def curses_setup(): stdscr = curses.initscr() # Don't echo keys to console curses.noecho() # Read in keystrokes instantly (don't wait for ENTER) curses.cbreak() # Have curses handle special keys (ex. Page Up) for us curses.keypad(True) # Attempt to hide the cursor curses.curs_set(False) return stdscr
def setupCurses(): stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() curses.cbreak() curses.keypad(1) return stdscr
v.setDaemon(True) v.start() if c == ord('y'): for i in range(3): y = threading.Thread(target=yep, args=(z, )) y.setDaemon(True) y.start() if c == ord('n'): for i in range(3): n = threading.Thread(target=nope, args=(x, )) n.setDaemon(True) n.start() # If you can get this to work then please go ahead # if c == curses.KEY_UP #Increase the length of the video up to 10 seconds, key_up doesn't work # if i < 10 # i+=1 # # if c == curses.KEY_DOWN #Decrease the length of the video down to 1 second, key_down doesn't work # if i > 0 # i-=1 #End camera.stop_preview() curses.nocbreak() stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.keypad(False) curses.endwin()
def endCurses(): curses.nocbreak() curses.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin()