Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_straight_road(basic_straight_road):
    data = [{'ways': [basic_straight_road]}]
    result = list(AddSegmentLengthAndRadius().process(data))
    segments = result[0]['ways'][0]['segments']
    # [{'end': [1, 0],
    #   'length': 111229.83322958752,
    #   'radius': 145159487741.38614,
    #   'start': [0, 0]},
    #  {'end': [2, 0],
    #   'length': 111229.83322958752,
    #   'radius': 96897816892.49901,
    #   'start': [1, 0]},
    #  {'end': [3, 0],
    #   'length': 111229.83322958752,
    #   'radius': 96897816892.49901,
    #   'start': [2, 0]},
    #  {'end': [4, 0],
    #   'length': 111229.83322962806,
    #   'radius': 10000,
    #   'start': [3, 0]}]
    assert (111229 <= segments[0]['length'] <= 111230)
    assert (111229 <= segments[1]['length'] <= 111230)
    assert (111229 <= segments[2]['length'] <= 111230)
    assert (111229 <= segments[3]['length'] <= 111230)
    assert (145159487741 <= segments[0]['radius'] < 145159487742)
    assert (96897816892 <= segments[1]['radius'] < 96897816893)
    assert (96897816892 <= segments[2]['radius'] < 96897816893)
    assert (10000 == segments[3]['radius'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_add_to_a(south_union_street_a):
    data = [{'ways': [south_union_street_a]}]

    result = list(AddSegmentLengthAndRadius().process(data))
    segments = result[0]['ways'][0]['segments']

    # [{'end': [44.47606690000014, -73.20894139999983],
    #    'length': 133.9951171255431,
    #    'radius': 9042.031019056063,
    #    'radius_b': 9042.031019056063,
    # 'start': [44.47486310000014, -73.20887729999983]},
    # {'end': [44.47617410000035, -73.20894919999994],
    #    'length': 11.939194299937851,
    #    'radius': 5911.150339265277,
    #    'radius_a': 9042.031019056063,
    #    'radius_b': 5911.150339265277,
    # 'start': [44.47606690000014, -73.20894139999983]},
    # {'end': [44.47721230000033, -73.20902129999995],
    #    'length': 115.62050685215769,
    #    'radius': 5911.150339265277,
    #    'radius_a': 5911.150339265277,
    #    'radius_b': 6051.348955391984,
    # 'start': [44.47617410000035, -73.20894919999994]},
    # {'end': [44.47728820000014, -73.20902659999983],
    #    'length': 8.45242742062934,
    #    'radius': 6051.348955391984,
    #    'radius_a': 6051.348955391984,
    #    'radius_b': 1000000,
    # 'start': [44.47721230000033, -73.20902129999995]}]

    assert (133 <= segments[0]['length'] <= 134)
    # Only one radius option for the first segment.
    assert (9042 <= segments[0]['radius'] <= 9043)

    assert (11 <= segments[1]['length'] <= 12)
    # Radius must be one of or between the radii of both triangles.
    assert (5911 <= segments[1]['radius'] <= 9043)

    assert (115 <= segments[2]['length'] <= 116)
    # Radius must be one of or between the radii of both triangles.
    assert (5911 <= segments[2]['radius'] <= 6052)

    assert (8 <= segments[3]['length'] <= 9)
    # Only one real radius option for the last segment.
    assert (6051 <= segments[3]['radius'] <= 6052)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_curved_road(basic_curved_road):
    data = [{'ways': [basic_curved_road]}]
    result = list(AddSegmentLengthAndRadius().process(data))
    segments = result[0]['ways'][0]['segments']
    # [{'end': [0.001, 0.0],
    #   'length': 111.22983735621419,
    #   'radius': 6373000.524647183,
    #   'start': [0.0, 0.0]},
    #  {'end': [0.002, 0.0],
    #   'length': 111.22983735621419,
    #   'radius': 175.8698149547354,
    #   'start': [0.001, 0.0]},
    #  {'end': [0.003, 0.001],
    #   'length': 157.30274453170819,
    #   'radius': 175.8698149547354,
    #   'start': [0.002, 0.0]},
    #  {'end': [0.003, 0.002],
    #   'length': 111.22983735621419,
    #   'radius': 175.8698149547354,
    #   'start': [0.003, 0.001]},
    #  {'end': [0.003, 0.003],
    #   'length': 111.22983735621419,
    #   'radius': 6373000.524647183,
    #   'start': [0.003, 0.002]},
    #  {'end': [0.003, 0.004],
    #   'length': 111.22983735621419,
    #   'radius': 10000,
    #   'start': [0.003, 0.003]}]
    assert (111 <= segments[0]['length'] <= 112)
    assert (111 <= segments[1]['length'] <= 112)
    assert (157 <= segments[2]['length'] <= 158)
    assert (111 <= segments[3]['length'] <= 112)
    assert (111 <= segments[4]['length'] <= 112)
    assert (111 <= segments[5]['length'] <= 112)
    assert (6373000 <= segments[0]['radius'] <= 6373001)
    assert (175 <= segments[1]['radius'] <= 176)
    assert (175 <= segments[2]['radius'] <= 176)
    assert (175 <= segments[3]['radius'] <= 176)
    assert (6373000 <= segments[4]['radius'] <= 6373001)
    assert (10000 == segments[5]['radius'])
Ejemplo n.º 4
# 2. Filter out unpaved ways and highway types we aren't interested in.
# 3. Add segments and their lengths & radii.
# 4. Calculate the curvature and filter curvature values for "deflections" (noisy data)
# 5. Split our collections on long straight-aways (longer than 1.5 miles) to avoid
#    highlighting long straight roads with infrequent curvy-sections.
# 6. Sum the length and curvature of the sections in each way for reuse.
# 7. Filter out collections not meeting our minimum curvature thresholds.
# 3. Sort the items by their curvature value.
# 3. Save the intermediate data.

chain = [
  FilterOutWaysWithTag('surface', ['unpaved','dirt','gravel','fine_gravel','sand','grass','ground','pebblestone','mud','clay','dirt/sand','soil']),
  FilterOutWaysWithTag('service', ['driveway', 'parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'parking', 'bus', 'emergency_access']),
  SortCollectionsBySum(key='curvature', reverse=True)

def print_msgpack(arg):
  sys.stdout.buffer.write(msgpack.packb(arg, use_bin_type=True))

prev_callback = print_msgpack

for processor in reversed(chain):
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_add_segments_to_both(south_union_street):
    data = [south_union_street]

    result = list(AddSegmentLengthAndRadius().process(data))

    segments_a = result[0]['ways'][0]['segments']
    # A
    # [{'end': [44.47606690000014, -73.20894139999983],
    #    'length': 133.9951171255431,
    #    'radius': 9042.031019056063,
    #    'radius_b': 9042.031019056063,
    # 'start': [44.47486310000014, -73.20887729999983]},
    # {'end': [44.47617410000035, -73.20894919999994],
    #    'length': 11.939194299937851,
    #    'radius': 5911.150339265277,
    #    'radius_a': 9042.031019056063,
    #    'radius_b': 5911.150339265277,
    # 'start': [44.47606690000014, -73.20894139999983]},
    # {'end': [44.47721230000033, -73.20902129999995],
    #    'length': 115.62050685215769,
    #    'radius': 5911.150339265277,
    #    'radius_a': 5911.150339265277,
    #    'radius_b': 6051.348955391984,
    # 'start': [44.47617410000035, -73.20894919999994]},
    # {'end': [44.47728820000014, -73.20902659999983],
    #    'length': 8.45242742062934,
    #    'radius': 1515.5261720076899,
    #    'radius_a': 6051.348955391984,
    #    'radius_b': 1515.5261720076899,
    # 'start': [44.47721230000033, -73.20902129999995]}]

    assert (133 <= segments_a[0]['length'] <= 134)
    # Only one radius option for the first segment.
    assert (9042 <= segments_a[0]['radius'] <= 9043)

    assert (11 <= segments_a[1]['length'] <= 12)
    # Radius must be one of or between the radii of both triangles.
    assert (5911 <= segments_a[1]['radius'] <= 9043)

    assert (115 <= segments_a[2]['length'] <= 116)
    # Radius must be one of or between the radii of both triangles.
    assert (5911 <= segments_a[2]['radius'] <= 6052)

    assert (8 <= segments_a[3]['length'] <= 9)
    # Radius must be one of or between the radii of both triangles.
    # This last segment of the first way should now be just in the middle of the sequence.
    assert (1515 <= segments_a[3]['radius'] <= 6052)

    segments_b = result[0]['ways'][1]['segments']
    # B
    # [{'end': [44.477370500000326, -73.20903419999996],
    #    'length': 9.17384496193589,
    #    'radius': 1515.5261720076899,
    #    'radius_a': 1515.5261720076899,
    #    'radius_b': 5087.529749503991,
    # 'start': [44.47728820000014, -73.20902659999983]},
    # {'end': [44.478012899999946, -73.20909320000007],
    #    'length': 71.60721208643298,
    #    'radius': 3090.4324585426625,
    #    'radius_a': 5087.529749503991,
    #    'radius_b': 3090.4324585426625,
    # 'start': [44.477370500000326, -73.20903419999996]},
    # {'end': [44.478329400000135, -73.20911439999983],
    #    'length': 35.24433665520804,
    #    'radius': 3090.4324585426625,
    #    'radius_a': 3090.4324585426625,
    #    'radius_b': 3561.7154012566457,
    # 'start': [44.478012899999946, -73.20909320000007]},
    # {'end': [44.47902100000032, -73.20917629999997],
    #    'length': 77.08323683693155,
    #    'radius': 3501.915505841466,
    #    'radius_a': 3561.7154012566457,
    #    'radius_b': 3501.915505841466,
    # 'start': [44.478329400000135, -73.20911439999983]},
    # {'end': [44.47909000000013, -73.20918349999984],
    #    'length': 7.69627545970476,
    #    'radius': 581.3853353525011,
    #    'radius_a': 3501.915505841466,
    #    'radius_b': 581.3853353525011,
    # 'start': [44.47902100000032, -73.20917629999997]},
    # {'end': [44.479153100000325, -73.20918889999996],
    #    'length': 7.031266303832327,
    #    'radius': 581.3853353525011,
    #    'radius_a': 581.3853353525011,
    #    'radius_b': 6604.033701293703,
    # 'start': [44.47909000000013, -73.20918349999984]},
    # {'end': [44.48046430000036, -73.20930199999994],
    #    'length': 146.1204640900716,
    #    'radius': 6604.033701293703,
    #    'radius_a': 6604.033701293703,
    #    'radius_b': 8312.821062879286,
    # 'start': [44.479153100000325, -73.20918889999996]},
    # {'end': [44.48055300000012, -73.20930960000047],
    #    'length': 9.884128953281145,
    #    'radius': 8312.821062879286,
    #    'radius_a': 8312.821062879286,
    #    'radius_b': 1000000,
    # 'start': [44.48046430000036, -73.20930199999994]}]

    assert (9 <= segments_b[0]['length'] <= 10)
    # Radius must be one of or between the radii of both triangles.
    # This first segment of the second way should now be just in the middle of the sequence.
    assert (1515 <= segments_b[0]['radius'] <= 5088)

    assert (71 <= segments_b[1]['length'] <= 72)
    # Radius must be one of or between the radii of both triangles.
    assert (3090 <= segments_b[1]['radius'] <= 5088)

    assert (35 <= segments_b[2]['length'] <= 36)
    # Radius must be one of or between the radii of both triangles.
    assert (3090 <= segments_b[2]['radius'] <= 3562)

    assert (77 <= segments_b[3]['length'] <= 78)
    # Radius must be one of or between the radii of both triangles.
    assert (3501 <= segments_b[3]['radius'] <= 3562)

    assert (7 <= segments_b[4]['length'] <= 8)
    # Radius must be one of or between the radii of both triangles.
    assert (581 <= segments_b[4]['radius'] <= 3502)

    assert (7 <= segments_b[5]['length'] <= 8)
    # Radius must be one of or between the radii of both triangles.
    assert (581 <= segments_b[5]['radius'] <= 6605)

    assert (146 <= segments_b[6]['length'] <= 147)
    # Radius must be one of or between the radii of both triangles.
    assert (6604 <= segments_b[6]['radius'] <= 8313)

    assert (9 <= segments_b[7]['length'] <= 10)
    # Only one real radius option for the last segment.
    assert (8312 <= segments_b[7]['radius'] <= 8313)