Ejemplo n.º 1
def anotate(img, out_path, wnd_height=800):
    img_height, img_width = img.shape[:2]
    wnd_width = int(wnd_height * img_width / img_height)

    frame = np.zeros((wnd_height + 200, wnd_width, 3), np.uint8)
    roi_size = [img_height // 10 * 5]
    roi_shiftx = [0]
    roi_shifty = [0]
    x1 = [0]
    x2 = [img_width // 2]
    y1 = [0]
    y2 = [img_height // 2]

    WINDOW_NAME = 'Roi Anotater'

    anchor = cvui.Point()

    while (True):

        y = cvui.mouse().y
        x = cvui.mouse().x

        if (x > 0 and x < wnd_width and y > 0 and y < wnd_height):
            if cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN):
                anchor.y = y
                anchor.x = x

            if cvui.mouse(cvui.IS_DOWN):
                if x > anchor.x and y > anchor.y:
                    x1[0] = anchor.x * img_width // wnd_width
                    x2[0] = x * img_width // wnd_width
                    y1[0] = anchor.y * img_height // wnd_height
                    y2[0] = y * img_height // wnd_height

        frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)

        img_tmp = img.copy()
        img_tmp = cv2.rectangle(img_tmp, (x1[0], y1[0]), (x2[0], y2[0]),
                                (0, 0, 255), 1)
        cvui.image(frame, 0, 0, cv2.resize(img_tmp, (wnd_width, wnd_height)))
        param(frame, 50, wnd_height + 10, wnd_width - 400, x1, 0, x2[0], 'x1',
        param(frame, 50, wnd_height + 50, wnd_width - 400, x2, x1[0],
              img_width, 'x2', 1)
        param(frame, 50, wnd_height + 90, wnd_width - 400, y1, 0, y2[0], 'y1',
        param(frame, 50, wnd_height + 130, wnd_width - 400, y2, y1[0],
              img_height, 'y2', 1)

        cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)

        if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
                     x1=x1[0] / img_width,
                     x2=x2[0] / img_width,
                     y1=y1[0] / img_height,
                     y2=y2[0] / img_height)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def reset_target_selection():
    target_pos = np.array((cvui.mouse().x / p.DISPLAY_RESCALE_SPOTTER,
                           cvui.mouse().y / p.DISPLAY_RESCALE_SPOTTER))
    feature_pos = np.array((cvui.mouse().x / p.DISPLAY_RESCALE_SPOTTER,
                            cvui.mouse().y / p.DISPLAY_RESCALE_SPOTTER))
    feature_delta = feature_pos - target_pos
    return target_pos, feature_delta
Ejemplo n.º 3
def wellOrganisation(self, controller, circular, rectangular, roi, other,
    if multipleROIs:
        if rectangular:
            self.shape = 'rectangular'
            self.configFile["wellsAreRectangles"] = 1
            if circular and self.organism != 'drosoorrodent':  # should remove the self.organism != 'drosoorrodent' at some point
                self.shape = 'circular'
                self.shape = 'other'
                if roi:
                    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.videoToCreateConfigFileFor)
                    cap.set(1, 10)
                    ret, frame = cap.read()
                    frame2 = frame.copy()
                        frame2, getRealValueCoefX, getRealValueCoefY,
                        horizontal, vertical
                    ] = resizeImageTooLarge(frame2, True, 0.85)

                    WINDOW_NAME = "Click on the top left of the region of interest"
                    cv2.moveWindow(WINDOW_NAME, 0, 0)
                    cvui.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame2)
                    while not (cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK)):
                        cursor = cvui.mouse()
                        if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
                    self.configFile["oneWellManuallyChosenTopLeft"] = [
                        int(getRealValueCoefX * cursor.x),
                        int(getRealValueCoefY * cursor.y)

                    WINDOW_NAME = "Click on the bottom right of the region of interest"
                    cv2.moveWindow(WINDOW_NAME, 0, 0)
                    cvui.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame2)
                    while not (cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK)):
                        cursor = cvui.mouse()
                        if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
                    self.configFile["oneWellManuallyChosenBottomRight"] = [
                        int(getRealValueCoefX * cursor.x),
                        int(getRealValueCoefY * cursor.y)

                    self.configFile["nbWells"] = 1
                    chooseBeginningAndEndOfVideo(self, controller)
                    self.configFile["noWellDetection"] = 1
                    self.configFile["nbWells"] = 1
                    chooseBeginningAndEndOfVideo(self, controller)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def mouse_check(self):
     self.mouse_y = cvui.mouse().y
     self.mouse_x = cvui.mouse().x
     if self.mouse_in_range():
         if cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN):
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(camera_toml_path, enable_distortion_correction, scale_val = 0.65):
    camera_config = get_config(camera_toml_path)
    camera = Camera(camera_config)

    scaling = partial(scaling_int, scale=scale_val)
    if camera_config.roi_size != 4:
        sys.exit('This script is only supported on "camera_config.roi_size == 4" ')
    if camera_config.auto_exposure != "roi":
        sys.exit('This script is only supported on "camera_config.auto_exposure == roi" ')

    image_width = camera.image_width
    image_height = camera.image_height

    roi = cvui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
    WINDOW_NAME = "Capture"
    click_pos_x = image_width // 2
    click_pos_y = image_height // 2

    while True:
        key = cv2.waitKey(10)
        frame = np.zeros((scaling(image_height), scaling(image_width), 3), np.uint8)
        frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)

        status = camera.update()
        if status:
            # WARNING:If distortion correction is enabled, the rectangle on windows doesn't indicate actual RoI area for auto exposure.
            see3cam_rgb_image = camera.remap_image if enable_distortion_correction else camera.image
            scaled_width = scaling(image_width)
            scaled_height = scaling(image_height)
            see3cam_rgb_image_resized = cv2.resize(see3cam_rgb_image, (scaled_width, scaled_height))
            frame[:scaled_height, :scaled_width, :] = see3cam_rgb_image_resized

            window_w = image_width // 2
            window_h = image_height // 2
            if cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN):
                click_pos_x = int(cvui.mouse().x / scale_val)
                click_pos_y = int(cvui.mouse().y / scale_val)

            camera.set_roi_properties(click_pos_x, click_pos_y, win_size=4)
            roi = cvui.Rect(scaling(click_pos_x - image_width // 4), scaling(click_pos_y - image_height // 4), scaling(window_w), scaling(window_h))

            # Ensure ROI is within bounds
            roi.x = 0 if roi.x < 0 else roi.x
            roi.y = 0 if roi.y < 0 else roi.y

            roi.width = roi.width + scaled_width - (roi.x + roi.width) if roi.x + roi.width > scaled_width else roi.width
            roi.height = roi.height + scaled_height - (roi.y + roi.height) if roi.y + roi.height > scaled_height else roi.height

            cvui.rect(frame, roi.x, roi.y, roi.width, roi.height, 0xFF0000)

        if key == 27 or key == ord("q"):

        cvui.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def findTailTipByUserInput(frame, frameNumber, videoPath, hyperparameters):
    # global ix
    # ix = -1
    # img = np.zeros((512,512,3), np.uint8)
    # cv2.namedWindow('Click on tail tip')
    # cv2.setMouseCallback('Click on tail tip',getXYCoordinates)
    # print("ix:", ix)
    # while(ix == -1):
    # cv2.imshow('Click on tail tip',frame)
    # k = cv2.waitKey(20) & 0xFF
    # if k == 27:
    # break
    # elif k == ord('a'):
    # print("yeah:",ix,iy)
    # cv2.destroyAllWindows()
    # return [ix,iy]

    WINDOW_NAME = "Click on tail tip"
    cv2.moveWindow(WINDOW_NAME, 0, 0)

    frame = cv2.rectangle(frame, (0, 0), (250, 29), (255, 255, 255), -1)
    cv2.putText(frame, 'Click any key if the tail is', (1, 10), font, 0.5,
                (0, 150, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
    cv2.putText(frame, 'not straight on this image', (1, 22), font, 0.5,
                (0, 150, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

    cvui.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)
    plus = 1
    while not (cvui.mouse(WINDOW_NAME, cvui.CLICK)):
        cursor = cvui.mouse(WINDOW_NAME)
        if cv2.waitKey(20) != -1:
            [frame, thresh1] = headEmbededFrame(videoPath, frameNumber + plus,
            frame = cv2.rectangle(frame, (0, 0), (250, 29), (255, 255, 255),
            cv2.putText(frame, 'Click any key if the tail is', (1, 10), font,
                        0.5, (0, 150, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
            cv2.putText(frame, 'not straight on this image', (1, 22), font,
                        0.5, (0, 150, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
            cvui.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)
            plus = plus + 1
    # cv2.destroyAllWindows()
    return [cursor.x, cursor.y]
Ejemplo n.º 7
	def begin(self, frame):
		mouseInsideTitleArea = cvui.mouse().inside(cvui.Rect(self.__x, self.__y, self.__width, 20))
		self.__height = 20 if self.__minimized else self.__heightNotMinimized

		if self.__isMoving == False and cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN) and mouseInsideTitleArea:
			self.__deltaX = cvui.mouse().x - self.__x
			self.__deltaY = cvui.mouse().y - self.__y
			self.__isMoving = True

		elif self.__isMoving and cvui.mouse(cvui.IS_DOWN):
			self.__x = cvui.mouse().x - self.__deltaX
			self.__y = cvui.mouse().y - self.__deltaY

			frameRows,frameCols,frameChannels = frame.shape
			self.__isMoving = False
			self.__x = max(0, self.__x)
			self.__y = max(0, self.__y)
			self.__x = min(frameCols - self.__width, self.__x)
			self.__y = min(frameRows - 20, self.__y)

		cvui.window(frame, self.__x, self.__y, self.__width, self.__height, self.__title)

		if self.__minimizable and cvui.button(frame, self.__x + self.__width - 20, self.__y + 1, 18, 18, '+' if self.__minimized else '-'):
			self.__minimized = not self.__minimized

		cvui.beginRow(frame, self.__x + 10, self.__y + 30, self.__width - 20, self.__height - 20)
		cvui.beginColumn(self.__width - 10, self.__height - 20)
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def begin(self, frame):
		mouseInsideTitleArea = cvui.mouse().inside(cvui.Rect(self.__x, self.__y, self.__width, 20))
		self.__height = 20 if self.__minimized else self.__heightNotMinimized

		if self.__isMoving == False and cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN) and mouseInsideTitleArea:
			self.__deltaX = cvui.mouse().x - self.__x
			self.__deltaY = cvui.mouse().y - self.__y
			self.__isMoving = True

		elif self.__isMoving and cvui.mouse(cvui.IS_DOWN):
			self.__x = cvui.mouse().x - self.__deltaX
			self.__y = cvui.mouse().y - self.__deltaY

			frameRows,frameCols,frameChannels = frame.shape
			self.__isMoving = False
			self.__x = max(0, self.__x)
			self.__y = max(0, self.__y)
			self.__x = min(frameCols - self.__width, self.__x)
			self.__y = min(frameRows - 20, self.__y)

		cvui.window(frame, self.__x, self.__y, self.__width, self.__height, self.__title)

		if self.__minimizable and cvui.button(frame, self.__x + self.__width - 20, self.__y + 1, 18, 18, '+' if self.__minimized else '-'):
			self.__minimized = not self.__minimized

		cvui.beginRow(frame, self.__x + 10, self.__y + 30, self.__width - 20, self.__height - 20)
		cvui.beginColumn(self.__width - 10, self.__height - 20)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def main():
    frame = np.zeros((300, 600, 3), np.uint8)

    # Init cvui and tell it to create a OpenCV window, i.e. cv::namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME).

    while (True):
        # Fill the frame with a nice color
        frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)

        # Render a rectangle on the screen.
        rectangle = cvui.Rect(50, 50, 100, 100)
        cvui.rect(frame, rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width,
                  rectangle.height, 0xff0000)

        # Check what is the current status of the mouse cursor
        # regarding the previously rendered rectangle.
        status = cvui.iarea(rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width,

        # cvui::iarea() will return the current mouse status:
        #  CLICK: mouse just clicked the interaction are
        #	DOWN: mouse button was pressed on the interaction area, but not released yet.
        #	OVER: mouse cursor is over the interaction area
        #	OUT: mouse cursor is outside the interaction area
        if status == cvui.CLICK: print('Rectangle was clicked!')
        if status == cvui.DOWN: cvui.printf(frame, 240, 70, "Mouse is: DOWN")
        if status == cvui.OVER: cvui.printf(frame, 240, 70, "Mouse is: OVER")
        if status == cvui.OUT: cvui.printf(frame, 240, 70, "Mouse is: OUT")

        # Show the coordinates of the mouse pointer on the screen
        cvui.printf(frame, 240, 50, "Mouse pointer is at (%d,%d)",

        # This function must be called *AFTER* all UI components. It does
        # all the behind the scenes magic to handle mouse clicks, etc.

        # Show everything on the screen
        cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)

        # Check if ESC key was pressed
        if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main():
	frame = np.zeros((300, 600, 3), np.uint8)

	# Init cvui and tell it to create a OpenCV window, i.e. cv::namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME).

	while (True):
		# Fill the frame with a nice color
		frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)

		# Render a rectangle on the screen.
		rectangle = cvui.Rect(50, 50, 100, 100)
		cvui.rect(frame, rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width, rectangle.height, 0xff0000)

		# Check what is the current status of the mouse cursor
		# regarding the previously rendered rectangle.
		status = cvui.iarea(rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width, rectangle.height);

		# cvui::iarea() will return the current mouse status:
		#  CLICK: mouse just clicked the interaction are
		#	DOWN: mouse button was pressed on the interaction area, but not released yet.
		#	OVER: mouse cursor is over the interaction area
		#	OUT: mouse cursor is outside the interaction area
		if status == cvui.CLICK:  print('Rectangle was clicked!')
		if status == cvui.DOWN:   cvui.printf(frame, 240, 70, "Mouse is: DOWN")
		if status == cvui.OVER:   cvui.printf(frame, 240, 70, "Mouse is: OVER")
		if status == cvui.OUT:	  cvui.printf(frame, 240, 70, "Mouse is: OUT")

		# Show the coordinates of the mouse pointer on the screen
		cvui.printf(frame, 240, 50, "Mouse pointer is at (%d,%d)", cvui.mouse().x, cvui.mouse().y)

		# This function must be called *AFTER* all UI components. It does
		# all the behind the scenes magic to handle mouse clicks, etc.

		# Show everything on the screen
		cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)

		# Check if ESC key was pressed
		if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
Ejemplo n.º 11
def findRectangularWellsArea(frame, videoPath, hyperparameters):
  frame2 = frame.copy()
  root = tk.Tk()
  horizontal = root.winfo_screenwidth()
  vertical   = root.winfo_screenheight()
  getRealValueCoefX = 1
  getRealValueCoefY = 1
  if len(frame2[0]) > horizontal or len(frame2) > vertical:
    getRealValueCoefX = len(frame2[0]) / int(horizontal*0.8)
    getRealValueCoefY = len(frame2) / int(vertical*0.8)
    frame2 = cv2.resize(frame2, (int(horizontal*0.8), int(vertical*0.8)))
  WINDOW_NAME = "Click on the top left of one of the wells"
  cv2.moveWindow(WINDOW_NAME, 0,0)
  cvui.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame2)
  while not(cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK)):
    cursor = cvui.mouse()
    if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
  topLeft = [cursor.x, cursor.y]
  WINDOW_NAME = "Click on the bottom right of the same well"
  cv2.moveWindow(WINDOW_NAME, 0,0)
  cvui.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame2)
  while not(cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK)):
    cursor = cvui.mouse()
    if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
  bottomRight = [cursor.x, cursor.y]
  rectangularWellsArea = int(abs((topLeft[0] - bottomRight[0]) * getRealValueCoefX) * abs((topLeft[1] - bottomRight[1]) * getRealValueCoefY))
  return rectangularWellsArea
Ejemplo n.º 12
def main():
    lena = cv2.imread('lena.jpg')
    frame = np.zeros(lena.shape, np.uint8)
    anchors = [cvui.Point()
               for i in range(3)]  # one anchor for each mouse button
    rois = [cvui.Rect() for i in range(3)]  # one ROI for each mouse button
    colors = [0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff]

    # Init cvui and tell it to create a OpenCV window, i.e. cv.namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME).

    while (True):
        # Fill the frame with Lena's image
        frame[:] = lena[:]

        # Show the coordinates of the mouse pointer on the screen
            frame, 10, 10,
            'Click (any) mouse button then drag the pointer around to select a ROI.'
            frame, 10, 25,
            'Use different mouse buttons (right, middle and left) to select different ROIs.'

        # Iterate all mouse buttons (left, middle  and right button)
        button = cvui.LEFT_BUTTON
        while button <= cvui.RIGHT_BUTTON:
            # Get the anchor, ROI and color associated with the mouse button
            anchor = anchors[button]
            roi = rois[button]
            color = colors[button]

            # The function 'bool cvui.mouse(int button, int query)' allows you to query a particular mouse button for events.
            # E.g. cvui.mouse(cvui.RIGHT_BUTTON, cvui.DOWN)
            # Available queries:
            #	- cvui.DOWN: mouse button was pressed. cvui.mouse() returns true for single frame only.
            #	- cvui.UP: mouse button was released. cvui.mouse() returns true for single frame only.
            #	- cvui.CLICK: mouse button was clicked (went down then up, no matter the amount of frames in between). cvui.mouse() returns true for single frame only.
            #	- cvui.IS_DOWN: mouse button is currently pressed. cvui.mouse() returns true for as long as the button is down/pressed.

            # Did the mouse button go down?
            if cvui.mouse(button, cvui.DOWN):
                # Position the anchor at the mouse pointer.
                anchor.x = cvui.mouse().x
                anchor.y = cvui.mouse().y

            # Is any mouse button down (pressed)?
            if cvui.mouse(button, cvui.IS_DOWN):
                # Adjust roi dimensions according to mouse pointer
                width = cvui.mouse().x - anchor.x
                height = cvui.mouse().y - anchor.y

                roi.x = anchor.x + width if width < 0 else anchor.x
                roi.y = anchor.y + height if height < 0 else anchor.y
                roi.width = abs(width)
                roi.height = abs(height)

                # Show the roi coordinates and size
                cvui.printf(frame, roi.x + 5, roi.y + 5, 0.3, color, '(%d,%d)',
                            roi.x, roi.y)
                            cvui.mouse().x + 5,
                            cvui.mouse().y + 5, 0.3, color, 'w:%d, h:%d',
                            roi.width, roi.height)

            # Ensure ROI is within bounds
            lenaRows, lenaCols, lenaChannels = lena.shape
            roi.x = 0 if roi.x < 0 else roi.x
            roi.y = 0 if roi.y < 0 else roi.y
            roi.width = roi.width + lenaCols - (
                roi.x +
                roi.width) if roi.x + roi.width > lenaCols else roi.width
            roi.height = roi.height + lenaRows - (
                roi.y +
                roi.height) if roi.y + roi.height > lenaRows else roi.height

            # If the ROI is valid, render it in the frame and show in a window.
            if roi.area() > 0:
                cvui.rect(frame, roi.x, roi.y, roi.width, roi.height, color)
                cvui.printf(frame, roi.x + 5, roi.y - 10, 0.3, color, 'ROI %d',

                lenaRoi = lena[roi.y:roi.y + roi.height,
                               roi.x:roi.x + roi.width]
                cv2.imshow('ROI button' + str(button), lenaRoi)

            button += 1

        # This function must be called *AFTER* all UI components. It does
        # all the behind the scenes magic to handle mouse clicks, etc.

        # Show everything on the screen
        cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)

        # Check if ESC key was pressed
        if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
Ejemplo n.º 13
def main():
	lena = cv2.imread('lena.jpg')
	frame = np.zeros(lena.shape, np.uint8)
	anchors = [cvui.Point() for i in range(3)]   # one anchor for each mouse button
	rois = [cvui.Rect() for i in range(3)]       # one ROI for each mouse button
	colors = [0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff]

	# Init cvui and tell it to create a OpenCV window, i.e. cv.namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME).

	while (True):
		# Fill the frame with Lena's image
		frame[:] = lena[:]

		# Show the coordinates of the mouse pointer on the screen
		cvui.text(frame, 10, 10, 'Click (any) mouse button then drag the pointer around to select a ROI.')
		cvui.text(frame, 10, 25, 'Use different mouse buttons (right, middle and left) to select different ROIs.')

		# Iterate all mouse buttons (left, middle  and right button)
		button = cvui.LEFT_BUTTON
		while button <= cvui.RIGHT_BUTTON:
			# Get the anchor, ROI and color associated with the mouse button
			anchor = anchors[button]
			roi = rois[button]
			color = colors[button]

			# The function 'bool cvui.mouse(int button, int query)' allows you to query a particular mouse button for events.
			# E.g. cvui.mouse(cvui.RIGHT_BUTTON, cvui.DOWN)
			# Available queries:
			#	- cvui.DOWN: mouse button was pressed. cvui.mouse() returns true for single frame only.
			#	- cvui.UP: mouse button was released. cvui.mouse() returns true for single frame only.
			#	- cvui.CLICK: mouse button was clicked (went down then up, no matter the amount of frames in between). cvui.mouse() returns true for single frame only.
			#	- cvui.IS_DOWN: mouse button is currently pressed. cvui.mouse() returns true for as long as the button is down/pressed.

			# Did the mouse button go down?
			if cvui.mouse(button, cvui.DOWN):
				# Position the anchor at the mouse pointer.
				anchor.x = cvui.mouse().x
				anchor.y = cvui.mouse().y

			# Is any mouse button down (pressed)?
			if cvui.mouse(button, cvui.IS_DOWN):
				# Adjust roi dimensions according to mouse pointer
				width = cvui.mouse().x - anchor.x
				height = cvui.mouse().y - anchor.y

				roi.x = anchor.x + width if width < 0 else anchor.x
				roi.y = anchor.y + height if height < 0 else anchor.y
				roi.width = abs(width)
				roi.height = abs(height)

				# Show the roi coordinates and size
				cvui.printf(frame, roi.x + 5, roi.y + 5, 0.3, color, '(%d,%d)', roi.x, roi.y)
				cvui.printf(frame, cvui.mouse().x + 5, cvui.mouse().y + 5, 0.3, color, 'w:%d, h:%d', roi.width, roi.height)

			# Ensure ROI is within bounds
			lenaRows, lenaCols, lenaChannels = lena.shape
			roi.x = 0 if roi.x < 0 else roi.x
			roi.y = 0 if roi.y < 0 else roi.y
			roi.width = roi.width + lenaCols - (roi.x + roi.width) if roi.x + roi.width > lenaCols else roi.width
			roi.height = roi.height + lenaRows - (roi.y + roi.height) if roi.y + roi.height > lenaRows else roi.height

			# If the ROI is valid, render it in the frame and show in a window.
			if roi.area() > 0:
				cvui.rect(frame, roi.x, roi.y, roi.width, roi.height, color)
				cvui.printf(frame, roi.x + 5, roi.y - 10, 0.3, color, 'ROI %d', button)

				lenaRoi = lena[roi.y : roi.y + roi.height, roi.x : roi.x + roi.width]
				cv2.imshow('ROI button' + str(button), lenaRoi)

			button += 1

		# This function must be called *AFTER* all UI components. It does
		# all the behind the scenes magic to handle mouse clicks, etc.

		# Show everything on the screen
		cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)

		# Check if ESC key was pressed
		if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
Ejemplo n.º 14
def main():
	lena = cv2.imread('lena.jpg')
	frame = np.zeros(lena.shape, np.uint8)
	anchor = cvui.Point()
	roi = cvui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
	working = False

	# Init cvui and tell it to create a OpenCV window, i.e. cv.namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME).

	while (True):
		# Fill the frame with Lena's image
		frame[:] = lena[:]

		# Show the coordinates of the mouse pointer on the screen
		cvui.text(frame, 10, 10, 'Click (any) mouse button and drag the pointer around to select a ROI.')

		# The function 'bool cvui.mouse(int query)' allows you to query the mouse for events.
		# E.g. cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN)
		# Available queries:
		#	- cvui.DOWN: any mouse button was pressed. cvui.mouse() returns true for single frame only.
		#	- cvui.UP: any mouse button was released. cvui.mouse() returns true for single frame only.
		#	- cvui.CLICK: any mouse button was clicked (went down then up, no matter the amount of frames in between). cvui.mouse() returns true for single frame only.
		#	- cvui.IS_DOWN: any mouse button is currently pressed. cvui.mouse() returns true for as long as the button is down/pressed.

		# Did any mouse button go down?
		if cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN):
			# Position the anchor at the mouse pointer.
			anchor.x = cvui.mouse().x
			anchor.y = cvui.mouse().y

			# Inform we are working, so the ROI window is not updated every frame
			working = True

		# Is any mouse button down (pressed)?
		if cvui.mouse(cvui.IS_DOWN):
			# Adjust roi dimensions according to mouse pointer
			width = cvui.mouse().x - anchor.x
			height = cvui.mouse().y - anchor.y
			roi.x = anchor.x + width if width < 0 else anchor.x
			roi.y = anchor.y + height if height < 0 else anchor.y
			roi.width = abs(width)
			roi.height = abs(height)

			# Show the roi coordinates and size
			cvui.printf(frame, roi.x + 5, roi.y + 5, 0.3, 0xff0000, '(%d,%d)', roi.x, roi.y)
			cvui.printf(frame, cvui.mouse().x + 5, cvui.mouse().y + 5, 0.3, 0xff0000, 'w:%d, h:%d', roi.width, roi.height)

		# Was the mouse clicked (any button went down then up)?
		if cvui.mouse(cvui.UP):
			# We are done working with the ROI.
			working = False

		# Ensure ROI is within bounds
		lenaRows, lenaCols, lenaChannels = lena.shape
		roi.x = 0 if roi.x < 0 else roi.x
		roi.y = 0 if roi.y < 0 else roi.y
		roi.width = roi.width + lena.cols - (roi.x + roi.width) if roi.x + roi.width > lenaCols else roi.width
		roi.height = roi.height + lena.rows - (roi.y + roi.height) if roi.y + roi.height > lenaRows else roi.height

		# Render the roi
		cvui.rect(frame, roi.x, roi.y, roi.width, roi.height, 0xff0000)

		# This function must be called *AFTER* all UI components. It does
		# all the behind the scenes magic to handle mouse clicks, etc.

		# Show everything on the screen
		cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)

		# If the ROI is valid, show it.
		if roi.area() > 0 and working == False:
			lenaRoi = lena[roi.y : roi.y + roi.height, roi.x : roi.x + roi.width]
			cv2.imshow(ROI_WINDOW, lenaRoi)

		# Check if ESC key was pressed
		if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
Ejemplo n.º 15
def main():
    lena = cv2.imread('lena.jpg')
    frame = np.zeros(lena.shape, np.uint8)
    anchor = cvui.Point()
    roi = cvui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
    working = False

    # Init cvui and tell it to create a OpenCV window, i.e. cv.namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME).

    while (True):
        # Fill the frame with Lena's image
        frame[:] = lena[:]

        # Show the coordinates of the mouse pointer on the screen
            frame, 10, 10,
            'Click (any) mouse button and drag the pointer around to select a ROI.'

        # The function 'bool cvui.mouse(int query)' allows you to query the mouse for events.
        # E.g. cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN)
        # Available queries:
        #	- cvui.DOWN: any mouse button was pressed. cvui.mouse() returns true for single frame only.
        #	- cvui.UP: any mouse button was released. cvui.mouse() returns true for single frame only.
        #	- cvui.CLICK: any mouse button was clicked (went down then up, no matter the amount of frames in between). cvui.mouse() returns true for single frame only.
        #	- cvui.IS_DOWN: any mouse button is currently pressed. cvui.mouse() returns true for as long as the button is down/pressed.

        # Did any mouse button go down?
        if cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN):
            # Position the anchor at the mouse pointer.
            anchor.x = cvui.mouse().x
            anchor.y = cvui.mouse().y

            # Inform we are working, so the ROI window is not updated every frame
            working = True

        # Is any mouse button down (pressed)?
        if cvui.mouse(cvui.IS_DOWN):
            # Adjust roi dimensions according to mouse pointer
            width = cvui.mouse().x - anchor.x
            height = cvui.mouse().y - anchor.y

            roi.x = anchor.x + width if width < 0 else anchor.x
            roi.y = anchor.y + height if height < 0 else anchor.y
            roi.width = abs(width)
            roi.height = abs(height)

            # Show the roi coordinates and size
            cvui.printf(frame, roi.x + 5, roi.y + 5, 0.3, 0xff0000, '(%d,%d)',
                        roi.x, roi.y)
                        cvui.mouse().x + 5,
                        cvui.mouse().y + 5, 0.3, 0xff0000, 'w:%d, h:%d',
                        roi.width, roi.height)

        # Was the mouse clicked (any button went down then up)?
        if cvui.mouse(cvui.UP):
            # We are done working with the ROI.
            working = False

        # Ensure ROI is within bounds
        lenaRows, lenaCols, lenaChannels = lena.shape
        roi.x = 0 if roi.x < 0 else roi.x
        roi.y = 0 if roi.y < 0 else roi.y
        roi.width = roi.width + lena.cols - (
            roi.x + roi.width) if roi.x + roi.width > lenaCols else roi.width
        roi.height = roi.height + lena.rows - (
            roi.y +
            roi.height) if roi.y + roi.height > lenaRows else roi.height

        # Render the roi
        cvui.rect(frame, roi.x, roi.y, roi.width, roi.height, 0xff0000)

        # This function must be called *AFTER* all UI components. It does
        # all the behind the scenes magic to handle mouse clicks, etc.

        # Show everything on the screen
        cv2.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)

        # If the ROI is valid, show it.
        if roi.area() > 0 and working == False:
            lenaRoi = lena[roi.y:roi.y + roi.height, roi.x:roi.x + roi.width]
            cv2.imshow(ROI_WINDOW, lenaRoi)

        # Check if ESC key was pressed
        if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def onWork(self):
        self.frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)
        char = cv.waitKey(1)

        doOverw = False

        writeOnName = False
        writeOnSubject = False
        writeOnProf = False

        stringCopy = ''
        stringCopyColor = 0x10dca1

        while True:

            cursor = cvui.mouse(WINDOW_NAME)
            click = cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK)

            # (self, x, y, w, h, title, char, writeOn, cursor, click, writeOnBool):
            writeOnName, self.folderName = self.textInput(
                5, 5, 305, 40, "Folder Name:", char, self.folderName, cursor,
                click, writeOnName)

            writeOnSubject, self.subjectName = self.textInput(
                5 + X_SCREEN / 2, 5, 305, 40, "Subject Name:", char,
                self.subjectName, cursor, click, writeOnSubject)

            writeOnProf, self.tempName = self.textInput(
                5 + X_SCREEN / 2, 105, 305, 40, "Professors:", char,
                self.tempName, cursor, click, writeOnProf)
            cvui.rect(self.frame, 6 + X_SCREEN / 2, 155, X_SCREEN / 2 - 63,
                      235 - 165, 0x8d9797, 0x3c4747)
            cvui.rect(self.frame, X_SCREEN - 52, 155, 47, 235 - 165, 0x8d9797,
            if cvui.button(
                    self.frame, X_SCREEN - 49, 157,
                    "+") and not self.tempName == '' and len(self.names) < 4:
                self.tempName = ''
            if cvui.button(self.frame, X_SCREEN - 49, 196,
                           "-") and not len(self.names) == 0:
                del self.names[-1]

            for i in range(len(self.names)):
                cvui.printf(self.frame, 10 + X_SCREEN / 2, 160 + 15 * i, 0.4,
                            0xdd97fb, self.names[i])

            xp = int((X_SCREEN - 20) / 4)

            cvui.window(self.frame, 5, 235, X_SCREEN - 10, Y_SCREEN - 235 - 5,
            if cvui.button(self.frame, 10 + xp - 10 * 11, 260, "Lab. Micro."):
                self.subjectName = '22.99 Laboratorio De Microprocesadores'
                self.names.append('Jacoby, Daniel Andres')
                self.names.append('Magliola, Nicolas')
                self.names.append('Ismirlian, Diego Matias')
                self.group[0] = 3

            if cvui.button(self.frame, 10 + xp * 2 - 10 * 7, 260, "Control"):
                self.subjectName = '22.85 Sistemas de Control'
                self.names.append('Nasini, Victor Gustavo')
                self.names.append('Zujew, Cristian Alejo')

            if cvui.button(self.frame, 10 + xp * 3 - 10 * 9, 260, "Transinfo"):
                self.subjectName = '22.61 Transmision de la Informacion'
                self.names.append('Bertucci, Eduardo Adolfo')
                self.names.append('Vila Krause, Luis Gustavo')

            if cvui.button(self.frame, 10 + xp * 4 - 10 * 11, 260,
                self.subjectName = '22.37 Electromagnetismo'
                self.names.append('Munoz, Claudio Marcelo')
                self.names.append('Dobrusin, Pablo')

            cvui.printf(self.frame, 5, 55, 0.4, 0xdd97fb, f'N Exercises:')
            cvui.counter(self.frame, 5, 70, self.numberFolder)
            if self.numberFolder[0] <= 0:
                cvui.rect(self.frame, 5 + 25, 72, 40, 17, 0x292929, 0x292929)
                self.numberFolder[0] = 1
                cvui.printf(self.frame, 5 + 41, 76, 0.4, 0x9C9C9C, '1')

            cvui.printf(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN / 6, 55, 0.4, 0xdd97fb,
            cvui.counter(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN / 6, 70, self.day)
            if self.day[0] <= 0:
                cvui.rect(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN / 6 + 25, 72, 40, 17,
                          0x292929, 0x292929)
                self.day[0] = 1
                cvui.printf(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN / 6 + 41, 76, 0.4,
                            0x9C9C9C, '1')
            elif self.day[0] >= 31:
                self.day[0] = 31

            cvui.printf(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 2 / 6, 55, 0.4, 0xdd97fb,
            cvui.counter(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 2 / 6, 70, self.month)
            if self.month[0] <= 0:
                cvui.rect(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 2 / 6 + 25, 72, 40, 17,
                          0x292929, 0x292929)
                self.month[0] = 1
                cvui.printf(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 2 / 6 + 41, 76, 0.4,
                            0x9C9C9C, '1')
            elif self.month[0] >= 12:
                self.month[0] = 12

            cvui.printf(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 3 / 6, 55, 0.4, 0xdd97fb,
            cvui.counter(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 3 / 6, 70, self.year)
            if self.year[0] <= 19:
                cvui.rect(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 3 / 6 + 25, 72, 40, 17,
                          0x292929, 0x292929)
                self.year[0] = 20
                cvui.printf(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 3 / 6 + 37, 76, 0.4,
                            0x9C9C9C, '20')
            elif self.year[0] >= 22:
                self.year[0] = 22

            cvui.printf(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 4 / 6, 55, 0.4, 0xdd97fb,
                        f'N Group:')
            cvui.counter(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 4 / 6, 70, self.group)
            if self.group[0] <= 0:
                cvui.rect(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 4 / 6 + 25, 72, 40, 17,
                          0x292929, 0x292929)
                self.group[0] = 1
                cvui.printf(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 4 / 6 + 41, 76, 0.4,
                            0x9C9C9C, '1')
            elif self.group[0] >= 7:
                self.group[0] = 7

            cvui.printf(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 5 / 6, 55, 0.4, 0xdd97fb,
                        f'N TP:')
            cvui.counter(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 5 / 6, 70, self.tp)
            if self.tp[0] <= 0:
                cvui.rect(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 5 / 6 + 25, 72, 40, 17,
                          0x292929, 0x292929)
                self.tp[0] = 1
                cvui.printf(self.frame, 5 + X_SCREEN * 5 / 6 + 41, 76, 0.4,
                            0x9C9C9C, '1')

            if cvui.button(self.frame, X_SCREEN / 4 - 10 * 16 / 2, 110,
                           "Load Folder Path") and not doOverw:
                self.folderPath = self.getPath()

            cvui.window(self.frame, 5, 155, X_SCREEN / 2 - 10, 40,
                        "Folder Path Selected")
            if len(self.folderPath) < MAXCHAR + 3:
                cvui.printf(self.frame, 10, 180, 0.4, 0xdd97fb,
                cvui.printf(self.frame, 10, 180, 0.4, 0xdd97fb,
                            self.folderPath[0:MAXCHAR + 2] + '...')

            if (not self.folderPath
                    == '') and (not self.folderName
                                == '') and (not self.subjectName == ''):
                if cvui.button(self.frame, 120, 200, "Start Copy"):
                    self.startCopy = True
                    stringCopy = "Wait While Copying..."
                    stringCopyColor = 0xdc1076

            cvui.printf(self.frame, 5, 205, 0.4, stringCopyColor, stringCopy)

            if self.startCopy:
                self.startCopy = False

                while self.folderName[-1] == ' ':  #32:
                    self.folderName = self.folderName[:-1]

                finalPath = self.folderPath + '/' + self.folderName

                coping = self.copyFolders(self.numberFolder[0], finalPath,

                if not coping == None:
                    if not coping:
                        doOverw = True
                        stringCopy = "Copy Done!"
                        stringCopyColor = 0x10dca1
                    stringCopy = "Template Not Found!!"
                    stringCopyColor = 0xdc1076

            if doOverw:
                check = self.overWrite(finalPath)
                if not check == -1:
                    if check == None:
                        stringCopy = "Template Not Found!!"
                        stringCopyColor = 0xdc1076
                        if check == True:
                            stringCopy = "Copy Done!"
                            stringCopyColor = 0x10dca1
                            stringCopy = "Unable To Copy"
                            stringCopyColor = 0xdc1076
                    doOverw = False

            cvui.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, self.frame)
            char = cv.waitKey(1)
            self.frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)

            if (char == 27) or not cv.getWindowProperty(
                    WINDOW_NAME, cv.WND_PROP_VISIBLE):
Ejemplo n.º 17
def main():

    context = zmq.Context()
    # Receive video frames from camera
    video_socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
    video_socket.setsockopt(zmq.CONFLATE, 1)
    video_socket.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 1000)
    video_socket.connect('tcp://%s:%d' %
                         (p.VIDEO_SPOTTER_IP, p.VIDEO_SPOTTER_PORT))
    topicfilter = ''
    video_socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topicfilter)

    # Receive updates from stage
    stage_sub = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
    stage_sub.setsockopt(zmq.CONFLATE, 1)
    stage_sub.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, 0)
    stage_sub.connect('tcp://%s:%d' %
                      (p.STAGE_POSITION_IP, p.STAGE_POSITION_PORT))
    topicfilter = ''
    stage_sub.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, topicfilter)

    # TODO: We need to connect here instead of binding if we want to use this at the same time as CameraDisplaySpotter
    # Publish tracking deltas
    track_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
    track_socket.bind('tcp://*:%s' % p.TRACK_PORT)

    intrinsic = np.load('intrinsic_calibration/ll_65/intrinsic.npy')

    # Need to wait for stage to be up and running:
    while 1:
            stage_msg = stage_sub.recv_string()
            (stage_x, stage_y,
             stage_z) = [float(x) for x in stage_msg.split(' ')]
        except zmq.Again:
            print('Waiting for stage controller node')

    stage_zero_offset = np.array([stage_x, stage_y, -stage_z], ndmin=2).T
    np.save('tank_corners_offset.npy', stage_zero_offset)

    while keep_running:

        MODE = '1'

        # phase 1: First position

        corner_points = np.zeros(
            (3, 8))  # first 4 for front, second 4 for back
        corner_ix = 0
        print('Click on corners at front of tank')
        while MODE == '1':

                frame = recv_img(video_socket)
            except zmq.Again:
                print('No new frame!')

            for pt_ix in range(corner_ix):
                center = (int(corner_points[0, pt_ix]),
                          int(corner_points[1, pt_ix]))
                if pt_ix < 4:
                    color = (0, 0, 255)
                    color = (255, 0, 0)
                cv2.circle(frame, center, 5, color, -1)

            cv2.imshow('MaskWindow1', frame)
            if cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK):
                corner_points[0, corner_ix] = cvui.mouse().x
                corner_points[1, corner_ix] = cvui.mouse().y
                corner_points[2, corner_ix] = 1

                corner_ix += 1
                if corner_ix == 4:
                    print('Click on corners at back of tank')
            if corner_ix == 8:
                MODE = '2'

        # Move stage
        # TODO: Add a REP/REQ instead of PUB/SUB for one-off reliably stage movements
        stage_delta = 15.0
        track_socket.send_string('%f 0 0' % (stage_delta * p.X_MOVE_SCALE))
        print('Waiting for stage motion')

        E = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -stage_delta],
                      [0, stage_delta, 0]])  # essential matrix - only X motion
        F = np.linalg.inv(intrinsic).T @ E @ np.linalg.inv(
            intrinsic)  # Fundamental Matrix

        # phase 2: Click corners in second position

        corner_points2 = np.zeros((3, 8))
        corner_ix2 = 0
        print('Click on corners at front of tank')
        while MODE == '2':
                frame = recv_img(video_socket)
            except zmq.Again:
                print('No new frame!')

            # Plot the epipolar line for the current point
            # i.e. p_r^T * F * p_l^T = 0 where F is fundamental matrix and p_r and p_l are points in (homogeneous) image space
            # y0 and y1 are the y coordinates of this line for x=0 and x=img_width
            im1_pt = corner_points[:, corner_ix2:corner_ix2 + 1]
            d = im1_pt.T @ F
            y0 = int(-d[0, 2] / d[0, 1])
            y1 = int((-d[0, 0] * p.IMG_WIDTH_SPOTTER - d[0, 2]) / d[0, 1])
            cv2.line(frame, (0, y0), (640, y1), (0, 255, 0))

            for pt_ix in range(corner_ix2):
                center = (int(corner_points2[0, pt_ix]),
                          int(corner_points2[1, pt_ix]))
                if pt_ix < 4:
                    color = (0, 0, 255)
                    color = (255, 0, 0)

                cv2.circle(frame, center, 5, color, -1)

            cv2.imshow('MaskWindow1', frame)
            if cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK):
                corner_points2[0, corner_ix2] = cvui.mouse().x
                corner_points2[1, corner_ix2] = cvui.mouse().y
                corner_points2[2, corner_ix2] = 1

                corner_ix2 += 1
                if corner_ix2 == 4:
                    print('Click on corners at back of tank')
            if corner_ix2 == 8:
                MODE = '3'

        # Intermezzo: Compute the 3d location of the tank corners
        world_rays1 = np.linalg.inv(intrinsic) @ corner_points
        world_rays2 = np.linalg.inv(intrinsic) @ corner_points2

        world_points = np.zeros((3, 8))
        A = np.zeros((2, 2))
        B = np.zeros((2, 1))
        for point_ix in range(8):
            p1 = np.zeros((3, 1))
            p2 = np.zeros((3, 1))
            v1 = world_rays1[:, point_ix:point_ix + 1]
            v2 = world_rays2[:, point_ix:point_ix + 1]
            p2[0] = -stage_delta

            A[0, 0] = -np.inner(v1.T, v1.T)
            A[0, 1] = np.inner(v1.T, v2.T)

            B[0, 0] = -(np.inner(p2.T, v1.T) - np.inner(p1.T, v1.T))

            A[1, 0] = -np.inner(v1.T, v2.T)
            A[1, 1] = np.inner(v2.T, v2.T)

            B[1, 0] = -(np.inner(p2.T, v2.T) - np.inner(p1.T, v2.T))

            sol = np.linalg.solve(A, B)

            point1 = p1 + sol[0] * v1
            point2 = p2 + sol[1] * v2
            mp = (point2 - point1) / 2.0 + point1
            world_points[:, point_ix] = mp.squeeze()

        np.save('tank_corners.npy', world_points)

        # phase 3: Compute world-frame corners and update as stage moves
        stage_pos_cur = np.zeros((3, 1))
        while MODE == '3':

                frame = recv_img(video_socket)
            except zmq.Again:
                print('No new frame!')

                stage_msg = stage_sub.recv_string()
                (stage_x, stage_y,
                 stage_z) = [float(x) for x in stage_msg.split(' ')]
                stage_pos_cur[0] = stage_x
                stage_pos_cur[1] = stage_y
                stage_pos_cur[2] = -stage_z
            except zmq.Again:

            stage_delta = stage_pos_cur - stage_zero_offset
            corners_translated = world_points - stage_delta

            full_corners_img = np.zeros((2, 8))
            for pt_ix in range(8):
                corner_img = intrinsic @ corners_translated[:, pt_ix]
                corner_img = corner_img / corner_img[2]
                full_corners_img[0, pt_ix] = corner_img[0]
                full_corners_img[1, pt_ix] = corner_img[1]
                center = (int(corner_img[0]), int(corner_img[1]))
                if pt_ix < 4:
                    color = (0, 0, 255)
                    color = (255, 0, 0)

                cv2.circle(frame, center, 5, color, -1)
            cv2.imshow('MaskWindow1', frame)

                    full_corners_img[:, 0], full_corners_img[:, 1],
                    full_corners_img[:, 2], full_corners_img[:, 3]

            poly_frame_front = np.zeros(frame.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
            poly_frame_back = np.zeros(frame.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
            poly_frame_front = cv2.fillPoly(poly_frame_front, [
                    full_corners_img[:, 0], full_corners_img[:, 1],
                    full_corners_img[:, 2], full_corners_img[:, 3]
            ], (255, 255, 255))
            poly_frame_back = cv2.fillPoly(poly_frame_back, [
                    full_corners_img[:, 4], full_corners_img[:, 5],
                    full_corners_img[:, 6], full_corners_img[:, 7]
            ], (255, 255, 255))

            clipped_frame = cv2.bitwise_and(frame, poly_frame_front)
            clipped_frame = cv2.bitwise_and(clipped_frame, poly_frame_back)
            cv2.imshow('MaskWindow2', clipped_frame)
def main():
    # We have one mat for each window.
    frame1 = np.zeros((200, 500, 3), np.uint8)
    frame2 = np.zeros((200, 500, 3), np.uint8)
    frame3 = np.zeros((200, 500, 3), np.uint8)

    # Init cvui, instructing it to create 3 OpenCV windows.
    cvui.init(windows, 3)

    while (True):
        # clear all frames
        frame1[:] = (49, 52, 49)
        frame2[:] = (49, 52, 49)
        frame3[:] = (49, 52, 49)

        # Inform cvui that all subsequent component calls and events are related to window 1.
        # We do that by calling cvui.context().
            frame1, 10, 10,
            'In window1, mouse is at: %d,%d (obtained from window name)',
        if cvui.mouse(WINDOW1_NAME, cvui.LEFT_BUTTON, cvui.IS_DOWN):
            cvui.printf(frame1, 10, 30,
                        'In window1, mouse LEFT_BUTTON is DOWN')
        cvui.imshow(WINDOW1_NAME, frame1)

        # From this point on, we are going to render the second window. We need to inform cvui
        # that all updates and components from now on are connected to window 2.
        cvui.printf(frame2, 10, 10,
                    'In window2, mouse is at: %d,%d (obtained from context)',
        if cvui.mouse(cvui.LEFT_BUTTON, cvui.IS_DOWN):
            cvui.printf(frame2, 10, 30,
                        'In window2, mouse LEFT_BUTTON is DOWN')
        cvui.imshow(WINDOW2_NAME, frame2)

        # Finally we are going to render the thrid window. Again we need to inform cvui
        # that all updates and components from now on are connected to window 3.
        cvui.printf(frame3, 10, 10, 'In window1, mouse is at: %d,%d',
        cvui.printf(frame3, 10, 30, 'In window2, mouse is at: %d,%d',
        cvui.printf(frame3, 10, 50, 'In window3, mouse is at: %d,%d',
        if cvui.mouse(WINDOW1_NAME, cvui.LEFT_BUTTON, cvui.IS_DOWN):
            cvui.printf(frame3, 10, 90, 'window1: LEFT_BUTTON is DOWN')
        if cvui.mouse(WINDOW2_NAME, cvui.LEFT_BUTTON, cvui.IS_DOWN):
            cvui.printf(frame3, 10, 110, 'window2: LEFT_BUTTON is DOWN')
        if cvui.mouse(WINDOW3_NAME, cvui.LEFT_BUTTON, cvui.IS_DOWN):
            cvui.printf(frame3, 10, 130, 'window3: LEFT_BUTTON is DOWN')
        cvui.imshow(WINDOW3_NAME, frame3)

        # Check if ESC key was pressed
        if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
Ejemplo n.º 19
import cv2
import cvui
import cateyesperseption 

##main monitor display out put to tv ##

cam = frame
while True:
    success, current_cam = cam.read()
    dim = (width, height)
    Full_frame = cv2.resize(current_cam, dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
    cv2.namedWindow('screen', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
    cv2.setWindowProperty('screen', cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)
    if (cvui.button(Full_frame, width - 100, height - 40, "Next") and cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK)):
        print("Next Button Pressed")
        cam_no = cam_no+1
        if (cam_no>4):
        del cam
        cam = create_camera(str(cam_no))
    if (cvui.button(Full_frame, width - 200, height - 40, "Previous") and cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK)):
        print("Previous Button Pressed")
        cam_no = cam_no - 1
        if (cam_no<1):
        del cam 
         cam = create_camera(str(cam_no))
    cv2.imshow('screen', Full_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def mouse_click():
    if (cvui.mouse(cvui.LEFT_BUTTON, cvui.CLICK)):
        if (cvui.mouse().x >= layout_space_video
                and cvui.mouse().x <= layout_space_video + video_size_x
                and cvui.mouse().y >= layout_space_video
                and cvui.mouse().y <= layout_space_video + video_size_y):
            print("Adding points ", (cvui.mouse().x - layout_space_video,
                                     cvui.mouse().y - layout_space_video))
            new_points.append((cvui.mouse().x - layout_space_video,
                               cvui.mouse().y - layout_space_video))

    if (cvui.mouse(cvui.RIGHT_BUTTON, cvui.CLICK)):
        if (cvui.mouse().x >= layout_space_video
                and cvui.mouse().x <= layout_space_video + video_size_x
                and cvui.mouse().y >= layout_space_video
                and cvui.mouse().y <= layout_space_video + video_size_y
                and len(points) > 0):
            if (len(new_points) >= 1):
                print("Deleting points")
                del new_points[-1]
                fill_poligon = False
            if (new_stringLabel):
                # erase stringLabel
Ejemplo n.º 21
def main():

    global keep_running

    # This is for saving video *with* detection boxes on it
    # To save raw video, use the CameraSaver.py script
    save_video = True
    if save_video:
        fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
        vout = cv2.VideoWriter()
        vout.open('track_output.mp4', fourcc, p.FPS_SPOTTER, sz, False)

    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler)

    control_panes = ControlPanes()
    control_panes.stage_control_pane = EnhancedWindow(0, 0, 300, 500,
                                                      'Stage Control')
    control_panes.focus_control_pane = EnhancedWindow(0, 20, 300, 500,
                                                      'Focus Control')
    control_panes.tracker_select_pane = EnhancedWindow(0, 40, 300, 500,
                                                       'Tracker Select')
    control_panes.canny_settings_pane = EnhancedWindow(0, 60, 300, 500,
                                                       'Canny Tuning')
    control_panes.threshold_setting_pane = EnhancedWindow(
        0, 80, 300, 500, 'Threshold Tuning')


    context = zmq.Context()
    (video_socket, focus_sub, stage_sub, focus_state_sub, macro_sharpness_sub,
     track_socket, roi_socket, af_pub) = setup_zmq(context)

    stage_zero_offset = np.load('tank_corners_offset.npy')
    world_points = np.load('tank_corners.npy')
    intrinsic = np.load('intrinsic_calibration/ll_65/intrinsic.npy')

    stage_x = None
    stage_y = None
    stage_z = None
    z_moving = True
    current_ll_focus = None
    object_distance_ll = 0

    target_pos_obs = None
    target_pos = np.array([1, 1])
    target_pos_slow = target_pos.copy()
    feature_delta = np.array([0, 0])
    target_track_init = False
    tracker_type = 'KCF'  # options are KCF or CANNY

    # These three structs store the state information necessary for the trackers
    canny_tracker_state = CannyTracker()
    canny_tracker_state.canny_low = [50]
    canny_tracker_state.canny_high = [150]

    kcf_tracker_state = KCFTracker()
    kcf_tracker_state.kcf_box_anchor = cvui.Point()
    kcf_tracker_state.kcf_roi = cvui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
    kcf_tracker_state.kcf_tracker_init = False

    threshold_tracker_state = ThresholdTracker()
    threshold_tracker_state.threshold = [30]
    threshold_tracker_state.roi = cvui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
    threshold_tracker_state.box_anchor = cvui.Point
    threshold_tracker_state.show_binary = [False]

    sharpness_focus_state = SharpnessFocusState()
    sharpness_focus_state.mode = 'COARSE'
    macro_sharpness = 0

    while keep_running:
        ctrl_frame = np.zeros((700, 300, 3), np.uint8)

        # Receive stage position updates
            stage_pos = stage_sub.recv_string()
            (stage_x, stage_y,
             stage_z_new) = [float(x) for x in stage_pos.split(' ')]
            if stage_z_new == stage_z:
                z_moving = False
                z_moving = True
            stage_z = stage_z_new
        except zmq.Again:
            # the stage publisher only publishes at ~10hz, so not having an update is common

        # Receive macro sharpness
            macro_sharpness_last = macro_sharpness
            macro_sharpness = float(macro_sharpness_sub.recv_string())
        except zmq.Again:
            # no sharpness value, which is unexpected
            print('No Macro Image Sharpness!')

        # receive next frame
            frame = recv_img(video_socket)
        except zmq.Again:
            print('Timed Out!')

        if cvui.mouse(cvui.IS_DOWN):
            (target_pos, feature_delta) = reset_target_selection()
            target_pos_slow = target_pos.copy()
            target_track_init = True
        feature_delta += get_feature_2delta()

        if stage_x is not None:
            stage_pos = np.array([stage_x, stage_y, -stage_z], ndmin=2).T
            frame = tank_corners_clip(frame, stage_pos, stage_zero_offset,
                                      world_points, intrinsic)

        # This is where the tracking happens. tracker_type is controlled by a button on the interface
        # Adding a new tracker is as simple as adding another case to this if/else and adding a button in
        # the UI to switch into the new tracking mode
        if tracker_type == 'CANNY':
            canny_tracker_state.target_pos = target_pos
            (target_pos_obs, roi, canny_tracker_state) = update_canny_tracker(
                frame, canny_tracker_state)

        elif tracker_type == 'KCF':
            (target_pos_obs, roi,
             kcf_tracker_state) = update_kcf_tracker(frame, kcf_tracker_state)

        elif tracker_type == 'THRESHOLD':
            threshold_tracker_state.target_pos = target_pos
            (target_pos_obs, roi,
             threshold_tracker_state) = update_threshold_tracker(
                 frame, threshold_tracker_state)

            print('Invalid tracker mode: %s' % tracker_type)
            roi = None
            keep_running = False

        # This roi_msg takes an roi that may have been identified around the animal and sends it over zmq
        # This enables any cameras trying to autofocus to know which roi to keep in focus
        # if no autofocusing is happening, then these messages don't do anything
        if roi is not None:
            roi_msg = m.SetFocusROI(roi[0], roi[1])
            roi_msg = m.SetFocusROI(None, None)
        )  # tell the LL camera (or anything else I guess) which ROI to focus

        (target_track_ok, target_pos,
         target_pos_slow) = filter_target_position(target_pos, target_pos_slow,

        # This is probably where we want to use the other camera to estimate depth

        # Now we have a giant state machine. We need to structure the code this way, because we want 2D tracking and
        # user interaction to update even when we are waiting on some slower action to occur related to object depth
        # and focusing. The state machine provides a mechanism to handle these slower processes while not impeding the
        # rest of the tracking process.

        #   -- In MANUAL mode, dx,dy,dz all set by keyboard input.
        #   -- In AUTO mode, dx and dy are set by tracker. dz is set by autofocus if FOCUS_MODE is set to AUTO
        #   -- In PAUSED mode, dx = dy = dz = 0. The tracker will keep tracking, but the stage won't move
        #   -- In MANUAL mode, dz is set by keyboard input
        #   -- In SHARPNESS mode, dz is set by trying to maximize sharpness, although the final position can be tweaked
        #      by user input. SHARPNESS mode does nothing if STAGE_MODE is MANUAL
        #   -- In DEPTH mode, dz is set by a target depth measurement that is estimated from a second camera
        #      (stereo or perpendicular)

        # Determine dx and dy
        if STAGE_MODE == 'PAUSED':  # -> Stage Control
            track_socket.send_string('0 0 0')
            dx = 0
            dy = 0
            dz = 0
        elif STAGE_MODE == 'MANUAL':  # TODO: Probably tune this better
            (dx, dy) = get_feature_2delta()
            dx = 10 * dx
            dy = 10 * dy
            print('FULL_MANUAL %f, %f' % (dx, dy))
            dz = manual_focus_update()
        elif STAGE_MODE == 'AUTO':
            # The tracker makes a determination in pixel space, then we may decide to filter it. We then determine the
            # dx and dy based on the distance between the feature of interest and the macro lens center
            # how much do we need to move in pixel-space?
            # Note dx and dy are 0 if there are no target tracks

            if stage_z is None:
                print('Waiting on stage node')
                dx = 0
                dy = 0
                dz = 0
                if target_pos_obs is not None:
                    if target_track_ok:
                        (dx, dy) = calculate_movement_offsets(
                            frame, target_pos, target_pos_slow, feature_delta)
                        dx = 0
                        dy = 0
                    dx = 0
                    dy = 0
                    target_track_ok = False

                # When STAGE_MODE == 'AUTO', we need to determine how to handle the focusing
                if FOCUS_MODE == 'MANUAL':
                    dz = manual_focus_update()
                elif FOCUS_MODE == 'SHARPNESS':

                    sharpness_focus_state.stage_z = stage_z
                    sharpness_focus_state.macro_sharpness = macro_sharpness
                    sharpness_focus_state.z_moving = z_moving
                    dz, sharpness_focus_state = sharpness_focus(
                        sharpness_focus_state, af_pub, focus_state_sub,
                        video_socket, focus_sub)
                elif FOCUS_MODE == 'DEPTH':
                    # this is the mode when we have a second camera to estimate depth
                    dz = 0
                    # invalid focus mode
                    print('Invalid focus mode %s' % FOCUS_MODE)
            print('Unknown stage mode: %s' % STAGE_MODE)
            dx = 0
            dy = 0
            dz = 0

        print(dx, dy, dz)
            '%f %f %f' %
            (dx, dy, dz))  # 'wasteful', but easier debugging for now

        frame = cv2.resize(

        # draw dots on frame centers
        cv2.circle(frame, (int(
            p.IMG_DISP_WIDTH_SPOTTER / 2), int(p.IMG_DISP_HEIGHT_SPOTTER / 2)),
                   5, (0, 0, 255), -1)  # center of frame
        cv2.circle(frame, (p.MACRO_LL_CENTER[0], p.MACRO_LL_CENTER[1]), 5,
                   (255, 0, 255), -1)  # center of macro frame frame

        cv2.imshow(p.VIDEO_WINDOW_NAME, frame)
        if save_video:

        STAGE_MODE, FOCUS_MODE, tracker_type, macro_resweep, ll_resweep = draw_settings(
            ctrl_frame, control_panes, canny_tracker_state,
            threshold_tracker_state, STAGE_MODE, FOCUS_MODE, tracker_type)

        if macro_resweep:
            p.BYPASS_LL_ESTIMATE = True
            sharpness_focus_state.mode = 'FINE_UNINITIALIZED'

        if ll_resweep:
            if stage_z is not None:
                print('Liquid Lens Refocus!')
                dist_to_tank = (300 - stage_z) + p.STAGE_TANK_OFFSET
                ll_max = 2953.5 * dist_to_tank**-0.729
                ll_min = 2953.5 * (dist_to_tank + p.TANK_DEPTH_MM)**-0.729
                print('llmin, llmax: (%f, %f)' % (ll_min, ll_max))
                af_pub.send_pyobj(m.AutofocusMessage(ll_min, ll_max, 1))
                print('Cannot refocus liquid lens until stage node is running')

        cv2.imshow(p.CTRL_WINDOW_NAME, ctrl_frame)

    if save_video:
Ejemplo n.º 22
def main():
    frame = np.zeros((300, 600, 3), np.uint8)

    # Init cvui and tell it to create a OpenCV window, i.e. cv::namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME).

    # Rectangle to be rendered according to mouse interactions.
    rectangle = cvui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)

    while (True):
        # Fill the frame with a nice color
        frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)

        # Show the coordinates of the mouse pointer on the screen
            frame, 10, 30,
            'Click (any) mouse button and drag the pointer around to select an area.'
        cvui.printf(frame, 10, 50, 'Mouse pointer is at (%d,%d)',

        # The function "bool cvui.mouse(int query)" allows you to query the mouse for events.
        # E.g. cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN)
        # Available queries:
        #	- cvui.DOWN: any mouse button was pressed. cvui.mouse() returns true for a single frame only.
        #	- cvui.UP: any mouse button was released. cvui.mouse() returns true for a single frame only.
        #	- cvui.CLICK: any mouse button was clicked (went down then up, no matter the amount of frames in between). cvui.mouse() returns true for a single frame only.
        #	- cvui.IS_DOWN: any mouse button is currently pressed. cvui.mouse() returns true for as long as the button is down/pressed.

        # Did any mouse button go down?
        if cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN):
            # Position the rectangle at the mouse pointer.
            rectangle.x = cvui.mouse().x
            rectangle.y = cvui.mouse().y

        # Is any mouse button down (pressed)?
        if cvui.mouse(cvui.IS_DOWN):
            # Adjust rectangle dimensions according to mouse pointer
            rectangle.width = cvui.mouse().x - rectangle.x
            rectangle.height = cvui.mouse().y - rectangle.y

            # Show the rectangle coordinates and size
            cvui.printf(frame, rectangle.x + 5, rectangle.y + 5, 0.3, 0xff0000,
                        '(%d,%d)', rectangle.x, rectangle.y)
                        cvui.mouse().x + 5,
                        cvui.mouse().y + 5, 0.3, 0xff0000, 'w:%d, h:%d',
                        rectangle.width, rectangle.height)

        # Did any mouse button go up?
        if cvui.mouse(cvui.UP):
            # Hide the rectangle
            rectangle.x = 0
            rectangle.y = 0
            rectangle.width = 0
            rectangle.height = 0

        # Was the mouse clicked (any button went down then up)?
        if cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK):
            cvui.text(frame, 10, 70, 'Mouse was clicked!')

        # Render the rectangle
        cvui.rect(frame, rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width,
                  rectangle.height, 0xff0000)

        # This function must be called *AFTER* all UI components. It does
        # all the behind the scenes magic to handle mouse clicks, etc, then
        # shows the frame in a window like cv2.imshow() does.
        cvui.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)

        # Check if ESC key was pressed
        if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
Ejemplo n.º 23
def main():
	frame = np.zeros((300, 600, 3), np.uint8)

	# Init cvui and tell it to create a OpenCV window, i.e. cv::namedWindow(WINDOW_NAME).

	# Rectangle to be rendered according to mouse interactions.
	rectangle = cvui.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)

	while (True):
		# Fill the frame with a nice color
		frame[:] = (49, 52, 49)

		# Show the coordinates of the mouse pointer on the screen
		cvui.text(frame, 10, 30, 'Click (any) mouse button and drag the pointer around to select an area.')
		cvui.printf(frame, 10, 50, 'Mouse pointer is at (%d,%d)', cvui.mouse().x, cvui.mouse().y)

		# The function "bool cvui.mouse(int query)" allows you to query the mouse for events.
		# E.g. cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN)
		# Available queries:
		#	- cvui.DOWN: any mouse button was pressed. cvui.mouse() returns true for a single frame only.
		#	- cvui.UP: any mouse button was released. cvui.mouse() returns true for a single frame only.
		#	- cvui.CLICK: any mouse button was clicked (went down then up, no matter the amount of frames in between). cvui.mouse() returns true for a single frame only.
		#	- cvui.IS_DOWN: any mouse button is currently pressed. cvui.mouse() returns true for as long as the button is down/pressed.

		# Did any mouse button go down?
		if cvui.mouse(cvui.DOWN):
			# Position the rectangle at the mouse pointer.
			rectangle.x = cvui.mouse().x
			rectangle.y = cvui.mouse().y

		# Is any mouse button down (pressed)?
		if cvui.mouse(cvui.IS_DOWN):
			# Adjust rectangle dimensions according to mouse pointer
			rectangle.width = cvui.mouse().x - rectangle.x
			rectangle.height = cvui.mouse().y - rectangle.y

			# Show the rectangle coordinates and size
			cvui.printf(frame, rectangle.x + 5, rectangle.y + 5, 0.3, 0xff0000, '(%d,%d)', rectangle.x, rectangle.y)
			cvui.printf(frame, cvui.mouse().x + 5, cvui.mouse().y + 5, 0.3, 0xff0000, 'w:%d, h:%d', rectangle.width, rectangle.height)

		# Did any mouse button go up?
		if cvui.mouse(cvui.UP):
			# Hide the rectangle
			rectangle.x = 0
			rectangle.y = 0
			rectangle.width = 0
			rectangle.height = 0

		# Was the mouse clicked (any button went down then up)?
		if cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK):
			cvui.text(frame, 10, 70, 'Mouse was clicked!')

		# Render the rectangle
		cvui.rect(frame, rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width, rectangle.height, 0xff0000)

		# This function must be called *AFTER* all UI components. It does
		# all the behind the scenes magic to handle mouse clicks, etc, then
		# shows the frame in a window like cv2.imshow() does.
		cvui.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)

		# Check if ESC key was pressed
		if cv2.waitKey(20) == 27:
Ejemplo n.º 24
def mouse_click_entryexit():
    if (cvui.mouse(cvui.LEFT_BUTTON, cvui.CLICK)):
        if (cvui.mouse().x >= layout_space_video
                and cvui.mouse().x <= layout_space_video + video_size_x
                and cvui.mouse().y >= layout_space_video
                and cvui.mouse().y <= layout_space_video + video_size_y):
            print("Adding entry/exit points ",
                  (cvui.mouse().x - layout_space_video,
                   cvui.mouse().y - layout_space_video))
            new_epoints.append((cvui.mouse().x - layout_space_video,
                                cvui.mouse().y - layout_space_video))

    if (cvui.mouse(cvui.RIGHT_BUTTON, cvui.CLICK)):
        if (cvui.mouse().x >= layout_space_video
                and cvui.mouse().x <= layout_space_video + video_size_x
                and cvui.mouse().y >= layout_space_video
                and cvui.mouse().y <= layout_space_video + video_size_y
                and len(epoints) > 0):
            if (len(new_epoints) >= 1):
                print("Deleting entry/exit points")
                del new_epoints[-1]
                fill_poligon = False
            if (new_estringLabel):
                # erase stringLabel

    #set direction
    #draw arrow

    if (len(new_epoints) > 4):
        setEntryExit = 0
Ejemplo n.º 25
def findWells(videoPath, hyperparameters):

  if hyperparameters["noWellDetection"]:
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(videoPath)
    if (cap.isOpened()== False): 
      print("Error opening video stream or file")
    frame_width  = int(cap.get(3))
    frame_height = int(cap.get(4))
    l = []
    well = { 'topLeftX' : 0 , 'topLeftY' : 0 , 'lengthX' : frame_width , 'lengthY': frame_height }
    return l
  # Multiple ROIs defined by user during the execution
  if int(hyperparameters["multipleROIsDefinedDuringExecution"]):
    l = []
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(videoPath)
    if (cap.isOpened()== False): 
      print("Error opening video stream or file")
    ret, frame = cap.read()
    [frame, getRealValueCoefX, getRealValueCoefY, horizontal, vertical] = resizeImageTooLarge(frame, True, 0.85)
    for i in range(0, int(hyperparameters["nbWells"])):
      WINDOW_NAME = "Click on the top left of one of the regions of interest"
      cv2.moveWindow(WINDOW_NAME, 0,0)
      cvui.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)
      while not(cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK)):
        cursor = cvui.mouse()
      topLeft = [cursor.x, cursor.y]
      WINDOW_NAME = "Click on the bottom right of the same region of interest"
      cv2.moveWindow(WINDOW_NAME, 0,0)
      cvui.imshow(WINDOW_NAME, frame)
      while not(cvui.mouse(cvui.CLICK)):
        cursor = cvui.mouse()
      bottomRight = [cursor.x, cursor.y]
      frame = cv2.rectangle(frame, (topLeft[0], topLeft[1]), (bottomRight[0], bottomRight[1]), (255, 0, 0), 1)
      frame_width  = int(getRealValueCoefX * (bottomRight[0] - topLeft[0]))
      frame_height = int(getRealValueCoefY * (bottomRight[1] - topLeft[1]))
      well = {'topLeftX' : int(getRealValueCoefX * topLeft[0]), 'topLeftY' : int(getRealValueCoefY * topLeft[1]), 'lengthX' : frame_width, 'lengthY': frame_height}
    return l
  # One ROI definied in the configuration file
  if len(hyperparameters["oneWellManuallyChosenTopLeft"]):
    l = []
    topLeft_X = hyperparameters["oneWellManuallyChosenTopLeft"][0]
    topLeft_Y = hyperparameters["oneWellManuallyChosenTopLeft"][1]
    bottomRight_X = hyperparameters["oneWellManuallyChosenBottomRight"][0]
    bottomRight_Y = hyperparameters["oneWellManuallyChosenBottomRight"][1]
    frame_width  = bottomRight_X - topLeft_X
    frame_height = bottomRight_Y - topLeft_Y
    well = { 'topLeftX' : topLeft_X , 'topLeftY' : topLeft_Y , 'lengthX' : frame_width , 'lengthY': frame_height }
    return l
  # Circular or rectangular wells
  cap = cv2.VideoCapture(videoPath)
  if (cap.isOpened()== False): 
    print("Error opening video stream or file")
  ret, frame = cap.read()
  if hyperparameters["invertBlackWhiteOnImages"]:
    frame = 255 - frame
  if hyperparameters["wellsAreRectangles"]:
    if hyperparameters["adjustRectangularWellsDetect"]:
      rectangularWellsArea = findRectangularWellsArea(frame, videoPath, hyperparameters)
      initializeAdjustHyperparametersWindows("Rectangular Wells Detection: Adjust parameters until you get the right number of wells detected (on the right side)")
      rectangularWellsArea = hyperparameters["findRectangleWellArea"]
    wellPositions = findRectangularWells(frame, videoPath, hyperparameters, rectangularWellsArea)
    wellPositions = findCircularWells(frame, videoPath, hyperparameters)
  # Sorting wells
  nbWellsPerRows = hyperparameters["nbWellsPerRows"]
  nbRowsOfWells  = hyperparameters["nbRowsOfWells"]
  if len(wellPositions) >= nbWellsPerRows * nbRowsOfWells:
    for i in range(0, len(wellPositions)):
      for j in range(0, len(wellPositions)-1):
        if wellPositions[j]['topLeftY'] > wellPositions[j+1]['topLeftY']:
          aux                = wellPositions[j]
          wellPositions[j]   = wellPositions[j+1]
          wellPositions[j+1] = aux
    if (nbRowsOfWells == 0):
      for i in range(0, len(wellPositions)):
        for j in range(0, len(wellPositions)-1):
          if wellPositions[j]['topLeftX'] > wellPositions[j+1]['topLeftX']:
            aux                = wellPositions[j]
            wellPositions[j]   = wellPositions[j+1]
            wellPositions[j+1] = aux
      for k in range(0, nbRowsOfWells):
        for i in range(nbWellsPerRows*k, nbWellsPerRows*(k+1)):
          for j in range(nbWellsPerRows*k, nbWellsPerRows*(k+1)-1):
            if wellPositions[j]['topLeftX'] > wellPositions[j+1]['topLeftX']:
              aux                = wellPositions[j]
              wellPositions[j]   = wellPositions[j+1]
              wellPositions[j+1] = aux   
    print("Not enough wells detected, please adjust your configuration file")
  # Creating validation image
  rectangleTickness = 2
  lengthY = len(frame)
  lengthX = len(frame[0])
  if len(wellPositions):
    perm1 = np.random.permutation(len(wellPositions)) * int(255/len(wellPositions))
    perm2 = np.random.permutation(len(wellPositions)) * int(255/len(wellPositions))
    perm3 = np.random.permutation(len(wellPositions)) * int(255/len(wellPositions))
    for i in range(0, len(wellPositions)):
      if hyperparameters["wellsAreRectangles"]:
        topLeft     = (wellPositions[i]['topLeftX'], wellPositions[i]['topLeftY'])
        bottomRight = (wellPositions[i]['topLeftX'] + wellPositions[i]['lengthX'], wellPositions[i]['topLeftY'] + wellPositions[i]['lengthY'])
        color = (int(perm1[i]), int(perm2[i]), int(perm3[i]))
        frame = cv2.rectangle(frame, topLeft, bottomRight, color, rectangleTickness)
        cv2.circle(frame, (int(wellPositions[i]['topLeftX'] + wellPositions[i]['lengthX'] / 2), int(wellPositions[i]['topLeftY'] + wellPositions[i]['lengthY'] / 2)), 170, (0,0,255), 2)
      cv2.putText(frame, str(i), (int(wellPositions[i]['topLeftX'] + wellPositions[i]['lengthX'] / 2), int(wellPositions[i]['topLeftY'] + wellPositions[i]['lengthY'] / 2)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 4,(255,255,255),2,cv2.LINE_AA)
  frame = cv2.resize(frame, (int(lengthX/2), int(lengthY/2))) # ???
  cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(os.path.join(hyperparameters["outputFolder"], hyperparameters["videoName"]), "repartition.jpg"), frame )
  if hyperparameters["debugFindWells"]:
    frame2 = frame.copy()
    [frame2, getRealValueCoefX, getRealValueCoefY, horizontal, vertical] = resizeImageTooLarge(frame2)
    cv2.imshow('Wells Detection', frame2)
    if hyperparameters["exitAfterBackgroundExtraction"]:
    cv2.destroyWindow('Wells Detection')
  print("Wells found")
  if hyperparameters["popUpAlgoFollow"]:
    popUpAlgoFollow.prepend("Wells found")

  return wellPositions