def getFlyContours(img): minFlyArea = flyTrackerSettings.minFlyArea # 900 minFlyAreaNorm = flyTrackerSettings.minFlyAreaNorm # 0.0045 arenaCoords = flyTrackerSettings.arenaCoords nFlies = flyTrackerSettings.nFlies # maxFlyAreaNorm = 0.02 if cv2to3.isCV2(): # opencv2 contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img,mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # RETR_EXTERNAL? use sure_bg? else: # opencv3+ image, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img,mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # RETR_EXTERNAL? use sure_bg? area = [0]*len(contours) for idx,cnt in enumerate(contours): area[idx] = cv2.contourArea(cnt) arenaArea = abs((arenaCoords[1]-arenaCoords[3])*(arenaCoords[0]-arenaCoords[2])) index = 0 for cntInd,cnt in enumerate(contours): # print(area[cntInd]/arenaArea) if area[cntInd]/arenaArea > minFlyAreaNorm: contours[index]=contours[cntInd] index = index + 1 contours = contours[0:index] return contours
def clusterFlies2(foreGround,frameCount,threshOffset=0): # this is where all the major clustering happens! arenaCoords = flyTrackerSettings.arenaCoords term_crit = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 30, 0.1) nFlies = flyTrackerSettings.nFlies oldCenters = flyTrackerSettings.oldCenters if flyTrackerSettings.debugImages: cv2.imshow('raw foreground', foreGround/255*10) # we should throw up a flag when we expect the clustering to not be so good: # for instance, when the flies are directly adjacent to each other success = 1 printDB('new clustering.............................................' + str(frameCount)) t=time.time() imgDB('foreground.jpg',foreGround*5) ############################## # Extract all the foreground things we need ############################## # black out everything outside of the arena circle that was selected...this should be computed once outside of # this function. no need to recompute every frame fg2 = np.array(foreGround,np.uint8) gray = cv2.cvtColor(foreGround,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) if flyTrackerSettings.circularMask: mask = np.zeros(gray.shape,np.uint8),(int(gray.shape[0]/2),int(gray.shape[1]/2)), flyTrackerSettings.radius,255,-1) gray[mask!=255] = 0 grayOld = copy.copy(gray) intensity = np.sum(gray)/1000 # have to normalize this for total number of pixels...normally 840x840 printDB('intensity level:' + str(intensity)) imgDB('gray.jpg',gray) gray = np.array(gray, np.uint8) chosenThreshold = intensity/250 + 1 + threshOffset + flyTrackerSettings.bgOffset if flyTrackerSettings.threshType=='adaptive': thresh = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(gray,255,cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV,19,chosenThreshold) else: ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(gray,chosenThreshold,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY) thresh1 = copy.copy(thresh) imgDB('thresh1.jpg',thresh) thresh = cv2.blur(thresh,(6,6)) blurredThresh = cv2.blur(thresh,(2,2)) imgDB('blur.jpg',blurredThresh) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(thresh,1,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY) imgDB('thresh.jpg',thresh) if (flyTrackerSettings.debugImages): cv2.imshow('foreground', thresh) printDB(round(1000*(time.time() - t))) # ~130ms t = time.time() ############################## # Find the contours in the image and try to use only the fly-sized ones ############################## contours = getFlyContours(thresh) markers = np.zeros((grayOld.shape[0],grayOld.shape[1],1),np.int32) for cntInd,cnt in enumerate(contours): # print(np.mean(cnt,axis=0,dtype=int)[0]) cv2.drawContours(markers,contours,cntInd,cntInd+1,cv2.FILLED) fgObjects = np.zeros(gray.shape,np.uint8) # print(fgObjects.shape) # print(markers.shape) # print(grayOld.shape) fgObjects[np.logical_and(markers[:,:,0] > 0, grayOld > 0)] = grayOld[np.logical_and(markers[:,:,0] > 0, grayOld > 0)] kernel2 = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(3,3)) cv2.erode(fgObjects,kernel2,fgObjects) imgDB('markers.jpg',markers) imgDB('fgobj.jpg',fgObjects) printDB(round(1000*(time.time() - t))) # ~18ms t = time.time() ############################## # Use k-means to cluster individual flies and denoise further ############################## pts = np.vstack(np.nonzero(fgObjects)).astype(np.float32).T # pts = np.vstack(np.nonzero(thresh)).astype(np.float32).T pts = pts[:,0:2] compactness_thresh = 10 numK = flyTrackerSettings.nFlies-1; compactness = 1000000000000000; jumpMax = flyTrackerSettings.px2mm*4; compactnessMax = 2000; foundJump = False while (compactness/len(pts) > compactnessMax and numK < 10) or (maxdist > jumpMax and numK < 10 and np.sum(flyTrackerSettings.oldCenters) != 0 and not foundJump): numK = numK+1; # print('pts shape: ' + str(pts.shape)); if cv2to3.isCV2(): compactness, bestLabelsKM, centers = cv2.kmeans(pts, numK, term_crit, attempts=10, flags=cv2.KMEANS_PP_CENTERS) else: # for cv3 add 3rd argument=None compactness, bestLabelsKM, centers = cv2.kmeans(pts, numK, None, term_crit, attempts=10, flags=cv2.KMEANS_PP_CENTERS) printDB('numK! ' + str(numK) + ', compactness! ' + str(compactness/len(pts))) if (numK > nFlies): # we've found a bunch of noise... let's hope it's the stuff that's far from the previous flies! D = findDist(centers, oldCenters) for ii in range(numK-nFlies): ind = bestLabelsKM == np.nonzero(D.min(axis=1) == D.min(axis=1).max())[0][0] pts2 = np.vstack((pts[ind[:,0],0], pts[ind[:,0],1])).T.astype(np.uint) for (x,y) in pts2: fgObjects[x,y] = 0; pts = np.vstack(np.nonzero(fgObjects)).astype(np.float32).T pts = pts[:,0:2] if cv2to3.isCV2(): compactness, bestLabelsKM, centers = cv2.kmeans(pts, numK-ii-1, term_crit, 10, cv2.KMEANS_PP_CENTERS) else: compactness, bestLabelsKM, centers = cv2.kmeans(pts, numK-ii-1, None, term_crit, 10, cv2.KMEANS_PP_CENTERS) D = findDist(centers, oldCenters) bestLabelsKM = np.reshape(bestLabelsKM,(len(bestLabelsKM),1)) newCenters, newLabels, oldLabels = matchFlies(centers) bestLabels = np.zeros(bestLabelsKM.shape) for ii in range(len(newLabels)): bestLabels[bestLabelsKM == oldLabels[ii]] = newLabels[ii] bestLabelsKM = copy.copy(bestLabels) D = findDist(flyTrackerSettings.oldCenters, newCenters) maxdist = np.amax(D[np.eye(nFlies)==1]) mindist = np.amax(D[np.eye(nFlies)==1]) if (mindist > jumpMax): # replace this (or add to it) delta timestamp if np.sum(flyTrackerSettings.oldCenters) != 0: foundJump = True if (flyTrackerSettings.debugImages): tmp = np.zeros(fg2.shape) ind = bestLabelsKM==0; pts2 = np.vstack((pts[ind[:,0],0], pts[ind[:,0],1])).T.astype(np.uint) for (x,y) in pts2: tmp[x,y,0] = 255 ind = bestLabelsKM==1 pts2 = np.vstack((pts[ind[:,0],0], pts[ind[:,0],1])).T.astype(np.uint) for (x,y) in pts2: tmp[x,y,1] = 255 ind = bestLabelsKM>=2 pts2 = np.vstack((pts[ind[:,0],0], pts[ind[:,0],1])).T.astype(np.uint) for (x,y) in pts2: tmp[x,y,2] = 255 imgDB('kMeans_' + str(numK) + '.jpg',tmp) ####### check how much these contours overlap with the larger contours ########################################################################## # contours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(np.uint8(np.sum(tmp,axis=2)),cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); # print('total number of contours: ' + str(len(contours))) # for ii in range(nFlies): # newFlyContours,hierarchy = cv2.findContours(np.uint8(tmp[:,:,ii]),cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); # print('newFlyContours: ' + str(len(newFlyContours))) # tmpNew = copy.copy(tmp) # cv2.drawContours(tmpNew,newFlyContours,-1,(255,255,255),3) # for idx,cnt in enumerate(contours): # for flyIdx,flyCnt in enumerate(newFlyContours): # # flyIntersect = np.intersect1d(cnt,flyCnt) # flyIntersect = np.array([x for x in set(tuple(x) for x in cnt[:,0,:]) & set(tuple(x) for x in flyCnt[:,0,:])]) # if len(flyIntersect) > 10 and (len(cnt) > 100): # print('primary contour ' + str(idx) + ' intersects at ' + str(len(flyIntersect)) + ' (' + str(1 - float(len(flyIntersect))/len(flyCnt)) + ')') # cv2.drawContours(tmpNew,contours,idx,(255,255,255),int(4/(idx+1))) # # cv2.drawContours(tmpNew,newFlyContours,flyIdx,(128,128,255),3) # cv2.drawContours(tmpNew,newFlyContours,flyIdx,(int(255*float(flyIdx)/len(newFlyContours)),0,int(255*float(flyIdx)/len(newFlyContours))),3) # imgDB('kMeans_' + str(numK) + '_' + str(ii) + '.jpg',tmpNew) printDB(round(1000*(time.time() - t))) # 225ms t = time.time() ## what we really want is to find situations where N flies are near each other and to erode the image until ############################## # Extract each fly body and fit ellipses ############################## bodyEllipses = np.zeros((nFlies, 5), np.float16); bodyEllipses2 = np.zeros((nFlies, 5), np.float16); allRedLines = np.zeros((nFlies, 4), np.float16); # extract the body shape and fit an ellipse tmpBd = np.zeros(fg2.shape) fly_colors = [[255,0,0],[0,255,0],[0,0,255],[128,128,0],[0,128,127],[128,0,127]] for ii in range(nFlies): ind = bestLabelsKM==ii; # print(np.sum(ind)) labelPoints = np.vstack((pts[ind[:,0],0], pts[ind[:,0],1],)).T.astype(np.uint); grayPoints = grayOld[np.vsplit(labelPoints.T,2)].T; # print(labelPoints.shape) # print(grayPoints.shape) # print(nFlies) labelPoints = labelPoints[grayPoints[:,0]!=0,:] grayPoints = grayPoints[grayPoints[:,0] != 0]; flyBodyDat = np.append(labelPoints,grayPoints,axis=1).astype(np.float32) numBodyK = 8; if cv2to3.isCV2(): bodyCompactness, bestBodyLabels, bodyCenters = cv2.kmeans(flyBodyDat, numBodyK, term_crit, 10, cv2.KMEANS_PP_CENTERS) else: bodyCompactness, bestBodyLabels, bodyCenters = cv2.kmeans(flyBodyDat, numBodyK, None, term_crit, 10, cv2.KMEANS_PP_CENTERS) # Assume that the cluster with the lowest mean intensity is the 'shadow' and the 'wings' # Assume that the largest two clusters are just the body # print(bodyCenters) ind = bestBodyLabels < 1000000; numPts = 0; thresh = np.amax(bodyCenters[:,-1])-1 lblPts = np.zeros((numBodyK,1)) for jj in range(numBodyK): lblPts[jj] = np.sum(bestBodyLabels==jj) # while numPts < 30: while numPts < min(400,bestBodyLabels.shape[0]): thresh = thresh - 5; numPts = np.sum(lblPts[bodyCenters[:,-1] > thresh]); for jj in range(numBodyK): # if bodyCenters[jj,-1] > np.amax(bodyCenters[:,-1])/3: if bodyCenters[jj,-1] > thresh: ind[bestBodyLabels == jj] = True; else: ind[bestBodyLabels == jj] = False; ptsBody = np.vstack((labelPoints[ind[:,0],0], labelPoints[ind[:,0],1])).T.astype(np.uint); flyEllipse = cv2.fitEllipse(ptsBody[:,::-1]) bodyEllipses[ii] = ellipseListToArray(flyEllipse) if (flyTrackerSettings.debugImages): for (x,y) in ptsBody: tmpBd[x,y,:] = fly_colors[ii] ptsTmp = np.vstack((labelPoints[:,0], labelPoints[:,1])).T; flyEllipse2 = cv2.fitEllipse(ptsTmp[:,::-1]) bodyEllipses2[ii] = ellipseListToArray(flyEllipse2) # I'm pretty sure this is the reduced points?? thisLine = cv2.fitLine(ptsBody, cv2.DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01) allRedLines[ii] = np.squeeze(thisLine) x1 = (thisLine[3]+thisLine[1]*50, thisLine[2]+thisLine[0]*50); x2 = (thisLine[3]-thisLine[1]*50, thisLine[2]-thisLine[0]*50); if (flyTrackerSettings.debugImages): cv2.ellipse(tmp,flyEllipse,(64,0,255),3) # print(flyEllipse) if (flyEllipse[1][1]/flyEllipse[1][0] > 1.5):,(int(flyEllipse[0][0]),int(flyEllipse[0][1])),5,(255,255,255),3) cv2.ellipse(tmp,flyEllipse2,(64,64,255),1) if (flyEllipse2[1][1]/flyEllipse2[1][0] > 1.5):,(int(flyEllipse2[0][0]),int(flyEllipse2[0][1])),3,(128,128,128),3) # print('fly ellipse difference: ' + str(np.abs(flyEllipse[2]-flyEllipse2[2]))) cv2.line(tmp, x1, x2 , (128,128,128), 2) # Identify wings # frames 203-204 are where I'm dying the most a = np.tan(np.radians(flyEllipse[2]+90)) b = flyEllipse[0][1] - a*flyEllipse[0][0] leftInd = labelPoints[:,0] > labelPoints[:,1]*a + b if (flyTrackerSettings.debugImages): for (x,y) in (labelPoints[leftInd,:]): tmp[x,y,:] = 127 printDB(round(1000*(time.time() - t))) # 400ms t = time.time() # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() if (flyTrackerSettings.debugImages): imgDB('tmpout_' + str(frameCount) + '.jpg', tmp) imgDB('tmpBody_' + str(frameCount) + '.jpg', tmpBd) cv2.imshow('clustered', tmpBd) cv2.waitKey(1) flyFlags = 0 return newCenters, bodyEllipses2, bodyEllipses, allRedLines, chosenThreshold, flyFlags