
        indices_alive = []
        for idx in range(len(new_hyp_samples)):
            if new_hyp_samples[idx][-1] == eos_sym:  # finished sample
                if ret_alphas:
                dead_k += 1
                new_live_k += 1
                if ret_alphas:
        hyp_scores = cp.array(np.asarray(hyp_scores, dtype='float32'), dtype='float32')
        live_k = new_live_k

        if new_live_k < 1:
        if dead_k >= k:
        state_below = np.asarray(hyp_samples, dtype='int64')

        state_below = np.hstack((np.zeros((state_below.shape[0], 1), dtype='int64') + null_sym, state_below)) \
            if pad_on_batch else \
            np.hstack((np.zeros((state_below.shape[0], 1), dtype='int64') + null_sym,
                                 max(params['state_below_maxlen'] - state_below.shape[1] - 1, 0)), dtype='int64')))

        # we must include an additional dimension if the input for each timestep are all the generated words so far
        if params['words_so_far']:
            state_below = np.expand_dims(state_below, axis=0)

        if params['optimized_search'] and ii > 0:
            # filter next search inputs w.r.t. remaining samples
            if model_ensemble:
                for n_model in range(n_models):
                    # filter next search inputs w.r.t. remaining samples
                    for idx_vars in range(len(prev_out[n_model])):
                        prev_out[n_model][idx_vars] = prev_out[n_model][idx_vars][indices_alive]
                for idx_vars in range(len(prev_out)):
                    prev_out[idx_vars] = prev_out[idx_vars][indices_alive]

    # dump every remaining one
    if live_k > 0:
        for idx in range(live_k):
            if ret_alphas:
    if ret_alphas:
        return samples, sample_scores, np.asarray(sample_alphas)
        return samples, sample_scores, None
Ejemplo n.º 32
import cProfile
import StringIO
import pstats
import skimage.io
import skimage.color
import cupy
import numpy

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pr = cProfile.Profile()
    filename = '/home/dzhoshkun/data/sample-images/1920x1080.jpg'
    img_orig = skimage.io.imread(filename)
    img_lab = skimage.color.rgb2lab(img_orig)
    d_img_a = cupy.array(img_lab[:, :, 1])
    img_a_idx = numpy.argsort(img_lab[:, :, 1].flatten())
    d_img_a_idx = cupy.argsort(d_img_a.flatten())
    s = StringIO.StringIO()
    sortby = 'tottime'
    ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby)
          img_orig.shape[0] * img_orig.shape[1])