def verify(self, A0, b0, lam0, expected_x): for dtype in self.dtypes_to_test: with self.test_session() as sess: A1 = tf.convert_to_tensor(A0, dtype=dtype) m, n = A1.get_shape().as_list() b = tf.convert_to_tensor(b0, dtype=dtype) lam = tf.convert_to_tensor(lam0, dtype=dtype) I = tf.eye(m, dtype=dtype) def A(x): return tf.matmul(A1, x) def AT(y): return tf.matmul(A1, y, transpose_a=True) solver = pogs.POGS(prox_f=prox.LeastSquares(A=I, b=b, n=m, dtype=dtype), prox_g=prox.AbsoluteValue(scale=lam), A=A, AT=AT, shape=((n, 1), (m, 1)), dtype=dtype) state = solver.solve() self.assertEqual(dtype, state.x.dtype) state_np = self.assertLess(state_np.k, solver.max_iterations) self.assertAllClose(expected_x, state_np.x, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-4)
def verify(self, A0, b, lam, expected_x): U0, s0, VT0 = np.linalg.svd(A0, full_matrices=False) m, n = U0.shape for dtype in self.dtypes_to_test: with self.test_session() as sess: U = tf.convert_to_tensor(U0, dtype=dtype) V = tf.convert_to_tensor(VT0.T, dtype=dtype) s = tf.convert_to_tensor(s0.reshape(-1,1), dtype=dtype) I = tf.eye(m, dtype=dtype) prox_f = prox.LeastSquares(A=I, b=b, n=m, dtype=dtype) prox_g = prox.AbsoluteValue(scale=lam) def prox_f_tilde(v): return tf.matmul(U, prox_f(tf.matmul(U, v)), transpose_a=True) def prox_g_tilde(v): return tf.matmul(V, prox_g(tf.matmul(V, v)), transpose_a=True) solver = pogs.POGS( prox_f=prox_f_tilde, prox_g=prox_g_tilde, A=lambda x: s*x, project_linear=LinearEqualityDiag(s), shape=((n,1), (n,1)), dtype=dtype) state = solver.solve() x = tf.matmul(V, state.x) self.assertEqual(dtype, x.dtype) self.assertLess(, solver.max_iterations) self.assertAllClose(expected_x,, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-4)
def verify(self, X0, y0, expected_obj_val): for dtype in self.dtypes_to_test: with self.test_session() as sess: tau = np.array([0.2,0.5,0.8]) X = tf.convert_to_tensor(X0, dtype=dtype) y = tf.convert_to_tensor(y0, dtype=dtype) m, n = X.get_shape().as_list() k = len(tau) # Linear system is # W = X*theta # Z = X*theta*D # where D is the difference operator. x_shape = [(n,k)] y_shape = [(m,k), (m,k-1)] x_slices = block_ops.get_slices(x_shape) y_slices = block_ops.get_slices(y_shape) def A(x): theta, = block_ops.to_list(x, x_slices) XT = tf.matmul(X, theta) XTD = XT[:,1:] - XT[:,:-1] return block_ops.to_vector([XT, XTD]) def AT(y): W, Z = block_ops.to_list(y, y_slices) XTW = tf.matmul(X, W, transpose_a=True) XTZ = tf.matmul(X, Z, transpose_a=True) XTZDT = tf.concat( [-XTZ[:,:1], XTZ[:,:-1] - XTZ[:,1:], XTZ[:,-1:]], axis=1) return block_ops.to_vector([XTW + XTZDT]) scale = (tf.convert_to_tensor(tau, dtype=dtype), tf.convert_to_tensor(1-tau, dtype=dtype)) tilted_l1 = prox.AbsoluteValue(scale=scale) def prox_quantile_loss(v): return tilted_l1(v-y) + y solver = pogs.POGS( prox_f=prox.BlockSeparable( proxs=[prox_quantile_loss, prox.Nonnegative()], shapes=y_shape), prox_g=prox.LeastSquares(mu=1e-2, n=n*k, dtype=dtype), A=A, AT=AT, shape=((n*k,1), (m*k+m*(k-1),1)), dtype=dtype, max_iterations=3000) state = solver.solve() self.assertEqual(dtype, state.x.dtype) state_np = self.assertLess(state_np.k, solver.max_iterations) theta = state_np.x.reshape(n,k) z = np.array(X0).dot(theta) - np.array(y0) obj_val = (np.sum(-tau*np.minimum(z, 0) + (1-tau)*np.maximum(z, 0)) + 1e-2/2*np.sum(theta**2)) self.assertAllClose(expected_obj_val, obj_val, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-4)
def testLassoLarge(self): with self.test_session() as sess: #A0 = [[1.,-10],[1.,10.],[1.,0.]] #b0 = [[2.],[2.],[2.]] #lam0 = 1 from numpy import abs, float32, float64, max, sqrt from numpy.random import randn m = 100 n = 100 # random matrix A A0 = float32(randn(m, n)) # true x vector, ~20% zeros x_true = (randn(n) / sqrt(n)) * float32(randn(n) < 0.8) # b= A*x_true + v (noise) b0 = + 0.5 * randn(m) b0 = np.reshape(b0, (-1, 1)) # lambda lam0 = max(abs( dtype = tf.float32 A1 = tf.convert_to_tensor(A0, dtype=dtype) m, n = A1.get_shape().as_list() b = tf.convert_to_tensor(b0, dtype=dtype) lam = tf.convert_to_tensor(lam0, dtype=dtype) I = tf.eye(m, dtype=dtype) def A(x): return tf.matmul(A1, x) def AT(y): return tf.matmul(A1, y, transpose_a=True) solver = pogs.POGS(prox_f=prox.LeastSquares(A=I, b=b, n=m, dtype=dtype), prox_g=prox.AbsoluteValue(scale=lam), A=A, AT=AT, shape=((n, 1), (m, 1)), dtype=dtype) state = solver.solve()
def verify(self, X_np, y_np, expected_obj_val): tau = np.array([0.2, 0.5, 0.8]) m = len(X_np) n = len(X_np[0]) k = len(tau) U_np, s, QT_np = np.linalg.svd(get_difference_operator(k).T) for dtype in self.dtypes_to_test: with self.test_session() as sess: X = tf.convert_to_tensor(X_np, dtype=dtype) y = tf.convert_to_tensor(y_np, dtype=dtype) U = tf.convert_to_tensor(U_np, dtype=dtype) Q = tf.convert_to_tensor(QT_np.T, dtype=dtype) rho = 1 scale = (tf.convert_to_tensor(tau / rho, dtype=dtype), tf.convert_to_tensor((1 - tau) / rho, dtype=dtype)) prox_f1 = prox.Composition(prox.AbsoluteValue(scale=scale), b=-y) prox_f2 = prox.Nonnegative() def prox_f_tilde(v): v1, v2 = v[:, :k], v[:, k:] y1_h = prox_f1(tf.matmul(v1, U, transpose_b=True)) y2_h = prox_f2(tf.matmul(v2, Q, transpose_b=True)) y1 = tf.matmul(y1_h, U) y2 = tf.matmul(y2_h, Q) return tf.concat([y1, y2], axis=1) mu = 1e-2 chol = tf.cholesky( tf.matmul(X, X, transpose_a=True) + mu * tf.eye(n, dtype=dtype)) def prox_g(v): Z = tf.cholesky_solve(chol, tf.matmul(X, v, transpose_a=True)) return tf.matmul(X, Z) def prox_g_tilde(v): X_h = prox_g(tf.matmul(v, U, transpose_b=True)) return tf.matmul(X_h, U) def A(x): y1 = x y2 = x[:, :-1] * s return tf.concat([y1, y2], axis=1) def AT(y): y1, y2 = y[:, :k], y[:, k:] zero = tf.zeros((m, 1), dtype=dtype) return y1 + tf.concat([y2 * s, zero], axis=1) solver = pogs.POGS(prox_f=prox_f_tilde, prox_g=prox_g_tilde, A=A, AT=AT, shape=((m, k), (m, k + k - 1)), dtype=dtype) state = solver.solve() v = state.x - state.x_tilde v = tf.matmul(v, U, transpose_b=True) theta = tf.cholesky_solve(chol, tf.matmul(X, v, transpose_a=True)) k_np, theta_np =[state.k, theta]) z = np.array(X_np).dot(theta_np) - np.array(y_np) obj_val = (np.sum(-tau * np.minimum(z, 0) + (1 - tau) * np.maximum(z, 0)) + mu / 2 * np.sum(theta_np**2)) self.assertEqual(dtype, theta.dtype) self.assertLess(k_np, solver.max_iterations) self.assertAllClose(expected_obj_val, obj_val, rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-4)