Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    # initialize OpenCV windows
    cv.NamedWindow('frame', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv.MoveWindow('frame', 10, 10)
    cv.NamedWindow('edges', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv.MoveWindow('edges', 200, 10)

    # initialize Simulator window
    pf = ParticleFilter(numParticles=1000)
    sim = Simulator(pf)
    #    sim.start()


    frame = cv.LoadImage(sys.argv[1])
    if frame is None:
        print 'Error loading image %s' % sys.argv[1]
    find_corners(frame, pf)

    # Pause for key press
    while True:
        k = cv.WaitKey(33)
        if k == 'q':
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    pf = ParticleFilter(numParticles=500)
    sim = Simulator(pf)

    # For testing
    sim.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", lambda evt: click_callback(evt, sim))

    cv.NamedWindow('frame', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv.MoveWindow('frame', 10, 10)
    cv.NamedWindow('edges', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv.MoveWindow('edges', 600, 10)

    capture = cv.CaptureFromFile(sys.argv[1])
    if capture is None:
        print 'Error opening file'

#  for i in range(2200):
#    cv.GrabFrame(capture)

    thread.start_new_thread(update_loop, (capture, pf, sim))

    # Main Tk loop
    def angle(self, img):
	# extract position of red blue yellow markers
	# find distance between pairs
	# return angle from inverse cosine
	imgHSV = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(img), 8, 3)
	cv.CvtColor(img, imgHSV, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)
	cv.NamedWindow("red", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
	cv.MoveWindow("red", 800, 0)
	cv.NamedWindow("blue", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
	cv.MoveWindow("blue", 800, 100)
	cv.NamedWindow("yellow", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
	cv.MoveWindow("yellow", 800, 200)
	dot_coords = []
	# use the corresponding thresholds for each color of marker #
	for h_low, h_high, col in [self.red_hues, self.yellow_hues, self.blue_hues]:
	    imgThresh = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(img), 8, 1)
	    cv.InRangeS(imgHSV, cv.Scalar(h_low, 70, 70), cv.Scalar(h_high, 255, 255), imgThresh)
 	    moments = cv.Moments(cv.GetMat(imgThresh))
	    x_mov = cv.GetSpatialMoment(moments, 1, 0)
	    y_mov = cv.GetSpatialMoment(moments, 0, 1)
	    area = cv.GetCentralMoment(moments, 0, 0)
            small_thresh = cv.CreateImage((self.fit_camera_width, self.fit_camera_height), 8, 1)
	    cv.Resize(imgThresh, small_thresh)

	    if col == "r":
		cv.ShowImage("red", small_thresh)
	    elif col == "b":
		cv.ShowImage("blue", small_thresh)
	    elif col == "y":
		cv.ShowImage("yellow", small_thresh) 
	    if area > 0:
		posX = float(x_mov)/float(area)
	    	posY = float(y_mov)/float(area)
		posX = 0
		posY = 0
	    dot_coords.append([posX, posY])	 
	r = dot_coords[0]
	y = dot_coords[1]
	b = dot_coords[2]
	# get side lengths
	y_r = self.dist(r[0], r[1], y[0], y[1])
	r_b = self.dist(b[0], b[1], r[0], r[1])
	y_b = self.dist(b[0], b[1], y[0], y[1])
	# apply law of cosines
	angle_in_rads = math.pow(y_r, 2) + math.pow(r_b, 2) - math.pow(y_b, 2)
	denom = 2.0 * y_r * r_b
	if denom > 0:
	     angle_in_rads /= 2.0 * y_r * r_b
	     angle_in_rads = 0
	rads = math.acos(angle_in_rads)
	# convert to degrees
	degs = rads * float(180.0 / math.pi)
	if degs < 0 or degs > 360: 
	     degs = 0
	return degs	
Ejemplo n.º 4
def init_GUI():
    """ initializes open cv windows and creates images to display """
    global D

    print "Press 'q' in Ranges window to quit"

    # create window and image to show range values
    cv.MoveWindow("Ranges", WIN_WIDTH / 2, WIN_HEIGHT / 2)
    D.image = cv.CreateImage((WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT), 8,
                             3)  # 8 is pixel depth and 3 is # of channels

    # window for Hough transformation
    if SHOW_HOUGH:
        cv.MoveWindow("HoughLines", WIN_WIDTH / 2 + WIN_HEIGHT, WIN_HEIGHT / 2)
    # image for Hough transformation
    D.hough = cv.CreateImage((WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT), 8,
                             3)  # image used for Hough transformation

    # initialize ROS subscription
    rospy.init_node("range_listener", anonymous=True)
    rospy.Subscriber("laserRangeData", LaserRangeData, range_callback)

    # initialize ROS service
    rospy.wait_for_service('tank')  # wait until the motors are available
    D.tank = rospy.ServiceProxy('tank', Tank)

    # give initial values to range data before first callback
    D.ranges = [0] * REV
    def createWindows(self):

        cv.MoveWindow('canny', 0, 0)
        #cv.MoveWindow('harris', 650,0)
        cv.MoveWindow('sobel', 1300, 0)
        cv.MoveWindow('output', 0, 420)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def init_globals():
    """ sets up the data we need in the global dictionary D
    # get D so that we can change values in it
    global D

    # our publishers, D.K_PUB
    D.K_PUB = rospy.Publisher('key_press_data', String)
    #D.BALL_PUB = rospy.Publisher('ball_location_data', String)
    #D.GOAL_PUB = rospy.Publisher('goal_location_data', String)
    #D.PIKA_PUB = rospy.Publisher('pika_location_data', String)
    D.LOCATION_PUB = rospy.Publisher('location_data', String)

    # put threshold values into D
    D.thresholds = {
        'low_red': 0,
        'high_red': 255,
        'low_green': 0,
        'high_green': 255,
        'low_blue': 0,
        'high_blue': 255,
        'low_hue': 0,
        'high_hue': 255,
        'low_sat': 0,
        'high_sat': 255,
        'low_val': 0,
        'high_val': 255

    # Set up the windows containing the image from the camera,
    # the altered image, and the threshold sliders.
    cv.MoveWindow('image', 0, 0)

    if D.half_size: THR_WIND_OFFSET /= 2
    cv.MoveWindow('threshold', THR_WIND_OFFSET, 0)

    # Set the method to handle mouse button presses
    cv.SetMouseCallback('image', onMouse, None)

    # We have not created our "scratchwork" images yet
    D.created_images = False

    # Variable for key presses
    D.last_key_pressed = 255

    # Create a connection to the Kinect
    D.bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge()

    # camera for missile launcher
    D.camera = cv.CaptureFromCAM(-1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _make_windows(self):
     if self.windows_made:
     windows = ['video', 'right', 'thresholded', 'motion', 'intensity', 'patch', 'big_patch']
     for n in windows:
         cv.NamedWindow(n, 1)
     cv.MoveWindow("video", 0,   0)
     cv.MoveWindow("right", 800, 0)
     cv.MoveWindow("thresholded", 800, 0)
     cv.MoveWindow("intensity", 0,   600)
     cv.MoveWindow("motion", 800, 600)
     self.windows_made = True
Ejemplo n.º 8
def create_windows():
    """Set up the windows containing the image from the kinect camera, the thresholded
    image, the threshold sliders, and the kinect range image.
    #Create window to show image from Kinect camera
    cv.MoveWindow('Image', 0, 0)
    #Create window to show thresholded image
    cv.MoveWindow('Threshold', 640, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def display_images(image_list, max_x = 1200, max_y = 1000, save_images_flag=False):
    if image_list == []:
    loc_x, loc_y = 0, 0
    wins = []
#    if save_images_flag:
#        save_images(image_list)

    for i, im in enumerate(image_list):
        window_name = 'image %d' % i
        wins.append((window_name, im))
        cv.NamedWindow(window_name, cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
        cv.MoveWindow(window_name, loc_x, loc_y)
        loc_x = loc_x + im.width
        if loc_x > max_x:
            loc_x = 0
            loc_y = loc_y + im.height
            if loc_y > max_y:
                loc_y = 0
    while True:
        for name, im in wins:
            cv.ShowImage(name, im)
        keypress = cv.WaitKey(10)
        if keypress & 255 == 27:
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self):
     cv.MoveWindow('CaptureMouse', 0, 0)
     cv2.setMouseCallback('CaptureMouse', self.onmouse)
     self.drag_start = False
     self.image = cv.LoadImageM("blank_800x800.jpg")
     self.pointlist = []
Ejemplo n.º 11
def main():
    global startframe

    tree = utils.open_project(sys.argv)
    if tree == None:

    '''cv.NamedWindow("win", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
	cv.MoveWindow("win", 500, 200)
	cv.SetMouseCallback("win", mouse_callback)'''

    bg_img = cv.CreateImage((576, 576), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
    #cv.Set(bg_img, (180))

    files = sorted(glob.glob("*.png"))

    i = 0
    while i < len(files):
        file = files[i]
        startframe = int(file.split("_")[3].split(".")[0])

        cap = cv.CreateFileCapture(file)
        img = cv.QueryFrame(cap)

        win_name = "%d" % (int(
            float(i + 1) * 100.0 / len(files))) + "% - " + file
        cv.NamedWindow(win_name, cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
        cv.MoveWindow(win_name, 500, 200)
        cv.SetMouseCallback(win_name, mouse_callback)

        cv.ShowImage(win_name, bg_img)
        cv.ShowImage(win_name, img)

        key = cv.WaitKey(0)
        if key in [2555904, 1113939]:  # right arrow
            i += 1
        elif key in [2424832, 1113937]:  # left arrow
            i -= 1
            if i < 0:
                i = 0
        elif key in [27, 1048603]:  # ESC
        elif key in [1113941]:  # page up
            i -= 100
            if i < 0:
                i = 0
        elif key in [1113942]:  # page down
            i += 100
            print("Unknown key code: {}".format(key))


    src_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
    os.system("python 02_2_save-shots.py \"" + sys.argv[1] + "\"")
Ejemplo n.º 12
def display_single_image(img, name="Image", x_pos=0, y_pos=0, delay=0):
    Displays an image on screen.
    Position can be chosen, and time on screen too.
    Delay corresponds to the display time, in milliseconds.
    If delay =0, the Image stays on screen until user interaction.
    img = cv.LoadImage("../data/tippy.jpg", cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
    display_single_image(img, "My Tippy", 0, 0, 100)
    #TODO: Still not implemented!

    if not isinstance(name, str):
        raise TypeError("(%s) Name :String expected!" %
    if (not isinstance(x_pos, int)) \
        or (not isinstance(x_pos, int)) \
        or (not isinstance(x_pos, int)) :
        raise TypeError("(%s) Int expected!" %

    cv.MoveWindow(name, x_pos, y_pos)
    cv.ShowImage(name, img)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self):
        self.ROI = rospy.Publisher("roi", RegionOfInterest, queue_size=1)

        """ Create the display window """
        self.cv_window_name = "Camshift Tracker"
        cv.NamedWindow(self.cv_window_name, 0)
        """ Create the cv_bridge object """
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        """ Subscribe to the raw camera image topic """
        self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/camera/image_raw", Image, self.image_callback)
        """ Set up a smaller window to display the CamShift histogram. """
        cv.NamedWindow("Histogram", 0)
        cv.MoveWindow("Histogram", 700, 10)
        cv.SetMouseCallback(self.cv_window_name, self.on_mouse)

        self.drag_start = None      # Set to (x,y) when mouse starts dragtime
        self.track_window = None    # Set to rect when the mouse drag finishes

        self.hist = cv.CreateHist([180], cv.CV_HIST_ARRAY, [(0,180)], 1 )
        self.backproject_mode = False
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def show(self, window="PyVisionImage", pos=None, delay=1, size=None):
        Displays the annotated version of the image using OpenCV highgui
        @param window: the name of the highgui window to use, this should
            already have been created using cv.NamedWindow or set newWindow=True
        @param pos: If newWindow, then pos is the (x,y) coordinate for the new window 
        @param delay: A delay in milliseconds to wait for keyboard input (passed to cv.WaitKey).  
            0 delays indefinitely, 1 is good for live updates and animations.  The window
            will disappear after the program exits.  
        @param size: Optional output size for image, None=native size.
        @returns: a key press event,

        if pos != None:
            cv.MoveWindow(window, pos[0], pos[1])

        if size != None:
            x = pyvision.Image(self.resize(size).asAnnotated())
            x = pyvision.Image(self.asAnnotated())

        cv.ShowImage(window, x.asOpenCV())
        key = cv.WaitKey(delay=delay)
        del x
        return key
Ejemplo n.º 15
def create_mtf(name, width, height, screen, distance_user):
    out = cv.CreateImage((width, height), 8, 1)

    b = math.log(width / 2.0) / width
    a = 1.0 / (b * width)

    d = 0.01
    c = math.log(d) / height

    x_vector = [
        0.5 + 0.5 * math.sin(2 * math.pi * a * math.e**(b * val))
        for val in xrange(width)
    y_vector = [d * math.e**(-c * val) for val in xrange(height)]

    for i in xrange(width):
        for j in xrange(height):
            out[j, i] = 255.0 * (x_vector[i]) * y_vector[j]

    cv.ShowImage("mtf", out)
    cv.MoveWindow("mtf", 0, 0)

    cv.SetMouseCallback("mtf", user_x,
                        [width, height, a, b, screen, distance_user])

    cv.SaveImage("mtf.png", out)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def initUI():
    """ initializes the UI and ROS publishers/subscribers """
    global D

    # initialize openCV window
    cv.MoveWindow("Ranges", WIN_WIDTH / 2, WIN_HEIGHT / 2)
    D.image = cv.CreateImage((WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT), 8,
                             3)  # 8 is pixel depth and 3 is # of channels

    # initialize mouse click callback
    # see http://docs.opencv.org/modules/highgui/doc/user_interface.html#setmousecallback
    cv.SetMouseCallback("LibraComplex", onMouse, None)

    # initialize ROS publishers and subscribers
    rospy.init_node("node_nav", anonymous=True)
    rospy.Subscriber("hallwayType", HallwayType, command_callback)
    D.commandPub = rospy.Publisher("navCommand", NavCommand)

    # prepare map with TMap
    D.prev_type = None
    D.map = TMap()
    D.start_node = 0
    D.dst_node = 22
    D.curr_node = D.start_node
    D.commands, D.cmd_path = D.map.generateCommands(D.start_node, D.dst_node)
    D.commands.append(["STOP", "STOP"])
    D.cmd_path = D.cmd_path[1:-1]
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def select_optimal_colors(self):
        # in case something else is still open
        capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(self.camera_index)
        if not capture:
	    QMessageBox.information(self, "Camera Error", "Camera not found")
	cv.NamedWindow("click & drag to select object", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)	
        cv.MoveWindow("click & drag to select object", 610, 0) 
       	cv.SetMouseCallback("click & drag to select object", self.mouseHandler, None) 
        camera_on = True
        while camera_on:
	    if (not self.busy_updating):
		frame = cv.QueryFrame(capture)
		if not frame:
		cv.ShowImage("click & drag to select object", frame)
		self.frame = frame
		k = cv.WaitKey(1)
		# press q or escape to quit camera view
		if k == 27 or k == 113 or self.end_record:
		    camera_on = False
		    self.end_record = False
Ejemplo n.º 18
def dummy_window():
    cv.MoveWindow('keyboard', 0, 0)
    D.size = (100, 100)
    D.dummy = cv.CreateImage(D.size, 8, 1)
    D.created_images = True
    cv.ShowImage('keyboard', cv.Zero(D.dummy))
Ejemplo n.º 19
def main():
    cv.NamedWindow('frame', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv.MoveWindow('frame', 10, 10)
    cv.NamedWindow('edges', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv.MoveWindow('edges', 600, 10)

    frame = cv.LoadImage(sys.argv[1])
    if frame is None:
        print 'Error loading image %s' % sys.argv[1]

    # Pause for key press
    while True:
        k = cv.WaitKey(33)
        if k == 'q':
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def initialize_gui(self):
        """Initializes GUI:
                - Windows for incoming images from left camera and right camera
                - Windows for thresholded image from left camera and right camera
                - Control window containing threshold sliders and threshold auto-select buttons.

        # Instantiate OpenCV windows for displaying incoming images
        cv.NamedWindow('Left Camera', 1)
        cv.MoveWindow('Left Camera', 0, 0)
        #cv.NamedWindow('Right Camera', 2)
        #cv.MoveWindow('Right Camera', 760, 0)

        # Set callback for mouse input to Left Camera window
        # Used to select regions of interest for target thresholding
        cv.SetMouseCallback('Left Camera', self.handle_mouse_left_camera, None)

        # Instantiate OpenCV windows for displaying thresholded image
        cv.NamedWindow('Left Threshold', 3)
        cv.MoveWindow('Left Threshold', 0, 480)
        #cv.NamedWindow('Right Threshold', 4)
        #cv.MoveWindow('Right Threshold', 760, 480)

        # Instantiate controls window
        cv.NamedWindow('Threshold Controls', 5)
        cv.MoveWindow('Threshold Controls', 760, 540)

        # Create sliders for tuning RGB thresholds
        cv.CreateTrackbar('low_hue', 'Threshold Controls',
                          self.low_thresholds['hue'], 179,
                          lambda x: self.change_slider('low', 'hue', x))
        cv.CreateTrackbar('high_hue', 'Threshold Controls',
                          self.high_thresholds['hue'], 179,
                          lambda x: self.change_slider('high', 'hue', x))
        cv.CreateTrackbar('low_sat', 'Threshold Controls',
                          self.low_thresholds['sat'], 255,
                          lambda x: self.change_slider('low', 'sat', x))
        cv.CreateTrackbar('high_sat', 'Threshold Controls',
                          self.high_thresholds['sat'], 255,
                          lambda x: self.change_slider('high', 'sat', x))
        cv.CreateTrackbar('low_val', 'Threshold Controls',
                          self.low_thresholds['val'], 255,
                          lambda x: self.change_slider('low', 'val', x))
        cv.CreateTrackbar('high_val', 'Threshold Controls',
                          self.high_thresholds['val'], 255,
                          lambda x: self.change_slider('high', 'val', x))
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def init_cam(self):
         cv.NamedWindow("drillEye", 1)
         cv.MoveWindow("drillEye", 288, 0)
         self.capture = cv.CreateCameraCapture(self.camera)
     except Exception, e:
         print("Error: %s" % e)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def subsection_image(pil_img, sections, visual):
    sections = sections / 4
    print "sections= ", sections
    fingerprint = []

    # - -----accepts image and  number of sections to divide the image into (resolution of fingerprint)
    # ---------- returns a subsectioned image classified by terrain type
    img_width, img_height = pil_img.size
    print "image size = img_wdith= ", img_width, "  img_height=", img_height, "  sections=", sections
    if visual == True:
        cv_original_img1 = PILtoCV(pil_img)
        cv.ShowImage("Original", cv_original_img1)
        cv.MoveWindow("Original", ((img_width) + 100), 50)
    pil_img = rgb2I3(pil_img)
    temp_img = pil_img.copy()
    xsegs = img_width / sections
    ysegs = img_height / sections
    print "xsegs, ysegs = ", xsegs, ysegs
    for yy in range(0, img_height - ysegs + 1, ysegs):
        for xx in range(0, img_width - xsegs + 1, xsegs):
            print "Processing section =", xx, yy, xx + xsegs, yy + ysegs
            box = (xx, yy, xx + xsegs, yy + ysegs)
            print "box = ", box
            cropped_img1 = pil_img.crop(box)
            I3_mean = ImageStat.Stat(cropped_img1).mean
            I3_mean_rgb = (int(I3_mean[0]), int(I3_mean[1]), int(I3_mean[2]))
            print "I3_mean: ", I3_mean
            sub_ID = classifiy_section(I3_mean_rgb)
            if visual == True:
                cv_cropped_img1 = PILtoCV(cropped_img1)
                cv.ShowImage("Fingerprint", cv_cropped_img1)
                cv.MoveWindow("Fingerprint", (img_width + 100), 50)
                if sub_ID == 1: I3_mean_rgb = (50, 150, 50)
                if sub_ID == 2: I3_mean_rgb = (150, 150, 150)
                if sub_ID == 3: I3_mean_rgb = (0, 0, 200)
                ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img).rectangle(box, (I3_mean_rgb))
                cv_img = PILtoCV(pil_img)
                cv.ShowImage("Image", cv_img)
                cv.MoveWindow("Image", 50, 50)
    #print "FINGERPRINT: ", fingerprint
    return fingerprint
Ejemplo n.º 23
def show(im, title="Image"):
    global size # I know, bad practice...
    im2 = max_size(im, (640, 480))
    cv.ShowImage(title, im2)
    cv.MoveWindow(title, size[0], size[1])
    size[0] += 20
    size[1] += 20
Ejemplo n.º 24
def init_GUI():
    """ initializes open cv windows and creates images to display """
    global D

    print "Press 'q' in Ranges window to quit"

    # initialize the font
    D.font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 1, 0, 2, 8)

    # create window and image to show range values
    cv.MoveWindow("Ranges", WIN_WIDTH / 2, WIN_HEIGHT / 2)
    D.image = cv.CreateImage((WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT), 8,
                             3)  # 8 is pixel depth and 3 is # of channels

    # window for Hough transformation
    if SHOW_HOUGH:
        cv.MoveWindow("HoughLines", WIN_WIDTH / 2 + WIN_HEIGHT, WIN_HEIGHT / 2)
    # image for Hough transformation
    D.hough = cv.CreateImage((WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT), 8,
                             3)  # image used for Hough transformation

    # initialize ROS subscription
    rospy.init_node("range_listener", anonymous=True)

    rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, range_callback)

    rospy.Subscriber("navCommand", NavCommand, nav_callback)

    # initialize ROS publishers
    D.hallwayType = rospy.Publisher("hallwayType", HallwayType)

    D.motorPub = rospy.Publisher("couchMotors", MotorCommand)

    # initialize ROS service
    #rospy.wait_for_service('tank') # wait until the motors are available
    #D.tank = rospy.ServiceProxy('tank',Tank)

    # replaces the service above
    D.tank = _motor_broadcast

    # give initial values to range data before first callback
    D.ranges = [0] * REV
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self):

        #Dictionary containing the threshold values that the sliders correspond
        #to, each is initially set to 128, the mid value.
        self.thresholds = {'low_red': 128, 'high_red': 128,\
                           'low_green': 128, 'high_green': 128,\
                           'low_blue': 128, 'high_blue': 128,\
                           'low_hue': 128, 'high_hue': 128,\
                           'low_sat': 128, 'high_sat': 128,\
                           'low_val': 128, 'high_val': 128}

        #Set up the windows containing the image from the kinect, the altered
        #image, and the threshold sliders.
        cv.MoveWindow('image', 320, 0)
        cv.MoveWindow('threshold', 960, 0)
        cv.MoveWindow('hsv', 320, 450)


        #self.bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge()

        #self.capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0)
        #self.image = cv.QueryFrame(self.capture)

        self.image_orig = cv.LoadImageM('room1.jpg')
        self.image_color = cv.LoadImageM('room1.jpg')
        self.image = cv.LoadImageM('room1.jpg')

        self.size = cv.GetSize(self.image)
        self.hsv = cv.CreateImage(self.size, 8, 3)

        cv.SetMouseCallback('image', self.mouse_callback, True)

        self.RGBavgs = ()
        self.RGBvals = []

        self.HSVavgs = ()
        self.HSVvals = []

        self.new_color = (128, 0, 0)
        self.new_hsv = (0, 255, 255)
        self.hue = 0
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_thresholded_image():
    capture = cv.CaptureFromCAM(MY_CAMERA)
    image = cv.QueryFrame(capture)
    image_threshed = thresholded_image(image)
    cv.NamedWindow('test', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
    cv.MoveWindow('test', 100, 100)
    cv.ShowImage('test', image_threshed)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def update_high_color(self, pos):
        self.busy_updating = True
        self.high_color = pos
        cv.NamedWindow("End at color", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
        cv.MoveWindow("End at color", 750, 0)
        color_swatch = cv.CreateImage((200, 140), 8, 3)
        cv.Set(color_swatch, HSV_to_RGB(self.high_color))
        cv.ShowImage("End at color", color_swatch)
	self.busy_updating = False
Ejemplo n.º 28
def main():
	cv.NamedWindow("img", 0)
	cv.MoveWindow("img", 200, 200)
	cv.NamedWindow("out", 0)
	cv.MoveWindow("out", 200, 600)

	cam = cv.CreateCameraCapture(0);

	while True:
		frame = cv.QueryFrame(cam)
		cv.ShowImage("img", frame)
		out = process_frame(frame)
		cv.ShowImage("out", out)

		print get_pixel_center(out)

		if (cv.WaitKey(23) == 'q'):
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def show(self, window=None, pos=None, delay=0, size=None):
        Displays the annotated version of the image using OpenCV highgui
        @param window: the name of the highgui window to use, if one already exists by this name,
        or it will create a new highgui window with this name.
        @param pos: if a new window is being created, the (x,y) coordinate for the new window 
        @param delay: A delay in milliseconds to wait for keyboard input (passed to cv.WaitKey). 
            0 delays indefinitely, 30 is good for presenting a series of images like a video.
            For performance reasons, namely when using the same window to display successive 
            frames of video, we don't want to tear-down and re-create the window each time. 
            Thus the window frame will persist beyond the scope of the call to img.show(). The window 
            will disappear after the program exits, or it can be destroyed with a call to cv.DestroyWindow. 
        @param size: Optional output size for image, None=native size.
        @returns: the return value of the cv.WaitKey call.
        if window == None and pv.runningInNotebook() and 'pylab' in globals(
            # If running in notebook, then try to display the image inline.

            if size == None:
                size = self.size

                # Constrain the size of the output
                max_dim = max(size[0], size[1])

                if max_dim > 800:
                    scale = 800.0 / max_dim
                    size = (int(scale * size[0]), int(scale * size[1]))

            w, h = size

            # TODO: Cant quite figure out how figsize works and how to set it to native pixels
            IPython.core.pylabtools.figsize(1.25 * w / 72.0, 1.25 * h / 72.0)
            pylab.imshow(self.asAnnotated(), origin='lower', aspect='auto')

            # Otherwise, use an opencv window
            if window == None:
                window = "PyVisionImage"


            if pos != None:
                cv.MoveWindow(window, pos[0], pos[1])

            if size != None:
                x = pyvision.Image(self.resize(size).asAnnotated())
                x = pyvision.Image(self.asAnnotated())

            cv.ShowImage(window, x.asOpenCV())
            key = cv.WaitKey(delay=delay)
            del x
            return key
Ejemplo n.º 30
def initialize_interface():
    """Initializes all windows needed by our program."""

    #Create window to monitor robot status
    cv.MoveWindow('Monitor', 0, 0)
    D.size = (100, 100)
    D.dummy = cv.CreateImage(D.size, 8, 1)
    D.image = cv.Zero(D.dummy)
    cv.ShowImage('Monitor', D.image)