Ejemplo n.º 1
    def add_data_format_row(self, row_data):
        Extract name and value from ``row_data`` and apply it to
        :py:attr:`~cutplace.interface.Cid.data_format` by calling

        :param list row_data: a list with at least 2 items for name and value \
            that can be passed to \
        assert row_data is not None
        assert len(row_data) >= 2

        name, value = row_data[:2]
        lower_name = name.lower()
        if name == '':
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                'name of data format property must be specified',
        if (self._data_format is None) and (lower_name != data.KEY_FORMAT):
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                'first data format row must set property %s instead of %s' %
                (_compat.text_repr(data.KEY_FORMAT), _compat.text_repr(name)),
        if (self._data_format is not None) and (lower_name == data.KEY_FORMAT):
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                'data format already is %s and must be set only once' %
                _compat.text_repr(self._data_format.format), self._location)
        lower_value = value.lower()
        if self._data_format is None:
            self._data_format = data.DataFormat(lower_value, self._location)
            self._data_format.set_property(name.lower(), value, self._location)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, field_name, is_allowed_to_be_empty, length, rule, data_format):
        super(ConstantFieldFormat, self).__init__(
            field_name, is_allowed_to_be_empty, length, rule, data_format, empty_value='')

        # Extract constant from rule tokens.
        tokens = _tools.tokenize_without_space(rule)
        toky = next(tokens)
        if _tools.is_eof_token(toky):
            # No rule means that the field must always be empty.
            self._constant = ''
            self._constant = _tools.token_text(toky)
            toky = next(tokens)
            if not _tools.is_eof_token(toky):
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    _('constant rule must be a single Python token but also found: %s')
                    % _compat.text_repr(_tools.token_text(toky)))
        has_empty_rule = (rule == '')
        if self.is_allowed_to_be_empty and not has_empty_rule:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                _('to describe a Constant that can be empty, use a Choice field with a single choice'))
        if not self.is_allowed_to_be_empty and has_empty_rule:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                _('field must be marked as empty to describe a constant empty value'))
                _('rule of constant field %s') % _compat.text_repr(self.field_name), len(self._constant))
        except errors.RangeValueError:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                _('length is %s but must be %d to match constant %s')
                % (self.length, len(self._constant), _compat.text_repr(self._constant)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def validated_field_name(supposed_field_name, location=None):
    Same as ``supposed_field_name`` except with surrounding white space removed.

    :param cutplace.errors.Location location: location used in case of errors
    :raise cutplace.errors.InterfaceError: if ``supposed_field_name`` is \
    field_name = supposed_field_name.strip()
    basic_requirements_text = 'field name must be a valid Python name consisting of ASCII letters, ' \
                              'underscore (_) and digits'
    if field_name == '':
        raise errors.InterfaceError(basic_requirements_text + 'but is empty',
    if keyword.iskeyword(field_name):
        raise errors.InterfaceError(
            "field name must not be a Python keyword but is: '%s'" %
            field_name, location)
    is_first_character = True
    for character in field_name:
        if is_first_character:
            if character not in _ASCII_LETTERS:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    "field name must begin with a lower-case letter but is: %s"
                    % _compat.text_repr(field_name), location)
            is_first_character = False
            if character not in _ASCII_LETTERS_DIGITS_AND_UNDERSCORE:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    basic_requirements_text +
                    'but is: %s' % _compat.text_repr(field_name), location)
    return field_name
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _validated_character(key, value, location):
        A single character intended as value for data format property ``key``
        derived from ``value``, which can be:

        * a decimal or hex number (prefixed with ``'0x'``) referring to the ASCII/Unicode of the character
        * a string containing a single character such as ``'\t'``.
        * a symbolic name from :py:const:`cutplace.errors.NAME_TO_ASCII_CODE_MAP` such as ``tab``.

        :raises cutplace.errors.InterfaceError: on any broken ``value``
        assert key
        assert value is not None

        name_for_errors = 'data format property %s' % _compat.text_repr(key)
        stripped_value = value.strip()
        if (len(stripped_value) == 1) and (stripped_value
                                           not in string.digits):
            result_code = ord(stripped_value)
            tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(io.StringIO(value).readline)
            next_token = next(tokens)
            if _tools.is_eof_token(next_token):
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    _("value for %s must be specified") % name_for_errors,
            next_type = next_token[0]
            next_value = next_token[1]
            if next_type == token.NAME:
                result_code = ranges.code_for_symbolic_token(
                    name_for_errors, next_value, location)
            elif next_type == token.NUMBER:
                result_code = ranges.code_for_number_token(
                    name_for_errors, next_value, location)
            elif next_type == token.STRING:
                result_code = ranges.code_for_string_token(
                    name_for_errors, next_value, location)
            elif (len(next_value)
                  == 1) and not _tools.is_eof_token(next_token):
                result_code = ord(next_value)
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    _('value for %s must a number, a single character or a symbolic name but is: %s'
                      ) % (name_for_errors, _compat.text_repr(value)),
            # Ensure there are no further tokens.
            next_token = next(tokens)
            if (not _tools.is_eof_token(next_token)) and (next_token[0] !=
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    _('value for %s must be a single character but is: %s') %
                    (name_for_errors, _compat.text_repr(value)), location)
        # TODO: Handle 'none' properly.
        assert result_code is not None
        assert result_code >= 0
        result = six.unichr(result_code)
        assert result is not None
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def add_check_row(self, possibly_incomplete_items):
        Add a check as declared in ``possibly_incomplete_items``, which
        ideally is a list composed of 3 elements:

        1. description ('customer_id_must_be_unique')
        2. type (e.g. 'IsUnique'  mapping to :py:class:`cutplace.checks.IsUniqueCheck`)
        3. rule (e.g. 'customer_id')

        Missing items are interpreted as empty string (``''``), additional
        items are ignored.

        :raises cutplace.errors.InterfaceError: on broken \
        assert possibly_incomplete_items is not None

        items = list(possibly_incomplete_items)
        # HACK: Ignore possible concatenated (empty) cells between description and type.
        while (len(items) >= 2) and (items[1].strip() == ''):
            del items[1]

        check_description, check_type, check_rule = (items + 3 * [''])[:3]
        if check_description == '':
            raise errors.InterfaceError('check description must be specified',
        check_class_name = check_type + "Check"
        if check_class_name not in self._check_name_to_class_map:
            list_of_available_check_types = _tools.human_readable_list(
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                "check type is '%s' but must be one of: %s" %
                (check_type, list_of_available_check_types), self._location)
        _log.debug("create check: %s(%r, %r)", check_type, check_description,
        check_class = self._create_check_class(check_type)
        check = check_class.__new__(check_class, check_description, check_rule,
                                    self._field_names, self._location)
        check.__init__(check_description, check_rule, self._field_names,
        existing_check = self._check_name_to_check_map.get(check_description)
        if existing_check is not None:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                "check description must be used only once: %s" %
                _compat.text_repr(check_description), self._location,
                "first declaration", existing_check.location)
        self._check_name_to_check_map[check_description] = check
        assert len(self.check_names) == len(self._check_name_to_check_map)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _validated_int_at_least_0(key, value, location):
     assert key
     assert value is not None
         result = int(value)
     except ValueError:
         raise errors.InterfaceError(
             _('data format property %s is %s but must be a number') %
             (_compat.text_repr(key), _compat.text_repr(value)), location)
     if result < 0:
         raise errors.InterfaceError(
             _('data format property %s is %d but must be at least 0') %
             (_compat.text_repr(key), result), location)
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self,
        super(IsUniqueCheck, self).__init__(description, rule,
                                            available_field_names, location)

        self._field_names_to_check = []
        self._row_key_to_location_map = None

        # Extract field names to check from rule.
        rule_read_line = _compat.token_io_readline(rule)
        toky = tokenize.generate_tokens(rule_read_line)
        after_comma = True
        next_token = next(toky)
        unique_field_names = set()
        while (not _tools.is_eof_token(next_token)) and (next_token[0] !=
            token_type = next_token[0]
            token_value = next_token[1]
            if after_comma:
                if token_type != tokenize.NAME:
                    raise errors.InterfaceError(
                        _("field name must contain only ASCII letters, numbers and underscores (_) "
                          "but found: %r [token type=%r]") %
                        (token_value, token_type), self.location_of_rule)
                    fields.field_name_index(token_value, available_field_names,
                    if token_value in unique_field_names:
                        raise errors.InterfaceError(
                            _("duplicate field name for unique check must be removed: %s"
                              ) % token_value, self.location_of_rule)
                except errors.InterfaceError as error:
                    raise errors.InterfaceError(six.text_type(error))
            elif not _tools.is_comma_token(next_token):
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    _("after field name a comma (,) must follow but found: %r")
                    % token_value, self.location_of_rule)
            after_comma = not after_comma
            next_token = next(toky)
        if not len(self._field_names_to_check):
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                _("rule must contain at least one field name to check for uniqueness"
                  ), self.location_of_rule)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, field_name, is_allowed_to_be_empty, length_text, rule, data_format, empty_value=None):
     super(DecimalFieldFormat, self).__init__(
         field_name, is_allowed_to_be_empty, length_text, rule, data_format, empty_value)
     if rule.strip() != '':
         raise errors.InterfaceError("decimal rule must be empty")
     self.decimalSeparator = data_format.decimal_separator
     self.thousandsSeparator = data_format.thousands_separator
Ejemplo n.º 9
def code_for_string_token(name, value, location):
    The numeric code for text representing an string with a single character in ``value``.

    :param str name: the name of the value as it is known to the end user
    :param str value: the text that represents a string with a single character
    :param cutplace.errors.Location location: the location of ``value`` or ``None``
    assert name is not None
    assert value is not None
    assert len(value) >= 2
    left_quote = value[0]
    right_quote = value[-1]
    assert left_quote in "\"\'", "left_quote=%r" % left_quote
    assert right_quote in "\"\'", "right_quote=%r" % right_quote

    value_without_quotes = value[1:-1]
    if len(value_without_quotes) != 1:
        value_without_quotes = value_without_quotes.encode('utf-8').decode(
        if len(value_without_quotes) != 1:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                _('text for %s must be a single character but is: %s') %
                (name, _compat.text_repr(value)), location)
    return ord(value_without_quotes)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self,
        Create a check.

        :param str description: human readable description of the check
        :param str rule: the check conditions to validate
        :param list available_field_names: the names of the fields available for the check (typically referring \
            to :py:attr:`cutplace.interface.Cid.field_names`)
        :param location_of_definition: location in the CID where the check was declared to be (used by error \
            messages); if ``None``, use ``cutplace.errors.create_caller_location(['checks'])``
        :type location_of_definition: :py:class:`~cutplace.errors.Location` or None
        assert description
        assert rule is not None
        assert available_field_names is not None

        if not available_field_names:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                _("field names must be specified before check"),
        self._description = description
        self._rule = rule
        self._field_names = available_field_names
        if location_of_definition is None:
            self._location = errors.create_caller_location(['checks'])
            self._location_of_rule = self._location
            self._location = copy.copy(location_of_definition)
            self._location_of_rule = copy.copy(location_of_definition)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self,
              self).__init__(description, rule, available_field_names,

        rule_read_line = _compat.token_io_readline(rule)
        tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(rule_read_line)
        first_token = next(tokens)

        # Obtain and validate field to count.
        if first_token[0] != tokenize.NAME:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                _("rule must start with a field name but found: %r") %
                first_token[1], self.location_of_rule)
        self._field_name_to_count = first_token[1]
                                available_field_names, location)
        line_where_field_name_ends, column_where_field_name_ends = first_token[
        assert column_where_field_name_ends > 0
        assert line_where_field_name_ends == 1

        # Build and test Python expression for validation.
        self._expression = DistinctCountCheck._COUNT_NAME + rule[
        self._distinct_value_to_count_map = None
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, field_name, is_allowed_to_be_empty, length, rule,
        super(ChoiceFieldFormat, self).__init__(field_name,
        self.choices = []

        # Split rule into tokens, ignoring white space.
        tokens = _tools.tokenize_without_space(rule)

        # Extract choices from rule tokens.
        previous_toky = None
        toky = next(tokens)
        while not _tools.is_eof_token(toky):
            if _tools.is_comma_token(toky):
                # Handle comma after comma without choice.
                if previous_toky:
                    previous_toky_text = previous_toky[1]
                    previous_toky_text = None
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    "choice value must precede a comma (,) but found: %s" %
            choice = _tools.token_text(toky)
            if not choice:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    "choice field must be allowed to be empty instead of containing an empty choice"
            toky = next(tokens)
            if not _tools.is_eof_token(toky):
                if not _tools.is_comma_token(toky):
                    raise errors.InterfaceError(
                        "comma (,) must follow choice value %s but found: %s" %
                        (_compat.text_repr(choice), _compat.text_repr(
                # Process next choice after comma.
                toky = next(tokens)
                if _tools.is_eof_token(toky):
                    raise errors.InterfaceError(
                        "trailing comma (,) must be removed")
        if not self.is_allowed_to_be_empty and not self.choices:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                "choice field without any choices must be allowed to be empty")
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def read(self, cid_path, rows):
        Provided no ``cid_path`` has already been specified for
        :py:class:`~cutplace.interface.Cid.__init__()`, process ``rows``
        using :py:meth:`~cutplace.interface.Cid.add_data_format_row()`,
        :py:meth:`~cutplace.interface.Cid.add_field_format()` and
        :py:meth:`~cutplace.interface.Cid.add_check()`. Report any errors by
        referring to ``cid_path``.

        :param str cid_path: the path from which ``rows`` where obtained
        :param sequence rows: sequence of lists where each list either \
          describes a data format, field format, check or comment for a CID.

        :raises cutplace.errors.InterfaceError: in case any row in ``rows`` \
          cannot be processed
        assert cid_path is not None
        assert self.data_format is None, 'CID must be read only once'

        # TODO: Detect format and use proper reader.
        self._location = errors.Location(cid_path, has_cell=True)
        if self._cid_path is None:
            self._cid_path = cid_path
        for row in rows:
            if row:
                row_type = row[0].lower().strip()
                row_data = (row[1:] + [''] * 6)[:6]
                if row_type == 'd':
                elif row_type == 'f':
                elif row_type == 'c':
                elif row_type != '':
                    # Raise error when value is not supported.
                    raise errors.InterfaceError(
                        'CID row type is "%s" but must be empty or one of: C, D, or F'
                        % row_type, self._location)
        if self.data_format is None:
            raise errors.InterfaceError('data format must be specified',
        if len(self.field_names) == 0:
            raise errors.InterfaceError('fields must be specified',
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def _eval(self):
     The current result of `self._expression`.
     local_variables = {
         DistinctCountCheck._COUNT_NAME: self._distinct_count()
         result = eval(self._expression, {}, local_variables)
     except Exception as message:
         raise errors.InterfaceError(
             _("cannot evaluate count expression %r: %s") %
             (self._expression, message), self.location_of_rule)
     if result not in (True, False):
         raise errors.InterfaceError(
             _("count expression %r must result in %r or %r, but test resulted in: %r"
               ) % (self._expression, True, False, result),
     return result
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def check_distinct(name1, name2):
     assert name1 is not None
     assert name2 is not None
     assert name1 < name2, 'names must be sorted for consistent error message: %r, %r' % (
         name1, name2)
     value1 = self.__dict__['_' + name1]
     value2 = self.__dict__['_' + name2]
     if value1 == value2:
         raise errors.InterfaceError(
             _("'%s' and '%s' are both %s but must be different from each other"
               ) % (name1, name2, _compat.text_repr(value1)))
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, field_name, is_allowed_to_be_empty, length_text, rule, data_format, empty_value=None):
        super(IntegerFieldFormat, self).__init__(
            field_name, is_allowed_to_be_empty, length_text, rule, data_format, empty_value)

        is_fixed_format = (data_format.format == data.FORMAT_FIXED)
        has_length = (length_text is not None) and (length_text.strip() != '')
        if has_length:
            length = self.length
            if is_fixed_format:
                # For fixed data format, use an implicit range starting from
                # 1 to take into account that leading and trailing blanks
                # might be missing from the rule parts.
                assert self.length.lower_limit == self.length.upper_limit
                length = ranges.Range('1...%d' % self.length.upper_limit)
            length_range = ranges.create_range_from_length(length)

        has_rule = (rule is not None) and (rule.strip() != '')
        if has_rule:
            rule_range = ranges.Range(rule)

        if has_length:
            if has_rule:
                # Both a length and a rule have been specified: check if all
                # non ``None`` parts of each item of the rule fit within the
                # range of the length. Then use the rule as valid range.
                for rule_item in rule_range.items:
                    partial_rule_limits = [
                        partial_rule_limit for partial_rule_limit in rule_item if partial_rule_limit is not None
                    for partial_rule_limit in partial_rule_limits:
                        length_of_partial_rule_limit = _tools.length_of_int(partial_rule_limit)
                                "length of partial rule limit '%d'" % partial_rule_limit, length_of_partial_rule_limit)
                        except errors.RangeValueError as error:
                            message = "length must be consistent with rule: %s" % error
                            raise errors.InterfaceError(message)
                self.valid_range = rule_range
                # A length but no rule has been specified: derive a valid
                # range from the length.
                self.valid_range = length_range
            if has_rule:
                # No length but a rule has been specified: use the rule as
                # valid range.
                self.valid_range = rule_range
                # No length and no rule has been specified: use a default
                # range of signed 32 bit integer. If the user wants a bigger
                # range, he has to specify it. Python's ``int`` scales to any
                # range as long as there is enough memory available to
                # represent it.
                self.valid_range = ranges.Range(ranges.DEFAULT_INTEGER_RANGE_TEXT)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def _create_class(self, name_to_class_map, class_qualifier, class_name_appendix, type_name):
        assert name_to_class_map
        assert class_qualifier
        assert class_name_appendix
        assert type_name

        class_name = class_qualifier.split(".")[-1] + class_name_appendix
        result = name_to_class_map.get(class_name)
        if result is None:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                "cannot find class for %s %s: related class is %s but must be one of: %s" % (
                    type_name, class_qualifier, class_name,
                    _tools.human_readable_list(sorted(name_to_class_map.keys()))), self._location)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def rows(self):
        Data rows of ``source_path``.

        Even with ``on_error`` set to ' continue'  or 'yield' certain errors
        still cause a stop, for example checks at the end of the file still
        raise a :py:exc:`cutplace.errors.CheckError` and generally broken
        files result in a

        :raises cutplace.errors.DataError: on broken data
        self.accepted_rows_count = 0
        self.rejected_rows_count = 0
        for check in self.cid.check_map.values():
        header_row_count = self._cid.data_format.header
        for row_count, row in enumerate(self._raw_rows(), 1):
                is_after_header_row = (row_count > header_row_count)
                is_before_validate_until = (self._validate_until is None) or (row_count <= self._validate_until)
                if is_after_header_row:
                    if is_before_validate_until:
                    self.accepted_rows_count += 1
                    yield row
                    if self.cid.data_format.validate_header_row_against_field_names:
                        # we don't know, which header row to validate if there are multiple ones
                        if header_row_count > 1:
                            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                                _("Cannot validate the header row, when 'Header' is set to '{count}'. "
                                "Either set 'Header' to '1' or disable header validation with "
                                "'Validate header row against field names' set to 'False'.").format(

            except errors.DataError as error:
                if self.on_error == 'raise':
                self.rejected_rows_count += 1
                if self.on_error == 'yield':
                    yield error
                    assert self.on_error == 'continue'
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def __init__(self, format_name, location=None):
        Create a new data format.

        :param str format_name: the data format, which must be one of \
            :py:const:`FORMAT_DELIMITED`, :py:const:`FORMAT_EXCEL`,
            :py:const:`FORMAT_FIXED` or :py:const:`FORMAT_ODS`.
        :param cutplace.errors.Location location: location where the data format was declared
        assert format_name == format_name.lower(
        ), 'format_name must be lower case: %r' % format_name

        if format_name not in (_VALID_FORMATS + ['csv']):
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                _('format is %s but must be on of: %s') %
                (format_name, _VALID_FORMATS), location if location is not None
                else errors.create_caller_location(['data']))
        # HACK: Treat ``format_name`` 'csv' as synonym for ``FORMAT_DELIMITED``.
        self._format = format_name if format_name != 'csv' else FORMAT_DELIMITED
        self._header = 0
        self._validate_header_row_against_field_names = False
        self._is_valid = False
        self._allowed_characters = None
        self._encoding = 'cp1252'
        self._quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL
        self._strict_field_names = True
        if self.format == FORMAT_DELIMITED:
            self._escape_character = '"'
            self._item_delimiter = ','
            self._quote_character = '"'
            self._skip_initial_space = False
        if self.format in (FORMAT_DELIMITED, FORMAT_FIXED):
            self._decimal_separator = '.'
            self._line_delimiter = ANY
            self._thousands_separator = ''
        elif self.format in (FORMAT_EXCEL, FORMAT_ODS):
            self._sheet = 1
        if self.format in (FORMAT_DELIMITED, FORMAT_FIXED):
            # Valid values for property 'line delimiter', which is only available for delimited and fixed data
            # with no line delimiter only allowed for fixed data.
            self._VALID_LINE_DELIMITER_TEXTS = sorted([
                line_delimiter_text for line_delimiter, line_delimiter_text in
                if (line_delimiter is not None) or (
                    self.format == FORMAT_FIXED)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def _validated_choice(key, value, choices, location, ignore_case=False):
        Same as ``value`` or ``value.lower()`` in case ``ignore_case`` is set
        to ``True``. If the supposed result is not on of the available
        ``choices``, raise `errors.InterfaceError`.
        assert key
        assert value is not None
        assert choices

        result = value if not ignore_case else value.lower()
        if result not in choices:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                _('data format property %s is %s but must be one of: %s') %
                (_compat.text_repr(key), _compat.text_repr(value),
                 _tools.human_readable_list(choices)), location)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 21
def code_for_number_token(name, value, location):
    The numeric code for text representing an :py:class:`int` in ``value``.

    :param str name: the name of the value as it is known to the end user
    :param str value: the text that represents an :py:class:`int`
    :param cutplace.errors.Location location: the location of ``value`` or ``None``
    assert name is not None
    assert value is not None

        # Note: base 0 automatically handles prefixes like 0x.
        result = int(value, 0)
    except ValueError:
        raise errors.InterfaceError(
            'numeric value for %s must be an integer number but is: %s' % (name, _compat.text_repr(value)), location)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 22
def code_for_symbolic_token(name, value, location):
    The numeric code for text representing an a symbolic name in ``value``,
    which has to be one of the values in

    :param str name: the name of the value as it is known to the end user
    :param str value: the text that represents a symbolic name
    :param cutplace.errors.Location location: the location of ``value`` or ``None``
    assert name is not None
    assert value is not None

        result = errors.NAME_TO_ASCII_CODE_MAP[value.lower()]
    except KeyError:
        valid_symbols = _tools.human_readable_list(sorted(errors.NAME_TO_ASCII_CODE_MAP.keys()))
        raise errors.InterfaceError(
            'symbolic name %s for %s must be one of: %s' % (_compat.text_repr(value), name, valid_symbols), location)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 23
def field_name_index(field_name_to_look_up, available_field_names, location):
    The index of ``field_name_to_look_up`` (without leading or trailing
    white space) in ``available_field_names``.

    :param cutplace.errors.Location location: location used in case of errors
    :raise cutplace.errors.InterfaceError: if ``field_name_to_look_up`` is \
      not part of ``available_field_names``
    assert field_name_to_look_up is not None
    assert field_name_to_look_up == field_name_to_look_up.strip()
    assert available_field_names

    field_name_to_look_up = field_name_to_look_up.strip()
        field_index = available_field_names.index(field_name_to_look_up)
    except ValueError:
        raise errors.InterfaceError(
            'unknown field name %s must be replaced by one of: %s' %
             _tools.human_readable_list(available_field_names)), location)
    return field_index
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def add_field_format_row(self, possibly_incomplete_items):
        Add field as described by `possibly_incomplete_items`, which is a
        list consisting of:

        1) field name
        2) optional: example value (can be empty)
        3) optional: empty flag ("X" = field is allowed to be empty)
        4) optional: length (using the syntax of :py:class:`cutplace.ranges.Range`)
        5) optional: field type (e.g. 'Integer' for :py:class:`cutplace.fields.IntegerFieldFormat`)
        6) optional: rule to validate field (depending on type)

        Any missing items are interpreted as empty string (``''``).
        Additional items are ignored.

        :raises cutplace.errors.InterfaceError: on broken \
        assert possibly_incomplete_items is not None
        assert self._location is not None

        if self._data_format is None:
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                "data format must be specified before first field",

        # Assert that the various lists and maps related to fields are in a consistent state.
        # Ideally this would be a class invariant, but this is Python, not Eiffel.
        field_count = len(self.field_names)
        assert len(self._field_formats) == field_count
        assert len(self._field_name_to_format_map) == field_count
        assert len(self._field_name_to_index_map) == field_count

        items = (possibly_incomplete_items + 6 * [''])[:6]

        # Obtain field name.
        field_name = fields.validated_field_name(items[0], self._location)
        if field_name in self._field_name_to_format_map:
            # TODO: Add see_also_location pointing to previous declaration.
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                'duplicate field name must be changed to a unique one: %s' %
                field_name, self._location)

        # Obtain example.
        field_example = items[1]

        # Obtain "empty" mark.
        field_is_allowed_to_be_empty_text = items[2].strip().lower()
        if field_is_allowed_to_be_empty_text == '':
            field_is_allowed_to_be_empty = False
        elif field_is_allowed_to_be_empty_text == self._EMPTY_INDICATOR:
            field_is_allowed_to_be_empty = True
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                "mark for empty field must be %s or empty but is %s" %
                (self._EMPTY_INDICATOR, field_is_allowed_to_be_empty_text),

        # Obtain length.
        field_length = items[3]

        # Obtain field type and rule.
        field_type_item = items[4].strip()
        if field_type_item == '':
            field_type = 'Text'
            field_type = ''
            field_type_parts = field_type_item.split(".")
                for part in field_type_parts:
                    if field_type:
                        field_type += "."
                    field_type += _tools.validated_python_name(
                        "field type part", part)
                assert field_type, "empty field type must be detected by validated_python_name()"
            except NameError as error:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(six.text_type(error),
        field_class = self._create_field_format_class(field_type)
        field_rule = items[5].strip()
        _log.debug("create field: %s(%r, %r, %r)", field_class.__name__,
                   field_name, field_type, field_rule)
            field_format = field_class.__new__(field_class, field_name,
                                               field_length, field_rule)
            field_format.__init__(field_name, field_is_allowed_to_be_empty,
                                  field_length, field_rule, self._data_format)
        except errors.InterfaceError as error:
            error_location = error.location if error.location is not None else self._location
                'cannot declare field %s' % _compat.text_repr(field_name),
            raise error

        # Validate field length.
        # TODO #82: Cleanup validation for declared field formats.
        field_length = field_format.length
        if self._data_format.format == data.FORMAT_FIXED:
            if field_length.items is None:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    "length of field %s must be specified with fixed data format"
                    % _compat.text_repr(field_name), self._location)
            if field_length.lower_limit != field_length.upper_limit:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    "length of field %s for fixed data format must be a specific number but is: %s"
                    % (_compat.text_repr(field_name), field_format.length),
            if field_length.lower_limit < 1:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    "length of field %s for fixed data format must be at least 1 but is: %d"
                    % (_compat.text_repr(field_name),
                       field_format.length.lower_limit), self._location)
        elif field_length.lower_limit is not None:
            if field_length.lower_limit < 0:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    "lower limit for length of field %s must be at least 0 but is: %d"
                    % (_compat.text_repr(field_name),
                       field_format.length.lower_limit), self._location)
        elif field_length.upper_limit is not None:
            # Note: 0 as upper limit is valid for a field that must always be empty.
            if field_length.upper_limit < 0:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    "upper limit for length of field %s must be at least 0 but is: %d"
                    % (_compat.text_repr(field_name),
                       field_format.length.upper_limit), self._location)

        # Set and validate example in case there is one.
        if field_example != '':
                field_format.example = field_example
            except errors.FieldValueError as error:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    "cannot validate example for field %s: %s" %
                    (_compat.text_repr(field_name), error), self._location)


        assert field_name
        assert field_type
        assert field_rule is not None

Ejemplo n.º 25
    def set_property(self, name, value, location=None):
        Set data format property ``name`` to ``value`` possibly translating ``value`` from
        a human readable representation to an internal one.

        :param str name: any of the ``KEY_*`` constants
        :param value: the value to set the property to as it would show up in a CID. \
            In some cases, the value will be translated to an internal representation. \
            For example ``set_property(KEY_LINE_DELIMITER, 'lf')`` results in \
            :py:attr:`cutplace.data.line_delimiter` being ``'\n'``.
        :type value: str or None

        :raises cutplace.errors.InterfaceError: if ``name`` is not a valid property name for this data format
        :raises cutplace.errors.InterfaceError: if ``value`` is invalid for the specified property
        assert not self.is_valid, 'after validate() has been called property %r cannot be set anymore' % name
        assert name is not None
        assert name == name.lower(
        ), 'property name must be lower case: %r' % name
        assert (value is not None) or (name in (KEY_ALLOWED_CHARACTERS,

        name = name.replace(' ', '_')
        property_attribute_name = '_' + name
        if property_attribute_name not in self.__dict__:
            valid_property_names = _tools.human_readable_list(
            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                _('data format property %s for format %s is %s but must be one of %s'
                  ) % (_compat.text_repr(name), self.format,
                       _compat.text_repr(value), valid_property_names),

        if name == KEY_ENCODING:
            except LookupError:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    _('value for data format property %s is %s but must be a valid encoding'
                      ) % (_compat.text_repr(KEY_ENCODING),
                           _compat.text_repr(self.encoding)), location)
            self.encoding = value
        elif name == KEY_HEADER:
            self.header = DataFormat._validated_int_at_least_0(
                name, value, location)
            self.validate_header_row_against_field_names = DataFormat._validated_bool(
                KEY_VALIDATE_HEADER_ROW_AGAINST_FIELD_NAMES, value, location)
        elif name == KEY_ALLOWED_CHARACTERS:
                self._allowed_characters = ranges.Range(value)
            except errors.InterfaceError as error:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    _('data format property %s must be a valid range: %s') %
                    (_compat.text_repr(KEY_ALLOWED_CHARACTERS), error),
        elif name == KEY_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR:
            self.decimal_separator = DataFormat._validated_choice(
        elif name == KEY_ESCAPE_CHARACTER:
            self.escape_character = DataFormat._validated_choice(
        elif name == KEY_ITEM_DELIMITER:
            item_delimiter = DataFormat._validated_character(
                KEY_ITEM_DELIMITER, value, location)
            if item_delimiter == '\x00':
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    _("data format property %s must not be 0 (to avoid zero termindated strings in Python's C based CSV reader)"
                      ) % _compat.text_repr(KEY_ITEM_DELIMITER), location)
            self.item_delimiter = item_delimiter
        elif name == KEY_LINE_DELIMITER:
                self.line_delimiter = _TEXT_TO_LINE_DELIMITER_MAP[
            except KeyError:
                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                    _('line delimiter %s must be changed to one of: %s') %
                         self._VALID_LINE_DELIMITER_TEXTS)), location)
        elif name == KEY_QUOTE_CHARACTER:
            self.quote_character = DataFormat._validated_choice(
                KEY_QUOTE_CHARACTER, value, _VALID_QUOTE_CHARACTERS, location)
        elif name == KEY_SHEET:
            self.sheet = DataFormat._validated_int_at_least_0(
                KEY_SHEET, value, location)
        elif name == KEY_SKIP_INITIAL_SPACE:
            self.skip_initial_space = DataFormat._validated_bool(
                KEY_SKIP_INITIAL_SPACE, value, location)
        elif name == KEY_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR:
            self.thousands_separator = DataFormat._validated_choice(
        elif name == KEY_QUOTING:
            result = DataFormat._validated_choice(KEY_QUOTING,
            self.quoting = READABLE_TO_CSV_QUOTING_FORMAT[result]
        elif name == KEY_STRICT_FIELD_NAMES:
            self.strict_field_names = DataFormat._validated_bool(
                KEY_STRICT_FIELD_NAMES, value, location)
            assert False, 'name=%r' % name
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self, description, default=None, location=None):
        Setup a decimal range as specified by ``description``.

        :param str description: a range description of the form \
          ``lower...upper`` or ``limit``, possibly consisting of multiple \
          items. In case it is empty (``''``), the range specified by \
          ``default`` is used; the description also specifies the \
          :py:attr:`~cutplace.ranges.DecimalRange.scale` and \
          :py:attr:`~cutplace.ranges.DecimalRange.precision` valid numbers \
          can use.
        :param str default: an alternative to use in case ``description``
          is ``None`` or empty; in case both ``description`` and \
          ``default`` are ``None`` or empty, all values within the \
          :py:const:`DEFAULT_SCALE` and :py:const:`DEFAULT_PRECISION` are \

        assert default is None or (default.strip() !=
                                   ''), "default=%r" % default

        self._precision = DEFAULT_PRECISION
        self._scale = DEFAULT_SCALE

        # Find out if a `description` has been specified and if not, use optional `default` instead.
        has_description = (description
                           is not None) and (description.strip() != '')
        if not has_description and default is not None:
            description = default
            has_description = True

        if not has_description:
            # Use empty ranges.
            self._description = None
            self._items = None
            self._lower_limit = None
            self._upper_limit = None
            self._description = description.replace('...', ELLIPSIS)
            self._items = []
            tokens = _tools.tokenize_without_space(self._description)
            end_reached = False
            max_digits_after_dot = 0
            max_digits_before_dot = 0
            while not end_reached:
                lower = None
                upper = None
                ellipsis_found = False
                after_hyphen = False
                next_token = next(tokens)
                while not _tools.is_eof_token(
                        next_token) and not _tools.is_comma_token(next_token):
                    next_type = next_token[0]
                    next_value = next_token[1]
                    if next_type == token.NUMBER:
                        if next_type == token.NUMBER:
                                decimal_value = decimal.Decimal(next_value)
                                _sign, digits, exponent = decimal_value.as_tuple(
                                digits_after_dot = max(0, -exponent)
                                if digits_after_dot > max_digits_after_dot:
                                    max_digits_after_dot = digits_after_dot
                                digits_before_dot = len(digits) + exponent
                                if digits_before_dot > max_digits_before_dot:
                                    max_digits_before_dot = digits_before_dot
                            except decimal.DecimalException:
                                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                                    _("number must be an decimal or integer but is: %s"
                                      ) % _compat.text_repr(next_value),
                            if after_hyphen:
                                decimal_value = decimal_value.copy_negate()
                                after_hyphen = False

                        if ellipsis_found:
                            if upper is None:
                                upper = decimal_value
                                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                                    _("range must have at most lower and upper limit but found another number: %s"
                                      ) % _compat.text_repr(next_value),
                        elif lower is None:
                            lower = decimal_value
                            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                                _("number must be followed by ellipsis (...) but found: %s"
                                  ) % _compat.text_repr(next_value))
                    elif after_hyphen:
                        raise errors.InterfaceError(
                            _("hyphen (-) must be followed by number but found: %s"
                              ) % _compat.text_repr(next_value))
                    elif (next_type == token.OP) and (next_value == "-"):
                        after_hyphen = True
                    elif next_value in (ELLIPSIS, ':'):
                        ellipsis_found = True
                        message = "range must be specified using decimal or integer numbers" \
                                  " and ellipsis (...) but found: %s [token type: %d]" \
                                  % (_compat.text_repr(next_value), next_type)
                        raise errors.InterfaceError(message)
                    next_token = next(tokens)

                if after_hyphen:
                    raise errors.InterfaceError(
                        _("hyphen (-) at end must be followed by number"))

                # Decide upon the result.
                if lower is None:
                    if upper is None:
                        if ellipsis_found:
                            # Handle "...".
                            # TODO: Handle "..." same as ""?
                            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                                _("ellipsis (...) must be preceded and/or succeeded by number"

                        assert ellipsis_found
                        # Handle "...y".
                        range_item = (None, upper)
                elif ellipsis_found:
                    # Handle "x..." and "x...y".
                    if (upper is not None) and (lower > upper):
                        raise errors.InterfaceError(
                            _("lower limit %s must be less or equal than upper limit %s"
                              ) % (_decimal_as_text(lower, self.precision),
                                   _decimal_as_text(upper, self.precision)))
                    range_item = (lower, upper)
                    # Handle "x".
                    range_item = (lower, lower)
                if range_item is not None:
                    self._precision = max_digits_after_dot
                    self._scale = max_digits_before_dot + max_digits_after_dot
                    for item in self._items:
                        if self._items_overlap(item, range_item):
                            item_text = _compat.text_repr(
                            result_text = _compat.text_repr(
                            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                                _("overlapping parts in decimal range must be cleaned up: %s and %s"
                                  ) % (item_text, result_text), location)
                if _tools.is_eof_token(next_token):
                    end_reached = True

            assert self.precision >= 0
            assert self.scale >= self.precision

            self._lower_limit = None
            self._upper_limit = None
            is_first_item = True
            for lower_item, upper_item in self._items:
                if is_first_item:
                    self._lower_limit = lower_item
                    self._upper_limit = upper_item
                    is_first_item = False

                if lower_item is None:
                    self._lower_limit = None
                elif (self._lower_limit
                      is not None) and (lower_item < self._lower_limit):
                    self._lower_limit = lower_item

                if upper_item is None:
                    self._upper_limit = None
                elif (self._upper_limit
                      is not None) and (upper_item > self._upper_limit):
                    self._upper_limit = upper_item
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def __init__(self, description, default=None):
        Setup a range as specified by ``description``.

        :param str description: a range description of the form \
          ``lower...upper`` or ``limit``. In case it is empty (``''``), any \
          value will be accepted by \
          :py:meth:`~cutplace.ranges.Range.validate()`. For example, \
          ``1...40`` accepts values between 1 and 40.
        :param str default: an alternative to use in case ``description`` is \
          ``None`` or empty.
        assert default is None or (default.strip() !=
                                   ''), "default=%r" % default

        # Find out if a `description` has been specified and if not, use optional `default` instead.
        has_description = (description
                           is not None) and (description.strip() != '')
        if not has_description and default is not None:
            description = default
            has_description = True

        if not has_description:
            # Use empty ranges.
            self._description = None
            self._items = None
            self._lower_limit = None
            self._upper_limit = None
            self._description = description.replace('...', ELLIPSIS)
            self._items = []

            name_for_code = 'range'
            location = None  # TODO: Add location where range is declared.
            tokens = _tools.tokenize_without_space(self._description)
            end_reached = False
            while not end_reached:
                lower = None
                upper = None
                ellipsis_found = False
                after_hyphen = False
                next_token = next(tokens)
                while not _tools.is_eof_token(
                        next_token) and not _tools.is_comma_token(next_token):
                    next_type = next_token[0]
                    next_value = next_token[1]
                    if next_type in (token.NAME, token.NUMBER, token.STRING):
                        if next_type == token.NAME:
                            # Symbolic names, e.g. ``tab``.
                            value_as_int = code_for_symbolic_token(
                                name_for_code, next_value, location)
                        elif next_type == token.NUMBER:
                            # Numbers, e.g. ``123``.
                            value_as_int = code_for_number_token(
                                name_for_code, next_value, location)
                            if after_hyphen:
                                value_as_int *= -1
                                after_hyphen = False
                        elif next_type == token.STRING:
                            # Python strings, e.g. ``'abc'`` or ``"""abc"""``.
                            value_as_int = code_for_string_token(
                                name_for_code, next_value, location)
                        elif (len(next_value)
                              == 1) and not _tools.is_eof_token(next_token):
                            # Other single characters, e.g. ``,``; this is particular useful with delimiter properties.
                            value_as_int = ord(next_value)
                            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                                _('value for %s must a number, a single character or a symbolic name but is: %s'
                                  ) %
                                (name_for_code, _compat.text_repr(next_value)),
                        if ellipsis_found:
                            if upper is None:
                                upper = value_as_int
                                raise errors.InterfaceError(
                                    _("range must have at most lower and upper limit but found another number: %s"
                                      ) % _compat.text_repr(next_value),
                        elif lower is None:
                            lower = value_as_int
                            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                                _("number must be followed by ellipsis (...) but found: %s"
                                  ) % _compat.text_repr(next_value), location)
                    elif after_hyphen:
                        raise errors.InterfaceError(
                            _("hyphen (-) must be followed by number but found: %s"
                              ) % _compat.text_repr(next_value), location)
                    elif (next_type == token.OP) and (next_value == "-"):
                        after_hyphen = True
                    elif next_value in (ELLIPSIS, ':'):
                        ellipsis_found = True
                        raise errors.InterfaceError(
                            _("range must be specified using integer numbers, text, "
                              "symbols and ellipsis (...) but found: %s [token type: %d]"
                              ) % (_compat.text_repr(next_value), next_type),
                    next_token = next(tokens)

                if after_hyphen:
                    raise errors.InterfaceError(
                        _("hyphen (-) at end must be followed by number"),

                # Decide upon the result.
                if lower is None:
                    if upper is None:
                        if ellipsis_found:
                            # Handle "...".
                            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                                _('ellipsis (...) must be preceded and/or succeeded by number'
                                  ), location)
                            # Handle "".
                            result = None
                        assert ellipsis_found
                        # Handle "...y".
                        result = (None, upper)
                elif ellipsis_found:
                    # Handle "x..." and "x...y".
                    if (upper is not None) and (lower > upper):
                        raise errors.InterfaceError(
                            _("lower range %d must be greater or equal than upper range %d"
                              ) % (lower, upper), location)
                    result = (lower, upper)
                    # Handle "x".
                    result = (lower, lower)
                if result is not None:
                    for item in self._items:
                        if self._items_overlap(item, result):
                            item_text = _compat.text_repr(
                            result_text = _compat.text_repr(
                            raise errors.InterfaceError(
                                _("overlapping parts in range must be cleaned up: %s and %s"
                                  ) % (item_text, result_text), location)
                if _tools.is_eof_token(next_token):
                    end_reached = True

            self._lower_limit = None
            self._upper_limit = None
            is_first_item = True
            for lower_item, upper_item in self._items:
                if is_first_item:
                    self._lower_limit = lower_item
                    self._upper_limit = upper_item
                    is_first_item = False

                if lower_item is None:
                    self._lower_limit = None
                elif (self._lower_limit
                      is not None) and (lower_item < self._lower_limit):
                    self._lower_limit = lower_item

                if upper_item is None:
                    self._upper_limit = None
                elif (self._upper_limit
                      is not None) and (upper_item > self._upper_limit):
                    self._upper_limit = upper_item