Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_nonlinear_matrix(state,regions,Vth):
	1.This function is instance specific. 
	2.All the state equations are defined in here
	state = symbolic vector with states defined it
	regions = contains information regarding each transistor with the region of operation specified
	Vth = dictionary with threshold voltages of each transistor
	Returns :
	The symbolic expression with non-linear state space equations in it.'''
	# Define all the parasitic capacitors in here. Generally we assume that they are constant. 
	# Name the parasitics accordingly
	Cpara_out = 1e-15
	Cpara_M1 = 1e-15
	Cpara_M2 = 1e-15
	Cpara_M3 = 1e-15

	# This provides a dictionary with
	# KEY	:	Name of the transistor
	# VALUE	:	Polynomial expansion of current equation at a particular linearization point 
	# To access any current equation use I[ 'name of the transistor' ] 
	I={i: current(regions[i],state,Vth[i]) for i in regions.keys()}

	# The equations from here are all circuit dependant. Add your equations from here
	# NOTE:
	# To access any current through a transistor use I[ 'name of transistor' ], we assume this current is the DRAIN current
	v1dot = (I[ 'm3' ] + I[ 'm4' ] - I[ 'm1' ] )/ Cpara_out
	v2dot = ( I[ 'm1' ] - I[ 'm2' ] ) / Cpara_M1

	v3dot = (I[ 'm7' ] + I[ 'm8' ] - I[ 'm5' ] )/ Cpara_out
	v4dot = ( I[ 'm5' ] - I[ 'm6' ] ) / Cpara_M1

	v5dot = (I[ 'm11' ] + I[ 'm12' ] - I[ 'm9' ] )/ Cpara_out
	v6dot = ( I[ 'm9' ] - I[ 'm10' ] ) / Cpara_M1

	v7dot = (I[ 'm15' ] + I[ 'm16' ] - I[ 'm13' ] )/ Cpara_out
	v8dot = ( I[ 'm13' ] - I[ 'm14' ] ) / Cpara_M1
	# The next line packs all the equations in a certain order which is binding. This order decides the state space co-ordinates
	# Ensure that the same ordering is maintained with the stateorder function.
#	eqs=sympy.Matrix( [(vd0dot),(vd12dot),(vd11dot),(vcmfb2dot),(vomdot),(vopdot),(vdc3dot),(vdc5dot),(vcmfb1dot),(vd1dot),(vd2dot),(ig9dot),(ig7dot)] )
	eqs = sympy.Matrix( [(v1dot),(v2dot),(v3dot),(v4dot),(v5dot),(v6dot),(v7dot),(v8dot)] )	    
	return eqs
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_nonlinear_matrix(state, regions, Vth):
	1.This function is instance specific. 
	2.All the state equations are defined in here
	state = symbolic vector with states defined it
	regions = contains information regarding each transistor with the region of operation specified
	Vth = dictionary with threshold voltages of each transistor
	Returns :
	The symbolic expression with non-linear state space equations in it.'''

    # Define all the parasitic capacitors in here. Generally we assume that they are constant.
    # Name the parasitics accordingly
    Cpara_out = 1e-15
    Cpara_M1 = 1e-15
    Cpara_M2 = 1e-15
    Cpara_M3 = 1e-15

    # This provides a dictionary with
    # KEY	:	Name of the transistor
    # VALUE	:	Polynomial expansion of current equation at a particular linearization point
    # To access any current equation use I[ 'name of the transistor' ]

    I = {i: current(regions[i], state, Vth[i]) for i in regions.keys()}

    # The equations from here are all circuit dependant. Add your equations from here
    # NOTE:

    # To access any current through a transistor use I[ 'name of transistor' ], we assume this current is the DRAIN current

    voutdot = (I['m6'] + I['m5'] + I['m7'] + I['m8'] - I['m1']) / Cpara_out
    v2dot = (I['m1'] - I['m2']) / Cpara_M1
    v3dot = (I['m2'] - I['m3']) / Cpara_M2
    v4dot = (I['m3'] - I['m4']) / Cpara_M3
    vdot = (I['m9'] - I['m10']) * 1e15


    # The next line packs all the equations in a certain order which is binding. This order decides the state space co-ordinates
    # Ensure that the same ordering is maintained with the stateorder function.

    #	eqs=sympy.Matrix( [(vd0dot),(vd12dot),(vd11dot),(vcmfb2dot),(vomdot),(vopdot),(vdc3dot),(vdc5dot),(vcmfb1dot),(vd1dot),(vd2dot),(ig9dot),(ig7dot)] )
    eqs = sympy.Matrix([(voutdot), (v2dot), (v3dot), (v4dot), (vdot)])
    return eqs
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_nonlinear_matrix(state,regions,Vth):
	1.This function is instance specific. 
	2.All the state equations are defined in here
	state = symbolic vector with states defined it
	regions = contains information regarding each transistor with the region of operation specified
	Vth = dictionary with threshold voltages of each transistor
	Returns :
	The symbolic expression with non-linear state space equations in it.'''
	# Define all the parasitic capacitors in here. Generally we assume that they are constant. 
	# Name the parasitics accordingly
	# This provides a dictionary with
	# KEY	:	Name of the transistor
	# VALUE	:	Polynomial expansion of current equation at a particular linearization point 
	# To access any current equation use I[ 'name of the transistor' ] 
	I={i: current(regions[i],state,Vth[i]) for i in regions.keys()}

	# The equations from here are all circuit dependant. Add your equations from here
	# NOTE:
	# To access any current through a transistor use I[ 'name of transistor' ], we assume this current is the DRAIN current
#    IIII = ( ( I[ 'm15' ] - I[ 'm13' ] ) / Cpara_vcmfb2 ) - ( ( I[ 'm10' ] - I[ 'm9' ] ) / Cpara_vom )
#    II = ( ( I [ 'm15' ] - I[ 'm13' ] ) / Cpara_vcmfb2 ) - ( ( I[ 'm8' ] - I[ 'm7' ] ) / Cpara_vop ) 
#    cur=sympy.Matrix( ( ( IIII ) , ( II ) ) )
#    cap=sympy.Matrix( ( ( ( 1/1e-12 + 1/Cpara_vcmfb2 + 1/Cpara_vom ) , ( 1/Cpara_vcmfb2 ) ) , ( 1/Cpara_vcmfb2 , 1/1e-12 + 1/Cpara_vcmfb2 + 1/Cpara_vop ) ) )
#	[IC10,IC9]=[0,0]#cap.inv()*cur
#    III = ( ( I['mc2'] - I[ 'mc4' ] ) / Cpara_vcmfb1 ) - ( ( state['ig9'] + I[ 'm4' ] - I[ 'm2' ] ) / Cpara_vd2 ) 
#    IV = ( ( I[ 'mc2' ] - I[ 'mc4' ] ) / Cpara_vcmfb1 ) - ( ( state[ 'ig7' ] + I[ 'm3' ] - I[ 'm1' ] ) / Cpara_vd1 )
#    cap=sympy.Matrix( ( ( 1/7e-12 + 1/Cpara_vd2 + 1/Cpara_vcmfb1 , 1/Cpara_vcmfb1 ) , (Cpara_vcmfb1 ,1/7e-12 + 1/Cpara_vd1 + 1/Cpara_vcmfb1 ) ) )
#    cur=sympy.Matrix( ( ( III ) , ( IV ) ) )
#	[IC4,IC2]=[0,0]#cap.inv()*cur
#	vd0dot=( - I[ 'm1' ] - I[ 'm2' ] + I[ 'm0' ] ) / Cpara_vdo   #V Im0 V Im1 VIm2 chkd
#	vd12dot=( -I[ 'm12' ] + I[ 'm14' ] ) / Cpara_vd12  #V Im14 V im12 chkd
#	vd11dot=( I[ 'm12' ] + I[ 'm13' ] - I[ 'm11' ] ) / Cpara_vd11    #V Im12 V Im13 V Im11 chkd
#	vcmfb2dot=( I[ 'm15' ] - I[ 'm13' ] - IC10 - IC9 ) / Cpara_vcmfb2  # V Im15 <IC9 >IC10 V Im13
#	vomdot=( I[ 'm10' ] + IC10 - I[ 'm9' ] - state[ 'ig9' ] ) / Cpara_vom   # > IC10 V Im10 V Im9  < ig9 chkd
#	vopdot=( I[ 'm8' ] + IC9 - I[ 'm7' ] - state[ 'ig7' ] ) / Cpara_vop          # < IC9 V Im8 V Im7  > ig7 chkd
#	vdc3dot=( I[ 'mc1' ] + I[ 'm6' ] - I[ 'mc3' ] ) / Cpara_vdc3                 # V Imc1  V Im6 V Imc3 
#	vdc5dot = ( - I[ 'mc1' ] - I[ 'm6' ] - I[ 'mc2' ] + I[ 'mc5' ] ) / Cpara_vdc5   # V Imc5 V Imc1 V Im6 V Imc2
#	vcmfb1dot = ( I[ 'mc2' ] - I[ 'mc4' ] - IC2 - IC4 ) / Cpara_vcmfb1 #V Imc2 < IC2 >IC4 V Imc4
#	vd1dot = ( state[ 'ig7' ] - I[ 'm3' ] + I[ 'm1' ] + IC2 ) / Cpara_vd1   # >ig7 V Im1 V Im3 < IC2
#	vd2dot = ( state[ 'ig9' ] - I[ 'm4' ] + I[ 'm2' ] + IC4 ) / Cpara_vd2  # < ig9 V Im2 V Im4 > IC4
#	ig9dot = 0.001 * ( vomdot - ( state[ 'ig9' ] / 7e-12 ) - vd2dot ) # <ig9
#	ig7dot = 0.001 * ( vopdot - ( state[ 'ig7' ] / 7e-12 ) - vd1dot ) # > ig7

	vdot=(((5 - state[ 'drain' ]) / 500) - I['m1'] - state[ 'iC2' ]) * 1e15	
	idot=(vdot - state[ 'iC2' ]) / 2000
	# The next line packs all the equations in a certain order which is binding. This order decides the state space co-ordinates
	# Ensure that the same ordering is maintained with the stateorder function.
#	eqs=sympy.Matrix( [(vd0dot),(vd12dot),(vd11dot),(vcmfb2dot),(vomdot),(vopdot),(vdc3dot),(vdc5dot),(vcmfb1dot),(vd1dot),(vd2dot),(ig9dot),(ig7dot)] )
	eqs = sympy.Matrix( [(vdot),(idot)] )	    
	return eqs
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_nonlinear_matrix(state, regions, Vth):
	1.This function is instance specific. 
	2.All the state equations are defined in here
	state = symbolic vector with states defined it
	regions = contains information regarding each transistor with the region of operation specified
	Vth = dictionary with threshold voltages of each transistor
	Returns :
	The symbolic expression with non-linear state space equations in it.'''

    # Define all the parasitic capacitors in here. Generally we assume that they are constant.
    # Name the parasitics accordingly
    Cpara_vdo = 1e-15
    Cpara_vd12 = 1e-15
    Cpara_vd11 = 1e-15
    Cpara_vcmfb2 = 1e-15
    Cpara_vom = 1e-15
    Cpara_vop = 1e-15
    Cpara_vdc3 = 1e-15
    Cpara_vdc5 = 1e-15
    Cpara_vcmfb1 = 1e-15
    Cpara_vd1 = 1e-15
    Cpara_vd2 = 1e-15
    # This provides a dictionary with
    # KEY	:	Name of the transistor
    # VALUE	:	Polynomial expansion of current equation at a particular linearization point
    # To access any current equation use I[ 'name of the transistor' ]

    I = {i: current(regions[i], state, Vth[i]) for i in regions.keys()}

    # The equations from here are all circuit dependant. Add your equations from here
    # NOTE:

    # To access any current through a transistor use I[ 'name of transistor' ], we assume this current is the DRAIN current

    #    IIII = ( ( I[ 'm15' ] - I[ 'm13' ] ) / Cpara_vcmfb2 ) - ( ( I[ 'm10' ] - I[ 'm9' ] ) / Cpara_vom )
    #    II = ( ( I [ 'm15' ] - I[ 'm13' ] ) / Cpara_vcmfb2 ) - ( ( I[ 'm8' ] - I[ 'm7' ] ) / Cpara_vop )
    #    cur=sympy.Matrix( ( ( IIII ) , ( II ) ) )
    #    cap=sympy.Matrix( ( ( ( 1/1e-12 + 1/Cpara_vcmfb2 + 1/Cpara_vom ) , ( 1/Cpara_vcmfb2 ) ) , ( 1/Cpara_vcmfb2 , 1/1e-12 + 1/Cpara_vcmfb2 + 1/Cpara_vop ) ) )
    #	[IC10,IC9]=[0,0]#cap.inv()*cur

    #    III = ( ( I['mc2'] - I[ 'mc4' ] ) / Cpara_vcmfb1 ) - ( ( state['ig9'] + I[ 'm4' ] - I[ 'm2' ] ) / Cpara_vd2 )
    #    IV = ( ( I[ 'mc2' ] - I[ 'mc4' ] ) / Cpara_vcmfb1 ) - ( ( state[ 'ig7' ] + I[ 'm3' ] - I[ 'm1' ] ) / Cpara_vd1 )
    #    cap=sympy.Matrix( ( ( 1/7e-12 + 1/Cpara_vd2 + 1/Cpara_vcmfb1 , 1/Cpara_vcmfb1 ) , (Cpara_vcmfb1 ,1/7e-12 + 1/Cpara_vd1 + 1/Cpara_vcmfb1 ) ) )
    #    cur=sympy.Matrix( ( ( III ) , ( IV ) ) )
    #	[IC4,IC2]=[0,0]#cap.inv()*cur

    #	vd0dot=( - I[ 'm1' ] - I[ 'm2' ] + I[ 'm0' ] ) / Cpara_vdo   #V Im0 V Im1 VIm2 chkd
    #	vd12dot=( -I[ 'm12' ] + I[ 'm14' ] ) / Cpara_vd12  #V Im14 V im12 chkd
    #	vd11dot=( I[ 'm12' ] + I[ 'm13' ] - I[ 'm11' ] ) / Cpara_vd11    #V Im12 V Im13 V Im11 chkd
    #	vcmfb2dot=( I[ 'm15' ] - I[ 'm13' ] - IC10 - IC9 ) / Cpara_vcmfb2  # V Im15 <IC9 >IC10 V Im13
    #	vomdot=( I[ 'm10' ] + IC10 - I[ 'm9' ] - state[ 'ig9' ] ) / Cpara_vom   # > IC10 V Im10 V Im9  < ig9 chkd
    #	vopdot=( I[ 'm8' ] + IC9 - I[ 'm7' ] - state[ 'ig7' ] ) / Cpara_vop          # < IC9 V Im8 V Im7  > ig7 chkd
    #	vdc3dot=( I[ 'mc1' ] + I[ 'm6' ] - I[ 'mc3' ] ) / Cpara_vdc3                 # V Imc1  V Im6 V Imc3
    #	vdc5dot = ( - I[ 'mc1' ] - I[ 'm6' ] - I[ 'mc2' ] + I[ 'mc5' ] ) / Cpara_vdc5   # V Imc5 V Imc1 V Im6 V Imc2
    #	vcmfb1dot = ( I[ 'mc2' ] - I[ 'mc4' ] - IC2 - IC4 ) / Cpara_vcmfb1 #V Imc2 < IC2 >IC4 V Imc4
    #	vd1dot = ( state[ 'ig7' ] - I[ 'm3' ] + I[ 'm1' ] + IC2 ) / Cpara_vd1   # >ig7 V Im1 V Im3 < IC2
    #	vd2dot = ( state[ 'ig9' ] - I[ 'm4' ] + I[ 'm2' ] + IC4 ) / Cpara_vd2  # < ig9 V Im2 V Im4 > IC4
    #	ig9dot = 0.001 * ( vomdot - ( state[ 'ig9' ] / 7e-12 ) - vd2dot ) # <ig9
    #	ig7dot = 0.001 * ( vopdot - ( state[ 'ig7' ] / 7e-12 ) - vd1dot ) # > ig7

    vout1Dot = (I['m4'] - I['m1'] + ((state['n001'] - state['n003']) * 0.5 *
                                     (10e-8))) * 1e15
    vout2Dot = (I['m5'] - I['m2'] - ((state['n001'] - state['n003']) * 0.5 *
                                     (10e-8))) * 1e15
    vcurDot = (I['m1'] + I['m2'] - I['m6']) * 1e15


    # The next line packs all the equations in a certain order which is binding. This order decides the state space co-ordinates
    # Ensure that the same ordering is maintained with the stateorder function.

    #	eqs=sympy.Matrix( [(vd0dot),(vd12dot),(vd11dot),(vcmfb2dot),(vomdot),(vopdot),(vdc3dot),(vdc5dot),(vcmfb1dot),(vd1dot),(vd2dot),(ig9dot),(ig7dot)] )
    eqs = sympy.Matrix([(vout1Dot), (vout2Dot), (vcurDot)])
    return eqs