Ejemplo n.º 1
    def power(self, a, size=None, dtype=float):
        """Returns an array of samples drawn from the power distribution.

        .. warning::

            This function may synchronize the device.

        .. seealso::
            :func:`cupy.random.power` for full documentation,
        a = cupy.asarray(a)
        if cupy.any(a < 0):  # synchronize!
            raise ValueError('a < 0')
        if size is None:
            size = a.shape
        x = self.standard_exponential(size=size, dtype=dtype)
        cupy.exp(-x, out=x)
        cupy.add(1, -x, out=x)
        cupy.power(x, 1. / a, out=x)
        return x
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def forward(self, data, is_training=True):
        # print(data[0])
        if (len(data.shape) != 2):
            raise ValueError(
                'data have shape is not compatible. Expect [batch_size, nums_score]'
        logits = np.exp(data - np.amax(data, axis=1, keepdims=True))
        logits = logits / np.sum(logits, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        if is_training:
            self.cache['logits'] = np.copy(logits)

        # print(logits[0])
        return logits
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def predict_row(self, x):  # x.shape=[N,2]
     x = self.normX(cp.asarray(x))
     dist = cp.tile(self.X, [x.shape[0], 1]) - cp.reshape(
         cp.tile(x, [1, self.X.shape[0]]),
         [self.X.shape[0] * x.shape[0], 2])
     Psi = cp.reshape(
             -cp.sum(self.theta * cp.power(cp.abs(dist), self.pl), axis=1)),
         [x.shape[0], self.X.shape[0]])  # 次元方向に和
     ccc = Psi.dot(self.bbb)
     fff = ccc + self.mu
     return cp.asnumpy(self.inversenormy(fff))
    def forward(self, x):
        mu, logvar = self.encoder(x)

        #use reparameterization trick to sample from gaussian
        self.rand_sample = np.random.standard_normal(size=(self.batch_size,
        self.sample_z = mu + np.exp(logvar * .5) * np.random.standard_normal(
            size=(self.batch_size, self.nz))

        decode = self.decoder(self.sample_z)

        return decode, mu, logvar
Ejemplo n.º 5
def det(a):
    """Returns the determinant of an array.

        a (cupy.ndarray): The input matrix with dimension ``(..., N, N)``.

        cupy.ndarray: Determinant of ``a``. Its shape is ``a.shape[:-2]``.

    .. seealso:: :func:`numpy.linalg.det`
    sign, logdet = slogdet(a)
    return sign * cupy.exp(logdet)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def predict(w, b, X):
    m = X.shape[1]

    Y_prediction = cp.zeros((1, m))
    w = w.reshape(X.shape[0], 1)

    Z = cp.dot(w.T, X) + b
    A = 1 / (1 + cp.exp(-Z))

    for i in range(A.shape[1]):
        Y_prediction[0, i] = 0 if A[0, i] <= 0.5 else 1

    return Y_prediction
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def forward(self, bottom, top):
		self.label = cp.asarray(copy.deepcopy(bottom[1].data),cp.uint8)
		prob = cp.asarray(copy.deepcopy(bottom[0].data),cp.float64)
		prob = cp.subtract(prob,cp.max(prob,axis=1)[:,cp.newaxis,...])
		prob = cp.exp(prob)
		self.softmax = cp.divide(prob,cp.sum(prob,axis=1)[:,cp.newaxis,...])

		## mask
		self.weight_mask = cp.ones_like(self.label, cp.float64)
		for weight_id in self.weight_dic:
			self.weight_mask[self.label == weight_id] = self.weight_dic[weight_id]

		if self.has_ignore_label:
			self.weight_mask[self.label == self.ignore_label] = 0
		# num_total = 15422668800
		# empty_num = 3679002314
		# road_num = 10565335603
		# ped_num = 99066996
		# car_num = 995347874
		self.label[self.label == 3] = 2
		# w_empty = float((num_total-empty_num)/num_total)
		# w_road = float((num_total-road_num)/num_total)
		# w_ped = float((num_total-ped_num)/num_total)
		# w_car = float((num_total-car_num)/num_total)
		# print(w_empty)
		# print(w_road)
		# print(w_ped)
		# print(w_car)
		# empty:0.3
		# road:0.25

		self.weight_mask[self.label == 0] = 0.3
		self.weight_mask[self.label == 1] = 0.25
		# self.weight_mask[self.label == 2] = w_ped
		# self.weight_mask[self.label == 4] = w_car

		compute_count = self.weight_mask[self.weight_mask != 0].size

		## nomalize mask
		self.weight_mask = cp.divide(self.weight_mask, cp.divide(cp.sum(self.weight_mask), compute_count))

		## compute loss
		prob_compute_matrix = copy.deepcopy(self.softmax[self.index_0,self.label,self.index_2,self.index_3])
		prob_compute_matrix[prob_compute_matrix < (1e-10)] = 1e-10
		loss = - cp.divide(cp.sum(cp.multiply(cp.log(prob_compute_matrix),self.weight_mask)),compute_count)

		loss = cp.asnumpy(loss)
		top[0].data[...] = loss
Ejemplo n.º 8
def nonlin_evo(psiP2, psiP1, psi0, psiM1, psiM2, c0, c2, c4, V, p, dt, spin_f):
    # Calculate densities:
    n = abs(psiP2) ** 2 + abs(psiP1) ** 2 + abs(psi0) ** 2 + abs(psiM1) ** 2 + abs(psiM2) ** 2
    A00 = 1 / cp.sqrt(5) * (psi0 ** 2 - 2 * psiP1 * psiM1 + 2 * psiP2 * psiM2)
    fz = 2 * (abs(psiP2) ** 2 - abs(psiM2) ** 2) + abs(psiP1) ** 2 - abs(psiM1) ** 2

    # Evolve spin-singlet term -c4*(n^2-|alpha|^2)
    S = cp.sqrt(n ** 2 - abs(A00) ** 2)
    S = cp.nan_to_num(S)

    cosT = cp.cos(c4 * S * dt)
    sinT = cp.sin(c4 * S * dt) / S
    sinT[S == 0] = 0  # Corrects division by 0

    Wfn = [psiP2 * cosT + 1j * (n * psiP2 - A00 * cp.conj(psiM2)) * sinT,
           psiP1 * cosT + 1j * (n * psiP1 + A00 * cp.conj(psiM1)) * sinT,
           psi0 * cosT + 1j * (n * psi0 - A00 * cp.conj(psi0)) * sinT,
           psiM1 * cosT + 1j * (n * psiM1 + A00 * cp.conj(psiP1)) * sinT,
           psiM2 * cosT + 1j * (n * psiM2 - A00 * cp.conj(psiP2)) * sinT]

    # Calculate spin vectors
    fp = cp.sqrt(6) * (Wfn[1] * cp.conj(Wfn[2]) + Wfn[2] * cp.conj(Wfn[3])) + 2 * (Wfn[3] * cp.conj(Wfn[4]) +
                                                                                   Wfn[0] * cp.conj(Wfn[1]))
    F = cp.sqrt(fz ** 2 + abs(fp) ** 2)

    # Calculate cos, sin and Qfactor terms:
    C1, S1 = cp.cos(c2 * F * dt), cp.sin(c2 * F * dt)
    C2, S2 = cp.cos(2 * c2 * F * dt), cp.sin(2 * c2 * F * dt)
    Qfactor = 1j * (-4 / 3 * S1 + 1 / 6 * S2)
    Q2factor = (-5 / 4 + 4 / 3 * C1 - 1 / 12 * C2)
    Q3factor = 1j * (1 / 3 * S1 - 1 / 6 * S2)
    Q4factor = (1 / 4 - 1 / 3 * C1 + 1 / 12 * C2)

    fzQ = cp.nan_to_num(fz / F)
    fpQ = cp.nan_to_num(fp / F)

    Qpsi = calc_Qpsi(fzQ, fpQ, Wfn)
    Q2psi = calc_Qpsi(fzQ, fpQ, Qpsi)
    Q3psi = calc_Qpsi(fzQ, fpQ, Q2psi)
    Q4psi = calc_Qpsi(fzQ, fpQ, Q3psi)

    # Evolve spin term c2 * F^2
    for ii in range(len(Wfn)):
        Wfn[ii] += Qfactor * Qpsi[ii] + Q2factor * Q2psi[ii] + Q3factor * Q3psi[ii] + Q4factor * Q4psi[ii]

    # Evolve (c0+c4)*n^2 + (V + pm)*n:
    for ii in range(len(Wfn)):
        mF = spin_f - ii
        Wfn[ii] *= cp.exp(-1j * dt * ((c0 + c4) * n + V + p * mF))

    return Wfn
Ejemplo n.º 9
def fhtcoeff(n, dln, mu, offset=0.0, bias=0.0):
    '''Compute the coefficient array for a fast Hankel transform.

    lnkr, q = offset, bias

    # Hankel transform coefficients
    # u_m = (kr)^{-i 2m pi/(n dlnr)} U_mu(q + i 2m pi/(n dlnr))
    # with U_mu(x) = 2^x Gamma((mu+1+x)/2)/Gamma((mu+1-x)/2)
    xp = (mu + 1 + q)/2
    xm = (mu + 1 - q)/2
    y = cupy.linspace(0, math.pi * (n // 2) / (n * dln), n // 2 + 1)
    u = cupy.empty(n // 2 + 1, dtype=complex)
    v = cupy.empty(n // 2 + 1, dtype=complex)
    u.imag[:] = y
    u.real[:] = xm
    loggamma(u, out=v)
    u.real[:] = xp
    loggamma(u, out=u)
    y *= 2 * (LN_2 - lnkr)
    u.real -= v.real
    u.real += LN_2 * q
    u.imag += v.imag
    u.imag += y
    cupy.exp(u, out=u)

    # fix last coefficient to be real
    u.imag[-1] = 0

    # deal with special cases
    if not cupy.isfinite(u[0]):
        # write u_0 = 2^q Gamma(xp)/Gamma(xm) = 2^q poch(xm, xp-xm)
        # poch() handles special cases for negative integers correctly
        u[0] = 2**q * poch(xm, xp - xm)
        # the coefficient may be inf or 0, meaning the transform or the
        # inverse transform, respectively, is singular

    return u
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def apply_shift(self, psi, p):
     """Apply shift for all projections."""
     tmp = cp.zeros([psi.shape[0], 2 * self.nz, 2 * self.n],
     tmp[:, self.nz // 2:3 * self.nz // 2,
         self.n // 2:3 * self.n // 2] = psi
     [x, y] = cp.meshgrid(cp.fft.rfftfreq(2 * self.n),
                          cp.fft.fftfreq(2 * self.nz))
     shift = cp.exp(-2 * cp.pi * 1j *
                    (x * p[:, 1, None, None] + y * p[:, 0, None, None]))
     res0 = cp.fft.irfft2(shift * cp.fft.rfft2(tmp))
     res = res0[:, self.nz // 2:3 * self.nz // 2,
                self.n // 2:3 * self.n // 2]
     return res
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _kdpdf1(x_j, t_ij, h_ij, w_i):
     Evaluate a the normalized PDF at a single point using generic NumPy/CuPy
     code instead of a dedicated CUDA kernel.
     x_j is the j-dimensional point to evaluate the PDF at
     t_ij are the i events in the PDF at j-dimensional points
     h_ij are the bandwidths of each PDF event i in dimension j
     w_i are the weights of each PDF event
     res = cp.sum(
         w_i * cp.prod(KernelDensityPDF._inv_sqrt_2pi / h_ij, axis=1) *
         cp.exp(-0.5 * cp.sum(cp.square((x_j - t_ij) / h_ij), axis=1)))
     return res if np == cp else res.get()
Ejemplo n.º 12
def subpixel_pad4D(data4D_flat, final_size, cut_radius, chunks=10):
    stops = np.zeros(chunks + 1, dtype=np.int)
    stops[0:chunks] = np.arange(0, data4D_flat.shape[0],
                                (data4D_flat.shape[0] / chunks))
    stops[chunks] = data4D_flat.shape[0]
    max_size = int(np.amax(np.diff(stops)))

    final_size = (np.asarray(final_size)).astype(int)
    move_pixels = cp.asarray(
        np.flip(0.5 * (final_size - np.asarray(data4D_flat.shape[1:3]))))

    yy, xx = np.mgrid[0:final_size[0], 0:final_size[1]]
    rad = ((yy - final_size[0] / 2)**2) + ((xx - final_size[1] / 2)**2)
    cutoff = cp.asarray((rad <
                         ((1.1 * cut_radius)**2)).astype(data4D_flat.dtype))

    cbed = cp.zeros(final_size, dtype=data4D_flat.dtype)

    fourier_cal_y = (cp.linspace(
        (-final_size[0] / 2),
        ((final_size[0] / 2) - 1), final_size[0])) / final_size[0]
    fourier_cal_x = (cp.linspace(
        (-final_size[1] / 2),
        ((final_size[1] / 2) - 1), final_size[1])) / final_size[1]
    [fourier_mesh_x, fourier_mesh_y] = cp.meshgrid(fourier_cal_x,
    move_phase = cp.exp(
        (-2) * np.pi * (1j) * ((fourier_mesh_x * move_pixels[0]) +
                               (fourier_mesh_y * move_pixels[1])))

    padded_4D = np.zeros((data4D_flat.shape[0], final_size[0], final_size[1]),
    padded_on_gpu = cp.zeros((max_size, final_size[0], final_size[1]),
    for cc in range(chunks):
        startval = stops[cc]
        stop_val = stops[cc + 1]
        gpu_4Dchunk = cp.asarray(data4D_flat[startval:stop_val, :, :])
        for ii in range(gpu_4Dchunk.shape[0]):
                 0:data4D_flat.shape[2]] = gpu_4Dchunk[ii, :, :]
            FFT_cbd = cp.fft.fftshift(cp.fft.fft2(cbed))
            moved_cbed = (cp.absolute(
                cp.fft.ifft2(cp.multiply(FFT_cbd, move_phase)))).astype(
            padded_on_gpu[ii, :, :] = moved_cbed * cutoff
        padded_4D[startval:stop_val, :, :] = cp.asnumpy(
            padded_on_gpu[0:gpu_4Dchunk.shape[0], :, :])
    del padded_on_gpu, moved_cbed, cbed, FFT_cbd, move_phase, gpu_4Dchunk, move_pixels, cutoff
    return padded_4D
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def constructLocalMat(self, src_pts, grids, scale_factor):
        This function 
        src_pts : A N by 2 matrix. N is number of matching pairs.
        grids : A instance of Grids class. 

        gamma = 0.0025
        src_pts = cp.asarray(src_pts)
        grids_center_coordi = cp.asarray(
            grids.center_lst)  # A M by 2 matrix, M is number of grids.
        grid_num = len(grids.center_lst)
        A = cp.asarray(self.A)
        C1 = cp.asarray(self.C1)
        C2 = cp.asarray(self.C2)
        matchingPairNum = src_pts.shape[0]
        skip = 0
        global_H = cp.asarray(np.copy(self.globalHomoMat))
        local_homo_mat_lst = cp.zeros((grid_num, 3, 3))

        change_mask = []
        for idx in range(grid_num):
            grid_coordi = grids_center_coordi[idx]

            weight = cp.exp((-1) * cp.sum(
                (src_pts - grid_coordi)**2, axis=1) / scale_factor**2)

                f'SVD {idx+1:8d}/{grid_num}({(idx+1)/(grid_num)*100:8.1f}%)  Current skip {skip} times. Current Skip rate is {skip/grid_num:5.3%}',

            if cp.amax(weight) < gamma:
                skip += 1
                local_homo_mat_lst[idx, :, :] = global_H

            weight = cp.repeat(weight, 2)
            weight[weight < gamma] = gamma
            weight = weight.reshape((2 * matchingPairNum, 1))
            weighted_A = cp.multiply(weight, A)
            u, s, v = cp.linalg.svd(weighted_A)
            H = v[-1, :].reshape((3, 3))
            H = cp.linalg.inv(C2) @ H @ C1
            H = H / H[-1, -1]
            local_homo_mat_lst[idx, :, :] = H

        self.non_global_homo_mat_lst = change_mask
        self.localHomoMat_lst = cp.asnumpy(local_homo_mat_lst)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def my_conv2(S1, sig, varargin=None):
    # S1 is the matrix to be filtered along a choice of axes
    # sig is either a scalar or a sequence of scalars, one for each axis to be filtered
    # varargin can be the dimensions to do filtering, if len(sig) != x.shape
    # if sig is scalar and no axes are provided, the default axis is 2
    if sig <= .25:
        return S1
    idims = 1
    if varargin is not None:
        idims = varargin
    idims = _make_vect(idims)
    if _is_vect(idims) and _is_vect(sig):
        sigall = sig
        sigall = np.tile(sig, len(idims))

    for sig, idim in zip(sigall, idims):
        Nd = S1.ndim
        S1 = cp.transpose(S1, [idim] + list(range(0, idim)) +
                          list(range(idim + 1, Nd)))
        dsnew = S1.shape
        S1 = cp.reshape(S1, (S1.shape[0], -1), order='F')
        dsnew2 = S1.shape

        tmax = ceil(4 * sig)
        dt = cp.arange(-tmax, tmax + 1)
        gaus = cp.exp(-dt**2 / (2 * sig**2))
        gaus = gaus[:, cp.newaxis] / cp.sum(gaus)

        # This GPU FFT-based convolution leads to a splitting step 3.5x faster than the
        # custom GPU lfilter implementation below.
        cNorm = convolve(cp.ones((dsnew2[0], 1)), gaus).ravel()[:, cp.newaxis]
        S1 = convolve(S1, gaus)

        # Slow Custom GPU lfilter implementation:
        # cNorm = _apply_lfilter(
        #     _gaus_lfilter(sig),
        #     cp.concatenate((cp.ones(dsnew2[0]), cp.zeros(tmax)))[:, np.newaxis])
        # cNorm = cNorm[tmax:, :]
        # S1 = _apply_lfilter(_gaus_lfilter(sig), cp.asfortranarray(cp.concatenate(
        #     (S1, cp.zeros((tmax, dsnew2[1]), order='F')), axis=0)))
        # S1 = S1[tmax:, :]

        S1 = S1.reshape(dsnew, order='F')
        S1 = S1 / cNorm

        S1 = cp.transpose(
            list(range(1, idim + 1)) + [0] + list(range(idim + 1, Nd)))
    return S1
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def liquidize(self, intens, sigma_A, gamma_A):
        '''Apply liquidization transform on given intensity'''
        s_sq = (2. * cp.pi * sigma_A * self.dgen.qrad)**2
        patt = cp.fft.fftshift(cp.fft.fftn(cp.fft.ifftshift(intens)))

        if self.slimits.max() > 2. * np.pi * sigma_A / self.res_max:
            n_max = np.where(
                self.slimits > 2. * np.pi * sigma_A / self.res_max)[0][0] + 1
            print('No effect of liquid-like motions with these parameters')
            return intens

        liq = cp.zeros_like(intens)
        for n in range(n_max):
            kernel = cp.exp(-n * self.urad / gamma_A)
            weight = cp.exp(-s_sq + n * cp.log(s_sq) -
                            float(special.loggamma(n + 1)))
            liq += weight * cp.abs(cp.fft.fftshift(cp.fft.ifftn(
                patt * kernel)))
            sys.stderr.write('\rLiquidizing: %d/%d' % (n + 1, n_max))

        return liq
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _rbf_kernel(x, y, gamma=None):
    xn, nx = x.shape
    _, ny = y.shape
    assert nx == ny, ('The number ({}) of columns of x must be the same as '
                      'the number ({}) of rows of y'.format(nx, ny))

    if gamma is None:
        gamma = 1.0 / xn

    xy = cupy.dot(x, y.transpose())
    x2 = (x * x).sum(axis=1)
    y2 = (y * y).sum(axis=1)

    return cupy.exp((x2[:, cupy.newaxis] - 2 * xy + y2) * -gamma)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def backward(self):
     logits, loss_t, arr_tags, arr_logprobs = self.get_ctx(
         'logits', 'loss_t', 'arr_tags', 'arr_logprobs')
     if loss_t.grad is not None:
         arr_probs = xp.exp(arr_logprobs)  # [*, N]
         grad_logits = arr_probs  # prob-1 for gold, prob for non-gold
         if len(grad_logits.shape) == 1:
             grad_logits[arr_tags] -= 1.
             grad_logits *= loss_t.grad
                         arr_tags] -= 1.
             grad_logits *= loss_t.grad[:, None]
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def forward(self, x, t):
        if x.ndim == 2:  # ミニバッチ使用時
            x = x - x.max(axis=1, keepdims=True)
            x = cp.exp(x)
            y = x / x.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
        elif x.ndim == 1:
            x = x - cp.max(x)
            y = cp.exp(x) / cp.sum(cp.exp(x))

        if y.ndim == 1:
            t = t.reshape(1, t.size)
            y = y.reshape(1, y.size)

        # 教師ラベルがone-hotベクトルの場合、正解のインデックスに変換
        if t.size == y.size:
            t = t.argmax(axis=1)

        batch_size = y.shape[0]
        loss = -1.0 * cp.sum(
            t * cp.log(y[cp.arange(batch_size), t] + 1e-7)) / batch_size
        self.y = y
        self.t = t
        return loss
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def forward(self):
        # input is the tensor phi:(1120,1120,3)
        # clone phi?
        phi = cp.asarray(self.phi)

        h = cp.fft.ifft2(cp.fft.ifftshift(cp.exp(1.0j * phi), axes=(0, 1)),
                         axes=(0, 1))
        psf_new = cp.square(cp.abs(h))
        if len(psf_new.shape) == 2:
            norm = cp.sum(psf_new)
            norm = cp.reshape(cp.sum(psf_new, axis=(0, 1)),
                              (1, 1) + psf_new.shape[2:])
        psf_new = psf_new / norm

        psf_new_rescaled = cv.resize(cp.asnumpy(psf_new),
                                     (final_dim, final_dim),
        psf_new_rescaled = cp.asarray(psf_new_rescaled)

        A = np.load(filename_crosstalk)
        A_t = np.transpose(A)
        P = cp.asnumpy(psf_new_rescaled)

        B = np.matmul(A_t.reshape((1, 1) + A_t.shape),
                      P.reshape(P.shape + (1, ))).reshape(P.shape)

        # psf_new_unpadded (152, 228, 3)
        psf_new_unpadded = B[unpad_1:-unpad_1, unpad_2:-unpad_2]
        psf_new_unpadded = cp.asarray(psf_new_unpadded)
        # tiled kernels (76, 228, 3)
        tiled_kernels = cp.split(psf_new_unpadded, 2)[0] - cp.split(
            psf_new_unpadded, 2)[1]
        # (48, 3, 3, 3)
        weights_pm = []
        for i in range(rows):
            for j in range(cols):
                padded_kernel = cp.split(cp.split(tiled_kernels, rows,
                kernel = padded_kernel[pad:-pad, pad:-pad]

        weights_pm = np.asarray(weights_pm)
        weights_pm = np.transpose(weights_pm, (1, 2, 3, 0))

        return weights_pm * norm_factor
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def _pfb_xcorr(self):
        Consume buffer data to compute PSDs in pairs and then cross-
        correlate them. Use mapped, pinned memory space allocated on the GPU.

        vis :  If mode == 'continuum', float. If mode =='spectrum', cupy.array.
            The result of one complex cross-correlation of the input IQ data.
        # Threading to take ffts using polyphase filterbank
        with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
                max_workers=2) as iq_processor:
            future_0 = iq_processor.submit(
                *(cp.array(self.gpu_iq_0), self.ntaps, self.nbins,
            future_1 = iq_processor.submit(
                *(cp.array(self.gpu_iq_1), self.ntaps, self.nbins,
            f0 = future_0.result()
            f1 = future_1.result()

        # Apply phase gradient, inspired by
        # http://www.gmrt.ncra.tifr.res.in/doc/WEBLF/LFRA/node70.html
        # implemented according to Thompson, Moran, Swenson's Interferometry and
        # Synthesis in Radio Astronoy, 3rd ed., p.364: Fractional Sample Delay
        # Correction
        freqs = cp.fft.fftfreq(f0.shape[-1],
                               d=1 / self.bandwidth) + self.frequency

        # Calculate cross-power spectrum and apply FSTC by a phase gradient
        rot = cp.exp(-2j * cp.pi * freqs * (-self.calibrated_delay))
        xpower_spec = f0 * cp.conj(f1 * rot)
        xpower_spec = cp.fft.fftshift(xpower_spec.mean(axis=0))

        ncols = xpower_spec.shape[-1]
        xpower_spec[ncols // 2] = (xpower_spec[-1 + ncols // 2] +
                                   xpower_spec[1 + ncols // 2]) / 2.

        if self.mode in ['CONTINUUM',
                         'TEST']:  # don't save spectral information
            vis = xpower_spec.mean(
                axis=0) / self.bandwidth  # a visibility amplitude estimate
            vis = xpower_spec

        return vis
Ejemplo n.º 21
def  phaseshift_cupy(img_cupy,shift):

    return result_cupy
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def local_cov_in_class(self,key,label,nb_class,batchsize):
        index = cp.arange(key.shape[0])
        xx,yy = cp.meshgrid(index,index)
        sub = key[xx] - key[yy]

        norm_sub = cp.linalg.norm(sub,axis=2)
        a = cp.exp(-norm_sub*norm_sub/100)

        lindex = cp.arange(label.shape[0])
        lx,ly = cp.meshgrid(lindex,lindex)
        l = (label[lx]==label[ly])
        a = a*l

        Sw = cp.einsum('ij,ijk,ijl->kl',a,sub,sub,dtype='float32')*0.5*(1.0/batchsize)
        return Sw
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def local_cov_in_class(self,key,label,nb_class,batchsize,affinity):
   index = cp.arange(key.shape[0])
   return Sw
Ejemplo n.º 24
def DFT_matrix(Nd, om=None):
    dim = len(Nd)  # dimension
    if om is None:
        om = fake_Cartesian(Nd)
    N = numpy.prod(Nd)
    omN = cupy.zeros((N, dim), dtype=numpy.float64)
    grid = cupy.indices(Nd)
    for dimid in range(0, dim):
        omN[:, dimid] = (grid[dimid].ravel() - Nd[dimid] / 2)
    M = om.shape[0]
    A = cupy.einsum('m, n -> mn', om[:, 0], omN[:, 0], optimize='optimal')
    for d in range(1, dim):
        A += cupy.einsum('m, n -> mn', om[:, d], omN[:, d], optimize='optimal')

    return cupy.exp(-1.0j * A)
    def estimate_intensity(density, occupancy, mean_rate):

        density : ndarray, shape (n_bins,)
        occupancy : ndarray, shape (n_bins,)
        mean_rate : float

        intensity : ndarray, shape (n_bins,)

        return cp.exp(estimate_log_intensity(density, occupancy, mean_rate))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def normal_density_cupy(x, mean, stddev, from_axis=None, eps=1e-8, gpu=0):
    import cupy as cp

    with cp.cuda.Device(gpu):
        variance = cp.maximum(stddev ** 2, eps)
        stddev = cp.maximum(stddev, eps)

        density = cp.exp(-cp.square(x - mean) / (2 * variance)) / (stddev * math.sqrt(2 * math.pi))

        if (from_axis is not None) and (from_axis >= 0):
            shape = tuple(density.shape[:from_axis]) + (cp.prod(density.shape[from_axis:]),)
            density = cp.reshape(density, shape)
            density = cp.prod(density, axis=from_axis)

        return density
Ejemplo n.º 27
def sigmoid(z):
    Perform sigmoid activation function.

    z : cp.array of floats, shape (number of examples,) + (layer shape)
        Input values.

    cp.array of floats, shape (number of examples,) + 2 * (layer shape)
       Output values.
    return 1 / (1 + cp.exp(-z))
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def admm(self, data, h, e, psi, phi, lamd, mu, u, alpha, piter, titer,
             NITER, model):
        data = data.copy() * self.coefdata  # normalization
        # init penalties
        rho, tau = 1, 1
        # Lagrangian for each iter
        lagr = cp.zeros([NITER, 7], dtype="float32")
        lagr0 = self.take_lagr(psi, phi, data, h, e, lamd, mu, tau, rho, alpha,
        for m in range(NITER):
            # keep previous iteration for penalty updates
            h0, e0 = h, e
            psi = self.cg_ptycho_batch(data, psi, h, lamd, rho, piter, model)
            # tomography problem
            xi0, xi1, K, pshift = self.takexi(psi, phi, lamd, mu, rho, tau)
            u = self.cg_tomo(xi0, xi1, K, u, rho, tau, titer)
            # regularizer problem
            phi = self.solve_reg(u, mu, tau, alpha)
            # h,e updates
            h = self.exptomo(self.fwd_tomo(u)) * cp.exp(1j * pshift)
            e = self.fwd_reg(u)
            # lambda, mu updates
            lamd = lamd + rho * (h - psi)
            mu = mu + tau * (e - phi)
            # update rho, tau for a faster convergence
            rho, tau = self.update_penalty(psi, h, h0, phi, e, e0, rho, tau)
            # Lagrangians difference between two iterations
            if (np.mod(m, 10) == 0):
                lagr[m] = self.take_lagr(psi, phi, data, h, e, lamd, mu, alpha,
                                         rho, tau, model)
                    "%d/%d) rho=%.2e, tau=%.2e, Lagr terms diff:  %.2e %.2e %.2e %.2e %.2e %.2e, Sum: %.2e"
                    % (m, NITER, rho, tau, *(lagr0 - lagr[m])))
                lagr0 = lagr[m]
                name = 'reg'+str(model)+str(piter)+str(titer) + \
                dxchange.write_tiff(u[u.shape[0] // 2].imag.get(),
                                    'betap/beta' + name)
                dxchange.write_tiff(u[u.shape[0] // 2].real.get(),
                                    'deltap/delta' + name)
                dxchange.write_tiff(cp.abs(psi).get(), 'psip/psiamp' + name)
                    cp.angle(psi).get(), 'psip/psiangle' + name)

        lagrr = self.take_lagr(psi, phi, data, h, e, lamd, mu, tau, rho, alpha,
        return u, psi, lagrr
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def test_elementwise_binary(self):
        desc_a = cutensor.create_tensor_descriptor(self.a, ct.OP_SIGMOID)
        desc_c = cutensor.create_tensor_descriptor(self.c, ct.OP_ABS)

        d = cutensor.elementwise_binary(
            self.alpha, self.a, desc_a, self.mode_a,
            self.gamma, self.c, desc_c, self.mode_c,

            self.alpha * (1 / (1 + cupy.exp(-self.a_transposed))) *
            self.gamma * cupy.abs(self.c),
            rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(self, n, eps):
        # parameters for the USFFT transform
        mu = -np.log(eps) / (2 * n**2)
        Te = 1 / np.pi * np.sqrt(-mu * np.log(eps) + (mu * n)**2 / 4)
        m = np.int(np.ceil(2 * n * Te))
        # smearing kernel
        xeq = cp.mgrid[-n // 2:n // 2, -n // 2:n // 2]
        kernel = cp.exp(-mu * cp.sum(xeq**2, axis=0)).astype('float32')
        # smearing constants
        cons = [np.sqrt(np.pi / mu)**2, -np.pi**2 / mu]

        self.n = n
        self.mu = mu
        self.m = m
        self.kernel = kernel
        self.cons = cons