Ejemplo n.º 1
def pixeles(imagen):
    global pixel_rojo, pixel_azul, pixel_verde
    rojo      = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(imagen),cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,1)
    verde     = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(imagen),cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,1)
    azul      = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(imagen),cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,1)

    p_red = p_green = p_blue = 0
    for j in range(1,imagen.height,1):  
      for i in range(1,imagen.width,1):
        green = cv.Get2D(verde,j,i)
        red   = cv.Get2D(rojo ,j,i)          
        blue  = cv.Get2D(azul ,j,i)

        if blue[0] == 255: 
             p_blue = 1

        if green[0] == 255: 
             p_green = 1

        if red[0] == 255: 
             p_red = 1

    print p_red, p_green, p_blue
Ejemplo n.º 2
def createSpline(image,
    spline = [0] * image.height

    #Sanity check some of the inputs
    rotation_center = image.width / 2
    bottom_crop = image.height - 1 - bottom_crop
    if bottom_crop == top_crop or top_crop > bottom_crop:
        print "Error, the bottom crop value is less or equal to the top crop value"

    #grab the spline
    for y in range(top_crop, bottom_crop):
        max_value = 0
        max_position = 0
        for x in range(image.width - 1):
            pixel = cv.Get2D(image, y, x)
            if pixel[channel] > max_value and pixel[
                    channel] < upper_threshold and pixel[
                        channel] > lower_threshold:
                max_value = pixel[channel]
                max_position = x
        spline[y] = max_position

    #fill in any holes
    good_top = rotation_center
    good_bottom = rotation_center
    for y in range(len(spline) - 1):
        #find any points that area too large or small
        if spline[y] == 0 or spline[y] == image.width:
            #find the next good point
            for z in range(y, len(spline) - 1):
                if spline[z] > 0 and spline[z] < image.width:
                    good_bottom = spline[z]
            #set the bad point to the avearage of the two nearest good points (not perfect, but close enough)
            spline[y] = (good_top + good_bottom) / 2
        good_top = spline[y]

    colorspline = [(0, 0, 0)] * len(spline)
    #grab the color spline
    for y in range(len(spline) - 1):
        colorspline[y + top_crop] = cv.Get2D(image, y, spline[y])

    #remove center offset
    for y in range(len(spline) - 1):
        spline[y] = spline[y] - rotation_center

    #Package the result up in a Spline class
    result = Spline()
    result.spline = spline
    result.colorspline = colorspline

    return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def change_by_hue(self):
     for x in range(self.threshold.width):
         for y in range(self.threshold.height):
             if cv.Get2D(self.threshold, y, x)[0] == 255:
                 val = cv.Get2D(self.hsv, y, x)
                 cv.Set2D(self.hsv, y, x, (self.hue, val[1], val[2]))
     cv.CvtColor(self.hsv, self.image_color, cv.CV_HSV2BGR)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def blurry_histogram(im, num_samples=300, offset=1):
    im = image.rgb2gray(im)
    size = cv.GetSize(im)
    used = set([])
    i = 0
    diffs = {}
    while i < num_samples:
        # we can't use the first row of pixels
        x = random.randrange(0, size[0])
        y = random.randrange(offset, size[1])
        if (x, y) not in used:
            pixel1 = cv.Get2D(im, y, x)
            pixel2 = cv.Get2D(im, y - offset, x)
            diff = tuple(map(lambda a, b: a - b, pixel1, pixel2))
            if diff not in diffs:
                diffs[diff] = 0
            diffs[diff] += 1
            used = used.union([(x, y)])
            i += 1
    max_i = max_v = 0
    second_max_i = second_max_v = 0
    for key, val in diffs.iteritems():
        if max_v < val:
            second_max_i, second_max_v = max_i, max_v
            max_v, max_i = val, key
    return (max_v - second_max_v) / abs(max_i[0] - second_max_i[0])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def compute_glcm(img, d):
	order = 8
	newimg = quantize(img, order)
	glcm = cv.CreateMat(order,order,cv.CV_8UC1)
	normglcm = cv.CreateMat(order, order, cv.CV_32FC1)
	div = 255/order
	for i in range(img.rows-d):
		for j in range(img.cols-d):
			val1 = cv.Get2D(newimg, i, j)
			val2 = cv.Get2D(newimg, i+d, j+d)
			p = int(val1[0]/div)
			q = int(val2[0]/div)
			if p>=order:
				p = order -1
			if q>=order:
				q = order -1
			#print p, q
			val3 = cv.Get2D(glcm, p, q)
			cv.Set2D(glcm, p, q, (val3[0]+1))
	tot = cv.Sum(glcm)
	for i in range(glcm.rows):
		for j in range(glcm.cols):
			val3 = cv.Get2D(glcm, i , j)
			val = 1.0*val3[0]/tot[0]
			cv.Set2D(normglcm, i, j, (val))
			#print round(float(cv.Get2D(normglcm, i, j)[0]), 3), 
		#print "\n"
	return normglcm
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def determineMarkerOrientation(self, frame):
        (xm, ym) = self.lastMarkerLocation
        realval = cv.Get2D(self.frameReal, ym, xm)[0]
        imagval = cv.Get2D(self.frameImag, ym, xm)[0]
        self.orientation = (math.atan2(-realval, imagval) -
                            math.pi / 2) / self.order

        maxValue = 0
        maxOrient = 0
        searchDist = self.kernelSize / 3
        for k in range(self.order):
            orient = self.orientation + 2 * k * math.pi / self.order
            xm2 = int(xm + searchDist * math.cos(orient))
            ym2 = int(ym + searchDist * math.sin(orient))
            if (xm2 > 0 and ym2 > 0 and xm2 < frame.width
                    and ym2 < frame.height):
                    intensity = cv.Get2D(frame, ym2, xm2)
                    if (intensity[0] > maxValue):
                        maxValue = intensity[0]
                        maxOrient = orient
                    print("determineMarkerOrientation: error: %d %d %d %d" %
                          (ym2, xm2, frame.width, frame.height))

        self.orientation = self.limitAngleToRange(maxOrient)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def read_train_model():
    arrTemp = randn(4)
    arrGonglin = randn(150, 164, 164, 3)
    arrQinxuebin = randn(150, 164, 164, 3)
    arrSunming = randn(150, 164, 164, 3)
    arrLvyuanjie = randn(150, 164, 164, 3)

    arrGonglin = np.asarray(arrGonglin, dtype=np.float32)
    arrQinxuebin = np.asarray(arrQinxuebin, dtype=np.float32)
    arrSunming = np.asarray(arrSunming, dtype=np.float32)
    arrLvyuanjie = np.asarray(arrLvyuanjie, dtype=np.float32)
    for i in range(150):
        print i
        imgGonglin = cv.LoadImage(
            "/home/deeplearn/Desktop/qin/gonglin/" + str(i) + ".jpg", 1)
        imgQinxuebin = cv.LoadImage(
            "/home/deeplearn/Desktop/qin/qinxuebin/" + str(i) + ".jpg", 1)
        imgSunming = cv.LoadImage(
            "/home/deeplearn/Desktop/qin/sunming/" + str(i) + ".jpg", 1)
        imgLvyuanjie = cv.LoadImage(
            "/home/deeplearn/Desktop/qin/sunming/" + str(i) + ".jpg", 1)
        for h in range(164):
            for w in range(164):
                pixPair = cv.Get2D(imgGonglin, h, w)
                arrTemp = np.array(pixPair)
                arrGonglin[i, w, h, 0] = arrTemp[0]
                arrGonglin[i, w, h, 1] = arrTemp[1]
                arrGonglin[i, w, h, 2] = arrTemp[2]

                pixHorse = cv.Get2D(imgQinxuebin, h, w)
                arrTemp = np.array(pixHorse)
                arrQinxuebin[i, w, h, 0] = arrTemp[0]
                arrQinxuebin[i, w, h, 1] = arrTemp[1]
                arrQinxuebin[i, w, h, 2] = arrTemp[2]

                pixCat = cv.Get2D(imgSunming, h, w)
                arrTemp = np.array(pixCat)
                arrSunming[i, w, h, 0] = arrTemp[0]
                arrSunming[i, w, h, 1] = arrTemp[1]
                arrSunming[i, w, h, 2] = arrTemp[2]

                pixCat = cv.Get2D(imgLvyuanjie, h, w)
                arrTemp = np.array(pixCat)
                arrLvyuanjie[i, w, h, 0] = arrTemp[0]
                arrLvyuanjie[i, w, h, 1] = arrTemp[1]
                arrLvyuanjie[i, w, h, 2] = arrTemp[2]

    print "Load data finished!"

    zeroArray = np.zeros((4, 4))
    for nI in range(0, 4):
        zeroArray[nI][nI] = 1

    print zeroArray
    return arrGonglin, arrQinxuebin, arrSunming, arrLvyuanjie, zeroArray
Ejemplo n.º 8
def reconocimiento_robot_pos (imagen):

    tolerancia = 30     

    verde     = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(imagen),cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,1)
    azul      = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(imagen),cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,1)
    amarillo  = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(imagen),cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,1)

    pixel_verde    = [76,177,34]
    pixel_azul     = [232,162,0]
    pixel_amarillo = [164,73,163] 




    cv.ShowImage('Color Verde'    ,verde)
    cv.ShowImage('Color Azul'     ,azul)
    cv.ShowImage('Color Amarillo' ,amarillo)

    (cg, ca, cy) = ([],[],[])
    sumx_g = sumy_g = sumx_a = sumy_a = sumx_y = sumy_y = 0 
    for j in range(1,480,1):  
      for i in range(1,640,1):
	a = cv.Get2D(azul ,j,i)
	v = cv.Get2D(verde,j,i)
	y = cv.Get2D(amarillo,j,i)
	if v[0] == 255: 
	    cg    += [(i,j)]
	    sumx_g  = sumx_g + i
	    sumy_g  = sumy_g + j  
	if a[0] == 255: 
	    ca += [(i,j)]
	    sumx_a  = sumx_a + i
	    sumy_a  = sumy_a + j 
	if y[0] == 255: 
	    cy += [(i,j)]
	    sumx_y  = sumx_y + i
	    sumy_y  = sumy_y + j
	p_old1_x = i 
	p_old1_y = j  

    ro_x = sumx_g/len(cg)	   #0
    ro_y = sumy_g/len(cg)	
    rf_x = sumx_a/len(ca)	
    rf_y = sumy_a/len(ca)
    rb_x = sumx_y/len(cy)	
    rb_y = sumy_y/len(cy)

    return ro_x,ro_y,rf_x,rf_y,rb_x,rb_y
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def change_by_rgb(self):
     avgs = self.get_avgs(self.image_color)
     for x in range(self.threshold.width):
         for y in range(self.threshold.height):
             if cv.Get2D(self.threshold, y, x)[0] == 255:
                 val = cv.Get2D(self.image_color, y, x)
                 difs = (val[2] - avgs[0], val[1] - avgs[1],
                         val[0] - avgs[2])
                 cv.Set2D(self.image_color, y, x,
                          (self.new_color[2] + difs[2], self.new_color[1] +
                           difs[1], self.new_color[0] + difs[0], 0))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def my_mouse_callback(event, x, y, flags, param):
    global evente, h, s, v, i, r, g, b, j
    evente = event
    if event == cv.CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDBLCLK:  # Here event is left mouse button double-clicked
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        (h, s, v, i) = cv.Get2D(hsv, y, x)
        (r, g, b, j) = cv.Get2D(frame, y, x)
        print "x,y =", x, y
        print "hsv= ", cv.Get2D(hsv, y, x)  # Gives you HSV at clicked point
        print "im= ", cv.Get2D(frame, y, x)  # Gives you RGB at clicked point
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def get_avgs(self, image):
     c = 0
     s = (0, 0, 0)
     for x in range(image.width):
         for y in range(image.height):
             if cv.Get2D(self.threshold, y, x)[0] == 255:
                 vals = cv.Get2D(image, y, x)
                 s = (s[0] + vals[0], s[1] + vals[1], s[2] + vals[2])
                 c += 1
     s = (s[0] / c, s[1] / c, s[2] / c)
     print "returning averages: ", s
     return s
Ejemplo n.º 12
def reconocimiento_robot_pos ():
    global pixel_azul, pixel_verde , width , height
    peq_imagen, imagen = imagen_homografia(1)
    tolerancia = 30    
    verde     = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(imagen),cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,1)
    azul      = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(imagen),cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,1)
    (cg, cb, cy) = ([],[],[])
    sumx_g = sumy_g = sumx_b = sumy_b = sumx_y = sumy_y = 0
    for j in range(1,height,1):  
      for i in range(1,width,1):
    b = cv.Get2D(azul ,j,i)
    g = cv.Get2D(verde,j,i)
    if g[0] == 255: 
        cg    += [(i,j)]
        sumx_g  = sumx_g + i
        sumy_g  = sumy_g + j  
    if b[0] == 255: 
        cb += [(i,j)]
        sumx_b  = sumx_b + i
        sumy_b  = sumy_b + j 
    p_old1_x = i 
    p_old1_y = j  
    ro_x = sumx_g/len(cg)   
    ro_y = sumy_g/len(cg)   
    rf_x = sumx_b/len(cb)   
    rf_y = sumy_b/len(cb)
    alt_real_tripode = alt_tripode - (float(dist_trip_cancha*alt_tripode)/float(dist_trip_cancha+largo_cancha))
    corr_ro_y =  float(ro_y) + (float(ro_y * alt_robot) / float(alt_real_tripode))
    corr_rf_y =  float(rf_y) + (float(rf_y * alt_robot) / float(alt_real_tripode))
    if ro_x > width/2 :
      corr_ro_x =  float(ro_x) - (float(ro_x * alt_robot) / float(alt_real_tripode))
      corr_ro_x =  float(ro_x) + (float(ro_x * alt_robot) / float(alt_real_tripode))
    if rf_x > width/2 :
      corr_rf_x =  float(rf_x) - (float(rf_x * alt_robot) / float(alt_real_tripode))
      corr_rf_x =  float(rf_x) + (float(rf_x * alt_robot) / float(alt_real_tripode))
    return ro_x,corr_ro_y+20,rf_x,corr_rf_y+20
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def change_by_hsv(self):
        avgs = self.get_avgs(self.hsv)

        for x in range(self.threshold.width):
            for y in range(self.threshold.height):
                if cv.Get2D(self.threshold, y, x)[0] == 255:
                    val = cv.Get2D(self.hsv, y, x)
                    difs = (val[0] - avgs[0], val[1] - avgs[1],
                            val[2] - avgs[2])
                    cv.Set2D(self.hsv, y, x,
                             (self.new_hsv[0] + difs[0], self.new_hsv[1] +
                              difs[1], self.new_hsv[2] + difs[2]))
        cv.CvtColor(self.hsv, self.image_color, cv.CV_HSV2BGR)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def my_mouse_callback(event, x, y, flags, param):
    global evente, h, s, v, i, r, g, b, j
    global hsv_string
    global pos_string
    evente = event
    # Here event is left mouse button double-clicked
    if event == cv.CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDBLCLK:
        hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(frame), 8, 3)
        cv.CvtColor(frame, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
        (h, s, v, i) = cv.Get2D(hsv, y, x)
        (r, g, b, j) = cv.Get2D(frame, y, x)

        hsv_string = str(cv.Get2D(hsv, y, x))
        pos_string = '%s, %s' % (x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def evento_mouse(event, x, y, flags, param):
    if event == cv.CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
        pixel = cv.Get2D(imagen, y, x)
        print 'X =', x, '  Y =', y
        print 'R =', pixel[2], 'G =', pixel[1], 'B =', pixel[0]
        cv.InRangeS(imagen, (pixel[0] - tolerancia, pixel[1] - tolerancia,
                             pixel[2] - tolerancia),
                    (pixel[0] + tolerancia, pixel[1] + tolerancia,
                     pixel[2] + tolerancia), temporal)
        cv.ShowImage('Color', temporal)
        for j in range(1, 480, 1):
            for i in range(1, 640, 1):
                c = cv.Get2D(temporal, j, i)
                if c[0] == 255:
                    print j, i
Ejemplo n.º 16
def solve_linear(v1, v2, p1, p2):
    A = cv.CreateMat(2, 2, cv.CV_32FC1)
    B = cv.CreateMat(2, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
    X = cv.CreateMat(2, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
    cv.SetReal2D(A, 0, 0, v1[0])
    cv.SetReal2D(A, 1, 0, v1[1])
    cv.SetReal2D(A, 0, 1, -v2[0])
    cv.SetReal2D(A, 1, 1, -v2[1])
    cv.SetReal2D(B, 0, 0, p2[0] - p1[0])
    cv.SetReal2D(B, 1, 0, p2[1] - p1[1])
    cv.Solve(A, B, X)
    p = cv.Get2D(X, 0, 0)
    q = cv.Get2D(X, 1, 0)
    #print 'solving p1=',p1,'v1=',v1,'p2=',p2,'v2=',v2,'result=',(p[0],q[0])
    return (p[0], q[0])
Ejemplo n.º 17
def avg_subwindow(image, subwindow_index):
    # this function should compute the average pixel intensity
    # in a given subwindow.

    # for now, we'll try just a simple average,
    # but Junaed's paper seems to talk about Gaussian
    # weighted averages.

    # if we just want to run through the video real quick
    if (SCAN):
        return 0

    (firstX, firstY) = get_subwindow_location(subwindow_index)

    total = 0
    count = 1
    for x in range(firstX, firstX + SPATIAL_WINDOW_X - 1):
        for y in range(firstY, firstY + SPATIAL_WINDOW_Y - 1):
            # make sure our windows don't go outside the image
            if (x < WIDTH and y < HEIGHT):
                pixval = cv.Get2D(image, y, x)
                total += pixval[0]
                count += 1

    return total / count
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __fill_image(self):
        last_was_move = True
        points = []
        for i in range(self.__resized.rows):
        #for i in range(10):
            j = 0
            for j in range(self.__resized.cols):
                value = cv.Get2D(self.__resized, i, j)[0]

                pixels = self.__fill_pixels(i, j)
                shifted_pixel = []
                if pixels:
                    if last_was_move:
                        shifted_pixel.append((-self.__draww/2 + pixels[0][0] + j * self.__pixw, 
                                             -(-self.__drawh/2 + pixels[0][1] + i * self.__pixh),
                        last_was_move = False
                    shifted = [(-self.__draww/2 + x[0] + j * self.__pixw, 
                               -(-self.__drawh/2 + x[1] + i * self.__pixh),
                               DRAW_POINT) for x in pixels]
                    if points and not last_was_move:
                        shifted_pixel = [(points[-1][0], points[-1][1], MOVE_POINT)]
                        last_was_move = True

            # Move pen to next line
            if not last_was_move:
                shifted_pixel = [(points[-1][0], points[-1][1], MOVE_POINT)]
                last_was_move = True

        return points
Ejemplo n.º 19
def overlay_image(frame, image, x, y, w, h):
    """resize and overlay an image where a feature is detected

    This resizes the corresponding image to a matched feature, then loops
    through all of its pixels to superimpose the image on the frame
    # resize the image to fit the detected feature
    new_feature = cv.CreateImage((w, h), 8, 3)
    cv.Resize(image, new_feature, interpolation=cv.CV_INTER_AREA)

    # overlay the image on the frame
    for py in xrange(h):
        for px in xrange(w):
            pixel = cv.Get2D(new_feature, py, px)

            # don't map the whitespace surrounding the image
            if pixel != (255.0, 255.0, 255.0, 0.0):
                if image is tophat:
                    # above feature
                    new_y = y - py
                elif image is moustache:
                    # bottom half of feature
                    new_y = (h / 2) + y + py
                    # over feature
                    new_y = y + py
                new_x = x + px

                # make sure the image is in the frame
                if 0 < new_x < frame.width and 0 < new_y < frame.height:
                    cv.Set2D(frame, new_y, new_x, pixel)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def setTreshold(event, x, y, flag, param):
    if(event == cv.CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN):
        s = cv.Get2D(hsvImg, x , y)
        temp = getMinMaxTreshold(thresholdrange)
        imageTreshold = thresholded_image(image, temp[0], temp[1])
        cv.ShowImage('threshold', imageTreshold)
    def getHsvRange(self):
        self.x_co = 0
        self.y_co = 0

        cv.NamedWindow('camera feed', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
        capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(1)

        font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 1, 0, 2, 8)

        while True:
            src = cv.QueryFrame(capture)
            #            src = cv.LoadImage('2012_automata.jpg')
            cv.Smooth(src, src, cv.CV_BLUR, 3)
            hsv = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(src), src.depth, 3)
            cv.CvtColor(src, hsv, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
            cv.SetMouseCallback("camera feed", self.on_mouse, 0)
            s = cv.Get2D(hsv, self.y_co, self.x_co)
            #        print "H:", s[0], "      S:", s[1], "       V:", s[2]
                       str(s[0]) + "," + str(s[1]) + "," + str(s[2]),
                       (self.x_co, self.y_co), font, (55, 25, 255))
            cv.ShowImage("camera feed", src)
            if cv.WaitKey(10) == 27:
                return (s[0], s[1], s[2])
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def get_camPts_already_in_cam_frame(self):
     self.img = self.cvBridge.imgmsg_to_cv(self.img_msg)
     img_dotted = np.array(
         self.img)  # = roscv.CloneImage(np.array(img)) doesn't
     # work between versions cv 2.0 and 2.1
     height = self.img_msg.height
     width = self.img_msg.width
     N = len(self.cloud_msg.points)
     colors = np.zeros((3, N))
     camPts = np.zeros((2, N))
     camPts_idx = np.array([False
                            for i in range(N)])  #list of boolean False's
     #billybob = tf.TransformerROS()
     #cloud_msg_cam_frame = billybob.transformPointCloud('base_footprint', self.cloud_msg)
     i = 0
     for row in self.cloud_msg.points:
         pt3d = (row.x, row.y, row.z)
         uv = self.cam_model.project3dToPixel(pt3d)
         camPts[:, i] = uv
         x = uv[0]
         y = uv[1]
         if (x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < width and y < height):
             roscv.Circle(img_dotted, uv, 0, (255, 100, 100))
             row = int(y)
             col = int(x)
             r, g, b = (0, 1, 2)
             color = roscv.Get2D(self.img, row, col)
             colors[r, i] = color[r]
             colors[g, i] = color[g]
             colors[b, i] = color[b]
             camPts_idx[i] = True
         #else: print 'point ',uv,'out of bounds'
         i += 1
     return camPts, camPts_idx, colors, img_dotted
Ejemplo n.º 23
def contrast(glcm):
	f2 = 0
	for i in range(glcm.rows):
		for j in range(glcm.cols):
			val = cv.Get2D(glcm, i, j)
			f2 += ((i-j)**2)*val[0]
	print ";",f2
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def _decode_rect(self, rect):
        Reads binary code within rect using draw_img image
        Returns orientation of the code and decoded code
        @param rect: rectangle to use
        gs = self.GRID_SIZE + 2
        codel, _ = self._extract_code(rect, gs, .5, self.m_d.gray_img)

        code = self._get_code_matrix(codel, gs)
        if code is None:
            return self.FAILED, 0
        bor = 0
        for b in self.border:
            if code[b[0], b[1]] == 0:
                bor += 1
        if bor < len(self.border) - 1:
            return self.FAILED, 0

        first = self._find_first_corner(code, 1)
        if first == self.FAILED:
            return self.FAILED, 0

        self._rotate_code(code, first)

        dec = 0
        if self.m_d.flip_H:
            cv.Transpose(code, code)
        for (x, y) in reversed(self.code_points):
            dec *= 2
            dec += cv.Get2D(code, y + 1, x + 1)[0]
        return first, dec
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def _extract_code(self, rect, gs, offset, img):
        gsf = float(self.GRID_SIZE + 2)
        code = []
        (a, b, c, d) = (rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3])
        aa = ((d[0] - a[0]) / gsf, (d[1] - a[1]) / gsf)
        bb = ((c[0] - b[0]) / gsf, (c[1] - b[1]) / gsf)
        # lets first check if this is white_square in black or black in white
        #white_pixel = draw_img[int(a[0]- 0.5*aa[0]),int(a[1]-0.5*aa[1])]
        #black_pixel = draw_img[int(a[0]+ 0.5*aa[0]),int(a[1]+0.5*aa[1])]
        #if (white_pixel<black_pixel):
        #    return self.FAILED,0
        a = (a[0] + offset * aa[0], a[1] + offset * aa[1])
        b = (b[0] + offset * bb[0], b[1] + offset * bb[1])
        wx, wy = cv.GetSize(img)
        outsiders = []
        for i in range(0, gs):
            p1 = (a[0] + i * aa[0], a[1] + i * aa[1])
            p2 = (b[0] + i * bb[0], b[1] + i * bb[1])
            cc = ((p2[0] - p1[0]) / gsf, (p2[1] - p1[1]) / gsf)
            p1 = (p1[0] + offset * cc[0], p1[1] + offset * cc[1])
            for j in range(0, gs):
                x, y = (int(p1[0] + j * cc[0]), int(p1[1] + j * cc[1]))
                v = (0, 0, 0)
                if x < 0 or x >= wx or y < 0 or y >= wy:
                    outsiders.append((i, j))
                    v = cv.Get2D(img, y, x)
                    cv.Circle(self.m_d.draw_img, (x, y), 2, (0, 255, 0))

        return code, outsiders
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def mouse_callback(self, event, x, y, flags, param):

        if event == cv.CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
            bgra = cv.Get2D(self.image, y, x)
            #            hsv = cv.Get2D(self.hsv, y, x)
            #            bgrhsv = bgra[:-1] + hsv[:-1]

            print "coords: (", x, ",", y, ")"
            print "bgra:", bgra

            blue = int(bgra[0])
            green = int(bgra[1])
            red = int(bgra[2])

            #            hue = int(bgrhsv[3])
            #            sat = int(bgrhsv[4])
            #            val = int(bgrhsv[5])

            self.RGBvals.append((red, green, blue))
            #            self.HSVvals.append((hue,sat,val))

            if len(self.RGBavgs) > 0:
                print self.RGBavgs
                print red, green, blue
                self.RGBavgs = ((self.RGBavgs[0] + red) / 2,
                                (self.RGBavgs[1] + green) / 2,
                                (self.RGBavgs[2] + blue) / 2)

#                self.HSVavgs = ((self.HSVavgs[0] + hue)/2,
#                                (self.HSVavgs[1] + sat)/2,
#                                (self.HSVavgs[2] + val)/2)
                self.RGBavgs = (red, green, blue)
#                self.HSVavgs = (hue, sat, val)

            print "RGBavgs:", self.RGBavgs
            print "RGBvals:", self.RGBvals

            #            print "HSVavgs:", self.HSVavgs
            #            print "HSVvals:", self.HSVvals

            rgbwindow = 50  # half the size of the window we want for thresholds
            #            hsvwindow = 200

            self.thresholds['low_red'] = self.RGBavgs[0] - rgbwindow
            self.thresholds['high_red'] = self.RGBavgs[0] + rgbwindow
            self.thresholds['low_green'] = self.RGBavgs[1] - rgbwindow
            self.thresholds['high_green'] = self.RGBavgs[1] + rgbwindow
            self.thresholds['low_blue'] = self.RGBavgs[2] - rgbwindow
            self.thresholds['high_blue'] = self.RGBavgs[2] + rgbwindow
            #            self.thresholds['low_hue'] = self.HSVavgs[0] - hsvwindow
            #            self.thresholds['high_hue'] = self.HSVavgs[0] + hsvwindow
            #            self.thresholds['low_sat'] = self.HSVavgs[1] - hsvwindow
            #            self.thresholds['high_sat'] = self.HSVavgs[1] + hsvwindow
            #            self.thresholds['low_val'] = self.HSVavgs[2] - hsvwindow
            #            self.thresholds['high_val'] = self.HSVavgs[2] + hsvwindow

            #Recreate the slider window
Ejemplo n.º 27
def corner_detection(image):
    img_or = cv.LoadImage(image)
    img = cv.LoadImage(image, cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
    w = img.width
    h = img.height
    print w, h
    cornerMap = cv.CreateMat(h, w, cv.CV_32FC1)
    print cornerMap
    #Harris Corner Detection
    cv.CornerHarris(img, cornerMap, 3)

    corners = []
    #Recorriendo toda la imagen
    for x in range(0, h):
        for y in range(0, w):
            harris = cv.Get2D(cornerMap, x, y)
            #Validar la respuesta de deteccion de esquinas
            if harris[0] > 10e-06:
                #Dibujar un circulo en la imagen original
                cv.Circle(img_or, (y, x), 2, cv.RGB(155, 0, 25))
                corners.append([y, x])

    #Muestra la imagen y la guarda
    cv.ShowImage('Harris', img_or)
    cv.SaveImage('harris.jpg', img_or)

    return corners, img
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def __fill_pixels(self, r, c):
        fulld = self.__pixw / self.__stroke_width

        # Get the average of the pixels
        value = cv.Get2D(self.__resized, r, c)[0]
        actual = self.__map_range(value, 0, 255, 0, 1) ** (1 / self.__gamma)

        points = []

        if actual > WHITE_THRESH:
            cv.Set2D(self.__output, r, c, 255)
            return []
        elif actual > AMP_THRESH:
            up = self.__pixh * self.__map_range(actual, AMP_THRESH, WHITE_THRESH, (1 - OVERLAP), 0.5)
            down = self.__pixh * self.__map_range(actual, AMP_THRESH, WHITE_THRESH, OVERLAP, 0.5)

            cv.Set2D(self.__output, r, c, int(255 * actual))

            points.append((self.__pixw / 2.0, down))
            points.append((self.__pixw, up))
            linecount = int(self.__map_range(actual, 0, AMP_THRESH, fulld, 1))
            cv.Set2D(self.__output, r, c, 
                int(AMP_THRESH*255 - ((linecount-1) / float(fulld-1)) ** (1/2.2) * AMP_THRESH*255))

            gap = float(self.__pixw) / linecount
            up = self.__pixh * (1 - OVERLAP)
            down = self.__pixh * OVERLAP

            # Here is where the magic happens
            for i in range(linecount):
                points.append((gap * (i + 0.5), down))
                points.append((gap * (i + 1), up))
        return points
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def flood_fill_edge(self, canny):
        width, height = cv.GetSize(canny)

        # set boarder pixels to white
        for x in range(width):
            cv.Set2D(canny, 0, x, self.white)
            cv.Set2D(canny, height - 1, x, self.white)

        for y in range(height):
            cv.Set2D(canny, y, 0, self.white)
            cv.Set2D(canny, y, width - 1, self.white)

        # prime to do list
        to_do = [(2, 2)]
        to_do.append([2, height - 3])
        to_do.append([width - 3, height - 3])
        to_do.append([width - 3, 2])

        while len(to_do) > 0:
            x, y = to_do.pop()                               # get next pixel to test
            if cv.Get2D(canny, y, x)[0] == self.black[0]:    # if black pixel found
                cv.Set2D(canny, y, x, self.white)            # set pixel to white
                to_do.append([x, y - 1])                     # add neighbours to to do list
                to_do.append([x, y + 1])
                to_do.append([x - 1, y])
                to_do.append([x + 1, y])
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def make_gcode(self):
     self.output = "M106"  # Start Fan
     nozzleFirings = [0 for x in range(0, self.img.cols)]
     nozzleFirings = [copy.copy(nozzleFirings) for x in range(0, 4)]
     scan = range(0, self.img.rows)
     for y in scan:
         for x in range(0, self.img.cols):
             color = cv.Get2D(self.img, y, x)
             if color == self.red:
                 nozzleFirings[0][x] += 1 << y % self.nozzles
             elif color == self.green:
                 nozzleFirings[1][x] += 1 << y % self.nozzles
             elif color == self.blue:
                 nozzleFirings[2][x] += 1 << y % self.nozzles
             elif color == self.black:
                 nozzleFirings[3][x] += 1 << y % self.nozzles
         if y % 12 == 0 and y > 0:
             for headNumber, headVals in enumerate(nozzleFirings):
                 for column, firingVal in enumerate(headVals):
                     if firingVal:
                         currentOffset = self.offsets[headNumber]
                         self.output += "G1X"+str(self.increment*column-currentOffset[0])+"Y"+str(y/12*self.spread-currentOffset[1])+"F"+str(self.feedrate)+"\n"
                         self.output += "M400\n"
                         self.output += "M700 P"+str(headNumber)+" S"+str(firingVal)+"\n"
             nozzleFirings = [0 for x in range(0, self.img.cols)]
             nozzleFirings = [copy.copy(nozzleFirings) for x in range(0, 4)]
     f = open(self.outFile, 'w')